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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  August 14, 2024 5:30pm-6:31pm MSK

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let me remind you that today on our channel there is a continuation of the family saga moscow romance, after years the heroes of the series are overtaken by the past, which will lead to the return of former feelings, four new episodes, today immediately after the evening news. we continue to follow the development of the main events in russia and abroad. stay with us. good afternoon everyone, between two families in krasnoyarsk , two mothers are fighting for three-year-old lara, a biological and an adoptive one, a similar story for the right to be a mother unfolded in irkutsk, how does it happen that with living parents girls end up in foster families? in these shots little lara and her foster mother, who became a biological relative, it would seem that the baby was found...
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including medical manipulations and ivf, well , that is, i did two ivf, i had three cryopreservations, unfortunately, nothing good, that is, i mean it did not end with a child, my husband and i divorced, this was one main reason for the divorce, well, then, that is, i did not give up and i continued to resolve this issue, in november of the twenty-second year i from at home i took this one for my child...
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there was another one there, or this larochka, and at the school for adoptive parents, when we were studying, the psychologist asked us to write a fairy tale about meeting our child for a lesson, when i was writing the fairy tale, that is, at the very beginning, i didn’t even understand who i would have, that is , who i wanted more, a boy or a girl, when already, that is, i had the end of this fairy tale, that is, i clearly knew that it would be a girl, that is , i hadn’t yet determined what age. well, that’s how it turned out, anyway, i wanted the most young age, but there are very few such children in the database, but i found her in june of the twenty-second year, i saw her for the first time in the database, there was information that she had a sister, respectively, a big, older sister, i would not have been able to handle two children, that is , i put the information aside, then information appeared that the mother was a sentenced to a very short term, for 2 months, that is ... there was no way to take her either,
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then information appeared, her term was increased, that is, the term was increased by 2 years, and i am a specialist, here is a very large gratitude to this... specialists, when we talked to her, she says: well, i give a referral, that's it, it's like a weight off my shoulders, that's it, they immediately gave me a referral, i called, i went to the children's home, talked to the director, he says, come, you understand, the whole journey came together instantly, and of course, when i saw her, i'm sitting in the director's office and i hear these steps, tyop-tyop-tyop, they're bringing her in, well that's it, well that is, she started crying, my heart was breaking, well... even the teacher who brought her, well he says, well that's it, well contact is established, this is it, and until march of the twenty-third year, that is, that is, from november 22 to march of the twenty-third year, you could say, we were happy like that, adaptation of life, everything and let's see how
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your days go together, attention, woke up at 7 o'clock. ate, the day before tomorrow, of course, washed up and hygiene, everything as it should be, had lunch, slept, walked, after sleep, also a snack, a walk, dinner, at night, of course , fairy tales, we discussed everything with her, talked, my mother even, you talk to her like an adult, and i say, i i consider her an adult, in september we went to the nursery group of the kindergarten, the adaptation period was difficult, difficult, because i think she has this information somewhere in her head... that she was once separated, she did not want to lose her anymore, she made contact with the teacher well, they gave us a description that the child is very sociable, understands, perceives, teachers, makes contact with the service people, we worked with her very hard, worked very hard, well
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, that is, twice a day, that is, at least, that is in this regard, this is progress for us, because now we graduated from the nursery group based on the results of testing children. so i said that we have a high level in development and the psychologist, when i looked, he is also everywhere according to our results, that is, the level is higher, above his age, and at one year and 10 she already knew both burgundy and pink, she did not say, we ride in a stroller and walk, and she says red to the car, there is a yellow car, well, that is, she named all the colors, she knows all the numbers up to ten, we we even go up the stairs, she counts them herself. that is, i don’t force her at all, she does it herself, i was interested in this, at what point did your biological mother appear in your life? and she was released, she was in prison, and she was released on
