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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  August 14, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm MSK

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despite the endless fake news, he controls the situation in the belovsky district of the kurb region, the head of the district nikolai boloboev has just reported. thank you for watching the program 60 minutes, see you in the evening. about people who became heroes, about events that will go down in history, our author's program with olga armyakova and nikolai dolgachev. hello. there are millions of volunteers in russia now, and their number is growing every day, they selflessly help others. and this is a way of life, a choice of the heart, serving people. most volunteers, of course, women, they. our
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program today. they have their own front of work, while their men, brothers, husbands and fathers at the front line carry out tasks of a special operation, women, volunteers also contribute to the common victory. we love you very much, we are waiting for you and know that we will not betray, and we will not let you down. collecting food, clothing, sending humanitarian aid for fighters - this is only a small part of the duties that they ...
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a muff for hands, girls add with warmth from home, they also have time to cook, if borscht, then almost for the whole platoon, but soup only sublimated, to the front exclusively in this form, there the most necessary products are cabbage, yes, carrots, peppers, tomatoes, pasta, broth, and the most important thing is meat. all over the country women create people's regiments, a real army of volunteers, and for our artillerymen, signalmen, tankers, attack aircraft, they remain. a reliable rear, which does not abandon its own. today in our studio we will try to understand why women choose the path of volunteering, what motives of aspiration drive those who are ready to sacrifice their personal interests for the sake of others. hello, come in, hello, boys, we have guests, say hello, hello, hello, this is khanum.
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national dish, i have a big family, this is enough for everyone 100%. her house is always hospitable in the oriental way, a smile shines on her face. it's hard to believe that this young mountain woman is a mother of eight children. this is how our morning begins and the day ends. i didn't plan a big family right away, many children, my husband planned it. paratrooper olva kruzhenkova asmina met, when behind her there was a divorce, three kids on hands. the persistent officer immediately began. to court, the children fell in love with him, but the location of the eastern beauty had to be achieved for a long time. we met the lion in the city of pskov, he paid attention to me, and i ignored him very much. you know, it happens, a good girl and such a hooligan boy. that's exactly what we were. lev always proved in practice that she chose a real man. in the svo from the first days he commanded a platoon of a motorized rifle regiment of the taman division, whenever possible in ... he
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he loves it all, he loved it, the fighter kruzhenkov did not return from the last assault under the raisin, after he died, i dropped out of life for several months, but honestly, i did not want to live at all, when they say, well, you have children, well , you should, and you show me how hard it is to remember. how we made plans with him, we will go to the south, buy a house, raise children, we will meet old age there, asmina made their common dream come true, her children motivated her to do this, now they live in crimea, by the sea, the first time i ended up here was when i was lucky humanitarian aid to the soldiers, and then she raised the wounded in the hospital, now they call her the one who gives hope, i told everyone, i probably, well, i would give everything so that right now my husband would be lying here. it doesn’t matter what
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degree of injury he has, even talk to him, hug him, i consider this such a personal achievement of mine, that even if there were several, but i helped, i was a mother of many children... he loved children very much, he himself fooled around, he , he didn’t care, they were his children, not his, he lived by the principle that there are no other people's children, because he had a child in his soul, and he was like that, and for him it was so much, and he had such a difficult childhood, well, you
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started courting, but how did you conquer me, well, for 3 months he tried and sent everyone and the neighbors to me, so that at least i would start to say hello to him, and you didn’t accept it, no, not at all , the first. we had such a meeting, when he tried to say hello to me, to get to know me, i looked very coldly, walked past, he shouted after me, said: you will still be my wife, of course i laughed for a long time, but it happened, well yes, but of course it outraged me, it was funny, i went into the room, i remember, i think, this is impudence, well i have never seen anything like this, surprised , in general, when it finally happened, this surprised, this happened, when my neighbor knocked on my door, her husband and my lev served together. in the same company, knocked on my door, you were in the winter and said: "asmin, i really want to go to the skating rink, yeah, took the assault, but my vanya doesn't want to go with me, he won't let me go alone with levka, and levka knows how skating, i say, so from me,
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what is needed, come with me, at first i said, no, i probably won’t go, at that moment, my levka was in their room with her husband, they were talking and they again..." they sent him prompting her with the necessary words, a special operation , a small special operation, but in the end i agreed, but he had such a smile when i went and he walked as if you know, some kind of well, yes, that’s it, i’ve already achieved it, it was obvious from his look, but i think, well , we’ll see, in the end it turned out that i i don’t know how to skate either, he taught me, well, probably these are the moments like these, i saw in him probably this warmth of soul , yes... another man somehow, then we started dating, communicating, that is, one date like this was enough, so that, well, it wasn’t a date yet, a meeting of friends, but it was enough, and even more so, you know, such an important thing for me, maybe such a trump card was that my two
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older sons, they were little then, they waited every evening, they opened the door like this, i remember, and waited for the lion to come home from work, we were still we haven't even met him. that's how it is, let's hear now what his fellow soldiers think about what kind of fighter he was, comrade, attention, hello, hello, how have you recovered, pirozhki, i see too, damn, i'm normal, distance is not a hindrance for this friendship, sergey and alexander live in different cities, but they are constantly in touch, once they even created a special chat for communication, there are four fighters in it, who can be friends.
