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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  August 12, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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no, i didn't have any premonition, it was scary, of course, the death of such a close, beloved person, i certainly didn't want to live, after the death of vasily makar, what they didn't say, that he was poisoned, killed, as it really was, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, quiet, wife, where in the next car, quiet, i think she noticed me. yours, hello, soon, urgently, there's an accident, your mother died without regaining consciousness, i want to start an investigation myself, i'll find this bastard, just another business trip, i won't always be able to get in touch, i'll call if the car is on video cameras, the police will come to you not a word about me, when a lie breeds a new lie, i'm tired.
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of the unknown and your lies, you must support me and believe me, believe, i understand, one crime can be followed by another, let go, where is he, let me go, where is he, don't be afraid, where is the recorder, they found the car, the owner is a girl, it turned out that she had a man, here he is, life line on saturday on rtr, good morning, my beloved, my voice in...
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morning mail with nikolay baskov on sunday on rtr. vodka pechora, a product of stellar group, we invite you to the swiss-hotel sharmelsheikh, the first swiss-hotel in the world, working on the system, all inclusive. give yourself a vacation, where elegance. and natural beauty
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merge into perfect harmony, create memories that will remain forever in the heart. swissotel sharmelsheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city. gin snop, a product of stellor group. good morning, says and shows doctor myasnikov, health program, about the most the main thing, for me today it is wonderful because in the first section our favorite, my favorite chef will come and... we will tell
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you about products that are good for the heart, and i will eat these products, well, try them, and for me it is always a joy, because when the doctor is full, it is easier for everyone. we begin. today in the program about the most important thing. heart diet, what to eat to keep the heart healthy, why fats are good for the heart and what fish is important for its work. do you know? that pink salmon is healthier than salmon, the main product for strengthening the heart muscle, pickled cucumber, who needs to regularly do blood tests for tumor markers, for whom vegetable oil can lead to weight gain, questions from the doctor, alexander myasnikov asks, you answer, and what do you have to offer apartments, for you all the best, autoimmune... disease, why
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the immune system does not protect the body, it attacks it, and how does a decrease in immunity and vaccinations affect the development of these diseases, someone gets sick from it, and if? because what we eat mainly, and this my favorite expert, now i can say my friend, prepares for us the right dishes from the right products, so that the heart will say thank you, i understand that the main product for strengthening the heart muscle,
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cleansing the blood vessels is a pickled cucumber? but no, although in pickled cucumbers, especially in those that make sour cream, thanks to. the pickling process, a huge amount of vitamins and microelements are produced, they are very useful, but today we will talk about red fish, how to cook it without frying it in oil at the same time, so that it turned out delicious, so we 'll get to the fish now, you work, work, i just wanted to say that we all know how we eat, then we wonder where our heart attacks, strokes and so on come from, lack of fiber, lots of salt, and most importantly trans fats, these are all sorts of vegetable fats that undergo hydrogenation and are included in all culinary products, killing our hearts, and if we say what kind of food, well
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, since i'm going to say it like that, gleb immediately took the bull by the horns, the fish by the tail, we will of course go to the most useful product for the heart, well, not to the most useful, the most useful... then i'll tell you which one, it's omega-3 fatty acids, omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish, reduce bad cholesterol, increase good cholesterol, reduce inflammation processes plus delight with a certain, and sometimes pronounced blood-thinning effect, so pronounced that it should not be taken together with other blood-thinning products, i have a question, yes, he ran to me now and says, and do you know that pink salmon is more painful than salmon, because it is wild for children, yes, yes, that's right, but i have a different question, we'll get back to that now, and i was asked,
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and i didn't know how to answer, doctor, you keep saying, salmon, salmon, pink salmon - this is a type of salmon, salmon, salmon, and herring has no less fatty acids, why are you telling me all this about salmon? and really, why is salmon salmon? regarding salmon, let's finish the thought, why is it that it's simply not caught here, why really isn't herring, although it's the same, but i know, you know why, because all the scientific papers, the studies were done on salmon, well , for some reason it is clear why it is much more pleasant for a scientist to order salmon to the laboratory than herring. "i would order only herring. the thing is: they started to harvest herring en masse back in the 15th century, and they started eating it at the same time. there is a monument in holland, a man who wandered in, how to salt it correctly. and semka now, and have you tried dutch herring in june, when it goes, it's the name day of the heart,
