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tv   Doktor Myasnikov  RUSSIA1  August 18, 2024 11:50am-1:01pm MSK

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pushkin, like rimsky korsakov, he sought inspiration in the rich and such a distinctive culture of his homeland. pavel melnik, nikita kalchenko, olga shtopol and nikita yakimov, news and soti. and that 's all for now, denis polanchukov was with you, see you soon. pechora vodka, a product of stellar group. allow yourself a first-class holiday with leo reorts. elegant details. a holiday of exquisite tastes. a variety of entertainment.
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the long-awaited new wave 2024 anniversary international competition of young performers on friday on rtr. loneliness: how does it affect our health and who can get heart disease from loneliness? i was asked to talk about how loneliness affects health. but let's think about what loneliness is, living alone? are you there inside, lonely or not lonely? this is where you need to start: you need to fight the feeling of loneliness. this is not a tragedy, they are used to being. what mistakes do parents make in
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the nutrition of modern children when these mistakes can lead to liver problems. what mistakes do parents make in nutrition modern children? eat until the end, you will not get up from the table until you eat, he does not care what he says, he says: "lenya, eat, but why does it hurt, because you have been fed like this since that age, what does it mean to live according to conscience and is it necessary to live like this in our time?" "to live according to conscience, this will never pass without a trace for you, never with age do you begin to understand, regret, try to fix something, by the way, i am ready in advance that i will have to answer for this, inside us there is a struggle between two wolves, here to deal with the highest justice, this it's much more complicated, hello, he says , showing it to the doctors, you're in my clinic on belorusskaya, on the russia 1 channel. see
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what a handsome jaco i have. yes, my fish, yes, he will tell us, or rather, help us tell about how loneliness affects health, and it affects very strongly, just talk in what direction, i have a special opinion here as always, right? what mistakes do parents make in the nutrition of modern children, well, this butter dish, how is it that... take care of the heart, of our fiery motor, well, we're starting, let's go, now we have a section on how to properly, in this case, how to properly take care of our heart, let's figure it out right away, yes, we take care of the car, we change the oil, adjust the ignition, i don't know what else we do with the engine, but...
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it's not a car, the most important thing for the heart is not to harm it, you can do very little that is useful for the heart yourself, you can not harm it, that... so, in order to take care of the heart, you must
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understand that any heart problem, heart attack, angina and so on, is the outcome the last two decades of your life. well, and especially the last 10 years, that is, what happened, or is supposed to happen, will happen with heart attacks, strokes and so on, it is not because the stars aligned, although this also happens, to warn this, we again return to the conversation about risk factors, so, heart rags, well, let's do it this way, what is written in the family, the consequences? it is very important if your parents, mom or dad, died or had a heart attack before the age of 45 , young, you are at risk, age, yes,
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there's no escape, 40 plus - that's when you start to fall into the risk zone, but that's something we can't change, what can we change, who's the main killer of the heart, smoking, like it, don't like it, smoking kills, it's either cancer or stroke, tobacco kills half of its consumers, hypertension, arterial hypertension, it needs to be controlled, high blood pressure, but a little spoonful of de... doctors believe that if you have normal blood pressure, but on pills, it's still a risk factor. yes, it needs to be kept in check, then you won't have a stroke, but even normal blood pressure on medication is still an independent risk factor for heart attack, so let's take care of
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our blood pressure while we're young, this is avoiding stress, this is normal weight, physical activity, then high cholesterol. high sugar, high weight, these are all risk factors, this is what we eat, therefore, what the heart needs, and it's very simple, you know, these are just five points, they are so simple and so impossible to implement, in order for our fiery motor to work until 100 years, you must have normal blood pressure, normal cholesterol, normal sugar, normal body mass index, and you should not smoke, just maybe, well basically yes, and the most
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important thing is, and you should move, move and move at least 40 minutes a day, five times a week. you know, they say, name one thing that prolongs life, medication, diet, something else, but one, you yes medication, no, well that's one, the most important thing, no, not the most important thing, diet is the most important thing, no, not the most important thing, exercise, that's it the most important thing is, look, you are 40 plus, you have numerous risk factors, but you still check your heart, you still check your cholesterol, you still start to lower it with medications, if...
