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tv   Moskovskii roman  RUSSIA1  August 14, 2024 12:20am-1:26am MSK

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my god, sir, where did it come from, a company secret, i hunted for it for six months, almost sold the devil's soul, but now it's yours, we'll continue the family tradition, look how much it resembles your great-grandmother, right? maybe she's just looking at her portrait, it could very well be, thank you, it's the best gift in my life, so what, what did they say, vava, i'm pregnant.
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it's already the sixth week, what should i do now, we 're having a baby, people, do you hear, and do you hear, you're having a baby, we're having a baby, what amazing tactlessness, being a day late birth. i don't have one, it's a shame i didn't persuade you to have another child, now we would have another daughter, well, dude, one is quite enough, believe me, well, where do they carry her,
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well, yes, if we move this thing to the window, our bed with you to this wall, the crib here, otherwise there's a draft from the window, 5 months, what are 5 months, in august it will be 5 months, what do you think, the belly will be very noticeable, can i ask mom, what about, i have a competition in august, she's completely crazy, i have to fly there on a plane, freak out for a long time, rehearse. no, i won't let you play the violin until you give birth, i've been preparing for so long, you need to prepare for something else now, why are you so sad, i'm afraid, i'm afraid too, but everything will be fine , you see, we'll manage, hey, we'll manage, and i decided to write: a book, yes, great, yes,
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something like an essay on art history, but not for specialists, but for those who simply love painting, bullets, give me what, make a sound, he has the remote control, yura, make a sound, according to preliminary data from the victim, at least fifteen bullets were fired. he died on the spot, all possible versions of the murder are currently being checked, including the version related to his business activities. for god's sake, yura, make me laugh, what happened anyway? this is laska's father, laska, alisa, my business partner, i told you, you didn't say that you had a partner, you just never listen to me. yes, i know everything, from the news, where are you? where i can't hear, don't
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go anywhere, i'll be there soon, are you going to leave me here alone on my birthday, don't you understand, his father was killed, no, i don't i understand, you can just express your condolences, sweetheart, my best friend since childhood, and i am your wife, and you are ready to leave me for a stranger, sometimes it seems to me that you are a stranger, and have been for a long time. or maybe arseny, arseny vladimirovich, mom doesn't really like torkovsky, who? it doesn't matter, maybe yegor? yegor. mom! you can't imagine, we have
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such news, you didn't come to the restaurant, i suppose, you simply forgot that you have a mother, that it's your mother's birthday, we just had things happen. or rather, one circumstance, it's you, vladimir, you yourself savage, and my daughter is rapidly losing her human form next to you, mom, please listen, so i strongly urge you to immediately resolve your housing problems and leave my house tomorrow morning.
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go, daughters, i can handle it, i can handle it now. what, are you flying away? what about business? and i was hoping you would ask, what about us, i will not raise a child in this country,
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i don’t want to, what child, i didn’t understand, i’m pregnant, tychkin, i wanted to make a surprise, it worked out, here. i’m pregnant, go away, tychkin, close the door behind you and go away.
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i thought you wouldn't come. i thought so too, i remembered who laska was, that's the girl you wanted to marry, right, actually i didn't want to, if you remember. did you sleep with her? i knew it would end like this, you always loved her, how
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could we ruin everything, and what happened to us? it would have been better if you had confessed right away. lord, how humiliating this is, lord! you never loved me, and i 'm kicking you out, me!
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mom, somehow it's not from god, mom, mom, mom, he
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abandoned us, your precious yurets, swept us off like trash from the table, drink, please, drink immediately, what's wrong with you, and he'll leave you, drink your life away, throw you in the trash, they're all the same, all of them, mom, calm down, calm down, drink some water, call an ambulance quickly, okay, which ambulance, choose, either him or me, what are you doing, what are you doing? leave, leave completely, you,
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mom, you, of course, you, just please, i beg you. child, everything repeats itself, everything,
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and what repeats itself, i'll give you my bedroom, a girl should have a spacious room, and if it's a boy, that's stupid. girls are always born in our family, you'll have girl, agniya, agniya aleksandrovna aksakova, why are you sitting there like a pig, come on, get up, let's go, we have a million things to do.
