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tv   Osinoe gnezdo  RUSSIA1  August 14, 2024 1:25am-2:26am MSK

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wait, let's talk about us, about us, you love painting, i can't stand it, that's cheeky, but what about music then, don't even say that word in my presence, so... why? you see, i was unlucky enough to be born into an intelligent family and i was told since childhood that i have to love music, painting, literature , classical literature, but i don't want to love what i have to, i want to love what i love, i agree with you, oh my god, these are grettas, yeah, you really know about jewelry, these are really games, hairpins, the oldest in my collection from the 16th century.
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the time of maria antoinette, of course , of course, the 1910s, the second quarter of the 1910s, that's definitely the year 900, then everyone was crazy about stars and crescents, there's nothing from the marie antoinette period here, but that 's true. i keep my most precious things in a special place, don't lie when you say you have them, i can show them to you, but you'll have to come to my house, of course, not now, why, now, i'm in no hurry, boldly.
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very boldly, a strange feeling, as if i've already been here, thank god, no, well what, you don't have any marie antoinette-era games? right, wow, of course you'll allow it?
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damn, you weren't born in a palace by any chance, a two-room khrushchev-era apartment, we'll lock you
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up. novel! continuation, watch tomorrow on rtr. rixas premium sigegate. family fun starts here. every detail is designed for your pleasure. enjoy the children's water park, lush green gardens , the beauty of the coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in the world.
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comfort, your vacation - your rules, titanic deluxe, golf bellet - the best choice for unforgettable vacation. good evening, on air news from st. petersburg, in the news studio igor strakhov, briefly about the main thing. strengthening interethnic harmony. alexander begulov met with representatives of the spiritual administration of muslims of st. petersburg. the hostel of the northern capital is being prepared for the new academic year and is offering alternative housing for first-year students. special purpose race in the leningrad region, competitions were held for fighters of the rosgvardia unit. they stabbed 111 times, washed away the blood, and ran away. probable the killers of a twenty-five-year-old st. petersburg resident were sent to jail. he met with
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representatives of the spiritual administration of muslims of the se. strengthening spiritual and moral values, the governor noted that the city government appreciates the efforts of muslim activists to strengthen interethnic harmony in the northern capital, the head of the city also spoke about plans to restore the mosque building, this year to begin designing the front facade from the western minor, the design will also begin this year, so that in order to...
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at the end of the meeting, alexander briglov said that now more than ever the unity of residents is needed, and the main support in this is the common values, traditions and historical memory for all. student dormitories are being prepared for the new academic year, while the ministry of education and science is considering new approaches to organizing student accommodation. sergey nichai found out what universities think about this . the university dormitories are making their final preparations. with the new academic year , housekeepers are changing furniture, carefully vacuuming carpets, and the first to return from summer vacation, while still half-empty, are seniors and graduate students, our block, here we have a hallway, a wardrobe for things, shoes, there is a neighbors' room, a drying rack, to dry things
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, a toilet, a bathroom, everything is here, and this is my room, those who have already managed to acquire a student life, the beginning of an independent life remember with nostalgia, when i ... moving into a rented apartment you need to make a deposit, you need to make some kind of down payment, then every month you pay some cost for the apartment itself plus utilities, and
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we are talking about a cost not twice as high, yes, 20 times, the first in line are always beneficiaries, they must be provided with housing by law, the rest... all of our students in need who study on a budgetary basis are fully provided with places, but in order to help the guys who study on a commercial basis, we cooperate with a wide range of partner accommodation facilities. this is a dormitory of state universities. the st. petersburg higher school of economics offers. places in five of its own dormitories, two of which underwent major repairs this summer, were discussed at the university statement by the minister of science and higher education valery folkov. he received proposals to build premises for students with a legal status different from dormitories. it is assumed that the buildings will be as
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comfortable as apartments with rental prices below the market price. if we talk specifically about the construction of residential buildings, which imply rent, then... a service for selecting rental housing with the possibility of partial compensation of costs, the conditions
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are often more comfortable than in dormitories, although the prices are different. there are different categories, somewhere they pay 8,000, somewhere around 12, somewhere around 20 thousand rubles. that is, here each student chooses according to his own pocket, let's say, therefore this program, it is probably similar to what our minister said, here, but here, in contrast, it is different in that we are not talking about the need to build some additional places, we are talking about the fact that we are concluding an agreement with various existing real estate objects. as for the construction of university campuses, now in st. petersburg there are three projects in various stages of implementation: new publications will appear at the medical pediatric university and spbu. and the largest construction project is at itmo. the work is being carried out within the framework of the state program, which envisages the creation of twenty-five modern campuses throughout the country by 2030. a real educational center with apartment-type dormitories for 3,500 people will grow up in the city. the first
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students will move in there next year. sergey nichai, roman chui, oleg trenichev and nikolay shvedov. vesti petersburg. during a working visit, alexander beglov met with military personnel. the governor said that the city is doing everything possible to support the fighters of the special military operation. transport, equipment, and special means are regularly sent to the svo zone. and in st. petersburg. the whole country celebrates the air force day, you are a blessing, this is a huge army and you reliably protect our city, and during the great patriotic war you always protected, there were a lot of heroes here, and today the fighters are also protecting our country.
