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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  August 15, 2024 5:00am-9:00am MSK

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in the law on alimony, yes, and how will the mother, as they say, confirm her financial stability, having two large debts for elements in relation to the first child, in relation to this child, provide a living wage for herself and the child, and also rent a room, well, that is , a living space, how will she continue to support this child, when ... and we took lara, yes, into our family, she was one year and four, she did not even walk confidently at this time, although the kids are already walking at this time, and my the first impression was when i met her, and the child did not express emotions at all, she did not smile, she did not even scream, she had no emotions, you see, like natya is such a compressed spring, what happens after a year and a half, the child opens up, the child is like a bud,
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flowing behind the stream, like this is a child, will remind that it was thrown, well then, probably, love, affection worked, we then fell in love with her, you know, like this, everything, our whole family, now you just can’t recognize her, she blossomed, mom loves very much, they became friends, they are very, she loves her, her, somewhere the store is... going, and where is mom, where is
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mom, that's how she went to the store, nowhere without her, only mom, mom, mom, at first she didn't say anything at all, well, a month, probably, after two, that's how she started calling her mom, every day in the morning i get up, come up, cry, every day i cry, i'm afraid that they'll take her away from us, i'm afraid. we're not even used to it, i understand, she's a mother, but you know, she still won't give what oksana gave, that's how it is, she won't give it to her nothing, and the child will be deprived of everything, they betrayed her from birth, i just pray that she stays with us.
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by and large, looking at the mother's story, it seems to me that it was possible to make a decision not for 6 months, they ended immediately, according to the law she has no right, the problem is also in the actions of the guardianship authorities, because ... and moreover, she took her out of the country, after the advertisement, tell me how it was, you always have a choice, there will be a case for you, shoot, well, get to know each other or break up,
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marry me, again, yours offer, salvation for me, but we can't just remain friends, suffer or act, we lost our son. lyosha is alive, i believe in it, search or hide, i won't take my eyes off her now, did you agree, or something, all together, to leave or return, where you need to, and you are a bus driver, or maybe you will order a taxi for me, but whatever you choose, this meeting cannot be cancelled, only to look at the profit, or will you take part, from monday to thursday, you are very busy, what is being shown, the very thing has come. the time for big premieres is on rtr, put out the candle, light the hay, you won't get bored with us, the heroes of our time are those who create the future with their own hands, lend a shoulder, i went to help volunteers, can i hug you, we are already in love with you in absentia, if you
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can help, then you should help, there were moments when it was very difficult and scary, and you understand, as if there was no time for some kind of weakness, you had to extend a helping hand , pull people out on yourself, i got there at the moment of the offensive, at the moment of active military action, in general it is very difficult, i know, where was she, can i sit next to you, yes, yes, accept the fire myself, the fire was coming in our direction, someone was screaming, children were crying very loudly, people came to do their job, they came to help people, because we are one big country, we need to be like them, these people can do everything and even more, ours. it's clear, you won't call yourself a hero. premiere from monday to thursday on rtr. quiet, wife, where? in the next car, quietly, i think she noticed me. hello, soon, urgently,
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there's an accident here. your mother died without coming to consciousness. "i want to start the investigation myself, i will find this bastard, it's just another business trip, i won't always be able to get in touch, i'll call myself, if the car is on video cameras, the police will come to you , not a word about me, when lies breed new lies, i'm tired of the unknown and your lies, you must support me and believe me, believe, i understand, one crime can be followed by another, let me go, let me go, blow, they found the car, the owner, a girl, it turned out that she had a man, here he is, life line, on saturday on rtr, give me back my
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daughter, biological mother, against foster, once again, good afternoon, we continue to discuss the history of foster families, when biological mothers suddenly want to... raise their babies again, now the story of the buryat family bukhasheevs from irkutsk, and their foster child anna maria, contrary to the court's decision, was literally torn from the hands of guardians by force, and then secretly taken outside of russia by her biological mother. in 2017, a family from irkutsk marina mikhail bukhasheeva became guardians for two-month-old baby anya, who was abandoned by her biological mother in the maternity hospital. the birth parents were not listed in the birth certificate . the guardianship authorities considered the child an orphan and found a family in which the baby grew up happily. go, good girl, come here, come here, anya is walking, anya is walking, the girl had no idea about the presence of her biological mother, just like the foster parents who adopted anya, but in november
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2018, the bukhasheyevs were summoned to court in a case on the termination of the adoption agreement, although the adoptive parents tried to resolve everything peacefully . at one time, marina and i always offered. some meetings, offered in various dialogues to discuss our further actions, at one time i even offered to rent some big house, where at some... time we would all live together so that the child would know his biological parents, today i offer to resume the dialogue with the biological parents, but the dialogue did not work out, the biological mother declared her rights and even changed the baby's name, but the mother could not take her away because of the deportation, but she stormed the guardianship, where achieved a meeting with the baby, which looked more like manipulation, this is a good mother.
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of course, the role of the guardianship authorities and here this is a fateful mistake, when the guardianship authorities at this stage, you know that there are biological parents, they control fate, biological parents, were deprived of parents, when we took the child, we were told that there are no parents, she will refuse the birth certificate dashes, at the same time, at the same time they gave a russian name, the girls received a russian passport, she became a citizen of russia, but when she was taken to another country, it turned out that she has... and another name and another passport somehow, you know, here too, here are clearly mistakes by the guardianship authorities, you
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should have warned you about this, but it turns out they just hid this fact, we again got a problem, that's what you 're talking about now, well, when the biological mother appeared, you gave her the opportunity to meet with her or you, like oksana, interfered and didn't want to, we had a position from the beginning, when we learned about the existence of biological parents, this it was during the period when the child... was already 8 months old, we were invited as third parties to the court hearing, from that moment we were not against and did not go, they did not do any actions there to hide from at least making contact, we were always in contact, in dialogue with the biological parents, but defending the interests of the child, yes, the child, you yourself said from birth, he knew us as his parents, and childish love is a provocative little question. you as guardians i do not understand why biological parents were you or were you adoptive parents? we were initially, initially we were guardians,
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then we adopted there was a court decision about then information was provided on the fact there is a lot here, there were a lot of mistakes here and we realized it understood after some time, when i just came to you, i mean from the point of view that biological parents appeared, like meet and discuss, if you are already actually found out that biological parents exist. again on the initiative of the guardianship authorities, when we were called, they said: here is the conclusion,
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go to court, again here is another, another mistake of the guardianship authorities, when they pushed us to this stage with our daughter, and again, when the biological parents already appeared, well, in our example, in our situation, the guardianship authorities played a very negative role in your situation, but as i understand it, and the girl was helped to leave - and get new documents from the country, irina tolmacheva, who is also here today, and also knows your story, oksana's story, let's talk with her, let's meet irina. hello, studio, hello, have you heard, today we really have stories of families who want to help their children find a new social reality with an open heart, why did you, knowing that anya had this, name the girl mikhail and marina, help her leave russia, well
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because, firstly, they were treated very unfairly, she did not abandon the child, there is a document that she was, firstly, the mother was discharged from the hospital, the child was not in the hospital, he had to be in the hospital, as if to determine immunity, but at that time he was already there, he was with the bukhasheevs, so there was no way to take the child away from his parents, so we went to the prosecutor's office, then to court, in court, that is, in one court we proved maternity and paternity, in another court, that is, the guardians carried out the adoption, that 's true, but nevertheless there is some kind of story there , just a detective. because the mother left the country, the father was also here illegally, the mother is not from the country, the mother and father were legally, because firstly, the trials dragged on for us, 2 years passed, he had to leave the country, which means he had to stay in his own country in his own country in tajikistan for 90 days, then return again, but we didn't have that opportunity , well, the thing is that at the court hearing the migration service came and took him away,
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deported him, yes, and you are representatives of that family, as i understand it, yes, well, for some reason , respected representatives? it happens to mention that when applying to the court to establish paternity, the father asked to hand over the child to him, and the court refused him this, that is, the court ruled that the transfer of the child biological father does not meet the interests of the child, subsequently, when the guardianship authorities, well now it is already illegally confirmed by a court decision, released the guardians, when they went to appeal this court decision, the court imposed interim measures prohibited the child from being taken outside the russian federation at that time. at that time, they were legal representatives in the person of guardians, guardians, yes, but i want to say that how much time has passed since, when you last saw the girl, in july, on july 22, she will be 2 years old, 2 years old, now i they tell us that we have connections in tajikistan, just now anna maria's biological family is
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contacting us, dushan b, can you hear us, hello, yes, yes, yes, i can hear you. hello, hello, where is anechka, where is anechka, what does anna maria look like, great, look, look how big you are, hello, tell me how quickly your daughter got used to you, considering that she lived in another family for 5 years, already in one week she speaks to me in tajik, yeah, and you need she is my blood, how did it happen that...
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i have another girl got it, once not she saw, i went i didn't see the child, you understand, they put me in the pantry, i was in the pantry for three days, you understand, i didn't eat anything, they threatened me, you understand, they threatened me , i don't know, the pills are written in english for this, i don't know what kind of pill it was, i ate, i said yes,
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well, okay, everything was already over, anna maria, do you remember mikhail and marina, daughter, hear us, please, my girl, anyuta, my girl, my daughter, they zombified me, daughter, than take children already, here. mom, here is my mom, they stole me, it's me your mother, my daughter, why him, why, have you really forgotten me, daughter, it's straight, anya.
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a game of some adult officials of two families of such stories, there's more than one story , a lot of criminal cases, here i look at this , my heart just bleeds yes, that is , they send specially, they excite and this is criminal activity, what maternity hospital , you say correctly, the city of irkutsk , the second organ, the second maternity hospital or what leninsky district.
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you know, everything is written in the book of life of each person, all good, as well as bad deeds, yes, you did a good deed, i understand how my heart breaks, seeing now the girl to whom you dedicated 5 years of your life, yes, but the most difficult thing is to always hear each other and go for this compromise, because in disputes the children suffer the most, we are following the development of this story, that's all for today, take care of yourself and your loved ones, goodbye! meow! no one thinks about the child, about her interests, about her rights, she
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was treacherously taken from our family at one time, and i think you yourself see that this is stress for her, and i i don't believe that she forgot about us, like her parents, she is not allowed to have her say, she is constantly being forced to accept someone else's opinions. turning to anargul and aziz, let's come to an agreement. for the sake of the future of our daughter, anna maria. one of the most beautiful and talented actresses of the sixties, svetlana danilchenko, filming in the cult series eternal call, a role in the film by akira kurosawa, which received an oscar, and then years of oblivion, now the memory of her may be consigned to oblivion. our investigation, the secrets of famous graves continues, as well as a lonely cross actresses valentina berezovskaya, why millionaire brothers, football players abandoned their grandmother's grave. malakhov with... on the russia channel.
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yes, here's a guy who got married, the first thing neighbors on the street can ask is, does she make her own bread, that is, if a girl
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makes her own bread, a new daughter-in-law, she's priceless, a good daughter-in-law, if she buys in the neighboring store, well, that means she's so-so, a city girl. that means she gets to know the whole society, let 's say, the second scarf with all the relatives, uh, natalie one scarf, this scarf, like, mm, a hint
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that... she became a mother, before that was all they did it, as it was not like now in a restaurant, they used to do it for the whole street or they would set tables for the whole yard, for example, and it was not relatives who did it, the whole street did it, that's all that is connected with the wedding, the whole street held the wedding, everyone comes to help, the wedding lasted not a day, not two, not three, the wedding was held for weeks, months, i swear. toulan bolyb chalgida chalamys alybyzdy.
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the settlement of upper balkaria is the center of the whole balkaria, because earlier, earlier, there was a forum here that was called gollo, we had this gollo once a year, at this gollo all the issues were resolved, and the gollo continued for a whole year. this year they chose brides, chose husbands, this is called kozbayrak, before, if they came for the bride without this, it was considered disrespectful to the bride, this is a nest of
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nuts, here... the ancestor, these are the branches of the tree, like a family tree, and this is the offspring, so that everything multiplies, this meant this, candies, so that life is sweet, this is a must, coins - this is for wealth, a pony, a horse, this meant the most noble animal is considered, and it is obligatory that... the riders went, here are the children, a boy, a girl, the girls themselves had to sew, prepare these scarves, these shirts, this scarf, it was called, these children's things for the future children, these are the girls, this is for the boy, the bride prepared all this.
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voluntarily entered the russian empire, since then with the russian brothers in grief, in joy we live together. ethnos, which has acquired a symbiosis of various ethnic cultures, ancient and geographically different regions, kepnaya culture, mountain culture and
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so on. among the turkic-speaking peoples, russia is the highest mountain people, and in general in the caucasus there are, our auls, some of which are located at an altitude of about 2.0 m, that is, taulu is a self-name, which already says a lot, taulu is translated as the son of the mountains or simply a highlander, there is even a proverb taulu taudantoy, that is, a balkar taulu. you can't get enough of the mountains, for example , you ask a balkar how you are doing, he says: turama, i'm standing, when you stand, you are a balkar, that is, it is vertically connected with those mountains with which he, well , personifies himself, for example, we measured the distance with a cry, the echo spreads from one to 3 km, here i say, one cry, two cries, three
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cries at... the cracks in balkar are called auz, which means mouth, jaws, you see, they revived what surrounds them balkans. they also say: praise the plain, choose the mountains, in general, if you want to kill a balkar, move him out onto the plain, well, there are, as it were, considered, relatively speaking, two balkar regions, chereg and elbros, but they live everywhere, our diaspora lives in turkey, part of the diaspora lives in america, somewhere around 120, the last census of thousands of balkars, but i don’t think that’s true, somewhere around 150 of us. no fewer than the bulgarians are called the most peaceful people of the caucasus, well, the most peaceful people of the caucasus, you know, uh, it’s - don’t wake up trouble while it’s quiet, a balkar, if
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you corner him, a balkar will be the most warlike, only he needs to be backed up against the wall, to his mountain everything, then the balkar will already show his character, well, basically what the bulgarians did was... cattle breeding, there was a time, he says, when a bull that stands on the ground, this land was more expensive than the bull itself, because you can see for yourself, there is almost no arable land there, they cleared the stones, they grew what they could, if you have a stick in your hands, it is a stick to push a lamb there, or to hold yourself on a slope, but in no case, what...
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animal husbandry a person must put his soul into, without putting his soul into it, you will not get any effect, regarding cutting up sheep, the balkars have a word, it sounds like this in balkar
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, they say it as a joke, that is, each village cuts up a sheep in its own way, this can be interpreted so, with your charter in someone else's monastery. if, for example, take a lamb, yes, here they slaughtered a lamb, in a lamb only the blood is not used, the hooves, the rest starts with the horns, with the skin, with the hide, meat, everything goes into use, this is used, earlier they made from this six. borki - they made hoods, and socks, from sweaters, sleeveless jackets, this is how we do it, these six are all good, we have fluffy, yes,
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fluffy, good, goat down can be, from goat down we make scarves, this is how, this is how we do it. five of us spend a whole month on one carpet, because in order to make it you need to felt several flowers and felt until ready, this is very labor-intensive work, very labor-intensive work, they used to roll on price lists, now there are no price lists, this is why we do this now, so that there are no folds, and soap is a must,
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soap is a must, soap is a must, we roll for a long time persistently, how long do we roll like this, well, we roll five times... six times we can, for example, the first day we rolled, it dried, the second day, again the third day, if after five. we look, if it is not ready yet, we can also do a sixth day, we can also do a seventh, but how do we know if it is ready or not, well how can you explain it to me, it becomes firm , yes, bulgarian women are very, yes, hardworking, yes, very hardworking, we do not sit around in vain, our women are generally craftsmen, they... in general, wool was used from
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generation to generation, it was passed down, it still goes, they do not stop working, her hands create beauty, first of all, a balkan woman, she is very responsible, we do not even have a word for divorce in the bulgarian language, you understand, the main thing is of course the man is the older man, and if there is no man in the house, let's say, grandmother, who is older, but even if there is a little boy, then he is the head of the family. so you go to the neighbors and call someone, but you can’t say the girl’s name, you have to call the boy specifically to call the hostess, even if you know that the boy is not at home, you will shout, kirim, come out, you call the little boy who is in the family by his name, the grandmother comes out to this name, says that you wanted, like this, lend me a pack of butter please, that’s why i came, you definitely need to call a man. izdravni, like a father, like
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grandfather, we made saddles, now i do, they used to make wooden orchaks like this, there is a grandfather's light one, in seventy -third year he took it, exactly the same one, this is a bridle, here with old silver elements. all elements, all saddles, there are bridles, breastplates, what is in our native language, each of everything has its own specific name, a name, this one is called angrchak, they say, when the saddle is already completely ready, they say, well, two names, there is adzher, there is ier, here is a bridle - this is zhgen, podhostnik is a kuushkhan, nagrutnik is an oshilluk, where did the horseshoe for luck come from?
