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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  August 13, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm MSK

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with selezneva, soviet film director, honored artist of the rsfsr, author of films, translation from english, daytime train, autumn history. today is august 13 , 2024. the information service of the russia tv channel continues its work on the air, you are watching the news, my name is maria sittal, hello, a warm meeting between the two leaders, we have very long-standing deep ties, and we value this very much. all these years, we have always felt the support of russia, what is palestine counting on now, if the un has failed in its mission to create palestinian state? flying novelty
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on the forum army yak 130m improved version of combat training aircraft. we will already be able to use weapons with laser guidance, these are guided bombs. well, at this training ground , even non-professionals have everything flying to the target. the arsenal has all the most modern pistols, machine guns, automatic weapons. we trust this weapon. in the mountains of dagestan, the strongest mudflows, multi-ton boulders. scammers are being led to ukraine, in the historical the singer herself is recognized as a victim, traces the museum opened an exhibition for the 500th anniversary novodevichy convent. despite
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the military special operation, russia is closely monitoring events in the middle east. of particular concern is the humanitarian catastrophe that palestine is experiencing. vladimir putin spoke about this today at a meeting with mahmoud abbas. the palestinian leader arrived in moscow on an official visit at the beginning of the talks at his residence near moscow and greeted the president in russian. vladimir putin confirmed moscow's unwavering position, which advocates the need to create an independent palestinian state assured the guests that russia will continue to do everything possible to support the palestinian people. everyone knows that today, unfortunately, russia must defend its interests, protect its people with weapons in hand, but what is happening in the middle
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east, what is happening in palestine, certainly does not go unnoticed on our part, we have very long-standing deep ties with the arab world in general, with palestine in particular, and we value this very much, and of course, we are very pained and concerned we are watching the humanitarian catastrophe that has unfolded in palestine. all these years we have felt russia's support. our countries always stand on the side of truth , respect human rights, and we undoubtedly stand on the side of the russian federation. mr. president, we believe in you and trust you. western intelligence agencies are creating new hotbeds of tension and stepping up efforts to involve russians in terrorist activities. this was announced today by fsb director alexander bortnikov at a meeting of the national security and defense council. this year, the security forces suppressed the activities of 45 secret cells of illegal. international organizations
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prevented 110 terrorist attacks, in most cases the perpetrators were recruited agents. the attack on the kursk region, according to bortnikov, is also being carried out not without the support of the collective west. at present, the necessary measures are being taken to protect our citizens, a counter-terrorist operation regime has been introduced on the territory of the kursk region and other regions bordering ukraine. in order to suppress the terrorist plans of the enemy. assessment the work carried out in these conditions clearly demonstrated the importance of organizing in advance the readiness of all counter-terrorism entities to respond to an escalation of the situation. a single center for paying pensions and benefits for forced migrants from border areas has been organized in kursk. about 800 people have been evacuated from the area where the counter-terrorism operation is taking place, including more than 2,000
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children. most have been accommodated with relatives, acquaintances, and complete strangers who are absolutely donated their blood to them. the temporary accommodation points have everything they need and the supplies are replenished every day. over the past few days , 900 tons of various goods have been delivered from different areas and regions of our country. report by alexander revunov. the line on the vyataya staircase at one of the humanitarian aid distribution points in kursk is made up of residents of border villages and towns who left their homes but did not move to the temporary accommodation points. some stayed with relatives, some with friends or acquaintances. mikhail ivanovich spent the night in the car, assured until the last moment that everything would be fine. no, no connection, no water, no nothing, like everyone flew away to another planet, and you were left alone, lions and tigers are getting ready to move, the elephant is waiting for her turn to be loaded, the artists are loading the props, the refugees were placed in the circus hotel, there was room for 50 people in total, volunteers
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are handing out hygiene kits, toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap and shampoos, and also army dry rations, volunteers are keeping lists, writing down who needs what, and sharing their contacts with you, but the line is not getting any smaller.
