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tv   Taini sledstviya-14  RUSSIA1  August 19, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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students of doctors, employees of the entire university, we launched a campaign for humanitarian aid to residents of the kuzhiv region on a daily basis for everyone who wants it, our university has never been on the sidelines when people find themselves in difficult life situations, and we, as former graduates, and now employees, well, were brought up in these ideals. muscovites can also take part in collecting humanitarian aid, for this you need to contact the volunteer center of seichinovsky university on...
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archaeologists made an incredible discovery during excavations in novaya in moscow, on the territory of an ancient settlement, they discovered more than 100 medieval artifacts. these are household items, coins, locks, various decorations, and some of them are more than 700 years old. denis voskovsky took part in the exploration work. bayonet shovels continue carefully, literally millimeter by millimeter. removing clay, cleaning. the main cultural layer has already been passed in the pits near the village. podosinka, if not a treasure, then certainly valuable archaeological material was discovered. we have spindle whorls, coins, locks, buttons here. the number of finds is in the hundreds: fragments of ceramic dishes, sharpening stones, nails. this is a frying pan handle. yeah, it's just broken off. and what is it made of, ceramics. the original dating of the 15th-16th centuries has been significantly expanded. coins from an earlier period of the 14th century were found at the site and... not
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indicated on historical maps: a large number of pectoral crosses, coins and household utensils, including potok knives, suggests that there was an arable land here or, for example, a pond where people went to swim and water cattle. the concentration of such a large number of fairly valuable things in one place, archaeologists...
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treasure, but at the same time almost sacred. the bast shoe masters strictly forbade anyone to touch this individual tool of production. one of the most interesting finds was the gem, a tiny ceramic decoration in a copper frame. these were very popular in the middle of the 19th century. the gem, well, it cost a certain amount of money, it is not an ordinary find, and that is, it was lost by a man or a peasant woman who was given this gem as a gift. or someone from the surrounding gentry, nobles, for example, the saltykovs, someone, yes there or from their servants, all the finds made in the field near the village of podosinki, will be transferred to the institute of archeology, where after examination, restoration will turn into exhibits will take their place in the expositions. denis voskovsky, yuri zabolotnikov, pavel letnikov, news. the next issue of federal news will be aired at 17:00, all news is always available on the media platform, look in the applications or on the website. we have everything for this,
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see you. poster on the culture tv channel. theater, music, fine arts august 19. krasnoyarsk youth theatre. knows the tour in moscow shows the stage of the vakhtangov theatre daniil akhmedov's performance alice based on the fairy tale by lewis carrel. the ajdi theatre project presents in the formula kino cinema chain, the film performance "the marriage of figaro", which was created by the pushkin theatre and the kultura tv channel. directed by evgeny pisarev, with sergei lazarev in the role of figaro. in the pushkin museum of fine arts , to mark the 130th anniversary of varvara stepanova's birth, the exhibition of a friend continues, the heroines of which... you know, there is
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such a way of making boring exhibitions, first the early period, then the beginning, then everything higher, then the culmination, and then it is desirable to show many late weak works, so we decided to go by a completely different principle, we showed those areas in which they said something new, this is fashion, which has ceased to be a task, so to speak, of rich lambs, but... has turned into a common people's cause, and of course, this is printing, in which stepanova said, of course, a very sharp word, creating visual poetry, creating these handwritten collections, though also following rozanova. rozny started. hibla
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gerzmava, igor butman and jazz band under the direction of sergei makeev give a concert on the theater square of sukhum. the musical theater of the republic of crimea completes the first theater festival princess olga. pushkin arts, dedicated to the western european landscape of the 19th century. the exhibition includes paintings by gustave courbet, charles francois de bigny, giacinto gigante and other masters. a total of 37 works demonstrating the formation and development of a new figurative language of landscape painting. a capella musical by evgeny zagott. anniversary of the artist viktor ivanovich ivanov
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is taking place in the benois wing of the russian museum. the exhibition includes works by one of the brightest representatives of the severe style, who continues to actively work to create new works dedicated to. the russian hinterland. the salzburg festival continues to premiere mozart's opera don giovanni directed by romeo castellucci and performed by the utopia orchestra and choir. among the soloists are dmitry ulyanov, nadezhda pavlova, julian prigardian, musical director and conductor teodor kurenzis. the exhibition udry dozing fables, hunting, competitions is open in the chantilly castle. the theme of which was the work of the french painter, draftsman and engraver of the first half of the 16th century. jeanne baptiste oudry, famous for his images of animals. the center of the exhibition were the illustrations created for the fables of la fontaine, as well as other works demonstrating the mastery of oudry as an animal artist.
