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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  August 17, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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on the rossiya bol'shiye vesti channel , evgeny rashkov is in the studio. hello, we have the entire news picture for this saturday. kiev is preparing an attack on the kursk npp using a nuclear dirty bomb. what did law enforcement learn from ukrainian prisoners? after the drone strike on the zaporizhzhya npp, the head of rosatom invited the head of mgat to see the situation on the spot. who is pushing ukraine to
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further escalation and how did the ministry of defense react in the mfa, how the country is helping the kurdish border. grandma, let's go, evacuation. who left the danger zones in last day? we work in border villages where shelling is currently underway. a report on brave volunteers who often work under fire in the ukrainian armed forces. ukrainian military clusters are destroyed by aircraft and artillery. lancets burn equipment. 24 militants surrendered near the village of komarovka. haris shocked economists by declaring that she is in favor of price regulation. a loaf of bread is 50% more expensive. ground beef has risen in price by almost 50%. trump immediately called her a communist and recalled all the miscalculations. she allowed at least 20 million people to invade our country. israel attacked another. city in
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the gaza strip, ahizbullah showed rocket launchers in underground tunnels, how does this fit in with reports of negotiations. flash flood demolishes village in austria. hurricane took away an entire house in the eastern united states, powerful hail cyclone hit omsk and kemerovo, weather map. and who is fighting for the arab emirates cup at the equestrian tournament. in the moscow region. and first about the situation in the border areas of the kursk region. 300 militants more than 30 armored vehicles, including three tanks and an infantry fighting vehicle, incapacitated our units over the past 24 hours. the crew. destroyed the concentration
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of manpower, hit with unguided aircraft missiles, having attacked, the night hunter released heat traps and returned to the airfield. the enemy's armored vehicles were hit by ik-52, the alligators struck with s-8 missiles. according to intelligence, all targets were successfully incapacitated. four brigades of the ukrainian armed forces were defeated near novaya sorochina, lyubimovka, korenevo and leonidov. an enemy self-propelled gun was destroyed in the sumy region, which fired at our border areas, lancet turned it into a pile of burnt metal, another lancet left the ukrainian armed forces without a cossack armored vehicle, 72 tanks of the northern troop group took up firing positions near the border, all combat vehicles are provided with enhanced dynamic protection and electronic warfare. near the village of komarovka, another 24 ukrainian soldiers
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laid down their arms, they contacted our units themselves and said that they wanted to surrender. the situation in the border areas of the belgorod region is difficult, dozens of ukrainian drones are circling over populated areas. our correspondent stanislav nazarov visited not far from the kolotilovka border outpost, where the ukrainian armed forces attack was repelled. after the battle on the section of the state border, the assault aircraft of the 155th marine brigade of the pacific fleet are clearing out the ukrainian armed forces fortifications, let them burn it to hell, there's a bird flying there, you need to be very careful. the assault on the kolotilovka checkpoint began at night. our first two had already begun to roll into this forest, into this forest, we entered, tried to enter from two sides, these are all trenches, all under the germans. after the artillery barrage, our servicemen were able to capture the fortified buildings around. conducted a battlefield clearance, exposed their lights.
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on the border with the sumy region of ukraine , the stormtroopers are returning to the forward deployment point with the restoration of control over a section of the state border. all the same, when we rolled in, the battle lasted, well, three minutes all. that is, the enemy immediately retreated or destroyed. no, we destroyed them all. a group of eight stormtroopers. under the cover of drones , they managed to knock the ukrainian militants out of the building in a few hours. and the surrounding trenches, first studied the route of action, looked, what are the best points we have to enter the stronghold, the squadrons looked at where the enemy is and where it is exerting influence on our entrance accordingly. after completing the combat mission, the assault units of the 155th marine brigade of the tikhotyan fleet
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return to their bases, where transport and heavy equipment are in constant readiness in such shelters. the state border with the sumy region of the hottest point of the belgorod region. and the kursk region, here is an anti-aircraft missile system discovered on the territory of ukraine, destroys our su-34 bomber with guided missiles. another batch of ukrainian armed forces militants in the neighboring kursk region are captured by special forces of the northern group of forces. the prisoners openly tell how the adventure of the ukrainian command ended for them. we see that we are with ours, well, from the other side are coming. people of the same name with white armbands i think that maybe these narratives are not there, there is no connection, there is nothing, as i understand, they bypassed us, opened fire on us, began to make contact, we saw that these are not ours, this is
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russians, we were taken away, in the kursk region our units continue to block. nazis in the gray zone and build a line of defense. stanislav nazarov, evgeny kirilenko, mikhail siberev, news, kursk region. over the past day , 3,000 people have been evacuated from the border areas of the kursk region to temporary accommodation centers, which have been deployed in 24 regions of the country. there are currently more than 10 thousand. a third of them are children. the investigative committee of russia is recording numerous cases of murders and armed attacks by ukrainian militants on.