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there was an iron deficit in the mountains, and what did they lose? horses, horses lost horseshoes, you could make a knife from this horseshoe, a serb and so on, that is , it was luck, that's where it came from, a horseshoe for luck, one guy turns to me and says: listen, he says, i found a knife in the rocks, i know that... you collect old man, i want to give it to you, he says, when i took this knife, i realized that this knife is about a thousand years old, then i meet this guy, i say: listen, do you know what they told me about your knife? and he says, you can get it from a good collector for 8-10 thousand dollars, he says, if you want, i'll give it back to you, i say, he says, and i gave it to you, keep it, just don't lose it now, it turns out i gave you a car, he says. at first he made lamps, well, everything
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was mostly wood, then gradually they started ordering sheaths, they started ordering handles for the sheaths, in the end i then saw that it was time in principle to put it all together , to make it all myself, the main thing is knife - it's metal, the main thing in metal is hardening, this process is like at first. hardening and then everything else went, how to understand that the knife is balkarian? well, it's immediately obvious, it should not have stops, the shape has been worked out over a long time, there should be no unnecessary protrusions, places where dirt can get clogged, the shape is universal for cutting up cattle, for... use in the household, everyday life, and you have your own personal knife,
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you made it for yourself, you haven't made it for yourself yet, the shoemaker has no shoes, he didn't make it for himself, nor for the children i did it, you can tell no one else, i didn’t do it, because i always want to do it, it seems that you’ve just started something, like, i came to visit my aunt, i say, aunt, i was at a wedding, there was a man with such beautiful eyes, my great-grandmother, for example, got married at 14, when they came to visit her, she played with dolls, and even from her wedding dress, that is, she took a piece of fabric and sewed a dress for a doll, this is my husband’s grandmother’s dress, she got it from her mother, this dress is probably about
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150 years old, at least, and look, it’s handmade work, every stitch is made by hand. yes, but it was considered bad form, if, for example, a girl puts on a silk dress while working, for example, when she was doing something in the garden or around the house, she had to wear a simple dress, this was the rule, in the 19th century fabrics were very expensive, especially silk, for example, this scarf cost a fortune, this is real chinese silk, scarves could be different, simple, but the head had to be...
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made by hand, bed linen, everything was prepared there, blankets pillows, while she was doing all this she won't do it, she didn't get married, for about a year after her matchmaking the girl would prepare all this , if she didn't finish something, when she returned home to give birth to a child, her first child, yes, she would be somewhere for three or four months and would faithfully add, it was usually accepted for us that the girl would go to her parents and she would give birth not... in the family where she got married, in her father's family, it's not for nothing that they say that the most delicious pancake in the world is our bolkar khachin, we take this dough, we add our
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ball, we have in the filling, we have nettle, cheese, good, fresh, not salty, not from the table, fat in addition to this green onion, then we give it a little.
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the flood wraps the ring usually give, earlier such things themselves in a shilin style, and so they dressed, and the main thing is the first shirt, when they dress a child, they take, well, from an elderly person for a shroud from a shroud they take material, so that for a long time. to take a child, let's say, the parents died, and it is impossible to give children on the internet or in a children's home or somewhere, because all the same relatives there is, they are the same, they will never give up, two relatives, three relatives, uncles, aunts will never give up the orphanage. i believe that our
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people survived not only thanks to women, women, well and thanks to the fact that we had a very strong sense of kinship, you understand, we were never praised, to have our heads stroked, it was impossible, it was always strictly, you did it, we have a word khaida, come on, come on, i even told my mother, mother, you don’t know any other word at all, all the time... khaida, khaida, khaida, the eldest son, he remains in family, elders - they build housing, separate, the youngest stays with the old people, he must
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watch the rule, you know, we have such a postoritsa, eh, grain kurazhelana, what kind of land, such a snake, people who live in the mountains, they somehow differently, relate to life, to people, yes to everything. asks why he came, why he came, he will be a guest for 3 days, well, on the fourth day he himself will say why he came, but to ask why a guest came is
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very shameful, it is not allowed, here is the bread that you said is baked on kizaks, this is shepherd's bread, beauty, although... all this is the homeland of your ancestors, their graves, saints, that's where i'm drawn, this is our
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native land, where many people lived for you, i hope that after us there will live a generation of our children, grandchildren, great-great-grandchildren, this is our homeland, this is our land, and it cannot be exchanged for anything, well, what's good here is that these mountains will save us at any time, touch, you know, at least look at these mountains, and if you walk on them, that's still good, i can't do it any other way, mountains are mountains, i'm nearby, i just can't imagine myself without my neighbors, without my relatives, i don't know, especially without the republic, when you live, you don't feel it somehow, when you're close by, when even if you went to rostov, arrived, there if you went to moscow, arrived, this is already a nation.
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the tv channel my planet presents. so who are you? tuvans, who? tuvans, we are buddhists. so are you buddhists or shamanists? at the same time we...
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admire, the road is very picturesque, very long, 400 km, it takes at least 5 hours to get to kazyl, the capital of tuva, from abakan, the capital neighboring khakassia, the thing is that from moscow here, at the moment there are no direct flights, people fly via krasnoyarsk, novosibirsk or irkutsk, and even then these flights are not available every day, there is another option, to fly to abakan, from here you go by bus or car, this is the option to choose. i, only by bus it will take a very long time to go, so people do what they do, chip in, take a taxi and go, or a large
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shuttle like this. over time, pictures of mountain passes outside the window are replaced by steppe landscapes and it becomes clear: you are almost there. more a little, here it is, kyzyl. the city is small, but interesting, certainly not like any other russian city. take at least its location. firstly, kyzyl is located at the confluence of two rivers, the big yenisei and the small. and this confluence is considered the source of the yenisei that we all know. that is, one of the largest rivers in our country originates from here.
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evil got to the service, anyone can see how it goes, regardless of their religion, the main thing in the temple is to behave quietly and not interfere to pray to the lamas, you also need to take off your headdress, well, and you can take off your shoes , this is optional, you see that person, this is seldys, a student assistant of the local lamas, he told me a lot about buddhism in tuva and about the connection with... for the benefit of other people, for the benefit of people, the people, the most important thing is that there are no such key differences, a buddhist, he takes refuge in the three treasures, there will be a kharmekhi, that is exactly shamanism, here the matter is already connected with the owner of the mountains, the area, there are different things, but the most important thing is that both do not
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harmed people and brought benefit, thank you, everything is with you, may it be with love, thank you, goodbye, goodbye, well, all the blessings have been received, and my journey through tuva, now will probably turn out in the best possible way, i hope buddha and the tuvan spirits will not let me down, we are on the main kronstadt square, it is called the anchor. and this is not at all accidental, in 1783 catherine the great moved the st. petersburg admiralty here for safety, but paul, who took up the post, returned it back to st. petersburg, there was a dump and a kor that have served their purpose. here is one of them, this thing weighs almost 2 tons. the dump was here until 1903, when a naval cathedral was built here. and now, after 10 years
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of the most difficult work of the architect vasily antonovich kosyakov, on the site where the old anchors used to wait for remelting, a huge, second largest cathedral in russia appeared, which is undoubtedly the face of the city of karanshtat. for 209 years, there was no cathedral in kranshtat that could simultaneously accommodate the crews of several ships, i must tell you that in the sea is really hard, it's lonely and restless there, at any moment you can be taken away by the elements, and if it's a military campaign, you can simply be killed. the blessing gave the sailors hope for a favorable outcome,
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so many simply voluntarily chipped in to build a naval cathedral. this cathedral is really a naval cathedral, everything is done according to the rules, even these chandeliers hang on anchor chains, but military campaigns are certainly no joke, the sailors spent 3 to 7 years at sea, such crazy periods that i can't even imagine this, so, of course, many died, but the memory of all the dead, regardless of their nationality. religion is imprinted on these tablets. in 1929, the cathedral ceased to exist. at the persistent requests of the workers, a cultural center named after maxim gorky was made here. however, the cathedral has always been behind
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the fleet. in 2013 , a service was held here again.
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you are watching the news on the russia channel. hello, andrey shevtsov is in the studio. fighting in the kursk region, artillery hit an armored group of militants. in south donetsk in the direction of our hurricanes covered a large stronghold of the armed forces of ukraine. the world health organization recognized the outbreak of monkeypox in africa as a global emergency, will the disease reach russia? our team won the first
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international olympiad in artificial intelligence. in the kursk region , a decision was made on the mandatory evacuation of the population from the entire glushkovsky district , entry for all residents is mandatory from this territory, acting head of the region alexey smirnov reported in his telegram channel. the process will be coordinated by security forces, the military and the local administration, as well as the vigilantes of the kurdish center patriot. the governor called on people to follow the recommendations of those responsible for the evacuation. meanwhile, in the border areas of the urb region, the calculation of a self-propelled howitzer is growing. akatsiya has equipped firing positions to destroy. mobile armored groups of the armed forces of ukraine. artillerymen work in conjunction with units conducting aerial reconnaissance using super drones. the coordinates of detected targets are received directly senior battery officer. artillerymen
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use high-explosive fragmentation ammunition capable of hitting both manpower and armored vehicles. in the southern donetsk direction of the special operation, the calculation of the hurricane multiple launch rocket system of the pacific fleet marine brigade attacked a large stronghold. ukrainian army, having received coordinates from scouts, the crew immediately moved to a firing position, aimed the launcher at the target and fired a salvo of rockets at a range of about 30 km, also practiced. infantry equipment accumulations, ammunition deliveries
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in the zaporizhia region, in the orekhov direction, the calculation of the howitzer of the ge group of troops dnepr destroyed the point of temporary deployment of the vysu. the strike was carried out from a distance of more than 30 km, and this crew also accounted for several nato howitzers m37. and the total number of destroyed enemy targets is dozens. from several cities of tatarstan to the kursk region, they went at once.
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collection and we got 3 tons of humanitarian aid, which includes the most diverse positions, ranging from personal hygiene products - these are toothbrushes, soap, shampoos, ending with large appliances, these are refrigerators, microwave ovens. all districts of tatarstan united, points of reception of homeless aid were opened in naberezhnye chelny, almitevsky alkeyevsky district, with joint efforts they collected more than 40 tons, including refrigerators, microwaves, stoves , heaters, what is especially necessary for kursk residents who were left without roofs over their heads. this is how they accept cargo from the districts of tatarstan, there are boxes from the almitevsky district, this is a gazelle from kazan, we with the film crew too decided to contribute their warehouse, here are wet, dry wipes, cotton swabs, baby diapers, hygiene products, plasters, as well as animal feed, a lot of kursk residents were evacuated together with their pets, in connection with the government of the kursk region , emergency rescue teams of the republic are constantly at their request, funds that were collected by tatarstan. purchased building materials,
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we are sending three twenty-ton trucks with food products, there was a request from colleagues in the kursk region for everything related to building materials, lamps, for everything that is connected with the possibility of creating construction infrastructure, the eerdamshe aid fund points will continue to accept aid from tatarstan nearby, at the addresses poterslo muby4 and vishnevsky 10, a hotline is working, in kursklo. will arrive in 2 days, the next aid from tatarstan is planned to be sent this friday. diana dasayev, vladimir, vesti tatarstan. the next round of negotiations on the middle east starts today in kator. the israeli authorities have already approved sending a delegation there, and hamas representatives have refused from participating, because they believe that the israeli authorities are not interested in ending the war. the movement wants the mediators to return from the talks with a serious response from israel. in this case, they
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are ready to meet and reach an agreement. meanwhile, it became known that donald trump discussed with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu the possibility of concluding a deal on a ceasefire in the gaza strip. according to american publications, trump hoped to push nitalyahu to conclude a deal. at the same time, sources note that they do not know the exact content of the conversation. there is no threat of the spread of ospezyayan in russia, and this was reported by rospotrebnadzor. and moscow has prepared a proposal to help african countries whose populations have suffered from the epidemic. earlier, the world health organization recognized the outbreak of the disease as an emergency of international importance. this year , over 14 thousand cases of infection have been registered, more than 500 of them fatal. the spread of monkeypox has been recorded in several african countries at once countries. a state of emergency has also been declared on the continent. such a measure will speed up funding for containment.
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tropical storm ernest has strengthened into a hurricane and made landfall in puerto rica. the storm has left about 700,000 households on the island without power and more than 200,000 without water. in several parts of the island , heavy rain has caused flooding, washed out roads and blocked traffic. rivers have overflowed their banks, flooding agricultural fields around them. meteorologists expect the cyclone to continue to strengthen in the... in the next two days. the russian team won gold at the first international olympiad in artificial intelligence. the competition ended in bulgaria. teams of graduate students. letov's moscow school beat 40 teams, including the united states, china, japan and other countries. russia was represented by nikita kurlaev, andrey gritsaev, anastasia gainulina and andrey gromyka. the guys were trained for the competition by leading experts in artificial intelligence. next,
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regional news, don't switch. now news from the capital region: sunny weather returns to moscow, today is partly cloudy, no precipitation, the air temperature will rise to +22°, atmospheric pressure, while above the norm 748 mm hg. tomorrow in the capital region will be a little warmer, on the weekend the thermometer will rise to 26°. in balashikha, the improvement of the courtyard territory was completed at once. asphalt was replaced, pedestrian paths were marked , curbs were replaced, by the end of the summer in the moscow city another 20 courtyards will be improved.