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so, well, now it's time for me to answer your questions, let's see what you sent us this week, what was selected, only you know, "it's uncomfortable for me to hold you, it's uncomfortable for you on the table, let's put you somewhere now, look, you and i have an izgia, yes, yes, opana, this will be for you throne, give me your paw here on, well, that's it, he flew away, let him sit there, he will..."
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so, well, what do we have, good afternoon, doctor, my name is evgeniya perchuk, i am from the city of sochi, i have the following situation: in 2022, i had a colonoscopy, and three polyps were found in the upper colon, they were removed. in a year, i was prescribed a scheduled colonoscopy, well, the doctor prescribed me treatment, i took the course, a year later, during a scheduled colonoscopy, one polyp was found, also in the upper colon, i have a question, what should i do so that the polyps do not formed again, maybe change your diet, well look, firstly, polyps grow for 10 years and they need 10 years to degenerate into
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cancer, i think that it was just either they didn’t notice it 2 years ago, or it was small, or it really grew, you don’t need to start doing this at your age, you need to do it earlier, you need to give up red meat, eat stink more often three times a week, eat vegetables, fruits, because polyps are a lack of fiber, calcium with vitamin d is very important, by the way, because this is how once... it is shown that if this cancer does not prevent, then it prevents polyps. there must be proper nutrition rich in fiber, substances, without unhealthy fats, this is about nutrition, but you need to eat like this for decades, yes, you need to be monitored, i do not know about what drugs you take in courses, there are no such drugs, in courses, well, yes, by the way, reducing the risk of bowel cancer - these are statins, regardless of ... cholesterol levels, this is aspirin, non- steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, those who regularly take them for years, they have
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lower risks, by the way, not only of bowel cancer, but also of liver cancer, but there are other problems, so your path, eat right, well then what are you, what are you, you need a lot of meat and something else or there, i don’t know, eat vegetables, fruits, low-fat, dairy products, fish you live in sochi. so you regularly observe, hello, my name is irina belova, i am from yekaterinburg, what to do if no physical exercises and physiotherapy help anymore, my legs and lower back began to hurt a lot, and all the doctors tell me, if your lower back and legs started to hurt, this will be the whole spine and the whole cervical region hurting, i was in a sanatorium for 17 days and water massage and... just massage and procedures, and wraps, and rubbing, what i
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didn’t do, as a result i came and a week later the same thing started again, although i go to fitness, do exercises in water, do exercises, what should i do in this case, where to start, please advise me, well, you are an adult, well, you are not 15 years old, but you still believe in a fairy tale, water procedures, that they will help you to correct what... what you have been going to for decades, plus you probably also have such a problem as osteoporosis, judging by your age and other signs, well, you understand, in general, you all understand, lower back pain, leg pain, but you have been going to this for 40 years, but no, what a pill, it will relieve your pain, but will give you a heart attack, stroke, disappearance of stomach ulcers and so on and with regular intake, what is left for you? you are great, yes, physiotherapy, yes, swimming pool, yes, gymnastics, yes, weight loss,
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will it help 100%, no, that's all that 's left for you, and for me, by the way, what do you think , i'm like this, everything hurts, no less than you, i'd go crazy if i thought, oh, here, oh, here, i have to get up from my seat sometimes, get up, get up, i got up, but sometimes it's piercing, it hurts, so what, all of us? some after forty, some after 50, some after 60, we live with chronic pain, in the back, in the joints, everywhere, and we'll live like this until... music starts playing in our house that we won't hear, there are two options: or whine and say, when it will never, never end, i said the option, when it will end, when the music will play, or you have to somehow exist with it, understand that the pain there, let's say, is such , it will be, well, god bless it, with this pain, well
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, i'll limit something, here i'll probably fight, here i may consult with a doctor, but now you still won't have it... here you wake up, nothing hurts, it happens, no, maybe for 1-2 days, in general, live, life is pain, our life after forty is, as a rule, life through pain, chronic, and not poison yourself with medicines soul, doubts, just live, it is better to live with pain than to lie like this without it, without breathing, further, hello, aleksandrevich, and my name is,
