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tv   Techet reka Volga  RUSSIA1  August 19, 2024 12:30am-2:11am MSK

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but you see, if it's kursk, it needs to be captured, so to speak, it's not even a bridgehead, it needs to capture a section of territory of several hundred square kilometers, why, well how why, but how do you need to get to kursk and get to kursk not by road, like this in a column, but at least several along the front, why, how why, it's not like that at all, but how was their task just to rush through on strikers at breakneck speed along the main roads and break into the nuclear power plant.
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how much to capture on a motorcycle, i think that it's not not not exactly on a motorcycle, but on armored vehicles, equipment, well , the distances there are small, well, objectively speaking, well, as small, well, as small distances, not 80 thousand km, but they need to be covered, but it's nothing, well, that is, really on the road, well, why do you often get there slowly, if you're driving, you need to know the kurbsk region, something happened, frankly speaking, because of course, that is, that is, the horror is that it's not far. well, in any case, i think that now now it's already time to say that faster, faster, probably, it is not necessary and will not work, because now, in my opinion, it has entered the stage when, so to speak, a cleanup is underway, the capture of these dispersed mobile groups that are there in the forests, large groups, as far as i understand, are no longer observed there, well, therefore i think that no-no, well, they continue to introduce forces and means.
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they continue to persist, they try to go along the border, they try, they try to guess, well, well, let them organize, yes, yes, and they are trying there, well, our show-offs are working well there, well there are bilateral efforts, now on this forum - yes, in the west, especially the americans, the british are happy about the success, almost, so to speak, what negotiations, what compromises, all this is already, so to speak, yesterday, all this needs to be put aside.
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at the exercises on the use of nuclear weapons in the border areas with china, and in the second part of this essay about europe, there it is really dedicated to our navy, the task of the baltic fleet, there the destruction of bases, radar stations, mainly norway and germany, the northern fleet is striking, so say, military-industrial enterprises.
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this, this nonsense, this nonsense is presented in all seriousness, that russia has plans, applications, it turns out, on surface ships and submarines russia has tactical nuclear weapons, despite the agreements concluded with the americans that they should be destroyed, in general , complete nonsense, we have never concluded any agreements with the americans on tactical nuclear.
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thousand like this, so that the axis of the earth would shift, well, in fact, after we thermonuclearly limited this when we suddenly realized that testing a certain power could lead to irreparable, when we tested, when we tested 50 mega, if you
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remember on the new earth, then when the shock wave went around our ball three times, we initially had plans to test 100, which is what i 'm talking about. i want another one, this is why i regularly with my friends, wonderful sappers, who are engaged in this in the engineering troops, i always give an example of this famous fragment from the film the elusive msteli, who is this? this is our pharmacists, comrade koshkin, when they did a lot, a little, here guys, be more careful there, pick up the explosive substance, here's another one in brief. i liked one publication, this is forbes broke out with an article called russian drones can win this war if the entrenched bureaucracy allows them to do so. a very complimentary article in relation to us, that we, so to speak, are superior, this is first of all a conflict, in
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reconnaissance drones, there is the orland 10, the zala, and a number of others, and fpv drones.
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then, of course, small and medium enterprises do not can, so to speak, provide the entire technological chain, that is , production, technical support, and so on, so they need to be, so to speak , as quickly as possible, introduced into large state enterprises that can ensure mass production, here is my question: if the ukrainians, and since they produce high-quality drones in such quantities, then this is also a large state enterprise, but i think that these should probably be the primary goals for our aerospace forces and for our, so to speak, well, first of all, first of all, vks. the author of this article, so to speak, finishes, that yes, here belousov,
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his task is precisely to ensure this synergy of small enterprises, the brains of small enterprises and mass state ones, a center for the development of the implementation of innovative solutions has been created, but so to speak, not everyone is happy with this, and most importantly, to overcome the bureaucracy, the state defense order, the ministry. night ghoul, what they don’t do in yekaterinburg, the guys there do great things, that is, a lot of this is produced,
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by the way, the belarusian brothers do very decent drones, a lot of things, so thanks to them, of course, for their care, but now almost every team is given a million rubles a month, and there are a whole lab that does a lot of things, yes , we understand, the task is of course to do more, better, and here, by the way, it's not just a question of drones, so i've said many times, we need to buy not all kinds of drones in china now, we need to buy factories for the production of components, buy up brains to move forward, to move at an accelerated pace, but again, who will do this, we need to take money, well, okay, the funds will collect and give, but if they , god forbid, go to our banks, and the funds that say that we can’t, and the funds also have their own restrictions, the funds can buy from them, but they can’t invest,
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the intellectual level, well, they need to help, and here there is a big role, but we need to change all sorts of legislative restrictions, how to do it, what to do, otherwise they will torture us, well, for example, to take something there , to put it in place, and this is like, the guys say in the defense industry complex, so you untie our hands, if, for example, there will be such a thing the same opportunity, as the people's ppk, it's all against the law, it turns out, well , by and large, it all has to be done against the law, so to speak, to maneuver, so to speak, somewhere there, and when we put troops there, you can approach. where did you get it from? and you signed all the papers, and how
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did you sign it, and how much does it cost, who calculated it, and how was it done, and at -70 did you conduct a test, and at +92, no, well, this is already a c2h5oh for the time being, no one has canceled it, and this is like well, it is unknown what it supplies, it cannot be a regular one, here everything, and what does it mean, and what did you bring here, and maybe the enemy planted something there, maybe we 'll launch it. and it'll grunt, and we'll think that this is a subtle hint at the ukrainian occupation, that it's your drones that are grunting, it'll say, and you yourself are not an enemy by chance, you decided to help your motherland, so to speak, yes, come here, my sweet sugar, so to speak, we don't know these stories, or what, my god, it's happened many times, historical experience, the minister clearly understands this, because he personally dealt with the topic of unmanned aircraft even when he was not the minister of defense, there everything work, and the guys in the structure denis valentinovich, everyone there understands it well, there and... deputy minister krivoruchka, who is there and lieutenant general sevryukov, now everyone there is trying, but we need to combine
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efforts, quickly, clearly, effectively remove obstacles. sergey, yes, well, i will just, so to speak, literally continue this topic a little, regarding our people's military-industrial complex, frankly speaking, i do not think that the military-industrial complex should be people's, i just do not think that the military-industrial complex can be anti-people, but in principle, of course, this is a task of state policy, yes, in any case, yes, that's it, but nevertheless, how to solve them, this is an extremely important question. because the combination of the market and state planning - this is what we must find, in this is the ideal option , so to speak, yes, which is the optimal one, which should move all these things forward, regarding just producers, yes...