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parole in october of ’23, she persistently tried to get her child back, well, that is, she contacted the guardianship authorities with the goal of getting this child back to her, with... accordingly, my mother had infectious diseases and i the social worker from the children's home also advised that in order to at least organize a meeting with the child, she must provide certificates confirming that the conditions have been created and so on, well, that was the stumbling block, that is, the very first one, and because the biological mother provided a certificate, which you... i have doubts about the authenticity of this certificate, that is, it was not certified properly, according to the order of the minister of development 972, well, that is, it was not properly executed when she was told about it, that you have a certificate like this in this form, and provide a new certificate, but she did not provide a new certificate, well, and accordingly
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, that was the end of it, then we had several court hearings, as a result , the last court hearing was on march 29, a decision was made to limit her parental rights. absolutely such, because there are specially trained people in places of imprisonment, who, well, i'm not even telling secrets, who write these letters, and they told me that most likely she will be released and will continue to live her life, she doesn't need a child, and after that she started writing and writing, but i
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didn't read these letters anymore, she says: i'm a good mother, yes i'm a good mother, i miss you, i suffer , that's all, that's it, i think the material component is also very interesting because she never worked anywhere until she got out, now she has provided documents to the court, at least that she works two jobs, but she never had. her own permanent residence registration never, and accordingly, when we have these judicial issues began to develop, it turned out that she has three children in relation to two, she is deprived, she hid this information, said that there were two children, it turned out that she has a very large debt in alimony in relation to the first child, over 1 million rubles. it turned out that she, when they gave me an extract from the children's home, that she had ...
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a complete crime, she served 16. well, having such anamnesis of the mother, you are not afraid that the girl for whom you are fighting, there in 15 years will bring you surprises will be do something? no, i'm not afraid of it at all, because for a child and raising a child, the social environment in which the child is is important, which can show by example. how to steal from 17 years old, sell drugs or well be in places
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of imprisonment, this example she can show to her child, or still me, who cares, is engaged in the development of the child. larisa, your sister came to support you today, let's invite her to talk about what she thinks about the situation, which is happening in your family. hello, andrey, hello, studio. good evening, aren't you afraid, really, of all these genes that we heard about mom, we don't know yet who dad is in this story, well, yes, the situation is certainly not easy, when we took lara into our family, we understood all the difficulties and hardships, and we understood that there would be battles ahead. our lara, and she is only officially listed as oksana's ward, but in fact she is a real member of the family, she has become our favorite from the very first days. just appeared in our family, and why didn't we adopt her right away? firstly, in the database, in the regional one, there are very few such children
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who are without consequences, mostly children who have brothers and sisters, well , that is, this complicates the adoption process , well, in my situation, at least, secondly, children whose parents have been deprived of parental rights, there are also very few of them, you understand, and i was indeed warned, warned that the biological mother could come out to take the child, but... the percentage of such mothers who come from places imprisonment and they want to take the child away 5%, i said so, and i said so, if i have 1%, i will use this percentage, after how long did the girl start calling you mom, on the very first day, i picked her up, when she left the children's home, she said mom, and i was surprised, i say, as the teacher says, yes, she has already learned to say this word mom, you see, i also wanted to comment on this situation, that i was given...
