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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  August 15, 2024 11:30am-1:00pm MSK

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can meet with his saviors, how exactly they managed to evacuate the wounded and what tasks the fighters of this battalion perform on the front line, we will find out today at 13:00, i say, i'll sit here under the tree, you go further , there should be guys there, and they were losing strength, how is your health, yes better, of course, guys , hello, glad to see you, i will now know by sight all those who saved my son's life, keep track of ... the development of the main events in russia and abroad, stay with us. hello, dear friends comrades, in live your favorite program 60 minutes hot on the heels. we start with breaking
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news. multi-role fighters, s-34 bombers struck personnel and equipment of the ukrainian armed forces on the border of the kursk and sumy regions. today, artillery crews of the northern group of forces. prepared positions in the border areas of the kurbsk region to destroy mobile and small groups in the ssu. this is the enemy's main tactic right now. the russian defense ministry reported that in 24 hours.
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aviation and drones are actively working in the ukrainian armed forces while they do not stop the attacks, they use all available reserves, pull up air defense systems and armored vehicles. due to the strikes of the mlrs artillery and attempts by ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance groups to enter the rear areas, the authorities of the kursk region have decided on the mandatory evacuation of the glushkovsky district as well. coordinate the process.
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antlers from the kursk region. let's watch. the forty-ton su-34 fighter-bomber takes off from the ground, speed 230 km/h. there are 1,000 kg of explosives on board. the flight takes place over the clouds at an altitude of 10,000 m. at the cluster ukrainian terrorists in the russian border area are being targeted by two winged aerial bombs, the radius of destruction of each is up to 250 m ; intelligence confirms the successful destruction of targets. on the ground, assault detachments of the ministry of defense and special operations forces are eliminating scattered groups of saboteurs. this footage shows the aftermath of a sortie by the 82nd airborne assault brigade. no one needs them here. the units were formed last year for the summer counteroffensive in the zaporizhia region. the soldiers were trained in britain. they are armed with
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the most advanced examples of western equipment were standing: challenger tanks, german bmp mardor and american stryker armored personnel carriers. here the eighty-second of the dshb, fearless tavirni, came to visit us, well, this is what happened to them. something like that, here is the abandoned equipment of the enemy. charred skeletons.
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there was a reed, there the banderites who managed to survive the defeat near the settlement of girye are hiding. the infantry of the armed forces of ukraine occupies the abandoned houses of kursk residents, turning them into firing positions. in this footage, the ukrainian military is taking a destroyed vap armored personnel carrier to the rear. the equipment was filmed from the french army 5 years ago. the armored vehicle found its second youth in ukraine. and these are the consequences of the work of the russian. the cumulative charge pierces the engine through and through, as at the point of the reason, as already to be carried out into the fields, here we will not pass, in the car i will pass now, the russian group of troops
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carried out a new series of strikes on the rear facilities of the armed forces of ukraine, the target, including reserves in the sumy region, were damaged ammunition arsenals. in these shots, the crews of attack helicopters literally demolish enemy armored vehicles missiles into the whirlwind. artillery strikes the terrorists around the clock. the crew of gaudats
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akatsiya uses high-explosive shells up to 22 rounds per minute, they make mortar calculations in the tray. six stars on the fuselage of the su-25 attack aircraft, the pilot made 60 combat sorties, in combat formation, the crew of the rooks attacks the ukrainian armed forces vehicles and concentrations of soldiers, then performs anti-missile maneuvers, returns to the base, and this is already the belgorod region, the armored car kazak, at high speed crashes into the concrete fortifications of the border crossing kolatilivka, drone operators burn the equipment, artillery finishes off the terrorists. horrible footage showing who invaded russian soil, bandera supporters in german helmets with the ss emblem, filming a video against the backdrop of a road sign in
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the kursk region, pretending to be purebred oryans, mocking a 74-year-old russian pensioner, one of the terrorists calls him a russian pig. russian ivan, hey, russian ivan, how's life, how's life, russian ivan, i've been bathing for 5 days now, bandera followers literally copy fascist vocabulary, everyone is lost in life, fuck, we went the wrong way, the wrong way, you see, ivan, here he is! ivan! 4 years, me! go, hit vodka, vodka! schnapps! schnapps! in total, during
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the fighting in the kursk direction, the kiev formations lost 2,500 militants. three hundred brunya.
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move out of the settlement of verkhniy sorovatka in the sumy region in three armored personnel carriers. e with the aim of invading the kursk region of the russian federation. then we came under artillery fire and a decision was made to retreat. in the area of ​​the settlement of plekhovo. we were ambushed. from three vehicles.
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western governments continue to have some concerns about ukraine using, for example, the haiers missile system deep inside russian territory. western supporters of ukraine claim that this is a ukrainian operation, weapons supplied by the west now belong to the ukrainians. this changes old psychological habits, or i would even say the perspective that kiev sees, what is the ultimate goal of ukraine? nobody really knows, and i
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think that is one of the main questions, yes, there are theories that they want to seize territory, that if there is a peace agreement.