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fighters, the forty-seventh region awarded orders posthumous awards to relatives of the deceased courage. the ceremony was held in the government of the leningrad region, in memory of the heroes of the svo. selflessness in the performance of service the order of courage is awarded for bravery and duty in this case military, thank you very much for the fact that in your families there were and are, because heroes do not go anywhere, there were and are such. heroes, of whom we are proud, thank you for understanding for this attitude
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to their military duty, which they fulfilled to the end. after the ceremony of presenting the orders, the relatives of the deceased talked with the governor and discussed issues that concern social support measures. in the leningrad region, a competition of fighters of special units of the russian guard was held. participants pulled themselves up, overcame an obstacle course in plostunsk, carried. weights, special attention to fire training, competed in pistol and machine gun shooting accuracy, all stages went without a break, they fought for victory at the limit of their capabilities, but the truth was helped by the emotional support of their comrades, faster, come on, come on, come on, tear, tear, tear , tear, tear, handsome, in third place were the scouts of the thirty-third brigade of operational designation of the north-western district berkut, the second and first places went to the fighters of sobr, granit-2, and granit 1, respectively. in a few minutes we will continue, stay with us.
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st. petersburg is the pride of russia. we preserve, revive our monuments and build a new city. heirs of peter i, we continue him. and increase the glory of our city, relying on the great past, we build the present and confidently look to the future. alexander beglov. together we create st. petersburg of the 21st century. ldpr is the oldest party in russia. we have been protecting the residents of st. petersburg for 35 years. today, the ldpr has a new leader, leonid slutsky. the party has a new development strategy and new goals. the fight against microfinance organizations, strict regulations for business, development
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of the digital economy, support for regional producers. here are our. dachas. ldpr. sludsky yakovlev. for you. dear friends. hello, my name is pavel bragin. i am running for the post of governor of st. petersburg from the green party. i sincerely believe that our city should be greener and more environmentally friendly. i plan to introduce restrictions on the movement of vehicles with internal combustion engines in the center, expand the infrastructure for the use of electric scooters, as well as electric cars, and ban the use of plastic bags. and i believe that together we can make... in st. petersburg greener. comrades, i, a communist, sergei malinkovich, am running for the governor of st. petersburg, leningrad. the october revolution began here in our city. today, our goals are the same, but the methods are different. we will create soviet government of the city without capitalists, without pseudo-communists, without liberals. we will revive industry, revive
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the system of vocational education, return our beloved leningrad to the rails. socialist construction, in the suspected brutal murder of twenty-five-year-old petersburg women, a measure of restraint was chosen, murat gonizhev and abdulmalik buzurtanov were sent to jail, they are accused of a particularly serious crime. according to the investigation, on august 1, the friends came to visit the woman in her apartment on krasnoput. this the surveillance cameras recorded footage of those with whom she returned home for the last time. then a quarrel broke out between them. the owners of the apartment were killed with brutal cruelty. 111 stab wounds were counted on the body. during the investigative experiment, the men showed how the victims were dealt with and how they got rid of the instruments of the crime. immediately after, they fled to ingushetia, where they were detained and extradited to
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st. petersburg. according to the materials of the criminal case, the probable killers were in a state of drug intoxication at the time of the crime. the court's decision, both defendants will remain in custody until october 7. we will continue to find out the weather forecast for tomorrow. hello with the media forecast in the studio leonid petrov. lots of sunshine, short rains in some places and no rehearsals for autumn. on wednesday, this will be the case with the weather in the st. petersburg region. according to the hydra center of st. petersburg, 14. grodno region will continue to have variable cloudiness, clear, dry and about 23° heat during the day in ladeynoye pole, the same situation will develop in tikhin, baksitogorsk and volukhovo, short-term precipitation, thunderstorms in some places and up to +25 awards, kereshko gadchini and vyborg. a little humid in the afternoon,
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maybe in st. petersburg. in the northern capital , moderate wind and 22 to 24° above zero are expected. on thursday night in the city it will be no more than +14 already mostly without precipitation a good day mood in any weather. street racers in st. petersburg outpaced the traffic police. state traffic inspectors received information about the location of the upcoming race. by the time the patrol officers arrived , more than a hundred cars had already gathered at the autopath in the area of ​​the bronka port. during the inspection, the third of them evacuated to a special parking lot with suspicion of having the numbers changed. for this violation, the owners face.
