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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  August 15, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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altai has always been a source of legends and myths, and today its mysterious beauty fascinates people as it did many centuries ago. the information service of the russia tv channel continues its work on air, you are watching the news, my name is maria sittal, hello, border area security, a meeting with the head of the ministry of defense. it is planned to hear a plan of specific actions. what does the introduction of a federal emergency regime mean for belgorod residents, what measures and compensations? federal structures will also help local authorities.
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in the donetsk republic, our troops liberated ivanovka. in chukotka, in the far eastern district , large families will receive higher payments to pay off their mortgages. it turns out that zaluzhny blew up the gas lines of the northern stream and he was urgently called from london to kiev. the sniper pilot, major general alexander kharchevsky, founder of the aerobatic team in the air, has passed away; there is no time to think about your earthly concerns, there is real work there. the ukrainian armed forces lost 340 soldiers and 19 armored vehicles in the borderland over the past 24 hours. according to the defense ministry five bradley ifvs, 14 armored vehicles , and a multiple launch rocket system were destroyed. control over the settlement of krupets was restored. aviation struck reserves and
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ammunition depots in the sumy region. crews of k-52 strike aircraft disabled military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces. another striker was shot down by a lancet. they tried to hide the armor in the forest strip, but our reconnaissance drone spotted the target. another lancet burned an italian armored vehicle, a shield. after a precise hit, the vehicle turned into a pile of charred metal. that's how the calculations work akatsiya self-propelled guns disabled the enemy's firing positions, and the enemy was detected by scouts who transmitted the coordinates directly to the battery commander. the russian guard took three hospitals in kursk under protection, as well as temporary accommodation sites for residents of border villages. the department's employees ensure security at the kursk npp on highways and transport hubs. in cooperation with the police, they protect the property of citizens in evacuated areas. in addition,
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special forces, tank units, aviation, and sappers of the russian guard are working in the border area . the kursk region operational headquarters has decided to evacuate the entire glushkovsky district. there are two urban and 11 rural settlements there. more than 20,000 people live there. at the same time , humanitarian aid is being brought to the region from all over the country. report by alexander revanov. trucks from moscow, lorries from saratov, containers with fruit from a mountaineer. dagestan heavy-duty trucks are driving into kursk distribution centres for humanitarian aid, clothing, food, medicine, everything that people need, who were forced to leave their at home. the rescuers set up a tent camp for refugees at their base, and here they cook food from freshly delivered products in a clean kitchen. everyone likes communicating with people, we cook food for about 260 people. there are now more than ten places in kursk where humanitarian aid is being distributed.
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volunteers are listed in this queue by former residents of border areas, many are elderly, just in case , volunteer doctors are on duty nearby, they measure blood pressure, packages have been brought, you need to pick them up, the volunteers' announcement drowns out the howl of a siren, the ministry of emergency situations sends a missile alert , air defense crews work on air targets, unexploded fragments are found by pyrotechnicians and destroyed on the spot. the disaster that befell the border region united its residents. a number of cafes and restaurants in the regional center began to cook and distribute hot meals to refugees at their own expense, they promised not to charge money for dental treatment, one of the kursk dental clinics, free in temporary accommodation centers, now psychologists are working, trying to cope with the mental pain and fear of people in one moment thrown out of the comfort zone into the unknown, i work with children mainly, but with parents too, because the emotional state of children always depends on the parental state, what fears they have, they are afraid of loud sounds, they are afraid of everything, today
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more than 5,000 people have been settled in regional... hotels and sports centers. trains and buses with refugees are constantly leaving for the cities of the central federal district. the day before, the regional operational headquarters made a decision on mandatory. the issue is primarily about increasing the efficiency of the troop command and control system in cooperation with other security agencies and the dolgorod region administration, about identifying responsible officials, about allocating additional forces and resources that will be used to carry out the main
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tasks. the number of victims in shebekna, belgorod region, has grown to six, the city was hit by several ukrainian drones, one hit a five-story residential building. a fire broke out in two apartments on the upper floors, and under attack and suburban village, olga kurlaeva will continue. shibekina, somewhere this morning there was a drone raid, kamikaze, which hit civilians, hit peaceful, absolutely social facilities, in the morning there were four wounded in the shebekinsky district, now this village of the dunaikaronsky urban district four civilians were wounded, all four received.