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particular attention is paid to places of military glory, militants throw wreaths from monuments, extinguish the eternal flame, destroy a burial site, on the main square of sudzha , a monument to lenin was shot in the head, then thrown off the pedestal and taken away in an unknown direction. our volunteers are now under the gun of the armed forces of ukraine, who are evacuating civilians from... from under fire, risking their own lives. ukrainian terrorists have declared a hunt for them. report by alexander katszu. here is a drone detector. this footage shows the work of volunteers of the people's front during the evacuation of civilians glushkovsky district. ukrainian militants
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hit the bridge over the seim river with american heimars missiles. our guys were hit, now it's an emergency, we'll save them. guys. sergey sitnikov and mikhail lisov were driving behind the minivan. we drove past it 15 times that day, and really, what a feeling, as if this target, well, the ukrainian military regime, it introduced it, because they were working on a targeted basis on the volunteer movement, it was a humanitarian mission to save civilians blocked by the militants of the armed forces of ukraine, who invaded kursk region,
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eight people are driving in a car, with their own people, danger, remember we have our own, drones are flying, everything is very. by destroying the bridge over the sejm, ukrainian neo-nazis are trying to prevent the advancement of our military, but volunteers continue to help people, grandma, let's go, kobylki, alekseyevskoye, we evacuated 42 people from populated areas of the glushkovsky district, we worked pointwise according to the lists that the administration of the glushkovsky district provided us, we are evacuating seven people, where shelling is currently taking place in cramped conditions, but not offended, every crime committed by ukrainian militants is carefully recorded by the russian investigative committee, i ran along the entire street to the end of my street, everyone, everyone. investigators are working in all temporary accommodation points in kursk. i would like to ask you
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to introduce yourself and report the circumstances of this attack that you know. military investigators are currently questioning people, recording all the circumstances of this attack and the crime of the kiev regime. there are currently about a hundred temporary accommodation points operating in kursk, and people are living here families. humanitarian aid is coming to the region from all over the country. volunteers continue to evacuate people from dangerous areas of the kursk region. the temporary accommodation points where residents arrive have everything they need. alexander katsuba, azad atagonov, alexey zernov, vesti kursk. there is no region in russia where aid is not being collected for residents of the kursk region. dozens of trucks are sent to the koto zone every day, it is absolutely necessary. the first batches of humanitarian aid are currently being prepared in
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novosibirsk, in a week alone in this more than 10 tons were collected at the point. food, children's things, mattresses, blankets, folding beds, a car loaded to the top will be sent to kursk in the coming days. more than 70 tons of aid were collected throughout the krasnodar territory for those evacuated from the cto zone. this batch included hygiene items, dishes, drinking water, tea, sweets and pasta. another humanitarian convoy left today from the leningrad region, the cars were loaded with 15 tons of food, children's things and building materials necessary for the restoration of the destroyed by terrorists houses. today, st. petersburg welcomed children evacuated from the kursk region. more than 200 people arrived in the northern capital, many of them miraculously escaped death, excursions were organized for the new arrivals. and this is already the moscow region. residents of the region give canned goods, sugar, powder, shampoos and shoes to the kursk region, the process of packing and sorting does not stop for a minute. russian
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special services receive information about kiev preparing terrorist attacks on the zaporizhzhya and kursk npps. rosatom informed magate about ukraine's advance plans, the head of the agency rafael grossi, concerned, wants to assess the situation personally. but the russian defense ministry warned that in the event of large-scale provocations by the kiev regime against nuclear facilities. tough countermeasures will be taken . today, terrorists tried to strike another blow at the zaporizhzhya npp, increasing threats. evgeny reshitnev. information about the nuclear provocation being prepared by kiev is coming through independent channels, the russian defense ministry says. the goal of the strike on the kursk npp is to provoke russia to take retaliatory steps, while the international community may be a self-fire version was proposed. as a rule, magatte does not have any questions about it. a fresh example after the attack by u. zelensky then stated that it was the russian military who set fire to