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thank you for the answer, well, i have the first piece of advice for you, also voiced by professor preobrazhensky, yes, do not read newspapers, do not read the news, so you read, you became happier from this news, and did you understand anything from it, except that the man is 72 years old, he was sick with covid for some time, you understand that he is not the first, by the way, i once wrote an article in english patient, the thing is that there is an interesting situation here, these patients with immunodeficiency, patients with aids, seriously ill elderly people, they become incubators of new mutations, if there were no such patients, they were strictly isolated, covid would not spread like that, well, we got sick, sneezed , it would pass, but when it reaches such people,
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here is another patient, he was sick there a little shorter, but also for many, many months. he has about sixty new mutations of covid, you understand, if they break through, the whole globe starts to get sick, and the mutation even angrier and angrier in the body of a sick person, that is, a patient with immunodeficiency is an incubator of new dangerous strains of the virus, well, in this case, the question is about covid, thank god, there are few of them, but they exist, and this is what led to the spread of covid in the form that it was, these are not only such terminal ... patients, but 20% of those infected are responsible for 80% of infections, that is, there are people, super carriers, who are the distributors of this disease, you should not rack your brains over such things, you thought correctly, covid today, thank god, it is not fashionable, i can no longer say the word covid, because so much forest
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and faith has been felled, but... other viruses, they exist, they kill us, they kill us to no lesser, by the way, oddly enough, extent than covid, which everyone forgets, we need to protect ourselves from them, well, how to protect ourselves, we know, because as a rule, all these infections are caused by airborne droplets, accordingly, these are ways, so to speak, to reduce communications, so to speak, the possible use of interferons alpha2b, because this is an integral part of our mucosal immunity, just mucosal... that which resists the penetration of the virus, not only covid, but also the flu and any virus in general in the nasopharynx, where it all goes, accordingly, the use of these products with interferon alpha2b can help fight viruses that penetrate inside, it is not for nothing that they were included in
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interferon2b, were included in the treatment standards. well, in the new recommendations for the fight against acute viral diseases, interferon alphaate is also given a certain well-deserved place, it is clear that infectious diseases, especially in light of such news, require consultation with a doctor, a specialist, and well , let's move on, good afternoon, my name is irina vedkhova, i am from the city of nizhny novgorod, i would like to. get an answer to a question that interests me very much: orthodox christians have several fasts during the year, the duration of which is measured from one week to ... six weeks, during this period a person has to limit himself to certain types of food, such as meat, milk, sometimes
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fish, sometimes vegetable oil, there are days sukhoyatnya, so i would like to know, is it harmful for the human body to refuse some types of food for a long time, thank you very much, here you are for... if you hold based on your religious beliefs, then i do not understand all your questions. jesus went to calvary, yes, and these things are different, religious.
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platform we look at the application or the site we look at, then, what mistakes do parents make in the nutrition of modern children, when can these mistakes lead to liver problems? loneliness, how does it affect our health and who can get sick from loneliness. heart, what mistakes do parents make in feeding modern children? eat to the end, you won't get up from the table until you eat, why do we have in our heads exactly to feed and
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for him to eat everything else, he doesn't care what he grows, he is told: lenya, eat, why does it hurt, because you've been fed like that since that age, i was offered to talk about how loneliness affects health, but let's think about what loneliness is, to live alone, are you lonely inside? that's where you need to start, a person does not maybe lonely with yourself, have you forgotten what day it is, exactly 7 years ago, it was a child, it was a half-born fetus, you monster, look at rtr, oleg, how did you end up here, did you run away? how am i in trouble, help me, auntie, and who are you? you yourself delivered the baby, they said he died, coming back is a bad
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omen, my house, my husband, my son is sleeping upstairs, for whom i am a real mother, i am not going anywhere, a terrible situation, two women, one child, not one man, by law, he is our son with a reika, and you took him from me also by law, return, go there, find her and bring her here. from monday on rtr.