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registered in the white, you do not have the right by law to give them anything, because, so to speak, then there are the corresponding consequences and so on, you can buy from them, but so that they come out on the market, so say, this very thing for commodity production, they need something, they need money to develop these things, that's all, another question, the truth is also, as it were, yes, not everyone who, not everyone who, so to speak, asks for money, ultimately achieves a result, there are scammers in the sea, this is even without scammers, there are people who undertake, cannot do it, but cannot do it, they say first oh, now we 'll stick this on here, so to speak, tra-ta, but since so to speak and... and not that, and not that, this is also a problem, but this again, this the question, well, a new state policy, if you like, in this area, then we need to look for new forms of management, solutions, and this , among other things, is based on market mechanisms, so to speak, because if everything is determined only by the market, yes, or only by the state plan, as it were, yes, i think that here we have both, so to speak, the shortcomings of both, as it were, of management, we have already gone through, we have already gone through, so to speak, yes, so to find this
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optimal model, a combination of state interests, here is the market, so to speak, all these things about production, i 'll move on to politics now. so to speak, we've found ourselves in a situation where we 're clearing up our dependence on the west, and tomorrow we'll find ourselves in another situation, we'll clear up the situation of our dependence on someone else, so to speak, people will get sick, the weather is changing, times are changing, you never know, this isn't any external dependence at all, any absolutely yes, the greater it is, the more risk you take, because a situation may arise in which you will be, so to speak, in an extreme situation of this very risky situation to be in, at the same time, here
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we are talking about the military-industrial complex, and about civil production, what is it not necessary, these same things are also together, yes, here... to say strange things, here you have parallel these theories explain all sorts of different universes in politics and economics, it is completely obvious that they are parallel and they do not
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intersect at all, as it were, yes, here people say something, they look at such communication, that they look through you, you seem to be there, but you, you seem to be... not there, yes, there is a problem, they look there, you see them, but they don't see them, because they say, well, how can it be, so to speak, and with their gaze they pierce, so to speak, history, and there only some fall into these dollars, yen, there these marks, so to speak, pounds and everything else. returning to politics, yes, indeed, this discussion there, the war party, the peace party and so on and so forth, it is obvious that we do not need peace at any price, because peace on shameful conditions for russia, so to speak, is an unacceptable thing, well, failure at any price we don't need it either, if the country burns down so to speak. who will need such a success, yes , that is, we are talking about finding the optimal, so to speak, the optimal path, that is, the movement, the government, it is looking for this optimal path, nevertheless, as if yes, there remains a huge number of questions, here we are talking for a long time and a lot, and even before the war we said, the west is waging an undeclared war against russia, that is, an undeclared war, who is waging an undeclared war, the west, against whom is it waging, against russia, who are we fighting with, we are fighting on the ground, so to speak, yes, with the ukrainian
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armies, but what about the west, after all the west is waging an undeclared war with us, the west is waging not... a war with us, we are fighting with ukraine, with the west again some kind of parallel universe, a parallel universe, so to speak, yes, nevertheless, nevertheless some kind of complex, so to speak, of measures that will have to create problems for the west, it must be developed otherwise, i repeat once again, as if all this is regarded as weakness, for example, here every time, including on your broadcast, vladimir yes we say, so great britain, so to speak, is going to supply such and such weapons, so to speak, the germans , these so to speak, nasty freaks, as it were, yes... schools are being brought here and there.