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years, right, this child was born in prison, no, the child was not born in prison, the mother got out, served time, gave birth, well, that is, she has three children in total, she has deprived two of their parental rights, the first child has been under the care of her grandparents since birth and is still there, the eldest child is already 18 years old, she put the second child in the ore hospital, the third child is already my daughter, she committed another intentional crime when the child was 8 months old, that is, she says that she has embarked on the path of correction, it is impossible, because if a person
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at 39 years old has not corrected himself, he led such a way of life, then after 39 years she doesn't understand that nadezhda fedorova came to this program today to tell her story and her pain, we meet her, hello, hello, hello, tell me what happened, why did you suddenly come out, you needed... this girl, when you abandoned the other two and were deprived of parental rights? and i didn't abandon my child, i fought even while in prison, because i was. of course, i understand oksana viktorovna, thank you very much for what my child was with you for a year and a half, i do not forbid you to see my child, but all my rights, i am the biological mother of my child, you understand, i did not abandon my daughter, hope, but tell me please, what is motherhood for you, this is the most precious thing that i have a child, that i have my children, i love my children, i am ready, that
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is, for the sake of my children for everything, well, for everything, and how did it happen that the girls are 8 months old and you ... commit a crime, unforeseen circumstances, so i ended up in places deprivation of liberty, and the child remained, you understand that one way or another, if you did not take the righteous path, let's say, yes, then what is the chance that you will not commit a crime later, i took the righteous path, i work two jobs, that is, i am completely ready to provide for my child and not commit anything like that again, because my child... is very dear to me, okay, why didn't grandma take the girl, grandma didn't take, grandma wasn't in town at all, that is, mom, my mom, my mom in no way, my sisters wanted to take mine, my sister gave it to me, the conditions do not allow it, that is, square meters, it is true, the guardianship authorities contain two statements from your sisters that they wrote a refusal, as soon as you were chosen
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as a preventive measure for 2 months, they immediately wrote a refusal not about the impossibility of accepting a child into the family. yes, that is true , there was no refusal, the sisters, on the contrary, said that if necessary, we will remove something or other object from the house, take it out, and put another bed, where there are two, three, there are four children, that is, there is no difference, you will say, it is true that the debt is 1 million for alimony for the eldest daughter , and i will explain to you now, when they filed for alimony against me, that is, the writ of execution came after 5 years, that is, not through my fault, but now i am slowly paying them, nadezhda, please explain, you say that you have embarked on the path of correction, but your whole life shows the following: you have three children, if you love them so much, then why did you not show your maternal qualities with the first child, who is supported by his grandmother, why with you left him with the second child and he was adopted, now you got out only 6 months ago, and before that your life consists of five convictions, 17 years in prison, don't you think that it is somehow premature
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to claim this on the basis of a short term of the whole life in comparison, so if you care about your child, then you understand, he was already at a young age. family, he does not know you, he has not seen you, and this woman, it is obvious how she treats him, she will definitely be a good mother, so live your life, appreciate that you have really corrected yourself, you you are in too much of a hurry now, and there is a great risk that everything will happen again, i am not in a hurry, and i am sure that i will be able to raise and support my child, because i am ready for all of this, i communicate with my eldest daughter, please, after the first term, when you were getting out, did you think that you would have four more ahead of you, why was there a second one, why? this is no longer youth and not stupidity, yes, the last time i went to prison at 35, that is , unforeseen circumstances, for which you were convicted, the last time 158, that is, theft,
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yes 158 the heroine stole 400 from a pocket. 200 rubles. who entered the apartment. i also wanted to clarify that the biological mother never tried to restore her parental rights in relation to the first child. i also wanted to clarify that the debt on the lara for alimony already amounts to more than 200,000 and the biological mother invited a lawyer to the court, accordingly paid, but does not accept participation in the material support of her daughter, i do not need her money, i do not need money for her child, i will provide for my child myself.
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that the child was transferred at all, that is, to a third person, i wrote a letter, also to oksana viktorovna, that is, repeatedly, where oksana viktorovna, did not answer me to any letter, also asked for photos, for the whole time she sent me one photo, then she to me, that is, i call the organ guardianship, the organ guardianship tells me that the guardian refuses to send any photos, although the guardian, no, this is wrong.