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the russians are trying to stop our advance, of course it will be more difficult for us to advance further. the russians are making it clear that they are not slowing down their advance because of this. obviously the ukrainians are hoping that if they succeed with this invasion, the russians will have to redeploy troops from the front lines in the south, but that is not happening right now. the russians are posting videos like this one, which are verified, they are real, and not from a specific geolocation. they are not showing...
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this operation, ukraine does not have an advantage in military reserves or manpower, there is another country medals, and the risk that while the defense lines are weakened, the russians are advancing on pokrovsk and other ukrainian cities. but to talk about the fact that the americans are definitely not aware of the events in the kursk region, the minister of defense of ukraine umerov just had a telephone conversation with the us secretary of defense austin. details are not yet. reported, and at night the russian aerospace forces carried out another series of strikes on targets in the territory controlled by the kiev regime, a whole swarm of attack drones was in operation. explosions were heard in the kharkiv, zaporizhia, kherson, venets, nikolaev, chukas and kiev regions. three guided missiles flew into a military
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airfield at once. mirgorod, poltava region. the previous evening, a powerful explosion.
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ukrainian in pividon mockingly slowly flies up to our fighter hovers at human height before attacking. our fighter
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gets into a stance, as if it were a boxing ring, the throne attacks, and the russian soldier lunges forward and hits the drone with his head explosion. smoke our hero disperses calmly. goes into the forest, how can you not believe that god is really with us, look, yes!
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we try only in clear skies, in very extreme cases, when we are going there very urgently, we do it very quickly. at the positions on this road is under fire, we are always met by nikolai, he is the commander of the self-propelled gun batteries, together with his fighters. covers the approaches to volchansk, they pressed well, control over the sky remains a big problem, the ukrainian military admits, russian reconnaissance drones are practically are in the air all the time, if they find ukrainian soldiers or equipment, lancet immediately flies in, lancet abokaba immediately flies by, this happened twice last year, last week it happened twice, it turns out lancet struck, we worked, apparently, or discovered or something else, but half an hour and lancet flies in. i fly by, combat work begins, taking advantage of the lull, we leave
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our positions. here, land. it's scary. scary, it raises smoke, here the smoke rises,
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this is just the center, everything is dismantled here, women flew in, something big flew in here, the drone is flying, do you hear, do you smell, faster!
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in front of the city, they are trying to cut off the pokrovsk-konstantinovka highway, there are 5 km left from the closest front line, the front line, and this has already gone according to technology, after the us approved the invasion of ukraine into russia on... nato technicians in washington, apparently, considered that the world community is sufficiently warmed up by the narrative ukraine has the right to defend itself to calmly accept the news that zelensky also blew up the northern streams. the sensational article is published by the wall street journal. it turns out that zelensky personally
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approved the undermining of the northern streams in the baltic sea in may 2022, but then tried to cancel his own decision after the cia learned about the operation. allegedly, zelensky even gave the order to zaluzhny to stop preparations, but the former commander-in-chief did not comply with the order, that is, he ignored the demands of american intelligence, instead of canceling, he continued to work on implementing the plan. the sabotage of zaluzhny involved an officer of the forces. operations of the armed forces of ukraine roman cherbinsky and other professional special forces with experience in conducting complex secret mis. the wall street journal writes today that this entire gang rented a yacht using forged documents, reached the site of the sabotage, and planted explosives at a depth of 80 m. the terrorist attack was celebrated with a drinking party in kiev. zelensky drank vodka. and all this.
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unbeknownst to the united states. and in general, the holy people from washington tried in every possible way to dissuade ukraine, and as always, they have nothing to do with it. the purpose of such publications is probably clear. to finish the investigation and, if possible, not to contact themselves. the conclusion here is also obvious, only one. washington. against the backdrop of investigations by german prosecutors, who issued an arrest warrant for the ukrainians the day before. remove themselves from harm's way. in may 2022, a gathering of high-ranking ukrainian military and business leaders gathered to toast their country's remarkable success in the face of russian invasion. fueled by alcohol and patriotic fervor, someone proposed the next radical step: destroying nord stream. four months later, in the early hours of september 26, scandinavian seismologists detected signals
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indicating: underwater earthquakes or a volcanic eruption near the danish island of bornholm. they were caused by three powerful explosions and the largest natural gas release in history. the operation exacerbated the energy crisis in europe. it was an attack on critical infrastructure that could be considered an act of war under international law. the operation cost about $300,000, according to those involved. it involved a small rented yacht with a crew of six , including trained civilian divers. one of the officers involved in the conspiracy said: "i always laugh when i read in the media about some grand operation involving special services, submarines, drones, satellites. all this was born as a result of a night of drinking and the iron determination of mountain people. the publication contacted four defense and security officials who either participated in the plot or had direct knowledge of it. ukrainian president volodymyr
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zelensky initially approved the plan, according to one of the officers involved and three people familiar with the matter. plan, but later, when the cia learned about it , asked the ukrainian president to cancel the plan. he ordered it suspended. however, zelensky's commander in chief, valeriy zaluzhny, who led the operation, continued with it. according to four people familiar with the story, zelensky approved the plan within days. all agreements were reached verbally, leaving no paper trail. the general enlisted ukraine's best special operations officers to coordinate the attack, experienced in organising high-risk covert missions against russia. one of them was roman chervinsky, a colonel who had previously served in the sbu. in a subsequent interview, he said the sabotage had two positive effects for ukraine. it helped loosen russia's grip on european countries that supported kiev and left moscow with only one main route for gas supplies to europe.