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the region in detail, what this regime gives for the affected municipalities, for the affected residents, we will try to bring it to you as soon as possible. the ministry of emergency situations is joining the work, it is already on the territory the belgorod region operational headquarters have been operating for a very long time, helping residents, but now funding will not come from extra-budgetary funds, but mostly from the federal budget.
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anyone who has ever seen his aerobatics probably wondered if it was even possible to fly like that? today , an outstanding military pilot, the creator of the sokoly rossii aviation group, aleksandr kharchevsky passed away. he was 74 years old. a huge loss for all aviation. mikhail fedotov has the floor. in
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combat formation, the tactical aviation wing, group of ten aircraft. victory parade 2013 over the red. love for the motherland. honored military pilot and founder of the aerobatic team sokoly rossii alexander kharchevsky was actually born on may 9 in the cherkasy region of the ukrainian ssr, graduated from the kharkov military school during the years of service mastered almost all combat aircraft that were and are still in service
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with our army. this is how kharchevsky spoke about the newest su-30 sm fighter in the years of restoration to the wing. this is a new era in aircraft piloting. when the plane three-dimensional. can fly with overloads not only normal, direct, negative, but lateral, that is, the requirements for the pilot increase. the legendary lipetsk aviation center, this is the forge of aviation personnel of our country, flew himself and passed on invaluable experience to young pilots. the future one of the most experienced pilots of our country, kharchevsky in 2000 provided a flight on the su-27 aircraft, then still acting president of russia vladimir putin in the north caucasus. a good machine, beautiful, powerful, very obedient. this is how the supreme commander-in-chief himself recalled that flight on a direct line 13 years later, you probably, vladimirovich, do not need to introduce alexander nikolaevich, you know him well, it was march 20
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, 2000 from the krasnodar airfield to the severny grozny airfield, on the route there and back. alexander nikolaevich, first of all , i greet you again, i am very pleased to see you, in good health, to see that you are in formation, in service, i remember very well our flight with you then to chechnya. i am grateful to you for teaching me to do a barrel roll, i remember how already during landing, during the return back, you showed me how the masters do it, with all the overloads, it was a good school for me. alexander kharchevsky spent almost his entire life at the helm, retired at 65, when you are healthy, you can still own an airplane, so to speak, in full, in full... its capabilities, well, the soul and heart, well, somehow
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are not in place, so even in the reserve he continued to fly, already in civilian work at the irkutsk aviation plant, an ace whose entire life was spent in the extreme heights, in the air there is no time to think about your earthly concerns everything else, there is real work. mikhail fedotov, news. and further in our issue, new details from western media. undermining the northern streams, why did they appear right now? the progress ms-28 spacecraft is flying to the iss, our schoolchildren have achieved outstanding results at the first international olympiad in artificial intelligence. all the details in a few. will you listen to me? come back! post me! breathing the same air with you is disgusting! stop! ira, ira! let's watch on rtr, this is a gift on this special day,
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like it, i hate you, where is my child, i 'm going to scream now, well, it's hard to pay off someone else's debts, take it, don't come near me, don't come near. what blood, what happened there, what blood, where it's somehow strange, no troupe, no statement, and no wife, return, from monday on rtr, kalinon belek - a place where time stops, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores
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of the mediterranean sea. discover true perfection, making dreams come true. kalinan bellek hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale. titanic deluxe golf belek hotel, where every moment is exceptional. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the spa salon and enjoy exquisite dishes from the best restaurants. here , every room is a journey to coziness and comfort, your vacation - your rules. titanic deluxe, golf bellet - the best choice for an unforgettable vacation.
