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tv   Pryaniki iz kartoshki  RUSSIA1  August 18, 2024 6:00am-8:01am MSK

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aren't you scared to the extreme, why scared, high, i would never have decided, meet katyusha, my wife, goodbye free life, what kind of jokes are you, bring me some water. now, it seems like we studied at the same school, it seems like, let me invite you, do you want? when will we meet, why do i
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have a husband? so, we agreed, i have no time, i'm seeing my husband off on a long voyage, well, where am i going to go to college now, if i don't fail, you'll be a captain, whatever happens, one question, do you like someone else, but i don't like anyone, i'm fine as is, oh well.
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remember this day, i will remember, saturday, june 21 , 1941. and where is klara? at work, they didn't let her go, for such an occasion? although, of course, it's wartime. let's go, let's go
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. well, katyusha, zhenya, forget what i told you. i don't treat you the way you think, much better, go, kulagen, go, goodbye, zhenya, why are you crying, i'm going to the hospital.
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you'll go, secretaries, typists, i 'll go to the crane, oh, forgive me, replace me. there are no farts, war, forgot, i didn't forget, it was you who forgot, and your duty, and your husband, i heard, blinker, you will be a witness that happened? nothing, and how is nikolai?
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the military registration and enlistment office keeps coming, asking him to go to the front for a year, but who will take him, a concussion? voronina, why? you let him go without a care , she got married again, so what, people are at the front, maybe sutyrin is no longer there, here zhenya, what zhenya, the notice came, they called, yes, i will not go to any meetings, i have a complicated operation, i can’t, i can’t, all the beds are occupied, send me to the thirty-first, comrade is looking for you,
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yura, hello, evgeny samovich, yura, hello, what brings you here? yes, for equipment, for a long time, for 2-3 days, like this knew, and now look, and the major, well , tell me where father is, yes, he is still there in the clinic, comrade chief of the hospital, according to the regulations, contact him. lieutenant colonel of the medical service, allow me to address you, please, order the legs of the beds to be repaired. i am contacting the head of the administrative and economic department on this issue. i have contacted him, but it is useless. then to the senior doctor. and it is also useless, i can’t
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achieve anything. and the patients are afraid to lie on these beds. the mechanic is just in the hospital, order him to fix them. i told you clearly, not break the order. hospitals, where 90% of women, allow me to go, go, with character, girl, oh, you have let them go, evgeny samoch, you drink tea with them,
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the situation with the beds is really bad, come in the evening, i'm running. for an operation, definitely, i'm not defending klara, but if she fell in love with another, she loves only... you, i'm talking in general, theoretically, the husband is at the front, good, but the woman doesn't love him anymore, she loved another, why should she lie to her husband, then she shouldn't have gotten married, there would have been no weddings, there would have been no divorces, i think that katya, you
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let me call you that, yes, please, i think katya is right, because we believe there, and this... who in silence and today love protects me from stray fire, before the battle the soldier remembers your look, the day will come, we will see each other again,
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i will warm my frozen hands and there will be no... light of separation, i can't talk about love, i can't explain myself in any way, until dawn. mid battery, we are walking along the road of attacks. illuminated by your love, the darkness parted before me.
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we have different places, it's okay, we'll arrange it now,
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excuse me, please, citizen, please, there's free space here, would you be so kind as to move, here's row fifteen, seat six, thank you, comrade major, to sit together, you don't have to go to the theatre. tomorrow already, yes, but the commandant has checked in, you're on duty tonight, come to me, i'll come to the station, after all, today is our last day, will you come? no, i won't.
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will you listen to me? "come back, forgive me, breathing with you alone is disgusting, why are you standing there, vira, vira, we're watching rtr, this is a gift
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on this special day, do you like it, i hate you, where's my child, i'll be right there shout, shout, well, what is it, it's hard to pay off someone else's debts, take it, ra, don't come near me, don't come near me, yeah, what happened there, what blood, where, it's somehow strange. no corpses, no statement, and no wife, return, from monday on rtr, kalinon belek - a place where time stops,
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immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time at... the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true perfection, making dreams come true. kalinan belek hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale. allow yourself a first-class holiday with leorzorts. elegant details. a feast of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. one of the most beautiful and talented actresses of the sixties, svetlana
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danilchenko, filming in the cult series eternal call, a role in the film by akira kurosawa, which received an oscar, and then years for ...
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this is not a rite of worship of ancient spirits and not even a wedding ceremony, so in this country travelers are dedicated, the earth is round, in everything else we will understand in detail, it seems that an old ship is about to launch a couple nearby, what a cool machine, let's go, it's up to you to decide what to fill your travel piggy bank with, after all, lace suits me, and we always... yes, we'll help, the fact that this is a paradise is obvious to everyone, even to iguanas, well , let's carry it as a secret to the whole world, you'll see it for yourself now, today on rtr, well
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, i watched it, well, nothing for myself. still doesn't believe, fyodorov, egorov, demnukhov, don't break, egorov, yes, dobu, sister, comrades, they write, goodbye, hello, write,
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if there is a letter from voronina, give it to me, don't tell her anything, okay?
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and how come? katyusha, you, where are you going, katyusha, maybe
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we're on the same road, i don't want to live. but katyusha needs to live.
