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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  August 17, 2024 5:00am-8:01am MSK

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i will, i will and i will pay well, otherwise you will die of hunger, don't worry, i won't die, i won't die, i'll get into my car now, i'll go and earn exactly as much as i need, got it, you 'll go far, you'll go before the first cop, i'll go somewhere, come on, come on, don't worry, i 'll see what cop, i'll leave now, stop fooling around, close the door, i said, i 'll tell you, don't you dare, i'll call now, idiot , i'll be right there, where, ugh, damn, idiot, let's go!
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good night, senior sergeant yakusha, yours documents. where are we rushing to, we've exceeded the speed limit, you're not mine, it's urgent, i 'm in a hurry, i'm worried, excuse me, oh, i see, what urgent matter do you have, no, please, don't pay attention to the smell, it's an accident.
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yeah, i'm not a young man, anymore, i have high blood pressure, i drank my 50 g at night, well, so i could sleep better, then my neighbor started having an attack, and she's a lonely and old person, the medicine ran out, there's none at the pharmacy either, yeah, i'm going to get the nurse who gives her injections, well, let's call, check, who, to the nurse, who you are going to get medicine, you are going to see the nurse, right? to see the nurse, yeah, well, you know, i am on the phone, but no, wait, right now , right now, right
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now, right now, okay, hello, i'm at the wrong place, right now, right now, just a minute , again, hello, zhenya, zhenechka, i was asked to... i was driving to you, and i was stopped on the way by the goyim, could you come and confirm that this is where we are, the address is berezovskaya 104, to berezovskaya 104, yeah, i'll be there right now, he'll be there right now, we'll wait.
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peretovskaya 104, 200 we'll arrange, yeah, oh, look, i arrived, here, uh, zhenya, thank you very much for coming, ah, yeah, hello, inspector, i. "hello, what happened, how and you don't know, this citizen claims that you are a nurse, yes, that's right, i am a nurse, yeah, and i called you about natalya vladimirovna, she's having an attack, and i was on my way to you, zhenya, well, yeah, yeah, yeah, natalya vladimirovna, and i'm just so tired, i hung up the phone right away and forgot, so i have to go, of course, for an injection, well, be
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careful, have a safe trip, we're going for an injection, yes, so it turns out you are evgeny petrovich, you can also deceive, you dragged me out of the house at 3:00 in the morning. oh, zhenya, i didn't want that. you know, in science there is such a term: a side effect, i don't know what to do with it, and what will you do now with this side effect, i don't know, with such a side effect, you know, it's difficult, of course, you don't play chess, preference poker, i know what we'll do now, i 'm not doing anything, no, no, no, no, i know that we're now.
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you're laying down here, and i'm there.
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there on the curtain, it's you, yes, all in one night, i'm in shock, no, it's not me, firstly, it's you, zhenya, in the photographs, and secondly, good morning, zhenya, no, it's not me, good morning, i poured you coffee, do you want it, no, i don't want anything, i want to be like her, what, black and white, just as mysterious, just as graceful, just as cheerful, you know, zhenya, because beauty is a rather complex concept, it's not just how a person looks or how they walk, it's also the ability to think, it's a whole complex of psychological and not only human capabilities, forgive me, please, is it comfortable for you to sit like this, well, well, i'm
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probably fine, i'm used to it, well, it's not quite right from the point of view of beauty, well, and such basic etiquette. "forgive me again, but it's better to keep your knees together, well, yes, but it's not very comfortable like this, and you try a little differently, move your knees together, cross your legs at the bottom and move them a little to the side, in any direction that's comfortable for you, your knees will stay together by themselves, really, yeah, yeah, if you allow it put your elbows on the table, then in any case do not lean on them, because your posture is ruined, well, i understand, but i can’t do it without you, why? you try, you will succeed, you just have to really want to try.
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the idea is that everyone at sasha’s company should die, well, that is, when they see me, then everyone should die, say, wow, what
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a wife sasha has, and this is also very important for you, by the way, you understand, when a man sees that everyone around him falls for his woman, then he himself, like it or not, will die of delight, yes, i i don’t want him to die, but what do you want, here’s what you want, he called you, called you, he looked for you, looked for you, he got me, if you had taken the first initiative, you know, when he decided to look at you... well, suddenly, i also decided to look at you, suddenly look, so to speak, with fresh eyes, you are what you are, twenty-eight years old, you are noble, yes, noble, only he treats me like that, i didn’t want to tell you, anyway, he came to me at the clinic, you are having an affair, but what kind of affair is that, he proposed sleep with me once, that's all, and you? and i, i went home to my husband, i want him
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to fall in love with me, well, fall in love, only you need, come here, come on, come on, quickly, we'll change your clothes now, gloomily, yeah, oh, no, no, listen, this is too short, where would i go in this, have i gone crazy, this. this, this is a killer dress, well, if you want, i'll try it on, put it on, well, i'll try it on, put it on, just listen, don't you dare, don't you dare wear a blouse under your jacket, don't you dare, well, your breasts are visible, and then what do you need your breasts for, so that no one can see them, well, if i'll put it on my naked body, i'll catch a cold , i'll get sick, i'll die, in a suit, my dear, for 800 bucks, i won't die... it's possible, the only one who will die is vid'ka.
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oh, my god, evgeny petrovich, yes, come in, come in, yeah.
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well, maybe you'll tell me how you like my appearance, it's monstrous, where did you get these vulgar rags, did you spend your entire salary on them, what's that on your face, zhenya, what kind of indian war paint is that? no, no, no, go wash yourself, you imbecile! will you take off that may day outfit of yours? and what, should i go home naked? of course, it's easy for you to criticize, i saw a photo of your wife, look how she dressed, my wife dressed on her teacher's salary, zhenya , and she did everything with her own hands, and at the same time she had almost impeccable, ideal taste, wait a minute. the thing is that galya, after 30 years, suddenly got fat very quickly, and a lot of her clothes, which she
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sewed and never wore, hung there, she was afraid to throw them away, because she was counting on losing weight all the time, and then after her death i i removed all her things from the house, but for some reason i left this, probably because it was made by her own hands, she never wore it, so please don’t be shy, okay, yeah, try it on, well, come on, come on, let’s start with this, have a look.
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can you imagine, at a medical equipment exhibition i met victor, in general, he said that i was so mysterious, attractive, walked me home, even
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tried to make a date, in general, your method works 100%, i became different. "heron was so indignant that he even went into this room does not want, and what is he outraged by, yes the same, what i am, firstly, you came here without prior arrangement, secondly, you interfere with my work, thirdly, a man who persistently courts a married woman cannot cause any respect in me, who is this married woman, and you, who else, you the intention of a man"? cannot be equipped with a real full feeling in this situation, do you understand? i must be serious, smart, deep, subtle, as a result i will be left alone with all this, like heron, yes i know that he
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he won't marry me, so be it, at least i'll have something to remember in my old age. "an affair with the birth itself, that's it, yes, what can i tell you, you won't understand, why won't i understand, i understand it very well, and the fact that you, wives, lie all the time and dragged me into it, that's the worst of all, you understand, lies dictate to you the fallacy of your goals and the pettiness of your thoughts." "who said that? leo tolstoy? yes , i'm telling you this, and i don't listen to you anymore.
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isn't it generous, in the distance screaming, a maraboon bird,
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riding a mare, a mexican, a gift everything the rest, he saw in the coffin, and behind him , unhurriedly, but... extremely brave, warming his soul with the sweet word of revenge, he went to cut pedro, mexican pablo, for his dear wife, for a man's honor, hello,
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have you gone completely crazy or something, you were just appointed head nurse, and you're already half an hour late, well, you could have warned me at least, zhenya, where did you spend the night, listen, here's the thing, the main thing is don't tell anyone, i ended up in a sobering-up center, you're there for this, clearly like in a pharmacy, if a caballero gets out of hand, his husband is obliged to turn him off forever, even with a pistol, even with a simple knife. and caught up with the villain, pablo the mexican, and said to him in his cloudy eyes, it's childish time
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to dance, your farewell dance, because the dead can't dance. with you, what's there, i'm pregnant,
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well, you see how wonderful it is in the park, and you didn't want to go, i don't see anything wonderful, it's cold. harsh, and some old lady will call the police, no, no, no, well, we're just walking, yeah, so what are we doing, well, we haven't been outside for so many weeks, well , what don't you like about the air in my house, wonderful, warm air, well, you need to train, when you have children, you 'll have to walk with them, um, children, no way? "this is the end of your personal life, you'll want to hug, dad, you'll want to kiss, mom, i can't stand the crowding in the apartment,
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and if, and if your wife wants children, i was already married, i didn't like it, yes, i got divorced because my wife decided to reproduce, what happened to you, you couldn't get there for 3 days, listen, to such places, they don't lie on the road, i've been twisting sasha's arms for a month, so that he could talk to this client, and you, i 'm pregnant, zhenya, is it true, yes, and i 'm so happy, and how do you feel, zhenya, well, i'm also thinking about it, because it's time for us to go, yes, but my husband doesn't know anything. and why
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didn't you tell him? well, it's not his child, vitkin, yeah, and did you manage to tell him before you left? no, i won't tell him anything, he just doesn't want children, he doesn't need a family, and what are you going to do, an abortion? no, no, no, an abortion is out of the question, but what should i do? well, i'll leave my husband and somehow manage on my own, zhenya, what are you thinking about, you have parents are constantly sick, and you want to drive them to the grave with this news, what does it mean vitka doesn’t want it, he will want it, no, i, i won’t tell him anything, i know what he will say to me about this, and i don’t want to listen to it, well, talk to your husband, but won’t he forgive you, but he will forgive you, no, he won’t forgive you.
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come in, zhenechka, come in, you haven’t been to see us for a long time, wake up heron, talk, no, i, i’m only with you. zhenya, what’s wrong?