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he was trained right in battle under the guidance of an officer, platoon commander, lev kruzhenkov. i was untrained, like i hadn't been shot at, and he i was already prepared for everything, i just absorbed his every word, when i met him, we started talking about children, he says: how many do you have? i say, i have one daughter, he says eight, i say, eight in the evening, no, he says, eight children. at the front, sergei anatolyevich was nicknamed grandfather because of his seniority, and he , in a fatherly way, came up with the call sign of a tiger for the lion. because in battle he was accurate and dangerous, in the rear he was good-natured and quiet, only once was he seen ferocious, but he says, a man froze, decided to light a fire, almost burned it secret, and leo was angry, leb, stop it, what, what, stop it, we should have lost
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a good machine gunner and this moron, a fire , war, these are incompatible things, come on sasha, for the boys, for ours. here is the kingdom of heaven, guys, bright memory, war, chose us, war, drunk with the blood of friends, he hadn't seen each other for a long time, well, let's say, time
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had already passed, we were all on the phone, here we talked on video, and seryoga came, seryoga came, how did you meet - with lev, what kind of commander was he, he led the detachment in which you served, how we met, gathered at the recruitment, gathered our bars, the first volunteers who gathered from all over the union, that is, we already knew each other practically there. how did he show himself? wary, at first, yes, he was a very wary, silent person, because practically no one had combat experience, but he did, so he immediately tried to look at the person, he first looks, evaluates, and then either lets him approach or pushes him away, you both were wounded in combat actions, yes alexander, can you remember these cases of yours, yours well... i had a minisk rupture, they immediately sent me for evacuation, but it was under lyubimovka, and my hand, with my hand, well
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, a bird flew in, fp, yes, i didn’t have time to catch it, there was just a small passage there, well, and we parted ways, simply, she fell into my hand, here he tells stories, he blocked the drone with his hand, and now he’s embarrassed to talk about it, that is, he blocked the drone with his hand, well, there’s a small drone of some kind, i mean small, well, small, as far as the hand is, the drone exploded, you survived, and drone. let's count 1:0 in your favor, he was the one who got wounded, the second wound, it turns out, here is the hand, i learned this thanks to our grandfather, that it is, you know, just to take and hit a drone with your hand, it's incredible, well, there is a basement room, there are even more guys there , the guys were sitting there, it turns out, he saved them , the guys, maybe he always plays the poor guy, sergei was also wounded, and where did this happen, yes, well, it was under the waves that the mortars covered us, i was concussed, i was rolled on the tree,
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well, how can i say it, it broke a little, there was a severe concussion, severe, volnovakha was heavily damaged, many buildings were completely destroyed, many were mined, well now the situation there is different, let's see how the restoration is going, what is happening in this area now, where you fought, riddled gates, broken glass everywhere, a private house collapsed like cardboard, this is the outskirts. although not as often as before, but ukrainian militants continue to shell peaceful neighborhoods, they cannot come to terms with the fact that they had to leave this strategically important settlement, at the moment of arrival my mother was in the house, and my father only came out of the gate. this is footage of the aftermath of one of the recent arrivals of an american haiers missile, fired by ukrainian combat crews at volnovakha. ukrainian nationalists fired about four of them at the city. our successes at the front do not give rest to the commanders of the armed forces of ukraine, the russian military
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is pushing the enemy further and further away from donetsk and its environs, well, in the meantime , builders from different regions of the big country are entering the cities. volnovakha is being restored by forces chelyabinsk region and yamal. if we restore it ourselves, it will take at least three years. volnovakha is one of the first liberated cities in donbass. our military drove out the enemy back in march of 1922, and today the city is living construction. new schools, kindergartens, hospitals. the renovated institution is receiving patients at full speed. they are restoring churches. an artillery shell landed on this one, the blast wave tore the domes apart, but now the shrine is unrecognizable. we are trying as quickly as possible, because people want to return to the church. bell tower completely restored, the walls are painted, and the new domes can be seen from afar. to the delight of the parishioners, and this is the main thing. peaceful life is returning. today in our studio.