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boronina, today at the club of foreign estates, let's go, thank you, i don't want to, you're bothering in vain, it's hopeless, the fleet is idle in the ports for a huge amount of time, if it weren't for these downtimes, it would be possible to transport... twice, or even three times more cargo. the data i cited show that high-speed work is entirely possible. of course, in many ways
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the existing order will have to be rebuilt, but this perestroika will fully justify itself. any questions? where did you do your diploma internship? here in the port. why do you generalize like that? maybe it's better in other ports? it's even worse in others. i studied materials on the entire shipping company and found only bad things? but my task was to study the shortcomings. tens of thousands of people work on the volga, and they work well, and first of all it would be good to learn to respect their work. that's why i'm talking about what prevents them from working. any other questions? i have questions.
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there is a vacant position in the shipping company engineer, i would like to work in a port, well , ports can be far away, astrakhon, for example, anywhere, we will leave you here, you are going to experiment, it will work out , we will study, and if it does not work out, we will hold you, you can go. please, forgive me, but where did you buy these beads? in the department store on sovetskaya. a long time ago, yesterday, now you can. please, irina,
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so these beads are sold on sovetskaya, in department stores, i know, that's my business, the last one went. we will stand again, yes, now the wagon will be given only tomorrow, we will unload the warehouse, then from the warehouse again to wagons, they won't pat their heads for this, it's a loss, but standing on a steamship is not a loss , start unloading the warehouse, there is, unload the warehouse!
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"you're being willful, katerina, the wagons haven't been delivered, i ordered to unload at the warehouse, and for the warehouse back into the wagons, you know how much it will cost, cheaper than just a steamship, stop unloading. the work will continue, comrade voronina, i'm removing you from the management of the site, stop unloading, should i, on the cranes, stop unloading, we've worked enough, the soldier is sleeping, the service is going on, hello, why aren't you saying hello, and
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or you don't recognize him, that's why i don't say hello, because i recognize him, be my dear, he's only been working for the second year, but he manages faster than me, your dear has other things on her mind, she's been fussing with her sulky face all day, she loves him, she loves him, she's loved so many of them, look, the bosses have arrived.
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we'll have a conflict, well, keep in mind, we taught the railroad workers a lesson, today we'll do it to them, and tomorrow they'll do it to us, tomorrow you'll come to see me,
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hello, hello, what are you standing in the way of? are you in a hurry? where is that going, i wonder, we 're in a hurry, and we're in a hurry, where it's none of your business, you're tired of hanging out with us and the loaders, with navigators now with captains.
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golden light, let's leave here, and where to? over there on the inesi. ever will. and why should we leave here, dus? we would start a new life, we would not hear reproaches. and what do they reproach you for? well, since i'm with you, it means i'm already a womanizer. and don't pay attention. just wait, i'll get a divorce soon. let's get married, after all, i want everything to be clean, light, calm, let's leave, seryozha, i'm not going anywhere from the volga, i won't let you go,
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so we agreed, we agreed, we agreed, i ask you. please, sit down, excuse me, i'll be in a minute, i'm from the city, lednev. i ask for one dagagor for tomorrow, a hard one, i'm sending my daughter to the black sea, she sank in a soft one, but i think it's not right for a student to ride in a soft wagon,
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we ourselves rode in camps, right, perhaps, so here's yesterday's incident with the railway, this month you've achieved certain successes, speed up the loading. i already broke everything here in my time and quite abruptly, and then for years i established a new order. i allowed you to experiment on one section, and you're aiming at the whole system. or
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maybe this system is outdated? that's still unknown. here we work faster, and the ships and wagons come in the same way. what is the point of this? what? we gain experience in high-speed work. we will take your achievements into account next year, if they exist, of course, and we will not break the order on the river, that's it, and we were hoping for your help, well, we'll have to do it ourselves, comrade voronina, i tried to convince you, but i can forbid it. yes, you can, it's a pity,
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we'll have to, if together we have to pull out one thing, what, work even faster, do it. i don't know what records there are, no one has set them yet blocked, you mean your records, well and yours, i respect your achievements, kolya, but they are not the limit, come to me, think about
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it yourself, otherwise others will think about it. you still have to beat me up, it will turn out as it turns out, and it may turn out that you will not work in the port at all. take this into account just in case, we will take it into account, ermakov demands to transfer you to another crane, anyway, after all, you learned from him, i learned from him, i will learn from others, otherwise he wants only his work, well, he is a great master, for the whole union, if only i knew what do you work for? and what do people work for?
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some for money, some for fame? and you? what kind of fame am i? famous, today one fame, and tomorrow there will be another, and if this fame hangs on your feet, does not let you live, then do not look back into the past, think! the future, stop, katerina ivanovna, hello, konstantin alexe hello! last time
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i got a little excited, i hope you do not consider me such a bureaucrat, and for this you stopped me, well yes, that is, no, of course, if you want, i can let you down, thank you, i'm not in a hurry, then if possible, i 'll walk you home, please. what are you thinking about? nothing at all. i like
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looking at arika. you should be a captain. no, that's not a woman's job. and you haven't forgotten that you're a woman. and sometimes i 'm reminded of that. when i saw you for the first time, i immediately decided that you weren't very kind. and what did you decide about me? that, despite this, i'll look after you. so you decided about yourself, but what about me? that you might not allow it? did you guess right? i can. it's strange, there's a light in my room. you won't be offended
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to my question? why are you alone? it just happened, but we'll meet again, but if you find a reason to stop me again.