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the pipelines that run through ukraine. the following month, dutch military intelligence learned of the plot and alerted the cia, several people familiar with the dutch countdown. u.s. and german officials said. u.s. officials then quietly informed germany. the cia warned zelensky's office that the operation needed to be stopped, according to u.s. officials. the ukrainian president then gave the order to the general, according to ukrainian officers and officials familiar with the conversation, as well as western intelligence officials, but the general ignored the order and his team changed the original plan. in september 2022 , the plotters chartered a pleasure yacht in a baltic seaside town. armed with only diving gear, satellite navigation, portable sonar and open-source maps of the seabed showing the locations of pipelines, the team set out. operating in
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pitch darkness and freezing water, they worked with a powerful explosive that was wired to timer-controlled detonators. a small amount of light explosive would be enough to rupture the high-pressure pipes, after an attack that... history three of four canals connecting the pipelines, energy prices have skyrocketed. even today, germany pays about $1 million a day to lease floating lng terminals that have partially replaced nord stream. zelensky confronted zaluzhny with his complaints, but the general brushed off his criticism, according to three people familiar with the situation. zaluzhny told zelensky that the sabotage group was left without communication with the outside world after being sent out and could not be because any contact with them could jeopardize the operation. he was told it was like a torpedo. once you fire it at the enemy, you can't pull it back, it just keeps going until it goes boom, a senior officer familiar with the conversation said. days
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after the attack, germany's secret service received a tip about the ukrainian plot from the cia, which again passed the report on to dutch military intelligence. german investigators interviewed dozens of potential witnesses, scanned the seabed in the area of ​​the blasts and sifted through reams of data, including digital communications, travel records and financial transactions. zelensky ousted zaluzhny from his military post earlier this year, saying a shake-up was needed to reset the war effort. zaluzhny, seen domestically as a potential political rival, was named ukraine’s ambassador to the united kingdom , a position that gives him immunity from prosecution. ukrainian officials involved in the plot or who knew him believe it will be impossible to prosecute any of the commanders, because there is no evidence other than conversations between senior officials who at least initially agreed that they wanted to blow up the pipelines. none of them will
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testify so as not to give themselves away, - said one of the former officers. in germany itself, at the same time, new sabotage, provocations at two military bases at once, unknown terrorists. allegedly poisoned the water at the luftwaffe wandsfera airbase in cologne and gel-zinkirch, where ukrainian militants are trained. water quality sensors suddenly showed abnormal results, and several people felt very ill, the newspaper billy reports. a total of 4,300 military personnel work at the airbase. an investigation is underway, involving the police, military, counterintelligence , and the state security service. according to investigators, someone could have poisoned the water supply station . the previous morning, a hole was allegedly found in the fence near the water supply system. at night
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, a suspicious person was seen near this fence, who managed to escape. the purpose of the sabotage has also already been announced: someone wanted to poison the pilots, aircraft, reconnaissance aircraft and... german hand blood has already written that the russians will definitely take revenge on berlin for the participation of german equipment in the invasion of the kursk region. as retaliation, moscow will carry out sabotage on the territory of the frg, german propagandists claimed, citing the words of the head of the german interior ministry, who called for maximum vigilance, announced. a high level of protective measures in all areas.
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bundestag deputies marx fabert and konstantin von notz have already blamed the russian svr for everything since early this morning. the gates are closed, military base in cologne, sealed, no one could enter.
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is located near aachen, security has been strengthened at the largest military facility, all necessary precautions are being taken, samples of drinking water have also been sent for examination. the alliance command has asked everyone involved in the preparation and operation of aircraft in the skies over germany to be especially careful. the head of the bundestag defense committee, markus fabre, suspects russian president vladimir putin of being the one stands behind possible. to demonstrate their sabotage skills here in germany. the politician who is now
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between incidents, it can be assumed that hostile politicians want this most of all is putin. now the airbase is reopened, traffic is observed. this means that now the military facility can function again. are revealed, i think, colleagues from the federal office for the protection of the constitution,
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as well as from the military counterintelligence service, which is responsible for the property of the bundeswehr really worried, but of course, one cannot ignore that there are many more cases, and i also agree with the statement that this is only the tip of the iceberg, especially in the current situation, when the conflict is on our doorstep, we are indirectly involved in it, i think that from the russian point of view, we are the belligerent side, it is obvious that the russians also...