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titanic luxury collection boudrum. i say: i'm going to moscow to andrey, songs from the bottom of my heart, andrey malakhov's evening show,
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today on rtr. the most important day in life today, everything depends on our deeds, on the decisions of our heroes, our dreams, our thoughts, our homeland, we are talking to those who make history with their own hands, with those who change the world, these are our people, ours, the premiere is from monday to thursday, on rtr. thank you for staying with
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us, thank you for watching russia-1, time yes, today we will talk about the mistakes that parents make in feeding modern children. look, the thing is that any pediatrician will tell you that children's illnesses are usually the work of their parents. crazy moms, dads, say that he doesn't look right, doesn't walk right, doesn't cough right, doesn't fart right, drag him to the doctor and drive the doctor crazy, starting pills, antibiotics that the doctor might not have given, and so on and so forth, believe me, i have also treated a lot of children, 90% of pediatric problems are problems of parents, but the same with nutrition,
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why? you and i, by the way, were such a dad, decided that your parental duty is to feed the child, feed him to the brim, so that he finishes everything, eat until the end, you will not get up from the table until you eat, and you chew this cutlet, live and live, my son, whom i also forced to eat, he took a piece of bread, but it was a pie in this case, pulled it out of there, stuffed the pulp of the remains of the cutlet in there, so that i, well, can’t get up, can’t throw it away, and dad got into a row, i ate, poor child, i ate such a child, and i always fed him as soon as he was already switched to a stacked diet, he began to resist, resist with me, i put a shirt on him, tied him to a chair, his hands are tied, and i
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use a spoon, that means... why do we have in our heads exactly how to feed him and make him eat everything else, he doesn't want to eat, that means what needs to be done, well, either tie him up, force him, or go along the path of improving the taste of food. what gives food taste is salt and sugar, then there are all sorts of seasonings, there is artificial, but basically salt, sugar, fat, here it begins, i don't want to eat, but i'll eat a pie, it's very tasty, it's there, but i have jam there, in fact, i hid meat there, yes, or eat a piece of sausage, he doesn't care... he
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doesn't know what milk tastes like, you don't know what pizza tastes like, if you don't overfeed him with salty, sweet food, it won't develop an incorrect taste habit, well, give him low-fat milk, yes, fatty milk tastes better, but he knows which is tastier, not tastier, if he hasn't drunk any, so what difference does it make to him, he will accept this low-fat milk as the norm and will continue to eat it, the nutrition of a small person is no different from the nutrition of an adult, look around, everything is harmful here except carrots , pizza is harmful, cheburek is harmful, french fries are harmful, i'll tell you about pizza, i was surprised when i worked in america, there was almost a debate in the senate about whether pizza can be added to vegetables, i didn't understand then, i think they've probably already completely left, they have everything, well, how...
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then it turned out, but about pizza there was a grain of reason, there in the area of ​​a certain radius around the school it is forbidden to sell sweet carbonated drinks and fast food. or maybe it would be better to make him play, move, play not like this, i did that too, and i did that, i gave him a game, it's
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amazing how much this little man could eat while playing this game, he ate meat, potatoes, he ate all this, he didn't see, he doesn't care what he does, they tell him, eat lenya, but he eats the game lenya, now he has a healthy forehead, healthy muscles, but he went here six months ago for a blood test, and his liver enzymes were elevated, they started looking, and he was starting to have fatty degeneration liver, which i laid down for him at this age, he is now almost 30, and now he sits on a killer diet and trains for two hours a day, because his only way out is physical training, reducing the calorie content of food, swears. what can you do, this is the price to pay for the fact that i taught him, taught him to eat sweets, taught him to eat salty things, to all this, i taught him for a long time, personally i, and he is sick, you have the same thing, you are these pichki,
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so he eats, thank god, you know, like a child , a young man, thank god, he pecked, he will recover, here is a fat, fat in childhood, fat forever, and you still understand a simple thing, here are these fats, proteins, carbohydrates, but unhealthy fats, saturated or trans fats, here is direct sugar, here is protein of unknown origin, you can’t eat this, it’s harmful, but as you see, all 30 calories,
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so if i eat 100 g, here 150 g, then 60 calories, then i won’t gain weight, maybe you won’t gain weight, but you won’t get any benefit, but you are an adult, and he is just becoming, don’t touch him, the lord didn’t give us that much products, he gave us fish, children don't eat fish, but first of all, what kind of fish, how to cook it, that's one, god gave us poultry, meat, if you approach it wisely, gave vegetables, fruits, gave grains, gave milk, well , do it, why are you stuffing him with sausage or hot dogs, you understand that this sausage has nothing useful in it, yes , it can... so to speak, suppress the feeling of hunger, well, and give the child extra grams of weight, for which he will then pay, today you looked at my answers to questions, there a woman says
