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tv   Bolshie peremeni  RUSSIA1  August 11, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm MSK

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in everything. this is a couple in love, parents of many children. the dudarev family has three children, a son and two daughters. yes, when children appeared, i was like, well, like a kid, that is, i loved it, i loved to walk, i loved, well, in general, i didn’t think about responsibility, so to speak, the children appeared, a sense of duty immediately appeared, a sense of responsibility and this paternal feeling that you need to protect.
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the dudarevs all love each other very much, they worry about each other, especially about their mother, because she cooks so much, and the kitchen is like a hamster’s house, very tiny, in this small apartment, the kitchen is the only place where the whole family gathers for dinner, i would like her to be comfortable there, so that it would be convenient for her to do everything there, well, that is , marina learned about our program from her friend, who, by the way, had already personally met the big ones...
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she was happy that everything was done great, and i decided to try it too, come in, it is for you all, a small kitchenette, yes, a tiny thing, and also a walk-through, yes, we have a nursery here in this room, and how did it happen that you ended up here, did you move here sometime or how did she get you, we were given an apartment, the state, the state gave us an apartment, then it's a wonderful story, so how does everything happen here and what don't you like here? not at all, well, it's small, of course, the kitchen can't be fixed, of course i'd like more space, more space, so that the family is big, you need to put it all somewhere, but there's not enough space, what else is wrong, sometimes there's not enough space to sit down, we take turns eating, you take turns eating, you have to, yeah, and if you still want to be together, well, you have to squeeze in, you want, you want, or we gather in a room, as it were.
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lyoshenka, look, here is our beautiful, oh, pardon me, thank you , rescuer, we need to save him from his kitchen, you will save him, we will save him, i believe in you, believe in me, we have a rescue plan, tell me what is wrong here and what we need to fix, look, there are two doors in one kitchen. what
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is unusual is that i don’t see the second door, but there could be, but it will be, it, we will put it here, it should be, we will put it, but there is this door that leads into the room, it complicates the whole task a little for us, because well, the entrance from the kitchen into the room is, first of all, strange, but we can’t do anything about it, so we can’t even put 100 here, it turns out that we are limited in our maneuvers, yes, but we will leave it and will do something about it, well, yes, and you can look at it with your insightful designer’s eye and say right away: are the walls crooked or not, i can assume that the walls are crooked here, because this is an old font, just like that, by eye, that's how it is, since something like this is shining through, maybe we'll have to align it and catch the right angles, because in this place, where we'll have the kitchen, it's staying here, in this place there should definitely be a right angle, and it's right there, and we can check it with you, come on, let's go check it, let's move the pots, you can see the gap, there's no gap here, but there is a gap here, which means the angle here is no longer right, there's some discrepancy. and we'll solve this issue, i
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think, too, zhenya, catch the right angles, as lyosha said, the ceiling would be great for something else with it do what you think, i would like to make the ceiling a little lower, to install beautiful lamps there, but considering, considering that the kitchen is already small in area and not very high, we will most likely have to leave the ceiling as is, we will putty it the old-fashioned way, and there in the hole above the chandelier, it seems to me, we can look in on the neighbors, we can pass notes there, guys, hello, a pipe, have you seen this one, and this is olya, an old invention, it is a heating compensator and thanks to it there is hot water... well, let's start saving, we will save, so
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that when entering this kitchen our. heroes smile, the team of big changes will spend more than one day, creating something beautiful and comfortable for them, but before creating something new, we will of course say goodbye to the old , we will do it without regret. the kitchen set has not pleased our hostess for a long time, the work surface was small, the storage systems were inconvenient. the refrigerator, we respect, appreciate, but also on the way out. everything that does not fit into our new interior must leave. this kitchen, and that's basically it, well that's it, so goodbye old kitchen, thank you for being with us for a while, it's time to make room for new solutions, that's it, big changes are already on the doorstep, well, another kitchen compartment,
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i mean it's the size of a train compartment. and right on the side there's a door, by the way, it looks pretty strange here, there's a high probability that the door was cut out here, the kitchen was closed, but at least there are doors, because we have a gas pipe here, that is, we'll definitely have to have doors here too hang, everything is correct, let's actually talk about gas, zhenya, well, in principle, gas, like gas, the pipe goes through the middle of the room, of course, it spoils the whole view and will complicate, probably the installation of some furniture, in general, a gas pipe cannot be closed, therefore, yes, it cannot be closed tightly, that is, it should not be closed. space, so that there is no accumulation of gas, let's see what 's behind, especially since the apron, actually, it turned out that under the kitchen apron the wall and the entire right corner are so crooked that the unevenness is visible even to the naked eye, and look at how the pipe lags behind the wall