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tires at the nuclear facility. if the kiev regime begins to implement criminal plans aimed at creating a man-made disaster in the european part of the continent with radioactive contamination of huge territories, tough, retaliatory military and military-technical measures will be taken immediately. at the same time , both the kursk and zaporizhia nuclear power plants are under threat. the last one was shelled again today. dropped by a drone fell just 500 m from the power units. the ukrainian armed forces committed another terrorist act, an explosive device was dropped from a drone, it fell near the road, this road runs along the units, to the outer perimeter, literally 10 m from the landing site. 7 am is the time when the shift change takes place - at the zapruzhskaya nuclear power plant, so today's - action was committed another attempt at a terrorist attack, another threat to the physical
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safety of both personnel and nuclear aviation security of the zaporizhia nuclear power plant. now, according to russian military correspondents, who cite sources on the ukrainian side, kiev is preparing to use a dirty nuclear bomb, which could strike a spent fuel storage facility. the fact that ukraine is developing such a bomb, the russian... dnieper, then russia would be accused of using tactical nuclear weapons, and that, in the opinion of the west, in their
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interpretation, would open the legal floodgates of direct. the production of such a bomb is a matter simple, especially for ukraine, on whose territory there are three operating nuclear power plants: yuzhnoukrainskaya, khmelnitskaya and rivne, with about one and a half thousand tons of enriched uranium oxide, and also at the chernobyl nuclear power plant about 22 thousand spent fuel assemblies, that is , there is a lot of raw material, the matter is about the means of delivery, the warhead stuffed with it. ukraine has such carriers, these are storm shadow or scalp egg, which have already been repeatedly used against our population, in donetsk, in lugansk, this is point u, all these missiles have the ability to be equipped with a nuclear warhead, and even more so with a dirty bomb, which in theory is not a warhead, it is a container with
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spent substances, that is, simply with waste, the eastern mining and processing plant can... one of the ten largest uranium mining and processing enterprises in the world, the largest in europe. in 1959, the first kilogram of uranium was obtained here, on the site of a village adjacent to the mines, the city of zheltye vody was built at stakhanovite rates. the city of zheltye vody began to be built somewhat later than terny, but in terms of the scale of construction it has already significantly overtaken its close. neighbor. according to sources, dirty warheads have already been delivered to this strategic enterprise. kiev denies this. ukraine has always been and remains a loyal member of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. we do not have any dirty bombs, and there are no plans to obtain them. zelensky demonstrated what a loyal member of the treaty ukraine is a few days before the start of the special operation in
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munich, threatening to leave the budapest memorandum, which just recorded kiev's refusal. previously, only right-wing radicals from the svoboda party, who did not have and although nuclear blackmail in ukraine is not new, the levers of control, but not the person who received full power, who can carry out these threats, kiev will hardly be able to fully return to the nuclear club, here is to carry out a provocation.
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around both nuclear power plants continues to deteriorate. in addition, information has appeared about a provocation being prepared by the armed forces of ukraine in relation to the said nuclear power plants. over the past 24 hours the number of messages about signals about the preparation of this provocation has increased many times. this wednesday in kurchatov in the city of sputnik npp there was an explosion in the area of ​​an open switchgear. all week the air raid siren was triggered 10-12 times a day. over the past 24 hours there have been 21 such alerts. we are entering russia with ukrainian troops. against this background , a large number of western journalists, who traditionally provide media support to kiev, have come to the sumy and kursk regions. they are all crossing the border illegally. today our foreign ministry said that the kiev regime had begun preparing an attack on the kursk nuclear power plant and called on the un and the iaea to respond to
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the provocation, which could result in a large-scale man-made disaster in europe. they were illegally on the territory of the russian federation, well, besides everything else, everyone saw the alleged reports they made.