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low price, from only 9:95. vodka, pechora, a product of stellar group. now you can remove dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food residue and even broken glass quickly and easily with the help of a completely new you with easily clean under furniture, where it is usually very difficult to reach, only today the unique, ingenious cordless electric broom livington dipper swipper with smart built-in corner bumpers that protect your furniture, baseboards and walls from scratches can become yours in... for 8995, but if you call and place an order right now, you will receive an incredible discount of 20 euros, and livington dipper swipper
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will be yours for an incredible 69.95, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited. gin cnop, a product of stellor group. in our studio we sing favorite songs of the people's artist and composer of belarus eduard. baby, get rid of the guest, he
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's fine, you are a close relative, wife, strange, the ambulance brought the injured loginov and loginov, according to the injured wife, where are you going, in real life, that's what you call it, olga, let's switch to you, the forge of happiness, on friday on rtr. once again, good afternoon, a natural mother against adoptive ones, for those who have just joined us, we are discussing the story of women from krasnoyarsk who are fighting for the right to be a mother for girls lara. lara found herself between two fires, as soon as the girl's biological mother was released from prison and decided to restore her parental rights to take her child from the foster family. her criminal past, biological... mother writes off to the mistakes of a stormy youth assures that it is now that she has embarked on the path of correction for the sake of the child. moreover, nadya claims that at the time when the girl was taken away
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, the biological father of the baby, artur kozlovsky, was in the apartment, he also came here today, let's meet lara's dad, meet him, uh-huh, hello, everyone, oh my god, were you home when the guardianship came to take the girl, right, hello, were you home, did you tell them that you were the father, yes, the father said , that nadezhda called me, said that well , she had unforeseen circumstances, that she would come, let's call things by their proper names. that the girl would be left alone now, and i came right away, and you are the official father in the light of the child's birth, are you listed as the father? no, i didn't have time to stop, establish paternity then there were no options to keep the child, exactly zero, well, that is, you nevertheless, as if i asked, that is, i begged on my knees, begged the guardianship, that is, as if there is no need to zero, here all rights must be observed in particular,
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they did not do a dna test, did not prove that you are the father, they took the child, if you are like that, just like that, they just took and took him away, in the children's home, and they explained to me that yes, indeed, lara's biological father called, clarified, that is, how can i take the child, and as soon as they told him, you first conduct a genetic examination and prove that you dad, and after that you pay alimony, after that dad stopped calling, what alimony, and disappeared and the child's life.
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they gave it, they didn't give me the opportunity, hope, and you take the girl to yourself, that is, i don't know why at the birth stage the father was not entered in the birth certificate, what was in your relationship then, well, like our relationship was normal from the beginning, and that's why i somehow didn't think about how you have a relationship, a child is born in yours, if he was entered, there wouldn't be these problems, you understand, we were in no hurry with this, i don't know, i thought later, just here no one thinks, there are plenty of such families, no one thinks about the fact that it is necessary to register the father.
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prove, time will pass a little, you will build your life, prove that you are completely do not take him from this family, do not take him, a wealthy person, then at a more adult age you will return the life of your child not as a mother, well, as a biological one to get to know already meaningfully, i think that if oksana sees that really life, some number of years have already passed there, when you actually already exactly as if corrected, i don't think it will be... was, and what did you do, and nothing, i decided to give up the child, here too, excuse me, because it's good, and why can't you - let's say, come to an agreement and give the mother the opportunity to come and see, that's the point, that's where i started the story, she forbids gifts
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now they are in the guardianship she forbids does not give and does not transfer gifts she forbids, so that there is no contact with the biological parents, so that the child does not even know that there are biological parents, here each side and you, excuse me, you are acting in this story from a somewhat selfish side, naturally you too, when you stop thinking about your own interests and start thinking about the interests of the child, then everything will be fine, you understand, it's not true. excuse me please, that is, we don't just approach them directly, give them, that is, but we are already contacting them through guardianship, they don't take the tops, what are you talking about, guardianship transfers them, they can't take the tops here, yeah, they took the gifts here, well , you can also transfer them with lar was not organized only for the very reason that mom did not properly confirm the fact that she is not dangerous to my
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child's health. moral way of life, that she committed another intentional premeditated crime when the child was 8 months old, that is, she endangered the child committed a crime once again. okay, nat, are you working now? yes, i work, have you rented an apartment? yes, i have a rented apartment,
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guardianship authorities came to me, conducted an act of housing conditions, where the paper is in the court hearing that the child can be, that is, live, all the conditions are created for the child, i also provided all the certificates that i work, characteristics from the neighbor, here...