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differently, yes, here it fits through, yes, and here it's tight, or the pipe is crooked or the wall is crooked, zhenya, you know, here it may be that the pipe is crooked, the wall, i suggest, this is still. check the rules and the laser level showed a difference of 3 cm, how to level the wall with plaster and at the same time not drown the gas pipe in it, we still have to solve this problem, look what else i noticed, this is the hood, well, considering that yes, that it is dirty, accordingly, it means that the exhaust hood works for us. checking the air speed with an animometer showed that the reverse exhaust hood did not work either with the grate closed or open. there is also a damper, zhenya, give me the device, please, but the numbers are zero, the ventilation duct needs to be cleaned here, i assume that you will look at the whole house, what is going on here, then we will probably contact the services that are already involved in ensuring the life support
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of this house, this is not for us, so well then what is the last thing we have left, let's do the floors let's open it up and go, opening the tiles showed that they were laid on a very thick layer of glue, which... here's another layer of glue, so as not to simply raise the floor higher, but it's glued well, what can we say, yes, we 'll have to remove the floor right down to the ceiling, in the future it will depend on what the designers come up with, if there will also be tiles here, then in principle there's no need to level it, this can be done with a layer of glue to level the floor as it was, well, in general, until we discussed the design project, we didn't receive the task from the designer. it's clear what to do next, so i went to the designer, and you get out the drill and break it down, okay, zhenya, good luck,
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today we have the dudarev family, very bright, very kind, the head of the family is a firefighter, he saves people every day, so the degree of responsibility is high as always, and you, zhenya, i know, love ... on the contrary, i try to come to the dismantling with a cool head, a cold heart, i take a cold shower, so that somehow i can be calmer, stale chamomile tea, thank you very much, and i'll ask lyosha, what problems? are hiding in the kitchen of our heroes, and there olya problems are not hidden, they are on the surface, look, we have a very small kitchen, literally 7 m2, a very low ceiling, such problems are already commonplace for us, we encounter small kitchens every day, well, we know that you have all sorts of different designer gadgets that help solve these problems, this is the most interesting thing, right in the path of the designer gadgets, there are two more doors, these are very inconveniently located, i would take both of them down somewhere. yes, indeed, here we have two doors, one is the entrance, the other leads into the room, ordinary doors are very
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stand out against the wall, especially if they are decorated in a different color, and here we will make hidden doors, and also finish them in the color of the walls. i see you have a kitchen, the kitchen furniture is arranged in the shape of the letter g, i still like it better when it is simply in one line, because there is already little space, and so accordingly there will be even less for walking, as you correctly noted, there will be little work surface, and in the kitchen. pay attention, we have a washing machine and it needs to be put somewhere, well, that is physically it is impossible, of course it is possible to make a straight kitchen here, but it will be inconvenient, so we will make it corner, and there is a washing machine that will fit, there will be a lot of work surface, listen, what did you decide about the table, there are five people in the family, we need as many as five seats, and the youngest member of the family will have his own separate chair, in the first option a large rectangular table, but it seems to fit, but only with three seats and... if you move it away from the window, then we block the entrance to the room, you can immediately cross out this
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first option, we don’t like it, so we came up with the idea of ​​making a round table, but a transformable table, that is, in its normal state it will be folded, while four family members can sit at it, when the whole family gathers for a meal, they will extend the table then they will already fit in the stern, well, where are you planning to store five chairs in this kitchen, i don’t really see a place for them, instead of chairs we will... but only at that moment when the whole the family is together and no one is using the room, right, where should everyone go when the table is set, okay, you've convinced me, i see you have two options for round tables, there are black ones, there are light ones, birch or something, it's some other tree, yes, yes, i wanted to make two options so that we would have a choice, what do you think, which one is better, does black give a good accent on the one hand? yeah, yeah, it attracts you, light, light, light,
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well no, but i like black here right now, of course, just a second, who is in the kitchen most often it happens, a woman, so, which option will a woman like more, women are different, with a light table, ours is gentle, ours is not so, she will like this one more, i vote in this direction, great, then we leave this option, a light wooden table, well then accordingly from... yes, here there are lower facades in the color of wood, they will just match the flooring and the table, yeah, and the upper facades here are gray-beige up to the ceiling and there is vertical milling, which will visually raise ceiling up, and tell me what the apron will be made of, here are the technical moments that started to worry me, is this photo wallpaper, is there photo wallpaper in the kitchen?