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restoration of the outbuilding of the city estate of the singer fyodor shalyapin was carried out. the work took place within the framework of renovation of the facade of the house on novinsky boulevard , built in 1856, the final completion of the estate renovation is planned for the end of next year. all news is available on the media platform, watch in the application or on the website smoтри stay with us. kalinon belek - a place where time stands still. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true perfection, making dreams come true. kalinan
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belek hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale. welcome to rixsas premium magavish syuds & villas in hurghada. where luxury rooms and villas are combined with a golden sandy beach stretching for 1 km. impeccable service, exquisite cuisine will make your holiday unforgettable. rixas premium magavish seus & villas - the holiday you dreamed of. there is a corpse, will you eat in udkina zavod? with pleasure. the cause of death has not yet been established. after all, it has not been established, maybe he died himself, we assume that these criminals attacked two more people, from life experience, i will tell you, robbery has nothing to do with it, two murders in the same place, with an interval of 2 days, suspicious, how can this be explained, secret investigations today on
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rtr. good morning, good morning, very nice that you joined, i greet you today from the studio of the channel russia, elena nikolaeva and andrey petrov, the date, tell me the date, the date is august 15, the favorite time has come for all schoolchildren, kindergarteners, vanity of vanities for parents, the exciting purchase of things, pencil cases, notebooks for the beginning of the school year, just a poet of school couples, oh, i loved this business, well, in general, the middle of august itself suggests a topic: where does a schoolchild feel good? almost half of russians named moscow and the cities of the moscow region. every third person noted st. petersburg, the leningrad region, every fifth person - kazan. further down the list are krasnodar, sochi, nizhny novgorod. and every tenth person chose kaliningrad. among the reasons named were well-developed infrastructure, opportunities for additional education,
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in particular sports sections, and a large selection of family entertainment. but you can also add roads to this list. viewers from... wrote to our telegram channel. and suitable for long-term use, because they are often made throughout the country. residents
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of the moscow region village of alferovo were really looking forward to a new road on elovaya street, but the result of the repair surprised the locals: the builders put sand on the ground, crushed stone and asphalt concrete chips on top. the structure, to put it mildly, does not look very reliable, and is unlikely to survive until next summer, while such a road costs more than 1 million rubles. local residents are surprised why the estimate did not include road improvement. and the construction of sidewalks, in addition, it is unclear where all the moisture will go, no ditches, water runoff, nothing, all this should already be rammed down, look, some holes have already started there, it would be logical to make such a village or small city road once and forget about it, but when building domestic highways, a different logic works, experts say, if a couple of cars drive along the street per hour, then you shouldn't count on good asphalt, if we direct money to where the road is rarely used, this means that we should confiscate this money
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from the content, for example, of roads where the traffic is high. money for small roads can be found if you conduct an audit of the construction of large highways, they do not spare money there, here is truda street in chelyabinsk, asphalt is laid in broad strokes, although motorists doubt that the thickness of the layer corresponds to the project, to lay a mixture that can be laid in a thinner layer, and for this he will need more than four. the prosecutor's office is checking the contractor, because savings are reflected in the quality of the road surface, and the new road is too is in urgent need of repair. there is another problem: builders with very modest qualifications are often allowed to work because they offer the lowest price for their work. lack of equipment, lack of era. so the system clearly needs to be
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overloaded, it is necessary to strengthen control over contractors and the priority in road construction should not be reporting, but the quality of the final result, it should, but it does not happen, with us today is the deputy head of the bureau of investigations of the people's front valery guryukhanov, valery hello, we have just looked at this story, i personally really liked the statement of the official, the official who said, well, there are not many people here, well , excuse me, yes, we will do it somehow, excuse me, well, if you had more, we would have done it well for you, well, this is a very bright opinion, in fact, well, that is, the feeling that in fact, on the ground, they are not afraid at all, because with all the gosts, all the snips, everything else for road construction , they are simply not afraid and do as they want, you know, the standards are wonderful, the technical task is good. and the problem is in control, here we are, as far as we can see now, yes, one of
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the key solutions should be - state control, that is, there is control, which now, well, god bless it, yes , state control, which will check the quality of the road, and there is even such a practice, and there are studies and experts who say that there is, well , actually a process that should be during the acceptance of the road, i will describe it to you now, let's say a road is being built, there are five... kilometers, yes, it is built according to certain standards, accordingly, the corresponding materials, layers , etc. must be laid there, and a sample of this road is taken, well , a brick is cut out, and another brick, two bricks, they are sent, one to the laboratory, the second brick is sent, for example, to the archive, some kind of storage, somewhere there is a big hole, yes, a big hole appears, and accordingly, the customer contacts, says that why, maybe there is some kind of problem? and an extraction of this brick is made there, it is compared with the sample, which is ideal, yes, and
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which was taken at the stage when the road was being built, this should happen over the course of 5 years, and it will be state control, but it will be, for example, regional, that is, there will be a certain chief control of such and such a region, which can come at an unexpected moment and check a specific road, which will have experts, who will have equipment to check this road, it will be able to make a conclusion, based on this check already for...
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we are simply watching how the state looks at what... is already happening, accordingly, here only by methods of state regulation can we bring the market to the point where we receive high-quality roads for large amounts of state money, well, okay, what steps first, second, third can be now, and prescribe a state examination, make it so that at the regional level there are control, state construction, control institutions, and accordingly further strictly monitor that all this is carried out, this is the procedure that we talked about with you about the excavation, about... security yes, it is not simple, in fact, but only in this way it is very similar to sports doping control, yes, absolutely exactly, that is , everything here should be strictly verified according to the instructions, then within 5 years, even if sometimes they contact us, they say, people contact, and the contractor says, well, here there are only six months left until the end of the warranty period, that is, he says, by the time you write, the warranty will already have passed,
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imagine, that is, even if one day remains, the state should be able to check. the road and the contractor must redo it if it was built with violations, moreover, impose fines, understand you, thank you, well yes, our guest was the deputy head of the people's front investigation bureau, valery gorykhano, all the best to you, thank you very much, the pig tried to commit suicide, he couldn't, it's clear, he couldn't, moscow novel, final series, today at 21:20, i am nikolai dolgachev and have been to the front line more than once, i am olga. i know from my own experience what those feel whose relatives and friends go to war every day feat. watch our program about our best people. our premiere, from monday to thursday at 13:00. well, here is a clear confirmation of the thesis that you need to stubbornly go to your dream, not turn anywhere. one
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vietnamese always wanted to live in a golden castle, he wanted it for 20 years and collected scrap metal, saved, saved. he finally built the house that he imagined, the building cost almost 300 million rubles. ceilings, walls, chandeliers, clocks, toilet in a three-story building, everything is made of twenty-four-karat gold, patterns and bas-reliefs are made by hand, too gilded, the construction is about to be finished, and the dreamer's family is waiting impatiently for the housewarming, i have a question, was he collecting scrap gold or something, what kind of, what kind of metal was he collecting, i know what you need to collect to build such a castle, well, it's good when you do everything yourself, yourself, yourself, but if. relatives of one of the parties invested in the purchase of real estate. lawyers advise thinking about the nuances in advance. at the beginning of the summer, the younger sister was going to get married, we thought about a gift and decided to give a significant amount, we knew that they are planning to buy an apartment. on behalf of the family , victoria smertno gave the newlyweds 500,000 rubles. for the initial payment on the mortgage. sister victoria suggested that her husband
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record the funds received in a marriage contract in order to insure the money donated by relatives. the sister's share will be. we have already contributed a large amount, and it is drawn up quite competently, i think it is fair. make up 2/3 of the apartment, the spouse 1/3, since drawing up a marriage contract really will help prevent property disputes in the family, lawyers confirm. moreover, if in relatives are involved in the purchase of mortgaged housing, it is best to record this fact as well: with a deed of gift and a receipt. since it is impossible to include special family conditions in the mortgage agreement itself, these documents will help.
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clarify who ultimately owns the apartment. and here there are a couple of scenarios: relatives can arrange a mortgage for themselves with the help of a deed of gift transfer the ownership right to one of the spouses. according to the law, such property will not be subject to division or participate in the joint purchase of housing, having received proportionate investing a share of the property. for example, a married couple buys an apartment for 5 million rubles. of these, 1.5 million are contributed by the wife's parents, that is , they actually give 30% of the total cost of the property. in the event of a divorce. the remaining 70% is subject to joint division. each will get half of this amount. as a result , most of the property will belong to the spouse's side and her relatives. otherwise , the apartment will have to be divided equally. in accordance with current legislation , a presumption of jointly acquired property is provided, that is, any property acquired during marriage is divided in half. and one of the spouses must prove the opposite. the fact that we gave these
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funds and that we need to move away from the equality of the parties. therefore, experts advise transferring large. sums of money by bank transfer, so it will be easier to confirm the fact of gifting funds in court, which will help protect the interests of all parties. and then a trip along the waterways of the country. personal cruises within the framework of the national project we will tell in a few minutes. the heroes of our time are those, who creates the future with their own hands. lend a shoulder. i went to help volunteers. can i hug you, we are already in love with you in absentia. if you can help, then you should help. there were moments when it was very difficult and scary, and you understand, as if there is no time for some kind of weakness. to lend a helping hand, i had to pull people out on my own. i... got there at the moment of the offensive, at the moment of active military action, it was generally very difficult, i know where she was, can i be next to you, everything yes, yes, yes, accept the fire myself, the fire was going into our
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side, someone was screaming, children were crying really loudly, people came to do their job, they came to help people, because we are one big country, we should look up to them, these people can do everything and even more, ours, understand, you? you can't call yourself a hero. the premiere is from monday to thursday on rtr. you will listen to me. come on, come back. it's disgusting to breathe the same air with you. ira, ira, we're watching rtr. this is a gift on this special day. i hate you. where is my child, i 'm going to scream now, well, it's hard to pay off someone else's debts, take it, don't
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come to me, don't come to me, what happened, what blood, where is it strange, no troupe, no statement, and no wife, return. since monday on rtr, oleg lymar, a professional soldier, he recently returned from the front lines and was awarded a medal for bravery, for risking his life under enemy fire, he carried a wounded soldier from the battlefield, the limb was severely torn off, under fire, he carried him out, then he told me, he says, how will you get out of here, the main thing is to find me, today we brought the soldier you are looking for to this studio, no, not him, who turned out to be the double of the rescued soldier, malakhov, today on rtr, i love you,
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and i love you, we are sitting well, let's run, run out, premiere, so reliable, not petrushka, he called someone again, well, don't be silent, please. my name is mikhail dolskaya. i know, we talked before. you didn't spend the night at home? there is something i don't know. can i finally confess. i love him, you understand, i love him. and i can't do anything about it, you understand? i love him. the bonds of marriage or the nets of love? what will be stronger? i just ask without emotions. you will refuse me, i will not tolerate, choose, rain at the end of summer, soon on rtr,
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who are we, where are we going, what kind of country are we, a russian person remains a russian person, of course, there is something inside, such a chill, anything can happen, i will still do what i do, now there is a fight for our values, for us. for russia, for our past, this is my path, this is my life, this is my destiny, life and destiny, from monday to friday on rtr, we look at other countries, for example, they decided to revive hungary, we watch the old tradition, horseback archery, the main thing here is incredible accuracy and balance, because the shooters hit targets, moving on a horse along the ... it is difficult to even count how many centuries this art has existed, well, earlier , combat archers in the steppes of asia were famous for this, today, of course, it is just a sport, although for someone it is a philosophy and a lifestyle, as for
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one of the teachers, on his farm, in the south of the country, everyone can train, but balance, concentration, everything is trained, well, in the case of popular ethno-style recreation with immersion in life, culture different nations, it is also interesting, i started working with bees since childhood. i have been working in an apiary since i was 12, i worked with my uncle, the apiaries contain almost fifty local addyk families, they are ready to grow fruits and accept tourists. these are very big prospects, why in terms of and - increasing agricultural production and not only. thousands of vacationers now go to the mountains to learn the traditions and culture of local residents, in the courtyards of the houses of sochi aols you can open ethnomuseums. locals will tell about the life and traditions of the adyghe, shipsugs elders who know the value of each item. odygi used these
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light. hand mills, it works, it can be adjusted, murdenteshev and his relatives store things that are several hundred years old, here is a prize for grapes, ovens, smokehouses, kitchen utensils, all this can be used today, if you know how, they also store musical heritage, national melodies sound on the svinilovyh plates. finger dance, which was traditionally performed at weddings, is now being learned in sochi, and the residents of sochi aolols are also known as skilled horse breeders riders, horses of the circassian breed, here the pride of every house. in our language, the horse sounds the same as the word brother ch, this is in the shapsuk dialect chadga of the abkhaz language group, in the kabardian dialect sh,
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well, in the literary dialect. patient, so that the device gives accurate data, the blood itself does not need to be taken now, even if we assume that the tube, then that too much, well , you are lagging behind in your and, forgive me, please, from our young developers, today everything is possible, a super new glucometer for diabetics, we'll show everyone in a few minutes. the news continues to work
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live, in the studio andrey shevtsov. hello. in the kursk region, a decision has been made on the mandatory evacuation of the population from the entire glushkovsky district. departure for all residents from this territory is mandatory, - the acting head of the region alexey smirnov reported in his telegram channel. the process will be coordinated by law enforcement agencies, the military and local administration, as well as vigilantes of the kursk patriot center. the governor urged people to follow recommendations of responsible applications. meanwhile, in the border area of ​​the kursk region, the crew of the multifunctional fighter-bomber so-34 attacked the personnel and military equipment of the armed forces of ukraine. the strike was carried out on reconnoitered targets with aviation bombs with a universal planning and correction module. this allows combat operations to be carried out from a safe distance from the line of combat contact. having received confirmation from intelligence about the destruction of the targets, the pilots safely returned to
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the departure airfield. servicemen of the calculation the latest heavy flamethrower system tos-2, the center group of troops destroyed a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces. having received the task, the crew marched to the firing position, aimed the installation at the target and fired a salvo at a distance of more than 20 km. the blow was delivered by jet thermobaric shells. with their successful actions, the military supported the offensive actions of the assault detachments in the avdeevka direction. the tos-2 machine. tosochka is simply what the people called it, such, it is quite easy to operate, there is nothing complicated, the only feature is in entering the mode, in in terms of control it goes well, the most important thing is to arrive quickly, quickly get on the regime, quickly leave it. ulyanovsk paratroopers with the help of quadcopters destroyed the starlink satellite antenna on the right bank of the dnieper. after launching a drone with attached
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ammunition, the operator found satellite antennas and nationalist units in the dilapidated buildings. the complexes were disabled by a precise drop of striking elements and hand grenades. a few minutes ago, the soyuz 2.1a rocket was launched from the baikanur cosmodrome. it launched into orbit space cargo ship progress ms-28. the docking of the cargo ship with the zvezda module of the russian segment of the international space station is scheduled for saturday. the cargo ship will deliver to the iss more than 2.5 tons of cargo, including more than a ton of equipment, equipment for the station's systems and scientific experiments, clothing, food, drinking water, medical and sanitary-hygienic means for the crew, as well as fuel for refueling the station and nitrogen. the next round of negotiations on the middle east starts today in qatar. the israeli authorities have already approved sending a delegation there, while hamas representatives refused to participate because
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they believe that the israeli authorities are not interested in ending the conflict. the movement wants the mediators to return from the talks with a serious response from israel. in that case, they are ready to meet. and reach an agreement. meanwhile, it became known that donald trump discussed with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu the possibility of concluding a deal on a ceasefire in the gaza strip. according to american publications, trump hoped to push netanyahu to the conclusion of the deal. at the same time, the sources note that they do not know the exact content of the conversation. severe flooding occurred in western germany. the water level rose highest in the city of karlsruhe after a heavy downpour. the river overflowed its banks with hail, the level exceeded record levels, the flow carried away cars , flooded basements and first floors of buildings, as a result of which many residents were left without electricity, and there are also reports of disruptions in rail service. in addition, one of the nursing homes was evacuated. in
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sicily, the second in the last two weeks end ethno. one of the most active volcanoes on the planet has once again thrown out columns of ash, lava flows, this has already affected air traffic. in primorye , a full family of amur tigers was caught on surveillance cameras, photo and video traps set in the national park, the footage shows how large ones walked along the path at night... according to the employees of the national park, this event is very rare, because usually the tigress raises the cubs alone, and the social life of amur tigers is still not fully understood. next, news from your region with
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residents of moscow and the region. see you in a few seconds. now news from the capital region: sunny weather is returning to moscow, today it is partly cloudy without precipitation, the air temperature will rise to +22°, the atmospheric pressure is above normal with a weight of 48 mm of mercury. tomorrow in the capital region it will be a little warmer, on the weekend the thermometer will rise to 26°. at the end of summer it will be closed for several days. from august 24 to 28, at this time specialists will be preparing for the opening of the new potapovo metro station, along the closed
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section of the red line will launch free buses, and residents of these areas will also be able to use regular city routes. the new potapovo station will be connected by a pedestrian gallery with a stop. public transport on alexandra monakhova street, and exits from it are provided on all sides of the solntsevo butovo-vidnoye highway. earlier, the technical purge of the metro section from novomoskovskaya to potapovo was completed, and the section of the highway from novomoskovskaya to edvarda griga street was opened. construction of a transport interchange between volodarskoe and kashirskoe highways will be completed this year. now road service specialists are building two roads.