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no, i didn't have a chance, but i didn't put it to shame, they say that you can't eat more than five, i ate 20, they then stopped, like or started with call an ambulance, the teleleulenspiegel showed a moment with ten herrings, but uh. here the main thing is - what is it? look, any fish is wild-raised, it is useful, because it feeds in the world's oceans and eats wild, respectively, food, and the most important thing is that the food is varied, that is, it has the whole complex. unfortunately, a huge amount of salmon that we have on the shelves now, and trout too, all of it, all of it, well 99%, it is all from cages, and they feed it there with compound feed, and it is not a fact that it is good compound feed, plus it also gets sick there and there. sprinkle antibiotics and so on and don't forget that they add dye to it so that the meat is pink, as if she ate shrimp, no, i take wild salmon, it's not like that, i say, and what is it not like, he tells me, there is no dye in it, yes, there is no dye in it, and - the second important point is that all the pink salmon
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that we eat is 100% wild, but all salmon is grown in cages, and of course, the ratio of nutrients in relation to the fish itself will be correspondingly different, by the way, i was talking about the most useful heart-healthy foods, omega-3, and of course fluvanoids, which grapes contain, red grapes, because resser is found in the skins of red grapes, in red grape juices, i always liked the part about grapes, in that the ancient greeks believed that grapes were an aphrodisiac because of the shape of the grape seeds, and the most interesting thing is that recent studies have found that grape seed oil really
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does contain a huge amount of useful polyphenols after 3.000 years, and all of this is good for the heart, i emphasize coffee. coffee, coffee is good for the heart, those who regularly drink coffee, have heart attacks less often, and if there are heart attacks, they are less frequent, less severe, even hypertensive people can drink coffee, because if coffee is a habitual drink for you, it does not provoke an increase in blood pressure, arrhythmia, heart failure, is less common in those who regularly drink coffee, fish, by the way, try it, it means that it is also good for the heart no less than fatty sea fish, nuts, nuts, lower cholesterol, and in a dose, as they remove, even statins, lower cholesterol, that is, it was once calculated
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it was that 50 g of nuts reduce as 10 g of ottorostatin, there was work, so it contains potassium, magnesium, everything that is supposed to, but nuts are still an obvious anti-cholesterol deed and if you want to hear cleansing vessels, there is a lot of things here, another item here is that pectin, yes, fiber, necessarily fiber, vegetables, fruits, that is why we say, half a kilo of vegetables, half a kilo. what is missing here is red rice, red rice, which is sold, which is very popular in china, contains a substance structurally similar to statins, actively lowers cholesterol, it so structurally similar, it works the same way that people who eat red rice, not only lower their cholesterol, they can experience side effects of statins, they develop muscle weakness and so on and so forth, that is, precisely because this is... the substance is very similar to statins, about fruits i wanted to add, never peel fruits, and
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eat apples with seeds, two seeds contain half of your daily iodine intake, which is important, and the seeds of apples also look like hearts, no, they are just seeds, and do not peel fruits, because it is fiber, again, the peel of all vegetables and fruits is fiber, do not forget to eat it, here is liver tre. a great thing, yes, in soviet times it was a delicacy, now it is quite easy to find on the shelves, by the way, i always liked red, yes you were in the murmansk region, you were on the white sea, i served there, then how can you compare what is on the shelves of the liver, and what you take fishermen, well look, in any case, the liver that we have in jars, in jars, yes, there more fat and oil, and the liver which... fresh and salt, of course, there is a lot of it, fresh liver fried in sour cream is something completely
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different, and what we talked about, i have already forgotten, about the heart, we talked about the heart, doctor, and the favorite of many, of course, it is good for many things, but there is one nuance, which uh, from a culinary point of view, it is just that this vegetable, by the way, this is the greek word for beetroot, not russian, this vegetable is simply idolized, the thing is... what is it, but not everyone can drink fresh beetroot juice, because it has a light taste, yes, such an earthy one, if you add one carrot to this juice, it will have an almost cherry taste, try it sometime, but of course the juice itself is just squeezed beetroot, which means it is extremely useful, destroy fiber, drink the juice of young cells itself, in fact, it has been proven that beetroot increases muscle strength in athletes, in particular. they did it on female runners on male bench pressers, namely the chest press