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do you believe that this stone will be like this, oh well, what is this, what is this, you have yellow paint , there will also be semicircles here on the wall, and these are olya light lines, this is a built-in tape and an apron in a decorative panel on the opposite wall, i wanted to add some mystery to this interior, when all the lights are turned off , these light lines will turn on, then how once again there will be such a romantic atmosphere behind the scenes, well that's good, darash we started talking about light, let's then discuss the whole lighting scheme, since we can't lower the ceiling then... i decided to make overhead spotlights here and we will place them right along the kitchen set
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like this, a compact pendant light will hang above the table, right here, it repeats the shape of both the light lines and our arches, well okay, look, there are ovals here, here here there are some kind of arches here quite a lot of these ovals and arches, what kind of elements are these, i wanted to create the illusion of perspective here, as if one object is removed from another, in this way we transform the space. and make it visually wider, all the other elements simply repeat the elements of the arch, and i also couldn’t resist and decided to add some green in the form of plants, yeah, not living ones, i hope, no, these will be beautiful artificial plants, this is... my service dog, time for big premieres on rtr, siri, siri, they work in pairs, where to look, look, to be quiet, one is listening, the other is eavesdropping, i feel that something bad is happening, we will cope, yes, one
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is sniffing, the other is watching, the main thing is that we are not noticed, one swarm... rest is to leave yourself alone. rest is not to think about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we
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know everything about rest. anexс. welcome to rixsas premium magavish suite & villas in hurghada. where luxury rooms and villas are combined with a golden sandy beach stretching for 1 km. impeccable service, exquisite cuisine, will make your holiday unforgettable. rixas premium magavish sudes. the holiday you've been dreaming about. allow yourself a first-class holiday slio reorts. elegant details, a feast of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and
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azure waves. lio reorts, we're here for you. i don't know how men fall in love, but his gaze was fixed on me. i'm sitting here in the corner, surrounded myself with pillows and silent. lidiya fedoseyeva shukshina, and her husband's favorite. and how did you tell him that you fell in love? a deaf girl lived in our communal apartment, she taught me all this abc. he said, well , tell me something, and i, i'll...
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just another business trip, i won't always be able to get in touch, i'll call, if the car is on video cameras, the police will come to you not a word about me, when lies breed new lies, i'm tired of the unknown and your lies, you have to support me and believe me, believe, i understand, one crime can be followed by another, let me in, let me in, where is he, don't be afraid,
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where is the recorder, they found the car, the owner, a girl, it turned out... then she had a man, here it is, the life line on saturday at rdr. big changes have begun in the kitchen. we plastered the walls in advance to eliminate significant differences, now we are applying putty, achieving perfectly smooth surfaces. thanks to this, we will avoid unnecessary complications when painting works begin. we are also putting putty on the ceiling, in the future it will be painted. we are doing electrical work, this time the problems with it are standard, we are doing everything according to the plan of our designer. we lay the wires in the prepared grooves, bring them into the po'. we mask the traces of the work with the same putty. we leveled the floor by pouring it with a cement-sand screed. we get rid of the old double-wing window without regrets. in its
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place we install a model with wood lamination. we chose a reliable system that complies with class a according to gost. the new window will be equipped with wide five-chamber profiles and energy-saving double-glazed windows. thanks to them, warmth and comfort in the kitchen are ensured. and the seal is responsible for sealing. made of thermoplastic elastomer. paint and plaster are perhaps the two most popular types of wall coverings that we we often use it, but this time our designer alexey, hello, decided to use a new technology of combining paint and plaster. look, we will have a very interesting color scheme, we paint all the walls in gray-beige color, only one wall we add two color spots there. these will be two arches, one brown. the other dark gray-blue, this will be a special paint, which we cover the walls with, on top there will be a special decorative coating, which will create the very effect we need. well, let's get started
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choose color and texture: decorative concrete, we often use it, many people like it, we are used to perceiving concrete as something gray, gray walls, something textured, and most often we use it in loft styles, industrial and other technological interior designs, not what you would like, not what i wanted. okay, another popular texture is the so-called bark beetle, it looks like a bark beetle eaten by a beetle, it is more often used on the facades of buildings, in public places, that is, in entrances in the interior, especially in stylish beautiful interiors karae is also not used, so we also take it thundered its thundered. okay, look, i really like it, in general, if you don’t know from afar, it’s just a marble slab, but no, as if marble, we have a choice, either we do it under a stone, under marble or under any other coating. or still we design in calmer colors, if we do everything together, also those color spots that i listed, and also burgundy panels, then it will simply be an overload, an overload, okay, yes we will not do this, from the point of