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it's time for me to see you at the table like this for the last time, mom, i just didn't have time, i'm sorry, there was so much work yesterday, well then get up an hour earlier, like me, you'll be able to do everything, hi bam, hi, mom, watch the little finger of your left hand. you were out of tune, i heard, i just didn't hit the key, you beat me up yourself, it's impossible to throw off a good violinist, you don't practice enough, no, well of course, if you want repeat the fate of your mother, i 'll be late for the conservatory, and get yourself in
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order. for god's sake, i have my first student in half an hour, we will never take them off, i promise, i promise, i promise, my husband and son are missing, i think she's missing too, i won't stay here, i can't leave my friend in trouble, we have to go after them, you can shoot, i can, russian wife, only on the website in the application we look. welcome to the newest rixas hotel in sharm el-sheikh. rixas rodomis sharm el-sheikh. the perfect place for a family holiday, where everything is created for happiness and comfort of children and their parents. escape from
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everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's town in the region and an unforgettable vacation. rikssas rodomis sharmel sheikh. in krasnoyarsk , two mothers are fighting for three-year-old lara: foster mother oksana has become closer to the baby than the biological one, but the real mother nadezhda, who was released from prison, did not like this, she went to court demanding the return of the child. a similar
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story unfolded in irkutsk, but there the biological mother went to kidnap her daughter. in our program there is a face-to-face meeting of mothers, adopted. and biological, is there a chance to get their babies back? malakhov, tomorrow on rtr, they won't ask us, you sinned, they ask us, only lions loved without raising their heads, we will say, bitterly, yes, alas we loved, how we loved, i'm listening to you, say, yura, where are you, i'm waiting for you at work. hello, what's your name? i can hardly remember. what difference does it make, the taxi will be there in 5 minutes.
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and you're hanging around bars again and dragging strange girls into the house, we have a meeting with client in an hour, i know, and how is garik doing, he's taking his exams, unlike you, he can't see, what a pest.
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what the hell, and you're late again? alex, open up, right now, garik, hi, hello, why the hell are you turning on your phone, yeah, mom! always calling with exams, with these, uh, new word in macroeconomics, yeah, yeah, something like that, come on, wake up, let's go have breakfast,
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let's go, egor, i'm already late, who cares, i haven't seen you for 3 days, two, especially, remember, finally, that the big sixth is up, it's a christmas tree born in the forest, do la, la, sol, la, fa, but you are able to sing this grigorijlyai dulyalyamph, okay, happy for today, and don't
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hope to slip through due to abilities, without knowing salfej it is impossible to become a good musician, my granddaughter agniya at your age freely read from sight from... and could sing it from any measure in the right key, cool, no doubt she will become an outstanding musician, thank you very much, goodbye, goodbye, we fly on the ribbon of the river, over the gray haze, as always your perfume reminds you, thunders enthusiastic.
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metro, we fly faster, we have nowhere to hide from our capricious love, moscow, in love with the capital, i know, even in whims you are right, on...
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in the summer send to london for an internship, to the sea, let him go, he is 19 years old, he needs to start building a career, he needs to drink wine from the bottle with beautiful girls swim at night, and so tell him that you don't care about your son's future, of course i don't care, i want him to be happy right now, happiness is a prestigious profession, decent earnings a successful career, danu, uh-huh, or won't you tell me? two cappuccinos on the third, a line with soy milk, we drank all the soy milk, pour some.