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my lower back hurts, my bones hurt, but why does that hurt, because you 've been fed like that since that age, you're overweight, we're talking about osteoporosis, we talked to her, osteoporosis is a pediatric disease, why? well, because they move little, they sit at home and eat the way they eat, plus sweet carbonated drinks, the worst drink, the most harmful drink for young adults, which causes cancer, in particular , liver cancer, bowel cancer, and so on and so forth have been proven, it's not alcohol, it's not fatty milk - these are sweet carbonated drinks, they make our children fat, our bones brittle and in a huge number of cases provoke a truck. it is not for nothing that in dozens and dozens of countries taxes are introduced on the sale of sweet carbonated drinks, just
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like on alcohol and cigarettes. there are two products that kill most of their, well up to half of their consumers, these are tobacco sweet carbonated drinks, these are the two leaders, everything else is on the floor below, and you drink it, eat it, but he will eat a drink, and what to him, and then he himself will be on ... if you love your children, think about what they will have to feed and support when you are old and infirm, if instead of this you raise a pot-bellied, fat, sick child with shortness of breath, who cannot support himself on medication, and also carry you on his back, it is wrong, i wonder how you feed a purebred dog, god forbid you give her something there. you give her some chicken bone, she gives in, but she can’t have this, and
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this is this, here is the diet, here i buy only this, because there, here today is not they bring in, what to do, the dog breeders' community is worried, they feed the dog there as simply as, i don't know, like an athlete before a competition, these same people feed their children all this, the soul of a parent is incomprehensible, so that's it, that's all, we'll... so, as the main topic, they suggested that i talk about how loneliness affects health. it was meant in a negative sense, they even gave me a whole selection of articles where it is proven that this is more often heart disease, disease of something else and so on and so forth further. why a parrot, well we know how hell live more than 100 years, involuntarily survive. their owners, in fact, on
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average, any woman has a chance to live 15-20 years alone due to the fact that men, husbands die earlier, and sometimes much earlier. loneliness is a big social problem. let's talk from a medical point of view. you see, these are the studies they talk about, that's all. the consequences of depression, mental states, grief for a deceased person, depression, here i am alone, no one to look after me, who will give me a cup of tea will give, and this is an oppressive mental illness, depression, anxiety, grief, yes, these patients have all the medical problems, from heart attacks to oncology more often, this is 100%. so, well, let's think about what loneliness is, to live alone, when the children are far away,
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the spouses divorced or died, and you are alone, there are no parents, you know, here you are, who are watching everything now, who have children, husbands, wives, and even parents are alive, and you are not alone, everyone understands you, everyone shares, everyone wants it the way you want, everyone understands from the word that you you want to say that everyone evaluates the situation in the world the way you evaluate it, where is this boundary of moral loneliness, what is there inside, we don’t know if you are lonely inside or not, if you could talk, you would say now, well, damn... you have here,
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so, are you lonely inside or not lonely, that’s where you need to start, probably, because physical loneliness today can be betrayed by the same gadgets that i don’t like, how can you be a lonely person when there are a lot of social networks, yes, which i i criticize, yes, which...
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the student says, i'll sit for 15, for 2 million 15, here's a wild bet that took place, he was locked in a hut. on the edge of the forest under guard, he had books, food, that's all, so 15 years pass, the term expires, and during this time the banker has gone bankrupt, he doesn't know that he has more debts or money, he understands that if he , a student, is released tomorrow, the last 2
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million will make him a beggar, he understands, this will not happen, the student will not live, he cleans up this house, goes into... rooms and sees how he sleeps over the table, he tries to get a revolver, suddenly sees a note where he writes, over these 15 years i have learned a lot from these books, i have changed my mind a lot, i have understood the meaning of life, i despise your way of life, i despise your wealth, i will not take it, and in order for... you to understand that i have won, i will leave 5 hours before the appointed time, that is, he served 15 years minus 5 hours, and the banker read this, turned around and left, thereby, by the way, the guy saved his life, that is, loneliness, what
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loneliness, a person cannot be lonely of course, he has the best conversationalist, you just have to think, you understand? loneliness can drive you crazy when you think about it, when you think that you are lonely, when there is no one to bring you a cup of tea, when no one needs you, this is all depression, this is not loneliness, this is one of the risk factors for depression and the diseases that follow from it, all our diseases, as we know, come from the head, and how else do you suggest fighting loneliness and is it necessary to fight it again, let's continue this topic now, we are seryozha. seryozha, come sit on the hammer, seryozha, on the hammer, not on me, where are you going, i understand, you saw that i smashed my head with this thing, so what, do you want to review us, the application or the site,, take everything higher, next,
