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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  August 15, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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was big, under fire, took him out, then he told me, he says, how will you get out of here, the main thing is to find me, today we brought to this studio that soldier you are looking for, no, not him, who turned out to be the double of the rescued soldier malakhov, today on rt. the news is on the air of the rossiya tv channel, i greet you, i am maria sittal, hello, a federal emergency regime has been declared in the belgorod region , the entire glushkovsky district of the kursk region with a population of 2,000 people is being evacuated. in kursk , there are more than 10 places where humanitarian aid is being distributed help, volunteers are making lists, many are elderly.
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left the port of murmansk and is undergoing scheduled repairs. and our russian schoolchildren won the first international olympiad in artificial intelligence. they beat 39 teams from different countries. russian military destroyed a ukrainian armored car kazak in the border area of ​​the kursk region. these shots are published by the ministry of defense. the car with the militants was parked on the side of the road under the cover of trees. but
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they did not prevent lancet from delivering a precise blow. the objective control footage shows how to an evacuation squad drove up to the damaged armored car to pick up the dead and wounded. the s-34 crews left the ukrainian armed forces without military equipment and personnel. fighter-bombers attacked the enemy with guided aerial bombs. this is how the acacia self-propelled gun crews disabled the enemy's firing positions, the scouts discovered the enemy and transmitted the coordinates directly to the battery commander. the operational headquarters of the kursk region decided on the mandatory evacuation of the entire glushkovsky district. there are two urban and two 11 rural settlements, home to more than 2.0 people. at the same time , humanitarian aid is being brought to the region from all over the country. report by alexander ivanov. trucks from moscow, trucks from
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saratov, containers with fruit from the highlanders of dagestan. trucks are entering kursk distribution centers, humanitarian aid, clothing, food, medicine, everything that people who were forced to leave their homes need. rescuers have set up a tent camp for refugees at their base, and here, from freshly delivered products, they are preparing food in a field kitchen. we communicate with people in all like, we cook food for about... 260 people. there are now more than ten places in kursk where humanitarian aid is being distributed. volunteers are making a list. in this queue are former residents of border areas, many elderly. just in case, volunteer doctors are on duty nearby, measuring blood pressure. the packages were brought, you need to pick them up. the volunteers' announcement drowns out the howl of the siren, the ministry of emergency situations sends a notification about a missile threat. air defense crews are working on air targets, pyrotechnicians find unexploded fragments and destroy them on the spot. the disaster that befell the border region with
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its residents paid, a number of cafes and restaurants in the regional center began to cook and distribute hot meals to refugees at their own expense, promised not to charge them for dental treatment, one of the kursk dental clinics, free of charge in temporary accommodation centers, now psychologists are working. they are trying to cope with the mental pain and fear of people who were suddenly thrown out of their comfort zone into the unknown. i work mainly with children, but with parents too, because the emotional state of children always depends on the parental state. fears what do they have? they are afraid of loud sounds, they are afraid of everything. today , more than 5,000 people have been resettled in regional tourist centers, sanatoriums, hotels and sports centers . trains and buses with refugees are constantly leaving for the cities of the central federal district. the day before, the regional operational headquarters made a decision on the mandatory evacuation of another border district, glushkovsky. alexander ivanov, andrey kutsov and mikhail shum. vesti, kursk region. the situation in the belgorod region has been recognized as a federal emergency character. this decision was made today
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by the commission headed by alexander kurenkov. as the minister of emergency situations noted, the scale of what is happening does not allow the belgorod region to cope on its own. the elimination of the consequences of the federal character is financed from the treasury, this also concerns payments to the population, one-time financial assistance to victims of 1,500 rubles. compensation for loss of property from 75 to 150,000 rubles. in case of damage to health from 300 to 600 thousand. relatives of the deceased will receive 1.5 million rub. now about the situation in the svo zone: aviation, drones, missile forces have struck enemy manpower and equipment in 150 areas over the past s..., five dozen armored vehicles and artillery guns have been disabled. in the vdeyevka direction , heavy flamethrowers tos-2 worked on enemy fortifications.
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the militants' positions were burned out with thermoboric ammunition from a distance of 20 km. in the ugledar section of the front , enemy equipment was hit. 16 rockets hit targets scattered over a large area. another grad multiple launch rocket system disabled the enemy's camouflaged firing positions in the donetsk direction. and on the zaporizhzhya section of the front, the geocentre of the dnepr group left the ukrainian armed forces without a temporary deployment point. today, st. petersburg was covered by a thick blanket of fog, due to poor visibility in pulkovo , more than ten planes were unable to land on time, now there are no more delays in arrivals, an orange dawn and deafening peals of thunder, a thunderstorm painted the sky in novosibirsk with incredible colors.