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what happened, zhenya? i just wanted to consult with you. i’m listening, zhenya. i’m pregnant, from victor. he doesn’t need anything. i decided to tell him say nothing. i will raise the child myself, myself, right, no, wrong, you did it completely wrong, a child should not live without a father at all, you understand, i will not have an abortion, come on, sit down, i have seen enough children without a father in my life, of course, i understand that there are exceptions. but believe
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me, these are the most difficult, the most problematic children, the child cannot understand at all why he does not have a father, it seems to him that it happened because it is his own fault, that he is bad, that he is not to be loved for what, well, why are you lecturing me, i already have to listen to all this from my parents, my mother might still somehow survive, my father will generally be... such a disgrace for him, okay, okay, zhenya, well, calm down, please, calm down, well, stop crying, believe me that a child is the greatest joy, the greatest joy in life, you understand,
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i... i'll go, no, you're not going anywhere now, lie down, lie down, lie down, lie down, it's convenient, it's inconvenient to walk alone at night, that's inconvenient, but to stay in a big apartment, that's it's convenient, lie down, lie down, try to calm down, i'll make some tea now, we'll drink some tea together, everything will be fine, just please calm down, i'll be there now. okay, okay, don't pretend, i heard you were crying anyway, so now you
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consider yourself lonely, unhappy. unneeded by anyone and you don't understand that in your life right now the most real love begins, when, how do i know, when, i don't... women, i know that it definitely begins, when i don't know, i got them when they were already six years old, people send their children to school in different ages, at six, at seven, at eight, i have always been a fan of early education, i assure you, it is an amazing, wonderful, amazing age, and i went to school at seven, now you will probably stop liking me, who told you that i liked you at all, i am a capable student. in the rune you are capable, that's it. but with such abilities, you should rather go to the theater, they say that it is sometimes necessary. and you and i did it well together. everyone believed
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that you were my husband. hmm, and i do not refuse her. thank you, of course, but now i don't need it anymore will help. that's it, the end of lies. and who will decide to make it true for us, evgeny petrovich , okay, okay, okay, unlike you, i have already thought it all through, i think that we should register our marriage so that later in the future the child will never have any psychological trauma and never tell anyone that it was fictitious, well , what's the matter, zhenya, you are so wonderful,
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may you have light dreams, that you are no longer free. neither greed, nor cruelty, nor malice, that on gold, the highest standard has no longer prices, may you have light dreams, that now there is no sin, no guilt. behind you straightened shoulders only truthful speeches are heard, and others are not heard at all, may you have light dreams, that
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the years were not given in vain. do not disappear like water between the fingers, but with a needle the circles of the hoop embroider a pattern are imposed, hello, this is for you. "thank you, i've been waiting for you here for 3 hours, and what happened, you ask me, thanks to katya, she told me everything, it means that my child will be raised by a stranger, you
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decided everything for me, he is my husband, he is my husband, and i father, it's too late to discuss this now, so you used me, and now"? are you driving me crazy, what's the point of this whole conversation? zhenya, all these two months i've only thought about you, i didn't even know that i would miss you so much, you 've had a problem with girls again and i have to lend a shoulder, but you're a fool, i love you, may you have easy dreams, that your decisions... are difficult and your judgments are slow, that your sentences are stupid and empty, even if they are a hundred times true,
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may you have easy dreams, that the boundaries are not yet visible. and prophecies are not at all strict and roads of the vast world. intertwined in your short life, may you dream light dreams, that over the roofs from the moonlight, breaks through the midnight soot, and fate lowers the baggage. backs tired from the day, may you dream light dreams,
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i'm home. oleg, do you hear me, he will live, but it is unlikely that he will get back on his feet, it is all your fault, you injected him with something, i want to quit, the mistake will remain on the conscience of one lara, so far no one has proven anything, leave me alone, aren't you tired of dragging yourself here, i feel that i can pull him out, old piano. on saturday on rtr, this is not
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a rite of worship to ancient spirits, and not even a wedding ceremony, this is how travelers dedicate themselves in this country, the earth is round, in everything else, we will figure it out in detail , it seems that an old ship is about to launch a couple nearby, what a cool machine, let's go, what to fill the piggy bank of travels, it's up to you and that's it. all the same, lace suits me, and we will always help, the fact that this is a paradise is obvious to everyone, even to iguanas, well, let's hang in secret to the whole world, now you will see everything yourself, on sunday, nart, poster on the tv channel culture, theatre, music, fine arts august 17. at
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the mossovet theatre, the summer season continues with alexander yatsko's play based on alexander griboyedov's comedy woe from wit. the play based on boris vasiliev's story the quiet here plays the mischief at the theatre on malaya ardynka. artistic director of the production evgeny gerasimov. the multimedia theatre and circus show antigravity continues at the gorbunov palace of culture.
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igor butman, alexey guskov and moskovsky jazz orchestra. the caspian seasons festival opens on the cathedral square in astrakhan, featuring ildar abdrazzakov, agunda kulaeva, and din.
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the exhibition includes more than 100 works by dare, as well as works by his contemporaries from paris and provence. my planet tv channel presents. in this city you want to read poetry, sing, dance, talk about the sublime, such that the place is like tebel, i got here from sudak by bus, they leave on average every half hour or hour, the road also takes
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about an hour and take more money with you, as i already said, it is better to pay in cash, because koktedel is a city of celebration, well, although the city of it... there are many streets with creative names, from time to time you come across signs telling about which famous people lived on these streets, lyubov polischuk, viktor tsigal, here you can still meet relatives of igor moiseyev, here is the well-known house of gabrichevsky and severtsev, as they say about it, illuminated by
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brodsky's poems, and many, many literary salons, where everyone can organize their own author's evening. in general, the village is arranged very interesting, almost along its entire length there is a market where you can find anything, of course, the most popular product is magnets with reproductions of maximilian's works, on which only his favorite koktibel is shown.
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we are at fort alexander ii, also known as fort plague. in 1896, more than 100 holodeck guns were taken out of here, and after that , truly terrible things began to happen here. in 1897, the third plague pandemic hit the world. the terrible disease bypassed the russian empire. urgently it was necessary to make a plague laboratory, in which to experimentally... find a vaccine, but where? it should be a place that is completely separated from the rest of civilization, a place that inspires not curiosity, but fear, so that god forbid, not a single person even comes close here, does not remind you of anything. fort alexander
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was simply ideal for these tasks, so without thinking for long, they made a real plague laboratory here, an experiment... this was really carried out on large animals, mainly horses, but also reindeer and even camels. imagine how people began to treat this place, they were afraid of even a breath of wind from the plague fort. the laboratory existed for more than 20 years, all this time it terrified the locals, and when they found out that here... two doctors died, sick with the plague, they were literally seized by panic. but let's be honest, except for these two unfortunates. no one died here. the doctors did an excellent job of their task, they gave russia a vaccine against the plague.
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thanks to the observations of seismologists and that the work that volcanologists continuously do makes it possible to predict an eruption. klyuchevskaya sopka is stable in this sense. it erupts almost every year, it is the most active volcano in kamchatka, but scientists monitor not only it, but all the fire-breathing mountains that are part of the so-called klyuchevskaya group. right now, yuri vladimirovich and his intern have gone to the ploshchad tolbachik volcano, which began erupting in november 2012.
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alexey, we are in the crater of a side eruption of ploshchad tolbachik. in the crater there are two vents in which there are explosions, there are explosions, hot material, ejection of hot material, sometimes lava crosses from one vent to another. it means that the tolbachik volcano is finishing its eruption, it is finishing smoothly, that is why we were able to come up here, we were not able to look, in fact, two or three months ago it was impossible to get up here, the spread of bombs was colossal, 100-200 m from the crater and we would not have left here alive, so watch.
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quiet, wife, where is in the next car, quiet, i think she noticed me, vazh, hello, soon! "urgent, there was an accident, your mother died without regaining consciousness, i want to start the investigation myself, i will find this bastard, it's just another business trip, i won't always be able to get in touch, i will call myself, if the car is on video cameras, the police will come to you, not a word about me, when lies breed new lies, i'm tired of the uncertainty of your lies, you must support me and believe me, believe, i understand, one crime can be followed by another, let me go, let me go, where is he, where is the recorder, did they find the car,
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the owner, a girl, it turned out that she had a man, here it is, the life line, on saturday on rtr, the tv channel my planet presents, well, you definitely need to look into the moralnik. this is the place where the morals live, and the morals are noble deer, which in our country can only be found in altai, they are so stately, so beautiful, only timid, so it is better not to talk loudly in front of them, to watch, well, one pleasure, honestly, some kind of life of their own, their own relationships these days they lead in captivity, well, how in captivity? moralniks, of course, represent a fenced area, but with an area of ​​several thousand hectares,
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so the morals feel quite at ease here, however, every year they have to sacrifice their young antlers, antlers, they are also called, but not just like that, for the benefit of people. the blood contained in the antlers is not accidentally called the elixir of life, since time immemorial it has been used as a remedy, giving strength and ... but the smell here, of course, is morals, and the color is as if you are lying in broth, okay. health -
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this is the main thing. this is zenaida palna and i going out onto the main soviet street of izhma. here in the morning there are festivities on the eve of the big national holiday lut. this is a version of ivanov's day, the birthday of john the baptist or the holiday of ivan kupala, once popular among the eastern slavs. and what kind of a pastament is this? what did you do it for? we need a bridge, we need to cross the bridge and dance, well, what's the point of all this, and what will sing, dance, sing then ? what kind of chests are these? tasks, task, task, what kind of task, let's open it, that's it, i get it, i need to guess riddles, yes,
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if you want, i'll ask you a riddle.
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we move further along the big water of the don. here in the upper reaches it even becomes strange that this river can spew out such streams of energy. the river looks very calm. when the cossacks said quiet don, they meant very specific things. the don is really a quiet, unhurried river with a very slow current. the landscape around is peaceful
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, central russian. you would never think that something inexplicable could be hidden here. however, not everything is revealed on the don to the traveler at once. so, kostenki , voronezh region. the clock of the don time machine shows the upper paleolithic. travel time is 18 thousand years. local residents believe that once upon a time there lived a huge beast indr, whose body occupied approximately the entire pokrovsky ravine, next to which we are actually located. and then one day indr decided to help his children. cross the don river, but the children were very small, he was afraid that they would drown, he began to drink, drank, drank, until it seemed to him that the river had already reached the required size, became shallow, yes, but it became shallow, he turned around to call his children, burst from the strain, and his bones flew over a huge distance, someone says seven miles, someone says 37. an amazing
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legend, in fact, these were the bones of a real belly. in the village of kostenki they were found back in the time of peter i. the tsar asked his serfs to get both human and elephant bones to his punstkamera. the emperor believed that these were the bones of alexander the great's war elephants. the truth was revealed only in the 19th century.
