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tv   Taini sledstviya-14  RUSSIA1  August 13, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm MSK

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hello, hello, korablyov, well, anyway, puchkova came home, didn't go anywhere, just to the drugstore, we're tapping her mobile, nothing interesting so far, what does she do next, what do you think, she didn't notice you, it's hard to say, but i wasn't really hiding, to be honest, okay, go home, i'll talk to puchkova tomorrow, i'll try to find out something, okay, i'll drop by, well, i'll check this chivis's contacts again, yeah, okay, come on, dim, mm, what, are you sad, nothing worked out, no, it's not clear yet, my worst suspicions were justified, anyway, i have to give a kickback and i'm guaranteed to win the tender, have you agreed? well, not yet, but the partners
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insist that you agree. and what about you? do i look like a bribe giver? i'll have to refuse the tender, refuse to participate. well done, i 'm proud of you. i'm a crime, we won't keep quiet. in your opinion, i should set up my friend who introduced me to him. i see. what is clear? this is an economic crime. what options do i have? think, yes, ilyusha, i worked hard, there's a lot of material.
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hello, hello, i hope you recognized me, yes i recognized me, how could i not recognize you, and what am i did he call you? oh, no, you didn't call me, i came myself, and you know why, why, i have an offer for you. what again?
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oh, no, no, a completely different kind of offer, what i will receive if i lead you to the real killer. and what would you like yourself? what do you mean what? as usual, i would like an exclusive for our publication on this case. well, let's say i agreed. that's it, that's it. your word is enough, just ask around, i recognized this text right away, i read the working materials, you see, ilya wrote this article for us, for our publication, for everyday life peter, and now please, it was published by our competitors, ivan pravdin, this, this is who, nobody? what a cheap, banal
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pseudonym, it would be correct to write, something like makar the murderer, the article was stolen, you understand, stolen, and what do the classics teach us, and what, what, whoever stole the hat, both of them smashed the granny, spanked her, and... oh, good morning, you were right, i need to report extortion, can you tell me who is doing this, a lawsuit? oob, uh-huh, obb, and
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can you tell me the address, or i'll look it up on the internet, what, well, stop it, of course, i'll tell you. wanted to publish them, i need to contact the newspaper and find out who sent them this article, find the author, or rather find the one who pretends to be him, let's go, let's go.
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hello, hello, we have a promotion in the salon today, a 10% discount on a haircut and styling. it's tempting, we have the best masters, stylists, colorists, cosmetologists, there is a spa relaxation area, what exactly are you interested in, i'm just looking for a good salon, let's go, i'll show you our salon, please, come in, our director olga puchkova goes to israel for competitions and master classes.
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hello! do you know this man? yes, this is the journalist chibisov. i met him last week at the belye nochi restaurant. yeah. he asked about my husband, tried to accuse
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him of corruption. yeah. and why did you meet? well, i myself suggested talking to him. my husband is very busy with the elections. igor is a very honest , decent person. you know, i am sure that he is the best candidate for deputy, because he is really ready to work for the people, i just tried to convince this guy to get rid of my husband, but apparently you failed, well, how can i tell you, olga vitalievna, came out, svetochka, later, yeah, well, i think you already know that he's at... at my husband's meeting with voters, yes , you know, but you know, i don't understand why he paid for dinner, it doesn't look like a business meeting, oh, that's what you're talking about, no, i paid for myself, he just paid for everything with a card, because he didn't have cash, yeah, i generally don't let
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strangers pay for me, if that's what you're talking about, your husband was lucky, and by the way, he knows that you met with chibisov, no, i i didn't distract him with this nonsense. and don't you care about your husband's career? so you'll write a resignation? yes, i'd like to write a resignation. sit down. okay, thank you. write everything in detail, in chronological order. yeah. or maybe... i'll type it on my tablet and then sign it, no, just in a blank form, my god, don't be so nervous, otherwise you'll forget something else, but i won't forget anything, and sign at the end, oh yeah,
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yeah, to the chief of the murder, yeah, and i'll either... well, try hard or do you understand? i understand, let's go! yes, that's it, hang up, do you have anything? oh, and how? here, please, i dug up information about olga puchkova, well , basically her entire biography, i wonder, well, what about it, a pretty provincial girl, comes to st. petersburg to make a career, a marriage of convenience, her whole life is a success. send it to shveitsova, she asked. yeah.