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hello, katya, you don't recognize me, i recognize you, hello. i understand, katya, you, you can't do anything good, you can't think of me, i did wrong then. why remember our mistakes, how did you end up here, i'll come often now, who 's to blame before you, you wrote to me about it, i don't blame you for anything, but then i blamed
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only myself, i never forgot you, but there was a war, believe me, you understand, war, i thought that... i would never see you again, i'm not making excuses, i want you to understand me, katya, i understood you a long time ago , so we won't see each other again, why?
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and why should one trium wait while another one unloads? surely it's possible to work simultaneously, somehow? but so, yes, people object, and you explain, so what, i also object, who am i, i'm with all my soul, well , have a heart-to-heart talk with people, well, the turnover has been accelerated, but the cargo is not delivered, they say it's not according to the instructions, so the instructions are out of date, yes, but the management has signed them, well, the management will review, a girl comes, she hasn't finished her studies yet, and as for others... "well , go on, go on, hello , it's not for nothing that they say, there's a black sheep in every family, and your work day is over, and here he comes, menacing as a cloud!"
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comrade voronina, we met, yes, but i didn't mean here, and where? i have to tell you that here, well, and whoever
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you like, i have a guest this evening. i invite everyone, come, okay, only my grandmother is strict, i hope my grandmother will like it, and why do your signals work? yes, she is moving forward in...
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let's have a look matchmaker, what matchmaker to you? you have no idea, everyone knows, shal, she pressed herself against another, her lips slid over her lips, repeat what you said, and you at her. ask about the foreman lyupunov about others? sergey!
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listen to the advice of good mothers, take care of yours, grandma, and do you remember their family, the lednevs, well, of course, the natives. we called them wizards, why wizards? and we had such a steamship, they called it khudesnik, a long time ago, it was heated with firewood, here are our men, that means they loaded all the firewood, to the captain, let's settle the score, and the captain is such a swindler, instead of a settlement they get a whistle, yes , farewell, he says, good people, here... your grandfather, he grabbed the rope, i won't let you in, he says, pass through, until there's a settlement, well
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, the pass moved, your grandfather fell into the water, yes, they pulled him out with force, but they nicknamed him a magician, for his stubbornness, you see, don't be offended at me, because i told you, as people say, oh, i'll go and see, the kettle hasn't boiled, "a funny story, instructive, and not without a hint, one man can't hold the gunpowder, it depends on who, the captain orders will stop, yes, if there is someone to order, the kettle is broken, that's the trouble, well, it's not a big trouble, let me have a look, look, the tank, what a spark there is, i'll even go and take it." yes, and life goes on, what did you say?
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no, nothing, teaktom, he fixed it for me, now he's fixing the stove, oh, i wish i could give him an iron so he could fix it, grandma, what are you saying, what about it, and the master is a good man, and a respectful person, it's inconvenient, how... what, what's inconvenient about it, my god, here it is, we'll check, what kind of master are you, we'll fix it now, where are your plugs, windows. "look, a star has fallen, you thought about it,
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didn't have time, and you i have long thought about becoming a fitter, why a fitter, your wiring is bad, i came to you every day, fixed the light, but while you turned it off, katya"? irina is coming tomorrow, will you come to us? well, seryozhenka, is everything okay? it's okay. and you? i overloaded 300 tons, i got a good team of movers, whose team is this , lepunova, whose team, i ask,
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lepunova, no, kurochkina, oh kurochkina, it's a pity, then lepunov would have helped out of old habits, i also fought with malak out of old friendship, well why are you silent, tell me, but what is there to tell, i was young, stupid, uncontrollable, so only out of boredom, don't love anyone before you. "i, of course, don't give a damn about this, you are not my wife, i am not your husband, live as you wish, but i will die without you, seryozha, okay, i'm here, sorry for bothering you, but it's not every day that the secretary-commissioner comes to the port, he came and came, the nasty secretary, don't tell the consultant"?
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hello, hello, please come in, come in sometime. and this is my irishka, katerina ivanovna. hello, hello. excuse me, i 'll be here for a minute. please sit down. do you work in the passage? in the port. my dad also told me
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to go to the waterway, and i... joined the medical school, what do you like? my mother was a doctor and i will be a doctor too, i want to wear a white coat, i want to be smelled of medicine, and for all this to remind my dad of my mother, i want him not to forget her, yes, it's very good that it's taking pasha so long?