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therefore, i kindly ask you to fulfill the stated deadlines that we agreed on, which are specified in the contract, and you have fulfilled them. volodarskoe highway is also being reconstructed, the number of lanes there will increase, which will improve transport accessibility of large residential complexes located in this area. changes to the road infrastructure have appeared on other sections in the capital, there are 200 of them in total, for example, 60 new pedestrian crossings have appeared with by applying new markings. 59 traffic lanes were added, which increased the capacity. also , the so-called waffle markings were applied, which record violations of the rules for driving through the intersection. at the beginning of the year , 60 new pedestrian crossings were organized under the projects of the data center,
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so pedestrians can cross the road safely. additional traffic lanes appeared at 59 addresses due to re-marking. waffle markings appeared at ten intersections, it helps speed up travel and relieve congestion at intersections. all changes to the road infrastructure are made taking into account the wishes of local residents. almost 30 substations of 50 km of power transmission lines are planned to be modernized by autumn in podolsk. distribution points are increasing capacity, additional equipment , mainly of russian manufacture, is being put into operation. new mechanisms will allow for quick remote restoration of power supply to houses in the event of an accident. in addition, there will be a stable supply of heat in frosty weather. these cells are equipped.
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video platform, watch in the application or on website see you in almost 20 minutes. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort. at rixsas golf villas and suits sharmaь sheей. a magnificent world-class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy the contemporary design of rooms and luxury
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villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits sharmaьshaй. welcome to the newest hotel рixos in sharm el-sheikh. rikssas rodomis sharm el-sheikh is the perfect place for a family holiday, where everything created for the happiness and comfort of children and their parents. slip away. everyday life into a world of endless entertainment, enjoy theme rooms, the largest children's town in the region and an unforgettable holiday. rixas radomis sharmel sheikh. moscow novel, where he called 100 times, but did not answer. where is the fire? everything is so tangled that it is impossible to unravel, only to cut it, and she cut it. so what should i do? you understand, they love. they love, and i hate, this
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woman will not be in our lives, neither her nor her offspring. moscow novel, final series, today on rtr. good morning, good morning , we hope you wake up pleasantly. if you haven't woken up yet, we'll help you wake up. nikolaev, andrey petrov is in the studio today, hello, how can we help, it's already mid-august, we'll help you with whatever we can, and the equator, we're starting the swim literally in the big one, we hope for a good day, here's some good news in the morning, the russian winter swimming team has received the right to compete in the world cup under the national flag, the championship will be held in argentina on lake argentina in southern patagonia, more than 100 swimmers from 14 countries will compete in distances from 25 to 100 m in icy alone.
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therefore, it is mostly sunny here and only here and there in the caucasus mountains may scattered pockets of thunderclouds appear. the prevailing daytime temperature in crimea in kuban is -28-33, in the unsettled areas of the volga and idon up to +25-30°. but the northwest of russia will be in the area of ​​high pressure. due to its efforts , there will be no conditions for the development of rain clouds, so nothing will prevent the sun from warming the air well, the prevailing daytime temperature is -21-26, the atmosphere will be approximately the same in central russia, there are few clouds, significant precipitation is unlikely, at midday the thermometers will rise to +22-27. the anticyclone does not
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allow a cyclonic vortex to pass to the urals, the sky here will still be covered with clouds, rain will fall from time to time. daytime temperature is +15-20°. the atmospheric front of the ural cyclone will break through to the south of siberia, here too there will be showers and thunderstorms, at midday the thermometers will rise to +22-27. thermometers will show +227, only to the east of the region on nastya will not have time to get, here it is sunny and after midday it is hot, + 27:32, in the south of the far east there will be light rains. only in places and will not significantly affect the temperature regime, daytime temperature in the amur region and continental regions of primorye +25-30 °, on the coast of the sea of ​​japan up to +21.26. vadim, thank you,
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we want to look into the future of children, after all, everyone is going to school, to kindergartens on september 1, that immediately autumn according to the schedule of the second, well, about september 2 i will not say, but... the first month of autumn promises to be quite warm with a good positive temperature anomaly thank you studio leading specialist of the phobos center vadim zavodchenko this year on these days vasily makarovich would have been 95 years old lidiya fedoseyeva shukshina about her beloved husband i say i'm pregnant he says it means there will be a son then when the girl is born he comes out and says god how beautiful she is when vasiliya. well yes, of course, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov, tomorrow at 13:00, this is summer, we can already sum up, in general, summer showed that russians are very interested in author's tours for recuperation, people
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are looking for non-standard formats of recreation that will save them from emotional burnout, for spiritual harmony every fifth person goes to dagestan or... and elbrus , altai, the urals and kislovodsk are also popular, these places attract with their unique natural landscapes, opportunities for both activities and maximum relaxation, it was necessary to go, where to get strength now, here are also increasing cruise tourists, annually, on average, the number of water domestic travel. over 4,000 people have purchased such trips in the past year, the national project small and medium entrepreneurs helps develop the business in the field of river cruises. the story i will tell you about now dates back to 1512, not long ago they themselves listened with interest to the entertaining speeches of the tour guide, but after consulting, the motorkina spouses decided, why not justify their last name and
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take up river cruises in their native ecology, i have always been drawn to water, eh, probably back in the fourth grade i... how he came to the palace of pioneers to build ship models, then there was a maritime school, sails, oars, motors. oleg, a former small-size vessel inspector, is now the owner of two motor ships at once, although they are not new at all, but roomy and cozy. we had to restore a lot, modernize a lot, to meet modern requirements, for example, tsypulin, it is already fifty -seven years old, built. the course is named after the famous kaluga merchant and philanthropist ivan tsypulin, here is the second ship with a more modest name, the old altair, matorkin and literally saved from oblivion, the previous owners wanted to scrap it. we were told that we could apply for government support, for preferential loans, we came to the center my business, in general, they told us what and where we can and
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how to get. tatyana is responsible for finances and strategy in the family, it is not for nothing that she attended special courses for beginning entrepreneurs, now they are already riding like real captains. a pack of enthusiastic tourists, and such enthusiasts of water rental are becoming more and more every year, thanks to the national project small and medium entrepreneurship, there are already more than 6.5 million small and medium-sized businesses in the country, over...
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roses, right now in astrakhan it's the peak of lotus blossoming gorgeous, great mood, and again the weather, captain, mood, great, everything. nikolai's long-standing dream of reviving the popular soviet-era walks along the volga has finally come true the captain and his team are planning to expand their personal flotilla they are thinking about buying another boat. and there will be a place in agriculture creativity. in the chinese province of hebei, local farmers, despite the sweltering heat,
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turn rice fields into cheerful pictures. the plots are simple: sometimes happy children playing and blowing soap bubbles, sometimes young people with books and computers, well , rural landscapes, of course, such a fashion to compete not only in the amount of the harvest, but in its design, do not forget to sign, well, and eco-style is also in fashion, volgograd resident tatyana. daeva only six months ago began to master the weaving of ratang, at first as a hobby, but this activity turned out to be not only fascinating, but also promising, we will find out the secrets of the craftswoman right now. making a rattan flowerpot begins with marking the frame, an ordinary construction bucket will do, a certain number of holes are made, as a rule, every 3 cm, then a small piece of rattan is cut off, the filming process is under threat, but products made of artificial rattan do not care about precipitation, they are not afraid of rain or snow, they
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will not lose color and shape, they are perfect for a summer residence garden, yes, they will come in handy indoors, this is a pellet for a bathhouse, i specially wove it for firewood, very convenient, we have it on wheels here, please , convenient, beautiful, no trash, furniture made of rattan palm, which grows in the countries of southeast asia, beautiful... i would have ordered six beautiful koshpo for me and a gift, but he ordered a gift at work, so i was the first to be satisfied, this is
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a creative and physically difficult job, but if you really get carried away, you can't stop relaxing at the sea, i lie on the sand, i say, why didn't i take a rattan with me, stop impossible, weaving, weaving, all the time, now non-cash weaving, suitable for baskets. and is also thinking about taking on furniture by winter, which is not scary to leave in the rain, and then the state invested in your training, well, and debt is red with payment, mandatory work after import will soon be discussed with an expert, remove blood, find ira, the police do not say a word, we look at rtr, you knowing about this, bring her here, a murderer, i have the right to throw your love out of my house.
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in a month i will not move in i will tear your legs off, yeah, so here he is, who is our new neighbor, what if you please, something happened, maybe we can have lunch together, it's not time to go to work now, elena arocheva, you've lived in two families for all these 10 years,
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yes, unlike you, everything is real with us. an old piano. on saturday on rtr. you don't need to make an appointment with him. just kidding. he'll come to your house himself. we're starting. he'll always help. we'll practice how to walk on ice correctly. he'll always tell you how to raise low
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blood pressure. how an air freshener can lead to asthma. oh, how to take medicine correctly, they'll always support you, a bowl of pasta with cheese, it's a saucepan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes on lard, i sleep, i sleep like a child, but i don't advise you to do this, a doctor who can be trusted 100%, you will be happy, well, i don't guarantee happiness, but health for sure... doctor myasnikov will be added on saturday and sunday on rtr, well, let's assume that this is just some kind of summer glitch, this is what the surveys revealed, the overwhelming majority of young russians under 27 are at risk of developing eating disorders, only every eighth is happy with their body, the rest feel
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non-compliant with standards from advertising in magazines and social networks. every second person who already has violations notes that they have experienced ridicule from their peers, so it is worth following simple rules in the family, they say: do not discuss anything unpleasant during meals, do not force children to eat and do not comment on anyone at the table, especially since there will be someone to comment on the correct rules even outside the table, you can’t say it any other way, although it is tautology, this is what can and should be explained, domestic development, a device for determining the level sugar in the blood without taking this very blood, in new technologies i analyzed... eight times a day, that's how many glucose tests on average a person with diabetes who is prescribed insulin is forced to do, blood is required for measurement, each time you need to prick your finger, the pleasure, to put it mildly, is dubious, but everything can change, in this novosibirsk laboratory they figured out how to make sugar analysis absolutely painless, scientists created a non-invasive glucometer, instead of blood it analyzes
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a person's sweat, sweat contains 98% water and... 250 approximately various substances, including glucose, and the glucose concentration is approximately 10% of the glucose concentration in the blood. printed sensors like these are responsible for collecting and analyzing biological fluid: the substrate is ordinary paper or fabric, and the ink consists of graphene with a special additive. the sensor is glued to the skin, it immediately begins to absorb even a small amount of moisture. once on the surface of the graphene, the dissolved glucose reacts with oxygen, hydrogen peroxide is formed because it worked, the electronics count the amount of sugar. the first prototype was a black box like this, quite bulky, but since this is the first prototype, we wanted to make sure that the sensor itself works, at this stage we have a more compact device that can be worn on the hand, it is already closer
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to the size of a watch. in online mode, the device transmits data to a smartphone. but a person can always see what kind of sugar he has, it's a pity that for now this is only a laboratory sample , a lot of testing awaits him ahead. however, measuring glucose using the traditional method can be less painful. this is already a development of irkutsk engineers. they created a glucometer with an unusual lancing device. instead of a metal tip , a laser beam acts on the skin very quickly, for about a third of a second. its radiation is absorbed by the water in the skin, it instantly boils in this place is formed. a microscopic hole plus for analysis this glucometer only needs 1. blood. i can say with complete confidence that medicine. a product with such characteristics are currently absent not only in the territory of the russian federation, but i will also take a swing, i will probably say in the whole world.
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the developers plan to launch the production of new generation glucometers in six months, when they receive all the necessary permits. and then everything new, of course, is well forgotten, the old. walking aid for children returns to stores. viktor nikolaevich, can't you read? and where can he walk with the child? you have been provided with a separate apartment, walk there, but the main thing here is not where, and how to walk with a baby, how safe is such a child safety belt? we will ask the experts in a few minutes. and it would be useful to me, and it would be useful to me, i hold it by the hood, you are watching vesti on the rossiya channel, good morning! andrey shevtsov is in the studio. during the battles in the kursk region, artillery hit the armor of a group of militants. in the southern donetsk direction, our hurricanes covered a large
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stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces. the world health organization has recognized the outbreak of monkey sporadic diarrhea in africa as a global emergency meaning, will the disease reach russia? our team won. the first international olympiad in artificial intelligence. in the kursk region, a decision was made on the mandatory evacuation of the population from the entire glushkovsky district, departure for all residents of this territory is mandatory, the acting head of the region alexey smirnov reported in his telegram channel. the process will be coordinated by law enforcement agencies, the military and the local administration, as well as vigilantes of the kursk. the governor urged people to follow the recommendations of those responsible for the evacuation of persons. meanwhile, in the border areas of the kursk region, the crews of the akatsiya self-propelled howitzers have equipped firing positions to
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destroy the mobile armored groups of the ukrainian armed forces. the artillerymen work in conjunction with units conducting aerial reconnaissance using supercam drones. the coordinates of the detected targets are sent directly to the senior officer of the battery. the artillerymen use fragmentation. capable of hitting both manpower and armored vehicles. in the south donetsk direction of the special operation, the crew of the hurricane multiple launch rocket system of the marine brigade infantry of the pacific fleet attacked a large stronghold of the ukrainian army. having received coordinates from scouts, the crew immediately moved to a firing position, aimed the launcher at the target and fired a salvo of rockets at a range of about 30 km. all targets were successful with a precise strike.
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columns with humanitarian aid were sent to the region, residents of the republic brought generators, water packages, microwave ovens, as well as food, hygiene products, a total of 40 tons of aid to collection points, with details diana dosayeva. for the week humanitarian aid was mostly brought in bed linen, pillows, blankets, they were packed in boxes like blankets, clothes, shoes, separately food, cereals, canned goods, baby food, water, more than one and a half tons of humanitarian aid in just one of the points at... as a result of the collection, we got 3 tons of humanitarian aid, which includes a wide variety of items, starting from personal hygiene products, these are toothbrushes, soap, shampoos, ending with large appliances,
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these are refrigerators, microwave ovens. all districts of tatarstan united, collection points for homeless aid were opened in naberezhnye chelny, almit and alkievsky district, with joint efforts they collected more than 40 tons, including refrigerators, microwave ovens , heaters, what is especially needed by kursk residents who were left without... over their heads, this is how they accept cargo from the districts of tatarstan, there are boxes from almitevsky district, this is a gazelle from kazan, we with the film crew also decided to make our contribution, here are wet, dry wipes, cotton swabs, baby diapers, hygiene products, bandages, and also animal feed, many kursk residents evacuated with their pets, connections with the government of the kursk region emergency rescue teams, the republic constantly at their request funds. what tatarstan residents collected, purchased building materials, we are sending three twenty-ton trucks with food products, there was a request from colleagues in the kursk region for a... everything related to
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building materials, lamps, everything related to the possibility of creating a construction infrastructure, will continue to accept assistance tatarstan residents, the eerdamshe aid fund points are nearby, at the addresses of patreslu muby4 and vishnevsky 10, a hotline is working, a column will arrive in kursk in 2 days, the next aid from tatarstan is planned to be sent this friday. vladimir, vesti tatarstan. the next round of negotiations on the middle east s. starts today in qatar. the israeli authorities have already approved sending a delegation there, and hamas representatives refused to participate, because they believe that the israeli authorities are not interested in ending the war. the movement wants mediators returned from negotiations with a serious response from israel. in this case , they are ready to meet and reach an agreement. meanwhile, it became known that donald trump discussed with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu the possibility of concluding
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a deal on a ceasefire in the gaza strip. according to american publications, trump hoped to push netanyahu to conclude a deal. at the same time , sources note that they do not know the exact content of the conversation. there is no threat of the spread of monkeypox in russia. this was reported in rospotrebnadzor. and moscow has prepared a proposal to help african countries whose populations have suffered from the epidemic. earlier, the world health organization recognized the outbreak of the disease. cases of infection, more than 500 of them fatal. the spread of monkeypox has been recorded in several african countries at once, and a state of emergency has also been declared on the continent. such a measure will speed up funding to contain the infection. tropical storm ernest has intensified into a hurricane and hit puerto rico. due to bad weather around 700. rivers overflowed their banks,
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flooding agricultural fields around, meteorologists expect the cyclone to continue to intensify in the next two days. the russian team won gold at the first international olympiad in artificial intelligence. the competition ended in... china, japan and other countries. russia letova beat 40 teams, including the united states, represented by nikita kurlaev, andrey gritsaev, anastasia gainulina and andrey gromyka, the guys were trained for the competition by leading experts in artificial intelligence. further, regional news don't switch. now
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news of the capital region, sunny weather returns to moscow, today partly cloudy without precipitation, the air temperature will rise to +22°, atmospheric pressure is above the norm 748 mm hg. tomorrow in the capital region it will be a little warmer, on the weekend the thermometer will rise to 26°. by the end of summer in the moscow region city will improve another 20 courtyards. restoration of the outbuilding of the city estate of the singer fyodor shalyapin was carried out. the work took place within the framework of about'. the final completion of the estate renovation
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is planned for the end of next year. all news is available on the media platform, watch the app or on the website smoтри, see you there.