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until the end of august, the so-called american sociology does not stop deceiving the americans, the latest cbs news poll showed.
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joe already said, during a meeting with bloggers, he said he wanted to be an internet star. joe, you already are. more and more people want to get into your business than anyone else. and you think, what am i going to do when i retire? man,
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i have connections. that's why i invited you to the white house, i'm looking for a job.
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seen unedited videos of joe biden, like the one where he's saved by the easter bunny outside the white house, or the one where he shakes hands with a ghost, or introduces the public to dead people. we've seen all of that for over 3 1/2 years, it was hard to watch. but the tragedy is not only that the white house staff, including kamola haris, covered for him, but that the media did the same, deceiving the american people. the left has accepted the fact that he is weak. biden may not be able to serve out the remaining six months, but they do not know whether it is worth telling people before the november 5 election that president haris is already running the country, whether this will bring any fruits to her presidency or, on the contrary, will lead to defeat? you can not make him a weaker man and a person in general than they are
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have already done, and it seems to me that it is planned, intentional. the democrats are deliberately sending john to the public so that he continues to look sloppy, stupid. and continues to blame everyone around him for everything, and then they will be able to say that everything that americans don’t like is joe’s mistakes. as for the american democratic party, in a sense, there is an invisible command center behind everything, so that even the president has become a purely nominal figure and no longer plays a special role. as a result of a coup d'etat , one nominal leader can be removed, after which the media elevates another, who will become the new figurehead. it was introduced by obama during the war on terrorism and became widespread, and now much more so. in essence, everything seems to revolve around the meaning of slogans: our democracy, our consensus, our values. as a result, we have all this nonsense, election campaigns are built around joy, around the fact that the republicans are strange, how to understand all this, these are just
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statements based on emotions. important news right now comes to the news agency rossiyskaya federation, that is, ours. over the past 24 hours, we had to repel 10 assaults, well, that is , not only are we not withdrawing reserves from the front, but we are also intensifying our offensive, also the acting governor of the kursk region just announced that... the russian defense ministry and the russian national guard are taking all necessary measures to ensure the safety of the kurdish nuclear power plant, the plant is operating normally, we are moving. to the border area, which has become, we proceed from the fact that for a short time combat zone,
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we have war correspondent georgy medvedev on the line, georgy, hello, what is the situation with you, how is the enemy behaving? good afternoon, the situation is still quite tense, but the most important thing is that we say the word controlled, absolutely controlled at the moment by russian troops. if before we talked about stopping the enemy's main forces on the bridgehead that he managed, unfortunately, to capture at the moment, now we can already say that the sorties of small mobile groups, sabotage and reconnaissance, they are also being stopped by our troops, the introduction of the counter-terrorist operation regime on the territory of the kursk region is bearing fruit, in particular , to a large extent, precisely because of this , the focus was, but also the most important thing... of course, the fact that the enemy has now realized that this game with small mobile groups, sabotage and reconnaissance, is
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a situation in which two can play, our troops are now also actively using this tactic, breaking through the weakest, the most unprotected sections of the contact line, we don’t say the front, because there is no front line as such, they break into the enemy’s rear, inflict fire damage on him, well and... in the current situation we have already talked about the enemy’s communication problems, but this, of course, also makes a very large contribution, well and the active work of our aviation does not stop, first of all in the enemy’s rear, the destruction of reserves that should come to the aid of the enemy on the territory of the kursk region, they are destroyed still in the territory of the sumy region. in terms of military charters, when you try to.
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liberate the border zone and then close it into a cauldron, but it is absolutely true that these transport arteries, which play a key, most important role for the enemy, they are now gradually being violated, and most likely, those problems that we see from the enemy side are abandoned equipment, which is there, left, undamaged as a result of our actions, not cut by splinters, not disabled, but...