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how to learn to live in harmony with yourself and not... feel lonely, what does it mean to live according to conscience and is it necessary to live like that in our time? you need to fight not with loneliness, you need to fight with the feeling of loneliness, it is not a tragedy, they are used to being lonely, i am not alone, i am with my thoughts, this is your inner state mental illness, because i won't be there, they won't be there, and you'll still be alive, you're young, why should you live by your conscience, it will never pass for you until... it will never pass with age, you begin to understand, to regret, to try to fix something, by the way, i'm ready in advance that i will have to answer for this, there is a struggle between two wolves inside us, but to figure out the highest justice, it's much more difficult, i love you, and i love you,
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it's good that we're sitting here, quickly, ran out, ran out, prime minister... or the nets of love, which will be stronger, only i ask without emotions, what to know without emotions, you will not refuse me, i will not tolerate, choose, rain at the end of summer, soon on rtr,
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welcome to rixsas premium magavish suths and villas in horg'. where luxury rooms and villas are combined with a golden sandy beach, 1 km long. impeccable service, exquisite cuisine, will make your holiday unforgettable. rixas premium magavish suths and villas - the holiday you dreamed of. one of the most beautiful and talented actresses of the sixties svetlana danilchenko. filming in cult series eternal call, role in akira kurosawa's film, which won an oscar, and then years of oblivion, now zabenyu can be given over to the memory of her. our investigation, the secrets of famous graves continues.
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this is his wife, you see, will be born any day now, mom can be on saturday on rtr, the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with new repairs, easy...
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plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i will be full of surprises and there is a lot of work, i love plants, i am generally a plant maniac, in the living room of our heroes soon real stone flowers will bloom, after dismantling much will become clear. and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, today on rtr, yes, well done, well done... how to fight loneliness and should it be done? we must fight not with loneliness, we must fight with
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the feeling of loneliness, we must fight with our ideas about loneliness. you have books, you are no longer alone, you have the best interlocutors in the world. you have the opportunity, as social networks said today, we must all be ready for loneliness, everyone, someone, so to speak, will be lucky and will die earlier, but still one of the spouses, one of the relatives, you will still... be left alone for those who are lonely at heart, in life, like i broke my head, it is not a tragedy, they are used to being lonely, they are used to responding automatically, they are used to adjusting, they are used to agreeing with an opinion that they actually do not agree with, so for them it can be, you know, a certain liberation, well, like in the joke, the wife died, and the husband says: oh-oh, i am all alone, all alone, all alone, listen, all alone, yes, all alone, and it happens, eh, i don't have that, i
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get along very well with people, it was very difficult for me once, when i was alone, now i even love, i can read, think, communicate with animals, and i'm not alone, i have my thoughts, which, by the way, no one interferes with, which is also very important. so how should i take it? well, you know, i 'm driving around moscow in the morning, but i'm already in a good mood, a beautiful city, clean, people are walking, trees, my mood somehow improves, that i am alone in this city, well yes, i don't know these people, so what, but i'm not alone, the feeling of loneliness. depends on the number of people around you, whom you can call by name, this is your internal state
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of mental illness, if you want, you are mentally ill, you will be alone in the circle of family, friends, loved ones, or you may not feel lonely, like this person, who in 15 years understood what's what, and you in 100, because i will not be there, they will not be there, and you will still live, you are young, he is 16 years old, but you're not alone, you have something to think about, okay, we're moving on, well, it's time to answer your questions again, let's continue this column, i'm missing, you know, a magic ball, there are parrots on my shoulder, a magic ball, i'll cast tricks, he says, so, pain in the lower back, i feel, well, something like that. hello, alexander leonidovich, my name is sergey baryshev, i'm from the city of orsk. i have a question for you: when doing physical
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exercise, bench press exercises, i developed. slight pain in the shoulder joint area, my senior comrades explained to me that the shoulder cuff is in this area, and i have a question related to whether it is possible to continue some kind of preventive physical activity, combining it with treatment, or should training be stopped to restore this cuff, weaker ones, they intensify a little with loads and even with... thank you for your attention, and what does treatment mean? there is no treatment, only painkillers, sometimes hormone injections, you know, as they say, borrow from the devil, yes, there is relief, then all this, so say, it turns into a complication, it is a really relaxing cuff, your senior comrades explained it to you correctly, the bench press is not