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residents of the city share vivid shots of the morning bad weather on social networks. hail storm attacked the zaigraevsky district of buryatia. pieces of ice falling from the sky damaged crops, cars, buildings, greenhouses. and a giant tornado swept through kamensk-uralsky, in the sverdlovsk region. at the moment of its formation, it was captured on video by eyewitnesses. in a short time, the mini-tornado turned into a long vortex column, resembling a huge kite. breathtaking footage was published by our cosmonauts, who are currently working. on the iss, the northern lights were filmed from a height of 400 km above the earth, the magical shimmer in the sky is caused by high solar activity, the day before another powerful flare was recorded, magnetic storms, weather-dependent will feel for the next 2 days. well, and today
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the space truck progress went to the iss, it is carrying fuel, scientific equipment, coffee, fresh oranges for the crew to the station. the soyuz spacecraft on board was launched this morning from the baikanur cosmodrome, progress was successfully launched into orbit and is now on course for the iss. its flight is taking place on a two-day system. docking is scheduled for saturday, august 17. the ship will deliver more than 2.5 tons of useful cargo to the station, these are food and medical supplies, drinking water, and. and an x-ray monitor of the entire starry sky. it will be installed on the outside of the zvezda module. the legendary icebreaker lenin left the port of murmansk. for the first time in many years, the museum ship departed from the pier. the reason is valid. the patriarch of the nuclear civilian fleet,
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the pioneer of the northern sea route, entered the floating dock for scheduled repairs. the hull and wheelhouse of the icebreaker will be painted, the technical equipment will be checked. this is how the ship is being prepared for its coming. cannot be imagined separately from the sea terminal in murmansk, but in these shots the world's first nuclear icebreaker is unmoored from the pier, then tugs slowly move the iron giant to the dock, lenin will be repaired far from prying eyes. the icebreaker will be painted and the bottom-board fittings will be repaired. for our country, the appearance of an icebreaker can be compared to the flight of the first man into space, so important for the economy was to develop the northern sea route through the barintsevo and kara seas, the nuclear icebreaker was built, as they say, for centuries, while very quickly, laid down in august 1956, launched in december 1957, another
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year and a half later, a nuclear reactor was launched on lenin. the first movement of the mushroom shaft and the first burun behind the stern. the atomic hero went. under its own power. the icebreaker was created by more than 500 factories and design bureaus. it became the pinnacle of technology, an autonomous city, on which the crew at first spent 8-9 months in the gym itself. swimming pool, everything for maximum comfort, 65 years later the quality of the parts is amazing, bas-relief of the plant, monument sculpture leningrad, 1959 year, valuable wood species in every meter, everything sparkles, as if it was made a few hours ago, what is this panorama worth alone, which is the embodiment of the history of the northern sea route, high-ranking guests, yuri gagarin , fidel castro, alexandra pakhmutova, have been here. in sixty-third, fidel at lidakol, it seems. gathered the entire murmansk region, the pioneers, trying to squeeze through to him, demanded to make way in the name of the revolution,
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it worked, here is rudolf fedotov, then a komsomol member and although he worked as an icebreaker driver, but to get close to the cuban the leader could not, so he looked from around the corner, because all the people were excited, everyone wanted to see him, well, of course, he made an impression, and the atomoh became a real testing laboratory, where for work in the arctic would be... the most difficult problems were solved, when he went, he had this washed out the welding, where the starboard squalls, as if they ran a finger like that, then mechanics, they thought of something there, and after that there was no more, with the advent of the nuclear-powered vessel a new era in the development of the northern sea route began, only one lenin led thousands of ships along it. at the pier of the murmansk seaport, the icebreaker appeared lying in 2009 already as a museum, a symbol of the conquest of the arctic, it remains after repairs. the icebreaker will be returned to its place. oleg posobin, pavel tretyakov, dmitry kvasnyuk.
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vesti, murmansk. the western press is trying with all its might to convince the world that ukraine, and not the united states, is behind the undermining of the northern streams. now the wall street journal claims that zelensky personally approved the sabotage plan. a small yacht was chosen for the operation to create the illusion of a friendly cruise. the newspaper writes that the sponsors were ukrainian businessmen, it all cost 300 dollars, but when us intelligence allegedly learned of kiev's intentions, it demanded that everything be cancelled, and zelensky, of course, listened, but according to the publication , the former commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny ignored washington's order, and even made his own amendments to the plan to undermine it. zaluzhny himself denies everything, calling the wall street journal article a provocation. however, the desire of the united states to portray ukraine as a villain, itself as a peacemaker country, and now numerous evidence and ryan's attempts. to divert suspicion from himself only confirm the opposite.