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it turns out, what equipment is taking part in invasion of the kursk region from what is confirmed by video footage? in the first days , the enemy mainly used western-style equipment, this is exactly what was received under this so-called lend-lease to ukraine, this is both french equipment and german, what was transferred from the collective west, light armored vehicles, cars, weapons, but gradually now ... already in some areas the presence of some restored ukrainian equipment is being recorded, that is, what was there - before the transfer from the west, apparently,
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the main bet was precisely on the so-called weapon of victory, that is, to gather into a single striking fist, everything that they received to gather, i apologize, apparently, the air defense forces have now worked out, because there was a loud bang, yes, the situation is ... yes, yes, everything is in order, and most likely, they also gathered the best trained units, the most combat-ready into a single such striking fist, but judging by what is happening now, their plans have completely failed, and - what they managed to do, now it is worth a lot of effort to at least hold on to it, attempts to hold, or rather to say so, the remaining sections of the front. the army continues,
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continues in the normal mode, the enemy's hope that the russian army will withdraw its units from the front line for rapid transfer to the kurdish direction, these hopes have not come true, the situation is developing in a completely different way, in the key directions of the donbass front our offensive is proceeding at the same pace, mainly, yes, if we say this, for example, the gorlovka direction, new york, toretsk, here our troops... liberate new territories, take up new positions in the avdeevka direction, the movement also continues, that is, there is no situation where it was urgently necessary to remove units from the line of combat contact on the march and transfer them to kursk, our troops have reserves, there are reserves of personnel, equipment, weapons, this is used in the kursk direction, in other parts of the front, everything is developing
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as before. thank you very much, georgy, military correspondent georgy medvedev is on the line from the russian border, please be careful. as for the lies from washington at night potel, karin jeanfer we have already shown, and the state department pentagon reported that the americans were definitely not involved in preparing this attack. let's see. can you say whether american weapons are being used in the attack on kurs? i will let our ukrainian partners talk about their military operations. what concerns does the administration have about the potential use of american weapons in the attack. the only reason why we are having this discussion at all, is that russia is a country
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that in february 2022 attempted to illegally violate. that's what we're doing, as far as these specific operations are concerned, the us was not involved in any planning or preparation for them, but we will continue to be responsible and will support our ukrainian partners as they defend themselves. defend themselves, i understand correctly, on the territory of the kurdish region of our country, the americans. did not prepare, did not plan, and did not even know, it would be possible suddenly believe, if not for their miserable subordinates, who have already trumpeted to the whole world, in particular the head of zelensky's office podaliak, reported, including to british propaganda, that we could not carry out
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such an operation without approval, are we sick? look, podaliak is the first ukrainian official who officially spoke about the motives for ukraine's invasion of the kursk region and what, in his opinion , needs to be done to end the conflict. there must be a complex, a multitude of tools to force russia stop this war, he said. invasions alone will not be enough to make putin understand that the war is not worth it. but when the war spills over into russia, the russians are of course shocked. it has a huge psychological impact on russia, and it is also a tool of influence. key western allies. ukraine, including britain and the united states, claim that they were not informed of the attack before it happened, but podaliak believes that is not true. there are certain things that need to be done with the element of surprise, which should be at the local level. we have had discussions between partners, just not at the public level. ukraine is deeply disappointed that it cannot use missiles like the british storm shadow to strike behind russian lines. ukraine needs to either hit the target at its source, namely destroy the bases from
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which missile and artillery strikes are carried out, or have the ability to defend itself from the ground with anti-aircraft weapons, which we cannot do because we do not have enough of them when weapons are transferred ukraine, it should be our responsibility. i am sure that if the official ban on the use of long-range weapons was lifted, the landscape of war would look completely different. russia would understand that the price of war is too high, - said podalyak. well, breaking news, sky news reports that british challenger 2 tanks are also involved.
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get up, and this concerns the story with nord stream, this also concerns kursk, it turns out very interestingly on nord stream, it seems like the americans were not aware, it seems like this the ukrainians did it themselves, but not quite ukrainians, because zelensky was drunk, zaluzhny did not listen, some people sailed somewhere on some boat, in the end, it seems like ukrainians, it seems like they were not ukrainians, it seems like it was not zelensky, but they definitely blew it up, and the order came from ukraine just in case, that's for sure, that's what was definitely established, that's for sure, prosecutor romel said this, just in case, so that it would also be funny twice, the german prosecutor romel said this. so, regarding kursk, pay attention to how interesting everything is happens almost a week after the events began, the americans are trying their best to say that they were not aware at all, were not aware, did not know, no one
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consulted with us, this is an exclusively ukrainian operation, they came up with and did it all themselves, yes, after listening to these statements, realizing that they were being leaked, the ukrainians began to tell, they knew, they knew for sure, we told them everything. from the very beginning, i have a feeling that now the americans will tell, like with nord stream, they told us, of course, we told them that they should not do this, the pentagon he said, no way, no, you understand, it's impossible for russia, the csto, nato, something like this is about to start, but someone didn't listen, probably syrsky, most likely personally, because zelensky also had no taste, areas, yes, yes, that's absolutely right, he personally did everything, and why is this happening, well, precisely because... for including the democratic party of the united states, zelensky is a monkey with a grenade, then they gave him the grenade, now which way will he throw it at what time, not really it is clear that any actions by the ukrainian authorities,
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as by the way, any actions by russia on the front, worsen the election chances of kamala harris, who cannot even comment on anything, as we also see, because she is only given, they say that biden obama personally forbade her to speak, therefore , such as the secret coordinator of her election campaign, forbade her personally to open her mouth just in case, at least for the longest possible time, because any question that comes from the audience regarding, among other things, ukraine, will lead to her telling something that we can't even imagine now, unfortunately, something maximally postmodernist, and as a cherry on the cake, let's not forget that... americans remain americans, linse graham, who flew to kiev not so long ago, not only said that they support everyone and are generally very happy, although objectively speaking, he is a republican, and many of his statements should
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be considered from the point of view of the interests of the republicans, including the story about how there will be help later, including the story about that american pilots will probably have to be sent to ukraine somehow, indirectly confirming that ukraine has no pilots. in general, among other things, he also said that they are negotiating with ukraine a large contract for the supply of rare earth metals, titanium and everything else, about a trillion dollars, just in case, such a classic interventionist story, before everything collapses, let's take out, tear off from the ground everything that can be torn off and take out just in case, and what, as you know, is brought to bolts, then excuse me, we will also take them out, here is such a story with the americans, a completely wonderful story, as we already know, zelensky drank, fell asleep, at that moment the commander, seeing the sleeping zelensky, blew up the gas pipeline, it is already
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impossible to punish the commander, because he is punished, he is not the commander-in-chief, he works and lives in london, so the americans said at night that they, of course, as reasonable people, condemn the terrorist attack on... i wonder if the us worked with the germans, as for the exchange of information, did the us know, that they would issue a warrant? are there any clear indications that this is a loyal person? no,
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we did not know about it and did not support it. we did not know about it. i will leave it to the german authorities to talk about their own investigations, but we condemn this obvious act of sabotage, at this point we... condemned, i can't say anything more than what the german authorities shared, some kind of senseless hegemon is emerging, nothing...