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entertainment awaits you here all day long. year-round performances. this is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to delight, here comes the hour for which we have been preparing you, the season finale, you will steal the keys for us, and then distract the guards, listen, i'm already afraid of you,
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hello, well, are we waking up, our pets wake up, after all , someone said this cherished phrase, who said, meow, yes, with such a question, we will come to you this morning, after all, any moment will make crushes, cats, this is a known fact, friends, let's move with you to the crimea, in the miniature park miniature pets appeared, among the attractions of the peninsula, built on a scale of 1:25, it seems now small servals, predators, feline families, the babies were abandoned by their mother, so she feeds them ... manually with milk from a bottle, feeding regimen six times a day and the same at night, but the park staff are determined, they say, they will raise real predators because of these kittens, we mean such cats in the basement in each, so far yes, less certainty among the parents of small russians, they argue about
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the use of walking harness, unacceptable immoral behavior, according to internet users this woman demonstrates sperm public reaction was so loud. that in the end the indignation among online eyewitnesses grew into a real investigation by the investigative bodies, it turned out, that the boy is unwell and it is very difficult to control his behavior on the street, the child was left in the family, at least until the next similar case, when strangers do not like that mom or dad decide to use a special device without their permission, for example, the parents are running to catch a train or a plane, they have several children, it is very scary that the child will break away from the hand and then end up under the belt, the parent must defend his position softly but firmly. say that he is not interested in consultations with strangers, especially incompetent. without a doubt, children's leashes or leashes always cause increased attention from others and often negative, associations with walking with pets or excessive care for the child are triggered. maybe for the safety of the child, but it seems to me that this is not very
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good, the child should still jump, move, develop, but it seems that they completely forgot about the calm and safety of the parents in a situation when the baby ... is not responsible for his actions at all, and the mother is afraid or tired, various assistant devices will become a real lifesaver. in fact, it can perform two tasks, the first is a safety task, that is, so that somewhere in some movement, there at the airport somewhere else no no some mm emergency situation does not happen, when the child gets lost, the other may be related to the fact that when the child just starts walking, such leashes can be used so that he starts walking more actively. moreover, quite recently leashes, leaders and other tools control of children did not give a negative connotation considered a very useful device. well, on a similar sash, they led me, a regular sash from a coat or
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raincoat. every parent had a special sash or thick belt in the entrance, elena ostraumova recalls with a laugh, so it was simply impossible to run into condemnation or misunderstanding. some mothers sewed themselves by ...
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well, to the questions, yes, they talked about a similar bill last year, why it didn’t work out then, why it will work out now, well, in your opinion, in fact. advocate for the reintroduction of distribution, as it was in the soviet union. do you think that in order to
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launch this story with mandatory work for medical teachers after graduation, this will require some serious changes, or is it enough to simply launch this story? no, there is no need to invent anything additional here, a decision is needed here, including the government of the russian federation. and this can be launched, some express concern that the regions will not cope, will not find the funds for social package, maybe this whole story should be covered by a federal umbrella then, i have no doubt that the regions will cope, just now, so that you understand, our tv viewers understand, there is a lot of competition between the subjects of the russian federation, there are subjects of the russian federation that are rich, which are ready to offer doctors... both young and not young huge preferences and good salaries, housing and much
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, much more and accordingly these regions get doctors, and those regions that are poor, so to speak, they cannot give well additional preferences and attract specialists, then it is necessary to include a distribution mechanism, but this does not mean that they will pay a miserable existence there, they will have a salary, they will have housing, but of course the level... there is a fear that in the regions there will be small salaries, and if a person is also obliged to be distributed, then well, this will generally be labor that, god willing, will be paid, maybe it is worth somehow spelling it out so that the average salary in the region is, this is already spelled out, then in any case a doctor cannot earn less than the regional average, this is a decree of the president and he... will definitely receive the salary that doctors in this region receive, then
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do you like the idea of ​​federal support for those regions that are not quite ready to provide the proper level of social protection? i like any ideas with federal support for regions. when can the system start working, when can they start signing contracts, for example, for the budget, when a person goes, that he will then be distributed to a certain place. well, now we have admission campaign to universities, theoretically it can be done from next year, well from the next admission campaign from july of next year, and it will start working we will receive ready specialists only after 6 years, yes we will have to wait a long time, our questions were answered by the deputy chairman of the state duma committee on health protection sergey leonov, thank you very much, sergey dmitrovich, thank you, everything will be fine, ir, we are together, everything is over, everything is just beginning, oleg. return from
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monday at 21:20 ufa: do you have any such an oddity that amazes me, you are so extraordinary, come on, all together, people's casting, tomorrow at 21:30, on the idea of ​​the all-russian union of insurers to introduce a free, individualized. experts responded this week, here's what they say: the cost of insurance policies for russian car owners may change significantly. namely, for disciplined drivers with an impeccable history, the price of the policy may decrease by two to 10%. malicious violators will face an increase in price by the same percentage. by the way, a short insurance from one day to 3 months. it is precisely on the basis of this experience that they will make a decision on introducing a free tariff for everyone. his testing is being conducted today. our colleague ivan zenkevich checks engines. today, more and more new cars
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are equipped with engines with a direct fuel injection system. this means little to an inexperienced buyer, but then it turns out that such a system requires increased attention. let's talk about this. direct injection is being widely introduced due to tightening environmental norms, with this scheme, fuel under high pressure is supplied not to the intake manifold, but directly to the cylinders. is formed exactly there, so the control electronics can very accurately dose the fuel, as a result of reducing consumption. for example, a conventional gasoline engine with distributed injection operates on the mixture proportion. that is, in the exhaust of a car with such a unit there are much fewer harmful combustion products, but the advantages also hide the main disadvantages: the fuel system of such engines is certainly effective, but very complex, expensive, capricious, hence first condition: the requirement for fuel quality
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and impurities in it is much higher than in engines with earlier power supply systems, so you need to be very careful. to choose a gas station , refuel only at proven stations. any impurities, sulfur, iron, phosphorus, are critical for high-tech fuel equipment. it is best to use fuel with special cleaning additives, but not all stations have it. also, experts recommend keeping the tank almost full, especially in winter. the less air remains in it, the less condenser is formed. the second point is oil, so that its particles contaminate less. valves and combustion chamber, it should be low-grade, but such oils are not very durable, which means they will have to be changed more often. ideally, every 7-8.00 km. if you spend all day in traffic jams, the interval can be even shorter, in addition, approximately every 50,000 km you will have to clean the intake valves, and at the same time flush the contaminated injectors,
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such a set of procedures costs from 10,000 rubles. more often you need to change the fuel filter and ... in any case, you will have to keep the fuel the system is under close attention, because its repair will cost much more than that of cars with distributed injection. by the way, the notorious economy of engines with direct injection is provided only in a calm driving mode, and if you like to go polish, your appetite will be like everyone else's. and then , not such a rare story, in fact, close relatives helped to buy housing. well, and how to divide such an apartment in a divorce , for example. in detail the question soon, that i forgot what day it is, exactly 7 years ago, wait, that was a child, that was a half-dried raft, you monster, look at rtr, oleg, how
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did you end up here, you ran away, oleg, i'm in trouble, help me. auntie, who are you? you delivered the baby yourself, they said he died, coming back is a bad omen. my house, my husband, my son is sleeping upstairs, for whom i am a mother, i'm not going anywhere. a terrible situation, women have one child. return. go there, find her and bring her here. from monday on rtr. the legendary music competition celebrates anniversaries. and
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of course, in sochi, in the olympic park in sirius. consider the competition of young performers of popular music new wave open emotions overflow the banks here on new wave the grand opening of the twentieth anniversary international competition of young performers long-awaited new wave 2024 on august 23 at 21:00 on the channel russia, turned into someone, look at yourself, spoiled, boring, kept woman, any man would have got himself a mistress a long time ago, any, not you, my dear, the first, not you the last,
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yes he at any married woman poke a finger you'll get into a deceived wife, i don't know how i'll live without... i'll live at all, there's no point in knocking on a closed door, and what brought you to our wilderness, something new will open up one day, i'm olga, kostya, the blacksmith is looking at her, surprise, it was impossible to come to a married woman, and even a muscovite, we can still... fix everything, though, the forge of happiness, on friday on rtr. heroes of our time, those who create the future. with their own hands, lend a shoulder, i went to help volunteers, can i hug you, we are already in love with you in absentia, if you can help, then you should help, there were moments when it was very hard and scary, and you
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understand, there was no time for any weakness, to extend a helping hand, i had to pull people out on my own, i got there at the moment of the offensive, at the moment of active military action, it was very hard in general, i know where she was, can i sit next to you and accept? fire yourself, the fire was coming in our direction, someone was screaming, children were crying very loudly, people came to do their job, they came to help people, because we are one big country, we should look up to such people, these people can do everything and even more, ours, of course, you won't call yourself a hero, the premiere is from monday to thursday on rtr. a familiar girl on the screen, these days the japanese capital is hosting thousands of fans of reincarnations in tokyo, the comiket festival, this is an extremely
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popular event next year it will celebrate its half-century anniversary. then the main hits were japanese comics, but there were few reincarnations. now the heroes' outfits are practically everyday clothes for fans. well, this is how the domestic festival is going, a window to europe in vyborg. the premiere of the first episodes of the large-scale historical drama stolypin, directed by alexei andrianov, took place. the film saga was created with the support of the institute for internet development, tells the story of the life and death of a figure of national significance, the famous reformer, chairman of the cabinet of ministers pyotr stalypin. at the window to europe festival , the film stalypin was shown out of competition, but before the premiere there was an unprecedented excitement in the hall. a cinematic rethinking of the life of such a large-scale historical figure is in itself a big event. we need a great russia, in our time this phrase is perhaps more relevant than ever, so the creators of the film saga clearly chose the right moment to recreate the era of reforms and the figure
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of the reformer himself, whose role was entrusted to the brilliant actor and truly creative personality alexander ustyugov, who presented the film to viewers at the premiere and admitted that the work was not easy. the most difficult thing was to understand the strength of this man, in principle, those actions before the eleventh year that he committed, led to the fact that in ... the great october the revolution might not have happened, immersion in history is always a bit of a risk, because everything is important to the audience, to understand the characters' motives, to relate their actions to the historical context and, of course, to be carried away by the drama of the moment, so every detail matters, i must say, the picture is really made superbly, costumes, make-up, the location, everything works for the final result, the duma meeting, where stalin said his legendary phrase: you need great upheavals, we need a great russia, they filmed in the tauride palace, the name... there, where this meeting took place 116 years ago. the time of truly great upheavals drew everyone into its whirlwind, both those who led the country and those who opposed them. the plot
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lines develop in parallel, we are given the opportunity from the heights of the past historical years to compare who was right, who was wrong, to assess how important the role of the individual in history really is. you understand that this explosion will turn all of russia upside down, as we dreamed. we will leave a great memory of ourselves. people will remember us, revolution or evolution, belief is a delusion, it seems that all the most important concepts are embedded in the script of the film, created on the basis of the biographical work of boris fyodorov, a rare combination of a twisted plot and many interesting historical facts will certainly captivate the audience, and the festival audience has already appreciated the first episodes of the film saga, alexander ustyugov is very similar to stalypin, i just sat there and got goosebumps, a lesson for us today, because russia must be loved, like our great prime minister loved, i liked everything, just like that from beginning to end, so i will be waiting with great pleasure for the continuation of the series. fortunately, there is not long to wait, the full
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version of the series will appear on the platform watch on the air of the russia tv channel this fall. and then, the quality of the roads, a topic that subscribers to our telegram channel asked to touch on. yeah, about the repair and laying of new highways, in detail, we will talk with an expert after the news. the news continues to work live, in the studio andrey shevtsov, hello, in the kursk region a decision has been made on the mandatory evacuation of the population from the entire glushkovsky district, all residents are required to leave this territory, - said the acting head of the region alexey smirnov in his telegram channel. the process will be coordinated by law enforcement agencies, the military and local administration, as well as volunteers. the governor called on people to follow the recommendations of those responsible for the evacuation of persons. meanwhile, in the border area of ​​the kursk region, the crew
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of a multifunctional fighter. su-34 attacked the personnel and military equipment of the armed forces of ukraine. the strike was carried out on reconnaissance targets aviation bombs, with a universal planning and correction module. this allows combat operations to be carried out from a safe distance from the line of combat contact. having received confirmation from intelligence about the destruction of targets, the pilots safely returned to the departure airfield. the servicemen of the crews of the newest heavy flamethrower system tos-2, the center of the troops group destroyed the stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces. having received the task, the crew marched to the firing position, aimed the installation at the target and fired a salvo at a distance of more than 20 km. the strike was carried out by jet thermobaric shells, with their successful actions the military supported the offensive actions of the assault units in the avdeevka direction. the tos-2 machine, tosochka, the krasnorods called, that's it. it's quite easy to control,
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there's nothing complicated about it. the only peculiarity is in entering the mode, in terms of control it goes well, the most important thing is to arrive quickly, quickly get into the mode, quickly leave it. ulyanovsk paratroopers, using quadcopters , destroyed the starlink satellite antenna on the right bank of the dnieper. after launching the drone with the operator found satellite dishes and nationalist units in the dilapidated buildings with attached ammunition. precise dropping of the striking element.