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well, i called her back, told her everything, but nothing happens, she called you back, so she called back, can you imagine, the ballistic examination still hasn't arrived, and what should i do, well, i don't know, let's go let's have some tea, let's have some tea, of course, that's all that's left, whi to drive, like your facial expressions, and a waste of money, make a beauty salon, zero emotions, zero wrinkles, you don't have any wrinkles, they will, and if borist doesn't send anything by the evening, gray hair will appear, so i'd better listen to what we know about olga puchkova, 7 years ago she left yakutia, where she worked at the almazait enterprise, which was engaged in the purchase of diamonds, by the way, she understands jewelry, she has earrings, i don't know, 50, probably, no rubles, where, not here, and it's definitely not costume jewelry, here's the dossier. and puchkova came to st. petersburg 7 years ago, yes, she got a job
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at a hairdressing salon, where she met her future husband puchkov, doesn't it seem strange to you that puchkova with her experience as a secretary gets a job at a salon, no, it seems to me that giving people beauty is much more interesting than sorting through papers, listen, she's 5 years younger than me, well, maybe i really shouldn't inject anything, you need to sew copies of branded ones. borbon stersman is a product of steller group,
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vodka veda, a product of stellar group. kalinan beel - a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true perfection. making dreams come true, the kalinan beleg hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale. rum, castra - a product of stellor group.
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whiskey mancacher - a product of stellar group. good morning, dear comrades, you are listening to radio mayak, we are starting a concert on request of workers in the working half, coming home from school, please your neighbors, everyone who is waiting for new hits vladimir matetsky answers: it's not evening yet, it's honey badgers, it's time for spiritual search. time passes, meanwhile olga is ordered to make tea. good evening, this is your
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music, your letters, your congratulations. here is a new day on radio mayak. this is what mayak says. the heroes of our time are those who create the future with their own hands. lend a shoulder. i went to help the volunteers. can i hug you? we are already in love with you in absentia, if you can help, then you must help, there were moments when it was very hard and scary, and you understand, there is no time for any weakness, to lend a helping hand. i had to pull people out on my own, i got there at the moment of the offensive, at the moment of active military action, in general it is very difficult, i know where she was, can i be with you all, yes, yes, yes, accept the fire myself, the fire was coming in our direction, someone was screaming, children were crying very loudly, people came to do their job, they came to help people, because we are one big country, yes, we should
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look up to such people, these people can do everything and even more. ours, of course, you will not call yourself a hero, premiere from monday to thursday on rtr, everything is exactly as in my visions, genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, and i'm also a psychic, you'll find all the evidence in his bottle, any task will seem easy, the case hasn't been solved yet, because this guy... he's not as simple as he seems, very complicated, not so simple, very, very complicated, already on the website in the application we look, olga puchkova yes, well, let's say, what's the matter, we need to talk,
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about what, you and chibisov, got into the car, quickly. it was from this computer that the letter was sent, here from this, someone's table, yes, someone's, golania, golanin, whose table, here, whose table is this, tanin, what tanin, right? this is grachovy, grachovy, interns, so people, everyone listen to me, that means she doesn't work here anymore, she stole, she stole the article and sold it to our
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competitors. so, if i find out, if i only find out that someone, someone communicates with goracheva, i'll fire them, to hell, work, come on, well, talk, i know everything about you, you were lovers, who told you such nonsense. "i have your joint photos, you had a lot of fun with him, so i'm thinking, now what should i do, give these photos to your husband, or go straight to the police, you're an idiot, look at the dates, it was 5 years ago, and he
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had your photo on his nightstand in the bedroom , so what, and i have a photo of my dog ​​on my nightstand?" okay, where did you get these photos? we worked together, i have access to his materials. yeah, get out. ethics for a journalist is sacred, it's the foundation of our profession.
