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tv   Sto k odnomu  RUSSIA1  August 18, 2024 10:10am-11:00am MSK

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just wait for me memory and the thread will connect our hearts, only rain. sis me through the rains keep the color of my eyes, the light of my dreams, songs about us, you know that they will pass, rains, just wait for me, the thread of memory, will connect our hearts.
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kalinon belek is a place where time stops, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea, discover for yourself. true perfection, making dreams come true, kalinan beleg hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale, the legendary music competition celebrates its anniversary.
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the grand opening of the twentieth anniversary international competition of young performers, the long-awaited new wave 2024 on friday on rtr.
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good morning, good morning, dear viewers, good morning, our dear guests in the studio, you are watching 100 to one, and this is a fun quiz, we ask questions, 100 people answer, then our guests. participants in the studio must guess how those 100 people answered these questions. our guests today are the estradniki team, please come into the studio, and the narodniki team. please come into the studio. here they are, the narodniks. hello, beauty. hello! hello, hello,
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hello, hello, so let's get acquainted: marina, yes, my name is marina, hello, this is our favorite program, and we know you very well, we watch you, welcome to our studio, introduce the team, yes, i will be happy to introduce the team, which means, on my right hand is vasily, laureate of the soldier's envelope festival, laureate of the national award, russia mentor of youth of the zaporozhye region, and destroying all stereotypes, wonderful person. welcome to the studio. victoria, victoria is our lion, who always goes into battle, a singer, laureate of the soldier's envelope festival, a vocal teacher, and a beautiful, beautiful girl, and, naturally, the engine of our team. that there are competitors for the role
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of the team's engine, so i would say, well, yes, of course, we will all sing engines. we all have energy, without it there is no, now i present valentin, this is also the soul of our team, valentin laureate of the soldier's envelope festival award, conductor of vocal and instrumental ensembles, but in general, he is a conductor by profession, he also sets the tempo, and rhythm, and energy for us to defeat our beloved friends and rivals for today, but he is also... a father of many children, he has four children, and he is, yes, bravo, a participant of the svo, this is mator, i understand, well, dmitry, dmitry, our dear, he is an author-performer,
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composer-arranger, but the most important thing is that he won the grand prix at the soldier's envelope festival, we all bow to him, well done! he is a regular participant in humanitarian missions to the svo zone, usually modest, but very a reliable and talented person. thank you, usually modest, but sometimes reliable, talented, yes, well i don't know, i don't know, although he also has three children, and maybe he is also so active, so, look, the guys already have two, look how many, well done, well done, we are increasing the demographics. right, so, who introduces the team captain? allow me, maestro, to do this. please. marina vladimirovna polteva, then, the mother, the mother of russian voices, and not only russian. but, seriously, then the professor, the head of
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the department of pop and jazz singing of the institute contemporary art, a person who sang, sings, will sing, and is still studying. tatarstan, so it is gratifying that we have such a large multi-city country that gives us talents and such mentors. well, great team, welcome to the studio, and we are getting to know the team.
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in 2022 - the soldier's envelope competition, soloist of the state cossack song and dance ensemble, alexander gusko. thank you, thank you, next, maria ergan, a
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second-year student of the gnessin russian academy of music in the solo folk class singing. and look, the names are one more beautiful than the other. with whom i work to all my guys to all my relatives. indeed, belgorod is going through difficult times now, but the song helps us build and live. hooray! thank you! well , finally, a few words about your captain. who will say this? the most professional music
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expert of the television project. come on, all together! mentor of the all-russian festival of the soldier's envelope competition! she does not need a long introduction, the whole country knows her. for our dear, wonderful eitere beriashvili, lyuba! lyuba! well, well, well, we have wonderful, talented people as our guests today, we are starting our game, you are watching 100 to one, we have a simple ordinary game, we are starting on air 100 to one, a simple single game, i am calling the captains of the teams to the table about... we have the most talented people today, two teams of musicians,
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folk singers and pop singers. okay, we have a simple question about a household appliance, household, which household appliance has attachments? marie, yes, i think a hair dryer, that's what i would choose, yes, a hair dryer has attachments yes, let 's check the hair dryer, this is the second line, this is the second line and you have a chance that on the first line, what household appliance has attachments, vacuum cleaner, vacuum cleaner, check , check, vacuum cleaner, check, vacuum cleaner, hurray, we're coming back, we're coming back, how nice
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it is when teams are friends with each other, until the score appears on the scoreboard, so ok, lyudmila, what household appliance has attachments, meat grinder, meat grinder, it's a household appliance, so good, we're checking the meat grinder, there is a meat grinder, the sixth line, five people, remembered the meat grinder, alexander, the smoothie is great, we're checking the blender,