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meanwhile, germany has run out of money for ukraine, a strict austerity regime has been introduced, this is what it says. it says that berlin will fulfill current military contracts, but there will be no new trenches from kiev, this is confirmed by bilt, pointing to the hole in the budget. lindner very much hopes that germany will no longer have to sponsor kiev if it can finally use the income from frozen russian assets. the minister of finance also shifts responsibility for the use of german weapons onto other people's shoulders. in the kursk region. according to lindner, after crossing the border, this equipment becomes ukrainian, and all decisions are allegedly made by kiev. according to nbc news,
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the ukrainian command has been discussing for over a year attack on russian territory to pull our forces from the dpr, where the ukrainian armed forces are currently suffering defeat. but the expected result did not come about. at the same time, ukraine has already used all its reserves, calculated for this next year. manpower is also being cut off, so those who... fled from mobilization to europe are being forcibly sent to the front. in warsaw, ukrainian men of draft age are no longer issued foreign passports. today they protested at the consulate. when asked why their rights are being violated, diplomats answered directly, because you are citizens of ukraine. well, in russia there are more and more volunteers who have firmly decided to defend their homeland every day. after the invasion of the armed forces of ukraine into the kursk region, queues formed all over the country at the recruitment points for contract service, the main motive is the desire to drive the enemy out of russian territory as quickly as possible, and the first step for this is serious training in
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conditions close to combat. report by olga misheryakova. forward, shot, rapid movement, obstacle course, instead of half-destroyed buildings, boxes from ammunition. if you overcome these 100 m in a straight line, in a real combat situation, the battle will be the last. this is explained by colonel shits on whose ceremonial mudir shine the order of courage, the star of a hero and the order of alexander nevsky. svo from the first days, two serious wounds, dreams of returning back to his own, but here are those who vitally need his combat experience. very young cadets of the moscow higher combined arms command school, and he remembers the tears of old people that ...
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special. military operation his father has three his father graduated, a brigade commander in the zone orders of courage, this is well as for state awards, and another state award is the order of alexander nevsky, i want to become a real
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officer, tests of strength of strong nerves reminds of scenes from war movies, only everything happens in reality, this is one of the elements of combined arms training, it is called tank testing, the cadet is in a trench, a forty-ton machine is moving towards him. the main goal of all this is to overcome your fear. four of the first-year cadets have been with this for a long time coped, they are members of the svo. in september of the twenty-second, a summons arrived, alexey went to the military registration and enlistment office, from there to the taman division, first for combat coordination, then to the combat zone. it's scary, this is understandable to everyone, adrenaline and so on. what helps you to do these? that we are doing the right thing, victory will be ours, at the selection point for military service under contract, this is balashikha queue, many
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learned that a one-time federal...
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can serve as an example for the whole country, it is necessary to do everything to ensure that the prestige of vocational education grows, for this we need to create conditions, when we talk about blue-collar jobs, training should be free, secondary vocational education is within the competence of regional authorities, but often regions cannot resolve these issues on their own, there are no unified... in support
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of his words, vyacheslav volodin reported that the parliament has already determined the priority for the new session, these are laws in the field of secondary education. in addition to the college, with the support of the state duma speaker in the village of vysokaya, the temple is being restored, the sheremetyev estate is being restored, where a museum and cultural center will be organized. in krasnogorsk, moscow region, it opened.