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provide assistance in resettlement, are on duty in hospitals, help people leave settlements where it is currently unsafe to remain. ukraine will be held accountable for the invasion of russian territory, these are the words of dmitry medvedev. today, the deputy chairman of the security council held a meeting on providing additional assistance to the population of kursk, belgorod.
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for those who did this, including the leadership of the kiev nationalist regime. 420 militants are the losses of ukrainian formations over the past day in the border areas kursk region. according to the ministry of defense , 55 armored vehicles were disabled, including three tanks, eight armored personnel carriers, and several breakthrough attempts were repelled. militants were driven out of the settlement of azerki. four brigades of the armed forces of ukraine were defeated.
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artillerymen. scouts spotted the enemy and transmitted the coordinates to the d-30 howitzer crew. a real kaleidoscope of natural disasters in russian regions. so in the bashkir sibay, hail fell in the morning. in a matter of minutes, sidewalks and roads were covered with a layer of ice. it also melted quickly. on the roads huge puddles formed. in dagestan , heavy rainfalls caused violent mudflows to come down from the mountains. multi-ton boulders and rock fragments were carried down like chips. such huge stones are flying,
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this element destroyed a bridge, washed away roads, as a result, at least nine villages were cut off from the outside world. well , forest fires are raging in yakutia now. the fire has already destroyed over 600 thousand hectares of territory. of the almost hundred natural fires, nine are under special control of the ministry of emergency situations. in the government house today. they talked about joint production with friendly countries, the strategic session was devoted to international cooperation and export. this will be the name of the new national project, which will include four federal programs at once for the development of the agro-industrial complex, industrial goods of foreign economic activity, as well as mechanisms for supporting successful interaction with foreign partners. on behalf of the president, the government is actively expanding foreign economic interaction with promising partners, the share of friendly states in foreign trade turnover continues to grow dynamically,
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despite all attempts by the west to hinder dialogue with potential current partners, according to the results for the first 5 months of the current year , this indicator in value terms exceeded 80%, although i remind you that a couple of years ago it was about half. more than 500 participants from all over the country gathered for the third race. the tenth all-russian forum territory of meanings, which opened today in the moscow region, is called the service is dedicated to the role of qualification of young personnel in government and law enforcement agencies is more important there is nothing, because the tasks facing the country are, of course, large-scale, it is impossible to solve these tasks if there is no strong large team, and if there are no people. and here is what we will talk about next: in
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lesichansk, a passenger bus came under fire, more than thirty were wounded and there are dead. we will tell you about the new products and signed contracts of the military-technical forum army. people's artist of russia larisa dolina became a victim of scammers. we will tell you all the details in a few minutes. hello, dear ones friends. your favorite program 60 is on air
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professionals. watch on rtr. i sew well, very well. and the edge myself. anything, today you will take on work, the money from me has come, it has come, then wait for a call, i will tell you when and where it will be, do not let me down, moscow novel, today on rtr, good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you on...
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wait for me, through the rains they keep, prodigal flowers, still live in me, some kind of fantasy, morning mail with nikolai baskov, on sunday on rtr, i love you, and i you, we are sitting well, such a reliable not petrush, he called someone again, well don't be silent, please, my name is mikhail dolskaya, i know, we talked, you didn't spend the night at home, there is something that i don't know, can i confess,
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finally, i love him, you know, i love him, and i can't do anything about it, you know, i love him. the bonds of marriage or the nets of love, which will be stronger, i just ask without emotions, what do you mean without emotions, you won't refuse me, i won't tolerate it, choose, rain at the end of summer, soon on rtr, you watch the news, we we continue the broadcast. the death toll as a result of the attack on a passenger bus in lisichansk, this is the luhansk republic, has increased to two. among the wounded is a twelve-year-old girl, she is being prepared for evacuation to the regional capital, her condition is moderate. the settlement of lesichansk was shelled, where the enemy used a cluster munition. as a result of the shell hitting the intercity bus,