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that it is not renovated, it means it is time big changes, to break, not to build, we breathe new life into old walls, we will turn this minus into a plus, we create a soulful atmosphere, i want to wish, may your sleeping area always dispose you to rest, we have adapted everything that can be for this, we warm it with the warmth of the hearth, we open, i don’t believe
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it, no, it can’t be, wow, big changes, everything always goes as it should, big changes, on saturday on sunday on rtr, in a month i won’t fit in, i’ll rip your legs off, yeah, so here he is, who is our new neighbor, what if you please, something happened, maybe we can have lunch together, i have to go to work now, you 've lived in two families for all these 10 years, yes, unlike you, everything is real with him and me, both family and love, viktor vasiliev, you're nobody, you've become a homebody, that's not interesting in itself, maxim shchogle, i have scum written all over my face, then i can just leave our house, if there are too many false notes in life, now i'm alone, set it up again.
12:36 pm
i wanted to apologize, you're not at all what you want to seem, i won't give you my husband, old piano, on saturday on rtr, we go to the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed, any remedy. the other side with the most essential knowledge about health. we dispel myths, we help to find out the truth. how to act? to land well, you need to warm up beforehand. what to pay attention to? each risk factor should have its own pill. where to look for help? you will need only five ingredients, which will benefit the whole organism. from the onset of the disease to its manifestation, two decades pass , therefore, to be examined. it is necessary for the whole family
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the most important information from the most competent sources: take care of your organism complex, take care of yourself and be healthy, about the most important thing, from monday to friday on rtr. so, in the belgorod region, due to constant terrorist strikes of the sso , a state of emergency has been declared, now of a federal nature. the federal level of response has been established, the head of the ministry of emergency situations kurenkov has just announced. minister reported that the situation in the region remains difficult and tense. the population is receiving comprehensive assistance, but the region cannot eliminate the consequences on its own due to the scale of what happened. belgorod region governor glatkov reported that just this morning, four more residents of shibekino were injured. two of the injured were ambulance workers. in total, over the past 24 hours
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, ukrainian terrorists have attacked more than twenty populated areas with drones and artillery. six people were injured. banderites are deliberately striking at residential areas. as a result of their attacks , private houses and multi-story buildings were damaged, one apartment building in the village of bezymenno burned down completely after the ukrainian uav flew over . residents of petrovka were left without electricity after the attack on the power line. i propose to discuss the situation that has developed in the belgorod region, the situation in the region remains difficult and tense. as a result of terrorist attacks by ukrainian armed groups. in the belgorod region, residential buildings and infrastructure facilities were damaged, there are dead and affected citizens. the region has organized work to provide comprehensive assistance to the affected population, but the scale of what is happening does not allow the region to independently eliminate the consequences
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of the current situation. i propose to classify the emergency situation that has arisen in the belgorod region as an emergency situation of a federal nature and establish a federal level of response. a meeting of the government commission headed by the minister of emergency situations, aleksandr vyacheslavovich kurenkov, has just ended; the commission reviewed the situation belgorod region, made a decision to introduce a state of emergency at the federal level throughout the belgorod region, and in detail, what does this regime give for the affected municipalities for the affected residents, we will try to bring in the shortest possible time. well, the office of the ukrainian president reports that negotiations with the united states on permission to carry out long-range strikes on the territory of the russian federation are in an active phase. we are brought to washington on a direct line,
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correspondent igor naimushin. igor, hello, is there any understanding of how far these negotiations have progressed on the possibility of launching long-range strikes against our country, bearing in mind the already extremely controversial situation in the kursk region, what are they asking about, what weapons are they talking about? olga, hello, colleagues, good afternoon, negotiations are currently being actively conducted, indeed, and the state department also acknowledges this, literally a couple of days ago it was announced that private or private diplomatic discussions are being conducted, in general, on the situation in the kursk region, the official position. the us remains unchanged, they knew nothing and did not participate in any planning , but even these words repeated a hundred times are not perceived as closer to the truth, as dust in the eyes about the fact that the white house has found itself in an awkward position and is now forced to support the actions of the ukrainian armed forces, and