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the docking of the truck with the zvezda module of the russian segment of the international space station is scheduled for saturday. the ship will deliver more than 2.5 tons of cargo to the iss, including more than a ton of equipment for the station's scientific experiment systems. clothing, food, drinking water, medical and sanitary-hygienic means for the crew, as well as fuel for refueling stations and nitrogen. the next round of talks on the middle east starts today in qatar. the israeli authorities have already approved sending a delegation there. and representatives of hamas refused to participate, because they believe that the israeli authorities are not interested in ending the war. the movement wants the mediators to return from the talks with a serious response from israel. in this case, they are ready to meet and reach an agreement. meanwhile, it became known that donald trump discussed with
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israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu the possibility a ceasefire deal in the gaza strip. according to american publications , trump hoped to push netanyahu to conclude a deal, while sources say they do not know the exact content of the conversation. severe flooding occurred in western germany. the water level was highest in the city of karlsruhe. after a heavy downpour , the river burst its banks. the level exceeded record levels. the flow of cars flooded the basements and first floors of the building. as a result, many residents were left without electricity, there are also reports of events disruptions in rail service, in addition, one of the nursing homes was evacuated. in primorye , a complete family of amur tigers was captured on cctv cameras, a photo-video trap installed in a national park. the footage shows how large animals, a male , a female, and then four cubs walked along the path at night. according to
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the employees of the national park, this is a very rare event. after all, the tigress usually raises the cubs alone, and the social life of amur tigers is still not fully understood. next, news from your region, residents of moscow and area. see you in a few seconds. now news from the capital region: sunny weather returns to... no precipitation, air temperature will rise to +22°, atmospheric pressure is above normal, 748 mm hg. tomorrow in the capital region it will be a little warmer, on the weekend the thermometer will rise to 26°. according to the data center, the congestion of the capital's streets is now 0 points, the roads are absolutely free, in the coming hours the density of traffic jams may increase to 3 points.
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at the end of summer, it will be closed for several days traffic on the southern section of the sokolnicheskaya metro line, trains they will run between the stations solareva and novomoskovskaya. from august 24 to 28, at this time specialists will prepare the new potapovo metro station for opening. free buses will be launched along the closed section of the red line. residents of these areas will also be able to use regular city routes. the new potapov station will be connected by a pedestrian gallery to a public transport stop on alexandra monakhova street, and its exits are provided on all sides of the solntsevo-butovo-vidnoye highway. earlier , the technical launch of the metro section from novomoskovskaya to potapovo had already taken place, and the section of the highway from novomoskovskaya to edvarda griga street had also opened. the construction of the interchange between volodarskoye and kashirskoye highways will be completed this year. now
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, road service specialists are building two overpasses that will be part of it. the progress of the work was inspected by the governor of the moscow region, andrei vorobyov. it is also planned to complete the construction this year. turnaround overpass. between kashirskoe shosse the highway leading to domodedovo airport, a decision was made, including under the federal, presidential program, to invest money so that domodedovo airport, everything related to the economy of domodedovo and the nearest microdistricts developed with us, so i kindly ask you to fulfill the stated deadlines that we agreed on, which are specified in the contract. the construction of volodarskoe shosse will increase the number of lanes there, which will improve the transport accessibility of those located in this area large residential complexes. changes to the road infrastructure have appeared on sections in the capital, there are 200 of them in total, for example,
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60 new pedestrian crossings have appeared. with the help of new markings, 59 traffic lanes have been added, which have increased the throughput capacity. so-called waffle markings have also been applied, which record violations. of the rules for driving through the intersection. almost 30 substations, 50 km of power lines are planned to be modernized by autumn in podolsk. distribution points are increasing capacity, putting into operation additional equipment mainly of russian manufacture. the new mechanisms will allow for quick remote restoration.
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this year, about 10,000 archaeological finds have been discovered in the capital, excavations are currently underway in the chizhovsky courtyard, romanovsky lane , tatarskaya, yausskaya and other streets. sergei sobyanin spoke about this today in his telegram channel. the mayor congratulated the archaeologists on their professional holiday. all finds after restoration are transferred to moscow museums. where they begin a second life. our news is always available on the media platform watch in the application or on the website, do not switch. allow yourself
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a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details.
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fell on two more people, from life experience, i will tell you, robbery has nothing to do with it, two murders in the same place, with an interval of 2 days, suspicious, how can this be explained? secret investigation today on rtr. good morning, good morning, very nice to join, i greet you today from the studio of channel russia, elena nikolaeva and andrey petrov. date, date, tell me, date: 15 august, the favorite time has come for all schoolchildren, kindergarteners, hustle and bustle. for parents, the exciting purchase of things,
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pencil cases, notebooks for the beginning of the school year, just a poet of school time, oh, i loved this business, well, in general, the middle of august itself suggests the topic: where is it good for a schoolchild, almost half of russians named moscow and the cities of the moscow region. every third noted st. petersburg, the leningrad region, every fifth - kazan. further down the list are krasnodar, sochi, nizhny novgorod, every tenth chose kaliningrad. among the reasons named a well-developed infrastructure, opportunity. for additional education, well, in particular, a sports section, well, a large selection of family entertainment, but you can also add roads to this list in our telegram channel viewers from partizansko-primorsky krai wrote, here is a quote: we do not have access to the city for populated areas, we have no roads in the city, in the word at all, and it would be one thing if this was only a partisan story, millions of russians face this problem, from a solid state the road. smoothly turns into loose, though kemerovo residents
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did not order such experiments, people were waiting for repairs to be made to several streets in the private sector, instead the asphalt was covered with gravel. this street is not completely finished, what can i say, yesterday i spoke with the foreman, he said that the section there was already finished, so they are arguing with each other, but there is no sense at all, well , are these roads? such roads, apparently, are not considered temporary, but quite normal and suitable for long-term use, because they are often made all over the country. residents of the moscow region village of alferovo we were really looking forward to the new road on elovaya street, but the result of the repair surprised the locals: the builders put sand on the ground, crushed stone and asphalt-concrete chips on top. the structure, to put it mildly, does not look very reliable, and is unlikely to survive until next summer, while such a road costs more than 1 million rubles. local residents are surprised why the estimate did not include the improvement of the road and the construction of sidewalks. in addition, it is unclear where all the moisture will go. water flow and there is nothing, all this should already be rammed,
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look at all the holes that have already begun there, such it would be logical to make a village or small city road once and forget about it, but when building domestic highways, a different logic works, experts say, if a couple of cars drive along the street per hour, then you shouldn't count on good asphalt, if we direct money where the road is rarely used, this means that we should withdraw this money. from the maintenance, for example, of roads where the traffic is high. money for small roads can be found if you conduct an audit of the construction of large highways, they spare no expense there. here is truda street in chelyabinsk, asphalt is laid in broad strokes, however, motorists doubt that the thickness of the layer corresponds to the project. to lay a mixture that can be laid in a thinner layer, and for this he will need not 4,000 tons, as stipulated by the contract, but only 2.0. accordingly, the savings. in this case can be up to 7 million rubles.
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where will this money go? the question is rhetorical: the prosecutor's office is checking the contractor, because the savings are reflected in the quality of the road surface, and the new road needs repair too quickly. there is another problem: builders with very modest qualifications are often allowed to work, because they offer the lowest price for their work. lack of equipment, lack of qualified employees, the search for subcontractors, sub-subcontractors begins. they recruit anyone, just to do it, so the system clearly needs to be overloaded, it is necessary to strengthen control over contractors and the priority in road construction should be not reporting, but quality the final result, it should, it should, but it still doesn’t happen, with us today is the deputy head of the people’s front investigation bureau, valery gyuryukhanov, valery, hello, we just watched this story, i personally really liked the statement, the official, the official who said: well, there aren’t many people here, well , excuse me, yes, we’ll do it somehow,
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excuse me, well, if you had more, we would do it well for you, well, this is a very vivid opinion, in fact, well, that is, there is a feeling that in fact, on the ground, they are not afraid at all, because that with all the gosts, all the snips , everything else for road construction, they are simply not afraid and do as they want , you know, the standards are wonderful, the technical specifications are good, but the problem is in control, so we, as far as we can see now, yes... one of the key solutions should be - state control, that is, there is control, which now, well, god bless it, yes, state control, which will check the quality of the road, and there is even such a practice and... and there are studies and experts who they say that there is, well, actually , a process that should be during the acceptance of a road, i will describe it to you now, let's say a road is being built, it is 5 km long, yes, it is being built according to certain standards, accordingly , the appropriate materials, layers, etc. should be laid there, and a sample
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of this road is taken, well, a brick is cut out, and another brick, two bricks, they are sent, one to the laboratory, the second brick... they are sent, for example, to an archive, some kind of storage facility, somewhere a large hole occurs, yes, a large hole appears, and accordingly, the customer contacts, says that why, maybe there is some problem, and a removal of this brick is made there, it is compared with the sample, which is ideal, yes, and which was taken at the stage when the road was being built for 5 years should happen, and it will be state control, but it will be, for example, regional, that is, there will be some kind of main control there of such and such a region. which can at an unexpected moment come and check a specific road, which will have experts, which will have equipment for in order to check this road, it will be able to make a conclusion, based on this check the customer, the contractor and the prosecutor's office can make claims against the contractor, but this is a great idea, only we need to implement it sooner, because here in the studio we are talking about this, i don't know
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, maybe for the thousandth time, i understand, a small region, here is a company, here it made a road, if it did it well, then the road does not need to be repaired, it does not break down, on what for... expertise, to make it so that on at the regional level there were control, state, construction, control institutions, and accordingly further strictly monitor that all this
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is carried out, here is the procedure that we talked about with you about seizure, preservation, yes, it is not simple, in fact, but it only resembles sports doping. yes, absolutely exactly, that is, everything here should be strictly verified according to the instructions, then within 5 years, even if revenge, sometimes they contact there, they say, people contact, and the contractor says, well, here there are only six months left before the end of the warranty period, that is, he says, by the time you write, the warranty will have already expired, imagine, that is, even if one day remains, and the state should be able to check this road, and the contractor should redo it if it was built with violations, moreover... also impose fines, understand you, thank you, well, yes, we had as a guest the deputy head of the investigation bureau of the popular front, valery goryukhanno, all the best to you, thank you very much, what were you hiding behind the trees somewhere, did you change the mogni walk otochir, here lights the flint, zhan
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ivan, can't live without traveling, soon, can i please have your best table, just a second, excuse me, is this by any chance yours? suv at the entrance, home, i found the best chair for you, stories of a big country, tomorrow at 23:55, well here is a clear confirmation of the thesis that you need to stubbornly go to your dream, don't turn anywhere, one vietnamese always wanted to live in a golden castle, he wanted it for 20 years and collected scrap metal, saved, saved and finally built the house that he had imagined, the building cost almost 300 million rubles. ceilings, walls, chandeliers, clocks, toilet in a three-story building, everything is made of twenty-four-karat gold, patterns and bas-reliefs are made by hand, also gilded, construction is about to be finished and the dreamer's family is waiting impatiently for the housewarming. i have only one question: was he collecting scrap gold, what kind of metal did he collect , i don't know what you need to collect to
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take away such a castle, well, it's good when you do everything yourself, yourself, yourself, but if relatives of one of the parties invested in the purchase of real estate, lawyers advise think about it in advance... at the beginning of the summer , the younger sister was going to get married, they thought about a gift and decided to give a significant amount, they knew that they were planning to buy an apartment, on behalf of the family, victoria smertno gave the newlyweds 500 rubles for the initial payment on the mortgage, victoria's sister suggested that her husband fix the funds received in the marriage contract in order to insure the money donated by relatives, the sister's share will be 2/3 of the apartment, the spouse 1/3, since we already... relatives participate in the housing, it is best record this fact too: by a deed of gift and a receipt, since
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it is impossible to include special family conditions in the mortgage agreement itself, these documents will help to restore justice if the interests of one of the spouses are affected. in general, for the bank, as a financial institution, it does not make much of a difference who will make the payments, and whether it will be the husband, wife, relatives, the bigger question is probably who will be the owner of the mortgage itself? and this will be one of the possible additional advantages, so to speak, in the event that, well, now some unforeseen situation case some clarification will begin about who ultimately owns the apartment. and here there are a couple of scenarios: relatives can arrange a mortgage for themselves with the help of a deed of gift transfer the right of ownership to one of the spouses. according to the law, such property will not be subject to division or participate in the joint acquisition of housing, having received a proportionate investment. shares of ownership, for example, a married couple buys an apartment for 5 million rubles, of which 1.5 million are contributed by the wife's parents, that is, in fact, they give 30% of the total
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the value of the property, in case of divorce the remaining 70% is subject to joint division, each will get half of this amount, as a result, most of the property will belong to the spouse's side and her relatives, otherwise the apartment will have to be divided equally, according to current legislation , the presumption of jointly acquired property is provided, that is, any property acquired in marriage is divided in half, one of the spouses must prove back the fact that we donated these funds and that it is necessary to move away from equality parties, so experts advise transferring large sums of money by bank transfer, so it will be easier to confirm the fact of donation of funds in court, which will help protect the interests of all parties. and then a trip along the country's waterways. we will tell you about the development of personal cruises within the framework of the national project in a few minutes.
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well, it is hard to pay off someone else's debts, take it, don't come near me, don't come near, there is blood, what happened there, what blood, where is it strange, no corpses, no statement, and no wife, return, from monday.
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this is my service dog, time of big premieres on rtr, they work in pairs, where search, search, allow, one listens, the other eavesdrops, i feel that something bad is happening, we will cope, but alone.
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soon on rtr, that the guests, in chorus shout wedding, scene 15, you will disfigure my actress so much, right to the point, zaporozhets crashed into the eye, she, well, will hurt a little more. humor, humor, humor on saturday on rtr, we look at other.
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countries, for example, hungary decided to revive, we watch an old tradition, horseback archery, the main thing here is incredible accuracy and balance, because the archers hit targets while riding a horse along a given route. it is difficult to even count how many centuries this art has existed, but in the past, combat archers in the steppes of asia were famous for it, today, of course, it is just a sport, although for some it is a philosophy and a way of life, as for one of the teachers on his farm, in the south of the country, anyone can train, but balance, concentration, everything is trained.
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agricultural production and more. thousands of vacationers now go to the mountains to learn the traditions and culture of the locals residents. in the courtyards of the houses of the sochi aols , you can open ethnomuseums. local elders will tell you about the life and traditions of the adyghe, shipsugs, who know exactly the value of each item. the odyghe used these light hand mills, it works. his relatives keep things that are several hundred years old, here is a prize for grapes, stoves , smokehouses, kitchen utensils, all this can be used today, if you know how, they also keep the musical heritage of the svinilny records, national melodies sound, a dance
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on the fingers, which were traditionally performed weddings now. are taught in sochi, and also the residents of sochi aols are known as skilled horse breeders, horsemen, horses of the circassian breed, here the pride of each house. in our language , horse sounds the same as the word brother ch, this is in the shapsuk dialect of the abkhaz language group, in the kabardian dialect sh, well, in the literary dialect, but in principle it means the same thing, horse brother we call the uladygs by one word. the goal of each.
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you are watching the news on the russia channel, good morning in the studio andrey shevtsov. fights in kursk artillery hit the armor of a group of militants in the region. in the southern donetsk direction, our hurricanes covered a large stronghold of the armed forces of ukraine. the world health organization recognized the vspe school of monkeys as a global emergency. will the disease reach russia? our team won the first international olympiad in
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artificial intelligence. in the kurbsk region , a decision was made on the mandatory evacuation of the population from the entire glushkovsky district, departure for all residents from this territory is mandatory, he reported in his telegram channel acting head of the region alexey smirnov. the process will be coordinated by law enforcement agencies, the military and local administration, as well as volunteers from the kursk patriot center. the governor called on people to follow the recommendations of those responsible for the evacuation.
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ukraine, having received coordinates from the scouts , the crew. immediately moved to a firing position, aimed the launcher at the target and fired a salvo of rockets at a range of about 30 km. all targets were successfully hit with a precise strike. immediately from several cities of tatarstan to the kursk region , columns with humanitarian aid were sent. residents of the republic brought generators, packages of water, microwave ovens, as well as food and hygiene products to the collection points. a total of 40 tons of aid, with details by diana dosayeva. during the week of humanitarian collection , bed linen, pillows, and blankets were brought most of all. they were packed in boxes as blankets, clothes,
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shoes, and separately food, cereals, canned goods, baby food, water, more than one and a half tons of humanitarian aid at just one of the points reception of kazan. as a result of the collection, we got 3 tons of humanitarian aid, which includes the most diverse items, starting from personal hygiene products, these are toothbrushes, soap. shampoos, ending with large appliances, these are refrigerators, microwave ovens. all districts of tatarstan united, points for receiving humanitarian aid were opened in naberezhnye chelny, almit and alkeevsky district, with joint efforts we collected more than 40 tons, including refrigerators, microwave ovens, heaters, what is especially necessary for kursk residents who were left without a roof over their heads, this is how they accept cargo from the districts of tatarstan, there are boxes from the almitovsky district, this is a gazelle from kazan, we with the film crew also decided to contribute.