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this summer i spent away from the city, through the open windows came the noise of the trees, the smell of herbs. on the table lay old yellowed records and i wrote a book about a strange man. the author of these is strict. alexander romanovich luria himself was not a very ordinary person, a romantic scientist who dreamed of building a fruit and slowly floating on it, observing what
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was happening around him, but for some reason he couldn’t realize this seemingly simple human desire, something always got in the way, maybe the 20th century, with its wars, revolutions and... it worked, but he knew how to observe, observe like no one else, on a walk, walking
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along a familiar road for the umpteenth time, he was alive looked around with interest, noticing something new, something unique, look, lanushka, there are silver cobwebs on the fir trees, autumn is coming soon, threw back the leather case, took aim, choosing a frame, moving away further, approaching or squatting and cheeks. in the country house that alexander luria bought for his family, his wife lana and daughter elena, in the moscow region village of svistukha, a unique archive is kept. here are children's diaries, manuscripts and business letters from all over the world, and medical records of patients and...
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to the burdenko institute of neurosurgery specialists from all over the world came. illaria warned that those who know english should come to the analysis, so that everyone who came there specifically to listen, watch, and so on, could understand him. alexander romanovich himself spoke english fluently, knew german, french, farsi. luri is one of those scientists who are simply idolized in the west - take them, open them, luri is everywhere. he believed that the main tool
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of a doctor, scientist or psychologist is observation, the ability to examine events from different sides. many scientists began to think that observation of real behavior could be replaced by electronic modeling or mathematical models. textbooks.
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luria categorically did not accept this approach, and always began work with any patient with a conversation. neurosurgery is a hard life, seriously ill patients, neighbors in the ward and everything else, so he was a source of return to themselves for them.
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at the center of these disorders is what, as he said, a neuropsychological factor, a person, for example, has some problems with memory, but we do not study only memory, we study the whole person from all sides, in order to then understand what is wrong with his brain, and how we can build a system of assistance, you understand, this approach is not from the disease, yes, but from people. luri created a syndrome analysis,
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this syndrome analysis. was revolutionary for that time, with simple understandable actions, without modern magnetic resonance tomographs, alexander romanovich, a brilliant diagnostician, accurately indicated the area of ​​brain damage. we suggest a person to draw a concept: joy, friendship, love, some individualized, small subject drawing, and after a while, after half an hour we ask him...
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the country has its territory, and so does the function, each function has its territory. alexander luria, observing patients with head injuries in hospitals, noticed that disorders, for example, memory, can be associated with damage to different areas. at the same time, damage to one area leads to disorders of both memory and speech attention. long painstaking work helped to get to the bottom of it. for the truth to form his own theory with the scientific name of the theory of systemic dynamic localization of higher mental functions of a person. each area of ​​the brain
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makes some contribution to the implementation of a mental function, that is, it brings in, and in order to implement this function, it is necessary to combine all these areas of the brain into one whole work, but each... a stroke or injury can break this chain of actions and the patient loses the ability to speak or think. over time, the functions of the affected areas can begin to be performed by other zones brain. the task that luria set for himself was to figure out how to activate them faster. the human brain remains an amazing apparatus that we have not yet recognized, completely destroying some aspects of our inner life, a splinter can
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leave other aspects unshakable and undamaged, preserving the previous capabilities of a person in full. and this allows him to fight. alexander luria saw the fight against physical and mental illnesses from his childhood. he was born in 1902 into a family of doctors. his mother, evgenia viktorovna, kept dental office, and his father roman albertovich was a respected general practitioner in kazan. the parents hoped that their son alexander and daughter lida would continue the family business. however, shura was not interested in medicine in his youth, he studied languages, loved literature, wrote a lot and quickly. he never reread what he had written, and even took offense if someone tried
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to edit him. and he had another amazing feature, he thought in texts. shura's childhood diaries are kept in the dacha archive. made by him on the day of the end of another the gymnasium class on april 15, 1915, thank god, was dismissed, a tomato handed out report cards, the first award, nothing, then stories about long-awaited holidays, bike rides, playing cricket. shura woke up early, grabbed the camera his father gave him and ran to meet the dawn. his carefree youth was interrupted by the revolution. almost no notes about this time have survived, a few lines about pogroms and executions in kazan, about the mistaken arrest of his father. fortunately, they quickly dealt with him and released him.