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rtr planeta is more than just television. flew, and where can he hide, only here, on the tricky one, believe in our love, how did i get here, are you having a corporate party or something, who are you, and these are uncle vasya's troops, then bam, trakht, bam, doom, it's bad to know and bender, what was that on the strip, i'm not a fighter, i came for my brother, i have to find him. reciprocate our feelings, i don't want to choose who i should love and who i shouldn't, i won't , i don't want to, i shouldn't, i'll be the one to operate, unfortunately, there is no visible motive for the murder or connection between the murders, but it is there, and we will find it, for now it should be in the tan, don't
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part with us, a basin of hot water poured myself once, and can i come up and look into your eyes, are you ready, right? at any time of day, your accordion sparkled like a guiding star, at any time of year, turn on the music, blogger, and you're alone in this raspberry patch, can you imagine, i'll try not to get confused, don't get confused, timur, everything for you, only on the rtr planeta channel.
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great, i'm very grateful to you for the evening, thank you, not a single new face, if there is anyone new, they're all married or complete idiots, hello, hello, and where is my boyfriend standing with the king? well, at least.
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girls, hi, don't be bored, hi, you look great, thank you, you too, listen, who's that next to korolchuk, this, this is a lawyer, his name is ilya, ilya, he specializes in family matters, introduce him, okay, and how's your kitten doing, my kitten? he flew to norway, on business, but i know that he's in spain with his cheap painted car, i'll go and say hello to my lawyer, wait, are you getting a divorce, no, no, you won't get it, business, sorry, i've erased it for you, alexandra, my respects, you look great, thank you, thank you, i suggest let's drink to you, to you.
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great, great, what's up? better to put the clothespin on right here, yeah, yeah, good thing you said, come on, come on. oh, hello, hello, where's the deceased, it's there,
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follow the smell, come on in, come on, laziness, oh-oh-oh, oh, what a horror, should i give you, ma', no, i'm already full, come on, don't drag it out, tell me. it hurts my eyes, what should i tell you, fat, listen, what's that smell, familiar, formalin, or what? formalin, formalin, time of death, well, that's the most interesting thing, about a week ago, give or take 3 days, or rather, more precisely, everything after the autopsy already, damage, well, there's a broken nose , there are marks on her neck, so she was strangled or something, it looks like, it looks like, laziness, let's go, i'll show you something in the bedroom, he's here... "go already, go, all the details are outside, by the way, i also
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want to breathe, it got to here, he's in the bedroom, yeah, don't touch anything with your hands, don't touch, do n't touch, here, go, what, are you hinting that she was deprived of life here, this is ultraviolet light, look, you see, oh, you see , you see, you want to say that she was strangled with a pillow, it looks very much like that, if laziness establishes the fact of strangulation, then the murder weapon is most likely this, i don’t see any signs of a struggle, oh, it even looks like,
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well, did they strangle her or what? i won’t tell you anything until the autopsy, understand? it starts, you hiss, i’ll get drunk, well, i think that they strangled her, and then they carried her to the pool, he saw how she was lying, it felt like they carried her in their arms, and then just put her down, they wanted to dismember her, oh, but hardly. the raspberry will be confirmed, so in such an environment decomposition proceeds much more slowly, that’s one, and two, and two, when you get drunk, you want to say that the killer wanted to make it difficult to determine the time of death, i think, most likely, to delay the discovery of the body, but it makes no difference, listen, panuv, do
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n't complain, come on, say something else, well, what can i say, well, i saw the air conditioner in the house was working at full blast, well, they kept 16°, no more, well... not a freezer, not a freezer, but without them she would have been lying there much less, and this way she could have been lying there for god knows how long, much less, got it, wait, who's just lazy, and who's going to be the one to buy food, it 's quiet outside today, maybe everyone left out of spite, who would have thought, a nightmare, i didn't get it, did you know her, did you know that she was married to shinkarev, did you meet her periodically at various parties, a nightmare? shankarev, he's the one with a chain of cafes all over the city, yeah, yeah, also a hotel, a restaurant, a multi-room apartment for a couple of cattle, yeah, at kolovalo, listen, do you remember he had a very small bank, which, i think, went bust or had some kind of license taken away, there was a scandal last year, oh yeah, i remember something, but he started the business together with his wife, well, how together, it was all her, he was with her
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a mid-level manager, this was after they got married, he got his own property, good for you , lucy, you hang out in high society, you know everything, where can we mere mortals read about this, oh, well, how would you know, if you don’t read anything except the magazine “beast of mine”, lyush, well, okay, take a file of the dirtiest tabloid newspapers, this high society will get day and night there, i’ll definitely read everything, answer me, lucy, when was the last time you saw her, mm, when was the party, on the eighth, and no, the tenth, so ponov was already wrong about at least one thing. "so she was killed less than two weeks ago, listen, she also told me about her husband, who went off on vacation with his mistress, how much useful information can be found out without leaving the investigative committee, maybe you know who killed her? and you checked their house, nothing was missing, and we are waiting for the husband to return, only he can say about it, and kurochkin