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you are watching the news on the rossiya channel, good morning, andrey shevtsov is in the studio. kiev is cooking provocation, plans to strike the zaporizhia and kursk nuclear power plants. this is data from the special service of prisoners. our su-34s dealt a powerful blow to the concentration of personnel and equipment of the armed forces of ukraine in the border area of ​​the kursk region. a strong forest fire near one of the largest turkish cities in the world, the fire spread to residential areas. the kiev regime is preparing a provocation, the explosion of a so-called dirty
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nuclear bomb, plans to strike the storage sites of spent nuclear fuel at the zaporizhia and kursk nuclear power plants. special warheads for this have already been brought yellow waters from the dnipropetrovsk region to the vostochny enterprise. the goal is to accuse russia of provocations. this was reported by law enforcement agencies with reference to interrogations of prisoners . a large number of western journalists have already arrived in sumy and zaporozhye to cover the staged action. this information is confirmed by other sources. according to them , the entire operation is coordinated with western intelligence agencies, mainly british intelligence. meanwhile, in the border region of the kursk region, the crew is multi-functional supersonic fighter bomber su-34 attacked the concentration of personnel and military equipment of the armed forces of ukraine. the strike was carried out on reconnoitered targets with aviation bombs with a universal planning and
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correction module. this allows combat operations to be carried out from a safe distance from the line of combat contact. having received confirmation from intelligence about the destruction of objects, the pilots safely returned to the airfield of departure. also in the kursk region, servicemen of the rear support units. products that ensure a full and varied food for servicemen in the field, also around the clock supply of fuel and lubricants to tanker trucks at filling stations, from the contact line in the avdeevka direction of the special operation, a report by the war correspondent of the news alexey baranov. this is how, without losing speed, tankers pass kilometer after kilometer,
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some crews approach the line of combat contact to support the infantry moving forward, others return to replenish ammunition, which is spent in a matter of minutes during firing, now the t-90 breakthrough is heading to the base for its replenishment, and this is the work of the mlrs grad of the central... military district, the machines are operating in the ovdeevsky direction. and the crews and those units that provide air cover for the calculations are working together. on the radar, guys, three out of five. special attention to the erons. 300 remnants, took fire. almost daily we move forward, tie up new fire points, work on... the enemy's protruding order, do not
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allow him to consolidate, destroy him, do not allow him to counterattack, the battery is always has several points from which combat work is carried out, the task is to tie the firing position, based on this, orient the machine to the target, everything must be done as quickly as possible, smoothly, so that everyone has everything, it is very important in view of the fact that there are many dangers ahead, everyone does their job, all the guys ... are trained. a special unit of akhmat is operating in the neighboring direction. the management apparatus of the russian guard is constantly on site and makes a decision. what needs of the direction still need to be strengthened. we will do everything that depends on us. guys, some of the best, you are always the main direction, a difficult direction, difficult areas. we will not let you down, there is no other task,
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except that victory will be ours alone. alexey baranov, yuriy marchenko, alexander malyshev, alexey shalygin, host donetsk and lugansk people's republics, the line of combat contact. at the middle east talks in qatar, the parties were able to resolve the remaining differences. this was reported by the american administration, specifying that the deal on the ceasefire in gaza is ready for conclusion. negotiators will meet before the end of next week to agree on the details. us president joe biden said he was optimistic about the outcome of these consultations, but added that much work remains to be done. the head of the white house also did not specify when exactly the ceasefire would come into effect if an agreement was reached. at the same time, representatives. previously
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reported that the current proposals do not correspond to the conditions the movement agreed to last month. strong forest a fire broke out near the turkish city of izmir, the four-million city was enveloped in clouds of smoke, the fire quickly spread to residential areas of the city and completely destroyed several houses. an evacuation was announced in the nearby areas, about a thousand people left their homes, the flames also reached the industrial zone where it is located.
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yes, the city authorities had to use snowplows in august, the roads were blocked, the water in some places rose by one and a half meters, literally in half an hour, flooded the basements and first floors of buildings in social networks a video has been spread of a torrent of water ripping open a window of a residential building and pouring into the room. according to meteorologists, after a short break, the hailstorm may return to the region this weekend. all news is available on the media platform. watch the app or on the website see you there. kalinon belek is a place where time stands still. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true perfection, making dreams come true.
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kalinan beleg hotel, where life turns into fairy tale. welcome to our program, just some kind of holiday, friends met here, one hundred percent confidence that friends will not let you down, your assistant, i'm thoughtful, maybe this, which asphalt asphalt pavers, one hundred percent guarantee that it will not be boring, you are not afraid, here the light bulbs can burst, what tourists are looking for in the cave, we have. for answers, perhaps he is the right puddle, one hundred percent pleasure from the game, what did you do together, i'm just smart, yes, yes, 100 to one, let's go, today tomorrow on rtr, quiet, wife, where in
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the car next to you, quiet, i think she noticed me, hello, soon, urgently, there's been an accident, your mother died without regaining consciousness, i want to start an investigation myself, i'll find this bastard, just another business trip, i won't always be able to get in touch, i'll call myself, if the car shows up on video cameras, the police will come to you, not a word about me, when lies breed new lies, i'm tired of the unknown and your lies, you must support me and believe me, believe, got it? for one another crime may follow. let me go, let me go, where is he? where is the registrar? they found a car, the owner is a girl. it turned out that she had a man. here he is. life line.
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today on rtr. what are the guests shouting in chorus about the wedding? you will disfigure my actress so much, exactly, a zaporozhets crashed into the oka, she, well, she will hurt a little more, humor, humor, humor today on...
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well, is it hard to pay off someone else's debts, take it, don't come near me, don't come near me, there is blood, what happened there, what blood, where, strange, somehow, there is no corpse, no statement, and no wife, coming back, from monday. good morning, hello, august 17 on the calendar, saturday morning is with you elena nikolaeva, denis stoykov, well, what
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can i add, it's saturday, while it's summer, while it's summer, and music will help you survive the heat. the local embankment of the croatian city of zadar has long been turned into a concert venue, under the steps that lead to the water, a complex system called a sea organ is hidden. 35 pipes of different diameters and lengths, as well as a hole in the sidewalk. well, it sounds somehow alarming. the waves beat against the stone creating in in general this music. this instrument was invented by engineer and inventor nikola bašić, to hear the harmony of nature you need to press yourself to well, fashionistas and fashionistas already hear the approach of autumn and are waiting for what colors will be in trend, yes, we have already bought them burgundy. olive and cherry yogurt, this is far from a complete list of shades that you can wear now, without
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waiting for the cool weather. our alena kashtanova did it. autumn is a good reason to change the colors in your wardrobe, and you don’t have to wait until the beginning of september. you can try trendy shades already now, for example, burgundy, as on me. and, perhaps, this is the most important light favorite on the catwalks, a new red, but only more elegant and aristocratic. this shade is a combination of red, brown and purple. a prominent color, very relevant this season, such a shade was already in fashion, so i will not call it a surprise, and in general, in principle , one could assume that such saturated colors, wine, yes, burgundy, mustard, and chocolate shade, these colors are relevant, a little more its muted but no less spectacular relative, dusty cedar, close to the color of pink wine, or as designers call it, cherry yogurt, it depends on what associations are closer to you, pink, lilac, with a light gray undertone - this is definitely something new, despite the apparent complex
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composition, both of these shades go well with other colors, they are combined chicly with each other, brown, beige, i want to take mustard right away mustard stands out, mustard comes to replace its neighbor on the color wheel yellow, which was trendy all summer, just like him, a piquant bright shade can lift your mood and add some daring to your look, well, i'm not ready for wool yet. i think it's great, or we can, for example, combine a skirt with a top, that is, we can wear both a top and a skirt, and add a cardigan here, another warm shade that can't be ignored this fall - brown, an expensive color dubbed the new black a few seasons ago, it's definitely not leaving the fashion olympus yet not going to, the most delicious tones are in trend: dark chocolate and burnt caramel, if... we figured it out in theory, it's time to get down to practice, unfortunately, it happens that even the most fashionable color just doesn't suit you, for this
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case, stylists have their own life hack: another of the current shades is olive, for example, such olive doesn't suit me in the portrait zone, because i'm more into warmth, medium contrast, such a muted shade doesn't suit me very much, but it suits me, yes, you look great, because your eyes are lighter, you have black hair, you have more contrast, so your appearance can withstand it. tell me, if you really want this color, what should you do? a great life hack, first of all, the first thing we can do is, yes, we don’t wear this color that doesn’t suit us in the portrait zone, that is, for example, yes, if i took trousers in this shade here, in the portrait zone i have a warmer mustard range, which suits me well, that is, everything is fine with my face, and at the same time i have a relevant color in the waist zone, but an even cooler idea is take... that is, you and i swap, i take a bag, which in principle does not affect
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my portrait zone in any way, and you add a jacket. olive suits not only brunettes, but also redheads, but this does not mean that it is contraindicated for blondes. galina and natalia decided to destroy coloristic stereotypes, definitely successfully. usually , on the contrary, blondes are dressed in blue, and redheads are dressed in green, why did you decide to change today? i wanted to show that, firstly... look how blue really suits red-haired girls, all shades of blue, the image is very comfortable, and i rarely wear blue in life, i did not expect that i would be so comfortable, i would feel like myself, because i usually have green and red shades, sometimes black, i think i wore blue for the first time in my life, the image is very stylish, elegant and green emphasizes the color of my eyes, the easiest way to wear any shade is monochrome. it is more difficult to combine several tones of the same color in one image at once. here we played a little with stretching colors, including, yes,
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i'll tell you what it is, when we take several shades of one color, as for example, we especially see this on gali, that is, a darker olive jacket is already more pastel, more like a bleached skirt, in natasha we accordingly see here what a game, we took a shirt and from it again pulled one color into a jacket, and another color into a skirt, it even turned out sour. by the way, dirty blue is one of those compromise shades for those who do not like too delicate tones. even more interesting combination technique: you can even try all the current colors of the season at once. what an interesting vinaigrette we have, let 's now name all the colors correctly. on natasha we see a pastel image, with a softer transition, yes, in colors, this is olive that same cherry yogurt, a little more bleached, yes, but on galya we see a skirt in such a mustard shade, and i combine it so boldly with the same eggplant chocolate-eggplant. it remains to add
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a bright accent to the makeup and a spectacular image ready, for example, lipstick color burgundy. as a rule, this color in makeup. prefer brunettes, but this color can be used by absolutely all girls, pays attention only to the density, application of lipstick, blush or shadows, to the color temperature of the shade, for example, there are - burgundy more wine, and there are with the addition of a brown shade, now is the time to study all these color schemes and apply them in practice to meet the new season fully armed and with consciously purchased from ... and what is this smell, one of the major american sauce makers decided to try himself as a perfumer. the result of this combination was a perfume with the aroma of mayonnaise. well, don't be scared, those who have already tried the scent on themselves say that it combines notes of warm lemon, coffee, musk, vanilla, what the authors call a mayonnaise accord, where are the quail eggs? the bottle
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is inexpensive, by the way, about 800 rubles. the first batch was literally swept away, the perfume is liked, because it combines everything that people love in mayonnaise, namely creaminess and softness, and men just flock, fly away we have women with such an aroma, well, and what taste sensations does the valdor salad evoke, by the way, it is second in popularity in the world, it turns out after caesar, now our colleague maria lyagina will cook it. who put the pear in the valdor salad? it was me, catherine! apples are put in this salad, it is a tradition. yes, but it is an old fervent tradition, and it needs to be updated. listen, you have enough to do without this, all this music, decoration, food, i decided to take myself. the pear of discord or the story of how a small culinary liberty almost brought brie and katherine before the scandal. according to legend,
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the waldow salad was invented by the metrodell of the valdorfari hotel. and for more than 100 years, this dish has been served plain. karinochka, hello, i'm glad to meet you this morning, good morning, karin, tell me, today we are preparing a salad, because of which the main characters of the series essentially quarreled, but is it really so important that we add lettuce, an apple, a pear, well, what's the difference? no, there is a difference, because each ingredient can change the taste and combination of the salad. that is, we add a new ingredient, we get new salad, and what are you going to make with it today? with an apple or a pear? i'm going with an apple. in the classic version of the salad , sweet varieties of apples with dark red skin are used, which some housewives still prefer to remove so that the salad is even more tender. there are no instructions regarding the pear, the main thing is that everything is cut into small cubes. to make the salad more filling, you can add
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chicken breast, you can add beef, but you need a little bit initially.