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but if you see her, tell her where to take it, take it somewhere already, you tell her, so that she is here, step, so that she is not, you understand, step, so that, here, please , uh-huh, they are not waiting for her here, i'll be faster, catch up, come on, i'll catch up, i'll catch up, come here, listen, give me a head start, i'm tired of riding a bike, get up , i'll catch up, i'll catch up, come here surreal, stand still, that's it, i'm in the house, my house, so small, that's it, you're fashionable, come on, in the house, no one has seen you for sure, i don't think so, i looked, he said that he would contact you himself, we have problems, i don't know how, but chibisov's photos ended up with his journalist friend, i saw them with her myself on the tablet, what was there, our old
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photo with him, but it is quite possible that there are others, she tried to blackmail me, those pictures should not surface, i understand, but you know, it was you who promised to take care of this, i just want to warn you, if they surface, i don’t know what will come into her head, what did you tell her? "i was not scared, if that’s what you mean, i made it clear that these pictures mean nothing to me, let her go with them wherever she wants, i should have agreed, promised her money, set up a meeting, where should we now have her search, us, just don't drag me into this, just don't worry, i 'll deal with her myself, just tell me what she looks like, blue hair, nose piercing, dressed like a hunch, yes i know, i know, i saw her at chibisov's house, are you ready? yeah, well, great, that means everything is going according to plan, well, i
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'll hurry up, come on! they'll kill me, they'll kill me, who, they
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'll kill me, the car is there, sit, they almost curled me up, quiet, quiet, quiet, calm, those are the numbers. or did you remember the brand at least something? no, it was a black suv, the number of course i haven't seen it, yeah, well at least some numbers, no, it's olga putkova, she wants to kill me, i met with her, showed her photos of her with chibitsev, i thought she would pay me, but then it turned out that these were old photos, she wasn't even married then, why did you decide that it was puchkova, who else, where are these pictures? on the tablet, i dropped it when the car, huh? how did the photos get to you? here, and pass it on there, i downloaded all the materials from ilya's computer while he
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was sleeping, and the article that you sold to the people's the megaphone is also from there, yes, but i just wanted, i wanted to look at ilya's material to learn, he was the coolest journalist, and then, when he was killed, he wouldn't have needed it anyway, chibisou. they killed him 2 days ago, it's clear to a fool that the motive is professional activity, and you were smart enough to publish his material, yes, i know, well, i know, i should have given it to you right away, what should i do now, listen, there are so many folders here, there's my favorite folder, and there's puchkova, and even though the photos are old, they've come across each other, i'm sure i know because he had her photo in his bedroom, kracheva, and are you aware that a criminal case is now being opened because of your article? who is the everyday life of st. petersburg, the everyday life of st. petersburg , the investigative committee, my dear , will now deal with you, marya sergeevna,
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can you imagine, they, well, more precisely, chibisov, in their article so accurately described the scheme of theft on the roads that now high-ranking officials will have big problems, they arrived, and i drank two glasses in total, what and where are you dragging me? and what are we going to charge her with? no, that's not the point, it's all about this flash drive, okay?
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"hello, people, hi, yes, dima, well, great news, well finally, so open your mail, look, i sent you the conclusion, i'm not at the computer, be a man, tell me what's in it, well, what will i get for this, a chocolate bar is the most you can count on, yes, yes, in short, this gun that killed shelisto was used 10 years ago, in the murder of a certain tsoriny, the director of almaz-trade. where and how did this happen? listen, you're asking the impossible of me, this is so that you can get everything answer, we need to raise the case, but where it happened, i'll tell you in yakutia. and where exactly? well, the city of mirny, if that means anything to you, zhirov, i owe you two chocolates, thank you. masha, puchkova is from yakutia, yeah, not from the city of mirny, by chance, from mirny. and it all fits together. she hired a killer for chipis.
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then she got rid of him, and this is not her first murder, such coincidences do not happen, wait, that is, it turns out that puchkova killed a businessman in yakutia 10 years ago, and then in moscow with the same weapon a killer, yeah, yeah, but puchkova was not even a that case, well, and that the killer was never found, and then our colleagues from yakutia could have had some shortcomings, that puchkova was involved in the murder, i have no doubt, but the motive, the motive, chibizov was her lover, he could have blackmailed her.
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you're upset, well, go on, tell me, we'll talk at home, come on, bye, okay, see you in the evening, bye, the motive is very simple, chibizov tracked down puchkova with her lover and began to blackmail her, these photos were taken a week ago, so puchkova had enough time to carefully... plan everything, hire killer, an explosion is a strange way to kill out of jealousy, but it is an excellent way to confuse the investigation, puchkova was afraid that her husband would find out about the betrayal, especially on the eve of the elections, she understood perfectly well that he would not forgive her, she would lose all her property, business, position. mash, well, what do you think? i think lyuda is right, but it seems to me that they did not have a love relationship here, then
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what is this? well... well, a business meeting, well, really, if you look closely at the photographs, then by their poses, gestures, facial expressions, well, no there is a hint of a love affair here, it seems to me that if her husband had seen this photo, he would not have dug so deep. yes, one more thing, viktor ivanovich, i looked into the activities of puchkova's salons, it seems to me that a lot of money was laundered through her salons, maybe chibisov found out about this? in any case, we need to take puchkova and charge her with shelesty's murder, everything else, against...