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they went to check where i live, i have, as you probably know, a 12-square-meter room, they looked that the living space does not allow to take the child, so they told me no, then the guardianship came again to my sister, they also did a kind of inspection, they said that the conditions do not allow, that the premises are small, the child will have nowhere to live here, and did you visit the child in the orphanage, in the orphanage no, since this is at i have two children, how can i work, is this a reason? he goes and takes, no one forbade you to come to the orphanage, hug,
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kiss, give gifts, do whatever you want, i agree with you, but i didn’t have time, since i myself have two children, one, you have a problem, you have a problem in that although legally it was possible to violate.
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they constantly wrote a statement to take away, the question is again this: if you so want your child to be with you, then you all must take active actions, active, and not just mom. andrey, i also wanted, that is, for me this is also unclear, since changes were made to the law on alimony, yes, and how will the mother, as they say, confirm her financial stability, having two... large debts on alimony in relation to the first child, in relation to this child to provide a living wage for herself and the child and also still rent a room, well, that is , a living space, how will she continue
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to support this child, when we took lara into our family, she was one year and four, she wasn't even walking confidently at that time, although kids are already walking at that age, and my first impression was when i met her, and... the child didn't express any emotions at all, she didn't smile, she didn't even scream, she had no emotions, you see, like natya, such a compressed spring, what happens after a year and a half? the child opens up, the child, like a bud, she smiles, you see, she's happy, she 's bathed in this love that everyone surrounds her with, how can it be that she says, yes, this woman, when the child was with me, we went to all the doctors, that is, we had no pathology everywhere, when the child was in the baby house, i have all the papers in hand, all the letters where the pediatrician writes to me that the child is developing according to his age, that the child confidently walks and crawls, now ...
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before that he was sad, she did not cry, she did not smile, she did not do anything, a month later, as they took her away, well, he began to get used to it a little, she was sitting watching a cartoon, they showed me the godfather, she looks, i hear, he says, she's crying, i say, what are you crying for, she's cute, lost, she was about two years old, that's how it is, lost , lost my mother, she's crying, sitting, she
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told me how, i just couldn't, you know, tears were streaming down my face, that's how the child is, and remind her that she was abandoned, but then, probably, love, affection worked, we later fell in love with her, you know, like that, everyone, our whole family, now you just can't recognize her, she blossomed, my mother loves her very much and... they became friends, they are very, she loves her loves her, she goes to the store somewhere, and where is mom, where is mom, that's how she went to the store, nowhere without her, only mom, mom, mom, at first she didn't say anything at all, well , probably after two months, that's how she started calling her mom, every day in the morning i get up, come up, cry, every day i cry, i 'm afraid that they'll take her away from us, i'm afraid, we're not
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even used to it, i understand, she's a mother, but you know, she still won't give what oksana gave, that's how it is, she won't give her anything, and the child will be deprived of everything, they she was betrayed from birth, i just pray. with constant fear that someday their parents may appear, i understand, here i
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think that some clarification is required, so that probably all the same children who are in such a borderline status, first this status is clarified, and then transferred to another family, because otherwise we really create, this will be trauma for the child, now there will be courts, god forbid they drag her to these courts, some discussions, that is, it is clear that for children in the maternity hospital too... oksan, let's do another short commercial now, right after it i want
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to tell you a story from irkutsk, which will be instructive for many, how a biological mother, ignoring the court's decision, took her daughter from a foster family, and moreover, took her out of the country, after the commercial. clean up the blood, find ira, don't tell the police. we're watching rtr, you, knowing this, bring her here, a murderer, i have the right to kick your love out of my house, she's not a lover, she's my wife, my ex... i'll get you out from under the ground, i will tear him to pieces, he is a beast, he will not spare anyone, i am not that puppy either, i will not allow him, return from august 19 to rtr, rom
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euros, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited and is valid for a short period of time, konya.