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it is better suited for this in color and taste salad, and naturally, no seeds, the next ingredient is a must in this salad, but it's quite dangerous, it's bitter in principle, yes, so you don't need to add a lot of celery, even i, uh, would cut this one for you, like this, that's all you need for my salad, yes, it's enough, it's convenient to first cut celery lengthwise, and then across, into small rings, so that you understand the difference, i'll put it: your circles are cored, mine are a little bigger, right? and now a little trick: pour lemon juice over the salad with apple, so that the apple hasn't turned black, by the way, you can also water the pear, but this is just for taste. mix and proceed to the cheese, it also needs to be cut into small pieces. you cut it very beautifully, it's super.
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like this for another 2-3 days, if we start filming such videos, you will be a great housewife. great housewives know the secret of how to grate nuts and keep your fingers whole. and look how karina rubs several nuts at once. this is what it means to be a professional, when we rub like this, nothing happens to our fingers, like this, the nuts also go into the bowl, there are some left just season the salad, classic dressing, olive oil and mayonnaise, if you want a lighter version, you can replace everything with yogurt, add a little salt, pepper, mix the valdor salad is ready, it is customary to serve it on iceberg lettuce leaves, so first put the leaves on a plate, and then put the salad on them, sprinkle a little more grated nuts on top, decorate with a grape and try it, i wonder if an apple or a pear will win this argument, let
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me try it here, and you want to try my salad, and i'll try yours, how delicious, original, very... now we're changing, trying our salad, i'll tell you honestly, i don't know why they were arguing there, a penny, an apple, it seems to me that everything is delicious, very delicious, but with the crush the combination is incomparable, that is, i won today, my salad won today, yes, very delicious, yeah, more so juicy, tender it turns out, in fact, i'll eat it very much, yes, you can either mix it and put a pear. and an apple, a great option, i think, and no hostility, watch movies and cook with pleasure, good morning and bon appetit. and while someone is watching movies,
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astronomers are looking at the sky and for good reason. nasa researchers have stated that they can confidently predict a major cosmic event that will affect our galaxy. this is a grand collision of our milky way with the neighboring andromeda galaxy. according to forecasts, this will happen in 4 billion years. as a result, the milky way will change greatly, the sun will end up in a different area of ​​the galaxy, but the earth solar system will supposedly withstand the new regime, well, in 4 billion years we will, of course, check everything, but right now we better find out what the stars have in store for us next week, morning studio astrologer vera khubelashvili, vera, good morning, well, we have mars in the sky, retrograde saturn, astrologers say this is a difficult period, plus august in our country, for some reason this is always a difficult period, why? you are right, mars and saturn are exactly two, well, let 's say, not the kindest celestial bodies that give us their energy, not the most
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pleasant at all, this is about responsibility, about our discipline, about the commitments we have made, about any agreements, if we did not manage to fulfill them somewhere, then our debts are now returning to us, therefore, when mars connects with saturn, this always indicates a high degree of tension, that mars is a planet of aggression and such an active influence on a person, colliding with each other we will somehow, taking into account the retrograde mercury, return to some unfinished business, aggression - is that we will have some conflicts at work, conflicts in the family or what, in what will this aggression manifest itself? here, in fact, not only the aggression of mars is involved, because the eighteenth and nineteenth are very, very such additionally two difficult days, firstly , we have this... burnt under the rays of the sun, they stand in square with uranus. this
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suggests that there will be a lot of chaos, a lot of some misunderstandings, in fact, people will be directly drawn to some deeds and actions, deeds, but the most important advice and recommendation is to do nothing. people will simply feel inside this unbridled passion to do something, an impulse, something will be splashing right from the inside. on these emotions, on this energy, you can actually break firewood, which is absolutely not worth breaking, considering the many aspects that happen here, and further on the twentieth, we have one of the most global , such a long-term aspect of the conjunction of the planet jupiter and the planet saturn, 3 days of huge , huge, well, such, i would say, inaction, if it is possible to undertake this, but if we act, then we do not get emotional, then everything is also bad, or maybe with wednesday is a little better, then after... three such tense days on august 20 we are a little bit coming out of this turbulence, from this such a difficult period, you could say, but
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on the twentieth a calmer energy is already starting to turn on, and we can already on the twentieth by the evening of the second plan of the day count on the fact that the energies are already becoming more friendly with us, maybe for some things this period is still good, for shopping, for example, oh how, yes, unexpectedly, taking the car there as an option, as always. on mercury, so we don't make big purchases, put it off a little, already at the end of august, just before the start of the school year, you can buy everything you want, i can feel it right off lena's tongue, i'm shooting about new romantic relationships, something, is it possible, can they appear, yes this week, suddenly, i don't want to upset anyone, but now is not the best time in the sky, on retrograde mercury it's not very good to meet people at all, because these relationships, as a rule, they short-term, thank god, i got married.
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i won't have to, in everything, is it possible, as you said, on such a difficult week, to lock yourself in a house and spend time, i don't know, respect for the book , or is that also fraught, temporarily tv series, finally, maybe, highlight, of course, calm down - this is the most important thing, don't run anywhere, no, don't react to any outbursts of anyone around, because people will be emotional, well, most people, very many signs are affected by these aspects. very many signs, i will not specifically name them, because immediately such internal anxiety begins, but you need to understand that even if you fall into this category, but behave reasonably, behave, well, as they say, decently and consciously, everything goes more calmly, much more calmly, so do not run, do not rush, watch tv series if you want, meet, talk and think about what you say, think good, thank you, this was a star forecast from astrologer vera khubelashvili, have a nice day, thank you, take eru
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find, not a word to the police, watch on the channel russia, you know about it, you bring her here, murder, i have the right to kick my love out of my house, she is not a mistress, she is my wife, my ex, i will get you from under the ground, i will tear you to pieces, he is a beast, he will not spare anyone, i am not that puppy either, i will not allow him, return from monday at 21:20,
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took over my father's business, destroyed the family, well done, you have a history of 4 years of honey, then diapers, borshchina, don't make me laugh, but an old piano, today at 21:00 on the russia channel, let's join hands, friends, the khorovody festival was held in st. petersburg russia, 300 russians whirled in the most popular russian folk dance. in total , nine circles were gathered on the palace square, exactly the number of planets. actually, this is what the organizers wanted, who came up with the concept of a space round dance and dedicated it to yuri gagarin. by the way, the space round dance wave spread to 106 cities in the country, beyond its borders, round dances were performed in china, taiwan, in the american state of utah, why aren't we there, why are we on tv, everyone in vyborg, it was among the top ten most visited small cities of russia. tourists want
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to see with their own eyes. a 13th-century castle try to taste a local legend - a pretzel. sergey egorov found out what else surprises the city-museum. every time i meet guests of the city, especially those who are here for the first time, i warn them of the danger. the city easily makes you fall in love with it, it can be very difficult to part with it. alexander knows what he is talking about. 6 years ago he came to vybork for work, in fact he was a guest himself, but having fallen in love with the ancient spirit of the city, he decided to stay and now, being a guide, introduces tourists with the beauties dear to his heart. among. world culture, there are elements of neo-gothic, classical architecture, traditional chinese, pre-christian pagan culture, all this together with the natural landscape, with the coastline, so the estate of the classical era here easily neighbors with chinese bridges and an ancient temple, in total there are about 40 cultural objects in the park, having walked around everything it is not surprising to work up
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an appetite, therefore we go further to ... the history of krendel began in the second half of the 14th century, when the franciscan monks, thus they began to make pretzel here since the 15th century, let's say, it became a gastronomic symbol, albeit an unofficial one, of our city, here the architectural symbol of vyborg can be considered the 13th century castle, from which the city once began, an elevated position on a granite rock, thick stone walls and a water barrier ... many centuries made it impregnable, but not for the top admiring tourists, the feeling that once here was the clanking of knights' swords, this juice from horses, knights who wandered along these streets, i am very impressed by how people were able to build this, i even thought about who my ancestors were before, you can learn about the life of your ancestors in the local history museum inside the castle, thousands of unique exhibits will tell you about
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the history of the tribes that lived here many times more interesting than any history textbook, one of the elements of the ceremonial karelian women's costume was kapauška, it served not only as jewelry, but also as a cotton swab, which was used for cleaning ears. however, individual attractions are found outside the museum walls; walking along the old streets, you can easily stumble upon a reconstruction of a medieval forge or trees that grant wishes. to make a dream come true, they write it down on a wooden coin and leave it on one of the branches. perhaps, i will also make a wish, to return to this amazing, beautiful old city, at least once more. and then, old age is sad. my god, what kind of... image in your understanding is this how old age looks, accept the human appearance, you don't know how to appreciate beauty, no one knows how it will change over the years, and wrinkles, like scars, decorate a man, they may decorate someone, but not someone, there is no
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gene dependence here, it is genetic, well , what gene is responsible for age-related changes, well, which one, whoever finds it, will defeat old age, we will talk about this with an expert very soon, that's disgusting. and they say that you need to prepare for rest, you need to know how to rest, you need to rest beautifully, but you need to rest where there is sun and sea, on the first coast, where everything is included, except for the head. we know everything about rest, relax! anex!
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i won't get it in a month, i'll tear your legs off, yeah, so here he is, who is our new neighbor, what do you want, what happened, maybe we'll have lunch together, it's not time to go to work now, elena, you 've lived in two families for all these 10 years, yes, unlike you, we have everything for real, and family, and love,
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and of course in sochi, in the olympic park in sirius.
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new wave 2024 on friday on rtr, this is my service dog, time for big premieres on rtr, they work in pairs, where to look, look, one listens in, another eavesdrops, i feel that something bad is happening, we can handle it, right? together they catch criminals, there are many suspects, but
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you need to choose one, please, no amateur performance, lady with a dog, new trail, i'm going with you no objections, siri with me, soon on rtr, and what about me? i, like everyone else, people no longer want to stand out from the crowd, psychologists from the university of michigan found out. they compared how it was 20 years ago and how it is now, the population's willingness to publicly defend itself has decreased the most their beliefs. the average statistical explanation is this: it is better to always agree with others than to be called an intractable person. another trend: people have stopped showing their uniqueness and try to attract as little attention to themselves as possible. scientists thoughtfully.