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in terms of texture, look, i just showed this, it's smooth, like that, and there's this one with a big wide brushstroke, they'll do , very cool, but it's very textured, but again for the same reason as stone, we either make colored spots, or we make texture, all together, it will be very difficult, that is, we still need something relatively smooth, calm, calm, so for our project we chose exactly what we were talking about with you now, smooth, calm, neutral, silky and very pleasant to the touch, and the colors, and the colors, as i already said, the main one will be gray-beige and two such beautiful spots, brown dark gray-blue, but here it is like this, you know, still smooth, now we will experiment , we will apply a decorative coating here and there. right in front of us, the technologist made a color sample, giving the sample the texture of iridescent silk
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. well, alexey, are you satisfied? yes, we got a veil texture. yes, this is how it will be in our renovation, what we wanted, of course, everything to work. by the way, the birthplace of decorative plaster is not venice, but egypt. advanced the egyptians created a special composition 4.0 years ago, which they used to decorate the inside of the pyramid. the greeks improved the technology by covering the building with plaster made of stone flour, marble dust and lime. these components are part of decorative mixtures to this day. and only in the 15th century did the manufacturing technology reach venice, where it became so popular that it spread throughout the world. and today this material is known to everyone as venetian plaster. the kitchen is an area of ​​increased. attention to the choice of finishing materials, all coatings should be as resistant as possible to physical impact pollution. for the walls it would be good
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to paint or plaster, on the floor we will put porcelain stoneware, gnaw granite selection of porcelain stoneware, we will be with alexey, our designer, the choice of porcelain stoneware is now great, there is with the texture of stone, marble and even wood. and how do you like this delicate marble surface with veins, maybe it? marble is magnificent, it makes any interior more expensive, it is used most often in classic interiors or in modern ones with elements of classics, and we just have modern interior, if we have a white floor and beige-gray walls, it won't go together very well, let's not take it, let's go, wow, it's like a picture of the earth from... space, yes, this is also a marble texture, so bright, provocative, yes, dynamic, but in our kitchen provocative will be something else, we need something cozy and
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homey, the ideal option - and i would like more light surfaces, i think that's what we need, light in moderation gray, pay attention, our kitchen set will have lower facades. will go well with the flooring. great, let's go and choose the material for the kitchen apron. yeah. let's go. what's so good about porcelain stoneware in the kitchen? it combines the best qualities of ceramics, granite, and natural stone. the first is wear resistance. the material has a service life of about 50 years, which is twice as long as that of regular tiles. moisture resistance, it does not absorb moisture at all, is not afraid of fire or chemical materials. it does not crumble, does not melt, and
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does not change its structure at all, is resistant to temperature changes and mechanical loads, even if a cast iron frying pan falls on the ceramic granite, it will not destroy the tile, and also porcelain stoneware is non-toxic to the environment and people, that is, it is 100% safe. oh, what kind of wallpaper i have not seen in my life, i have not touched from palm leaves, from flax, from silk, from wool, and even attention, from bolokon, carrots, abaca, imagine such. there are also, well, here is stone wallpaper, lesha, you came up with something like that, well, that's a good idea, only i myself have never seen such wallpaper, well, let's go let's see, and will help us choose stone wallpaper, the founder of the studio of unusual wallpapers viktor vedeneyev, hello, olya, hello, hello, alexey, surprise, unusual wallpapers come in different types, they are made to order for different rooms, for bedrooms, living rooms including the kitchen. such wallpapers come in three
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types: with a plaster texture. also in the kitchen, they are not afraid of splashes of water, frying pans, anything, children, what can fat and also such wallpapers are resistant to temperature changes, awesome, and so what are they made of? look, here it is completely different the technology is arranged, if from the inside - it is fleselen, what is from the outside - it is a layer of plaster, but you will also need a protective special
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coating. it is what protects from all damage, so that they can be easily washed later. it remains to decide on the color. for our project, the designer chose a green range, but in order not to make a mistake in the shade, color proofs are made at the production facility. here, friends, you are at our production facility. this is the equipment that applies the image. initially, the wallpaper is all white, plaster, this is where the image appears on the wallpaper. and the portrait you can print mine or or here's leshina, or our director. half-portraits and paintings all do here, absolutely right, by the way, here 's your color proof, well, which one do you choose, i choose wallpaper of this color, and you, ol, and i choose these, when choosing materials for a kitchen apron, you need to take into account the type of hob, in kitchens with a gas stove it is better to use ceramic tiles, natural stone, brick, porcelain stoneware, heat-resistant glass, glass and ceramic tiles are the most practical in maintenance, unlike
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from... natural stone, which will absorb fat and moisture through its pores. in kitchens with electric and induction cookers, you can safely install plastic and wooden aprons. as an option, you can even use laminate. in a modern kitchen, you can see an apron made of stainless steel. such an apron is practical, easy to care for, easy to install and also easy to dismantle. small kitchens are actually big problems, but not for professional designers like lesha, for example, we have 7 km, he is now will tell you how to make all 15 out of seven, can you, i can, in small interiors we usually choose modern minimalist styles, where there is no clutter of decorative elements, as is usually the case in classic interiors, there is stucco, moldings, cornices, baseboards, such