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a terrible time - recorded in his blue shura's revolutionary notebook and did not touch the diary for several years. may 1, 1920, today is labor day, today is festive labor, today is a day torn from the future, from a fairy tale, embodied in reality, today is the day of the future, shura began keeping a diary again in the twentieth year, when the revolutionary shock was left in the past,
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no more, no less than to freud himself, informing that he had opened such a circle and that he was its president, and what do you think? fred answered him. and the answer, of course, was perceived as something emotionally charged, significant, this is recognition, this is ordination, this is initiation, if we already speak the language of psychoanalysis. alexander immediately translated freud's book into russian, began to write articles, read reports, organized the journal "problems of psychophysiology of labor". as the chairman of the psychoanalytic circle, he outlined the goals of the task, get acquainted with new on... departments of personality psychology, contact leading soviet
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foreign scientists, loria studied this rule all his life. he formed a huge number of connections when he was already became a scientist with a name there and so on. the most famous scientists wrote to him, sent him various works, asked for his opinion on this matter, invited him to various congresses there and so on. so that he would speak and talk about how he works and what he does. and in the twenties , loria was just learning the new discipline and taking his first independent steps. having studied the theory of sigmund freud, he conducted a psychoanalysis of folk costumes. following ivan pavlov, he tested the theory of conditioned reflexes, and then hurried to petrograd to meet with the greatest psychiatrist of that time, vladimir bekhterev.
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two sciences, medicine psychology, and if he is not supported at home, he goes to moscow, goodbye, kazan, in a small room there is no time, when i enter a small room and click the door lock, time stops, the clock hands do not move and there is no sound of light. in moscow luria settled in a room in
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trekhprudny lane, soon vera blagovidova moved in with him, the young people met at kazan university. moscow, vera entered the studio of the chamber theater married her beloved man, a great observer. wanting to learn the unknown, he came to moscow, he was only 22 years old, and he was already in charge of the experimental laboratory of psychology, imagine, at 22, so in moscow, they did experiments, yes, as they say now, students. the staff was young and inexperienced, everyone was no older than 24 years old. and few had the appropriate training, but everyone
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was burning with enthusiasm, and the choice of work carried out on different reactions was really wide, white mice ran through mazes, various motor reactions of adult subjects were carefully studied, what was the point, in that it turned out that if a person is, as they say in the effect, that is, in a strong emotional state, a person cannot hide this effect, and part of the information that he might want to hide, it can give it away, that is, come out, find out the secret thoughts , a simple device, a dynamoscope, helped the researchers led by luria, it allowed record the reaction speed on paper, the first tests were conducted before an important exam, students were read a series of words, among which were neutral,
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unrelated to the effect, critical, exam, formula, ticket. it turned out that the reaction speed of the response to some words that are significant for a person changes, then this discovery of luria was adopted by the investigative bodies, they took away used this method to crack criminals back then in 24. we were given a murder case to study and were brought suspects even before interrogation. "we singled out affective words that were related to the situation of the crime, for example, if a person killed someone with a hammer and hid a pipe in a pile of coal, then hammer and coal were affective words for him. by hiding them among neutral ones, i could count on the fact that it was
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on these words that the criminal would stumble and give me symptoms of effective reactions. our plan was successful. however, luria and his associates were least concerned with the practical outcome of the method ; they were attracted by the affects of children , adults, hysterics and neurotics, criminal students, they were attracted by science, under the yoke of ideological pressure of orthodox marxism, everything that... corresponded to ideology, everything , at best, was closed, or even persecuted, and alexander romanovich was forced to interrupt this work, a professional blow was followed by another,
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personal one, his wife vera admitted that she had met a man and asked for advice on what to do, luria suggested... a walk through moscow at night, and in the morning he packed his things and left their small room forever. at the dacha in svistukha contains postcards, photographs, speeches and a notebook called "rocks" with alexander's travel notes about his first trip abroad. he went on a medical tour with his father. what is an average american? who is the average person in america? the american army conducted a test study of 3 million adults. the results showed the average intelligence of a twelve-year-old child. before his trip to
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america, luria met a wonderful man with a strange. clarity and transparency of the eye, one of the most brilliant psychologists of our time. time. this is how director sergei izenshtein described vygotsky. izenshtein's main life goal was to create a general theory of expressiveness based on the achievements of modern science, and for this he tried to attract material that was incredible in volume and diversity: psychology, linguistics, history of painting, embryology and genetic psychology. all these areas, of course,
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interested iluria. he included ezenshtein in his circle of associates, together with him studied and even filmed the development of the embryo. conducted experiments under hypnosis, tried to understand the mechanisms of thinking of the outstanding mnemonist shirishevsky, patient sh. sh. she carefully looked at what was written, closed his eyes, opened them again for a moment, turned away at a signal reproduced. the written row, it did not cost him any effort to fill in the empty cells of the drawn table with numbers that indicated to him in the breakdown or to name the presented series of numbers in reverse order. for many years loria observed patient sh. conducted tests, tried to unravel his riddle. having collected the material, he published a small
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book about big memory. these are the mechanisms. figuratively described the world around him, compared ezenshtein's voice to a flame, and tembar called luria's main comrade -in-arms, yellow and
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crumbly. i divide my biography into two periods: small and insignificant, before meeting vygotsky, large and significant after meeting him. they met in 1924 at the second psychological congress. loria was impressed by the report "consciousness as a subject of psychology" read by vygotsky. vygotsky even before luria and before meeting him, he was also interested in the localization of mental functions in the brain. he was also interested in these complex functions of ours, speech, creativity, yes, thinking, but then vygotske began to develop this topic more from the point of view of psychology, here is the cultural-historical approach, how culture, how society influences, how we can do all this.