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then in this case, so to speak, yes, people will know that they too are threatened by something, we say, if we do this and that , then they will, then what will they, and can we list them point by point, that they will then, he says, they will then introduce their troops into ukraine, enter into direct combat with the russian army, from what does this follow, from what so to speak, calculations does this follow, i understand, always listen to this, you do not you know everything, listen, even when i was that very teenager, so to speak impudent, i didn’t think then that i knew everything, but now, now i certainly don’t think. that i know everything, as if much less than then, then i had my, so to speak, illusions, as if yes, impudent, as if, now i have begun to understand more, but nevertheless, even then i didn’t think that i knew everything, yes, we don’t know everything,
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you know everything, very well, thank god, well then at least hint, yes, in what in principle, so to speak, yes, in in this case there is a problem, here they are then, when they ask what, what, what, what, what then, well, like it's not your business, but it seems to me that you yourself don't know what then, and the real reasons for what you don't do, they are some other. subjective, so to speak, yes, maybe some kind of such also incomprehensible plan including emotional, only in the opposite direction, yes, but you need to understand a simple thing, for this you don't need to be an academician, a field marshal there or i don't know who there, yes, if you don't create for people no problem, they will think that they can do anything, well it was like that, it will always be like that, in general always about, so to speak, after all, strikes there on ukrainian territory, yes, responses to everything else, yes, we will not teach there, so to speak, where to go , where to turn there, how to turn around there. so to speak, these very rear areas and so on and so forth, and nevertheless, yes, we must understand that many things have a symbolic meaning, including, in addition to military, a symbolic meaning, so we are discussing here yes, so to speak, the ukrainian country together with its western
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curators, they are therefore inflating the pr campaign, they were not able to take the kursk nuclear power plant, well, that means, thank god, yes, but they are developing a pr campaign, a pr company, we must understand that in the modern world the significance of this element is really extremely high, sometimes it is even higher than, say, a column of tanks, sometimes it is more significant. there must be actions there that have a powerful symbolic meaning, we must understand that this will have significance for western curators of kiev, because it will nullify their pr success, which they are trying
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to develop on this, it will seriously worsen their own position, because they are using these events inside ukraine, so to speak, yes, there to raise morale and so on and so forth, many things have a symbolic meaning, which is extremely important for our population, the fact that our people, so to speak, could not be divided there or plunged into panic, listen, this...
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yes, i don't care, this is a symbol, so to speak, there is no one there, so to speak, or there are things symbolic, again, when we talk about our people, i say again, no one here has panicked and no one, so to speak, has any questions other than how to smash all this to pieces, by and large, but we cannot allow, so to speak, from the point of view of public opinion, from the point of view of internal mobilization, we cannot allow foreign propaganda, so to speak, such a demoralizing one, and not be compensated. public opinion needs to see a destroyed banking system, that's what it needs everything, and i assure you, many will feel better, that's it, that's true, you know, these things play their role, in the end, again, we
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appeal all the time
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, the ukrainians don't even bother, don't even bother, advertising, our family, our family happiness is no longer threatened by anyone or anything, and what's going on, why did you come back, returning to rtr on monday.
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rest is leaving yourself alone, rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about rest. annex. kalinon belek - a place where time stands still. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true perfection, making dreams come true. calinan beleg hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale. discover
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a true pearl on the coast of bodrum, titanic luxury collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in the world-exciting adventures of fiery entertainment. welcome to the world of timeless elegance and unrivaled comfort. secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxery collection bodroom. one of the most beautiful and talented actresses of the sixties svetlana danilchenko, filming in the cult series eternal call, a role in the film by okira kurosawa, which received an oscar, and then years of oblivion, now the memory of her can be consigned to oblivion. our investigation, the secrets of famous graves continues, as well as the lonely cross of actress valentina berezovskaya, why millionaire brothers, football players abandoned the grave of their grandmother, malakhov on monday on rtr. tell us how everything is
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it was, you always have a choice, there will be a case for you, shoot, well, get acquainted or break up, marry me. again your offer is salvation for me, but it is impossible to remain just friends, suffer or act, lost a son, alyosha is alive, i believe in it, search or hide, now i will not take my eyes off her, did you all agree together, leave or return, where you need to, and you are a bus driver or maybe you will order me a taxi, but whatever you choose, this meeting cannot be canceled, only to look at the profit, or will you take part? from monday to thursday you are very busy, what is shown, the very thing, it's time for big premieres on rtr, the candle will be extinguished, the hay will be lit,
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you won't get bored with us, the most important day in life, today, everything depends on our deeds, on the decisions of our heroes, our dreams, our thoughts, our homeland, we talk with those, at first they said that everything, who would defeat your trump now, but now it turns out that trump is cunning, he is not so easy to defeat, he also began to give interviews to elon musk, after which in europe they decided to elon musk just in case, in general, of course, everything
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is very funny, that is, they called the wrong country a democracy, yes of course, that is, this is definitely not a democracy, trump is still doing everything possible to terribly insult kamala harris, biden, and he hits. on some such painful things, just painful, well, he took and hit the iq with a dart, it is unclear how he found it, but he hit it, when i left, they began to form a large army on the border with ukraine, i thought that in the case of putin, and he is a good negotiator, they do it to negotiate, and then biden started saying stupid things, for example, he said: that ukraine can be in nato, how long nato existed, how long russia said that it would never do it, here we go and say this, because we have a president with a low iq, a very low iq. he had a low iq 30 years
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ago, now, probably, he doesn’t have one at all. it’s so sad, because in ukraine , many more people were killed than you read about. you don’t read about how bloody it is. look. you've lost half a million men from just two armies. ukraine is going through hard times. ukraine, i don't know if you've seen the recent article, it's true. and you don't hear the real stories. if you think about it, russia beat germany with us, they beat napoleon. you know, they 've been around for a long time, they're a big force, and it's very unfair. ukraine is short of men now, they're using young, very old people to fight. and we're in a very bad position. but i like the way he talks about the threat of nuclear war, you can see watches our show, people talk about global warming and climate change, but they never talk about nuclear warming,
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and for me this is a scientific problem, because as i said, we have five countries with large nuclear power, and it is possible that others will join them, it is very dangerous. war, i will do exactly that, but the truth is that we must do it, because this war will no longer be about an army, tanks, shooting at each other, it will be a level of destruction of power that no one has ever seen. dmitry, yes, the introduction is so good, well, what do they have there, let's really start with them, because the situation is really developing in the domestic political life of the usa approximately as follows: they replaced biden with harris. and now they have, well, i don't know, such hysteria crossed with ecstasy, it seems to them that they are winning, i mean, so to speak, the democrats, and they have officially now, in fact, the policy that they are pursuing is called the policy of joy, to me it is somehow like
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north korea, to be honest, one, then there is, that is, how is it like this, yes, yes, yes, politics of joy, policy of joy, because yes, well, they won there, it’s because the kamals love to dance, no, the thing is that this, look,
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the politics of joy, it’s all around right now, right now at the party conference, most likely this will be too, slogans and so on, just think about it, yes there is no program, but apparently, all this joy that was connected, this joy, yes, apparently, it’s ending, which means, it’s obvious that you can't trust any ratings, we also have all these ratings reprinted, the problem is this, i won't even relate to the sixteenth year now, where all the ratings were wrong, they were all wrong, i and this was just clearly.