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blender, it's also a mixer, i thought that these were different people, with one too, well i had some assumptions blender, misorovka answered her, therefore, probably a screwdriver, a drill, something like that, a drill, household, definitely household, well i like the fact that naspo has a girl. yeah, well okay, about smoothies, not with smoothies everything is fine too, well, what, we check the drill, well, probably a drill, yes, we check the drill, a drill, i hope we have a drill, that's beautiful, olga, you have a difficult task, the last one, i have an idea, one, there is thought, but we need advice on how to formulate it correctly, it seems to me that it is something related to haircuts, here, men's, trimmer, razor. attention, which household appliance
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has attachments, on our scoreboard we have a vacuum cleaner 28, a hair dryer 18, a blender mixer 17, a drill 12, a meat grinder five, on the fourth line we have a razor 14. 14 people answered, unreal, the scoreboard is completely open one team 124 points, in favor of the narodniks team, 94, they are closer to the people, you understand, for now yes, closer to the people, closer to household appliances, but that was only just a simple denar game, we're moving on, we have a double game ahead, you 're watching 100 to one. you'll listen to me, come back, why bother me,
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it's disgusting to breathe the same air with you, what ira, ira, we're watching rtr, it's a gift on this special day, do you like it, i hate you, where's my child, i'm going to scream now, scream, it 's hard to pay off someone else's debts, take it , don't come near me, don't come near me! there's blood, what happened there, what blood, where is it strange somehow there are no corpses, no statement, and no wife, return, from monday on rtr,
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rest is... leaving yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about rest. anex. bourbon stirsman is a product of stellor group. discover a real pearl on the coast of bodrum. titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures of fiery entertainment. welcome to the world of eternal elegance and unrivaled
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comfort. secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic luxery collection bodrum. "here is a kept woman, has never worked a day, lives on her husband's money, on saturday, i think, a mistress, and on our bed, either you leave, or we with the children, okay, remember, you are an empty space without me, zero, have you thought about the children, i will find a job, be careful, from the wreckage of the old life you can build a new one, at least something in business, do you understand? sometimes it is better than the previous ones, help! my very first contract, i succeeded, give me an office, maria kulikova, what the hell are you doing here? mom, maybe, on saturday on rtr.
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the floor is shaking, the shifts are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this room absolutely without faces, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object. there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i am generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling - a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, yes, look, let
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into your home, big changes today on rtr. we continue on air 100 to one, we have wonderful teams, folk musicians, esrad musicians as guests. i ask the second numbers of the teams to come here to the table. we have a double game, all points are multiplied by two. so, now you will have to imagine a dramatic picture: a lot of cash, imagined, yeah, yeah, attention, the question is, what does a person who works with a lot of cash use, lyudmila, i it seems he should use security,
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there should be security, a completely fair answer, as it seems to me, we are checking. there is such an answer, but it is on the sixth line, vasily, if you guess, then again the amounts are different, in particular large and different bills, i think that the option is a machine for counting money you load, here you as a musician accurately depicted this sound, please do it again, they enjoy listening, good, we are checking what a person uses a counting machine, comes back. i am to you, well done, clever girl, counting machine, 22 people, that is, well, it is meant that the machine that counts the bills, victoria, your turn after vasiya, well, i think that
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, let's say, if a person has a lot of money, but not super much, yes, that's a lot, they need to be somehow put together, folded, an ordinary rubber band, just a rubber band for why not, right, why not, to fix, folded the money. and a rubber band for money, a rubber band, for packs, great, according to the second one , it turns out, nine people answered, in order to work with cash, need rubber bands for packs, security, eight people answered, counting machine - 22, and we also have three lines, second, third, fourth, valentin, bag, i get my salary, bag, bag. bags, okay, bag, we check the bags, so, the first mistake, this does not
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mean that you are wrong, it is just that our people we interviewed did not remember about the bag, this happens, dmitry, here in the refrigerator, so we will have to get even, after all, i think, this is a very large metal safe, safe, a very large metal cabinet called, i remind you of the question, what is used a person working with a lot of cash can, by the way, by the way, can be a cashier, you can cashier, yes, maybe he has a cash register, there the money is laid out on these, i think, let's cashier, what does he use, cash register, cash register, cash register. you see how our last
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lines go 11 10 9 8 cash register safe, rubber band security on the first line counting machine 22, well the last effort is left oh-oh-oh, to guess the second line than with your hands with your hands. what gloves, no, that's not, that's different, gloves are gloves, exactly when they count, they get carried away, there is a machine there, yes, another thing is that when they take these packs, and what is the name of the thing, when they wet their fingers, here is a sponge, this is a washcloth, they wet their finger and count, well then, let's do it, since there is such an opinion about the sponge, well again, well , a sponge.