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as for the actual provision of attacks, well, they are already being supplied to kiev, formally the position of the white house is that it ... does not allow ukraine to strike with these missiles deep into russian territory, and the latest american approaches congressmen and senators to kiev and public calls to allow strikes as soon as possible, exactly the same, just a carbon copy reminiscent of all the previous types of weapons that the white house initially actively refused to provide, but then after calls from congressmen, consider the public and after the media also actively discussed... all these issues backed down and eventually gave the green light, so we should expect the same thing for attacks here, at least until the actions in the kursk region end, and no decisive actions from washington
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should not be expected either, because if you believe the american media, at least, and here the us is waiting for this terrorist attack to end, waiting to see how it will end. escalation, reasoning on the topic that one more step, well, it seems like armageddon already. kansky in the leading publications almost laudatory calls the actions of the ukrainian militants,
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the first attack since the second world war, an attack on russia, that's exactly what they write, moreover, all the statements of the american authorities that they knew nothing and they didn't plan anything, they are faced with a simply blank wall here, a wall in terms of public trust, everyone understands perfectly well that everything that ukraine does, all the actions that it takes, it is completely synchronized with america in this matter, and moreover, just if you look at the retrospective, what happened a month ago, in july ukraine received from the united states a total of more than 4 billion dollars in weapons, and of this amount, 2.3 billion were allocated a month before this barbaric attack on the most urgent needs of kiev, which amount is simply out of proportion in total... the flow of military aid that the us provides, this is also open information,
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society from the point of view of the entire current situation does not react to it critically, it is clear that there are those representatives of the american community who are against it, they have always been, they remain, but the general public is now as if mesmerized by the election debates, rallies, harris, trump's speeches, and simply does not pay attention. british colleagues did this, because one of the main forces that participated
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in this attempt to break through and capture something there, many sabotage and reconnaissance groups, special forces, participated, this is precisely the british strong point, when these mobile groups had to create the situation that they were trying to create, but further strategic control was disrupted, because most likely a total of 12,000 soldiers were operating there, we do not say 12,000 soldiers until... in which several brigades participated, we even know their numbers, these are the twenty-second, eightieth, eight-second, the result of their participation is also known, since there was no the appropriate material and technical supplies were brought in, they were destroyed on the approaches, all this equipment, it stopped, you can’t go far without fuel, so we see, i abandon the equipment, as our war correspondents say, they run into the woods, they think that they will be saved in the woods, but we find them there too, our units from... special forces are working , the 810th brigade, the forty-fifth brigade, they are being called away, destroyed, they are surrendering,
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but at the same time there is interesting information support, because at first they said that we would film there - that we are in all populated areas points, then they said that they would capture some district center or some other populated area, a strategic object, and now they have a new version of this whole action, this is the creation of a security bridgehead, that is, a mirror image of what we did in the kharkov... region, this is exactly why these troops were sent, in order to protect the funds from being captured by the russian army, but we see that even this version does not work, even the wording was copied from putin, everything was copied, everything was copied, and so on, but we see that this is not working either, it is not working to dig in, it is not working to retreat either, the artery is cut, what awaits this group, complete defeat, whoever surrendered to the flent was lucky, and the rest will not be lucky, what will our army do next, understand?
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did not participate, that is, they abandoned, they thought that it was easy, as one vsu prisoner said, that they were told, it will be an easy walk, there will be no easy walk, we will not let them make any sanitary zones there, it will be our sanitary zone, ours victory, which is inevitable, we will move the troops forward, no reserves that they thought we would transfer, we will concentrate everything here and expose other areas, it all failed, the entire strategic calculation. failed, the only thing one can suspect is that this entire operation may not have changed the agreements between the british and the americans, they have their own squabbles there related to all sorts of gas and oil issues, but this will always remain behind the scenes, the main whipping boy, he is known, he will be the same as all his troops, all his here undertakings, completed by our
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units, in this regard, a completely remarkable statement, ukrronde po... gostenko, who says: what's the point of us sending our army to donbass, our army is being destroyed now in donbass, in order to save these soldiers, we threw ourselves into the bone. many experts say why we went there, and not, for example, provide reinforcements in other directions, where it's really hot, at the same time they say that we should act asymmetrically, this is, this is an example.