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there is, no one will understand anyway, wait, wait, - you seem to be this, well, you are interested , thank you, i will cover for a couple of minutes, i will smoke, come on, maybe we will go together, yeah, to the exhibition, in the process of regulating the size of the money multiplier by the central bank, the concept of money bass arises, well, did you pass the session, which is based on cash as the most liquid and deposits in commercial banks banks in brackets mandatory in the central bank. in the central bank, what with
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you again, nothing, what is this street called, a complete psychopath for sure. lord, not a single fat table, i will never pay back a loan like that, i wish it would be evening already, at least decent people would come, quietly, you are a regular client, but what kind of client is she, she sits for half a day with one cup of coffee, i think that pensioners have no reason to hang out in expensive cafes, especially if they have no money, okay, let's go to the gym, otherwise the manager will come, you have no right, i will
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complain, you go ahead, uncle! they told you, this is dirty territory, you don't dare, i am a direct descendant of the radzevils, i am everything, everything, some kind of disgrace, will you allow me? sit down, when will you finally stop lying, a direct descendant of the radzevils, and this is completely unimportant, i am a hereditary doorman and this is enough, irina, in the end, calm your dogs, i came to you, my god, you have not changed, you have not changed, how long have we not seen each other,
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40, 30.5 years, every time i am amazed, why do some people eat like crazy, and at the same time are skinny, and some have to exhaust themselves, maybe you have worms, norik, i am probably a fake for him. just a worker gave, hello, who, fox, you, me, some guy, yes, you're in moscow, yes, i 'm in moscow, just arrived on a business trip, didn't even have time to buy a sim card, well , i thought, maybe we'll see each other,
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i'll finally meet my daughter, she's already grown up. she can decide for herself, or does your mother still decide everything for you, i haven't been to russia for almost 30 years, and there you can't imagine what kind of halls i've filled, milanitsa paris, and what an audience, fees, interviews, temptations, of course, terrible roaring ones, but music, first of all, music has always led me, do you want anything else, yes, i'd like a drink that's refreshing, do you have beer, the bill, please, and then the inflammation and the tendon, you remember, i've always had a weak tendon in my left hand, a nervous breakdown, as a result of a fall, like dostoevsky, no, like dante, through all the circles of hell to the very bottom, i hope you 'll let me treat you. a sign of the
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beautiful things that happened between us. excuse me, damn it, huh! i forgot my wallet, no, no, no, i really forgot, don't think anything of it, honestly, by the way, i have a gift for you, a small one, nonsense, of course, but especially for you, i hope you like it, and i also started performing again, for now, of course, in a chamber setting, but this is only the beginning, the beginning of a new life, by the way, tomorrow i have a performance, at the opening of an exhibition, well... a jewelry exhibition, you always loved jewelry, goodbye, stas , wait, wait, of course, but i think we'll drop by to see you, no, we won't, listen, i didn't understand, so will you be there tomorrow or not, the opening is at seven, you didn't even ask how lisa is, how
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lisa is, who is it, him? who is he? come on, koliz, don't keep me in suspense, vova, ogneshkin's father, i told you, he's in moscow, damn it division, and what does he want a date with? well , anyway, why are you sitting there? go make an appointment at the hairdresser's, get your hair removed, so that it's a full parade and... buy her new ones, you don't have any decent panties, panties, damn it, fox, you're an idiot, okay, don't buy anything, i 'll bring you mine tomorrow, new ones, don't be afraid of the label, there 's some lace in the front, red, and rhinestones under the belly button, there's nothing at all in the back, thongs,
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just don't bend over too quickly, they'll cut you in half in one fell swoop, checked, what? fox, fox, what's wrong, how are things at the conservatory? yes, i rehearsed all day, my head hurts, i have no strength at all, this is nonsense, a small fee for great music, the main thing is to perform well, yeah, i always had a headache after 4 hours of rehearsal too. but now your head has absolutely nothing to hurt from, you can be happy, and what would you do, go to lenin library, work on a book, and how productively, and how about your report, balance, everything
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is fine, mom, thank you, passed, that is , everyone has how many, as always. you will grow up agnie and understand that you are happiness. peace is the only thing worth it pay. calm, measured , the opportunity to do your own thing. without this , any family is doomed. thank you, mom, thank you, grandma, i'll go and do some more work, and then go to bed, i'm tired . go, rest, i'll clean everything myself.
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agnisha? ognesha, honey, wake up, it's very important to me, yesterday one person called me, that is, not one person, but a very specific person, you have a goodbye, or what, my, your dad is in moscow, what joy, and what, how what, wanted to see you, me too, but first of all with you. mom, i wanted to see him the last time i saw it was when i went to first
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grade and grandma threw a huge tantrum, let's do it without me, okay, be quiet, otherwise grandma will hear, okay, i'll come, but only for you, where do you meet, in one cafe, look, i wrote down the address, we were there the first day, well, how... we met, then we went there often, at seven in the evening, it's convenient for you, yeah, he's a very good person, kind, you 'll see for yourself, agne, lisa, have breakfast, just don't tell grandma, she, she.