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a minibus with nineteen passengers overturned on the novorossiysk kerch highway . the accident occurred early this morning in the khutara tarusina district, as reported by the krasnodar territory ministry of internal affairs,
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there are no casualties as a result of the emergency, the state traffic safety inspectorate is establishing the circumstances of the incident. a resident of the city of vladikavkaz, carrying out passenger transportation in a minibus volkswagen, lost control of the car. drove onto the side of the road and allowed it to overturn. seven people sought medical assistance, an administrative investigation is underway. the next round of talks on the middle east starts today in katora. the israeli authorities have already approved sending a delegation there, while hamas representatives refused to participate, because they believe that the israeli authorities are not interested in ending the war. the movement wants the mediators to return from the talks with a serious answer. in such a in this case, they are ready to meet and reach an agreement. meanwhile, it became known that donald trump discussed with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu the possibility of concluding a deal on a ceasefire in
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the gaza strip. according to american publications, trump hoped to push netanyahu to conclude a deal. at the same time, sources note that they do not know the exact content of the conversation. there is no threat of the spread of monkeypox in russia, this was reported by rospotrebnadzor. and moscow has prepared a proposal to help african countries, whose populations have suffered from the epidemic. the world health organization previously declared the outbreak an international emergency. this year , over 14,000 cases of infection have been registered, more than 500 of which have been fatal. the spread of monkey spooky fever has been recorded in several african countries at once. a state of emergency has also been declared on the continent. this measure will speed up funding to contain the infection. tropical storm ernest has strengthened into a hurricane and hit puerto rica. due to bad weather, about 700 thousand households on
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the island were left without electricity, more than 200,000 without water supply. in several parts of the island, the downpour caused flooding, roads were washed away, and traffic was blocked. rivers overflowed their banks, flooding agricultural fields around. meteorologists expect that... will continue to intensify in the next two days. the russian team won the first international olympiad in artificial intelligence. the competition ended in bulgaria. a team of students from the moscow letov school beat 40 teams, including the usa, china, japan and other countries. russia was represented by nikita kurlaev, andrey gritsaev, anastasia gainulina and andrey gromyka. the guys were trained for the competition by leading experts in artificial intelligence. next, regional news, stay with us. now news
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from the capital region: sunny weather is returning to moscow, today it is partly cloudy and without precipitation, the air temperature will rise to +22°, while the atmospheric pressure is above the norm of 748 mm hg. tomorrow in the capital region it will be a little warmer, in the weekend the thermometer will rise to +26. in balashikha, the improvement of the courtyard area has been completed, at... several houses at once, there, on the site of a former vacant lot , an area for strength exercises was equipped, a special sports surface was laid on the roadway, the asphalt was replaced, pedestrian paths were marked, road paths were replaced with curbs. by the end of the summer , another 20 courtyards will be improved in the moscow region city. the restoration of the outbuilding of the city estate of the singer fyodor shalyapin was carried out, the work took place as part of the renovation of the facade of the house on novinsky boulevard 1856. before construction, the final
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completion of the estate renovation is planned for the end of next year. all news is available on the media platform watch in the application or on the website, do not switch. titanic luxury collection, we invite you to the swiss hotel
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sharm el-sheikh, the first swiss hotel in the world operating on the system. all inclusive. treat yourself to a vacation where elegance and natural beauty merge into perfect harmony. create memories that will remain forever in your heart. swiss hotel sharm il-sheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city. this year, these days would have been 95 years old vasily makarovich. lidiya fedoseyeva shukshina, about her beloved husband. i say, i'm pregnant, he says, it means there will be a son. then, when the girl was born, he comes out and says: "god, how beautiful she is! when vasily makarovich did not become, there filming, at that moment you were carrying under your heart your third child, well, yes, of course, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. good morning, good morning
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, we hope for a pleasant awakening, if you have not yet somehow woken up, we will help you wake up, elena nikolaeva and andrey petrov are in the studio today, hello, how can we help those, it's already mid-august, we'll help as much as we can, yes, the equator, we're starting the swim, literally on a big, we hope a good day, here's some good news in the morning, the russian winter swimming team has received the right to compete in the world cup under the national flag, the championship will be held in argentina on lake argentine.
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became, but no, vadim zavodchenkov, fobes weather center, i think, good morning, on the black sea coast, in crimea in the caucasus, peoples, there are no fewer people than in southern argentina, and the water temperature there is much more comfortable, wait, the baltic is also warm now, the baltic is warm, and the baltic is warm, here in the resort area of ​​the gulf of finland up to 20 ° near the coast. friends, in the atmosphere over southern russia the anticyclone will still dominate, therefore it is mostly sunny here only here and there in the caucasus mountains there may be scattered pockets of thunderclouds, the prevailing daytime
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temperature in crimea in kuban is +28-33, in the unsettled areas of the volga and idon up to +25-30 °. but northwest russia will be in the area of ​​high pressure, due to its efforts there will be no conditions for the development of rain clouds, so nothing will prevent the sun from warming the air well, the prevailing daytime temperature is -21-26, approximately the same situation in the atmosphere will be in central russia, few clouds, significant precipitation is unlikely, at midday the thermometers will rise to +22-27 on... the ural anticyclone does not allow the cyclonic vortex to pass, the sky here will still be covered with clouds, from time to time it will rain, daytime temperature +15-20°. the atmospheric front of the ural cyclone will break through to the south of siberia, here too there will be showers and thunderstorms, at
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midday the thermometers will show +227, only to the east of the region on nastya will not have time to get. here it is sunny and after midday it is hot +27:32 in the south of the far east light rains will pass only in places and will not significantly affect the temperature regime, daytime temperature in the amur region and continental regions of primorye +25-30° on the coast of the sea of ​​japan up to +21.26. vadim, thank you, we want to be there.
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modern requirements, for example, tsypulin is already an age, it was built in 1957, the ship bears the name of the famous kaluga merchant and philanthropist ivan tsypulin, here is the second ship with a more modest name, the old altair, the motorkins literally saved it from oblivion, the previous owners wanted to scrap it. we were told that we can apply for state support for preferential loans, we came to the center of my business, in general, they told us what and where you can ... tatyana is responsible for finances in the family and strategy, it was not for nothing that she attended special courses for aspiring entrepreneurs, now they are like seasoned captains, they take enthusiastic tourists along the ocean, and such enthusiasts of water rental are becoming more and more every year, thanks to the national project small and medium entrepreneurship in the country
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there are already more than 6.5 million small and medium-sized businesses , over 10 million self-employed, since the beginning of the year , almost 700 billion rubles of financing have been attracted within the framework of preferential, credit, leasing and guarantee programs, if companies there is not enough collateral, it is applied to the guarantee fund, in this sense, today's rates in state microcredit companies vary from...
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the cup of another boat. and in agriculture there is a place for creativity. in the chinese province of hbe, local farmers, despite the sweltering heat, turn rice fields into cheerful pictures. the plots are simple: sometimes happy children playing and blowing soap bubbles, sometimes young people with books and computers, well, rural landscapes, of course, such a fashion to compete not only in the amount of the harvest. but in its design to sign, do not forget the picture, well, and eco-style is also in fashion, a resident
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of volgograd tatyana nidaeva just six months ago began to master weaving from ratang, at first as a hobby, but this activity turned out to be not only fascinating, but also a promising secret of hysteria, we will find out right now. making a ratang flowerpot begins with marking the frame, an ordinary construction bucket will do. yeah. every 3 cm, then a small piece of rattan is cut off, yeah, oh, the rain will drive us away, yes, the filming process is under threat, but products made of artificial rattan do not care about precipitation, they are not afraid of rain or snow, they will not lose their color and shape, they are perfect for a summer house or garden, and they will come in handy indoors, this is a woodpile for a bathhouse, i specially wove it for firewood, it is very convenient, it is not here... here you are welcome, it is convenient, beautiful, there is no garbage. furniture made of rattan palm liana, which grows in the countries
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of southeast asia is beautiful, but expensive and short-lived. artificial rattan is made of synthetic fibers. rattan weaving tatyana nidaeva discovered for herself about six months ago, took master classes, studied with a teacher, mastered different patterns, ornaments. my husband was my very first customer. he said, i will be your first customer, and... so that he would like it, i even mastered a new complex review, so while he was on a business trip, i wove for him, he ordered me six beautiful koshpo, as a gift, yes, yes, he ordered them as a gift at work, so i was pleased, my first customer, this is a creative and physically difficult job, but if you get really carried away, you can't stop, we went to the sea to relax, i'm lying on the sand, i say, why didn't i take a rotanka with me? it's impossible to stop, you weave, weave, weave all the time, now tatyana is mastering
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frameless weaving, it's suitable for mushroom pickers' baskets, and she's also thinking about making furniture for the winter that won't be scary to leave in the rain. and then the state invested in your training. well, debt is repaid , krasin. we'll soon discuss the mandatory work after the cart with an expert. oleg lymar, a professional soldier. he recently returned from the front. was awarded a medal for bravery, for risking his life under enemy fire, carried a wounded soldier from the battlefield, the limb was severed, under fire, carried him out, then he told me, he says, how will you get out of here, the main thing is to find me, today we brought to this studio that soldier you are looking for, no, not him, who turned out to be the double of the rescued soldier malakhov, today on rta, have you forgotten what day it is today, exactly 7 years ago, huh? igor, it was a child, it was an unborn fetus, you
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monster, we are looking at rtr. oleg, how are you here it turned out, ran away, oleg, i'm in trouble, help me, aunt, and who are you, you yourself delivered the baby, they said he died, coming back is a bad omen, my house, my husband, my son is sleeping upstairs, for whom i am a real mother, i 'm not going anywhere, a terrible situation, one child for two women, one man, by law, he is our son with the reika. here from monday on rtr, who are we, where are we going, what kind of country are we, a russian person remains a russian person,
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of course, there is something inside, such a chill, anything can happen, i will still do what what... you're so reliable, aren't you petrushka, did he call someone again? well, don't be silent, please, my name is mikhail dolskoy. i know, we 've talked before. you haven't spent your time at home, there's something i don't know. can i finally admit it, i love him, you know, i love him, and
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i can't do anything about it, you know, i love him. the bonds of marriage or the web of love? which will be stronger, i just ask without emotions, why are you without emotions, you won't give up on me, i won't stand it, choose, rain at the end of summer, soon on rtr, we're going to the doctor, we're taking up a lot of time his time with empty complaints, and we do not go to the doctor when it is seriously necessary to go, warned, then ...
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about the most important thing from monday to friday on rtr, well, let's assume that this is just some kind of summer glitch, that's what the surveys revealed, the overwhelming majority of young russians under 27 are in the risk group. development of eating disorders, only every eighth is happy with his body, the rest feel that they do not meet the standards from advertising in magazines and social networks. every second person who already has disorders notes that he experienced mockery from peers, so in the family it is worth following simple rules, they say: do not discuss anything unpleasant during meals, do not force children to eat and do not comment on anyone at the table,
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especially since there will be someone to comment on even outside the table, the correct rules, you can't say it any other way, even if it's tautology. this is what can and should be explained. domestic development - a device for determining blood sugar levels without taking blood. andrei negru understood the new technologies. eight times a day. that's how many tests are on glucose on average is forced to be done by a person with diabetes who is prescribed insulin. blood is required for measurement. each time it is necessary to prick a finger. the pleasure, to put it mildly, is dubious. however, everything can change. in this novosibirsk laboratory , they figured out how to do a sugar test absolutely painlessly. scientists have created a non-invasive glucometer, instead of blood, it analyzes a person's sweat. sweat contains 98% water and approximately 250 different substances, including glucose. and the concentration of glucose is approximately 10% of the concentration, glucose in the blood.