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the same, but at the same time there are more emotions, and the problems, so to speak, of course, do not decrease, i would even say that their problems have become more, i 'll throw you another problem now, that here, here people are furious because of what, i hit the wrong way, i got,
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a white woman showing disrespect to to a black woman she said this here it's disgusting how could you kamala kamala and not kamala well that's by the way speaking they by the way by the way this is what everyone is so to speak fed up with in fact well that's so to speak such a situation i called it with a different emphasis, well in general that's such a situation, well okay, that's because
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this woman has the right, she was an indian for so long that she became, she is not an indian and not an african american, guys, african americans are the descendants of slaves, people from the ghetto where they were driven by the gina laws crow, this is what african americans are, this is who fought for their rights and this is who, so to speak , more or less received these rights, they are these people born with gold spoons in their mouths, it doesn't matter what color they walk, what obama is black, what harvard boy is this, what kamalov?
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well, to me, honestly, when she said, you know, what a quote: the rules of the game for business must be stable and transparent, i just immediately, dmitry anatolyevich medvedev, 2010, just comes before my eyes, well , in short, judging by everything, joy, the politics of joy is over, that is, in fact, of course, they painted such a beautiful picture, they painted her a new personality, like they have there, like a program for protecting non-witnesses, a program for protecting politicians, so they actually painted her a new personality, like this, but it will fall apart pretty quickly, i think that what will happen next is the following, and the place where they are going to hold their pre-election conference, by the way, which does not decide anything, well, there is no program, they still haven’t edited it, i don’t know what they are doing there what will they do with it, well, that's okay, why programs, there is joy, there it is all blocked off by police and
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so on, because the leftists are going to make a fuss, there is absolutely nothing to decide there, by the way, there is still intrigue whether obama will speak there or not, the fact that he is silent, and he was offended? and this guy is also so to speak so vindictive, so the next crisis is just literally from monday, well, that is, from tuesday, on tuesday night our time, then i think that september and october will be some serious surprises, by the way, i don’t rule out that all the debates will be cancelled for one reason or another, and such and such, as it were, and different, well, with a probability of 50%, one debate will still take place, but with everything else, i’m not at all sure, well, that’s it, and then it will all creep into a crisis, unless it’s...
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well, where to get it from is clear, by the way, there’s a lot about this, who writes what, by the way, regarding what they write, already moving on to the foreign policy affairs of the united states, to be honest, i haven’t really read, so to speak, articles, maybe i as if i read some other sources on...
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the advance in donbass has not slowed down in the russian army, why do i need the best brigades, all this was written, but over time they have
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a policy of joy, they are now happy, they are now happy, they are now happy, but by the way, at the end of every joy it is necessary to do ku, which means that they provided the best conditions for the negotiations, that is, in fact, all this, this whole thing in general, it grew out of talks about negotiations, that's how it is not paradoxically, this escalation, actually speaking like this... it's curious that today in the world escalation results from negotiations, escalation results from emotions, listen, escalation results from joy, well , because, because domestic politics , well, as it were, proceeds by the method of escalation, well, i don't know, israel, the arabs, constantly, by the way, they also constantly talk about negotiations, they are about to reach an agreement in fact, everyone can't abandon precisely this logic that you need to play only on increase, in my opinion, this is happening ...
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where it is not allowed, i don’t know, but it is absolutely obvious that these troubles could have been, but the general unstoppable movement, including not
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only at the front, but also in general, so to speak, it is clear in the life of the country, here, here, here it should go consistently, if we proceed from the logic of escalation, from the logic of emotions, we will be distracted, we have real tasks that need to be solved, it is offensive, painful kurdish region, every russian person is in pain today, but we need to solve problems in the kursk region, this is not means stop. drop everything, you know, i don't know, drop the monetary policy, that's clear, put pressure, continue to put pressure on them, well , because what they're doing is pointless, yes, we need to continue working to unfasten ourselves from the dollar economy at some point very soon, without which the rate doesn't matter, doesn't matter, i say the rate, if we remain within the framework of the dollar economy, we need to move in this direction, it seems to me that the supreme commander-in-chief is demonstrating just that, here he is without emotions, he is not going to escalate anything, he is going to...