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anyone who has ever seen his aerobatics, probably wondered, is it even possible to fly like that? today , the outstanding military pilot, the creator of the sokol rossii aviation group, alexander kharchevsky passed away. he was 74 years old. a huge loss for all aviation. the floor is given to mikhailatov. the tactical aviation wing is in combat formation. the 2013 victory parade over red square , combat aircraft fly at ultra-low altitude. the group's leader, major general alexander kharchevsky. a colossal responsibility, when every movement of the control column is honed to automatism. the group leader is an honored military pilot, sniper pilot, major general alexander kharchevsky. and for a pilot, this is also an incredible honor - a gift on his own birthday. to fly like this over the very heart. honored military pilot and founder of the sokoly rossii aerobatic team
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alexander kharchevsky was actually born on may 9 in the cherkasy region of the ukrainian ssr, graduated from the kharkov military school in the years service mastered almost all combat aircraft that were and are still in service with our army. this is how kharchevsky spoke about the newest su-30 cm fighter during the years of restoration to the wing. this is a new era in aircraft piloting. the aircraft in three-dimensional space can fly with overloads, not only normal, direct, negative, but also lateral, that is, the requirements for the pilot are increasing. being one of the most experienced pilots of our country, kharchevsky in 2000 provided a flight on the su-27 aircraft, then still acting president of russia vladimir putin in the north caucasus. a good machine, beautiful, powerful, very obedient. just like the supreme commander-in-chief himself.
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on the flight to chechnya then, i am grateful to you for teaching me how to do a barrel roll, i remember how already during landing, when returning back, they showed me how the masters do it, with all the overloads, it was a good school for me, and i repeat once again, it is nice to see you in the ranks. alexander kharchevsky spent almost his entire life behind the wheel, retired at 65, but after that he continued to fly, already working in civilian jobs at the irkutsk
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aviation plant, az, whose entire life has been spent at extreme heights. mikhail fedotov, news! right now in lyubertsy near moscow, a major fire is being extinguished at 3,500 km. this is one of the topics of the second part of our broadcast, we will be back on the air in a couple of minutes. clean up the blood, find iro. the police are not saying a word. we are watching rtr. knowing this, you bring her here. i have the right to kick my love out of my house. she is not a mistress, she is my wife, ex. i'll get you from under the ground, i'll tear you to pieces, he's a beast, he won't spare anyone, i'm not that puppy either, i won't let him, returning from monday to rtr, kalinon belek - a place where time
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stops, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea, discover true perfection, making dreams come true. kalinan belek hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale. discover a real pearl on the coast of bodrum, titanic lakshery collection bodrrum. exceptional service. welcome to the world of eternal elegance and unrivaled comfort. secrets of paradise opens in titanic collection bodrum. who are we, where are we going, what
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kind of country are we, what is valuable to us. we have not changed, a russian person remains a russian person. for our past, i understand that such responsibility is on me - this is my path, this is my life, my destiny, life and destiny from monday to friday on rtr, quiet, wife,
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where is the neighboring car, quiet, i think she noticed me, "hello, soon, urgently, there's an accident, your mother died without regaining consciousness, i i want to start an investigation myself, i will find this bastard, it's just another business trip, i won't always be able to get in touch, i will call, if the car is on video cameras, the police will come to you, not a word about me, when lies breed new lies, i'm tired of the unknown and your lies"? should support me and believe me, believe, i understand, one crime can be followed by another, oh, let me go, where is he, where is he, don't be afraid, where is the recorder, they found the car, the owner, a girl, it turned out that she had a man, here he is, life line, on saturday on rtr.
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there is a corpse in a duck factory you will eat with pleasure, the cause of death has not yet been established, after all, it has not been established, maybe he died himself, we assume that these criminals attacked two more people, from life experience, i will tell you, robbery has nothing to do with it. murder in the same place with an interval of 2 days suspicious how can this be explained secret investigation today on rtr. you watch the news and we continue the release. the fsb prevented a terrorist attack in the tyumen region, two russian citizens were detained, supporters ideology of mass murder. they planned to detonate a homemade explosive device. at a facility of the internal affairs bodies of the city of tobolsk. two bombs, which the accomplices hid in a cache, were defused by sappers. instructions for
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making explosive devices were found in the phones of the detainees, a criminal case was opened under the article preparation for a terrorist act. in the united states, the heat of the election passions is running high. according to a new fox news poll, donald trump is supported by 51% of americans, and camelo harris - 43%. that victory.
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white house told famous bloggers that he would become one of them after retirement. more people want to join your business than any other. where do you think i will go when i retire? i have connections. that's why i invited you to the white house, because i am looking for a job. india needs governance reforms to... independence day, one of the main national holidays.