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dates, finally, a date, wow, with whom, let me know, actually, this is my mother's personal business, unfortunately, all her personal affairs very quickly become mine, and for life, and you are a prime example of this, one scoundrel was not enough for you, you are going to bring another one into the house, and tie up your hair, you are not a girl anymore, after 40 years it is simply indecent, only 38, nevertheless, tidy yourself up remember
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once and for all, at your age there is no hope of meeting a decent person, i hope that you will not repeat your mother's mistakes, will not tie your fate with who got into it, although it will be very difficult, all normal men have already died out, back in the century before last, and what about uncle oleg, and uncle oleg is with us?
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sergi, beautiful, thank you.
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see you, granny, i'll be late again today.
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won't get lost, why aren't you at class?
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maya albertovna, forgive me for interrupting. but, yes, yes, later, come to my office, darling, and we'll discuss everything, hello, you miss too many classes, aksakova, the methodology of teaching playing an instrument, a compulsory subject for everyone, as well as analysis of musical works, but at i have almost never missed a single class. in physical education, i have seen many talented students from oxak, much more talented than you, most of them have not achieved anything, do you know why, they also missed the methodology, no, they relied too much on their talent, if you do not stop these endless absences, as
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a dean, i will raise the issue of your expulsion. rix sharmaьsheikh is a hotel for unforgettable impressions for adults only 18+. here
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you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs with the whole world and...
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who do you look like, what kind of horror is this? "it's bad with such hair, and my mother also said, who needs your hair, how are you dressed, as i thought, yes, you didn't think anything, fox, you have nothing to think with, are you going on a date or to the bird for potatoes, here you need a neckline the size of siberia and a leg from the hip, so that the whole product is immediately in front, allochka, what product, this is vneshkin's father, we are he, in general, there is nothing to show"? he knows, then i always dressed modestly, what did it lead to, your father ran away ogneshki, only he was seen, if only dressed immodestly, so i would sit under your skirt, re mi, fa, so la. enough, gregory, and now with the modal alteration, please, i feel awkward asking you for help, but
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could you, i would really like to listen to this disk, maybe you know who to contact for this, i only have an ancient one, no one has disk drives now, take this, is this an mp3 or? four, don't worry, irina alexandrovna, i'll find out everything now, this is ronaldo, he knows how old he is, he's my age, my older brother gave it to me, so, let's, so, now we'll find out everything, so.
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thank you, grigory, for your help. and what kind of music was it? i don't know, i 've never heard it before. i think you know everything? i thought so too. and who played it? one very good scraper from the distant past, but already smart, yes, for me yes, honestly,
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my dear, i don't understand why they chose to perform the devilish trill of tortini, you, of course, have good technique, but the third part, even the experience of the turntable is beyond it. "i can handle it, maya albertovna, in such a in this case we will do trills with double stops, i have selected special exercises for your fingers, nobertovna, forgive me, i have to run, my grandfather is sick, very sick, and first i have to go home, and then to the hospital to see him, that's the end, through the whole thing." well, of course, my dear, well, maybe since you have such difficult
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family circumstances, you should think about another piece, i can handle it, my albertovna, and this violin, let it lie with you, okay, and i'll take it tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, you leave the instrument, excuse me, that's it, i'm going, well, what have you painted yourself, well the color is not yours at all, yes i 'll at least put on some human makeup, it's scary to look at, alochka, please don't , take it, my friend, for luck, you'll change it in a cafe, i'm trying for you. well , go ahead, with god, so that i can dance at your golden wedding, go, i hate tourists,
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we've been digging around for 2 hours, we haven't bought anything, i don't understand why we're spending money on this damn shop, it's just losses and it's a waste of time , the shop is needed for image, you just don't know how to communicate with people, i've been telling you for a long time, we can... allow the seller, well, since we can afford your bordeaux, and by the case, don't you dare criticize me and i'm not going to, it's no use anyway, you'll be hanging around with women again, why, i'm going to an exhibition, do you want to come with me, who's exhibiting, promising, family heirlooms, i want to see, oh my god, this jewelry again, i 've told you 100 times that this doesn't make any investment sense, and me? sweetheart, i just love beautiful things, bye, sweetheart,
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try not to get completely drunk, try to go to bed alone at least once, damn money, oh you, garik, damn you! how are you, hi, dad, you gave me the keys yourself, did you
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forget? of course i forgot, you're going to see your mother, she's upstairs, yeah, no, i'm coming to see you, ten's enough, yeah, i'm not after the money, dad, you're healthy, absolutely fine, here you go! there's problems at the institute, yeah , everything's fine, what then? yeah, i don't know , i just missed you, haven't seen you for a long time, okay, come with me to the gallery, you'll see the most legendary pearl in the world, then we'll hole up somewhere in a bar, we'll sing and dance until the morning, yeah, no thanks, dad, i don't want to, something happened, listen, how to please a woman, well, not a woman. found problems, son, don't promise anything, give compliments, pay for everything in cash, any will be yours, okay, dad, for now, don't believe me, or what, it works flawlessly, son, checked.