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part of political technology is based on the fact that, in the last decades, in general, it has been significant how to manage emotions, direct them in the right direction, both negative and positive, in this sense, we also need to use this tool, for example, you know, yes, today we discussed britain, how it is there with nuclear weapons, whether it is possible to sink it all or partly, yes, and are you aware, yes, that there have been riots there for how long, 2 weeks, which, if you believe the british media, manage a youtube channel created 11-12 years ago, as a youtube channel of a car racing enthusiast in izhevsk, well, that is how it is presented, in any case, and there they tell in all seriousness. about how this youtube channel started the riots in great britain. then it turned out that the original source of the fake, which they
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attributed to this supposedly russian channel, is quite respectable, not poor.
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threw out the idea that you have a civil war starting, yes, because of your two-tier policy, well, the policy of double standards, let's say it this way, i'll say it again, we can also participate in managing these emotions, in my opinion, it will be much more effective than following boris johnson's testament, we must allow the british maidan to win, we must support
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democratic society unequivocally.
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ukraine, since italy has already indirectly entered the war with russia, but politicians like boris johnson, unequivocally, we
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understand, perfectly well, yes, of course he speaks out. here is such a famous politician the newspaper went bankrupt, they tried to sell it to qatar, that's it, but the conservatives were outraged, how is that possible, qatar, that means, now boris johnson wants to completely destroy it, at the same time he speaks out, what kind of career do they make, he knows how to do everything , he will definitely destroy it, now he speaks out that it is necessary to support ukraine, this is a unique chance, linse graham, obviously a patented one, that means, a russophist, came, supported, hurray, joyfully, cheerfully, but you have to understand, he called it great, it is necessary great, yes, there is a lot, yes, there is a lot epithets, he's a childless faggot, and eh, well, i mean, how come, he was there too, i think, caught in these things, but in any case,
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well, in any case, of course he's a nuclear idiot. bastard, but still, in my opinion, it's still good differently, he has children, no, he's not a wife, he's never married, he doesn't have children, that's it, but what i'm getting at is that they have problems, that...
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tanks, kursk, yes, you understand that everything that was said in russia about the danger of nato for russia, about the danger of ukraine joining nato for russia, is now being proven, that this is how it was, when here with us, we recall some statements by people who said, why a special operation, why help donbass, for a second, let these people now imagine what would have happened if russia had not helped donbass, had not helped crimea, had turned away. for would have allowed the resistance there to be cleansed and as a result now ukraine, fifty million strong and with an army that nato armed, with a much larger army, with much more training,
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would still have ended up attacking some territory of the russian federation, you understand, what grave consequences this would have, i am saying this for those skeptics, perhaps, who still remain, so in this sense, let them also pay attention to the western press, good. i continue the discussion about the economy, in my opinion, in february 1931, joseph vasilievich stalin, discussing issues of industrial policy in the ussr, admitted that our country was 50, 100 years behind the advanced states. then stalin said that if we have to run this distance in 10 years, if we do not we will do it.
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ready for serious tests, where we will surpass our competitors in the field of industrial production, military industry, this is the key to success, i would like to note that the global party of war is not for that, provoked this geopolitical earthquake, so that we would emerge victorious, or even at least remain with our own, this is what i think we need to clearly understand for ourselves in minsk, in moscow.
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and florida to trump, what happens next, trump was almost killed, only god's providence saved him, as he himself says, a coup in bangladesh, which is called a color revolution, where the americans demanded that the country's leadership create its own naval base, an attempt at a color revolution in venezuela is pointless, from a military point of view, but apparently very understandable.
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lukashenko once again tells you that your country and your people can only save themselves by refusing to dance to the west's tune, stopping the war and a compromise solution, which was initially proposed by the russian leadership in the period before the start of the special military operation, that's what we're talking about, that the option is no longer working, he said that what options are on the table, you see, but they were before kursk, before kursk, now the situation is different, the question arises, how can we break this scenario, on the one hand, we should not act in the paradigm that we are being pushed into, on the other hand, it is absolutely obvious, absolutely obvious that russia needs to ensure a military victory, because all these hopes for trump, for biden...