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no, well someone could answer a counting machine, someone could answer, i think a calculator, yes a calculator, calculator, calculator, yes, there is one, well done, well done, so, 14694, this is 100 to one, we have a triple game ahead. we continue, this is 100 to one, we have triple game, two great teams, esrad musicians folk musicians, third
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numbers, i ask to the table, so, well, alexander, victoria, well here too it is not difficult, a question from the store. and why does a person standing in line let someone go ahead? victoria, yes, i think that let's say this person saw a pensioner in the line, an elderly person, yes by age, we check, there is such, this is the fourth line of 12 people, alexander, i think, probably, mm, a woman with a child, a woman. just a pregnant woman, but just a woman, with a child, no, with a child, with a child, well, okay, we check a woman with a child, well... the people said just
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a woman, a girl, we check further, maria, i 'll go straight to you, your turn is behind alexander, something about the child, something doesn't count, i just skipped the girl, right, and if she's with a child, or let's say, if they asked, by the way, if they asked a person, yes, someone is in a hurry, yes, you're standing there, don't say, and what are you doing there, yes, and the person asked respectfully, you respectfully, how many times have you refused, registration will conclude in 5 minutes, please, please, asked, asked, i just need an answer, i just, well, i somehow stick to the idea that something is connected with the child, let's just look for the child , yes, if it's just the child, well, as an option, yes , a good option, here the child does not give rest, let's do you know what other option,
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after all, it is a child, right? 17 people answered that we are missing someone because we are not in a hurry, we are waiting for someone, two lines left, the fifth and sixth, lyudmila, remember, remember yours, remember the situation, you are looking for at the moment
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your card or? the line is long, tomorrow i'll buy this milk, changed my mind, a good option, well, stood, stood in line and says, why do i need gum here , i'll go later, we check, changed my mind, i'm okay with it, no, no, no, alexander, there are two left, standardize, we remember, you're probably looking for either a card or money, it seems to me, i would have definitely
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missed it if i'd been looking in my bag, than... the product wasn't suitable, if there were n't young people here, for example, those who lived in the soviet union, i have potatoes on the stove under the bolsheviks, they would have hundreds of options regarding the queue, what could be there, yes, that's how he was brought up, yes, there's something there, but they fought over seniority, they fought over seniority, okay, alexander, give us some kind of answer and don't look at me, i don't either, but... he hasn't decided on his choice, the person hasn't decided on his choice, so he lets someone through, okay, let's check, he hasn't decided on his choice, unfortunately, he's a troublemaker, everyone in turn gives a version, and marina gives a general answer, there are two fairly popular understandable reasons left,
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conflict situation. well, you did it pretty well, it's difficult, well, you also thought about the fact that someone is scandalous in the line, yeah, he had a fight and they somehow let him go ahead, for example, there are options. which seems to me to be the most common, this is when the one who is standing behind gets up, yes, he has a small amount of goods or some kind of miniature one, that is, there is gum, chocolate, there is some water and yes, and in front of them there are people with bags, handbags, there is some sausage cut up, and can i quickly try quantity of goods, this is a request, and i, for example, always, when i see that a person has two, two or three of some kind, and i have a lot. i
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say, go ahead, that is, i myself offer him to go ahead because he has a small quantity, a small grocery basket, few goods.
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on the sixth line, we have an option to let a person through who has one purchase in some. queue, a person went somewhere, secured for himself i will go, you will let me in later, a standard situation, 34494, it was a triple game, we have ahead. a game in reverse, you look at a hundred to please, one, girls, which of you is the mother of the heroine,
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the star of tajikistan, years of kurbon, friends of me, mom! oh, i forgot, alexander, alexander, songs from the bottom of my heart, today on rtr.
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veda vodka is a product of stellar group. allow yourself a first-class holiday with leo reorts. elegant details, a holiday of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. leo rezards, we are here for you. it seems that we will soon have a baby.
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suffered, died, masha, no need, wait, let me go, we are facing payment a colossal penalty on a project that promised a solid profit, neither you nor i will be able to finish it, what have i done, i promised lena that everything would be fine with her, she believed me, an obedient wife, on saturday on rtr, hello,
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did you see how she was lying, it felt like she was in someone's arms and then just put down, it smells like a cold case. what did you bring us? i'll please you with the zionist kaliy. what actions do you propose? one thought came to my mind? blonde, brunette, redhead. you will find an approach to any criminal. i i suppose she had a lover who could have killed her. secret investigations. on monday on rtr. we continue. today we have two teams of musicians, the istradniki and the narodniki,
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the game is the opposite, you can get 240 points for an answer that will be on the sixth line, only 15 points for an answer that will be on the first line, 20 seconds to think and a musical question, the most famous song performed by leonid utesov, good evening, 20 seconds have passed, please.