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, it is believed that betaine beetroot really increases muscle strength, in particular cardiac also, but muscle strength for an athlete beetroot is a doping, and julius caesar believed that it increases courage, so he ordered to feed legionnaires beetroot, well, he felt, apparently, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, so, well, i 've already eaten everything, yes, i'm just a fish, and what about? you're silent, the doctor said several times, but you're carried away, my dears, what did you do, we just kept it in brine, we didn't salt it, we just put it in cucumber brine, the old russian method, after which we baked it in its own juice with vegetables, herbs in parchment paper. so, the recipe for fish for heart health: you will need pink salmon fillet, pickled cucumber brine, dill, parsley, garlic, olive oil and lemon. soak the pink salmon fillet in cucumber brine for 30 minutes, then rub with a mixture of chopped herbs and
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garlic. grease the fish with olive oil, wrap in parchment paper. bake for 15 minutes in the oven, serve with lemon and herbs to taste. here is such a moment, if we added nuts to this fish, yes, that would increase it for the heart, the taste would already be different. from this set you can prepare a huge menu, and if you have any heart problems or if you want to avoid heart problems, eat right and most importantly varied, doctor, golden words, we are what we eat, and love, well , gleb said it right, from this. everything is very tasty to cook, you won’t want anything else, so let’s eat right, everything will be fine with us, then, who needs to regularly do blood tests for tumor markers, for whom vegetable oil can lead to a set weight? questions from the doctor, alexander myasnikov
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asks, you answer, and what do you have to offer apartments? for you all the best? maxim shogogan, i already have a scoundrel written on my face, then he can just leave our house, if there are too many false notes in life, here i am left alone, tune it up again, i wanted to apologize, you are not at all what you want to seem, i will not give you my husband, old piano, on saturday on rtr. kalinon belek -
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a place where time stops, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, the shores of the mediterranean. discover true perfection, making dreams come true. calinan bellek hotel. where life turns into a fairy tale. discover a real pearl on the coast of bodrum. titanic luxury collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures of fiery entertainment. welcome to
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the world of eternal elegance and unrivaled comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic codrum, who have you become, look at you yourself, spoiled, boring, kept woman, any man would have got himself a mistress long ago, any, not you, my dear, the first, not you the last, yes he will hit any married woman with a finger in a deceived wife, i don't know how i will live without andrey at all, it's not worth knocking on a closed door. and what brought you to our wilderness? one day something new will open up. i am olga. kostya, the blacksmith is looking at her. surprise. it was impossible to fall in love with a married woman, and even a muscovite. ol, we can still fix everything,
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really? forge of happiness. on friday at... i don't know how men fall in love, but his gaze was fixed on me, i'm sitting here in the corner, surrounded myself with pillows and silent, lidiya fedoseyeva shukshena, and about my beloved husband, and how did you tell him that you fell in love? we had a deaf girl living in a communal apartment, she taught me all this alphabet, he said, well , tell me something, and i, i you... no, i didn't have any premonition, it was scary, of course, the death of such a close, beloved person, i certainly didn't want to live, after vasily passed away
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makar, what they didn't say, that he was poisoned, killed, how it really was, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, on air the rubric questions from the doctor, i ask you questions. based on previous programs, well and then you, if you watched them, then you know what will happen, and if you didn't watch them, then there's no need to raise your hand , come on, who, who, come on, what's your name , my name is julia, julia, what are you doing, i'm a real estate agent, let's spin it, that the topic is super popular now, i agree. is it necessary to take a mandatory test every year after 40 years
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analysis for tumor markers? i think so, yes, in fact, the questions are tricky, yes, it would seem, tumor markers, why not take them, it ’s a good thing, in fact, tumor markers are not. a screening method for detecting cancer, well , because if you take tumor markers, these are proteins that are usually produced by a tumor, and it would seem that you need to look for them, they can appear in various other conditions, well, just in a smoker, they will be higher than, well, there are various ukrainian markers, then what are they needed for, well, firstly, they are needed to clarify the diagnosis, if we already see something, the second is that we mainly watch the dynamics, here we did the operation, the eggs fell, if they started to grow, then there is a relapse, that is, this is not for primary diagnostics, not for screening, but you understand what is good