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we have seen this for the last moment northern streams, that is, well , the situation is already clearly absolutely shameful for the us, absolutely shameful for germany, well, who blew up whom, well, which of the options you choose, it is still tragic, to put it mildly, for the relationship of that very , to put it mildly, mythical transatlantic partnership, that is, one partner blew up the gas pipeline to another, and it is necessary to somehow explain this and how to do it, well, there is such a convenient. fool, who has already been exposed in all the russophobic anti-russian actions that are possible, and well, what do you also, well, let's blow up the gas pipeline, then well, you just need to explain how these pipes ended up at a distance of 250 m from each other, well, how they put a small grenade, it blew these pipes with a diameter of one and a half meters, well, it blew them apart by 250 m, and
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they used it for transportation - now i'm starting to count, it turns out to be about one and a half tons of explosives... this little yacht, but how else can we explain how one and a half tons were cut in, let's give some other detail, what about zelensky after this drank some warm vodka and fell asleep there, and so that no one would ask questions about the numbers, all this image of zelensky drinking vodka, snacking on i don’t know cucumbers, blowing up a gas pipeline, as if it blew him up, well, in general, to confuse all this like this, like this , like this, and this is not us at all, this is the approach we see in all its glory now on the northern streams, that is, to accuse the proxy of being a drunkard, a scoundrel, a cannibal and in general having made all sorts of mistakes, and here we are white and fluffy, the cia of course knew, but it seems like it didn’t know, she said, she didn’t say, in general, i twist, turn, i want to deceive, now i observe, frankly speaking, in fact, in this factual flow from the kursk region, what is already happening is the same, the same thing with the same operation, well, that's all there
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zelensky spoke there, no later than, as i think yesterday he said, we control 74 points. populated areas in the kurp region, in fact, of course, about two dozen, maximum, this is according to objective data that the ministry of defense tells us, but then a completely different news comes through, an urgent evacuation from... 180 populated areas of sumy 183 regions. let me remind you that in the entire sumy region there are 1,400 settlements, that is, 15% of the sumy region, which has not been subjected to any russian aggression before, that is , now they need to withdraw 180 villages to 20 villages captured on russian territory. the question is, is this a success or is this the beginning of a success or will the success continue on the same scale, which well then will only increase, and yes, indeed, in this... they ate a cucumber, went to the russians for the first time with them to rationalize this, they all understand perfectly well what will happen then they say: well we didn't know, it was all them, they drank vodka,
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the moment in time american speakers, well like during the second world war, but everyone remembers how the second world war ended, so, of course, yes, it's very scary, we'll be back in a minute, the heroes of our time are those who create the future with their own hands, lend a shoulder, i'm going to help, can i hug you, we're already in love with you in absentia, if you can help, then you should help, there were moments when it was very hard and scary, and you understand, there's no time for weakness some, to lend a helping hand i had to pull people out on my own, i got there at the moment of the offensive, at the moment of active military actions, in general it is very difficult, i know where she was, can i sit next to you, yes, yes, yes, accept the fire myself, the fire was coming in our direction. someone was screaming, children were crying very loudly, people came to do their job, they came to help people, because we are one big country, we should look up to such people, these people can do everything, and even more,
12:55 pm
ours, of course, you will not call yourself a hero, premieres from monday to thursday on rtr.
12:56 pm
another digs up, come on, we found a corpse, they catch criminals together again , there are many suspects, but
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one needs to be corrected, please, no amateur performances, lady with a dog, new trail, i'm going with you, no objections, siri with me, coming soon to rtr, no need to see him. sign up, joke, he 'll come to your home himself, we're starting, he'll always help, we'll practice, how to walk on ice correctly, he'll always tell you how to raise low blood pressure, how an air freshener can cause asthma, how to take medicine, will always support, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, this is a saucepan of dumplings. or a frying pan of fried potatoes on lard, sleep, that's how i sleep as a child, but i don't advise you to do this, a doctor
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who can be trusted 100%, you will be happy, well, i don't guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. doctor myasnikov on saturday and sunday on rtr. tell me how it was? you always have a choice, there will be a case for you, shoot, well! to meet or break up, marry me, again, your offer, salvation for me, and just friends, we can't stay, suffer or act, we lost our son, alyosha is alive, i believe in it, search or hide, i won't take my eyes off her now, did you all agree, all together, to leave or return, where you need to go, and you are a bus driver, or maybe he will order me a taxi, but whatever you choose, this meeting
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is impossible. and providing the kiev regime with new military aid. russian units began to clear the sudzhan direction of ukrainian militants. said special forces commander akhmat abtiluuddinov. village martynovka, north-eastern sudzhi our fighters have already cleared. in addition to the northern group.
1:00 pm
the russian army is destroying ukrainian militants on russian soil and the national guard fighters, the russian guard are hunting enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups and mobile armored corps. thank you for watching, bye. about the events that give birth to heroes, about people whose ordinary life has turned into an everyday feat. this is our program with nikolay dolgachev and olga ermikova. hello. the southern section of the front has been one of the hottest areas for many months, strategically important. the rabotin area, where our soldiers did not allow the enemy to change the course of the war to their own.


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