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tv   Vasilisa  RUSSIA1  August 16, 2024 4:25am-4:59am MSK

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it will be better this way, you know, for everyone, ksyusha, for everyone. babal, what's wrong, are you feeling unwell? i could use a cigarette right now. granny, what cigarette, what are you talking about, we're in cardiology. we need to get everyone up on their feet. did you call roman? which roman? eksler? give me the phone. please don't worry, you can't. if lera finds out that i told you everything, she, she'll skin me alive. roman, hello, can you talk, this is maltseva, elizaveta andreyevna, kira is in serious trouble, she's facing prison. should i still let her in?
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no, i'll do it myself, okay, and tomorrow i'll be tired by 10 go to the clinic and don't worry about anything, i 'll pay for everything, i love you, really, my silly, well, when it's all over. let's go to the sea with us, we'll spend a whole month there together, just you and me, are you serious, i promise, everything will be fine.
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hi, what are you doing here? i'm waiting for you, if you're going to talk about maxim again, then the topic is closed. i... "i'm very grateful to you for grandma, and i, and my mother, and we are all grateful, if it weren't for you, it's not known at all whether she would have survived, but my relationship with maxim is my personal business, forgive me for being harsh, it's okay, i understand, can i help your mom somehow, hardly, i think she was set up, someone benefits from her imprisonment,
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is anyone home? hey!
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thanks for the ride, bye. hello, yeah, good, are you on your way home now, yeah, how long will it be, what- what is it really hard to hear, are you on the metro or something? okay, go ahead, then when you get home, tell me, i'll go.
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i'll pack my mom's things now, yeah, go ahead, that's it, i'm waiting! book.
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twenty-six-year-old oleg lymar, a professional soldier, he recently returned from the front lines and was awarded a medal for bravery, for risking his life under fire the enemy carried a wounded soldier off the battlefield, his leg was torn off, he lost a lot of blood, he couldn't move, when i dragged him, i understood that in any...
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asking - i didn't see the point, maybe the guys just made a mistake with the last name or city, since there we all communicated only by call signs and there was simply no time to ask anyone what city he was from, what his name was, who turned out to be the double of the rescued soldier will oleg meet the one he pulled out from under the bullets, we will find out today in our program, oleg, good afternoon - you professional military man, how many years have you been in the profession i have been in the profession since 1915, when i left for military service, after that i immediately signed a contract, first i signed myself under a contract in the city of kirov, then i signed in the airborne forces, at the moment
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i am still an active military man, i serve in the krasnodar territory, well, as i understand it, you have been to syria several times, yes, but that is a story. when you saved an unknown soldier, that is what you remember about that battle why is this soldier standing in your eyes? we we were carrying out a mission to reconnoiter the city, then at one of the intersections there was a big clash, one of our cars was hit, one of the soldiers hesitated after the car exploded, and vadim pushed him out with himself, so that he would not come under fire, would not fall under shrapnel, he pushed him away. he was walking in the rear of the whole group, my group and i were walking parallel to the same intersection, only on the other side, we were walking, after which a very loud scream was heard, the noises were incredible, i turn back and see how vadim is lying, that is, just lying in the open at the crossroads where shooting is still taking place, grenade launcher attacks are taking place,
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there was nothing left to do, he went back, naturally, vadim is strong, he had already put on a tourniquet, but when he put on the tourniquet, tied the wires to himself, he had to... at the open crossroads, untie it, put on a tourniquet again and then single-handedly pulled him out to the cars that were already parked behind, carried him out, brought him to a more sheltered place, then handed him over to the car, to the guys, threw him in so that they could take him to the hospital to see the doctors, so that they would provide more extensive medical care, because the limb was severely torn off, he had to, to restore his leg, the most important thing is that there is still bleeding, i understand, yes, blood, because i didn’t have time to apply a medical bandage there, it was coming, i only had to apply a tourniquet, after that already... so he told me, he says, how will you get out of here, the main thing is to find me, everything that i remember, after that we