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that many of their then daring images still remain classics: princess diana, audrey hebern, grace kelly, marlene dittrich and others, but there are new ideals, their perfection causes, to put it mildly, surprise. for clarity, let's first let's remember how it was when it was good, princess diana. she didn't so much boldly violate the court protocol, but she was openly rebelling against the royal family, but where can you see a princess in a miniskirt, in a mini? audrey hebern, it is believed that it was with her
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light hand that the little black dress opened the doors to society, you can also go there in a slip dress by kate moss. grace kelly even knew how to make a laconic shirt and trousers super-effective. she was the embodiment of elegance, historians say and... millions of girls, but it's hard to argue, now, now the ideal looks like this, yes, yes, it's not a sham, princesses at beatrice, who was recently laughed at because of her unattractive dresses and hats, about whom only the lazy did not draw memes, put on a par with recognized style icons named the most elegantly dressed british celebrity, well beatrice really tries, she has two stylists, maybe... they can't agree, you can scroll for a long time,
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fun, right? no, it's clear that everyone there are mistakes with the selection of outfits, well, the weather, nature, the stars, did not have time to iron, wash, but not everyone is a princess, not everyone is appointed icons, well, this constant facial expression, a new lady of perfection, maybe a new trend, in addition to beatrice, the list of the best-dressed british women also included queen camilla's sister annabel elliott, the wife of the prime minister of great britain lady victoria starmi. these ladies, according to an authoritative british magazine, are simply magnificent, and they are worth imitating, although the british themselves call one of them boring, tastelessly dressed, this is about camilla's sister, and the other annabelle is suspected of being inspired by examples from rural life, a dress to poison, the audience is surprised, why not, her husband is a minister, she can, it's boring, you just haven't been to social gatherings, well, maybe for the best, such a motley picture, this is not the time of queens. elizabeth, looking at these ladies, i just want to ask, did princess
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beatrice bite you, although most likely they tried to outdo her and take away her new important title. however, not everything and not everywhere is so sad. meet sheikha moza, mother seven children and one of three wives of the former imir kator. as they say, feel the difference. the most stylish woman in the arab world, so fashion critics call her. here is eastern. luxury and european classics, elegance and femininity, it seems that you can look at moza's outfits endlessly, she looks like a luxurious statuette, say designers, moza is the best thing that happened to the boat, say the sheikh's compatriots, who are openly proud of her, it is clear why. in addition, she has a bachelor's degree in sociology, a specialist in foreign and domestic politics, however, moza has not yet made it onto the official list of style icons, well, maybe it's for the best, it's clear that. standards of beauty, attractiveness and fashion, they change,
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perhaps we shouldn't blindly trust those who confidently proclaim modern style icons, let these icons... maybe they'll come to their senses, remember, as audrey hebern said, elegance is the only beauty that never fades. that's all for today, have a great weekend, see you on saturday, let's chat. we'll find out right now that the state duma has proposed adding a photo of a child to birth certificate, and with changes, so to speak, by years, to make an electronic version of this document. the proposal, well, of course, raised a lot of questions, because the child's appearance. really changes so rapidly that such an innovation can only confuse, then it makes sense to keep fingerprints, experts believe, they do not change over time, but this is still a matter of the distant, well, or near future, we can talk about appearance and its changes right now, you must agree, interesting, our guest is doctor
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of biological sciences, corresponding member of the russian academy of sciences, alexey moskalov, alexey alexandrovich, good morning, well, it happens that young parents, well, especially their grandparents look at...
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also from the characteristics of nutrition, individual characteristics of lifestyle, that he gained a lot of weight, this, yes, ecology, yes, the caloric content of food, the composition of food, all this determines, even some environmental factors, favorable, unfavorable, and
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why does this happen, that for example, some the trait is passed down through generations, for example, curly hair can often be passed down from a grandfather, but then, although the parents are not curly at all, this is just the relationship of dominant recessive genes, that is, a parent can have a dominant phenotype, but in a latent form, in a recessive form, he carries the gene for this curly hair, in general, it is possible to somehow predict what a child will take from a parent, well, let's say a nose, someone even has applications that generate your future. nose, eye color, they have a pronounced genetic component, there are small hand movements, even some unusual things like that, they can be passed on by inheritance, but they say that the yanochka is definitely
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passed on to the chin, but nevertheless this inheritance is quite complex, there is not one gene that determines therefore... to predict in what variant they will all meet, height, if one of the parents is tall, the other is short, what will be the height, there are generally dozens of genes, how then to explain that sometimes both parents, well, let's say, are of average appearance, and a beautiful child is born on the contrary, both are handsome, on children, as they say, nature took a rest, someone just went to a plastic surgeon, probably, i do not exclude, there is a special process in the sex cells, which is called ver, when chromosomes exchange. areas and the paternal maternal genes of one of the parents are mixed inside his sex cells, and then these mixed variants still meet with each other randomly, gometa, well, randomly gets one version of the chromosome, another version of the chromosome, here with mixed genes, that's all
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accidentally found in one zygote, in one cell, it turns out to be a very high variability, diversity, this gives, you understand, stability, because the more something is shuffled, mixed, the less likely it is that the breakdown will be transmitted , you know, like in families, where the habsburgs. there it was necessary to have children between relatives, so that the inheritance was poorly shuffled the deck, even the two children themselves, they are absolutely different, yes, this shuffling is very important in fact it determines that the genes connected, let's say with beauty, yes they mix up the option can be unpredictable, got it, thank you very much, we had a doctor of biological sciences, corresponding member of the russian academy of sciences, alexey moskalov, good. good day to all, magical adventures with fire, but hit yourself on the head, you have a nickname, where you need to go, that's what they call me,
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because i'm not taking you where you fool want, where you need to go, ognipa, soon, what the guests shout in chorus wedding, scene 15, you 'll disfigure my actress so much, tyutenka to tyutenka, a zaporozhets crashed into oka. not to my son, she, well still hurt, humor, humor, humor, today at 14:50, did you see how she was lying, it felt like she was carried in arms and then just laid down, it smells like something is wrong, what did you bring us, i'll make you happy,
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spanish archaeologists, they explored the seabed at a depth of up to 2.5 km with the help of an unmanned submarine, scientists dubbed their discovery los atlantis, openly hinting at the myth of atlantis, well, in general, we are waiting for a detailed study, it's interesting, yes, while we wait, we will find out how to make unusual lamps and lamps with our own hands, we are stocking up newspapers, paints and a jar of vegetable oil, guys, and i see you're already finishing the renovation. yeah, but you don't have enough light, where's the lamp? okay, i'll do it myself. listen, where are your newspapers
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? you can make an excellent wallpaper from newspapers and unnecessary papers. soak the pieces of paper in water, blend, roll them out like dough and cover the ball with this mass. now make some holes and let it harden. blow the ball up, it's no longer needed, connect a wire with a lamp to the resulting hemisphere and enjoy the effect of the starry sky, only the moon is missing. i can't get it from the sky, but i can erase a smaller copy of it from a balloon and paper napkins, we remember the papier mache technique , drawing lessons. that's it, all that's left is to assemble it, we put the garland inside and put it on the stand, we turn on the outlet and get a moon like this, and if you don't want to mess around with balloons, glue and paint, then a stylish obajura can be made from a very large sheet, carefully fold it like this intricate accordion, glue it together, the origami obajura is ready, but how to wash it, internet craftsmen recommend a more practical option from bottles, you just need to... saw off the bottoms, i've wanted to do this for a long time, so i even had to do it for these chandeliers specifically so that they could be hung somewhere, i had to make a terrace, however,
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for such beauty you need to empty the whole bar, and i prefer mineral water, oh, a plastic bottle will also make an excellent lamp, and everything will work, not only the bottle itself, we'll cut it into strips and paint it, but even the ring from the lid, the petals will hold on to it, this whole structure attach it to a table lamp, and for greater similarity. cut out a leaf with a flower. by the way, the lamp can be made from real plants, for example, from wood, or more precisely, from a stump. sawed, now burn. everything that did not burn, grind. and then paint and connect the electrics. and to build such a lamp, you also need to connect knowledge of physics. pour baking soda into a jar and pour oil to the brim. mix vinegar and dye in a separate glass. pour the resulting mixture into the jar, and put it on the backlight. and here. colored drops begin to rise to go down, a fascinating sight. sasha, where is the butter? i wanted to fry the answer, butter,
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butter, so i threw it away, scientists say that butter is bad for the figure, butter. and now it's time for our traditional music column, what will our colleague andrey petrov please you with, let's find out, andrey, hello, you have the floor, hello, hello, good morning, studio, good morning. everyone, we are in the russian national museum of music, one of the largest music museums in the world, our meeting, of course, as always musical, our guests today are a duet, which is wonderful in last time we performed, we already know each other well, a duet, it’s very nice that you joined, last time, unfortunately, there wasn’t enough time, but i really wanted to find out about music, because always, i think, and for me personally, our viewers are interested in the moment when an artist has this moment, when you still go to music school, but not because your mother said that you have to go to salfeja, there to draw on a macro, that’s when this yes, this is mine, i ’ll be a musician, in fact
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, it turned out that i realized that i will be really a musician, it came precisely in the music school, yes, it is learnable, so you need to sing all sorts of songs, but it turned out that my older sister is also a professional singer, only she is an opera singer, she entered the school, it seems like i also sing and i also entered, yes, i also entered and of course when i got into these walls i realized that this is mine and music will be with me for life, katyusha, how did it happen, well , i did not finish music school at all, yes, i just went and endlessly.
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oh, my box is full.
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good old shoulder, come out, come out into the high face, i'll wait there until nightfall, and i'll see the black one, i'll lay out all the goods, and i'll see the black one, set. i'll lay out the pairs, i 've paid considerable prices, don't haggle, don't be stingy, supply, lips , scarlet, sit down closer to the young man, supplier, lips, scarlet, sit down closer to the young man, here the foggy night has fallen, the daring and the young man take off, come, the desired one has come.
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the kubet sells the goods, katya berezhnaya haggles, is afraid to convey everything, the guy kisses the girl, asks to raise the price, the guy kisses the girl, in cross. add, only the deep night knows how they got along, straighten up, high rhino, keep the holy secret, once we get along, you high rhino. keep the holy secret,
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my cow is full, there is a chick sitting, have pity on the soul of the sweetheart, the brave shoulder, have pity on the soul of the sweetheart, the brave shoulder . oh, thank you very much, just like these boxes, filled us with emotions, the duet of beryuza is on our set today, it is very nice that with such a song you burst into the air on saturday, into the house. wake up in a good mood, this nice, thank you very much, studio, you have the floor, thank you, andrey, it is clear that you have charged up, we are waiting for a new musical surprise in a week,
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then, more terrible than a cat, an animal, no, what do we know about the manul, why its name is translated as ugly ears, in one of the most secretive predators, we will ask colleague ivan zatevakhin, soon! you are watching the news on the russia channel, hello, andrey shevtsion is in the studio. kiev is preparing a provocation, planning a strike on the zaporizhzhya and kursk nuclear power plants, this is data from the special service of prisoners. our su-34s struck a powerful blow to the concentration of personnel and equipment in the armed forces of ukraine in the border area of ​​the kursk region. a strong forest fire near one of the largest turkish cities in the world, the fire spread to a residential area. the kiev regime is preparing a provocation, an explosion of a so-called dirty nuclear bomb. they plan to strike at
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the storage sites of spent nuclear fuel at the zaporizhzhya and kursk nuclear power plants. special warheads for this have already been delivered to the city of yellow waters in the dnipropetrovsk region to the vostochny mining and processing plant. the goal is to accuse provocateur. russia, this was reported by law enforcement agencies with reference to interrogations of prisoners. a large number of western journalists have already arrived in sumy and zaporozhye to cover the staged action. this information is confirmed by other sources. according to them, the entire operation is being coordinated with western intelligence agencies, mainly british intelligence. meanwhile, in the border area of ​​the kursk region, the crew of a multifunctional supersonic fighter, a bomber so-34.