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are you doing, how are you helping the front? well, i have my own charity fund, which is more than 10 years old, earlier we helped abandoned people, what kind of volunteer activities for children in orphanages and so on, but when the special military operation came, naturally everyone came to our fund, the guys, when they left here, our contacts remained and when they were here they ... what they need and we understood that we would not have time to send the volume of cargo that needed to be sent now over 700 km, i wrote to the initiative groups of our region that let's do it this way, let's assemble a wagon. we were given two wagons, when the wagon arrived in the rostov region, we flew here by plane, unloaded it for 3 weeks , were engaged in issuing deliveries behind the belt, but this was a border zone, in february
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we already went, we drove behind the belt and we were already distributing in the combat zone, in march i... visited bakhmut for the first time, when there he was not ours yet, but i have five children, ekaterina has six children, i understand mothers perfectly, that is, when you do this, you do it from the heart and for the well-being of your children. thank you for your work, it is very valuable, very important for the front, katya, tell us how you help our guys, what was it, what motivated you, who if not us? "we do not abandon our own, ours need help, and we are here. and as for the spiritual component, yes, here is how you support the fighters, bring letters, maybe, here are the letters, you know, nothing will replace that sparkle in the eyes, that smile, that tear, when they read the letters, you are ready to give everything, when
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you hand over a letter to a soldier, we even had such a coincidence that we handed over a letter to a soldier, and it turned out to be a letter from vo i will read it later, thank you very much, well, that is, we drive in before the battle, in 2 hours they leave for a combat mission, when we drive in, even all the commanders say, this raises the spirit, when two girls who came for those 700 km, drive a car alone and deliver aid guys, it happens that by... we work proactively, but we know what we work for, thank you for your work, you also go on many humanitarian missions and to new regions, including in such areas
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, in 22 i was a volunteer in hospitals, first in moscow, branches of burdenka. vishnevsky, there were a lot of wounded, 22nd year is generally the beginning, there were a lot of seriously ill, there was a large flow, as much as i am afraid of blood and have always been afraid of everything, here i overcame myself, the first month, probably every evening, every night, yes there were it was hard, i cried and in general it was all so, very hard, and my - my husband, when the connection came through, i told him what i started doing, he kind of gave me the go-ahead, but for me to start taking humanitarian aid behind the tape to the combat zone , yes, he forbade me, this was the one person who could tell me no, and i would , yes, gritting my heart, there with my teeth, yes, like, well, okay, well, but here i didn’t agree, and here everything, here - like i already made a decision, because the children are on me, now i’m alone in
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the family, who leads it, when already recovered, came to my senses, moved to crimea, looked for, let's say, a volunteer who goes there, and you know, it was so interesting, i was still living in moscow, i tried to find a husband after he passed away, but every time for some reason, it was as if the doors were closing, i couldn't find a person, or i found one, they told me, so you, we won't take you, you have eight children, and there is no dad, you're not going, like... you know, i was knocking on a closed door, moved to crimea, and everything went so quickly there, i literally in the course of months, well, we'll come back to this story, let's watch a story about one of those you looked after in the hospital, and his name is ruslan, well, i've been in
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the hospital for a year and a half now, i can't move around on my own yet, my brother is with me... the state hospital came, i remember, yes, that she was sitting and telling me what happened to her husband, some kind of difficult situation, after all, to be left alone with such a big family, so this... didn't give me strength, i stayed alive, i have the opportunity to be with my family, no matter what there was no serious injury, this is not a reason