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classic interiors in a small room? it is generally accepted that in small rooms you need to use only pastel colors, but in some cases you can use black walls, because black color adds depth and visually enlarges the interior, we have a very small kitchen, unfortunately, so we will use only light walls, but why, you just said that black expands the space, because we have a very narrow kitchen and a black wall will be too close to the viewer, it will not give the effect that is needed. now let's talk about doors, when we put ordinary doors in the interior they differ in color from the room, from the walls, then visually it seems as if they are such rectangular spots, they reduce the room even more, yeah, that's why in such cases we... use doors closer to the color of the walls or even hidden doors , we finish them with the same paint or plaster as the walls. then furniture. furniture can also collapse the room even more. in small apartments or rooms we
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always use built-in furniture so that the frames are not visible, only the facades are visible. well, you can also use free-standing furniture, but it must be up to the ceiling, that is, from the floor to the ceiling, to visually stretch the room upwards. in rooms with low ceilings you can use even higher, and if the room, say, or some section of the wall is narrow, we need to visually enlarge it, then you can use such lighting only in one place, where the wall is narrow and visually it expands, when our ceilings are very low, we do not use bulky chandeliers, bulky lamps, on the contrary, we use built-in or overhead spotlights, preferably in the color of the ceiling, and we can also use small pendant lights locally somewhere above the table, above the cabinet or above the chair, so that again do not clutter the ceiling space. i always knew that designers are a little illusionists at heart. thank you very much, lyosha, now you know their secrets of expanding space and you can
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also increase your living space a little, at least visually. do you think that repairs are long, expensive and difficult? roman ivanovich kozhakary, our repairman, will tell you what it is... in fact, i will now show you a way to cover the bolsters with stain quite quickly and conveniently, so for this we will use a sponge like this or some old ones wool or terry socks, in order to work with the stain, we need to put gloves on our hands, by the way, on our hands or on our hands put on our hands put on, i understand, well, and this maple syrup, probably, it is still a stain, it is a stain, yes, which we will now use just for applying to our boles, yeah, pour it, here, this is normal, now we take a washcloth like this, and i take a sock, and you take a brush, and so,
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we dip the washcloth in the stain, squeeze it out a little from top to bottom, and begin to apply with such movements, very high quality. the whole surface is covered with stain in no time, i'm done, unexpectedly, well, to prove to you that you can do the same procedure with a sock, we dip it in the stain, don't do it too hard and we move on to the next one, as you can see, it works pretty quickly with a sock, high-quality, you can grab it from all sides with your fingers... i have two bolsters ready, wait, don't say that, at least one in time, i have two bolsters ready, and look how much less
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stain i spilled, you're still splashing it on the sides, secondly, you take quite a small amount of stain on the brush, but mine is rich in color, but your stain hasn't soaked in yet, that's true. yeah, what can we say, of course, the good old brush, it's old and good, but this method is very good, the most important thing is that it's simple and reliable, friends, if you have the same repair secrets, please send them to us, ivanych and i will check everything, if they work, we will show them on our show, our repair continues, we have started laying floor covering, we chose matte porcelain stoneware with a texture imitating natural wood from the colle... here, its thickness is 10 mm, this coating has a long service life, and at the same time it does not require special care, it is enough to wash it with warm water. porcelain stoneware is resistant to wear and tear and is completely not afraid of moisture. the ceiling was painted
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white, a lamp with ball-shaped shades made of matte glass was fixed to it. we also installed overhead white spotlights. sockets and switches were also mounted, we chose models from the valencia series in an impressive graphite shade. we continue to work on the finishing. we have previously covered most of the wall behind the dining table with beige paint and created an arched pattern on it using stencils. we will apply a translucent decorative coating on top. microgranules. its composition allows you to create an unusual and pleasant to the touch suede texture on the wall . we apply the material to the surface with chaotic movements of the brush. we form the desired pattern with a trowel. we wait a few minutes for the coating to set slightly, then we work on individual areas again with a brush, achieving the desired effect. and now we will do phytodesign. it would seem, where am i and where is the phytodesign? but it turns out, you will need to screw in one screw, and i
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can’t trust olya with this. together with alexandra, now we will decorate this panel, which will then end up on the wall, i can nail the panel to the wall, with this , with this greenery, this is for sashenka, please, tell us what we will do, today we will do phytodesign, yes, that is, we will do vertical gardening, here on this panel we will further attach our beautiful. it is a plant of our composition an exact botanical copy of natural ones, even on closer inspection it looks absolutely natural to the touch pleasant and also easy to care for, that is, it can be washed, yes, it can be washed, you can take a rag, take soap, it is absolutely hypoallergenic, that is, it is safe to use for children, for animals. before attaching this panel to the wall, we will add a few more plants to the composition. we will take different types of ferns, scindepsus, fittonia, trodescantia ivy.