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about being a leader, here i could finish, and what do you have to offer apartments, for you the best, well, in the hope that for me everything... the best, i must say that prostate-specific antigen in men is also an oncomarker, and although there were a lot of broken copies, that it is not necessary to determine it, it is not necessary, it is not necessary, and 15 years have passed abroad, so as not to determine, today the wheel has turned, and we say 50 plus, we still determine the prostate, the specific antigen. and this is a comarker, therefore if for me you have something there the best, the question i count for you, yes, good, thank you,
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vegetable oil, she already smiled, she understood, can vegetable mass lead to the appearance of excess weight? i think that it negatively affects the figure, and thus because of it excess weight can arise. on the contrary, excess weight negatively affects the figure, then the figure, well, what is there to philosophize about, vegetable oil, 100 g 100 calories, i cut up a salad and poured 50 grams there, accordingly, you have 530 calories from a salad of 30 there, is it necessary, yulia, hormone replacement therapy during menopause? i'd better step aside, yes, no, well done, because really
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hormone-noticeable therapy from strictly recommended, passed the stage of strictly not recommended, when they revealed a connection with breast cancer, then in general more or less we figured it out, today we say, yes, if it is for the treatment of some diseases associated with menopause, such as osteoporosis, heart disease, then no, because this implies a very long intake, but if it is for the prevention of side effects, clinical menopause, irritability, poor night sleep, hot flashes and so on and so forth, then we can give it, we can, here is the question, is it necessary or not, no, it is not necessary, it is a matter of the woman's choice, a matter of her doctor's choice, well, let's go. three keys, choose, all three,
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and nervous, worried. so it doesn't fit, no big deal, you have three keys, something will fit, hurray, great, open and choose, i want a book, can, can, write, can i, please, ask you for my beloved mother, of course, what 's your mother's name, tatyana, hold on, mom, hi, who wants to review us, this is a platform, watch the application or the site, we move on. let's talk about autoimmune diseases. on the one hand, you 've heard a lot about them, you have a lot of questions, on the other hand, we don't really know how and what,
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why? what are autoimmune diseases? our own antibodies suddenly lose their signal foreign starts to attack our own cells of our body, any, stomach, skin, heart, liver, brain, there are autoimmune encephalitis, autoimmune hepatitis and so on and so forth, thyroid gland, why does this happen, they... we why we know genetic predisposition to this 100% there is genetic predisposition, and then fate, lord god, pacha, mom, then some collision with the environment, infection, stress, trauma, over there, god knows what is written, but in fact you can put anything here, we don’t know exactly for each.
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diseases are different for multiple sclerosis , one for, say, lupus, another, and so on and so forth, let’s do it this way, maybe you’ll ask, and i’ll answer, at the same time we’ll find out what your ideas are about autoimmune diseases, they’re different, for example, look, there’s salaakia, yes, gluten intolerance, that’s the one, it’s also partially an autoimmune disease, but there on... not only antibodies work , natural immunity, macrophages, leukocytes work there, that is, what does not depend on the production of antibodies, i wonder why we suddenly know approximately in which gene, let's say, the same celiac disease gluten intolerance in the same dna segment as the predisposition to diabetes mellitus, insulin-dependent, because type 1 diabetes mellitus insulin-dependent
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is also autoimmune. an exaggerated answer, well, you know, hit and did not calculate, something like that, although the elements of self-destruction, with allergies, well, yes, in itself in fact, well, it's a little different, initially ethyls were developed for something, and then they were already indirectly, all this is like a cytokine storm, yes, a cytokine storm is aimed at destroying a virus or another pathogen in the lungs, it produces cytokine, natural immunity, but there are so many of them that...
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there are also observations with other vaccinations, but these are all isolated observations. but i personally admit, you know how, so to speak, not to give in to the anti-vaxxer, we deny all this and so on, but if you turn on your brain, yes, probably, so what, you don't fasten your seat belt when you ride and you have hundreds, thousands of victims simply because you're not fastened, you don't put a helmet on a child on a bicycle, he falls, dies and so on, there are hundreds, thousands of cases, here comes the unit.