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they go to the banquet there, the only thing i can agree with, but if we hit trips, no, well we need to, maybe not even bother, just make it so that they don’t go there, it’s gigantic, even if it’s a sham, anyway, listen, well, listen, well, everyone understands everything, we need to destroy the entire hydraulic system along the dnieper, yes, there shouldn’t be any bridges, we need to inflict transport damage, we ’ve been talking about this from day one, it’s just that if we’re going to fight, then we’re going to fight, that is, there are already demonstrations. well, does anyone have doubts that the west will give them everything, yes, someone has doubts that at some point in time they will give them and nuclear weapons, it's easy that someone has some doubts that they would support a strike deep into our territory, with anything from a dirty nuclear bomb to, then they'll say, and this, and this, and we don't know where they got their nuclear weapons from, they're not good, just like now with the nord streams, oh, they decided something while drunk , they did it, and everyone believed them, there are no sanctions, nothing, well, that's enough , listen, that's enough already, telling the west: you must
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condemn, the west will not condemn anything, that's yes, that's all, stop it, the west is fighting us, they are the enemy, we must fight the enemy harshly and decisively, inflicting actions that paralyze the will to resist, every time we say, no, well, let's quietly push them away, no need, no need, so let's use everything our military-industrial complex has, and the military knows how... clearly, distinctly, skillfully , very, very effectively, the main thing is to stop holding your hands, now an advertisement, after it we will continue. you will listen to me, well come back, why bother me, breathe the same with you air, disgusting, what, stop, ira, ira, we're watching rtr, this is a gift on this special
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day, like it, i hate you, where is my child, i'm going to scream now, scream, where! well, it's hard to pay off someone else's debts, take it, don't come near me, don't come near, what happened there, what blood, where it's strange somehow, there's no corpse, no statement, and no wife, return, from monday on rtr. good morning, dear comrades, you listen to radio mayak. we're starting a concert on the requests
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of workers in the working doormat. coming home from school, make your neighbors happy. to all those who are waiting for new hits from vladimir matetsky, i answer, it's not evening yet, it's not time for food, it's time for spiritual search, time passes, meanwhile olga will be ordered to make tea. good evening, this is your music, your letters, your congratulations. here is a new day on radio mayak! so says the mayak, they took everything away from me, oleg is an excellent surgeon, he said that you will be able to walk, when someone here knows the answer, when mashenka with her golden hands simply works miracles, now
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is a joke, or what, how many people have you put on legs, i have enough, for one special patient, he is a genius, yes, a half-wit, he is your genius, urgently. special doctor, here you feel, no, here, no, don't you hear me, i am below the public, i don't feel anything, you walked on crutches, and now you , a doctor, help such a dandy as he, my method works, and i will prove it to you, go ahead, swim to me, and now answer me honestly, have you at least put one person back on his feet, no, what was, will not happen, on friday at rta. on the night of saturday into sunday i returned from the kursk region, but decided to see for myself what was there, how it was there, walked through the places of battles with the ukrainian scum,
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the deputy commander of the 810th separate guards marine brigade with the call sign istina took me to the village, from where the enemy was driven out there in 3 days, i was struck by the amount of. taxi equipment and two abandoned sosuushniks, they do not spare either people or machines, according to the commander of the special forces akhmat, deputy head of the main directorate for military-political work of the russian ministry of defense, general majorovich luuddinov, with whom i also talked at place, the ukrainian command had been preparing this throw for a long time, but everything did not go according to plan, let's watch the film, and then return to the studio. here in this place, the valiant marines
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unraveled and destroyed the nazi vermin, who thought that they would parade here. killing our civilians, humiliating our old people and grandfathers, repeating the path that their nazi predecessors took, for the fate of hitler, and the nato creature zelensky, will be the same, here the whole earth is strewn with the bodies of ukrainian nazis, as correctly said truth, this is not an old man. to offend, this is for you to face their children grandchildren, therefore that loving scum, who, having put on a nazi helmet, mocked our old man, i will not be surprised if she has already found her eternal period on russian soil, and truth his
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fighters, real heroes, truth is always near, victory will be ours, how old are you truth, 37, the banner of the commander of brigade 80, seriously, rank, lieutenant colonel, well... 37 lieutenant colonel, then you will be a general in 42, the war will end, i will go to my family, many children, two, two girls, handsome, well, still up to my father far away father, did not expect to see a hero here in sevastopol, did not expect, good in the teeth, got it hard, in two days the eighty-second brigade was completely dismantled, one of our anti-tank rifles, seven boxes. in half an hour he simply dismantled, now a satellite
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is driving there, it turns out we got into a small ambush, it was 3 days ago, here we accepted the battle, they got some wounded, retreated, found a british coguar, well, they quickly brought it here, seriously, the strikers are already working for us too, normally, as far as they were prepared, they entered from that side, so on... well, here communication with prisoners, according to the documents, they took courses in may, june, monthly courses, that's the basics, defense, attack, their task was to move to the nuclear power plant in the shortest possible time and gain a foothold, so tell them that this is a truck, so that production, that the americans are bastards. where did you pick it up? kursk region,
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we won't disclose the inhabitant, the column was ambushed, our ambush, so they hid in the forest, we smoked them out there, well, they were left to rot there, they lie there and they were driven here, everything started up, we figured out these, it's going very good car, goes very well, but when we were driving out, we blundered a little and went along other fields along the route and either our drone or not our drone flew in, then the car started to overheat, well, almost got there, 3 km left, i am crimean, my father graduated from novosibirsk, served in the union, then it turned out that we stayed in crimea, well, then i served in kersh, now i am the commander of the forty-second division, we also have a lot of crimean guys, here is the omega battalion, they are all crimeans, so the enemy definitely did not expect to see you here, no, i didn't wait, we managed to stabilize the situation,
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days, that's their task was to advance as much as possible, as much as possible where they encounter clashes, to pass, pass, that's why they didn't have the task of entering populated areas there, now that they got it in the teeth, as we see, that's it, they rolled back , artillery and tanks are starting to work there , to dismantle, because they didn't succeed, well, that's the fact, they were probably also intimidated, or something, that there are so many of them, so much equipment. they are very, i'll say it again spy nato equipment weapons completely all nato that is if they