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with him, it’s already been like a year, more than a year, i still haven’t seen him, well, and as i understand it, you returned from the svo, you were called to the award ceremony, yes, they presented you with a medal, yes, they presented the medal, uh, they presented the medal, as they told me later, that there was a presentation for the medal, the presentation was for saving a comrade who happened to be there, after which... i remembered what i need now, while i have such an opportunity, to try to find, first i asked the guys, the guys said that the last name is sologubov, lives in volgograd, went on social networks, looked, found, it seems similar, but to write to him about it at that time at the moment i didn't have much time, and well , you don't know that he's not him, as if he were asking about such things, especially since it's also wrong on social networks, there was no opportunity to get to volgograd, but i want to tell you:
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which of you is the eldest of the brothers? - the eldest brother, 3 minutes older, yeah, just a little, thank you very much to oleg, i'm very glad, very glad, of course, that i found him, and you, you also served, yes-yes-yes, you served, yes, together with your brother, yes, that is, you were also - then on the battlefield, yes, yes, my brother and i were together, uh. we were always close, uh, that day we we received a mission to reconnoiter the city, and
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while the column was moving, uh, it so happened that we were not next to my brother, at some point, uh, i heard the command to the car, crossfire began around, after some time i heard how - the sound of metal knocking on my combat vehicle, and i immediately realized that apparently someone there needed... help, but uh, i will not hide it in my thoughts really, that is, it was so long as it was not my brother, i gave the mechanic the command to stop his car , i myself began to climb out through the landing hatch to see who there and how to help, when i climbed out, i saw that oleg was dragging my brother, my brother was already without a leg at that moment, it was terrible of course, well, in a stupor, as if everything in the fog became sharp and well i immediately. i realized that i had to immediately find words of support for my brother, well and somehow
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calm him down, i jumped out of the car, immediately started running up to him, i kind of expected that i should support him, but it turned out to be absolutely the opposite, i run up, he probably saw, he saw our frightened eyes and vlados tells me, everything will be fine, like well, that is, i immediately understood that, well, it is clear that he is on adrenaline, on all this, he probably just didn’t feel it, probably at that moment still some kind of... at that moment no one looked at the faces, in fact, everyone is still in gear, in helmets, in balaclavas, that is, we are in a closed form, that is, the eyes, and their eyes are similar, so what could be remembered from this, only the eyes, when he passed, we have no stripes, no chevrons, that is, no distinguishing features between us it was, we were all as one, but i think that you should be really very grateful to the oleg for what i can not for. thank you,
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big words of gratitude, i just can not play along, i worry, i wanted to see him for a long time, but considering that my brother is really half of you, and tell me, do you live in volgograd, where does he live, yes, i now live in volgograd, he has currently arrived in tula and works there, serves, despite the fact that we are at a distance, all the time, as it were, we are looking for a reason to see each other all the time, well, all the time we try to be close. well, let's listen to how vadim himself describes his rescue, attention, i saw a soldier who was standing in an open area of ​​fire, there were many units there, everyone was wearing masks, so i didn't make out who was standing there, i realized that in a few seconds, most likely, a shell would fly at him, i didn't hesitate, i ran to push him away from there, as soon as i pushed him away, a shell flew at my feet, i
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fell, i was muffled, i tried to get up, looked at my feet, and my left foot already at that there was no moment, she... you're running, you'll run up to me now, and it will fly at you too, to come back for me and pull me out of there - it's just suicide, he runs up, grabs me by the bulletproof vest, tries to drag me by the shoulders, but i had so much weight, a vest, a weapon, ammunition, i weighed about 100 kg, it was very
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hard for him, in the end he pulled me out, then i thought that damn. to myself, it seems, it seems this is not the last day, then more soldiers ran up, they all took me together and carried me to the car, my brother is in the car, he jumps out from the car, looks at me and is like, vadim, it's you, i tell him, bro, everything's fine, and i was glad that i survived, i would like to say thank you to oleg, thank him, say thank you to his... parents for raising their son in such a way that he would come to the rescue in any case, i didn't believe that someone would dare, well, come back for me, and i had already resigned myself to the fact that i would remain at this crossroads, when he had already pulled me out, i told him then: "when you get out of here, find me,
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i will never forget that he saved me, if if it weren't for him, i would have stayed there, he's my angel. it turns out he's a guardian, that is, what twists and turns of fate, yes, vadim saved - one soldier, then he got it, then you save him, but you see, oleg, you really are a man of your word, you promised to find the soldier you saved, and even in such an unexpected way - through a television program, you keep your word, vadim sologubov is in our studio.