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adventure, why put off until the evening what can be solved during the day? boys, let's work, as you say, you know better, the secrets of the investigation, and why don't you ask, or rather, because i know what you will answer,
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only after hiding, today on rtr, immerse yourself in... luxury of comfort in riksas golf villas and suits sharmaь sheей. a magnificent world-class golf resort surrounded by lush green courses and endless horizons. enjoy the contemporary design of rooms and luxurious villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits sharmaьshaй. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo reorts, elegant details, a feast of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure
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waves. leo resorts, we are here for you. law enforcement agencies are sounding the alarm. the summer holidays are coming, the number of children who have died or suffered from riding in train carriages and electric trains is only increasing. what will thirty-two-year-old rustam nabiyev from ufa tell them, who, having survived a terrible tragedy, found the strength to live on, he set five world records and became a motivator for millions of russians. life doesn't end there, it's just a separate chapter. malakhov, today on rta. i won't get it in a month, i'll rip your legs off, yeah. and so here he is, who's our new neighbor, what do you want, something happened, maybe let's have lunch together, i have to go to work now, elena arusiva, you've lived in two
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families for all these 10 years, yes, unlike you, everything is real with him and me, both family and love, viktor vasiliev, you're nobody, you've become domesticated, listen, it's not interesting in itself, maxim shchogal. presents. dear friends, my name is maria sittel, i am the author and host of a new large-scale documentary project, family of families, on the russia tv channel. all families in russia are invited to participate in our new project, from vladivostok to kaliningrad, from
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caucasus to yakutia, from moscow and st. petersburg to the urals and all the way to siberia. everyone who is ready to share their unique story with us. family of families is maria's new project. for each of us, for all of russia, to take part in the project, fill out the form on the website сmoтри, send, fill out the forms, we are waiting. the program about the most important thing continues, we are talking about autoimmune diseases. tell me, please, can a decrease in immunity due to stress, lack of sleep or some other factors lead to autoimmune diseases diseases? do you understand how? i already said, when there is a genetic predisposition, we do not have precise evidence, then this impetus can be anything.
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well, the point is that i would advise such a girl to check for other autoimmune diseases, tamara and i go together, if you have vetiliga, for example, a spot on the skin, check the thyroid gland, thyroid pain, check the stomach, look, go, at least basic tests, basic screenings and tests, just so as not to miss, because if there is predisposition, then it's just apparently random. stress, temporary decrease,
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natural immunity, and something else, everything can, everything can play a role, why do i say that the topic is like this, we don't know for sure, but can we find out then, forgive me, please, i have other diseases that, as you say, can be associated with this general autoimmune, we then act directly on these diseases, remove them, as if we stop them separately, or some drugs that affect like once for the treatment of this whole autoimmune story. well, for maintenance, who by profession? a teacher, what? a foreign language, and physical education, a unique specialty, what in one bottle? yes, in one bottle, what are you, are you squatting in english and shouting hurray-hurray? no, i can just squat separately in the next lesson in english and shout hurray-hurray. no, that's why i asked, a very correct question, and she says: well, okay, what next, what will we do, what can we, yes, we can give hormones. and we will treat everything, and then we will treat
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diabetes and bone fractures osteoporosis, what to do? well here apparently it means that if you know that you have one, another, third, you will monitor the indicators, because we know if it is autoimmune gastritis, this means non-absorption of vitamin b12, you check the level, in 2-3 years it can hurt, you replenish, if it is vitiligo, you can’t do anything, that’s nothing, here i already have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, with the thyroid gland, that is, you need to check what kind of problem. hepatitis, well, you also need to monitor the indicators, at least understand, remove that process, maybe take some hormones temporarily, i'm not even talking about immune pneumonitis, encephalitis, these are serious diseases, yes, we can't do anything radically except give hormones, but this is already such, you know, this is already, but hormones are not general, but by sectors, yes , these, which ... which specialist should i
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go to with this, directly with these steroid hormones, because you just gave me such a push, i gave a push, i need to go, of course, to an endocrinologist or rheumatologist, but in general you just need to find a competent doctor, you can find an endocrinologist who does not understand anything beyond the gland, a rheumatologist who does not distinguish the left knee from the right, so find a competent doctor, i will advise. and i read about this on the internet, a lot,
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there may be a number of serious diseases , for example, but it is clear that you need to go, i understood, you know what, i think you do not bother, you need to see a doctor, well , i don’t know about a dermatologist, what diseases, these are classic kidney diseases, but this is already the final stage, by the way, blood cancer disease - can manifest themselves a year or two before they manifest themselves with itching m... if you are really worried, in fact, most likely it is 99% psychomatic, so you don't need to worry too much, but to see a doctor, so to speak, interferes with life. of course it's worth going, in general, you need to be attentive to your health, yes, everything will be fine with us, now i'll give you the phone number, it's time for the rubric questions from the doctor, although, probably, i mixed up the questions from the doctor, another rubric, it doesn't matter, it's time
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for the rubric, after all, questions for the doctor, you ask, i answer, raise your hands, good morning, doctor, i have the following question, young men? years old had covid and after that he started having frequent respiratory diseases, he started complaining of constant migraines for 2 years, started complaining of insomnia, he developed a very strong craving for vitamin c and panic attacks started. the question is the following: according to the symptoms, it is obvious iron deficiency anemia, i have a question, can i address the question about iron deficiency anemia?