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two people were killed, about thirty people were injured to varying degrees of severity, including a 12-year-old child. victims hospitalized and are receiving the necessary medical care. and new data from the defense ministry report. an abrams tank , a bradley infantry fighting vehicle, and more than 600 soldiers were destroyed in the central section of the front over the past 24 hours. a ukrainian su-27 was disabled at an airfield in poltava oblast. the fighter was hit with an iskander. in addition, drone operators left vaesa without three anti-aircraft missile launchers . and in the solidarsk direction , the tula paratroopers' grads hit a large a concentration of personnel and military equipment, tankers of the zapad group eliminated a large drone control point,
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a t-90 breakthrough was carried out on the target, these combat vehicles are often more effective than artillery, since they can strike and leave a firing position in a matter of minutes. on the avdeevka section of the front , our anti-aircraft gunners intercepted several drones, and the osa missile systems were working. these systems can destroy the smallest enemy copters. the newest weapons used in the svo were presented today at international forum army. i will remind you that the exhibition includes more than 20 thousand samples of military products and they were presented today. several new products, ainur vali akhmetov will tell about them. at this training ground, almost everything flies to the target, and although the shooters are not professionals, the latest russian small arms. studies successfully, instructors conduct a visual demonstration of the capabilities of russian weapons for foreign journalists in the arsenal all the most modern pistols, machine guns, machine guns, some of them are already
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used in the area of ​​​​the special military operation. the second day of the army forum begins with practical actions, the so -called dynamic demonstration of the power of russian weapons. india uses small arms of the kalashnikov concern, we trust this weapon. russian designs. weapons are reliable and simpler than in the west. a menacing combat burp was heard today at the exhibition display. and this is the modernized bmp-3 that woke up, equipment that can be controlled without a crew. it is important for equipment, apparently, that it constantly works. yes, that it works. it is installed here remote control, also towers, chassis. today we presented a unique combat training yag-130. we are installing an on-board radar station in the nose of the fuselage, and also adding an optical-location station with television, thermal imaging and laser channels.
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high-precision weapons will soon go into serial production, which are many times superior to their american counterparts. the general concept of our enterprise is to create weapons that will surpass imported counterparts and allow us to have an advantage on the battlefield. these and other the secretary of the security council of russia sergei shaigu and his belarusian colleague examined promising models of weapons today. they also visited the site with captured equipment from the svo zone. the second day of the forum was marked by the signing of state contracts. the total volume is already about 500 billion rubles. this means that the army will receive more than 500 models of weapons over a million units of weapons. ainurakhmetov, alexey gorshkov, dmitry chernikov, oleg dubinin, yulia brileva. vesti.
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8:15 none of these people voted for trump or musk's voice was not heard, only electronic music was playing from the speakers. cyber-sabotage, someone had promised to provide a colossal reach of potential voters to the republican candidate by the most famous.
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the international team will leave the port of murmansk on the nuclear breaker 50 years of victory, schoolchildren from different countries will be the first listeners of the northernmost lecture hall organized by the knowledge society, get acquainted with the achievements and technologies of the nuclear industry and plant the flags of their countries on the north pole. we we will try to immerse the children in science, in the nuclear industry, in different areas we took scientists, outstanding experts with us, and you know, it will be...
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centuries, which ivan the terrible, boris godunov, tsarevna sophia alekseyevna held in their hands , the vestments of the clergy, church utensils of different eras. each visitor will see this exhibition from the side that the visitor himself writes and that the visitor himself forms. the historian, of course, will discover a significant artifact. of the past associated with the life of russian rulers, and also visible state and church figures of different eras, but most importantly, the exhibition, equipped with advanced interactive technologies, will help visitors feel the continuity of the spiritual and cultural tradition of our people and feel their real involvement in it, it is extremely important that such wonderful exhibitions, which simply
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take your breath away from those...
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are forced to part under pressure of circumstances, will they withstand the test of separation? watch four new episodes, right after the evening news. well, we continue follow the development of the main events in russia and abroad. stay with us! friends, our destiny is in our hands, everything we dream about will happen. and it is absolutely obvious that in the near future we will live in a completely different world, and our children will live as if on another planet. the name of psychologist alexey sitnikov thundered throughout the country in the early nineties. he was the first to bring the soviet.


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