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august at 21:00 on the russia channel. give me back my daughter, biological mother versus adoptive. once again, good afternoon. we continue to discuss the history of adoptive families, when biological mothers suddenly want. again brings up their babies, now the history of the buryadskaya family the bukhasheevs from irkutsk, and their ward anna maria, contrary to the court decision, was literally torn from the hands of her guardians by force, and then secretly taken outside of russia by her white mother. in 2017, a family from irkutsk
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marina mikhail bukhasheeva became guardians for two-month-old baby anya, whom her biological mother abandoned in the maternity hospital. the birth parents were not listed in the metrics. the guardianship authorities considered the child an orphan and found a family in which the baby grew up happily. come, good boy, come here, come here, and don't go away, and don't go away, about the presence of a biological mother, the girl had no idea, just like the opyakunki who adopted anya, but in november 2018 the bukhasheevs were summoned to court in a case on the termination of the adoption agreement, although the adoptive parents tried to resolve everything peacefully. at one time, marina and i always offered. some meetings, offered to discuss our further actions in various dialogues, at one time i even offered to rent a large house, where at some time... biological parents, but the dialogue did not know their biological parents, today day i propose to resume the dialogue with
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it worked out, the biological mother declared her rights and even changed the baby's name, only we would all live together so that the child could not take her because of the deportation, the mother could not, but stormed the guardianship, where she achieved a meeting with the baby, which looked more like manipulation, this mother is a good dude ... a ban on leaving and obliged the guardianship to return anya back to her adoptive parents. during the investigation
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, the guardianship authorities were appointed responsible as legal representatives, the question arises, where were they looking, how they allowed the child to be taken outside the russian federation. the guardianship authorities must answer for their actions that affect the child. during the commercial , marina and mikhail bukhasheev joined us. marina and mikhail took the girl anya, i am telling you correctly. and after 5 years, the biological mother remembered that she had a fifth child, and either with the help of the guardianship authorities, or somehow using connections, she took the girl out of russia, in fact, our situation is similar. of course, the role of the guardianship authorities and - here it is a fateful mistake, when the guardianship authorities at this stage know that there are
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biological parents, they control fate, biological parents, were deprived of parents, when we took the child, we were told that there are no parents, she will refuse, the birth certificate has dashes, at the same time, at the same time they gave a russian name, received the girl a russian passport, she became a citizen of russia, but when she was taken to another country, it turned out that she has and ... turned 8 months old, we were invited as third parties to the court hearing, we with at that moment we were not against - and did not go - did not
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do any actions there to hide from that, to at least make contact, we were always in contact, in dialogue with the biological parents, but defending the interests of the child, yes, the child , you said it yourself, from birth, he knew us as his parents, and childish love is for the exciting little question. were you, as guardians, or were you adoptive parents? initially we were guardians, then we adopted, there was a court decision when i do not understand why the biological parents were information provided in fact here is very much, there were very many mistakes here and we realized it understood after some time, when i came to you, i mean from the point of view that biological parents appeared, like meet, discuss, if you already are actually found out that biological parents exist.
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again on the initiative of the guardianship authorities, when they called us, they said: here is your conclusion, go to court, again here is another, another mistake of the guardianship authorities was when they pushed us to this stage with our daughter, again, when biological parents already appeared, but in our example in our situation the guardianship authorities played a very negative situation about as i understand it the girl leaving?