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skateboarding, basketball, swimming, and the recovery and rehabilitation programs will also suit svo fighters, about new unlimited opportunities. dmitry pyashchukhin. this is the largest adaptive sports center in russia, where people with disabilities can engage in swimming, football, weightlifting on an equal basis with other athletes athletics and general physical training. i have a pretty great trainer, which , combined with excellent training conditions, gives simply phenomenal results, both in sports and in my health. training will be held here for people with musculoskeletal disorders, intellectual disabilities and hearing loss, dozens of sports disciplines for every taste: mini-football, wheelchair dancing, skateboarding, basketball, judo, swimming. the main feature of the adaptive sports center is the only swimming pool in the country with a lifting
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bottom, which by... the complex has a huge rehabilitation center, it will be used to restore the participants of the svo. the first trainings have already taken place with our participation, but the most important and other thing is that this center is able to adapt our soldiers who were wounded, they can play
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sports, they can train, and not necessarily only, i say again, residents of st. petersburg, a hotel has been built here for 90 people, they can come here, but this is a big gift, in general, for all of russia, for rehabilitation. the ussr has shelled the galaktika shopping center in donetsk again, there are casualties. israel is striking the gaza strip, hezbollah is showing columns of missiles, they don't look like negotiations yet. harris has revealed her economic
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program, which made the economist feel uneasy. and the fight for the arab emirates cup in the moscow region. the most striking shots are already in a few minutes. that i forgot what day it is today, exactly 7 years ago, it was a child, it was an unborn fetus, you are a monster, we are watching rtr, oleg, how did you end up here, ran away, oleg? i'm in trouble, help me, auntie, and who are you? you delivered the baby yourself, they said he died, coming back, bad omen, my house, my husband, my son is sleeping upstairs, for whom i
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am a real mother, i'm not going anywhere, terrible situation, two women, one child, and one man, by law he is our son with vika, and you took him from me also by law, come back, go there, find her and bring her here. from monday on rtr. hotel for unforgettable impressions rix sharmaьsheikh, only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs from around the world. comfortable rooms. riksos sharmaьshey is not just a holiday, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to delight. rixas premium siagate.
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family fun starts here. here , every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens, the beauty of coral reefs and mo. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable impressions at rixsus premium seagate rixos premium seagate. you saw how she lay, such a feeling, as if she was carried in their arms and then simply
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laid down, it smells like a vice, what did you bring us, i will please you with zionist potassium, what actions do you propose, one thought came to my mind, blonde, brunette, redhead, any criminal can approach, i suppose that she had a lover who could kill her, secret investigation, on monday on rtr. the legendary music competition is celebrating the anniversary park in sirius.
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2024 on friday on rtr, in a month i won’t get in and i’ll tear your legs off, yeah, so here he is, who is our new neighbor, what do you want, something happened, maybe we'll have lunch together, i have to go to work now, elena rosseva, you 've lived with two families for all these 10 years, yes, unlike you, we have everything for real, both family and love, viktor vasiliev.
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this footage shows how the plane is being prepared for
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takeoff at an airfield in the dnipropetrovsk region, at the moment when technical personnel were hanging nato stormshadow systems, an iskander hit the target. another iskander hit two patriot installations at once. the american system was detected by a reconnaissance drone, which also confirmed the accuracy of the hit. the same fate befell the american universal launcher m-270. in place of the machine, barely visible in the foliage, a fiery flu grew. in the kherson direction , hail fell on the enemy positions, so russian paratroopers disrupted the rotation of the armed forces of ukraine units on the right bank of the dnieper. three brigades of the armed forces of ukraine were defeated in the areas of the settlements of malaya takmachka pyatikhatki, zaporizhia region and ivanovka in kherson region. in the sumy region , our missilemen hit the german iriste machine, tried to hide it in the forest belt, but reconnaissance discovered the target and transmitted coordinates for the iskander crews.
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artillery and tank units of the central military district from the front line, report by alexey baranov. this is how, without losing speed, the tankers cover kilometer after kilometer. some crews approach the line of combat contact to support the infantry moving forward, others return to replenish their ammunition, which is spent in a matter of minutes during firing. now the t-90 breakthrough is heading to the base to replenish it. and this is the work of the mlrs grad, the central military district districts, the machines operate in the ovdeevsky direction. and the crew.