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so, okay, give us your version, well, we had different versions, but still we are a team agreed that at the samovar i and my... masha, yes, in my opinion, my masha, although i just
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when i did it at the black sea, i kept thinking how it makes the sound of the cliffs, and there i think, so, the nasal cavity and the compressed gartan, yes, and we have a version at the samovar, me and my at the samovar me and myvara, me and my masha, in the yard here are the most famous, well, it's good that both answers are accepted, the song of the driver at the samovar me and my masha, well, what in our opinion is the most famous song, at the black sea, we open the first line of the sea, oh yes at the black seas, so there is a city, by the way, it is called, odessa, odessa, odessa, well yes, of course, odessa, odessa, odessa, sorry. i corrected, so on the second line, that what
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we remember, maybe the dark night of the marquis, everything is fine, beautiful, dark, dark night, we open the second, but then we immediately sing, good, how girls, many girls, good, how kindly in time.
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oh, i took, oh-oh-oh, very, i can't, i'm a contrast, and you took it very high, it's so high, well, guys with homework, you'll leave now, learn all this, because not good, well, okay, let's figure out who gets 240
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points on the sixth line with us, the song of the old one. 334 we look, what's on the fourth line is a little less, well, that's also not bad, and that 's enough, 464, 334 battle score, but then the variety team takes part in the big game, you look at 100 to one. so, we have a big game, you need to answer five questions in 20 seconds, then in 30 seconds, but someone of you will stay in the studio, someone will go into a black, deaf, soundproof room, who is it? well, i can, let's
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move over and vasya, i'm staying, let me stay. vasily, you and i have 20 seconds five questions, are you ready, five questions in 20 seconds, five questions in 20 seconds, this is absolutely realistic, you only like the presenter , well, it's just a marathon, let's go, yes, who uses a dog in their work, a dog handler, what can you get wet, shoes, what can food be rich in? vitamins, minerals, what again, sleep, what is it, strong, what do they sell in
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kegs, kvass, beer, great, great, let's check your answers, the first question was to... who uses a dog in work? you said a dog trainer, and just like you, five people answered, yes, that's his job, to train dogs, that you can get them wet, you said boots and also shoes, shoes, you said, excuse me, shoes, so eight people answered, what can food be rich in, you said, vitamins. so, 32 people answered, 45 in total, there was sleep, the next question was about sleep, what kind of sleep is it, and you said that sleep is deep, deep sleep, together with you, 27
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people said, 72, finally, what is sold in barrels, you are a political corrective. answered first kvass kvass is sold in barrels together with you 16 people 88, this is your sum, thank you, return to the team, we are waiting for the second team member, the door to the scary cave opens, valentin, and he was eaten there, please, you have 10 seconds more, the same five questions, if you together with your comrade get 200 or more, a big prize awaits you - 100,000 rubles. if suddenly you answered the same way as your comrade, the most terrible
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musical sound will sound, like this, and this means, that you need to immediately give any other answer, preferably the right one, let's go, let's go? let's go, who uses a dog in their work? uh, a dog handler, a rescuer, what can you get wet? uh, socks. what can food be rich in? uh, calories. what is sleep like? long. what do they sell in kegs? uh, quack. beer, well thank god, thank you, thank you, we're checking your answers, who uses a dog in their work was the first question, was there a dog handler? the first answer, you both wanted to answer that way, five people answered, a dog handler, you ended up saying a rescuer, and also answered
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two people, a policeman, well actually two simple answers, in second place the answer is a policeman, 23 people answered policemen and 32 people, you underestimate, you know, the diversity, the size of our country after all 32 people said. that you can wet your shoes, yes eight people, you said you can wet your socks, three people wet their socks, well in second place 16 people said you can wet your throat. well it is not known with what, but it does not matter, and a slightly more general answer that you can wet
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your feet, 35 people said, that was it popular answer, what can food be rich in vitamins, this is the most popular answer given by vasily, 32 people answered like this, you said calories, calories, and also as you answered, one, of course it's cool, but zero answered like this, four people, you see, after all, our people
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are realists, few count on a long sleep, well, it's good that they sell it in kegs, kvass, vasily said, 16 people, the next most popular answer is honey in kegs, 25 people said so, and 26 people... honestly answered beer, well, 124 points, thank you you for this game, we had wonderful musicians, pop singers, folk musicians as guests, you watched the program 100 to one, it's a fun quiz, come to us always, on weekend mornings.
11:00 am
hello on the rossiya vesti tv channel, denis polanchukov in the studio and the main thing for this hour. helicopters, howitzers, attack drones, russian troops strike at ukrainian militants in the kursk border area. a report on the work of our military. a drone of ukrainian militants exploded in some.


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