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hello, hello, long-distance, why are you interrupting? moscow, so, assistance has been provided for voronina's section, i think for the others premature, commission, find it necessary, check, all the best, so you didn't like it in gagra, no, it's hot, there are a lot of people, the best thing is on the volga, i ask my dad
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to take me for a ride on the volga, but he always has no time, and he doesn't give me his boat. than it seemed the first time, and sometimes even worse, especially, so, the first impression is deceptive, unfortunately, i won't be able to on sunday, no need to see me off, irina upset you that the stop is nearby, i'll get there alone, i
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'll see you off. or maybe irina is right, katya, goodbye. do you want to marry her? well, before that yet far away. no, do you want to, i can see we were so good together, we will be together. no, that
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's not it, so you'll graduate from college. you'll get married, you'll leave, who will i stay with? with pasha? no, irina, i haven't decided anything yet, i just want. you became friends, and then, no, daddy, you 've already decided everything, maybe he's already left, and you didn't notice, didn't notice, that's why we sit and watch who left, who left, and if you don't believe me , go up and ask, no, i 'll wait for him here. this whole day is up and down, up and down, and you're back and forth, back and forth, and at i have pressure, excuse me, you are comrade lednev,
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yes i am, i am the wife of navigator sutyrin, i am listening to you, how can you allow this, comrade, they take a husband away from his legal wife, break up a family, and no one cares about it. i found a match for myself, i cannot deal with your family affairs, you cannot, nothing, you will have to deal with them. pale, tired, i will soon say goodbye to the office, i will rest then,
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this is the second time you have said this, something happened, nothing, i am in a difficult situation now, will you support me, the plan is under threat, will you not support me, conservative. and you will support me, yes, that's why i called you, you don't nominate this crane operator oshurkova, and no one is nominating her, she is nominating herself, you may get into trouble for her too, and i don't want a shadow to fall on you, you are protecting my reputation, your peace of mind, my peace of mind, and what will happen to... this is not a question, this is a person's fate, and you decide the fate of people based on
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churkina's report, on questionnaires, then people will have to pay for it their whole lives. eliseev is listening, and we are transferring shurkova, the crane operator, to the kuibyshev port. yes, due to the shortage of anchor cheeks. i am listening to the cut, that's it so. are you quitting or something, are you transferring to another port, katerina ivanovna, sign the bypass, who ordered it, the head of the port,
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come to work on the second shift, ekaterina ivanovna, i am responsible for this, hi! well, why should she chase nikolai, dus'ka started this in vain, you are chatting in vain, that's what. from rags to riches, who are you rooting for, your husband or
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your girlfriend, for both, and you? zaplanet, and dus'ka is pregnant? how much is 85 seconds, well done, dus'ka.
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where is the signal pointing, the cranes are heading towards each other, they will collide now. it is not a woman's job to set records, you shut up, i guilty, before conducting such experiments, you should have studied more, they brought it to an accident, there was no accident, it was an accident, so this accident crossed out all your work, i don’t think, and you can think whatever you want, but to decide... me, because i
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’m responsible for everything here, for now you’re just giving orders, but someday you’ll really have to answer, don’t forget where you are, damn it, you’re at work after all, at work you also need to know how to behave, and especially with subordinates, well, what? you’ll order me to subordinate you at the shipping company's expense? if you think that our personal relations give you the right to talk like this , i think that we have nothing else to talk about.
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hello, dusya. here, help yourself, thank you, dusya, if only we had a child, seryozha.
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calm down, everything is fine, everything will be fine, you understand, i understand, the bulk of the ships approach this pier, at this time of year we have the most intense work, now, comrade, i will introduce you to voronina, she is just...
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passage, can i introduce konstantin alekseevich, and where is he? well, how come you don't know, she is the father let you down, and the snake, how do you know, everyone says, that's why i know, father worked for so many years, everything was fine, then come on,
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he became bad, right? and who says this? voronin? dad said that he is not at home, and will not be. ekaterina ivanovna, have you gathered people? let them come in. how is it unfair to keep you on some courses? these courses are very necessary. irina, but the position is not the same, less honor, after all, this is not the most important thing, did anyone call me? what did they call? no, you are not needed now, you yourself violated the rules, and now you don't even want to know, irina, irina, no
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tell me what you don't know, no, i know, everyone says, you were taken from her, well, let them talk, she was right in many ways, if i... had seen her, i would have told her everything, forgive me, you won't move, it's all the same to you, you're alone, please,
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you'll live your life alone, you can be married and lonely, you're looking for angels, but there are no angels among men, no, and we women are not saints, i'll tell you this, katerina, i don't respect obedience, but i didn't get along with your mother, and being stubborn won't lead to anything good either, i know from my own experience, that's it and... she ran away from me as a girl, but we live, god bless everyone, a bright person, no problem, if only there was a person, a kind word will always reach the heart, you can't atone for a kind word.
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oh, forgive me, hello, katya, hello. how good it is that we met. i came to see you several times, but you weren't home. you still can't forgive me? i can't live without you, katya. i love another person. no one will
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love you the way i do. let's not talk about it. all the best. i'm listening, hello, sergei ignatyevich, we got a room in the shipping house, congratulations! of course i'll come in, what floor? the fifth? one moment, please,
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hello, hello, i'm on the fifth, let me go to the fourth first, please, the phone has already been fixed. it wasn't hard to check, it was even easier to use it, although, of course, when the office number changes, then the family forgets too, if you think about people like that, it's better not to meet them at all, i didn't strive for that, maybe you suspect me of this, don't worry, i i didn't think that this cake was meant for me. all the best, goodbye.
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where is it at the satyrins' on vasili, you didn't tell anyone that you were leaving? and who should i tell? why are you leaving without saying goodbye to anyone? i said goodbye to everyone i needed to.
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please, nikolai fyodorovich, start, ivanovna, start with me , honestly, i'm in a hurry, where, to see my mother-in-law off to the village , well then let me. no, i 'm rushing to kindergarten for my child, personal matters after work, no one will go anywhere until the end of the meeting, continue, nikolai fyodorovich, well for me it's time, well, you should definitely call me tomorrow from moscow, okay, okay, i'll call, go and do it.