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any lawyer, and puchkova's will probably be a very good one, no, most likely, she has an accomplice, maybe even, here, here with who is she, we must try to adopt his personality, this is what needs to be done, and as quickly as possible, you will listen to me, well come back, fast me, breathe with you alone.
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don't come near, there is blood, what happened there, what blood, where, strange, somehow, no corpses, no statement, and no wife. return from august 19 to rtr, not enough pressure in the garden hose, tired of endlessly cleaning everything with your own hands, we present the hydroblast from hammer smith, a fast, simple and very convenient gun for washing with high pressure. wired, rechargeable and absolutely revolutionary. wash your car, motorcycle or bike, wash your home, garden paths, driveway and more. hydroblast uses the same technology as bulky professional pressure washers and
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condenses it to fit this small but highly efficient 150 watt copper motor to create an incredible 50 bar of pressure. powerful lithium-ion battery. for any task. hammer smith hydroblast is extremely lightweight, very convenient and unrivaled in its versatility. its scope of application is practically unlimited. wherever you get your water from? hydroblast will transform it into a high -pressure jet. a bucket of water is all you need and you are ready to go. or simply connect it to a garden hose and hydroblast instantly increases the water pressure up to 10 times. no matter what kind of water you use. the nanofilter cleans and filters it. hammer smith hydroblast is high-performance pressure cleaning without compromise. and just call today to order the revolutionary hammer smith hydroblast with its high-efficiency motor
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150 w power, a powerful lithium-ion battery, a five-meter high -pressure hose and a high-quality nanofilter. and all this will be yours for an incredible 59. and if you place an order right now, you will receive a shampoo container and a special spray nozzle for a larger coverage area as a gift, all this is absolutely free, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited, we present you with comfortable, durable and stylish artex sneakers, in which you will feel comfortable in any situation, these are stylish and durable shoes that will suit both men and women, the sneakers have a soft back and side panels, such a design. protects your feet from rubbing, thanks to wide velcro, the sneakers instantly adapt to any foot shape, high instep or protruding bones, and a comfortable back makes it easier to put on. the sole of the sneakers is made of ultra-light eva material, and the shoes on the foot seem completely weightless.
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having bought artex sneakers, you will immediately appreciate this incredible lightness in your feet. the sneakers are made of high-quality material that allows air to pass through well, allowing skin to breathe. two colors to choose from. and black universal gray and a wide range of sizes from thirty-seven to forty-five, please yourself with comfortable beautiful shoes now, call and order universal sneakers with velcro artex at a price of only 24.95, you don't need to make an appointment with him, just kidding, he will come to your home himself, we start, he will always help, we will train how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to ...
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you will be happy, well, i don't guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. doctor myasnikov on saturday and sunday on rtr, we will never take them off, i promise, i promise, i promise, my husband and son have disappeared, i think she has disappeared too, i will not stay here.
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i held her, tell me, do you really think that puchkova has nothing to do with it, i did not say that, then why can't she be held back right now, i don't know, well, people, well, intuition, well, i don't know, she doesn't know, his intuition. where's the second one? let's go have a drink. oh, something
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happened, zhirov, are you my friend? oh, of course, my friend, well, here's work. in principle, i don't mind. where are we going? zhirov, are you there? oh! okay, that i caught you, i need a little person, but it won't wait until tomorrow, you see, lyusya came to visit, no, it won't wait until tomorrow, but lyusya, and i didn't notice you, hi, and when you come to visit me, what is it, and she's allergic to cats, so that she can come to you, it happens, yours, what do i need to get through, huh?