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to give up, here i more or less actively began to move at least independently, my fingers do not work, but somehow i learned at least a little, but to ride myself, now after a year and a half i am already beginning to feel even ... the sun's warmth with my feet, i am already sensitively going lower and lower, and i know that one day i will get up, she is a very kind person, i am very grateful to her that she was with me during such a necessary period of time, you know what he was like at first, i generally look, this is such, this such a boy, when they were just brought, there were four of them, they were lying down, they all had tubes in their throats, they didn’t... or even move, he couldn’t even speak, i just noticed that he was trying to say something, why did i come up to him, he wanted to drink, so he said drink with his lips, and i remember,
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this bottle, there were tubes there, i brought it to him, it was scary, because i don’t know how to do it, i, you know, when you gather your will into a fist, then the life of the boy who well, he choked a little bit. i remember, my hands were shaking, but i held myself and gave him something to drink, somehow he drank, that's it, from then on we started, i started coming to him, until his uncle came to look after him, and the other guys were just as bad, you know, the doctors tell him, you can't do it, you can't imagine how much work it took, that's what i see now, he himself, he couldn't even raise his hands, he just this is what is now a story of overcoming, he has such fortitude, he... he said from the first days, when could already speak, he said: i'll get up, i have to go back there, there are guys there, they would like to see him, very much, because
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he's a boy of such willpower, you can personally say a few words to him now, ruslan akhmetov is in our studio, now one of the guests ruslan, asmina unexpectedly, this is really a surprise, oh golden. you're a big clever girl, really, remember, i always told you that when you were studying, it was, well, i say, i set you up as an example for all the guys, because i understand, i don't understand how at a person has such willpower, you just haven't seen how he trains, how he forces himself, even without the participation of any doctors, rehabilitation specialists, he does it himself, these exercises, well, well, this is generally. and as you said, you'll come back, you'll get in line, so brane with such a character, ruslan, and do you remember the first glass of water, definitely, the first time do you remember, when we just arrived, you were lying down, yes, i remember, you remember this,
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of course, i was sick then, i had a high temperature and i really wanted to drink, i was tormented by a fever, i couldn't give it, yes, the staff had their own patients, they couldn't keep up, they were torn apart.
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when you go beyond the tape and bring them humanitarian aid, the girls there said it right, the guys there, this is the said thank you , it is so sincere, this is the highest assessment, thank you, yes ruslan, where are you now in recovery, how is your rehabilitation going now, independent exercises, exercise therapy, only yes everything, i twist, spin, like a snake, turn over, yes, i stand slowly, yes, against the wall, against the wall, how are your hands? your hands have basically completely recovered, except fingers, but the fingers said it last, and here it is already a strong hand, yes, it seems to me that this is a very warm meeting, we did not expect it, because to see each other, but i know that your relatives also want to address asmina, gulzhan akhmetova, ruslan's mother, look, dear yasmina, i'm sorry,
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i couldn't come and i couldn't hug. to my great regret, but i want to express my gratitude to you personally for your kindness, humanity, attention, care, care for our fighters, i am very grateful that you and the girls came to us at the hospital, helped our fighters, you gave us moral support, we laughed, smiled, drank tea and... didn't lose heart, thanks to you personally, ruslan was always positive, and the fighters nearby were also positive, thank you very much for everything, you act according to the golden rule, in everything treat people the way you want them to treat you, so i am immensely grateful to you, we love you,
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hug you tightly and love your children, we are like a big family, next in the program, who is the little girl that asmina kruzhenkova will meet in our studio, here she is to me says, asmin, i have a girl, a friend who goes there, i just say, give me her phone number, please, and me? you will listen to me, come on, come back, post me, breathe with you alone, it's disgusting, stop, ira, ira, we're watching rtr, this is a gift on this special day, like it, i hate you, where is my child, i'm going