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fire, we work on the retreating order of the enemy, we do not allow him to consolidate, we move forward every day, we tie up new ones , we destroy him, we do not allow him to go over to counterattacks. the battery always has several points from which combat work is carried out. the task is to tie up a firing position, based on this , already orient the machine to the target. everything needs to be done as quickly as possible, debugged, so that everyone has everything, it is very important in view of the fact that there are many dangers ahead, everyone does its job, all the guys are trained, a special unit akhmat is operating in the neighboring direction, the management apparatus
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of the russian guard is constantly on site and makes decisions about which needs of the direction still need to be strengthened. we will do everything that depends on us, guys, one of the best, the main direction is always on you, a difficult direction, difficult areas, we will not let you down, there is no other task, except that victory is only ours, alexey baranov, yury marchenko, alexander malygin, people's republics,
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gave 11 people, damage was also received building of the central city hospital. the military-industrial complex of krasnodar krai is constantly improving and modernizing its products to meet the needs of the special military operation. the enterprises were visited today by first deputy prime minister denis manturov and governor veniamin kondratev. the share of domestic equipment used in production exceeds 75%. the volume of manufactured products has increased several times. the number of employees. manturov presented the enterprise's employees with medals of the order of merit for the fatherland, second degree and gratitude of the president, emphasizing the importance of their work and the courage of each team member. i want to thank the management of the owners of the enterprise for the support provided.
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it is in the products that are in great demand today, namely... atvs, and trailers, and loaves of bread, and electronic warfare, including, uh, drone detectors and various other types of products that the team regularly sends to the front, this is what was earned, in this case, by these enterprises and as support for the fighters, which in their initial life are just bringing victory closer, huh? so, so, this confident tomorrow, i am sure, will be for all of us, even this modest contribution, i have no doubt, will save someone's life. a new round of negotiations on a ceasefire deal in the gaza strip will take place on august 21, the axius portal writes about this. hamas's participation has not yet been reported, the movement's leaders have not yet approved
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the points on which progress was achieved. but the israeli prime minister's office declared cautious optimism, with this is the cleansing of the enclave. continues, today 15 palestinians were killed there, and in 2 days more than 70. idf announced 50 intercepted shells fired from lebanese territory, in response the army eliminated the commander of the hezbollah special battalion. more than ten civilians were killed. and the situation in the middle east conflict zone. sergei pashkov and alexander bilibov. the head of israel's foreign intelligence service massat , the internal security service shabak, returned home from qatar.
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the us assumes that a sharp reduction in the escalation in gaza depends on the ceasefire the middle east, which is on the brink of a major regional war. this war is expected in israel, including by those who go out to rally every evening, demanding that the government immediately conclude a deal to release the israeli captives kidnapped by terrorists more than 10 months ago. since october of last year, this square opposite the general staff building has been called hostage square. hostage square in the center of tel aviv, used to be called museum square, this is a museum of fine arts, now located behind mine. its employees are engaged in ensuring the safety of the paintings located there, and its bomb shelters will be opened at
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the moment when air raid sirens sound over the square here. by order of the museum director, the impressionist exhibition was opened in the basement protected halls under concrete floors. at x hour, these halls will become a bomb shelter for the entire area. the painting matisse is being removed from the upper halls. we started doing this already in october, we realized that it was not safe to return the works back, we left them, some in storage, some on the ground floor, out of danger of iranian and hezbollah strikes, we have removed some more paintings in recent days. whether the tel aviv museum will have to become a refuge for the painting of the people depends on the ceasefire negotiations, but the crucial negotiations may fail. israel believes that an attack from iran could come at any time. over the past week, we have strengthened and improved our preparations. we continue
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to gather intelligence and prepare for attacks from lebanon. we are at the peak of our readiness for attack and defense, and will act in accordance with the instructions of our political leadership. the french and british foreign ministers who arrived in israel the day before insisted on the need to make a deal with hamas, preventing a major war involving iran and the lebanese shi'id group sizbollah. the visiting ministers, however, like the leaders of the european union, condemned the actions of extremists from jewish settlements on the west bank of the jordan. nationalist youth staged a pogrom in the neighboring palestinian village of jita on friday night, burning arab homes and cars, beating people, shot dead a twenty-three-year-old youth who tried to protect his property. radical. "jewish settlers are a reliable electorate of the minister of national security of israel and tamar bengvir, he opposes the deal, and he blamed the army
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of the minister of defense of israel yoab gallant for what happened in jita. according to bengvir, the army is too soft on the palestinian arabs and the settlers have to take justice into their own hands, although he condemned the extremism of the pogromists. sergei pashkov, alexander ivanyuk, anastasia demyanets, vesti israel. new the strikes hit the city of al-zawaida, which is located in the central part of the palestinian enclave, as a result of the idf air strike, 18 people were killed here. a well-known businessman lived in this house, after the outbreak of hostilities he helped people as much as he could, gave out food for free, almost fifty refugees found shelter in his house, and many of them died today. in the south of the gaza strip , the israeli army continues to conduct ground operations.