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i've already arrived, i'm waiting outside, and where are you? i'm stuck in a traffic jam, well, don't hang around outside, if you're tired of it, go to a cafe, wait for me there, i'll find the way myself somehow, okay, why did you come so late , there's almost an hour left before the meeting,
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open the door, please.
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where are they?
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liza. accounting, excuse me, what kind of music was that? did you perform? sonata number 13 for violin sou, who is the composer? stanislav vishnevetsky, wow, i 've never heard of such a thing, i hope when... you hear something else, and you are also musicians, what the hell, are you playing,
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wow, forgive me, please, forgive me, forgive me, i'll never, you tried to kill me, and don't even deny it, now you simply have to watch la peregrina with me, please, how has everything changed here? well, and the prices, however, students should be interested here now, i'm not hungry at all, honestly, we can just order some tea, well what else, thank god i'm not a pauper, i can afford to treat my family. once in so many years,
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sorry, from work, we'll call back later, oh, steaks, nothing there. in the picture, you eat meat, i eat everything, well that's right, otherwise fashion is stupid now, everyone around is on diets, and you're great, it hasn't changed at all, almost, where is your daughter, but i can't get through , i promised to come, she was very happy, but she doesn't answer, where are the zones, no... that she doesn't pick up the phone, how do you like it, pearl, after all, unique, legendary, honestly, carrion, don't you like it
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jewelry, no, i love it, just not like this, but what kind, let's go, have a look, here... yes, interesting work, lively, you mean this little pectoral cross, right, and as you guessed, i adore mal, especially cloisonné, incredibly complex technique, i have a special radar, yuri teklinsky, a bit of an antique dealer, a bit of a restorer, yuri, further, as by patronymic, for colleagues not as, what are you, we are colleagues, as far as i understand. you are studying to be a jeweler, almost guessed, well at least you have a name, agnia, a beautiful name, the main thing is not hackneyed, parents
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tried, no, granny, to convey to her the old lady, my congratulations, she is a certain person with taste, granny is not an old lady, the most beautiful woman in the world, without looking at you, i readily believe, fire, do you want me to show you real unique jewelry. which you will never meet at exhibitions, in my store there is something unusual, i tell you for sure, but i want, let's go, so, i forgot that ... damn, there is a hairpin, m,
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only invisible, it will do, great, yuri, tyklinsky, the great terrible, and you are not afraid, maybe i am a robber or a maniac, i am not afraid, yes, please, so simple, no, of course, from the other doors, electronic keys, thank god, i have them, please, here, please, wait for me here, i'll now...
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bring my treasures, mom, hi, forgive us, they urgently drove us to the philharmonic for practice, and i had to turn off the phone, and grandma called something, dial, i'll say that i'll be late, okay, yes-yes, i got it, that's it, kiss you, run. "she won't come, practice is absolutely unavoidable , well, she's alive and well, that's the main thing, we'll meet another time, i'm here for a month, if no more, a whole bridge is needed to the ministry, it will take a long time, let's eat already, i
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'm hungry as hell, wait." "let's drink to us, to us, love painting, i can't stand it, impudent, and what about music then, don't even say a word about it in my presence, so, why? you see, i was unlucky enough to be born." intelligent family and i was told since childhood that i am obliged to love music, painting, literature, classical literature, but i don't want to love what i am obliged to, i want to love what i love, i agree with you, my god, these are games, m, do you really understand decorations, these are really igrats, hairpins, the oldest in my collection is from the 16th century, the time of marie antoinette, you can, of course, of course.


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