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different cultures can provide valuable information about the origin and organization of human intellectual activity. but they were the first to draw up an action plan, according to which alexander luria went to central asia. there, along with active revolutionaries, there lived supporters of the traditional way of life. scientists assumed that the thinking of those who lived according to religious statutes and...
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a humorous message fell into the hands of party workers. luria was accused of all mortal sins, including racism. alexander. romanovich argued that people from different social groups think differently, but they did not listen to the scientist, they closed the expedition, suspended him from work at the institute of psychology, clouds were gathering over the profitable and friends entered the medical faculty of kharkov university. they lived in apartments, ate some kind of porridge at their friends' houses, whatever it was, there were conversations about science, about...
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in grief, supported her husband in '34, when borodyansky died, in '36, when psychology, following genetics
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, was declared an enemy science.
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the story of lieutenant lev zasetsky, patient z, formed the basis of another popular science book, the lost returned world. this is a story about how a bullet that pierced a man's skull and went into his brain shattered his world into thousands of pieces that he was never able to put back together. this book is about a man who gave all his strength to get his past back. speech, memory, attention, thinking, even if not 100%, a person can get back these lost functions. patient z, wanting to restore his world, tried all the methods proposed by luria. lev zasetsky carried out his tasks for more than 30 years and recorded the results in a diary, this helped him to get back the past, and
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alexander romanovich to identify patterns and found. scientific discipline, neuropsychology. neuropsychology is a science that studies how our psyche is connected in its manifestations, speech, thinking, emotions, in general, some of our, our behavioral some activity with the brain, with certain brain areas, and most importantly, neuropsychology emphasizes what will happen if these areas of the brain.
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and before that, the scientist continued to work under the threat of arrest, he was miraculously not detained in the doctors' case, was not convicted during the anti-semitic campaign, he was lucky, and the whole world, with which the great observer generously shared his discoveries. luria believed that the ideas of a scientist should live and be accessible
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to people, some to treat, others to be treated. with the onset of the khrushchev thaw, loria resumed correspondence with western colleagues. unexpectedly for himself, he learned that his scientific works had already been published in america and europe, that his ideas had already been picked up by psychologists from different countries. this news inspired new actions. in 1965 , alexander romanovich and the dean of psychology.
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together they pulled this off, imagine, in moscow in 1966, a group of almost 1500 foreign guests who presented. all of alexander romanovich's attention was focused on memory disorders on methods of helping patients, because this is what he
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saw as the main purpose of a neuropsychologist. all his life, observing, analyzing, creating, luria made people's lives happier and better. he gave the world great discoveries and great hope. when i reread the book, i am surprised at how much one person could do in life. dad himself never thought that he had accomplished much, and he did not even consider himself capable, said that he achieved everything only thanks to his hard work. in the summer of 1977, alexander romanovich luria was walking with his daughter along the forest paths around. favorite whistler, he asked elena to write more and take care of the dacha. after that, he left with his wife for the uzkaya sanatorium. there, on august 14 at 7:00
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in the evening, alexander luria died of cardiac arrest. on the table lay an unfinished article , the paradoxes of memory, which he had been working on that day. loria was undoubtedly a special scientist. he was a great observer. this is a knight of psychology without fear of reproach. i it seems that he got a thrill from his work, because there is so much to discover, so much to do in general, such a contribution to science in our country, in the world, it is impossible if you sit and say, let's work, well, let's work, this can only be done by feeling the joy of the process t... people come and go, but the creative sources of great historical events, ideas and deeds remain.
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