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providing full and varied is carried out from fresh products, the nutrition of military personnel in field conditions, and the supply of fuel and lubricants to filling stations is also organized around the clock in tanker trucks. from the line of combat contact in the avdeevka direction of the special operation, a report from a war correspondent of the news. this is how, without losing speed, tankers pass kilometer after kilometer, some crews approach the line of combat contact
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to support the infantry moving forward, others return to replenish ammunition, which during the firing is spent in a matter of minutes. now the t-90 breakthrough is heading to the base for its replenishment, and this is the work of the mlrs grad, the central military district, the machines are operating in the ovdeevsky direction. both the crews and those units that provide air cover for the calculations are working together. on the radar, guys, three out of five. special attention to the erons. 300 remnants took fire, almost daily we move forward, tie up new fire points, work on the retreating order of the enemy, do not allow him to gain a foothold, destroy him, do not let
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to counterattack him, the battery always has several points from which combat work is carried out, the task is to tie the firing position, based on this, orient the machine to the target, everything needs to be done... from us to do, guys, some of the best, the main direction is always on you, a difficult direction, difficult areas, we will not let you down, there is no other task, except that the victory
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is only ours. alexey baranov, yuri marchenko, alexander malyshev, alexey shalygin. news: donetsk and lugansk people's republics, the line of combat contact. on the parties were able to resolve the remaining differences at the middle east talks in qatar. this was reported by the us administration, which specified that the deal on the ceasefire in gaza is ready to be concluded. the negotiators will meet before the end of next week to agree on the details. according to us president joe biden, he is optimistic about the results of these consultations, while specifying that there is still a lot of work to be done. the head of the white house also did not specify when exactly the ceasefire will come into effect in the event reaching an agreement. hamas said the current proposal falls short of the terms the movement
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agreed to last month. a massive forest fire has broken out near the turkish city of izmir, a city of four million people, sending clouds of smoke billowing out from the flames, quickly spreading to residential areas of the city and completely destroying several homes. nearby areas were ordered to evacuate, with about a thousand people fleeing their homes. the flames also reached an industrial zone where numerous factories are located, including woodworking. the fire is being extinguished by thousands of rescuers and significant air forces, a total of five planes and 15 helicopters, the extinguishing is hampered by strong winds, which not only contribute to the spread of the fire, but also for a long time prevented firefighters from working from the air. the downpour caused flooding in the american state of utah, after a rain of large hail, the streets there turned into rivers of wet ice. city authorities had to use snowplows in august. roads were blocked, the water in some places rose to...
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a video of a stream of water on the first floors of buildings has spread across social networks in just half an hour, flooding basements and opening a window of a residential building and pouring straight into the room. according to meteorologists, after a short break, rain and hail may return to the region this weekend. all news is available on the media platform watch, app or on the website stay with us. dive into a world of luxury and comfort at rixsas golf villas and suites sharmaьshi them. a magnificent world-class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy the modern design of the rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort.
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here my question begins: can tasty be healthy? we try, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases, can it be useful? be pleasant fiction, can scientific be understandable, and you make a wish? yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, once again, yes, every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this is rising.
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from monday to thursday you are very busy, what is being shown is the most important thing, it's time for big premieres on rrt. put out the candle,
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light the hay, you won't get bored with us, who are we, where are we going, what kind of country are we, a russian person remains a russian person, of course, there is something inside. something is so chilly , anything can happen, i will still do what i do, now there is a fight for our values, for us, for russia, for our past, this is my path, this is my life, this is my destiny, life and destiny, from monday to friday on rtr, have you forgotten, what day is it today, exactly 7 years ago, wait, it was a child, it was an unfinished fetus, you monster, look at rtr, oleg, how did you end up here, you ran away, oleg, i'm in trouble , help me, auntie, and who are you, you
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delivered the baby yourself, they said he died, come back, bad omen, my house, my husband, my... is sleeping upstairs, come back, go there, find her and bring her , you took him from me, also according to the law, here, from monday on rtr. good morning, hello, early saturday morning, irena nikolaeva is greeting you denistova, by the way, exactly 2 weeks until the end of summer, today is august 17, it has 31 days, oh, once again, don't remind me, i don't want to talk about it, i also don't want to talk about politics, about
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health, about religion, topics that are not accepted to discuss in the morning and at the table, and another one, like ah, this, but in chinese shanghai , an infernal cafe is gaining popularity, and there clients are offered... not only to drink coffee, but to talk about it, about death. a strange idea came to the head of a funeral home, who decided to expand the business in such a way here in an unusual way. it turned out to be a very popular topic, many people start to value life more after this. here, by the way, on the topic of the study, which was conducted by scientists from slovenia, where people get their increased interest in all sorts of unpleasant, sometimes difficult events. it turned out because of the complex interaction of curiosity. for example, scientists have learned to extend the life of vegetables and fruits, thanks to a special gel, fruits can be at room temperature for weeks and not spoil, is such a safe
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processing, andrey negro found out. two experimental apples, one was processed just 3 days ago, the second was unprocessed, here we see on the unprocessed one that it is already... drying out and such wrinkles are forming, then we will put , we will weigh, see how long these apples will lie, repeatedly extend the shelf life of any fruit, this is what the gel created in this laboratory allows, it is still being improved, but the existing formula has already shown that it is capable of prolonging the freshness of apples, bananas and even strawberries three times, at this gel is easily washed off with water, but even if it gets into the body, nothing terrible will happen, it consists of a polymer. animal and plant origin and forms a thin film on the surface of the fruit, which protects it from drying out, plus it provides gas exchange, so the smells remain in the fruit and can be felt when it is processed, the fruit still continues
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to smell, this is how this polymer composition compares favorably with wax, which is often used to cover fruits today, but it can be applied to the fruit directly in the field or right on the trees with the help of... a spray gun, and this is a laboratory in the urals, here they also create polymers to protect products, but in this case we are talking about packaging for meat and fish, these films contain compounds that can signal whether everything is ok with the goods, this is especially important when they are vacuum-packed, and we cannot determine their freshness based on smell, if suddenly our product goes bad, then the environment around the product also changes, this film must react to these changes and react in such a way that... the consumer becomes it's clear: so, here the processes of deterioration have begun, perhaps i will not take this. as such substances here they consider, in particular, a yellow pigment isolated from the spicy root of turmeric or copine, which gives color to tomatoes. both compounds are sensitive to the ph of the environment, and a change in acidity is one of the signs that the product has spoiled. our
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film should become darker, that is, for example, here it is initially light, yes, and then it will change, well, into a dark, not very beautiful shade, which. will signal that - this product should not be consumed. it's good if the buyer does not see this in the store, because first of all, this tool is for sellers to remove bad goods from the shelves in time. the most artistic macaque in china, and maybe in the world, first a video with a monkey from the qilin mountain park, which necessarily and charmingly takes different poses, went viral on the internet, now a real pilgrimage has begun to the zoo, you can't get to the animal's cage, she understands why all the people are there, well, if the star of the enclosure does something, for example, something like a bow, the visitors repeat after her, who is the macaque here, well , they continue to guess whether someone taught the monkey all these tricks or not, the employees do not comment on the situation, well , the troublemaker herself seems to have realized
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that she has become mega-popular and behaves like a real celebrity. snow leopards behave much more modestly, it is difficult to see them in the wild because of their camouflage coloring. in order to restore the snow leopard population, they are planned to breed them in the moscow zoo, let's let's see how they live there. the platform for observing snow leopards in the moscow zoo is jokingly called the waiting room by visitors. to see these rare cats, sometimes you really have to wait quite a long time, a snow leopard, yes, compared to the pallas's cat, for example, it is more difficult to see it, we see the pallas's cat more often, yes, our tyumokha, the snow leopard has yes an active time and a sleep time, sleep time is mainly daytime, with it he also goes out, but not so often, yes, mainly it is twilight animals and therefore closer to the evening, of course , the snow leopard begins to come out, or it is early.
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from their shelters only closer to 18 o'clock, they have a lot of secluded places where they can hide, because in nature the snow leopard leads a very secretive lifestyle, they are even called ghosts of the mountains. therefore, in the moscow zoo , a multi-level complex was built for them, imitating a rock, their natural habitat, there are caves, a maternity ward, various plants, including edible ones, and even a mountain stream. the snow leopard, its the name reflects its habitat, it is... in general, a cat that lives in rather harsh conditions, highlands,
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central-central asia hunts for rather large prey, these are mountain goats, rams, it can attack smaller prey in the summer, there are ground squirrels birds. by the way, the second name of the species is irbis, from ancient turkic it is translated as snow cat. in general, these are the highest-altitude representatives of their mustachioed family, living at altitudes from one and a half to 6. above sea level, animals are unique in many ways, for example, they cannot growl, like lions or tigers, they can in principle make some sounds, but to a greater extent these sounds resemble purring, although their structure, for example, of the jaw apparatus generally resembles panthers, but the larynx is still structured like that of small cats, they also have wide and thickly furred paws, they act as snowshoes, their nose is also wider than that of other wild cats, when breathing, such a structure of the nasal cavity helps to better warm up the cold mountain air, but the main difference between snow leopards
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is their fluffy very long, almost equal tail length of the body. this is an excellent balancer, when the snow leopard pursues its prey, it is in these rapid jumps in pursuit of its prey, which is also very well adapted to mountain conditions, it really constantly ... tail in order to maintain balance. dani and untsik do not hunt, of course, they are fed select beef and horse meat, and they have never run after ungulates. the thirteen-year-old female came from a zoo in france, and the male, he is a year older, from the czech republic. the couple settled in the moscow zoo back in 2023, but for a long time at that time, visitors did not even know that these rare predators were in the very center of the old territory. their enclosure was completely closed. the viewing windows were opened in stages. when the animals move in. naturally, everything is closed so that the animal can calmly get used to the environment where it is now
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located, so that it is not frightened by people, and many, many such factors. now daina and unzek react completely calmly to visitors, the male sometimes even plays with children, leaning his wide paws against the glass. when animals are not stressed in captivity, they can reproduce, so the capital's zoologists hope that the irbis couple will soon have an addition. the mating season for snow leopards begins in ... winter and early spring, if everything goes well, next summer in the moscow zoo you can watch playing snow kittens. let's look at the footage that is now being watched with pleasure not only by cat lovers, but also by specialists, and zoologists call this video a real success, but i also wish the camera could get a mother manul with four babies, it is very rare to see these animals in the wild. pallas's cats are one of the most secretive predators in the world, the video was made in altai in the soligemsky national park, and what do we even know about these gorgeous cats and are they cats at all? the answers to these
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questions and others, by the way, are known to our regular guest, the studio expert, candidate of biological sciences, television. ivan zadevakhin, ivan, good morning, good morning, yes for others, thank you, good morning, eh, yes, please, always, more, in the end, a cat or not a cat, well of course, but this is such a cat, it is called a manul, here - well, one of the types of cats, specialized, it usually lives in open spaces with a sharp, sharply continental climate, maybe they are small, to show this to someone, without brushes, yes how ...