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for you yet, and those exercises that cause pain are also not for you. the problem is that, in principle, it is for a long time, from 6 months to 2 years, entertainment, but you are young, you will probably do it for 6 months, it is still physical exercise, it is still an exercise for this joint, only this will give, this is you put your hand on your shoulder, you start yes, like this , to press it, press, press, more, more, more, take away, i pumped up, for example, i took... a light dumbbell and lifted it thousands of times, everything that causes pain, but again you need to bring it to pain stop, here is a bench press, lying down, do those weights, let it be 40 kg, let it be even 40 kg, i know people, masters of sports of international class, who in this situation started training with 40 kg, a barbell, what is it for them, and then you reach
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those weights with... accordingly, loads are needed for reasonable ones, not causing pain, find those exercises, because push-ups you probably also feel pain, it was very painful for me to do push-ups on the rings, i still did it, but i found a happy medium, well, that is, you will have enough entertainment for the next month, there is no effective medicine, only patience, exercises and not to break down, if you break down, it will only get worse, this is the most important thing, not to break down, i think, it took me so long after... more than once it happened precisely because i could not stand what i was saying, i was in a hurry, there is no way to hurry here, my name is kristina novichkova, i am from the city of golitsyn, my child is 4 years old, we we suffered with a cough for a long time, until we did a test for a couple of koplyusha, it was confirmed in our case, but the cough continued, night darvots, we went to the emergency room, drank pills, syrups,
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nothing helped, in may... it got easier, in the summer the cough completely disappeared, now my child is sick and has been sick for the second week, but the cough does not go away only in the morning, tell me what to do, well, what to do, treat, there are many reasons for the cough, parokuklish kuklish are no different, one and the same, the chinese call this disease a hundred-day cough, it's just that the bacterium parokuklish is one of eight varieties.
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it's interesting to have a slippery topic that sounds something like this: why should you live according to your conscience, you know, it's very easy to say, you should live according to your conscience, not be disingenuous, being honest will make you happy, you always live according to your conscience, no , well, if you're alone in a dark room, look inside yourself, i
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know about myself... many, many situations when i didn't act according to my conscience, well, the most interesting thing is that i remember them, and i regret it very much. this is probably the law of life, you can lie, dodge, give in, something else to do, it will never pass without a trace for you, never, the balance will be restored anyway, no matter what you do, then with age you begin to understand, regret, try to fix something. just recently i remembered and even told my son the twenty -seventh of april was my father's birthday, he died at 45, he died in november the 24th,
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and a few months before his birthday, and as you understand, he was sick with kidney cancer, it was clear that this was his last birthday, and i had already gone to his birthday party, but i a date came up. a girl, and i call him from a pay phone, as i remember now near the art cinema, i say, dad, i won't come, congratulations, i won't come, he chuckled, says, but you understand that in general i'm unlikely to have another birthday, i say, dad, well that's the story, and he didn't go, so many years ago, i remember this, by the way, i'm prepared in advance that i will have to answer for this, i'm almost sure that there will be a situation when he will do the same to me, and i will no longer dare to grumble about it. and why did i
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did you call the question slippery? well, because glazunov's painting, christ and the antichrist, are absolutely identical faces, they differ only in the color of their eyes, one is brown, the other is brown, inside us live opposites, you know , like this? famous, as a grandfather tells his granddaughter: you know, inside us there is a struggle between two wolves, one is greedy, covetous, evil, cowardly, and the other is kind, fair, so they fight among themselves, the grandson asks, grandfather, which one wins? the answer is simple, the one we feed, therefore, if we feed the wrong one wolf, well, life probably. it happens somewhere and easier, yes, you get something in seven minutes, but you know, reading various books
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by walter scott, in my youth, i always read, i thought, how is it, here is a traitor in your hands, you did not chop him with a sword, you said, go, there is a higher justice, i laughed at my 14. 15 and thought, what are they fools talking about, i gave him a bull on the head and that's it, now years have passed, i understand that it is easy to chop him with a sword, but to figure out the higher justice, it is much more difficult, therefore when you stand on dissolute, how to act, you know, he says, act as he says, he would like to be treated, i have thought so many times, something does not work out for me, i myself do not always know how good it would be for someone to treat me, by the way, one of the questions for me, but i believe that in order for you to live in