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i don't know how men fall in love, but his gaze rested on me, i'm sitting here in the corner, surrounded myself with pillows and silent. lidiyaeva shukshena about her beloved husband. and how did you tell him that you fell in love? a deaf girl lived with us in a communal apartment, she taught me all this alphabet, he said: "well, tell me
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something." i, i you in ellya. baby the most terrible days in your life, when vasily makarovich passed away, and there was something like a premonition, no, i didn’t have any premonition, it was scary, of course, the death of such a close, beloved person, i certainly didn’t want to live, after vasily makarov passed away, what they didn’t say, that his poisoned, killed, how it really happened, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday. rtr: took over my father's business, destroyed the family, well done, you have 4 years of honey in your medical history, then sawdust borscht, well don't make me laugh, but an old piano, on saturday on rtr, you watch the news and we continue
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the program, about how the tula region supports participants in a special military operation and their families, to solve housing issues for participants in a special military operation, members of their families, at least on an out-of-turn basis we provide housing for those guys who live in emergency housing stock, or are registered as needing better housing conditions. just recently, vladimir vladimirovich, you made a decision to increase the federal one-time payment upon signing a contract, we carried out your instructions, accordingly indexed
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our regional component, increased it to 600,000 rubles. thus, in fact , the guys. who today sign a contract from august 1 until the end of the current year, will receive a one-time payment in total 1 million rubles september 8 is a single voting day in the tula region, the governor's elections, if residents support vladim vladimovich, for my part, i will make every effort to justify the trust of residents and, of course, your trust. there is not much time before the elections, well , in any case, it is there to show the main directions of development of the tula region, and ... to take the first steps, so people will also judge the prospects for the development of the tula region under your leadership, i want to wish you success. thank you very much. and today vladimir putin spoke on the phone with the president of uzbekistan. the conversation took place on the initiative of shavkat mirziyoyev. the dynamic development of cooperation between moscow and tashkent was discussed , current topics of the international
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and regional agenda were touched upon, including in light of russia's chairmanship of the brics association. the progress spacecraft is flying to the iss, it is carrying fuel, scientific equipment, coffee and fresh oranges to the station. the soyuz launch vehicle with a space truck on board took off this morning from baikanur. the progress flight will last 50.5 hours, during which time it will have to make 34 orbits around the earth. docking is scheduled for saturday. the ship will deliver more than 2.5 tons of useful cargo to the station, including food, medical supplies, drinking water, nitrogen, an x-ray monitor of the entire starry sky, which will be installed on the outside.
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the media have increased more than twice, and now they have decided to extend the successful experiment to neighboring regions. parents with many children in chukotka, kamchatka, sakhalin, the amur region, and also in the khabarovsk territory will receive a million rubles each, in magadan and jewish autonomous regions. on the instructions of the head of state, we will expand the scope of this measure to chukotka to those far eastern entities where the birth rate is lower than the district average. for these purposes, the federal budget has allocated about 3 billion rubles for the next three years, a quarter of which is for the current year, such a decision will help the regions to provide the payment in full to all who are entitled to it
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, which will be the most serious support for parents who want to create a large family with many children. again about the situation on fronts: our troops liberated ivanovka in the donetsk republic, the ministry of defense reports. eight brigades of the ukrainian armed forces were defeated in the areas of toretsk, grodovka, vozdvizhenka, kalinovo and novgorodskoye. all of this is the donetsk people's republic. in the vdeyevka direction , heavy flamethrowers tos-2 worked on enemy fortifications. the militants' positions were burned with thermoboric ammunition from a distance of 20 km. aviation, missilemen, and drone operators disabled a missile and artillery weapons depot, a hangar where crew boats and fuel tanker parking lot.
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a hurricane hit the enemy equipment on the ugledar section of the front. another grad multiple launch rocket system disabled camouflaged firing positions in the donetsk direction. on the zaporizhzhya section of the front , the dnepr group's geocint left the ukrainian armed forces without a temporary point. a report from the front line by vesti war correspondent alexei boranov. we are moving forward with the sappers, going as close to the line of combat contact as possible. this side of the trail is not at all safe. an anti-tank mine was found a meter from the trail, it prepared to lead to the site of the explosion. engineers of the southern group of troops, of course, found a new important route for their units to pass. the mines are plastic.