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i can say that now is a twist of fate, i got off track, why are you sitting in the dark? and i think, well, tell me how it went, well , nothing, i arrived in... all sorts of, well, you understand everything, yeah, well, i was about to leave, yeah, and the investigator says to me: stay, yeah, but i stayed, well, in short, this person from the tender committee turned out to be their employee, well, ub, wow , can you imagine, that is, the following situation, yeah, they wanted to set me up. that is, my competitors wrote a statement to the ubp
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that i was looking for a meeting with someone from the tender committee in order to give a bribe, yeah, well , they arranged this random meeting with my classmate misha, you know, i can’t believe it, and they were sure that this bait would work, that is, if... i decided to give a bribe, i wrote a statement, yes, then i i wouldn't be sitting here with you, well everything worked out, everything, you know, the funniest thing is that i, i think, i'll take a risk, i'll give a bribe, because the project is good, you know, prospects. but mishka, yeah
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, yeah, to the ship, are you sleeping? no, i'm not sleeping. oh , look, rinat yusupov, born in 1968, place of birth yakutia, city of mirny, was a witness in the case of the murder of tserinov, director of almaz-trade. that 's it, i think we've found him. yusupov is not a witness, but... he's most likely the killer, so, we need to call shvitsova, 2:00 am, call, maybe, since there was chocolate hanging, well, i had to somehow maintain my cheerfulness, maybe, since that's the case, let's go home, let's go, to the ship. are you snoring again? my dear, mommy is leaving,
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daddy will stay, morgochek, only you call me right away, of course, i'll call right away, not in 2 hours, right away, as soon as the plane lands, well of course, igor, why are you so worried all the time when you see me off on my last journey, damn you , you're my little margo, listen to daddy. "you're my girl, be careful, please, well that's it, bye, well that's it, margusha, we're going for a walk now, hello, marya sergeevna, didn't wake me up, well, anyway, we've established the identity of puchkova's friend, this is her land krinat yusubov, he was a witness in the case of
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the murder of the director of almastreyt in yakutia, what else is known about him, nothing special, he served in the army, was not charged, lives at nevsky 73, what does he do? works as a department head at the customs office at the airport. at the airport? well, yes, at the airport. it seems clear where puchkova got her chain of salons from. okay, prepare the arrest operation, puchkova? both? oh well, come on, my good markosha, come on, come on, come on, come to me, let's go home, let's go, good afternoon. well, here we go again, i've already told you everything, listen, i need to talk to your wife, salt, she's at home, no, she went to the airport, like when she left, about half an hour, she has a master class, and why are you asking about this, what's the matter, how did she leave,
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by taxi? good afternoon, captain egorov, our documents, i'm late for the airport, how much do i owe you? puchkova olga vitalievna, my last name korablyov, criminal investigation department, you are under arrest , olga vitalievna, on suspicion.
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by the way, it costs 500 euros , that's all. can i find out what you are looking for? when can i call, this is already some kind of lawlessness. lenya, let's go out. it will take a long time. can i call or not?
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no, really, what are we looking for? the situation is some kind of idiotic, i don't know, but it's not just like that, she goes to israel every month, especially since she has an accomplice at customs. no, they transfer something, but what? no, she doesn't look like anything to worry about, she sits with her legs crossed, like a chick in a picture, on picture? exactly, exactly, like in the picture in the coat, the coat in...
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changed, where did you get that from, well, how, there were gold-plated ones, and now with rhinestones, and there were no buttons on the pockets, i'll like it. hello, what do you mean check, no, you well, you need to check the girl's buttons , you see what's happening, maybe i should undress again, well, i hope it won't come to that, i 'll be careful, so let's see where our buttons are, here's a good button on the pocket, now we'll be careful but... what can you do, everything is so simple, well now in under field examination conditions it will do. here is this decanter, so glass, let's look,
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so, well, look, and of course, the examination will confirm, but i will tell you definitely, these are diamonds, you need to sew copies of branded things to sell at a real price, hire all the professionals. let's look at rtr: i sew well, very well, i cut it myself, anything, today you will take it at work, the money from me came, came, then wait for a call, i will tell you when and where she will be, don't let me down, moscow novel, today on rtr, the nearest time we will live in a completely different world, artificial intelligence will make us think differently, this will happen very quickly and... psychologist alexey sitnikov thundered throughout the country in the early nineties, those who attended his lectures say that he can
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determine with just one look at a person what problem he came with, high blood pressure, thickening of the blood, this destroys the body, how to get the most out of every day of your life, achieve the fulfillment of desires and what to expect from the future, this is about not only in our program. malakhov, today on rtr, turned into someone. look at yourself, spoiled, boring, kept woman, any man would have got himself a mistress long ago, any, not you, my dear, the first, not you the last, but point your finger at any married woman and you'll get a deceived wife, i don't know how i'll live without her, in general, it's not worth knocking on a closed door, and what brought you to our wilderness, one day open... price, i'm olga, kostya, the blacksmith is looking at her, surprise, it was impossible
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to fall in love with a married woman, and even a muscovite, ol, we can still fix everything, really, the forge of happiness, on friday on rtr, this. chka is obvious to everyone, even to iguanas, well , go ahead, tell the whole world a secret,
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you'll see everything for yourself now, on sunday the sled. we're heading out, off, great, vasilyich, where am i going, yeah, i have no idea what these buttons are, seriously, it's a pity, that is, you refuse to help the investigation, i won't say anything, i need to call, i have the right to call, yes, a full one. igoryasha, i i need a good lawyer, please send me, hello, hello, can you hear me? olya, is it true?