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river, give me the third section, yes, the meeting is busy, where is she from, now, katerina, i'm listening, katerina ivanovna? ​​yes. hello, this is irina. ah, irina. hello. excuse me , comrades. katerina ivanovna, when will you fulfill your promise? what promise? to take a ride with me along the volga. whenever you want, even tomorrow. katerina ivanovna, back then, when you called, i told a lie. i made it all up. "let's forget about it, yurochka, katerina ivanovna, the train leaves at 13:00, what train,
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are you at the station, it's leaving now, it 's leaving, personal matters after work, personal - this is when it concerns one, and if two -
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in august 1947, british india was divided into two independent states - india and pakistan, divided essentially along religious lines. and it's easy to guess which of these countries i found myself in today: this is the wazir khan mosque in lahori, built in the 16th century. i am in the northeast of pakistan. the northeast of pakistan is primarily the province of pinjab, formed as once as a result of that very partition, when the pinjab plain was divided into two parts, among other things. this is the most densely populated
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province of pakistan with one of the highest levels of prosperity and a city center. khore, well, this is perhaps the main lohor pearl. here, every mosque is a real work of art, this is the batshahi mosque, one of the most significant monuments of indo-islamic sacred architecture of the mughal era. but it seems that muslims from all over the world come here for other reasons. it is here that there are absolutely unique relics, among which is the green turban of the prophet muhammad, scarves embroidered by his daughter and even. the imprint of his foot, but this is when you hear a lot, and then suddenly saw, about the peculiarities of islam in pakistan, about why in this country it is at the forefront,
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i want to talk separately, fortunately i have one very interesting interlocutor: it is a great honor to be here, what is the correct name of your position? i am the imam of the batshahi mosque, and also the chairman of the rueta hillal committee, that is, roughly speaking, the committee on moon watching. wow, a moon watcher, what does that mean? muslims live by the lunar calendar, so a special committee has been created to monitor the position of the luminary and the new moons. it sounds like a very nice position. it's somehow very, i would even say romantic. in general, pakistan is an islamic democratic state. our country ranks second in the world in terms of the number of muslims after indonesia, and although most of the inhabitants profess islam, there are representatives of other religions here. is reflected in the two-color flag of pakistan, where
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the green ones are muslims, and the white ones are representatives of other religions. in general, islam is, of course, not just a religion. islam is a set of rules of laws that determine how we live and how we govern the state. in pakistan, for example, there is such a thing as compulsory charity. people, starting from a certain level of income, officially pay a tax in favor of the poor on the holiday of eid al-fitr. and on the holiday of eid al-adha, for example, it is established what part of the slaughtered animal should be given to neighbors, and what, say, to those in need? in general, islam is reflected in everyone.
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hidden under clothes entirely, thus in only the eyes this part of the hand, the body in islam respect for women is expressed, i had to change my shoes when i came in here, why? and now, dear viewers, i ask you to imagine what the pakistan-india border looks like in your opinion, well,
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have you imagined it, well there is barbed wire, soldiers with machine guns, angry shepherds, m, no way, behind me. friends, well absolutely crazy atmosphere, feeling like you are at the most important football match, it's like anything, a sports match, i don't know, a concert, but not the border, and we are on the border of pakistan and india, hi guys, hi! hi, absolutely crazy feeling of just some kind
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of performance on the border, i've never seen anything like this , i'm unlikely to see it, probably. very unusual, as if they were waving, but at the same time dancing, friends, one kind commander invited me to his place to explain all the details of this show, so we're heading to him, what 's going on here, what kind of show is this? this is a unique military parade that has been held daily since 1959. it is also unique in
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that it unites the forces of two nations at once, and also uses a lot of gestures, movements, and props. azam, what does this parade symbolize? firstly, it is a kind of demonstration of power to a neighboring country with which we have historically been adversaries. and secondly, it is a way to raise patriotic spirit among peoples on both sides of the border, in general, it is relevant for both countries, that is, it turns out that you two sides have agreed among yourselves, because i can see now that the soldiers are making the same movements, yes, all the movements in the parade are agreed upon by both countries, if one of us decides to change the movement, then it will be necessary to notify its neighbor about it, well, and since these parades have been going on for a very long time, then no...
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wow, how they show off in front of each other, but who will outdo whom in these gestures, as they say, i noticed at first that two soldiers from this, from the side pakistan and india shook hands, because the parade uses a lot of rather aggressive gestures, movements, the handshake is a kind of trying on symbol, a symbol of respect for each other, well , what can i say? i can only be glad for this, that all the aggression is only in gestures, and the handshake is real, this says a lot. yes, i absolutely agree, speaking about
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aggressive gestures, i must emphasize that this aggression is in no way intended to show disrespect to the enemy, to humiliate him. the goal is to show your own power and force. and i see, the show hasn't even finished yet, and people have started crossing the border again with things, bundles, in one direction and the other. in general, this is an important, very symbolic point on the map, both historically and diplomatically, since it is the only land point where you can actually cross the border between pakistan and india. the immigration point, by the way, is right here, behind the stadium, and this place is especially important for those whose loved ones are on the opposite side. for example, someone has parents in india. and also this a place of memory, people come here to
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remember how... their ancestors crossed this border when pakistan gained independence. of course, no one has ever doubted the courage of the locals. and not even to confirm this, but only to admire them once again, i went to the competition in the most ancient, as they say here, wrestling in the world. they greeted me as a very dear guest, thank you, friends, where, where, where should i go so much? back in the era of the great mughals many centuries ago, including thanks to our efforts are still alive. and why did you choose kushki, and not freestyle wrestling, because in freestyle wrestling it was possible to reach a wider international level.