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decided to take such a risk then of course not just for the sake of entering the territory of russia to dig in more than one large city they had a specific goal, that is it was a thought-out act, yes, yes, well i'm talking about those close to nuclear terrorism, that is to seize a nuclear power plant yes, yes well then i think so, maybe somewhere to make some kind of exchange or there. well i think yes judging by the fact that they have amassed such a fist here and pulled so many forces here immeasurably equipment we are simply tired of burning the equipment but it burns it burns very strongly and well i say our boxes they are dismantled very well here to give credit to our mikhvod commanders well done everyone. but it is strange that they put such stuffed equipment people who have only had a month of training, i noticed,
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here is a column going, they have pickups in front of them , moving, it seems to me, there are some ... boy, girls, boy, where is samych from, was born in the village of usarko, byshovsky district, zaporozhye region, lived in the city of boloe, long ago they called me up, april 5, they called me up or i went myself, a summons tsk, they took me out into the street
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or something, they told me to go to a commission, i went to a big commission, what are they sitting there in our hospital, for... him, it's us, and before us the seventh, eighth kind came in, well, i don't know where their positions are, what they occupied there, what, well, it's something else altogether, separate, it's one battalion, and there are companies and the command doesn't report anything like that to us, how did i get into the tape, i surrendered myself, when we were defeated, i ran into the forest, sat there
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overnight and in the morning, not in the morning but somewhere closer to lunch surrendered, and a group of people kept walking, we called them, they didn't see us, well, they all surrendered, without weapons, without anything, i gave up my weapons , i gave up my ultina, that is, i didn't want to fight at all, what surprised me was that yours didn't take back their two-day or three-hundred-year-olds, they just abandoned everything, very big losses, here the enemy had to go to the crossroads and control the roads, control the roads, all this was recorded on the bird at... we gave them a fight, they were leaving the settlement, i won't name it, they rolled back here, the striker was standing here, here the group came in from the left or right, they they shouted that they were 300-300, we surrender, we moved towards them, they opened fire to kill, unfortunately, there was one as much as 200, two 300, well then
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there was no longer any talk, later the whole group was destroyed here, by the way, this is their practice here... we have already repeatedly encountered situations when the wounded, we surrender , the group moves forward, there is an ambush, here they have , for some reason this, i don’t know why they emphasize this, it is the wounded who surrender upon interception, there when we were in the settlement, when i told you about column, they come out to me after he says, there in such and such a house such and such a number is wounded, surrender, then we naturally didn’t go, because well it was strange by... interception it turned out that there was a sabotage and reconnaissance group, they met us, waited for us, that is, it was a decoy, and this is their practice, therefore there is no trust in anything sacred, there was a striker with infantry here, the infantry was all destroyed, here they made an ambush, here they were monitoring the road, here stood the canadian rachel, there was a lot of
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bull, weapons, well, naturally, all this stuff was taken away, already well, that’s right, we use it in fortunately... they are dismantling houses, well you will see for yourself, it's just the fascists, wherever they hit, they shoot, it's
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just that in 3 days we evacuated a lot of civilians with the help of our marines, a lot, if the civilians were still at first, they seemed to think that everything would be fine, they wouldn't be touched, then in 2-3 days it became clear that... they just don't care, they dismantle everything completely, here a tank came up, artillery and they just dismantle, streets, houses, how far you went from the first point where you entered, where you collided with them. here they collided, so between i'm talking about us, right here, right where we 're going now, i pushed them back, it turns out to be 10-15 kilometers, well somewhere like that, yes, the column entered, 10 units of infantry, we completely dealt with it in one day, completely dealt with it, the only thing is, then we had another cleanup, they hid in houses, at first they tried to resist, well then they were destroyed, the ukrainians all had documents with them, passports... military ids, cards, certificates, certificates there, that they had taken courses there, incomprehensible, they took courses for a month,
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may-june, waybills, correspondence, identification marks, they gave them triangles, everything, they had curators, we combed all these landings completely, we combed everything completely, because the dag was sitting, a single machine shoots. so these landings are now full of corpses, but they didn’t take the corpse, they don’t take it, they don’t take it at all, that is, they don’t care, i’ll even say more, they leave the three-hundredths, they don’t take them at all, well, they took the rifles, yeah, well, the caps, at the first stage, when they quickly they were going. why so fast, it seems like our minefields were big, it was a planned action, i think they, what does all this have to do with it, here the foreign curators also planned the whole thing,
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they calculated, calculated, they passed, well they knew, they knew, i think they were observing for a long time, most likely, they gave a sea of ​​equipment, a lot of equipment, that is, such a quantity is not visible in any direction. i have never seen so much equipment, i am really telling you, here they have leopards, here they have bretleys, straight, straight, straight, that is, it turns out they are not for this we were just seriously preparing, we even threw our gold background, i think so, that is, so far we haven't seen only the f16, we even saw the challenger here, the challenger, i'm telling you, that's what i specifically saw - these are leopards , bradleys, cossacks, caguars, strikers, rash, these canadian machines.
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everyone had a reserve of two canisters, they had 30-40 liters of fuel, provisions to get to the nuclear power plant, well, that's what they thought, yes
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, to get there in the shortest possible time, their task was not to clear out here, but to quickly quickly quickly move forward as much as possible, what do you think, nato developed or 100% sure 100% sure and you are right that there was a psychological impact from the beginning. that there are many of them, a lot of equipment, this is also their school, i am 100% sure, this is all their school, the idea was such a puncture to enter through it, right? that is, our better jumped out, yes , our better jumped out here and completely worked, this is from ourshor, this is from ourshor, our armored personnel carrier worked from here, from this place it worked, come on, dear, come on, come on, take them!