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we live as if in a nightmare, when will we wake up from it, we are no longer able to do this to bear, what is the fault of the elderly, children, what is the fault of women, find a solution to our salvation, to resolve the conflict in the gaza strip peacefully once again tried at the negotiations in qatar, the hamas delegation refused to participate in this meeting, but it still took place. in addition to israel , representatives of the united states, egypt and qatar took part in it. following the two-day consultations , a joint statement was issued for the press. in which only abstract formulations were made that the negotiations were constructive and took place in positive atmosphere, that the signing
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of the ceasefire agreement in gaza is closer than ever, the us president hastened to declare, although biden does not know the timing of the ceasefire. i am optimistic, this is far from the end, a couple more questions, and i think we have a chance. now you are more optimistic than in past months. when will the ceasefire begin? if you manage to agree, this remains to be seen, here in hamas there is a different opinion in the palestinian movement, they have already accused the us of creating a false positive atmosphere around these negotiations, instead of putting pressure on tel aviv to make concessions, because otherwise it will not be possible to reach an agreement. be that as it may, but even the fact of negotiations in doha has significantly cooled the middle east. the day before , the egyptian foreign minister, during a visit to beirut, said that peace for the entire region can.
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condemns the provocative policy, which certainly includes a violation of lebanon's sovereignty. as long as the negotiations continue, both iran and hezbollah are expected to refrain from large-scale strikes on israel, of course, if tel aviv doesn't start the fight first. and the new propaganda video of the swedish movement, which showed large-caliber multiple launch rocket systems moving through underground tunnels, makes it clear that israel should now focus on diplomacy, not war. another round of peace.
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why not start with deductions from their own salaries, because it was under harris and her boss biden, who was throwing around helicopter covid money, that prices went into vertical takeoff, not trump in 2021, when all this disgrace began, sat in the oval office, it was not trump who voted in the senate. she voted for two of the most ruinous
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bills for the budget, the consequences of which are felt throughout the economy and lead to inflation. in america under trump, there was no need to choose between food, medicine, textbooks for children, a roof over their heads, now we have to. there has not been such inflation in the united states as under biden and kharit for more than 40 years. in august 2022 , a psychologically important anti-record was broken, 13.5% year-on-year, as in the crisis of 1979 under carter, also a democracy, after which the republican reagan had to launch.
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americans to coupons and cards with queues in which you need to get up before dawn, and then check numbers all day. in principle, the united states has its own negative experience here, from the great depression to the nixon shock. in seventy-one, the american president, having decided to untie the dollar from gold, froze salaries and prices for 90 days and introduced ten percent duties on imports. instead of inflation, america
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got stakflation, and then the recession of the seventies. old rake. to take off with such baggage in the swing states, where they are not ready to build a bright future, according to worn-out patterns will not be easy. it seems that here is the honey me'. her song freedom is now played at every election rally. pro-palestinian activists promise to spoil this holiday. the chicago police have been transferred to a 24-hour
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duty schedule. 2,500 patrol officers are preparing to meet radicals from all over america. the united center, the democratic convention will be held at the home arena of the chicago bulls, is surrounded on all sides by fences and heavy ones have been placed at the entrances. trucks, while the party establishment, including harris, biden, obama and the clintons, are caught between two fires, the left considers them pro-israel, and conservatives , on the contrary, accuse them of anti-semitism. trump, of course, could not help but join in. the toxic poison of anti-semitism now flows through the veins of the radical democratic party. i never thought i would see this. they have gone crazy, instead of eradicating this hatred, kamala harris indulges it. rehearses, but already on september 10, trump is counting on all this repeat harris in person, during their first debate, preparations have already begun, and the republican is doing it much more seriously than in 2016 and 2020, he also has a secret
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weapon, they brought in a loaded hart. former democratic congresswoman sgavaev very effectively attacked harris during the 2019 debates , using her track record,
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see the events of the last seven days in the big final news with yevgeny popov, tomorrow at 20:00. the germans lost their memory.


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