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before the conversation, that - i have practically never seen filming in the wild, we started with the fact that this is a great success in a national park, that is, they are very secretive animals, very secretive, very, why, who are they afraid of, they are afraid of everything, yes, because there are predators there many, and birds, and larger ones like leopards, and predators they have simply yes, they do not tolerate each other,
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they kill each other if necessary, not even with the purpose of eating, not always with the purpose of eating, yes, well yes, this is also difficult, because i think that it is more difficult than just divide the glade, but we will not go into global ecological research, in fact, as i understand it, there is not much to study there, since the animal is so wild, it is afraid of everything, but here is something interesting, you told us literally in a few minutes before the broadcast, that on their base they studied stress, the manifestation of stress, that is, they are close to us, city dwellers, you know, there was such a problem in the zoo, yes, absolutely, there was a problem of stress in animals, so to study this stress, so it turned out that animals need to be protected in every possible way, and this is such, as if reasoning, very often there in the circle of poorly educated dog breeders, you hear that all dogs need to be protected from stress and so on, it turned out, thanks to the research of manulov, conducted by sergei
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vladilyanovich popov, there is such a scientist in moscow is very famous. that they themselves are these manulals, who are afraid of everything, yes, when they seem to be hiding, no one bothers them, everyone protects them, so that they do not breathe there, do not make noise and so on, they themselves begin to go to dangerous places, that is , they need some kind of adrenaline rush, it turned out that here and he is rebellious looking for a storm, and you know why, because in the wild he is faced with challenges every second, daily, with different the feeling that you are talking about. and russian men, them too, if protect, they start to somehow grow into the sofa to be parachutes, for example, i absolutely agree with you, well, plus another plus at home, this is also another mechanism, as if studying the environment, but they don’t get along with anyone at all and don’t even get along with their relatives, yes they are like that, yes they are
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solitary animals, they meet only to make kittens, why are they such a size manuls, well because - they live in ... such circumstances, yes, on the one hand, they don’t have enough food, they even, they even here they have such fun in winter, yes, when the snow is thick, it is difficult for them to catch anything there, so they have a period that scientists call the period of gluttony, when they, here denis's remark should have been, and i was dreaming, dreaming, that's about it, soon such a period will come for many, before the winter period they start with terrible force. although he was like that in childhood, he scratched everyone, it seems to me that my grandmother and i didn't have a manulli, they hunt for anything, they hunt for any little thing, any
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that is available to them, well, imagine, a bird, a mouse, a lizard, oh, even a lizard, of course, and what not, a lizard, well, how to eat chicken, well, thank you very much, everything about the manuls was told to us by the candidate of biological sciences, tv presenter ivan zatevakin, thank you, lord, oleg, ira is my first wife, and yegor's own mother. returning from monday at 21:20. the star of tajikistan, for years a kurbon, friends.
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with all my heart, tomorrow at 17:50 on the russia channel, here comes this hour for which we have been preparing you, the season finale, you will steal the keys for us, and then distract the guards, listen, i i'm afraid of you already, where is rushtom, isn't he with you, i know where he is, i know, i'll find him. you have to go, boy, my son, i 'll never be without you, how will it end, russian wife, find out on the platform we watch, ride a horse, admire the deer and spend the night in a yurt, such adventures are offered to tourists in mongolia, another popular attraction is camel rides, though you can't do without a guide , the expanses are too vast, and nomads from hunting. become guides in the steppes, some have already learned to do excursions professionally, now they are thinking about how to attract tourists in winter, they want to offer them ice skating on frozen lakes,
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take part in ice fishing, admire the northern lights, tempting, yes, well, summer residents are not up to rest now, the harvest is underway , varvara ermakova will tell you how to simplify this process with the help of special devices, here you can immediately see the real ... and summer residents do not throw away a single bottle, everything is used, and what did you expect, men are preparing for the harvest season? plastic containers are reliable assistant of all summer residents, you can make a lot of useful things from it, especially for harvesting, you don't need any special tools for this, just a couple of bottles of mineral water, a smeal, of course, we take a berry in this slot like this, pull it, here it gets into the bottle, a bottle with holes. and a long wooden staff will help to collect different berries from the topmost branches, for more powerful fruits, like apricots and apples, you will need a more serious device, look at what an original
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mechanical hand internet craftsmen have come up with, this miracle technology is called a fruit picker or simply a grabber. homemade fruit pickers collect thousands of likes and hundreds of enthusiastic comments on the internet, however, for example, you won’t be able to collect currants or cranberries like this... for these purposes there is such a manual combine, essentially an ordinary ladle, but in 10 minutes it will help to pick off the entire bush, here they are all collected right away, even most of them without branches, we move from simple inventions to complex ones, the internet is full of instructions on how to make a real combine with your own hands, from handy materials, and sometimes even outright garbage, talented engineers assemble amazing devices, for example, a grain harvesting device: which can be carried like a backpack, the author called it a belly combine. and this is the result
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of a symbiosis of existing technology and human ingenuity. a small tractor carries a device that digs up potatoes on its own. the summer resident's back says thank you to this combine. internet viewers willingly like not only homemade equipment. the professional industry also knows how to surprise. on an industrial scale, the harvest are collected by giant machines, robots and even drones equipped with artificial intelligence. however, some summer residents successfully cope without various mechanical assistants. but we work with four hands, two hands collect raspberries and two hands put them in our mouths. and we, you know, do not need intermediaries. and then, have you collected the harvest? it's time to replant the king of the garden. how to properly care for peonies will tell. in a few minutes. allow. you
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first-class rest slio reorts, elegant details, a holiday of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves, lio reorts, we are here for you, i love you, and i love you. "we are sitting well, let's run, let's run, premiere, so reliable, not petrushka, he is someone again, well, don't be silent, please, my name is mikhail dolskoy, i know, we have talked, you haven't spent the night at home, there is something i don't know, can i
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finally confess, i love him." you see, i love and i can't do anything about it, you see, i love, the bonds of marriage or the web of love, which will be stronger, i just ask without emotions, what do you mean without emotions, you won't give up on me, i won't stand it, choose, rain at the end of summer, soon on rtr, in our studio we sing our favorite folk songs...
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our new neighbor, what do you want, something happened, maybe we'll have lunch together, i have to go to work now, elena orosheva, you 've lived in two families for all these 10 years, yes, unlike you, we have everything for real, both family and love, viktor vasiliev, you're nobody, you've become a homebody, listen, it's not interesting in itself, maxim shchogo, it's already written all over my face, scumbag, then he can just leave our home, if there are too many false notes in life, well you are left i am alone, tune it up again, i wanted to apologize, you are not at all what you want to seem, i will not give you my husband, old piano, today on rtr, well, let's start, yes, if you don't
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know how... we warm up with the warmth of the hearth, we open, i don't believe it, no, it can't be, wow , big changes, everything always goes as it should, big changes, today tomorrow, on rtr. moss, who lives on the roof in london
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decided to reduce the temperature in buildings with with the help of nature. scientists have already started the first experiments, they say that a roof covered with moss will have a high absorption capacity, because this plant absorbs water 16 times its weight in a matter of minutes, and is also resistant to drought, moisture evaporates and the ambient temperature decreases. the main thing is to choose the right samples of moss to create the optimal one. for its growth, urbanists are so inspired that they are already calling this natural greening a revolution in urban planning. let's see how their experiment ends, perhaps we will drag them to our place, but for now we have peonies, you know, they decorate any garden in the city and in the village, it is believed that they can grow in one place for decades, but not all varieties. our colleague svetlana abramova will tell you how to properly transplant and divide these beautiful flowers. if the rose is the queen
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of flowers, then the peony is undoubtedly the king of the blooming garden, it is in no way inferior in beauty, aroma and, unlike the capricious rose, is less demanding in care, although its inattention and care should not be left in any case no. hello, lyubov! hello, what a beautiful peony garden you have, even without flowers it’s impressive, but judging by your decisive actions, this bush has done something wrong, this bush has done nothing wrong, it’s just that it’s already 7 years old, and for this variety it’s a very respectable age. are we really just going to get rid of it? no way, we’ll rejuvenate it and propagate it at the same time. many gardeners have never even heard that peonies can and should be replanted from time to time. there is an explanation for this. the fact is that the peonies we are familiar with childhood white and pink flowers, which our grandmothers grew in the gardens, can really grow in one place for up to 50 years. milky-flowered, as this variety is called, became the progenitors of most modern hybrids, which
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you did not inherit the gene longevity. after 6-7 years, the flowers become noticeably smaller, and the bushes begin to wither. to prevent this, the plants need to be dug up and divided, but not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. the root system of the peony is simply huge, it can retreat from the stems more than half a meter deep go a meter, so first i rake away the soil from it, and then i will dig it out, oh, i just have love, a shovel, how to help, here a shovel is not involved in this process at all, we can cut the massive roots of the peony with shovels, we will dig with a pitchfork, get the overgrown bush out of the soil, so ... so that the roots also remain, the task is not easy, a seven-year-old peony, although considered an old man, but holds on to its place tightly, so do not hesitate to call for help from friends, relatives, neighbors and as in the famous russian folk tale, a bug for a granddaughter, hurray, we did it,
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oh, i've already forgotten why i'm doing all this, all for the sake of luxurious lush flowers, but no matter how hard we try to dig up the bush. losses are practically impossible, and those fragments of roots that remain in the ground must be taken out, otherwise they will grow and spoil the overall appearance of the flowerbed, in order for us to divide this bush well and competently, we need to wash it from the soil, yeah, in principle you can use water from a regular hose, but i have a better way, svetlana, step aside, i think i'll go, after water procedures, some gardeners recommend leaving the bush in the shade for 5-6 hours so that the roots break less when dividing, on the other hand, it will be more difficult to cut them, which is better, everyone chooses for himself, yes, the roots are so tangled, a real puzzle, well, any puzzle has a solution, here you need a bit of patience, well, and,
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probably, some experience, more patience, from this bush we will get several good , full-fledged divisions, on the division there should be three, four, five buds, all the buds never pro... and maybe then not 3-5, but 10, to be sure, then it disappears - the whole point of rejuvenation, and the point is to provoke the growth of new young roots, when planting a large division, we essentially get the same old piece, only smaller in size, so do not be greedy, remove all the stems so that they do not rot in the ground, trim too long roots and process fresh cuts with halogen, this will facilitate the revival process, and if you choose spies in a nursery, what should you pay attention to? you need to behave like a hostess on market, look, the roots look like vegetables, it seems to me, they look like carrots, that's exactly how you need to choose them, so that they are elastic, so that they are not sluggish, some kind of gnarled or rotten. the choice of a place for planting
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a peony also plays an important role, it is worth considering several nuances: firstly, the new place of residence cannot be temporary, frequent transplants can affect the quality of flowering, secondly, the peony is a light-loving plant, so the site must be well. illuminated thirdly, no matter how great the temptation is to plant the divisions closer to each other to a friend, to save space, remember how massive the root system of a flower can be, even a small seedling needs 1 km. love, we dug up our peony from here, you can plant it in the same place, especially since we have now added a bucket of soil and a bucket of humus, here we have fresh soil, in principle, now we will please him with something, some fertilizer, definitely. we will add a glass of superphosphate, a glass of lye and - a glass of organic fertilizer, such fertilizer will solve several problems at once: phosphate will help the root system to develop properly, organic matter will increase soil fertility, and the hall
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in turn will provide the plants with the necessary minerals, there is another important point: the most important thing is not to deepen the peony, otherwise it will bloom poorly, and may not bloom at all, here above these buds, above the upper ones it should be. and properly watered so that the earth settles in the soil there are no air voids, now the most difficult thing remains - to wait for spring. it turns out that our peony will bloom in the spring? it may really want to do this, but it is better and it is better not to let him do this. a young peony will give too much energy to bloom, and it is better for it to build up its root system. what a pity! it is a pity, but beauty requires sacrifice, well
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, it is worth it, on the other hand, and it is also worth giving up bad habits, for example, smoking, the effect is noticeable almost immediately: in the first 20 minutes, blood pressure and pulse return to normal , within 24 hours the body begins to get rid of carbon monoxide, in 48 hours, normal taste and smell are restored, coughing and shortness of breath decrease, quit immediately or to stretch this process, our colleagues, vera krasova... and vladislav zavyalov learned from professor of the department of faculty therapy of the pirogov medical university, head of the cardiology department of the thirteenth city clinical hospital alfred bogdanov. hello, doctor, hello, alfred ravilievich, first of all, at what age does addiction manifest itself. is it important at what age a person starts smoking, in his student years or at 30, 40, 50?