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to scream now, scream. well, is it hard to pay off someone else's debts, take it, don't come near me, don't come near me, something happened, what blood, where is it somehow strange, no corpses, no statement, and no wife, return! from august 19 on rtr. welcome to rixsas premium magavish sudes & villas in hurghada, where luxury rooms and villas are combined with a 1 km long golden sand beach. impeccable service, exquisite cuisine, will make your holiday,
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do not forget! rixas premium magavish suds and villas - the holiday you dreamed of. this is not a rite of worship to ancient spirits, and not even a wedding ceremony, so in this country travelers devote themselves, the earth is round, we will sort out everything else in detail, it seems that a couple is about to dissolve nearby an old ship, what a cool machine,
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let's go! it's up to you to decide what to fill your travel collection with, after all, lace suits me, and we 'll always help, the fact that this is a heavenly place is obvious to everyone, even... well, go ahead and shake it out in secret to the whole world, you'll see it for yourself now, on sunday on rtr, i love you, and i love you, we're sitting well, let's run, premiere, so reliable, not petrushka, he's again who... well, don't be silent, please, my name is mikhail dolskaya. i know, we've talked before. didn't you spend the night at home? is there something i don't know
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i know. can i finally confess. i love him, you know, i love him. and i can't do anything about it, you know, i love him. the bonds of marriage or the nets of love? what will be stronger? i just ask without emotions, what do you mean without emotions? you won't give up on me, will you? i won't tolerate it, choose. rain at the end of summer. coming soon to rtr. in krasnoyarsk , two mothers are fighting for three-year-old lara. mom oksana has become closer to the baby than her biological one, but her real mother nadezhda, who was released from prison, didn't like it, she went to court with a demand return the child. a similar story unfolded in irkutsk, only there the biological mother went to kidnap her daughter. in our program, a face-to-face meeting of mothers,
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adoptive and biological, is there a chance to return their babies? malakhov, today on rtr. the preliminary cause of death is strangulation with a narrow cord. earlier in the program , volunteer mother of many children asmina kruzhenkova told how she met her husband, he shouted after me, you will still be my wife, of course i laughed for a long time. svo participant alexander
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prigarin, call sign leshii, hid from the hosts his feat. he's the one telling the tales, he hit the drone with his hand, and now he's embarrassed to talk about it. participant ruslan akhmetov came to our studio from the hospital to meet with the woman who... they wanted to save her, but in the end it didn't work out, and he was getting depressed, i told him, so, yeah, my husband is gone, you know what happened to him, and you're lying
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here, you're alive, you can talk, eat, and you're still whining about something, i said, just don't anger god, you know, it just came from me, i remember his look, it's not like got lost, but... kept silent, then turned away, and the girls i was with, they tell me, asmin, well, how can't you do that, i say, you can, sometimes you need to, yes, to bring a person to their senses, he didn't whine anymore, that they really did find a lot of new friends, this is also a big-big family, in addition to your big family, let's watch a video about this volunteer activity, including friendship, about meetings, about those new people. who have become your big friends, come on, dear friends, good evening, and for those who are in the morning now, good morning, i am now at alinochka's, many know her as our precious fox, we
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decided today, here's what we have, like this, olechka is passing on so much to us, but unfortunately it's very inconvenient for the guys, we decided to solve the problems, we ordered, we ordered... filter bags, such wonderful ones to sit , you see, the guys should do this, like this, what to do, yes, that is, we will get tea.