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well, or by points, wow, yeah, yeah, this guy was defeated, guys, heavy weight in work, heavy weight, serious business. oh-oh-oh, and
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i already have favorites. the winner will be announced soon. hello, hello, guys, i didn't even expect that i could get such incredible pleasure, as
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they say, from. from wrestling, how many hours a day do you train, 4 hours, awesome, how long have you been wrestling, 24 years old, and how old are you, 40, and this is a professional sport for you, that is, you get money for it, yes, of course, how many competitions do you have a year, maximum 100, what is the most important competition in kushti, the pakistan championship, and how many times have you participated in the pakistan championship? twice, once you won, once you didn’t, so you are the pakistan champion in kushti? yeah, listen, well, you are just, like, just a handsome man, just thank you, please tell me, is it true that in pakistan , kushti wrestlers are considered, well, almost superheroes, yes, indeed, in pakistan kushti is a very respected sport, people love us, support us, encourage us in every way, and we are just happy to be a part of this sport.
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guys, well done, here is another superhero, coach, coach, coach, here, here is the main superhero who prepared all these guys, well , the culmination, you already understood, yes, like all the most honorable missions in this country, the presentation was also entrusted to a dear guest, you have a wonderful student, yes, he held such a reception, i was stunned yes... well, heroes, by god, i wonder what they eat such food that they have so much strength, although, we will find out now. wow, listen, i am absolutely delighted with how you have mastered it, please tell me, what kind of wonderful flatbreads are these? they are called paratha, we make them from wheat corn flour,
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water, sugar, grease them with khee butter so that the dough does not tear. i heard that parathas come in different types, there are regular ones and ones with omelette, with chicken, with kare, yes, with anything. listen. and which one are you making now, your favorite, probably, lache porata, the softest and most tender, it is rolled out well and twisted in a special way, so the dough does not tear. in general, if you are tired of traditional pancakes at the end of maslenitsa week, here is another interesting option for you. pour in water , add a glass of glucose sugar. friends, the main thing is not to have a sugar shock, but we will do everything possible, and then thoroughly. shake everything, instead of a mixer, palms, well , what can i say, making paratha is not an easy matter, i have been stirring something for 45 minutes, but i hope that things will go further faster, no big deal, i have a second hand
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, pour in the salt, mix again with the same hand, now add wheat flour, more of it, and the same amount of corn flour, listen, what do you think, do you have a preference? with the indians, are they somehow close or are they different in food, i mean, very close, i would even say so, in terms of attitude to life, here there are more differences, for example, they have a division into castes, but nevertheless, we are geographically close, so many traditions are similar, mix, mix, squeeze, guys, my fingers are already falling off, but i'm holding on, we let the finished dough sit for a bit, then we mold the dough into balls, roll them into flat cakes, grease them with butter and twist and turn, both of us, oh, guys, no-no-no, stop, stop,
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stop, stop, stop, stop, give me, give me oh that 's when your hands are golden, happiness, oh, oh, this is marriage, friends, this is marriage, as they say, the first pancake is lumpy, everything is traditional, but patience is work, they will bring it to the ideal parada, frying parata was no longer difficult at all, the freshest, straight from the oven, awesome, very tasty. we can compare it, i don't know, with a pancake, when your mom gets you a delicious pancake on saturday, so you just eat it with sour cream, for example, and this is simply delicious, the simplest food, the most delicious,
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pakistan is a country of hardworking and devoted to their land people, here they honor the highest law, respect their past, here , despite modern trends , they preserve traditional activities with all their might, and cooking national... is given without reserve, here respect for roots and guests is above all, i take this with me, hi, guys, you look like real heroes, they are very special, guys, thank you very much, thank you very much for your service, and you dance girls, and you walk boys.
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they say you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to know how to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax where the sun and the sea, on the first coastline, where everything is included, except... you, we know everything about vacation. relax. annex. immerse yourself in the world of luxury comfort. vixas golf villas. suют sharmaьshe magnificent
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world-class golf resort, surrounded by lush green fields with endless horizons. enjoy modern design rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and sudes, sharmaьshey. did you see how she was lying? it felt like she was carried in someone's arms and then just laid down. it smells like whiskey. what did you bring us? i'll please you with zionist kaliy. what actions do you propose? i just had an idea. blonde, brunette, redhead. you can find an approach to any criminal. i assume she had a lover who could have killed her. secret investigation. on monday on rtr. catch, fish, big or small. in general, did you choose the place? suitable, have you ever
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thought about why people count proteins, fats , carbohydrates, here my question begins, can tasty be healthy, i try, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases, can healthy be pleasant, fantastic, can it be scientifically understandable, and you make a wish, right? once again yes, every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts the mood, that's for sure, the food formula, today on rtr. all our releases you will find on media.