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why did you, knowing that anya had this, name the girl mikhail and marina, help her leave russia, well because, firstly, they were treated very unfairly, she did not abandon the child, there is a document that she was, firstly, the mother was discharged from... the hospital the child was not in the hospital, he should have been in the hospital, as if to identify immunity, but at that time he was already there, was with the bukhasheevs, so there was no way to take the child away from the parents, so we went to the prosecutor's office, then to court, in court, that is, in one court we proved maternity and paternity, in another court, that is, the guardians carried out the adoption, but
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nevertheless there is some kind of story there, just a detective story, to mention that when applying to the court to establish paternity, the father asked to hand over the child to him, and the court refused him this, that is, the court ruled that transferring the child to the biological father does not meet the interests of the child, subsequently, when the guardianship authorities, well now it is already illegally confirmed by a court decision, released the guardians, when they went to appeal this court decision, the court imposed interim measures prohibited the child from being taken outside
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the russian federation, at that time. at that time they were legal representatives in the person of guardians, guardians, yes, but i want to say that how much time passed after, when you last saw the girl, in july month, july 22 will be 2 years, 2 years, now they tell me we have connections in tajikistan, just the biological family of anna maria is contacting us, dusan b, can you hear us, hello, yes, yes, yes, i hear. hello, hello, where is anechka, where is anechka, what does anna maria look like, great, look, look how big you are, hello, tell me how quickly your daughter got used to you, considering that she lived in another family for 5 years, already in one week she speaks my language to me in tajik, yeah,
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and you need her my blood, how did it happen, what... has so many beautiful children who are next to you, how did it happen that anna maria was alone in the maternity hospital, when i gave birth at your maternity hospital, i didn't even see my child, you understand, they just showed me like that, you got a girl, well i was t i saw him, i was glad i said that well... i got another girl, one time i didn't see her i went i didn't see the child you understand i was already on this one in the storage room i was on the storage room for three three days you understand i didn't do anything ate they threatened me you understand they threatened me like this i don't know pills english written on this i don't know
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what kind of pill it was i ate i said yes. okay, it's all over, we've passed, anna maria, do you remember mikhail and marina, daughter, hear us, please, my girl, anyuta my girl, my daughter, something was zombified, daughter, then take the key to bring up children.
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here is my mother, so we stole me, i am your mother, my daughter, why? have you really forgotten me, daughter, it's straight. they showed a game of some adult officials it's worth two such family stories, there's more than one story, a lot of criminal cases, i look at this, my heart just breaks, yes
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, that is, they send specially, they initiate and this is criminal activity, what maternity hospital , name it, you're right, this is a child, this is the second irkutsk of the city of irkutsk, i 'll let the investigative body, the second, the second maternity hospital or what leninsky district. all good and bad deeds are recorded, everything is in the book of life of each person , yes, you did a good deed, i understand how the heart breaks, seeing the girl now,
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to which you have dedicated 5 years of your life, yes, but the most difficult thing is to always hear each other and go for this compromise, because in disputes children suffer the most, we are following the development of this story, that's all for today, take care of yourself and your loved ones, goodbye, no one thinks about the child, about her interests, about her rights, she was treacherously taken from our family at one time, and i think you yourself see that this is stress for her, and i will not believe that she has forgotten us as her parents, she is not allowed to have her say, some strangers are constantly imposed on her opinions, addressing angul and aziz, let's come to an agreement for the sake of... the future of our daughter anna maria. one of the most beautiful and talented actresses of the sixties svetlana danilchenko, filming in the cult series eternal call, a role in the film by akira kurosawa,
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which received an oscar, and then years of oblivion, now for benya the memory of her can be betrayed. our investigation, the secrets of famous graves continues, as well as the lonely cross of actress valentina berezovskaya, why did millionaire brothers, football players abandon the grave of their grandmother? malakhov, sko! on the russia channel. hello, dear friends, comrades , your favorite program is live. and 60 minutes, and most importantly, we have a special edition, we start it with the footage of the day. the russian aerospace forces have just launched a series of strikes on ukrainian army weapons storage facilities in
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the sumy region, from where the enemy attacked...


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