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the first thing that is required is to take our bush , secure it to the substrate, usually it is done like this and also pushed through so that we do not have our tendril sticking out. we can also use pieces, a tool, we need male help, that's why they called me. we also look so that our substrate is not bare, we look at such areas, we also fill them, evgeniy, so we make a bite, we make a bite, we trim it like at the dacha in principle, like we trim grapes, yes, also a little secret, you can use a humidifier on these plants, they straighten up, also with our hands we also help to create this natural. effects of leaf bending, so that the composition does not fall apart, we fix everything
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with ties, cut off the extra tails and screw the panel to the base with screws. well, this is how beautiful it will look on the wall, but that 's not all. we decided to refine the phyto panel along the perimeter with an led strip, such a very convenient thing, this strip will go along the perimeter like this, it will shine from under the greenery. it always looks impressive how. when the greenery is still illuminated, but in the finished state you will see it already on the wall, when we finish everything, with artificial plants it is clear, they do not require care and will always look great, but if you like natural potion, choose flowers that will survive in difficult kitchen conditions, especially resistant specimens: chlorophyta, centivieria, howortia, tradiscantia, laurel tree and cacti, and oddly enough, orchids ... it is better to put them on the western or eastern window,
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they do not like direct sunlight, all the rest temperature changes are not scary, but it is still better not to put them near the stove near the sink, so that the torture chemicals and hot steam or flame do not damage their delicate leaves, i love you, you can't even imagine how, watch on rtr: ira, marry me, please, marry for love, who is she , the best woman in the world or? svetlana ustinova. moscow romance. he is with us
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since monday. on rtr. hotel for unforgettable impressions. sharmelsheikh. only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. all year round performances of the best djs from all over the world and comfortable rooms. rixsus sharmalshey. this. this is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created for admiration.
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titanic luxury collection boudrum. i have 10 higher educations. and why do you want to get a job as a pizza delivery man? i have always admired people without complexes. i am a monogamous person, i love only myself. what a giant he has grown up to be.
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height 152 cm, weight 43 kg. irakl. i think that some man, finally. from me the crown of ugliness, a parade of humor, today on rtr, what have you become, look at yourself, spoiled, boring, kept woman, any man would have found himself a mistress long ago, any man, not you, my dear, the first, not you the last, but we with any married woman, point your finger and you'll find a deceived wife, i don't know how i'll live without thinking at all. there's no point in knocking on a closed door, and what brought you to our wilderness? one day something new will open, the blacksmith is looking at her, surprise, it was impossible to fall in love,
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a married woman, and even a muscovite, we can still fix everything, right? forge of happiness. on friday on rtr. and here is the furniture. the cases of the wall cabinets were delivered assembled. some of them are already in place. everything is made of ldsp with a wood texture. for the gas pipe inside the wall cabinet, we made a box, and the remaining visible section will soon be masked by a wall one. in the corner by the window we install a tall tall cabinet, it was made of mdf in a colored mal, which is why it turned out to be such a rich burgundy shade, we push the refrigerator inside, then we install a built-in washing machine, next to it we connect the oven, it is provided convenient microwave function, we put in the cabinets drawers with profile handles and fix
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the facades. by the way, for the wall cabinets we made them with ribbed and in a white shade, it looks great. for a couple of sections near the refrigerator we add gas. so that they open upwards, on top of the floor cabinets we laid a matte black countertop, in it we already cut a hole for the stove sink, as an apron we installed wall panels made of mdf, they are pasted over with neostone wallpaper, which we chose in the studio, in a swamp-green shade, as our designer wanted, we will create an unusual backlight on the apron, so we prepared grooves for flexible neon on it, in the final we will show what we got, we install a matte sink with a round bowl made of stainless steel with a protective coating. this is a durable material, resistant to abrasion and scratches. next, we mount a brass mixer with a separate channel for drinking water. the modes are switched by a convenient button. we also took care of the comfort of the family. friends, go to the platform, watch, share your secrets there
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repair and design. we will show the best of them in our program. there on the platform we look, there is a questionnaire for participants, fill it out, perhaps big changes will come. the moment of acquaintance of our heroes with their updated kitchen is just around the corner, and as we know, the impression from the first meeting is the brightest, therefore the course is on one hundred percent readiness, convenient organizers are already in their places, seasonings and oils as always in sight, here food supplies decided to barricade themselves upstairs, we will liven up the working one a little. well, we add the final touches to table, that's it, we're ready.