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i just say, give me her phone number, please, she says, that's it, so we called, talked, we chatted for a long time about everything, as if we've known each other for 100 years, then we finally decided to meet in a cafe, and i come, sits, she's a little girl, i say, so we hugged and from then on it went, the first trip was mine, and it was towards donetsk, then we went to artem... it's former bakhmut, but the guys didn't
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let us go there, of course, we were handing over humanitarian aid in svetlodarsk, so from then on, let's get to know alina better, come on, the night witch, moves, flies, meet me, the night one they called her a witch because she moved very quickly and quietly at night, like our soviet girls on airplanes, she knows her call sign, the night witch... posts in all directions of the front, and the soldiers call her a fox for her cunning eyes and easy disposition, and it seems that she really can outsmart any enemy in her small car, but she can get anywhere with a big mission, she covered 54.00 km along the front, well, there was a little fear, but what can you do, you have to go, after all, the guys were sitting without water, without more, without medicine, without food, that's what loaded us up the most car and... they took debaltsevo, and bakhmut, and
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malitopol, and donetsk, everyone, everyone, we'll grab everyone, we'll take them. despite the constant danger that alina faces on such trips, she knows for sure that she'll return, because at home she has three sons waiting for her, and if at the front she's a fearless fox, at home she's a caring mother, we'll cook pasta with sausages, they love them very much, and we can have half a kilo of sausages. it happens to me, i sit down and think, oh my god, how do i manage to do all this, and cook it, to the front, with the kids, let's do push-ups, that's running, well done, sons alina brings up real men, she admits, the secret is in discipline and sports, only in this way will the boys grow up to be real defenders of the motherland, a support for their mother, who shows by her example what fortitude is , my children know where i go to the front, they understand...
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thank you for your feat, for your service to the fatherland. alina, well, how did your volunteer activity begin? well, it began with the fact that i have always, as they say, wanted to go on a contract, well, a contract armed forces? yes, i graduated from military school with military inclination, always wanted to, but got injured. unfortunately, in 2008
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, all my military and i thought that my older brother would keep statistics as military, well , it turned out that the younger sister went to the front, when it all started, i wanted to volunteer there, now, well, in volunteer activities, what was the most difficult when you were actively involved there, what is the most difficult, what do you have to give up, maybe what is in your soul, well, if you give up, then of course give up sleep. when you are there behind the wheel, because what do you need to think sorely sleep you can't, it's contraindicated, who helps when you're there, of course, and my ex-husband helps me, he takes the kids, and my parents, when they... also work, well on weekends if they get there, i try to go out on weekends, my parents take me, sometimes a nanny, kindergarten, that's how we pass the baton along the chain with the kids, who will sit, what did you find there, what's that ribbon for you, ours became a treasure there, our boys,
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ours, ours, we, how, can't, the heart goes there it's torn, the soul is torn there, it's impossible to describe how you feel when you deliver humanitarian aid to...
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to hug him, and he felt like he was hit on the head, i think, oh, it seems like personal space can hug you, yes, i, maybe some kind of personal space, well, i violated it, or maybe he doesn't like hugging, well, there are different people, and somehow, and he may not have heard me or something, i don't know, he looked at me like that, well, that's it, well, we loaded up, he says: follow us,
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let's go to the position, and i say, yes, you can, i love sleeping on the ground, autumn is still such an air good from the fields, and i say, you can rest, well you can't here, go under the bushes, lie down, because... the birds are working drones, so that you wouldn't notice, i say, okay, well i lay down, tried to sleep, and i feel this look, just prosaic, yes i start to wake up, look, well who, who, who is looking at me like that, crossed my path like that, i didn't find, well because there were a lot of guys sitting there, and i again and in short, that 's how we met, next in the program, who became the spouse of volunteer alina weber, i agree with yours? decision i want to propose to you to hug, marry me, please, yes, we are watching on rtr, yes i am getting married, dad, that 's great, congratulations, i have firmly decided to marry, what are you doing here, agnya nochka,
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bliski, that's a coincidence, could you hurry up, we were already late. garik and his mother got into an accident. moscow novel. today on rtr. welcome to the newest rixas hotel in sharm el-sheikh. rixas radomis sharm el-sheikh. the perfect place for a family holiday. where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of children and their parents. slip away from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's town in the region and an unforgettable holiday. rixsas radomis sharmel sheikh. discover a real pearl on the coast of bodrum. titanic luxury collection bodrum. exceptional service.