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the following words: iron deficiency anemia, who has it? a young man, is it confirmed by tests? yes, what hemoglobin? oh, it is clearly reduced, what is it hemoglobin, ethinyl and iron, they are all reduced. what did the therapist say? he just prescribed analgesics, you understand? i will tell you what the matter is, i take on faith that the guy has an analysis, that is, he clearly has some kind of pathology, yeah, clearly,
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it is not connected with covid, he definitely, if it is really iron deficiency with a decrease in firitin, needs to do a gas.scopy, if there is nothing, yes, do a colonoscopy, they did a gastroscopy since childhood, there were problems since childhood, so, so it hasn't been decided, there may be an artery venous fistula, if not, look at the large intestine for polyps, familial, familial polyps are hereditary, that is, the guy needs to be sorted out, trapeft, who rejected him sent, he is wrong, you need to sort it out with the guy, thank you. you are welcome, alexander leonidovich, good morning, i have such a question, my daughter is 24 years old, from birth she was diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse, abnormal structure of the aortic valve, she has a tricuspid, partial regurgitation, here at the time of the last examination the regurgitation was minimal, the question is what,
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the question is what is the prognosis for this disease, now she feels like a perfectly healthy person and has stopped undergoing examination. that is, how often, after all, with a frequency of once a year, well, in fact, there is nothing, a selling valve, in my opinion 10-12% of people, hemodynamically insignificant, without noise, without sagging of the valve, earlier we thought that this could be a risk factor for septic endocarditis and in gynecological, dental and urological procedures were given an antibiotic an hour before the procedure, now we don't do that anymore, as for the mitral valve, yes... and the anatomical other arthritic valve with minimal regravity, nothing will happen, it will live like that, for another 150 years, thank you very much, good morning, alexander leonidovich, my name is natalya, i am 66 years old, yeah, since 2019 i
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have been diagnosed with angioedema, it still hasn't gone away, i was registered with an allergist for a year. and if they have already done it, there is nothing, then good, you need to find a person who is in this understands, and does not confuse and does not treat them with antihistamines, and like a normal allergy, it
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is treated completely differently, which doctor to go to, a good one, a good one, you keep asking which doctor to go to, well , which one, you understand, i will tell you of course to an allergist, but i do not believe that and what did they treat you with, practically nothing, here you took tests, they even gave a test for ... double dna, they looked for lupus, well, right, by the way, they looked, they looked correctly, they looked correctly, well, in general, that's probably how you continue and figure it out, it's difficult for me, i don't have enough data, what, you say, they told me angeneuratic edema, to what extent is this true, and not to what extent, you just have some other symptoms, this is already with you like this on the program too... difficult, we won't figure it out, maybe you think one thing, say another, doctors mean something completely different, i 'm attacking them in vain, so that's it, i answered all
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your questions, i hope everyone is healthy, good luck, next in the program, nail fungus, what consequences does onychomycosis lead to and how to get rid of it get rid of it, carefully a... holy shit, dock, you're alive, watch rtr, irina aleksandrovna, how did you find me? you said yourself that you are an artist, maybe you will take me as a student? i didn't even know that it was possible to love like that, she is incredible, a uni, she is such a beauty, just a savior, who? irisha, irochka, mine, irina. lord, what do you know about love, every month a new girl, now i know, daddy, i. from whom will you marry, give birth, will love, you so child, not his child, will take in his arms,
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will be his, no, i forbid you, moscow novel, so, what do we answer, pomovku, great, who will marry, you, on whom, on me, today on rtr. we present you with comfortable, durable and stylish artex sneakers, in which you will feel comfortable in any situation. these are stylish and durable shoes that will suit both men and women. the sneakers have a soft back and side panels. this design saves your feet from rubbing. thanks to the wide velcro, the sneakers instantly adapt to any foot shape, high instep or protruding bones, and the comfortable back makes it easy to put on. sneakers sole made of ultra. light eva material and the shoes on the foot seem completely weightless. having bought artex sneakers, you will immediately appreciate this incredible lightness in the feet. the sneakers
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were crying very loudly, people came. to do their job, they came to help people, because we are one big country, we should look up to them, these people can do everything and even more, ours, of course, you won’t call yourself a hero, the premiere is from monday to thursday on rtr. good morning, dear comrades! listen to radio molya. we are starting a concert on workers’ requests at noon. coming home from school, please your neighbors. to everyone who is waiting for new hits from vladimir matetsky, i answer, it's not evening yet. now is not the time for food, it's time for spiritual