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you can always turn to me, i'll always be there, and you, look, you're already without a cane, i didn't walk with it, well, what can you say to my guardian angel, i have no words when i see him, now i saw him for the first time, then he was even thinner than now, now he's completely washed out, thank you brother, i... you can't even imagine how i was that, that day, after he got me, how grateful i was to him, i would never have thought that i love life so much, thank you brother, always always, and you yourself tried
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to find him, yes, yes, the thing is that at that moment... that day there were many units, all accordingly in baloclavs, some kind of distinctive chavrons no, at that moment when he saved me, i told him then: "find me, please", and the only thing i remember at that moment, when i sent my brother to find him there on the ground, so that he would come to me when i was already lying down, the only thing i know about him is... that his name is oleg, that's all, and i understand that they talked to you constantly so that you would not lose consciousness, considering how much blood you lost. he talked to me for a long time, he talked to me about different topics, so that i would not close the main thing eyes. when they put me in the tank, my brother was talking to me, do you remember, trying to console me somehow, yes, he says: just don't close your eyes, just don't close your eyes, i feel
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like my eyelids are already heavy, like i already feel like i want to sleep, and he says: vadim, just don't fall asleep, just don't fall asleep, oh, but by the way, for you, the prosthesis is like a challenge too, yes... you're without a stick, you're trying to walk, is it hard? initially, andrey, i was in the hospital for six months, 5 months, i was looking forward to this day when i already finally they will give me the first prosthesis, i am so tired of lying down, i myself have always been very active, i have always played sports, ran and this, this, by the way, was my very first day when i got to the hospital in moscow. the main thing is positive, imagine how happy i was when i got to the hospital for the first time, when i, when i realized in moscow that everything
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was no longer threatening me, everything that happened to me, it was just that i don’t have a leg, it was just tears welling up in my eyes then, and how did you end up in another city, not in volgograd, when i was 18 years old, i went. i always thought, why can't i do the same as my father, i was always eager to join the airborne forces or the special forces, i went through selections to get into these troops, several times they even tried to take me into other troops, i refused, i didn't go, but ultimately in december 2013 i ended up in the airborne troops in the tula airborne division, i was very happy about this, and literally a few months later i signed
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a contract, well, let's listen to what your relatives told me about you, i think oleg will be too i wonder who he saved, pay attention, now we're going to the room where we used to live, here lived me, vadim and mom and dad, i slept on this side, i have posters of football players. they were here, he slept on this side, he had all sorts of rappers here when we were little, we were constantly arguing, well , despite this, there were some situations on the street, when i needed help, he immediately stood up for me, my brother and i had a cat all our childhood, uh, his name was tishka, this is his son, a one-to-one copy, he's just the same absolutely by appearance, well, every time i come - to visit, it turns out, yes, uh, i look at him, i have memories: we were playing with him when we were little, in this photo there is mom, dad, vadim and i, it seems we were only in his arms, and already in the thirties, dad was
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a serviceman, also a paratrooper, so all our lives we somehow wanted to follow in his footsteps, he was strict, but we were never afraid of him, it happened that, for example, mom says there, they got twos there, glory there, go figure it out, he came into the room with us and he said, well guys, what's going on and all the time he tried to be kind to us , i don't think anyone has grandchildren like mine, they were born in this apartment and we lived there until they were 5, i even remember seeing them the day before, they are very kind, they are just
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like when they were brought home from the hospital, they are so cute, so plump, i was so happy, there were two of them at once, before the army they were always with me, i saw one off in the army, i saw the second off in the army when in... thank you, lord, thank you for my grandchildren that they came back alive and well, a huge thank you thank you, the children say:
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the head, but no legs, well i gathered all my strength, i did not cry, no, you can't cry, you can't show weakness, that it's hard enough for him, if i'm also a crybaby, how can i find this one? the boy who saved him, just say a huge, huge thank you, he didn't chicken out, he didn't leave him alone, i, as a grandmother who loves her grandson, hugged him, and for me he would have become the same grandson as my grandchildren, how old is the grandmother, she's already over 80 years old,
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the granny is great. you are 20, how old are you 29, 29, and oleg, and you are 26, that is, you can be her youngest grandson, quite, she probably doesn't know yet that you're meeting today, so it will be a super surprise for her, don't forget to send her a photo and invite him to visit her, we'll definitely come, as soon as the program ends, i 'll call her right away on video, well, let's do a short commercial now, right after it even more surprises for... oleg, how did you end up here, ran away? oleg,
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i'm in trouble, help me, auntie, and who are you? you yourself delivered the baby, they said that he died, to come back, a bad omen, my house, my husband, my son is sleeping upstairs, for whom i am a mother, i will not go anywhere, a terrible situation, we need women, one child, and one man, by law he is our father-in-law's son, you took him from me also by law, return, go. there, find her and bring her here. from monday on rtr. allow yourself a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details, a holiday of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment. golden
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beach and azure waves. lio reorts. we are here for you. welcome to our program, just some kind of holiday, friends met here, 100% certainty that friends won't win, your humble servant, i'm a bit thoughtful, well maybe it's those who
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lay asphalt, asphalt pavers. 100% guarantee that it won't be boring, aren't you afraid, there may be polovtsians here, that tourists are looking for caves, we have one of the answers, maybe it's right, puddle, 100% pleasure from the game, can you jamb, i'm just smart, yes, yes, 100 to one, let's go on saturday to sunday on rtr, provocation is treacherous. there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat, the most intelligent creatures in our family, orientalism, this is some kind of parallel agenda, continuation of the conversation in new issues of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform we are watching, the first podcasts that we are watching. once again, good afternoon, earlier
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in the program today, twenty-six-year-old oleg lymar, a professional military man, he was recently awarded a medal for bravery, for the fact that, risking his life under... an enemy arrow, he carried out from the field of a wounded soldier. oleg promised the fighter to find him when he returned from the front, but he could not. we found that very soldier and today oleg met with the rescued soldier and his twin brother, who, it turns out, was also with them that day. this is how their meeting went. russia.
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what did your mother elena timofeevna tell you about you. watch the screen. i simply raised them to stand up for themselves, to protect the weak, to be a brother for a brother, for each other. 10 years, they serve as contract soldiers of the airborne forces, well, they end up in the svo. of course, i didn't know it at first, they told me that they just went on a business trip when it happened to vadim, i remember it well. i was working a shift, my ex-husband calls, it's hard, to be honest, to remember that moment, damn, don't worry, but we have a problem, vadim's leg was torn off, my first thought, until i see it myself, i
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won't believe it, but the worst thing for me, for example, was not at that moment, when i came to the hospital for the first time, my child is walking, on crutches without this leg, i'm going to cry now, i've never cried in my life, i i just started crying because of this, he is a strong man in general, and he is just as strong, how can you not respect such a son, i respect him as a man first of all, you know, when there is such pain in his eyes, and he tells me: mom, everything is fine, he is still trying to smile, i want to sing you a song after waiting, he dedicated his time to me, he wrote it himself, wait for me, mom, please, i am not far away, i was not ready to stay, i love you, i cherish you, despite the fact that he came.


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