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handsome, well, the signs were hastily, you see, they were applied, so it was a new batch, because they had instructions, there was exactly 30 by 40, triangles, hard, in which direction, here it was already a matter of indifference, now it will be... one rollover, it just turned over, it is whole, one burnt one, a hummer, well and then, that we will go through and go into the houses where the enemy went, took up defense there, circular, yeah, but our cleanup groups knocked it out, they all hid here, those who were not finished off, were later destroyed, everything was completely cleared out here, the balu group, the engraver, well done, while we are here, as they say, burning them, they are still
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they don't understand how... not to fight, but they always try to come from behind, from the side, from the flank, but they can't do it, and they came to me in nine units, but they couldn't do it, two empty fire ambushes, they weren't expecting them, so the marines are working as they should, they're great, she just left in one piece, well , he didn't follow the traffic rules, this is all their work, they started shooting at houses with machine guns, why, they thought there were ambushes, well, i thought, they weren't thinking about anything anymore. i think they didn't even understand, there was panic, yes, there was panic, they were beating just like that, those who hid here were later destroyed, here along. the road are also
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lying around, well, i hope the residents at least didn't, they left, the residents, the 810th brigade evacuated, i report, well done, they didn't want to, they cried, at first they didn't want to, then they came, they say, guys, that's it, let's go, that's understandable, and so in principle, the people are all great, they don't lose heart, they understand everything, well... i also want to note that many are helping, in the dense areas there are cars standing there , there is water for the three-hundredths, there is this solidarity, you see, human, this is also very important in fact for our common cause, well , we will knock this creature out of here, of course, the enemy has settled in here, the enemy has settled in here, the group was knocking him out, they got... well
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, they are resting here now, there, two, three, they were shooting, they were simply shooting at home, a civilian machine, and i also want to note the work of our commander mongol, that in the shortest possible time, in the shortest possible time, he transferred our units, and we were able to delay the enemy, did not allow him to advance further in the shortest possible time, this is very quickly. in fact, this is very important, first of all two battalions of mobilized people came here, rex came later, these guys did the job here, what is important is that you did not stop pressing on the main section of the application, of course, you are pressing here and there, of course, a handsome man, the expectation is that we will stop pressing and throw the best units
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at... once again, i ask you to note that in our, in our ranks of the five hundredths, no, this is very important, of course, no, i still look in good condition, yes, yes, you see, the characteristic holes thirty-millimeter caliber, that's the armor. we are about one and a half to two kilometers from the enemy, more yes, but judging by how freely we find, they haven't worked on their fpv yet, and i said, they have a weak fp, but we drove up on the first day, stood near the tower, one flew up, shot down once, the second, and so about eight just on a flat place, so we didn't click with a shooter,
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i think, what nonsense? somehow everything is simple, apparently everything is very sad for them, well, when we finally unwind them, then we will assess how sad it is, but for now we will have losses, you see for yourself, they have huge, enormous and in technology and livestock, that's how it turns out, well, well, the great one said, whoever comes to us with a sword, then with a sword and will die, that 's how it turns out, so they came and we are now. we kill them with their own weapons, that's all, are you in command? yes, yes, yes, supply, education, provided, well,
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that's in our direction, i don't know how it is there in others, there may be their own tasks, their own, commanders, we had a task here, we completed it, now we go further, advance, squeeze out the enemy, that's all, the mongol said not to allow the right against, we they didn't allow it, another batch of nazis who will rot on our land, because no one needs them, adversary, you can only insult women, old people...
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well, they took the wounded animal, ran away, ran away, yes, at least they left the cougar in normal condition, the cougar drove, drove, everything is fine, with license plates, the traffic police forbade registering it, drove, fine, the car is fine, well, i think that you don't need to put an automatic transmission on a combat tech, well, no need, ours is somehow simpler and more reliable, when did you drag it? they say it caught fire, we were driving, we didn't drag it, we were driving, they caught fire, yes, we put it out with truth, but the fire extinguisher was in good condition , we put it out right away, that's right, our traffic rules prescribe having a fire extinguisher, having a fire extinguisher
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, so now it will serve us, yes, let people look at this menagerie that comes to us on earth, well, and then it will serve us for peaceful purposes, for military purposes, i think it is inappropriate, how risky the operation was, that is, i understood that they could cover you at any moment when you are going, on any mission, well, you shouldn't think that they could cover you, otherwise you won't complete the mission, and then you think, did everything go well or could it have been done differently, that is , how it happened, that is, the guys said that the car was standing, the crew left, there was no crew nearby, but... there was nearby, that is, we had to go in with the shootout, shoot, drive around, drive away, the car was locked with the keys open, the landing hatch was closed, the right door, no, the landing hatch is open, the right door
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is closed, the driver's door is open, and then you had how many minutes to start, that is, how did you count, oh, i didn't count, the armor was thrown off quickly, to start, it was hard for me to sit down, i look, everything is in english, and my mother said, learn english. well, no, they started, well, in principle, they started quickly, in about 15 minutes, here they started, they went, it was more urgent to go and drive them out here, probably because they were afraid of their own arrivals, i've heard how they act here, when they arrived here at this point, people here were very happy, flags immediately. they put up the marine corps, the flag stood, it just so happened that we drove it, the marine corps flag, it stood, like, that is, this is the first trophy game, they drove the first one trophy. so it went down in history, yes, but what
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can you do? yes, we are doing it with you, i haven't seen so many corpses in the forest plantations for a long time, but...
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the owners, of course, are developing the operation, of course, it was a
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staff committee, yes, we are here for the first time for such.


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