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printed sensors like these are responsible for collecting and analyzing biological fluid. the substrate is ordinary paper or fabric, and the ink consists of graphene with a special additive, the sensor is glued to the skin, it immediately begins to absorb even a small amount of moisture, getting on the surface of the graphene, the dissolved glucose reacts with oxygen. hydrogen peroxide is formed because how much of it was obtained, the electronics count the amount of sugar. the first prototype was a black box like this, quite bulky, but since this is the first prototype, we wanted to make sure that the sensor itself works. at this stage , we have a more compact device that can be worn on the hand, it is already closer to the size of a watch. in online mode, the device transmits data to a smartphone, a person can always see what his sugar level is. this is only a laboratory sample, there are many tests ahead. however, measuring glucose using the traditional method can be less painful. this is already a development of the irkutsk
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engineers. they created a glucometer with an unusual lancing device. instead of a metal tip, a laser beam is applied to the skin very quickly, for about a third of a second. its radiation is absorbed by the water in the skin, it immediately boils , and a microscopic hole is formed in this place. plus for analysis of this coal. i can confidently say that a medical device with such characteristics is currently absent not only in the russian federation, but i'll probably say in the whole world. launch production the developers are planning to release a new generation of glucometers in six months, when they receive all the necessary permits. and then everything new, of course. the old walking harness for children is well forgotten, it is returning to stores, viktor nikolaevich, can't you read, where can he walk with the child, you
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are provided with a separate apartment, yes , to walk, but the main thing here is not where, but how to walk with the baby, how safe is such a children's safety belt, we will ask the experts in a few minutes, about me it would be useful, and i would carry it by the hood. the work continues to lead the news live. in the studio andrey shevtsov. hello. in the kursk region , a decision has been made on the mandatory evacuation of the population from the entire glushkovsky district. departure for all residents from this territory is mandatory. - acting head of the region alexey smirnov reported in his telegram channel. the process will be coordinated by law enforcement agencies, the military and the local administration. as well as vigilantes of the kursk patriot center. the governor urged people to follow the recommendations of those responsible for the evacuation. meanwhile, in the border area of ​​kursk
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in the region, the crew of the multifunctional fighter-bomber su-34 attacked personnel and military equipment in the armed forces of ukraine. the strike was carried out on reconnoitered targets using aviation bombs with a universal planning and correction module. this allows combat operations to be carried out from a safe distance from the line of combat contact. having received confirmation from intelligence about the destruction of targets, the pilots safely returned to the departure airfield. this morning , the soyuz 21a rocket was launched from the baikanur cosmodrome. it put a space cargo ship into orbit progress of the ms-28. the docking of the cargo ship with the zvezda module of the russian segment of the international space station is scheduled for saturday. the ship will deliver more than 2.5 tons of cargo to the iss, including more than a ton of equipment. equipment for the station's systems and scientific experiments, clothing, food, drinking water, medical and sanitary-hygienic supplies for the crew, as well as fuel for
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refueling the station and nitrogen. there were no fatalities in the accident near anapa. early this morning, a minibus with nineteen passengers overturned on the highway novorossiysk kerch. the emergency occurred near the village of torusina. according to the krasnodar territory department of the ministry of internal affairs , seven people were injured. the state traffic safety inspectorate is establishing the circumstances of the incident. a resident of the city of vladikavkaz, while transporting passengers in a volkswagen minibus, lost control of the vehicle, drove onto the side of the road and allowed it to overturn. seven people sought medical assistance, an administrative investigation is underway. another round of negotiations on the middle east. today in qatar, the israeli authorities have already approved sending a delegation there, and hamas representatives refused to participate, because they believe that the israeli authorities are not interested in ending the war. the movement
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wants the mediators to return from the talks with a serious response from israel. in this case, they are ready to meet and reach an agreement. meanwhile, it became known that donald trump discussed with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu the possibility of concluding a deal on a ceasefire in the gaza strip. according to american publications, trump hoped to push netanyahu to make a deal, although sources say they do not know the exact content of the conversation. severe flooding occurred in the west. germany the highest water level was in the city of karlsruhe, after a heavy downpour the river burst its banks, the level exceeded record levels. the flow carried away cars and flooded the basements and first floors of the building, leaving many residents without electricity. there are also reports of disruptions in rail service. in addition, one of the nursing homes was evacuated. in there is no threat to russia from the spread of monkeypox. this was reported by rospotrebnadzor. in moscow. moscow
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has prepared a proposal to help african countries whose populations have suffered from the epidemic. earlier, the world health organization recognized the outbreak of the disease as an emergency of international importance. this year , over 14,000 cases of infection have been registered, more than 500 of them fatal. the spread of monkeypox has been recorded in several african countries at once. the continent also a state of emergency has been declared. this measure will speed up funding. to contain the infection. the russian team won gold at the first international olympiad in artificial intelligence. the competition ended in bulgaria. the team of graduates of the moscow letov school beat 40 teams, including the united states, china, japan and other countries. russia was represented by nikita kurlaev, andrey gritsaev, anastasia gainulina and andrey gromyka. the guys were trained for the competition by leading experts in
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artificial intelligence. more news your region with residents of moscow and the region, see you in a few seconds. now to the news of the capital region: sunny weather is returning to moscow, today it is partly cloudy and without precipitation, the air temperature will rise to +22°. atmospheric pressure is above the norm of 748 mm hg. tomorrow in the capital region it will be a little warmer, and on the weekend the thermometer will rise to 26°. according to the data of the traffic management center, the congestion of the capital's streets is currently two points on the roads , there are difficulties when driving to the center. in the coming hours, the density of traffic jams can increase to four points. at the end of the summer , traffic on the southern section
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of the sokolnicheskaya metro line will be closed for several days. trains will not run between the solaryevo and novomoskovskoe stations from august 24 to 28. during this time, specialists will prepare the new potapovo metro station for opening. free buses will be launched along the closed section of the red line. residents of these areas will also be able to use regular city routes. the new potapovo station will be connected by a pedestrian gallery with public transport stop on the street. and exits from it are provided on all sides of the solntsevo-butovo-vidnoye highway. earlier , the technical launch of the metro section from novomoskovskaya to potapovo took place, and the section of the highway from novomoskovskaya to edvarda griga street was opened. the construction of the interchange between volodarskoye and kashirskoye highways will be completed this year. now road service specialists are building two overpasses
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that will be part of it. the deadlines that we agreed on, which are specified in the contract, you have fulfilled. also reconstruction of volodarskoe highway is underway, the number of lanes there will increase, which will improve transport accessibility of large residential complexes located in this area. changes in road infrastructure appeared in other areas of the capital, there are 200 of them in total, for example, 60 new pedestrian crossings appeared. with the help of new markings, 59
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lanes for traffic were added, which increased. throughput, the so -called waffle marking was also applied, which records the violation of the rules of passage-intersection. almost 30 substations, 50 km of power lines are planned to be modernized by autumn in podolsk. distribution points are increasing capacity, putting into operation additional equipment, mainly of russian manufacture. new mechanisms will allow for quick remote restoration of power supply to houses in case of. will ensure the speed of protection, reduce switching time and, accordingly , restoration of power supply to consumers. power facilities will be connected by a new cable network, in addition, a backup line is being laid, with
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it can be used to power consumers in case of damage to the main one. all work is planned to be completed by autumn. this year , about 10,000 archaeological finds have been discovered in the capital. excavations are currently underway in the chezhevsky courtyard. in romanovsky lane on tatarskaya, yausskaya and other streets. sergei sobyanin spoke about this today in his telegram channel. the mayor congratulated the archaeologists on their professional holiday. after restoration, all finds are transferred to the moscow museum, where they begin a second life. our news is always available on media platform watch in the application or on the website have a nice day. welcome to rixsas premium magavish suds and villas in hurghada, where luxury rooms and villas are combined with
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a 1 km long golden sandy beach. impeccable service, exquisite cuisine will make your holiday unforgettable. rixas premium magavish sudes. villas - the holiday you dreamed of. discover a real pearl on the coast of budrum. titanic luxury collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in the world- shaking adventures of fiery entertainment. welcome to the world of eternal elegance and unrivaled comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic lakshery collection bodrum. moscow romance. have you called her? 100 times, she does
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not answer. where, where? everything is so tangled that it is impossible to untangle, only to cut it. and she cut it. so what should i do? fight? you understand, they love each other. they love, and i hate, this woman will not be in our lives. not her, not her offspring. moscow romance! final series today on rtr. good morning, good morning, it's good that we wake up together. elena nikolaeva and andrey petrov, we greet you today. well, we wake up, our pets wake up, after all , someone said this cherished phrase? who said, meow? yes, with such a question, we'll come to you this morning, after all, any. moment will make crushes, cats, this is a known fact, friends, let's move with you to crimea, miniature pets have appeared in the bukhcharaya miniature park. among the peninsula's attractions, built on a scale of 1:25, now wanders little servals, predators,
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feline family. the babies were abandoned by their mother, so she feeds them by hand with milk from a bottle, feeding regimen six times a day and the same at night, but the park staff are determined, they say, these kittens will grow into real ones. predators, we mean such cats in the basement in each, so far yes, less certainty among the parents of small russians, they argue about the use of walking harness. unacceptable immoral behavior, according to internet users, is demonstrated by this woman sperm. the public reaction was so loud that eventually the outrage among online eyewitnesses grew into a real investigation by the investigative bodies, it turned out that the boy was unwell and it was very difficult to control his behavior on the street, the child was left in the family. at least until the next similar case, when strangers do not like that mom or dad decide to use special devices without their permission. for example, parents are running to catch a train or a plane, they have several children, very it's scary that the child will get away from the hand and
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then end up under the belt, the parent should defend their position gently but firmly , say that they are not interested in consultations from strangers, especially incompetent ones, without a doubt, children's leashes or leashes always cause increased attention from others and often have a negative effect... maybe for the safety of the child, but it seems to me that this is not very good, the child should still jump, move, develop, but it seems that they have completely forgotten about peace and safety parents, in a situation where the baby is not responsible for his actions at all, and the mother is afraid or tired, various assistant devices will become a real lifesaver, in fact, it can perform two tasks, the first is the task of safety, that is, so that somewhere in some movement there at the airport somewhere else some emergency situation does not occur, when the child gets lost, the other can ... be related to the fact that when the baby just starts
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walking, such devices can be used for so that he would start walking more actively. moreover, until quite recently, leashes, leaders and other tools for controlling children were not given a negative connotation and were considered a very useful device. well, on a similar sash - they led me - an ordinary sash from a coat or raincoat. every parent had a special sash or thick belt in the entrance. elena ostraumova recalls with a laugh, so it was simply impossible to run into condemnation or misunderstanding. some mothers sewed a similar device themselves, simple. sash accordingly, it was inserted under the child's armpits, held on top by one of the parents, and the child walked, walked and even ran when the time came, because as it turns out, no restriction of freedom within the bounds of reason, of course, does harm, so think about why the negative emotions of complete strangers to generally harmless devices provoke such an excessive reaction? but here 's what has not yet received any reaction, once again
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parliamentarians have put forward a proposal for mandatory work in a specialty after graduation from universities for doctors and teachers. in essence, we are talking about introducing distribution, of course, taking into account modern realities. now we are talking about a three-year term for young specialists. let me remind you that the state council of tatarstan proposed something similar a year ago. it is true, deputy chairman of the state duma committee on health protection sergei leonov is joining us. sergei dmitrievich. hello. good morning, hello, sergei dmitrievich from crimea is meeting with us, so do not bother me if the connection is not very good, well, about the questions, yes, about something like this they talked about the bill last year, why it didn't work out then, why it will work out now, well, in your opinion, in fact, this initiative has been talked about for a very long time, it is constantly expressed, and i, among others , have been speaking out with this initiative for many years in a row, this is. so to speak, an initiative that is on the surface, who say, those
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doctors who work in regions that are not quite so financially developed in the countryside, in central district hospitals, because there are not enough doctors in these areas, and of course, even the doctors themselves are in favor of it, so that distribution is reintroduced, as it was in the union, what do you think, in order to launch this story with mandatory work? and for teachers of doctors after graduation, will this require some serious changes, or is it enough to simply launch this story? no, there is no need to invent anything additional here, a solution is needed here, including the government of the russian federation and this, this can be launched, some express concern that the regions will not cope, will not find funds for the social package. maybe this whole story then cover it with a federal umbrella? i
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have no doubt that the regions will cope, just now, so that you understand, our tv viewers understand, there is a lot of competition between the subjects of the russian federation, there is a subject of the russian federation, rich, who are ready to offer doctors, both young and not young , huge preferences and good salaries, housing and much, much more, and accordingly these regions...
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are they completely ready to provide the proper level of social protection? i like any ideas with federal support for the regions, when can the system start working, when can they start signing contracts for the budget, when a person goes, that he will then be distributed to a certain place, well now we have an admissions campaign to universities, theoretically this can be done from next year, well with the next admissions campaign, from july of next year. but they will start working , we will receive ready-made specialists only
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after 6 years, yes, we will have to wait a long time, the deputy chairman of the state duma committee on health protection sergei answered our question leonov. thank you very much. lord, oleg, ira, my first wife, and yegor's mother. return. from monday at 21:20. ufa. this is my worst nightmare, to be left alone, who did not press and here it happened, already approaching the sixth season. don't be cruel, you are in ufa, come on, all together, people's casting. the idea of ​​the all-russian union of insurers to introduce a free individualized tariff vasaga was responded to by experts this week, here's what they say: the cost of insurance policies for russian car owners can significantly change. namely, for disciplined drivers with an impeccable history, the price of the policy can be reduced from 2 to 10%. malicious
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violators will face an increase in price by the same percentage. by the way, short-term insurance from one day to 3 months is already available, just. based on this experience, they will make a decision on introducing a free tariff for everyone. our colleague ivan zenkevich is testing engines today. today, more and more new cars are equipped with engines with a direct fuel injection system. this means little to an inexperienced buyer, but then it turns out that such a system requires increased attention. we will talk about this. direct injection is widely implemented due to tightening. the mixture is formed exactly there, so the control electronics can very accurately dose the fuel, as a result of reducing consumption. for example, a conventional gasoline engine with distributed injection operates on an air-fuel mixture ratio of about 15 to one,
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gdi engines can do this with mixtures of 40 to one, that is, in the exhaust of a car with such the unit has much less harmful combustion products, but the advantages also contain the main disadvantages: the fuel system of such engines is certainly effective, but very complex, expensive, capricious, hence the first condition: the requirement for the quality of fuel and impurities in it is much higher than that of engines with earlier fuel systems, so you need to be very careful when choosing a gas station , refuel only at proven stations. any impurities, sulfur, iron, phosphorus, are critical for high-tech to... it is best to use fuel with special detergents additives, but not all stations have them, experts also recommend keeping the tank almost full, especially in winter, the less air remains in it, the less condensate forms. the second point of the oil, so that its particles pollute the valves and
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combustion chamber less, it should be low-grade, but such oils are not very durable, which means they will have to be changed more often. ideally, every 7-8. if you spend all day in traffic jams, the interval can be even shorter, in addition, approximately every 50,000 km you will have to clean the intake valves, and at the same time flush the dirty injectors. such a set of procedures costs from 10,000 rubles. more often you need to change the fuel filter, in any case you will have to keep a close eye on the fuel system, because its repair will cost much more than cars with distributed injection. by the way, the notorious. engines with direct injection provide economy only in a calm driving mode, and if you like to go polish, your appetite will be like everyone else's, what were you hiding behind the trees somewhere, should you go to the lights? this is the devil, here lights the flint, jean, ivan,
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i can't live without traveling, soon, clean up the blood and find ru. the police don't say a word, we're watching rtr, you know about this, you bring her here, the murderer, i have the right to throw your love out of my house, she's not a mistress, she's my wife, a howl, i'll get you out of the ground, i'll tear you to pieces, he's a beast, he won't spare anyone, i'm not that puppy either, i won't let him, returning on monday to rtr, in our studio you're my favorite...
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in a month i won't get it, i'll tear your legs off, yeah, so here he is, who is our new neighbor, what are you going to do?
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you don't need to make an appointment with him, it's a joke, he will come to your home himself, we are starting, he will always help , train, how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asmi, how to take medicine correctly, they will always support, a bowl of pasta with cheese, this is a saucepan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, a knitting needle, this is how a child sleeps, but i do not advise you to do this. a doctor you can trust on 100%. you will be happy, well, i don't
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guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. doctor myasnikov on saturday and sunday on rtr. a familiar girl on the screen these days , the japanese capital hosts thousands of fans. this is an extremely popular event, next year it will celebrate its half-century anniversary. then the main hits were japanese comics, but there were few transformations. now , the characters' outfits are practically everyday wear for fans. well, this is how the domestic festival window to europe is going , the premiere of the first series took place in vyborg large-scale historical drama stalypin, directed by alexey andrianov. kinosaga created. with the support of the institute for internet development tells the story of the life and death of a state-scale figure, the famous reformer, chairman of the cabinet of ministers
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pyotr stalypin. at the window to europe festival , the film stolypin was shown out of competition, but before the premiere there was an unprecedented stir in the hall. a cinematic rethinking of the life of such a large-scale historical figure is already a big event in itself. we need a great russia. and in our time, this phrase, perhaps, is more relevant than ever, so the creators of the film saga clearly. correctly chose the moment to recreate the era of reforms and the figure of the reformer himself, whose role was entrusted to the brilliant actor and truly creative personality alexander ustyugov, it was he who presented the film to the audience at the premiere and admitted that the work was not easy. the most difficult thing was to understand the strength of this man, in principle, those actions before the eleventh year that he committed led to the fact that in the great october revolution it might not have happened. immersion in history there is always a bit of a risk, because it is important for the audience to understand everything, to understand the motives.
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drew everyone into its cycle, both those who led the country and those who opposed them. the plot lines develop in parallel, we are already given the opportunity from the heights of the past historical years to compare who was right, who was wrong , to assess how important the role of the individual in history really is. you understand that this explosion will turn all of russia upside down, as we dreamed, we will leave a great memory of ourselves, people will remember us, revolution or evolution, conviction of error, it seems that. all the most important concepts are embedded in the script of the film, created on the basis of the biographical work of boris fyodorov, a rare combination of a twisted plot and many interesting
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historical facts will certainly captivate the audience, and the festival audience has already appreciated the first episodes of the film saga. alexander ustyugov is very similar to stalypin, i just sat there, goosebumps ran down my skin. a lesson for us today, because russia must be loved as our great prime minister loved it. i liked everything, right from the beginning to the end, so with great pleasure. i will wait for the continuation of the series, fortunately, there is not long to wait, the full version of the series will appear on the platform watch and on the air of the russia tv channel this fall. well, let me tell you all the best, this is our wish for today's wonderful, as it seems to us , day, well, the closer the end of our program, the sooner, faster we will meet tomorrow, logically, we will definitely see each other, early in the morning, see you, bye,
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let's start, let's go with a smile. morning of russia, not oversleep the main thing, hello to the rossiya vesti tv channel, denis palanchukov in the studio and the main thing at this hour. russian artillerymen and pilots covered ukrainian militants with dense fire in the kursk region. more than 20 thousand people are being evacuated from the glushkovsky district of the kursk region, the departure is being coordinated by local authorities, security forces and vigilantes. western countries will...


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