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the dudarev family's new kitchen is ready, we really wanted this family to have a place where they would feel great, not only because they are together, and i think we succeeded, we tried to make this space have everything for their convenience and comfort, and yes, now it will be nice not only to eat
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the prepared cakes, but to cook them. we made a large work surface , spacious storage systems. using kitchen equipment will also be very convenient now. hidden sockets for power, multicookers, mixers and other devices will come to the rescue at the right moment, when the oil is sizzling. on the frying pan will calmly wait for their next clean exit . pastel ones in the kitchen will help smooth out the bitterness of a burnt pancake. bright greenery at the table will make you wake up, even if it's only 6 am. and the intricate lighting on the apron and wall will hint that we still have time to go out. now is the time to shine. in general, we hope that we were able to create a truly soul-warming space for this wonderful family. a space from which to the best aroma in the world will be carried in the morning, the aroma of mom's breakfast, where the little heels of lera and vika will trot
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after their older brother into the embrace of a new best day, where mom will pour them cocoa and tell them that they are the most beloved in the world. and you know what the most pleasant thing in our work is to understand that we are not just doing repairs, we are creating decorations for the warmest memories that will remain with our heroes. forever. it's good when it's beautiful not only on the outside, but when you look at what's hidden inside, in the kitchen, as in a person, everything should be beautiful. yes, zoya, i agree. zoya berezhnova, our space organizer. well, show me what you have there? above the refrigerator, we organized storage for everything for baking. our heroes love cakes and it is important that any item can be taken out at any time. let's see what's here, here we organized storage for cereals, wow,
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judging by their quantity, our heroes love side dishes, it was important to use transparent organizers so that the entire assortment could be seen, well, and we wanted to add aesthetics, yeah, so what's hidden behind these impeccable facades, since we have a small kitchen, we were able to organize only one cabinet with drawers. tried to squeeze the most out of it, show, so here in the top drawer we have appliances, cooking tools, scissors and various handy little things, listen, and what are these clamps, i didn't even notice them right away, yes, yes, these are very aesthetic plastic, convenient clamps, it is important that they are different sizes, but they all look the same, there is always a lot of visual noise in the kitchen, and so that minimize it, we just suggest using a neutral color and simple shapes, in this drawer we have bowls for preparing salads, containers for storing food and a mixer, since our heroine
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cooks every day for her children, she asked to place the mixer within reach, you know what i like, usually we put the same mixer in the drawer as appliances, well yes, there are dividers, we can say, we allocated a place for it, but no, there is a special container for it, this is the base of the mixer, it seems to be fixed in space, that's it, it there won't be hanging out anywhere else...