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search. time passes. meanwhile , olga will be ordered to make tea. good evening, this is your music, your letters, your congratulations. here is a new day on radio mayak. so says the lighthouse. good morning, hello. we remember about problems with nails, in particular. toenails, only when we have to put on open summer shoes, the rest of the year about unichomycosis, this is the name of nail fungus, no one remembers and does not thinks, but in vain, this is what can be hidden under our beautiful closed shoes. today we will talk about what unpleasant consequences on health can lead to
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onychomycosis, why treatment should be started? immediately, we offered our viewers in the hall, and to undergo an examination by a dermatologist, not everyone agreed to this, because many are embarrassed by this problem, but we still examined some. indeed, nail fungus is an extremely common problem. according to the latest data, almost every fifth inhabitant of our planet has it. and we today we are very grateful to those who finally decided to show their nails to detect onychomycosis. of course, in order to make a diagnosis, one examination by a dermatologist is often not enough, you need to do special tests, see what kind of nail fungus you have. unfortunately, onychomycosis was detected in three participants. raise your hands, please. what is your name? my name is natalia. did you know that you had a fungus? well, i guessed.
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it started to grow, i treated it, it... means, salt, soda, then in the pharmacy i bought hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, ointments, when did you do this, well, for 2 years, but it is still ineffective, so i wanted to ask you if there is some good, inexpensive remedy, well, for nail fungus, well, and most importantly, which will help, of course, if skin fungus goes away with us quite quickly, then the treatment of nail fungus is a really long story that requires patience and regular use. unspecified means, hello, how are you what's your name? my name is antonina, my nail has become deformed, white, really thick, can't be cut, i also started using folk remedies, my mother would say, my friends would say, i started using tea tree oil, they told me, i smeared it, smeared it, smeared it, but there was no effect, of course, i want some effective remedy to help me, it's really unpleasant
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to walk on, especially in the summer, i have to use thick varnish, smear it in a layer, we immediately block all the breathing passages of the nail with this very varnish, making the situation, of course, even worse, how much money we spent on... everything here these methods, oh, yes, probably better not to remember, one thing on advice, then another, going to the doctor with such elbows is also embarrassing, uncomfortable, right, you need to go to the doctor with healed nails, i agree with you, completely, thank you very much, you also raised your hand, what is your name? my name is valentina, i went to the doctor, took a test, oh, well done, valentina, the test did not show, the doctor said, according to your tests there is no fungus, but she says: the color is suspicious, she prescribed an antifungal ointment, i probably i smeared it for about two months, well, you see, you still have a fungus, so most likely you will have to finish the treatment, you can't get away from it,
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in fact, everything is really not so safe, and let's now look at what consequences untreated nail fungus can lead to, and as a rule, people come to the doctor when some complications have already arisen and quite serious. inflammation, what is it? and this is a streptococcal infection of the skin and subcutaneous mite, the entry point for which can really be a nail fungus, damaged nail, and this erysipelas can lead to very serious consequences, including septic lesions, sepsis, and serious complications, up to severe thrombosis, amputations and other, other troubles, not only erysipelas, nail fungus, the entry point for any infection that can... spread to the nail itself to the skin. allergy. allergic reactions. indeed, onychomycosis, these same fungi can, in addition to damage to the nail, cause allergic reactions, at least of the nail bed, then
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there is a nail bed can turn red, itch, itch, peel, which further aggravates the risk of infection, well, look, accordingly, the situation above. non-healing ulcers, almost all patients who seek treatment for fungus on ... those must be checked for diabetes, these are two very close underlying diseases that go hand in hand, because with diabetes , the blood supply to the lower extremities is disrupted, including the nail, and accordingly the fungus attaches to more strongly, but with all in this case, the presence of a fungus can lead to the formation of bedsores, to the formation of such nail bedsores, and accordingly, this infection can spread again as a result of high sugar levels to a violation of the blood supply, the spread of the fungus to the internal organs, a rare situation, really rare, because the fungus that affects the internal organs is usually a fungus of the genus candida, and not onychomycosis,