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for an intensive smoker with a long history 30-50 years, when there is already a bouquet of diseases, and 10 million people suffer one way or another according to who data, namely from smoking, organs capable of regeneration, of restoration. there are processes that are irreversible, there are processes that are reversible, one can say that irreversibility is, for example, the development of massive multifocal atherosclerosis. but when the vessels are affected by atherosclerosis in smokers, this is a process that is hardly reversible, and
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this patient in this regard will forever remain at risk for vascular complications, even if he has a huge experience, there are patients, who have been smoking there for decades, yes, if they haven't earned lung cancer, and the probability of this disease is 26 times higher in smokers, yes, then if he quit smoking, then most likely he will not develop cancer. there are different opinions here, but it must be said that whether to quit quickly, abruptly or gradually depends rather on the person's psychotype, yes, there are people with such high motivation, self-organization, who can quit smoking in one day, there will be no consequences. they will not have, and this is a big
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misconception, it is believed that yes, abruptly, if you quit smoking, there may be some complications, there's a fish, yes, this is absolutely not true, millions of people die every year from continuing to smoke, no one has ever died from trying to quit smoking, well, many are afraid to quit smoking, they motivate this by the fact that they are afraid of gaining weight, they are afraid of gaining excess weight, this is true, this is worth fearing, yes, this is worth fearing. but for what reasons, we often see such recommendations, we hear that a cigarette can be replaced with a candy, some kind of seeds, nuts and so on, that is , this is some kind of oral fixation, automatism, as we call it, and if we replace a cigarette, for example, with a candy, yes, there is 10 g of candy, this is 40 kilocalories, 20 cigarettes, a pack, even if a person smokes a day. if you choose other ways
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to replace this automatic reflex reaction, there are some low-calorie vegetables, the same carrots, cucumbers or tea, here we have, hot tea there in winter or cold cool water with lemon, these are new reflexes that will not add to you calories, but at the same time... you will of course tolerate this reflex reaction more comfortably and here again there are anti-anxiety medical approaches, first of all, they can be... herbal sedatives or medicinal preparations, well, and the same new reflexes, yes, it is not necessary to go out for a smoke break with colleagues, while the weather is good outside, you can take the same cup of coffee and drink it in the fresh air, also forming a positive reflex to other objects, and a relapse, a return to a cigarette,
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how dangerous, because the body has already dealt with this problem once, well, a relapse. this is a certain stage, yes, like all addictions, the probability of relapse is quite high, yes, and a relapse is a return to smoking, this does not mean that you should give up, it means that you just need to make a decision to quit smoking again, thank you, about the success of smoking, about how to get rid of this bad habit, we spoke with a professor of the department of faculty therapy of the pirogov medical university, head of the cardiology department department of the thirteenth city clinic. moscow hospital, alfred bogdanov, i stopped feeling pain from the thought of losing you, that's all, you're right, that's all, rain at the end of summer, premiere, soon on the russia channel, legendary musical.
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for me emotions overflow the banks, it is here on a new wave, the grand opening of the twentieth anniversary international competition of young performers, the long-awaited new wave 2024 on friday at 21:00 on the
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russia channel, and what about me, i'm like everyone else, people no longer want to stand out from the crowd, found out psychologists from the university of michigan, they compared how it was 20 years ago and how it is now, the greatest decrease in the population 's willingness to publicly defend their beliefs. the average explanation is this: it is better to always agree with others than to be known as an intractable person. another trend: people have stopped showing their uniqueness and try to attract as little attention to themselves as possible. scientists are thoughtful, perhaps this is because a bright individuality makes a person. "well, here are the criteria of the constile have also changed somewhat, as a comparative analysis was conducted by anna aksenova, good morning, they are examples of impeccable taste, they are elegant and unique, it is they who millions of women around the world have tried to imitate, of course, because they are style icons, they had
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such a powerful influence on fashion that many of their then daring images still remain classics. princess diana, audrey hebern, grace kelly, marlene dietrich and others. but there are also new ideals, their perfection causes, to put it mildly, surprise. for clarity, let's first remember how it was when it was good. princess diana. it's not that she boldly violated court protocol, but it turned out that she openly rebelled against the royal family. well, where is the view of a princess in a mini-skirt in a mini-dress, and what is this, cycling shorts with a sweater? yes, it was possible, but only for her. and her business suits, all this made lady di a real style icon, audrey hebern. it is believed that it was with her light hand that the little black dress opened the doors to society. there you can also in a slip dress law from skater moz. grace kelly even laconic and knew how to make a shirt and trousers super effective. she was the embodiment
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of elegance, historians say she inspired millions of girls, but it's hard to argue. and now... and now the ideal looks like this. yes, yes, this is not a shoe princess beatrice, who was recently laughed at because of her unattractive dresses and hats, which only the lazy did not draw memes about, was put on a par with recognized style icons, called the most elegantly dressed british celebrity. but beatrice really tries, she has two stylist, maybe they can't agree on it, you can scroll for a long time, fun, right? no, it's clear that... there are mistakes with the selection of outfits, well, the weather, nature, the stars, they didn't have time to iron or wash, but everyone is not a princess, not everyone is appointed icons, well, this is the constant expression on the face of the new lady. perfection, maybe a new trend, in addition to beatrice, the list of the best-dressed british women also included queen camilla's sister,
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annabel eliot, the wife of the prime minister of great britain, lady victoria starmer. these ladies, according to the authoritative british magazine, simply magnificent, and they are worth imitating, although the british themselves call one of them boring, tastelessly dressed - this is about camilla's sister, and the other annabelle is suspected of being inspired by examples from rural life. dress. bright, the audience is surprised, why not, her husband is a minister, she can, it's boring, you just haven't been to social gatherings, well, maybe for the best, such a motley picture, this is not the time of queen elizabeth, looking at these ladies, i just want to ask you bit princess beatrice, although most likely they tried to outdo her and take away her new important title, however, not everything and not everywhere is so sad, meet sheikha moza, mother. of seven children and one of the three wives of the former imakator, as they say, feel the difference, the most stylish woman
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in the arab world, that's what fashion critics call her, here is oriental luxury and european classics, elegance and femininity, it seems you can look at moza's outfits endlessly, she looks like a luxurious statuette, designers say, moza is the best thing that happened to kator, they claim compatriots of the sheikh, who are openly proud of her, it is clear why? in addition, she has a bachelor's degree in sociology, a specialist in foreign and domestic policy, however, moza has not yet made it onto the official list of style icons, well, maybe it's for the best, it is clear that the standards of beauty, attractiveness and fashion, they change, perhaps we should not blindly trust those who confidently proclaim modern style icons, let these icons lie down for now, maybe they will come to their senses, remember, as audrey hebern said, elegance is the only beauty that will never fades. that's all for today, have a great weekend, see you on saturday, let's chat. and
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now it's time for our traditional music column, let's find out what our colleague andrey petrov will delight you with. andrey, hello , you have the floor. hello, hello. good morning, studio, good morning everyone. we are at the russian national museum of music, one of the largest music museums in the world. and our meeting, of course, as always, is musical. our guests today are a duet that performed wonderfully last time. slept, we are already familiar and blowing: birch, very it's nice that you joined, last time , unfortunately, there wasn't enough time, but i really wanted to find out about music, because i think, and i personally, our viewers are always interested in the moment when an artist has this moment, when you still go to music school, but not because your mother said that you have to go to salfeja, there to drawing, to macrom, that's when this yes, this is mine, i will be a musician, in fact , it turned out that the realization that i will really be a musician came precisely in music school, yes, it was educational, so to speak, and before that with all sorts of whips,
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well, it turned out that my older sister is also a professional singer, only she is an opera singer, she entered the school , it seems like i also sing, and i also entered, yes, i also entered and of course, when i got into these walls, i realized that this is mine, and music will be with me for the rest of my life, katyusha, and how it happened, well, i didn’t finish music school at all. i just walked and sang endlessly, sang and my mother practically i forcibly sent the little crow to the team, at 10 i resisted like a zhyharka with my hands and feet, and somehow so quickly became a soloist, and somehow everything spun up and down and inspiration came and the middle stage, the big stage there in three, and then kemerovo, then moscow and somehow here we are talking, it's going well, you know, since everything is going well, let it further develop into a song on the channel. russia, let's go,
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oh, my cow is full, there is. to carry a feast, have pity on my soul, for the new youth shoulders, take pity. sweetheart, young child's shoulder, go out, go out into the springs. i'll wait there until
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nightfall, and when i see the black-eyed one, i'll lay out all the goods, and when i see the black-eyed one, i'll lay out all the goods, i paid a lot of prices, don't haggle,
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don't be stingy, deliver. katya bargains carefully, she's afraid to pass on everything, a guy kisses a girl, asks to raise the price, a guy kisses a girl, asks to raise the price, only the deep night knows how they got along, straighten up, high face. i, keep the holy secret, straighten up, high face, keep the holy secret, full
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my cow, there is and sits to spoil. have pity on the soul of the sweetheart of the youthful shoulder, have pity on the soul of the sweetheart, of the youthful shoulder, oh, thank you very much, just like these boxes filled us with emotions, the duet of beryuza is on our set today, it is very pleasant that with such a song you are on saturday. yogurt sounds culinary, although it is about fashion, what colors will come to us with autumn, we will tell you after the news, you are watching
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the news on the channel. hello, andrey shevtsov is in the studio. kiev is preparing a provocation, planning a strike on the zaporizhzhya and kursk nuclear power plants. this is data from the special service of prisoners. our su-34s delivered a powerful blow to the concentration of personnel and equipment of the ukrainian armed forces in the border area of ​​the kursk region. a strong forest fire near one of the largest turkish cities , izmir, has spread to residential areas. the kiev regime is preparing a provocation, the explosion of a so-called dirty nuclear bomb. they plan to strike at the storage sites of spent nuclear fuel at the zaporizhzhya and kursk nuclear power plants. special warheads for this have already been delivered to the city of zhovti vody in the dnipropetrovsk region. enterprise eastern mining and processing plant. the purpose of the accusation is provocation.


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