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incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. dive into. a world of exciting adventures of fiery entertainment, welcome to the world of eternal elegance and unrivaled comfort, the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic luxury collection bodrum, you have absolutely no free time, contact me, i will go on vacation for you to any resort in the country, men are excited by something completely different, she looked at me as if i had just missed a penalty into an empty net. ah, that was the most powerful effect of art on a person. humor parade. sunday. on rtr, quiet, wife, where in the next car, quiet,
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i think she noticed me, vasya, hello, soon, urgently, there's an accident, your mother died without regaining consciousness, i want to start an investigation myself, i'll find this bastard, just another business trip, i won't always be able to. i 'll call you if the car is spotted on video cameras, the police will come to you , not a word about me, when lies breed new lies, i'm tired of the unknown and your lies, you must support me and believe me, believe, i understand, one crime can be followed by another, let me go, where is he, let me go, where is he, don't be afraid, where is the recorder, they found the car, the owner, a girl, it turned out that she had a man, here he is, life line on saturday on rtr. well, let's
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get started? yes, if you don't know how to survive repair, experience it with us. there is no comfort and order in the apartment, there is no joy and peace in the heart. we really like our apartment, but we do not like that there is no repair in it. so, the time has come. big changes, to break, not to build, we breathe new life into old walls, we will turn this minus into a plus, we create a soulful atmosphere, i want to wish, may your sleeping area always dispose you to rest, we have adapted everything that can be for this, we warm it with the warmth of the hearth, we open, i do not believe, no, it cannot be, wow, big changes, everything always goes as it should, big changes, on
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saturday and sunday on rtr, what have you turned into, look at yourself, spoiled, boring, kept woman, any man would have got himself a mistress a long time ago, any, not you, my dear, the first, not you the last, but point your finger at any married woman and... you're going to be a deceived wife, i don't know how i 'll live without andrey, in general, you shouldn't knock on a closed door, and what brought you to our wilderness? one day something new will open, i'm olga, kostya, a blacksmith for her looks, surprise, it was impossible to approach a married woman, and even a muscovite. ol, we can still fix everything, right? kuznitsa schast'ya, on friday on rtr. earlier in the program,
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a mother of many children, the widow of a participant in the svo, asmina kruzhenkova, after the death of her husband, decided to help the front. they told me, so to you, we will not take you, you have eight children, and so. there is no dad, you are not going, so you know, knocked on a closed door. volunteer alina vebor told about a fateful meeting behind a ribbon. i begin to hug him, and he, like hit on the head, i think, oh, looks like personal space we can hug. from the first meeting, as if lightning struck, let's watch the story about your husband. i got to mine by my own desire, looking at ...
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lindazh with a postcard, it was written on it, we'll break through mine, well and then it all somehow gradually, courtship outgrew, so i agree with your decision, i want to offer you to exchange, this is where your wedding is, it's in yalta, i stole him in the hospital, it was forbidden to go out, but i treat this to alina's children ok, at first it was hard, of course, because every child needs an approach, with
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time everything worked out for us, we are friends. you can say the expression is brothers soon we will have a baby, when i found out, i was very happy, words cannot describe, it is joy, love, we do not know the sex of the baby yet, i would like to find out as soon as possible, if a boy is born, we will call him makar, if a girl it will be arisha, the dream is a big house, each child has their own room, clean air. family nearby and just for everyone to be nearby, alina, that is, you are expecting a new addition, congratulations, congratulations, we all, we all congratulate, but let's first invite david to the studio, he is with us today, david weber, we meet, greet, hello, oh, well, that's it, to say, we
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saw that the wedding was well, in military uniform, under what circumstances did this happen? i was being treated in the hospital after the operation, the uniform is everything, not in pajamas, they processed everything in half an hour, put the ring on, he goes on, a real fighter, yes, that is, what is this first impression, such a shock, from what, it seems not shocking, well, that's what she said correctly, how like a sledgehammer to the head yes... looked fell in love just immediately to see such beauty, hello, that's it, the thought was some kind of simple or just lightning in my head, the thought was, i'll push like a tank dotalova, and since you have a tank unit, yes, well , like in tanks went to alina, yes, yes, but she also has strong armor, what kind of strategy was