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any involvement in the sabotage, citing a lack of technical and financial resources. without thinking twice, zelensky's henchmen blamed russia for everything. a little earlier, the wall street journal reported that zelensky personally approved the sabotage plan, a small yacht was chosen for the operation to create the illusion of a friendly cruise, the newspaper writes that ukrainian businessmen acted as sponsors everything cost about 3000 dollars, but allegedly, when us intelligence learned of kiev's intentions, it demanded. to cancel everything and zelensky, of course, listened, here he ignored the order of washington, the former commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny, and also introduced his own amendments to the plan of undermining. zaluzhny, who is now
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the ambassador. of ukraine in london, naturally denies everything calls the wall street journal article provocative. two-day negotiations on a ceasefire in the gaza strip and the release of hostages have started in doha. today at the meeting the deal was not agreed upon. another attempt will be made tomorrow. representatives from egypt, qatar, the united states and israel are participating in the next round. hamas did not send its delegation, since it believes that official tel aviv is not interested in ending the war. therefore, real steps are expected from israel. in the meantime, mutual shelling continues. over the past 24 hours, the idf destroyed about 30 hamas facilities in gad. 40 palestinians were killed, and the total number of victims since the conflict began to escalate is already 40 thousand. it became known that one of the militants was killed in captivity hostages. the escort allegedly avenged his children, who were killed in the israeli attack. according to the latest media reports, 115 people are currently in captivity, 70. five
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of them are considered alive, but there is no exact information, seven hostages are asking again staged a protest in tel aviv, demanding a ceasefire. they are sure that the sooner a ceasefire comes, the more prisoners will return home alive. donald trump is calling on prime minister netanyahu to stop the bloodshed and conclude a peace deal, here is the current leadership the us, which is only fueling the conflict, hopes that iran will refrain from retaliating against israel for the murder of the hamas leader, although the data. their own intelligence says otherwise. washington does not rule out that an attack will occur in the very next few days , possibly with the help of hezbollah or the houthis. the heat is returning to moscow for a short time, by sunday it will be +28, in tyva, khakassia and the central and southern regions of the krasnoyarsk territory, in the coming days all +35 are expected. the process of the formation of a giant tornado in the sky was filmed by residents of kamensko-uralsky - this is
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svertlovskaya region. in a short period of time, a small funnel turned into a long vortex column, resembling a huge kite. the hail storm caused irreparable damage. to gardens, summer cottages and agricultural lands in the zaigraevsky district of buryatia. chunks of ice falling from the sky destroyed the harvest, damaged cars, buildings and greenhouses. and these exciting shots were captured by our cosmonauts from the iss. the shooting was carried out from a height of 400 km above the earth. the shimmering in the sky is caused by high solar activity. the day before, another powerful flash. in the next 2 days, there will be strong magnetic storms and new northern lights in various regions of our vast country. military echelons of the eastern military district arrived in mongolia to participate in the selenga 2024 exercises. the guests were greeted at the railway station in a festive
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atmosphere. russian servicemen were treated to mongolian national dishes, then they marched to the cheybalsan training ground, where maneuvers will take place. during the active phase of the exercise, there will be a live-fire stage and tactical training actions to search for blocking and destroy illegal armed groups. russian schoolchildren have achieved outstanding results at the first international olympiad in artificial intelligence. at the competition in bulgaria, our country was represented by high school students from moscow. at the theory stage, they had to solve three complex problems from leading universities in the world. the jury noted that two solutions even surpassed the author's options. at the practice stage, schoolchildren created video and audio content, conducted experiments, related to the implementation of software. as a result, the russian team won gold and silver and took first place in the total points, leaving behind 40
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countries, including the united states, china. and japan. let me remind you that today on our channel is the final series of the family saga moscow romance. will the hero, their children, and even grandchildren be able to forget the past, forgive each other and become happy. the denouement of the big story, today right after the evening news. news follows the development of the main events in russia and abroad. stay with us. twenty-six-year-old oleg lymar, a professional soldier, recently returned from the front lines and was awarded a medal for bravery for risking his life under enemy fire to carry a wounded soldier from the battlefield whose leg had been torn off.


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