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but onychomycosis really can penetrate into the blood with a serious and long-term lesion of the nails with a violation of the immune system, a decrease immune barrier and cause the spread of this unychomyco, fungal infection, including to other organs and tissues. why are people in no hurry to... treat fungus when it can lead to such dire consequences. most often, changes in the shape and color of the nail are explained by tight shoes, poor nutrition of the nail, some problems or diseases. what are the signs of onychomycosis: thickening of the nail, white, yellow stripes or spots, peeling of the nail very often and it moves away from the nail bed, ingrowth of the nail into the skin and, of course, joining very... smell long enough, until their mycosis has already become quite obvious and has not affected, for example, not only the nail, most often the big toe, but also the nails on the neighboring fingers, then quite often explanations are found, or the person
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simply does not pay attention, well, think about it, the nail has peeled off, everything will pass, but it is with these very initial manifestations, of course, you should consult a doctor , of course, begin treatment, that's how long to treat the fungus, in the treatment of nail fungus you really need to... show enviable patience, you need to treat until the nail plate is completely replaced, so the nail grows by 0.1 mm within 24 hours, fingernails completely change the nail plate in 6-7 months, but on the feet nails grow much more slowly and the nail plate changes in 10-12 months, therefore, treatment of nail fungus, for example, of the big toe, of course, must be continued for a year, most people perceive nail fungus as a purely aesthetic problem, but unfortunately, this is far from the case, and nail fungus, in addition to that, that the nail becomes unsightly, can
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lead to quite serious problems and complications, moreover, i want to draw your attention to the fact that the nail plate grows back on the feet of young people in one year, but in older people the period of changing the nail plate can be extended to one and a half, even ... 2 years, especially in people suffering from diabetes, therefore, it is necessary to treat nail fungus not in the summer, when, well, actually, you need to wear beautiful shoes, but to start at the first signs of onychomycosis. how and with what to treat fungus? this is a rather long process and, as i understand, not cheap. indeed, at one time fungus was treated radically, completely removing the nail plate. well, firstly, it is quite traumatic and painful, it is impossible to put on shoes for a long time, and it was not always effective, a secondary infection would join, the nail would grow deformed, the fungus would join again, and so on and so forth. most often, doctors recommend the use of external
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agents that are used directly on the nail plate, and such agents can contain a substance such as naftifine. naftifine was synthesized in 1974 as an antifungal agent. over the years, it has been thoroughly studied has shown very good results in the treatment of onychomycosis. firstly, it has a broad spectrum of action, it kills almost all types. fungus, it has an anti-inflammatory effect, which often accompanies a fungal infection, eliminates itching of burning, that is, it has a mild anti-allergic effect, kills bacteria, which are complications of a fungal infection, unlike antibiotics, it does not cause addiction and resistance. and in what form is it advisable to choose antifungal agents? it is best to choose in the form of a solution or spray. for
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direct action on the nail, in this form this agent has a more universal spectrum of action, suitable for both the treatment of skin fungus and the treatment of nail fungus. it is probably more profitable to choose a larger volume, since the treatment is quite long, of course, now there is a package of 10, 20 and 30 ml, but there are russian companies that have taken care of a full course of treatment produces a package of 50 ml. you will not have to run to the pharmacy often enough. constantly buy more and more new drugs, of course, when choosing a drug for nail fungus, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer, you need to give preference to products with a wide spectrum of action, from well-known russian manufacturers that have been on the market for a long time, you see, curing fungus and not going broke is quite possible and curing completely, most importantly, fungal nail infection or onychomycosis is not only an aesthetic problem. no need to wait for complications, you need
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to start treatment immediately, and we wish you a good day and a great mood, be healthy, with you was a program about the most important thing. district on the air of the tv channel russia go news, i greet you, i am maria sitpel. hello. the graduation of the zaporizhzhya npp received serious damage after the strikes of ukrainian drones, strategic infrastructure facilities are under close attention. traditionally, the iaea does not name the culprits. residents of krasnogerushskoye belgorod region and belovsky district.


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