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good morning, this is the food formula program and we are in the novgorod region, by the way, where is sisil? you have so much stuff here and wooden objects, and birch bark, and kokoshniks and nesting dolls, that's all, i'll take a bowl, otherwise i'll buy everything from you, thank you very much.
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it takes a long time to cook, which practically poured boiling water over everything, well, it seems to me that the one that just takes a long time to cook is the one i need, if only everything were that simple, in the novgorod region there is a production facility where they make oat flakes, i suggest we go there to find out what kind can be useful, some not so much, by the way, many of us love oatmeal for breakfast and cook it to eat every day, and today we will figure out which oatmeal is really useful, and which can be harmful. what bad for health can be added to it in production and how to choose
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oatmeal in the store that will strengthen your health? we will figure out why oatmeal is especially useful to eat before the cold season. oat preparations are used in medicine even as - immunomodulators. how to normalize blood pressure with its help? hypertensive patients can and should eat oatmeal and we will prepare oatmeal cookies for the prevention of diabetes. are you really comparing store-bought oatmeal cookies? yes, this is a stomach, like heaven from earth, we will check everything, we will advise the best, we begin to derive a food formula. first of all, we go to the fields in search of oats, from which we will then make our flakes. and again, sicil got lost somewhere. great, what is your name? sergey, sergey mitin, machine operator. what are we doing now, where are we going to eat oatmeal?
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nothing grew here, but in general there are places where the community is growing, and then i, well, i would like to see it, this is a question - okay, then i'll go look for an agronomist, and at the same time i'll find out why in order to grow oats it is necessary that nothing has grown in the field before, i found you, it was not easy, oh, i was found, the loss, hello, i found out that oats are sown where nothing has grown before, that's true, isn't it, tatyana andrianova, an agronomist, the fact is that we are gradually switching to... organic oat production, this is growing oats without the use of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. the soil must be clean, without application of any before, for example , fertilizers or something else. we choose areas that are already overgrown with bushes, forests, we uproot them, yeah. we remove the stone, yes, yes, we remove the stone, we develop, the work is, of course, catastrophically
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difficult, but we win on quality, everything is organic, natural, it is very fashionable now, but how can you understand in the store whether you really have organic in front of you? is the product or the manufacturer only passing it off as such? an expert from rospotrebnadzor will tell you about this. according to the law, on the packaging a real organic product should have a national sign, and different interpretations like the word organic, in latin, natural or 100% eco-friendly, indicate that the manufacturer only passes off its product as organic, but this is not confirmed by anything, and is a marketing ploy. we are now in a field, this is a field of naked oats, that is, there is a filmy oat, and there is naked oat, i will now show you how it differs visually under the naked one, it is visible that it is naked, and this one in films, your oat cottons, select oats, it is richer in minerals, it
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contains more oat oil, these are exactly the substances that enhance human immunity, oat preparations are used. yes, but a lot depends on the production, so it also needs to be inspected, to see how it is, let's go inspect, stop, stop, stop, let's go, but first let's look at one place nearby, what, old rusa, old rusa, sounds like kovanchu, and you know what it looks like, wow, let's go, yes, the novgorod region is large, and
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there are many interesting places, but old rusa deserves special attention, besides the fact that it is famous for its mineral springs, it is also the city of solevarov, at least, that is what it used to be, now there is an amazing museum reconstruction, hello, hello, guests, dear ones, hello, vera masloboeva, tour guide, i remember that salt, salt, salt was cooked, cooked, where, where is the sea, and we are on the sea, on the huge sea of ​​the divonian period, but it is there underground, the balts settled these lands and cooked salt. and we continue to do this, and in front of you is a 10th century estate, can i tell you, we will definitely go, let's, first in this big frying pan, which is called a tsirena, you should add a little water, and then with this big shovel, called a muzhevel hahel, stir this salt. in
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theory, everything was clear, but in practice it turned out that cooking salt is not so simple. it 's not like breathing smoke is not very useful, it seems to me that you didn't like the salt, no, with salt production didn't work out, so let's get back to our oatmeal, as for salt, i know that it is harmful to hypertensive people, so they advise consuming less of it, for example, salting porridge less in the morning and even stopping salting it - this is a good option to reduce salt, but it seems to me that it is impossible to eat and, accordingly, people probably stop eating oatmeal, it seems to me that this is a bad option. not eating oatmeal, why? the latest research shows that oats contain a very important substance, which is called aventromide, yeah. this substance enhances the synthesis of nitric oxide, a substance secreted by the vascular wall, expanding blood vessels. if earlier it was believed that atherosclerosis mainly occurs due to the fact that cholesterol is deposited in the walls of blood vessels. now
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the main theory is that our vessels stop secreting this nitric oxide. hypertensive patients can and should eat oatmeal. so eat oatmeal and take care of yourself from hypertension. thank you very much, vera, it's very easy with you become an excellent student in history. thank you. good luck. if you are watching our program. from the very beginning and do not know how oatmeal is useful for the immune system, i remind you that all episodes can be re-watched on the online media platform, watch, download the application, install it on phones or tablets, or just go to the site, but only high-quality oatmeal can help our immunity, here's how to choose it correctly, we will learn with you at the factory. so, let's go to the enterprise where oatmeal is made. good morning, hello, good morning, lada, hello, lada bylkhudarev, chief technologist, it's so loud here, yes,