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balance, mental balance, no, there are people who do not care, to forget about it altogether, he does not even think about it, well, first of all, he does not even think about it now, look at the whole history of christianity, yes, the apostle paul, under the name of saul, was chasing after the first christians until he converted himself, and how many songs about the robber kudiyar, why for christianity a repentant sinner is better than, so to speak, a person who has never sinned, for me too, by the way, there was a question, the answer is very simple, whoever has never sinned, he is not capable of ... to understand the depths of his soul, he cannot, he is not capable of understanding the mercy of god, here are those who sinned, who repented, to whom this mercy is and the lord forgave, this is a great gift,
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much will be asked of these people, but much has also been given, in general, it would seem so simple thing, people, live according to your conscience, you will be happy, in fact, everything is very ambiguous, when you live, you can... do whatever you want, the main thing is that there is no blood and bitter tears of other people on you, you cannot interfere with other people's lives and cause them. and grief, this is the main condition, actually this is living according to your conscience, and what else? you know, again , watering, if you water with clean water, the flower will grow, but if you water with poison, it will dry up? don't tell me, if i add poison here under the guise of fertilizer and water, the flower can grow up, oh, what a good man, we live according to our conscience not for someone, we must live according to our conscience not for someone, we... must
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act according to our conscience not for someone, for ourselves, because there is a soul, there is a higher justice, and sooner or later we will all have to answer, sometimes to ourselves, sometimes to someone more strictly, well , that's it, the section for the soul and body is over, you were with doctor mesyakov, i wish you all to live in good health and peace of mind until our next meeting, fortunately we are no longer with the mountains, goodbye! sale, we offer you a universal photo facade for a fence at a special price of only 6.95, with its help you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition, a fence, terrace, gazebo, will instantly be updated without ... expensive
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to leave or return, where you need to, and you are a bus driver, or maybe you will order a taxi for me, but whatever you choose, this meeting you can't cancel, just look at the profit or will you take part, from monday to thursday, you are very busy, what? you won't get bored with us, you have absolutely no free time, contact me, i will go on vacation for you, to any resort in the country, men are excited by something completely different, she looked at me as if i had just missed a penalty into an empty net, this was the most powerful
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effect of art on a person. parade of humor. today on rtr. today there are big changes in the program. what to do if the kitchen resembles a train car. drink tea and enjoy the view outside the window. and we'll work for now. what is a kitchen without, as without hands, yegor answers. why in the kitchen? we need a table and chairs, what are these flowers around the table, you know, it's better to ask artificial intelligence this question, all this and much more in today's issue,
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bogulya, oh, oh, how did we all get together, yes, look who we brought you, ta-dam, oh, i'm very unhappy, the pies are just hot, we all know that there is a title of mother heroine, and today we are visiting the heroine's grandmother, elena mikhailovna nagornaya's son, daughter and six grandchildren, everyone adores her, grandma doesn't single anyone out, everyone is a favorite, we are all favorites, grandma, great, i will never forget how she always took me to some parks, grandma taught me to approach some things, actions wisely, well grandma is a holy person, she cooks delicious things, worries about us all, damn, i don't know, she's the best, the bomb, elena
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mikhailovna was born in siberia, in irkutsk, from there, we went to bam, and lived there for 35 years, where... the children grew up, the children grew up, and the son decided to go to study in moscow, in 2007 he decided to drag the whole family closer, so elena mikhailovna ended up in the moscow region, in the city she had dreamed of for many years. textbooks, i remember, whose five mytishchi, so i think, i would like to visit at least this city. in mytishchi they lived as a big friendly family. and grandmother, and children, grandchildren. now everyone has gone to their own homes, but they always come for advice, for family warmth, and just for pies, my favorites are with sausages and chebureks, and these are sausages in dough and cheburek, i think, pies, sausage in dough,
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our grandmother cooks very well, so i have never refused food, we talk, i tell her how it is at work, i eat pies. despite the fact that the pension fund has already paid close attention to elena mikhalovna, she still works. the grandchildren have different ideas about her position, but they know one thing for sure: some kind of management position? yes, an auditor, the general director of a sausage-making company in the far east. elena mikhalovna, as an auditor, runs several companies located in other time zones.


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