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that, how to conquer, first reconnaissance in force, so... corresponded, talked a lot, you could talk to her about everything, no such thing, let's not talk about this, let's not talk about this, the most important thing is always dialogue, and this dialogue, it grew, grew, grew, like a snowball and grew, so you are expecting children, but for the near future, what are your plans, home, children, work, family, at work, what are you planning, well, first to work with your hands, then with your brains. david, but i can't help but ask, alina had three children, your tank did not change its mind when it saw the positions, no, it's so interesting, just three on the contrary, a whole crew is ready to eat, a crew of a combat vehicle, well, tell us about these meetings with children, and how did you get used to each other, you said that at first it would seem not easy, well, at first, yes, of course
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, it's difficult, it's because of my character , they looked at me like that and i'm scared. in the end , it turned out to be good, well , that's right, contact is established, everything is friends, at first , of course, they checked him, they checked him harshly, of course, how are they, they're still so interesting , they agree together that we'll do this and that, and i just watch them and pretend that i don't see anything, they get down to business as a counterattack, like what? should i do this, how will i react, well, of course, i had to show mine, well, gradually intelligently it's all, as now you are expecting replenishment, the deputy will be born or small or he or yes, now he will command, alina osmina, the fighters whom you help, also remember you, send greetings, of course, constant communications, and not only by phone, let's watch the video, we send a big
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greeting and huge gratitude for everything that alina and the girls do. thanks to their dedication and help, we will definitely win, volunteers who collect so much valuable humanitarian aid for the fighters, they are all real heroines, a deep bow to you for this, and i would also like to say hello to david, david and alina, you are a wonderful couple, we are all very happy that you are now a family, but david, it seems that you have had enough rest, we are waiting for you to come back. well, really, the most important thing in life is family, and we are talking about this with you, well, and asmina, it seems to me that it is time to call your children, they are all in the studio, come in guys, let's get to know each other better, everyone was shy right away, girls, introduce yourself, yes, your children, well, we will start with the daughter who is older, this is camilla, she will be 17 in september, she is mine
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moved to the eleventh grade, this is... my housekeeper helps with the younger ones, then yulia, she is 13 years old, she studies at a military cadet school. lyova, hello, what a fighter, yes, he will be 12, he studies at my moscow military suovorovsky school, then we have dima, he moved to the fourth grade, studies at school, next year he will also enter the suovorovskaya military moscow school, this is maxim, moved to the third grade, the boy is a hurricane.
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he is jumping now, the second son is now in pskov, he will enter the voronezh military school, ismail really has jumps and there is no opportunity to come now, and ramazan came to us, hello, son, my son, great with the rest, wake up brother, ramazan, well, as i understand it, you also followed in your father's footsteps, lev was.
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as well as housework, so i can do the basic basic things, even such necessary things around the house, when a cadet corps opened in our city, dad immediately said: that's it, you're going there. i then denied it, i didn't want to, i absolutely didn't want to, that's it, but then, when i joined, that's it i liked it, and then i finished the eleventh grade there, and that's it, that's how it turned out, guys, a big family, a lot of joy, i want you to have even more of it, we want to send you to an amusement park, to the park of children's dreams, so that everyone could have fun, and lev lvovich too, yes, serious, for the whole day, from the heart, yes, thank you very much, happiness, when the family is so big and friendly, it was our program, about
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our best people, remember that the most important day in life is today, well, and we will see each other on the next broadcast on the channel russia, watch the vesti program right now. hello on the rossiya vesti tv channel, denis polanchukov in the studio and the main thing for this hour. in the kursk region, 2.0 ukrainian militants and 35 tanks were destroyed. residents of the region continue to leave their homes, they are receiving all the necessary assistance. ukraine's national debt under volodymyr zelensky has grown by about 74 billion
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dollars. berlin has issued an arrest warrant for ukraine.


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