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unfortunately, the motors are running, we clean the grain, we have nine cleaning stages, here we have grain pouring out, this is how it happened, yes, we clean it from, first from soup impurities, these are stones, straw, weeds, various large insects, then there is fine cleaning, that's it. this is cleaning from gluten residues, if the oats during cultivation and processing did not come into contact with other cereals and are well cleaned, the flakes from it do not contain gluten, this is usually indicated by a special symbol on the packaging, for people with gluten intolerance and this is important, but gluten is not the worst thing that can be in oatmeal, i heard that it can wash calcium out of the body, and therefore cause the development of osteoporosis, if this is, ask a doctor, nutritionist. oatmeal contains fetic acid, which can really reduce the absorption of some
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minerals, phosphorus, calcium and others. but a decrease in the degree of absorption is not a loss of your own calcium and phosphorus from the bone tissue. eating oatmeal products will not harm your bones. lucky for those viewers who haven't gotten off the couch, they can learn about healthy products in russia. and what should those people do who... missed our program, well, i think, set an alarm clock, firstly, and secondly, go to the internet resource of the healthy eating school of the healthy eating project of the national project demography, where information about quality products that can be bought is constantly updated, each person can keep not only a tasty, but also a healthy diet, take note, peeled grain is steamed for several minutes to make it easier to flatten to make flakes, it is useful. and the substances remain, listen, here we get an oatmeal kamovaya path, yes, beautiful, beautiful, but tell me,
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what types of oat flakes exist? well, according to the bone, there are three types of flakes, these are rolled oats, petal and extra, rolled oats and petal are made from whole grain, from the highest grade, and extra is already raked grain, as a rule, these are techlops, which are not very useful. grain crushed, the shell is already broken, so the starch comes out, and rolled oats, our mines are rolled oats, this is, so, we give preference to rolled oats from whole grain, and also pay attention to the cooking time, what is cooked healthier, yes, because it means it is subjected to less processing, then here you need to find the golden mean, on average - these are the flakes that are cooked somewhere in the region of p ... ten minutes maximum, and yours from five to 10 minutes, these are the ones that turn out to be ideal oatmeal, yes. by the way, oatmeal is a frequent
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ingredient in cosmetics, including hair masks. let's find out from a nutritionist why it is so useful. oatmeal is rich in b vitamins. in particular, the content of vitamin b7 biotin in 100 g of oatmeal is 40% of the recommended daily intake. this water-soluble vitamin stimulates collagen production, and collagen is important for hair growth and shine. and we have come to the final stage of production, where we can see the finished flakes before packaging. it turns out that all oat flakes, which need to be cooked for 5-10 minutes, they are all equally useful. but additives, additives are often added there? sometimes chemical additives, flavorings, so here already. on the usefulness, probably, it is not worth talking, vadim persov, ceo, hello, just now lada was talking about
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chemical additives, and they can often be found, we have absolutely no additives, the main principle of our flakes is minimal impact on the grain, so remember, real healthy oat flakes should not contain flavorings, sweeteners. salt and other flavors additives, meanwhile we moved to the oatmeal packaging workshop, there may be a case when you come to your favorite store and there are super promotions on... oat flakes, and you want to buy additional packages, that's how useful it is in the case of oat flakes, the expert of the nazor tells you. it is categorically not recommended to buy oat flakes in the program, their shelf life in a sealed package is one year, in a cardboard box only six months. if you have already opened the package, the shelf life is from two to four
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months, if dark spots appeared on the flakes inclusions or rancidity is felt. install on phones or tablets, or just go to the site, by the way, do you like oatmeal cookies? you know, yes, i like them, but those in stores, they are too sweet and they have something high, there is something, this is it, just now, yes, but this is not a problem, because you can bake oatmeal cookies yourself, then you put as much sugar as you need, and the glycemic index will be low, i wanted
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to bake just these right now, go ahead, go ahead, have you forgotten which today? day exactly 7 years ago, it was a child, it was a half-born fetus, you monster, watch rtr, oleg, how did you end up here, ran away, oleg, i'm in trouble, help me, auntie, and who are you, you delivered the baby yourself, they said he died,
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from monday on rtr. allow yourself a first-class vacation with liorets, elegant details, a feast of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. we are here for you,
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the most important day in life, today, everything depends on our deeds, on the decisions of our heroes, our dreams, our thoughts, our homeland, we are talking to those who make history with their own hands, to those who change the world, these are our people, ours, the premiere, from monday to thursday on rtr. hello!
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sweet lights still live in me, some kind of fantasy, morning mail with nikolai baskov, today on rtr. our
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cookies will be useful for the prevention of diabetes, but first things first. roman, good morning. we will need eggs, oatmeal, raisins, walnuts, sugar substitute, since we preach healthy eating, dough softener and ground cinnamon, cesil, we break three eggs , whisk them with a whisk sergey, half of the oatmeal, blender grind to flour, and i will grind the walnut. now we add cinnamon to the flour. add baking powder sugar substitute, we add walnuts to the eggs, our chopped and raisins, then we combine everything into a homogeneous mass and get dough, knead it, put it for 40 minutes at room temperature and wait,
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great plan.


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