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there was no heroine, so the sorting boards were lucky, since here is our main work surface, then in these cabinets we organized the storage of the most popular products, for example, spices, oils, sauces, salt, sugar, and here is tea, coffee, all sorts of goodies, zonka, thank you, you saved the rescuer's kitchen from disorder, i tried, olya, thank you. all the roads in the dudorevykh apartment now lead to the kitchen, yes, the kitchen is turning out just great, i want to tap dance and applaud you like this, thank you, i'm in red, this is just somehow exactly how you want to show your emotions, it was difficult to make a wonderful kitchen out of an ordinary one, but i think we did it, what do you think, oh, we did it, listen, the wall is of course wonderful, i
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like that the doors really seem to have dissolved into space, if you find it? the entrance here to this kitchen is easy, but finding the exit is much more difficult, i did disguise it, yes, if you remember, there were two ordinary doors here, if we had left them, they would have held up its texture, shape, and this small room would be even smaller visually, we wanted to hide the doors, so here we installed exposed doors, decorated them in the color of the walls, and we also added two painted arches and this enhanced the effect - the perspective and the door are not visible at all, in general, if you haven't yet... got out a notebook and pen to write down advice from alexey verkhovody, do it quickly, and in the meantime i 'll sit down at the table and admire this amazing green glowing corner, it seems to me that in the mornings our heroes will be very cool here sit, pichai, it turned out very cozy, and the composition turned out very delightfully, despite the fact that these are artificial flowers, they are real, but they look like real,
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and progress has reached the point that what is not real now seems real. let's now move on to the main element of this kitchen, the culinary testing ground. lyosha, tell me what secrets it hides. firstly, the kitchen is corner. thus, we got a lot of work surface and we also managed to build in a washing machine here, because in samzuli it just doesn't fit. and also pay attention, there are no sockets on the apron, we built them into the body. and that's it, that's a trick and back, since on that side it is in the corner. right in the countertop, and if you need to hide it, then like this, it seems to me, it's a godsend, like stone wallpaper, as they are called, stone wallpaper, it seems to me, now everyone has run to look for stone wallpaper in stores, because they didn't put this on kitchen aprons before, oh, they didn't put it, yes, our apron is unusual, we refused the usual thermogranite, some kind of tile, stone wallpaper, covered with a special composition
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so that they can be washed, and also pay attention to the light lines, this is flexible neon, and it is built into the surface of the apron, pay attention, the neon repeats the shape of our macaws, which is on this wall here, where the plants are. the fact is that the basis of the apron is an mdf plate, which was milled on a special machine, and then the wallpaper was glued and flexible neon was built in. if it were just plaster, then such a recess would be very difficult to make, if not impossible at all. amazing, so today we made a discovery in the world of kitchen aprons, right? that 's right. well, is it time? shows off her interior to our heroes, ready, and valerianka, if anything is here, let us in, you heard, and the whole family has already arrived, they are standing behind this door, shouting: let us down , i don't know whether to let us in or not, yes, come in,
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friends, come on quickly, wow , wow, wow, everything for you, everything for you, how cool, cool, we came in and just gasped, what we saw really exceeded all expectations, you could say, it's very, it's cool, and that's it, that's the fridge, that's the fridge, the color of my shirt. it's really cool, super, in general, that they added a twist in the red color, it's cool when everything looks beautiful, i think it's also much more convenient, it somehow creates some kind of atmosphere, you're so great, wow, everything's for you, look at how beautiful, this is our kitchen, to be honest, there aren't many
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such bright... moments in life - a wedding, the birth of a child, the end of a renovation, so this is one of those moments when you're filled emotions, and... positive ones, everything is great, look at the cabinets, look, now, this is really cool, who is our main cook here, guys, there is lighting here, we can cook in the dark, we will arrange a romantic party, this is how, what does this mean, this is how it is, this means the children for the son, yes, he is ready , we will put the children to bed and we will arrange a romantic party, we did not have enough of this, really, come on, now our savior, the designer will come out of this wall, oops, thank you, a huge
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thank you, thank you, a gift of fate, your program is simply the best, this is great everything is done, absolutely top notch, can i hug you? you made our dream come true, yes, a very bold decision, everything fits wonderfully, i really couldn't even imagine that such a small kitchen could be turned into something, it's really decorated like in a good cafe, it's really great, thank you, you even guessed the words, here's a magic wand for you honestly, i had no doubt, i had no doubt that you would guess? there are people who seem to be created to give to others,
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they give everything to the last, sometimes they forget about themselves, but the world is arranged in such a way that good, it always comes back, and this is happiness, that's when you start believing in it, then big events burst into your life, shveitsova investigative committee, i would like to meet and clarify some details. maria sergeyevna is changing, well, come on , spill the beans. no, not her profession. what happened? weapons, kidnapping, murder. time to go to work, and is that also possible, a day without adventures, why put off until the evening what can be solved during the day? boys, let's
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work, as you say, you know better, the secrets of the investigation, and why don't you ask, because what i know, that you will answer, only after hiding, from monday on rtr. hello on the russia tv channel , irina rossius is in the studio and the main topics for this hour. up to 15 people.


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