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india is celebrating 77 years since its liberation from british rule. the congratulatory telegram to the president, the prime minister of the country was sent vladimir putin. the russian leader noted that the country has achieved universally recognized success and high authority on the world stage. and moscow attaches great importance to strategic partnership. the historical citadel, the indian capital, the red fort of narendromodi in its ritual repeats the ceremony of august forty-seventh, when at the same place the first prime minister of independent india, jawaharlal nehru raised the national flag, symbolizing the departure of the british colonialists, not forgetting the merits of the founder, the modern of the indian state, modi speaks in his ceremonial speech about his determination to build a new world superpower with its heroes. we are proud that the blood of 400 million people who eradicated colonial rule in india flows in our veins. today we are
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1,400 million, and if we move together in one direction, then by 2047, the centenary of our independence, we can become a developed country, overcoming all obstacles along the way. a colorful procession demonstrating the country's successes in the economy, science, as well as its cultural diversity. today, in addition to political independence, gained 77 years ago, india defends its right to independence of views. over the years of independence, india has come a long way from a third world country to one of the largest economies on the planet. today, the country ranks fifth in the world in terms of gdp, and its influence on global politics cannot be overestimated. india is respected, people want to cooperate with it and... invest money in the country, and india is also a nuclear power, one of the world leaders in the development of information technologies. investments in india today are a good investment. the country's economy
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is growing at a rapid pace. and, of course, indians understand that the world must be multipolar, built on international law and on fairer relations. it is precisely such relations against the background of mutual respect that moscow and new delhi are building. behind me. the port of mumbai, the main seaport of india. thousands of tons of goods daily. oil, building materials, food, coal, all this is loaded and unloaded here. and it is also the final point of transport corridor, north-south. from st. petersburg to one of the largest. on the west coast of india, mumbai, more than 7.00 km of routes, sea transportation, railways and highways, the corridor passes not only through the territories of russia and india, but also armenia, azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan and iran. now freight transportation connects russia, iran and central asia. in the future, within the framework of the north-south project, we can guarantee fully loaded sea vessels from india, and this will be beneficial not only to russia, as
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a country with access to the ocean. but also to countries that do not have access to the sea, in foreign policy newdeli tries to maintain a balance, the recent visit of the indian leader to moscow showed partnership with our country, is obviously included in the list of the most important priorities for india. in his third term as prime minister, modi hopes to significantly improve the lives of his own citizens, for which russian resources are needed, among other things? modi promises to make the country that wants to lead in the global south the third economy in the world, and this no longer seems impossible. evgeniy davidov, ladislav dadonov and maria balatvina. news from india. the next round of negotiations on the middle east will start today in qatar, but only one country in the conflict will be represented there. the israeli authorities have approved sending their delegation to doha, while hamas has refused to participate, because it believes that official tel aviv is not interested in ending the war. representatives of the palestinian movement want the mediators to return with a serious response from israel. only then is there a chance of reaching an agreement, although in addition to the incessant gas attacks.
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the israeli authorities are organizing other provocations. the other day, the minister of national security visited the alyaksa mosque on the temple mount in jerusalem. this is causing concern for russia, our ministry of foreign affairs stated. the triumph of the russian team at the first international olympiad in artificial intelligence. the competition was held in bulgaria, our team was represented by four high school students from moscow. in one of the rounds, the guys not only showed a record result. two out of three solutions surpassed the author's version. in total, the russians scored the most points and won gold medals, leaving behind a team from forty countries, including the united states, china and japan. another eruption of etna has begun in sicily, the second in a month, lava flows from the top of europe's highest active volcano. a column of ash and smoke rose to a height of several kilometers, there was no evacuation, there are no houses at the foot of the volcano, and the
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nearest. city of catania is about 30 km away. now there is breaking news, in lyubertsy near moscow in an industrial facility on a large fire is currently being extinguished on the territory of the former plant. a warehouse with decorations is engulfed in flames, and the fire is spreading very quickly. in a short time, the area of ​​the fire has grown to 3,500 km. k-30 helicopters are involved in extinguishing the fire. about 100 rescuers, several units of special equipment, and several dozen, even units of special equipment are working at the site of the fire. according to preliminary data, there are no casualties. today in the program ours, a russian fighter with the call sign master, whose car was attacked by fpv dronn near the village of rabotina. thanks to the military from the kazan tank battalion, he was taken to a field hospital.
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today he can meet. events in russia and abroad, stay with us, hello, dear friends comrades, live on your favorite program 60 minutes
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hot on the heels, we begin with: breaking news.


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