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what? tell me honestly, what are you accused of? igor, i'll explain everything to you later. you don't need to explain anything to me. i'll send you a lawyer, but i'm thinking. we'd better get a divorce, how are you doing? yusupov agreed to give a confession, you wouldn't know it by looking at him. you can shoot so well, i think it was unnecessary, no, it's normal, and what
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's really wrong with yesupov, he's silent like a partisan for now, yeah. i've known renata yusupov since childhood, we were neighbors in the entrance, he got me a job as a secretary valma straight, then i left for st. petersburg, we met here by chance after 5 years, i had just broken up with ilya, he loved me, but we never had money, i worked in a hairdresser's, he got by with some odd jobs, i was just tired of waiting
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for everything to get better. to be a courier, to transport diamonds to israel, he still had some connections with yakutia, and how often did the trips happen, at first once every 3 months, then more and more often, i received my percentage, problems at customs, as you understand, it didn't happen, i started to have money, a car, it was strange for a hairdresser, so pov advised me to open a business, to at least... somehow legalize the income, but first marry some status person, so that there would be no questions for me, was your husband aware of your activities? no, he didn't know anything, what kind of relationship have you had with chibisov lately? none, we met at some party, it turned out that he still
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loved me, convinced me to leave my husband. tracked down you and yusupov, did you decide to kill him? i didn't decide anything, i just understood that ilya wouldn't give up so easily, he would walk around, sniff around, and eventually get to the truth, you can take it, i'll take it myself, come in, madam, come in, hello, it wasn't his profession that ruined him, but love, he should have gotten married, had kids, well , i understand.
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well, i'll be enough for your salary . in november 2004, pov killed the director of a yakut enterprise. and his accomplices, accordingly, began purchasing diamonds from almaz trade, and for a year they used the value-added tax benefit, this benefit is supposed to be for processing and export of finished products, though only a small part of the diamonds was processed to divert attention, the rest of the quality part, they were already
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smuggling to israel, this is what puchkova was doing, well, why so many years? no one noticed anything, or what? there must be some discrepancies in the documents, or what? do you know what scheme was worked out there, and puchkova was already bringing small and low-quality diamonds from israel? and let bob deal with this now, determine the amount damage, well done, well done, you insisted on your own, see how they caught puchkov red-handed , as a result, both murders were solved and the smuggling channel was blocked. clever girl, thank you, hello, hello, mash, and i was wrong, yeah, okay, that's it, let's go have some tea, forgot, i bought your favorite cookies.
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exactly 400 years ago on august 13, 1624 after his death, having learned the sad lesson of the decembrist uprising, emperor nicholas ii
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considered it necessary to repeat his brother's decree banning freemasonry. however, if you believe the notes of an official of the ministry of people's education, prince pyotr dolgorukov, secret activities lies in russia still continued. 195 years ago, on august 13 , 1829, an outstanding scientist and naturalist, the creator of the russian physiological school ivan sechinov was born. his work reflexes of the brain, according to colleagues, was for that time, an extraordinary attempt to imagine our subjective world purely physiologically. in 1929, on the centenary of the birth of academician pavlov, he said of such scientists as he with their sense of dignity and duty, every state doomed to perish from within, despite all the days of prostroi and volkhovstroi, because the state should not consist of machines, not of bees and ants, but of representatives
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of the highest species of the animal kingdom, homo sapiens. he said that a film should begin with an earthquake, and then the tension should increase. 125 years ago, on august 13 , 1899, the king of horror, the great alfred hitchcock, was born. he is the only director who knows how to film and make the thoughts of one or more characters tangible to us, without resorting to to the aid of dialogue, - noted françois truffaut. after him, the film became a game played by three, not only the author and his creation, but also the viewer. today , the remarkable actress of the nizhny novgorod youth theater, honored artist of russia irina dolganova, celebrates her anniversary . she became widely known for her role as sonia and gurvich in stanislav rostotsky's film based on boris vasiliev's story of the same name about dawns here are quiet. today marks the 95th anniversary of the birth of inna esasi lezneva, soviet
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film director, honored artist of russia rsfsr, film author, translation from english, day train, autumn story. today is august 13, 2024. the information service of the russia tv channel continues its work on the air, you are watching the news, my name is maria sittal, hello, a warm meeting between the two leaders, we have a very long time.


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