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is looking for a housekeeper, and why are you looking at me like that, well, stop, a housekeeper, why is she " " excuse me, captain kurochkin, you are, generally speaking, a general, and you are katarina? yes, why such top secrecy, you see, mr. kurochkin, i work in very respectable families. and if they find out that the police are interested in me, then it could cost me my job, as long as no one accuses you of anything, they won't look into it, they'll kick them out anyway, and reputation means a lot in our business, listen, for example, i'm not going to cause you any harm, and alexandra andreyevna
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really killed, unfortunately, yes, what a horror? is it unknown who? not yet, we hope to find out with your help. and how can i help you? the thing is that they almost stopped inviting me, that is , they did not live in this country house? well, as far as i know, yes, they practically did not live, you say, almost stopped inviting, what does this mean? i mean your activities? once every 2 weeks i came there to restore order, you know , he appears in the house, even if no one lives there, who are you telling this to? and for me was it a small additional income, that is, you came there once every two weeks to dust? yes, and if you needed to clean, but that was rare. when were you supposed to show up there next time? on monday the 13th, but you didn't show up, yes, because alexandra andreyevna called me and asked me not to come that day, i asked when the next time would be, she said according to the schedule, in two weeks,
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and she also promised to pay me for a whole month, that is, for two cleanings. listen, did she transfer the money to your card? no, in envelope, at the agreed place. and often like this, she asked you not to come. uh, that was the first time. i see. you know, i'm in a hurry. you're free. goodbye. uh, uh, uh, wait, wait, he said. i told shinkarev, he 's coming back, and how did he react? it's not clear, the connection was bad, well, that's it. i seemed to be silent for a long time, listen, is he flying from spain or from norway, from spain, shinkarev was right, there was also some cheap painted thing there , i wonder who it could be,
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his deputy, in any case, there were places in they were next to each other on the plane, what a coincidence, so he had a cheap painted one, and she, well, you saw how she flirted with the lawyer at the party, listen, the lawyer is free now, you're omnivorous, korolchuk is also free, he... is a widower, don't you remember how last year everyone said that his wife died, yes, exactly, but what's the story? the official version is heart failure, not the official one, she poisoned herself, found out that korolchuk was having an affair with a young model, fell into depression, and then in general, something brought life together, a strange story, yes, korchuk tried in every way to hush it up, staroseltsev said that they even sent money to the tabloids, but so that there were no comments on this topic. doubly strange, there was an autopsy, if the case was opened, of course, well, three times strange, who investigated? i don’t know, but the investigators from the commander in chief could,
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considering korchuk’s figure, you get compliments from this table, yes, thank you, i say, it’s strange that we have a delaine, they haven’t taken it away yet, listen, i like it more. i like the berry, unfortunately, the murdered woman was not an ordinary person, a well-known person, as you are now in fashion, a party animal, yes, they called from the head office , they were already interested, she has a friend there, and at the very top, in the mayor, in the duma, especially, i would not like to get involved in this matter, but i need to be in the know, in short, marya sergeevna laid out the general outline for me, yeah, i would like to hear the news. what did it seem like an autopsy? well, other doctors are doing detailed research there now, we worked in emergency mode, at least they established the cause, definitely suffocation of water in the lungs is not at all. time? i
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already reported that it can be established only in a very wide range, from 10 to 16 days. well, the body was well preserved, because the criminals did everything possible to complicate the examination, they added formalin to the water. do you have an idea why they did this when shinkarev left? well, we saw her alive after he left, yeah. here, hello, mit, where have you been, if i had been late, i would have been fired immediately they would have hired me again, very good, in your line, what? ah, i can say one thing, that, apparently, after the murder the criminal did not was in a hurry because all the fingerprints were carefully erased. yes, but the main thing is, in fact, this is not it. the main thing is that there is no material from the surveillance cameras, because the surveillance cameras were installed on the house, on the nearby. objects with a week's supply of recording, so it turns out that all this conservation was started only for this , that is, there is no recording during the period when the crime could have been committed, there is none at all,
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there is none, and there will be none, i checked everything, unfortunately, well, so, what actions do you propose, we will expand the search, in the evening it returns husband, let's conduct a survey among colleagues, acquaintances at work, what is the main version, the main version is a domestic crime. yeah, i assume that she had a lover who could have killed her, in business, in family matters, dig there humbly, and let's not give them a reason to take the case away from us, did you hear me?
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hungry, hungry, we're going home now, hurry home, and there's nothing to eat, yeah, well, let's stop by, buy something, well, gold, gold like, gold is normal, it's on the face... with a blue ribbon and presented it to him as a gift, a bank? yeah, well, what's the big deal? transfer the accounts and operating activities to one place, and now you have a bank ready, and why
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did it go bust then? and it went bust because he managed it ineptly, handed out cheap consumer loans, well, the year before last he ended up with a loss, and what about his wife? well, his wife, like any sensible person, transferred the accounts to another place, that is, she kind of set him up, that is, she kind of saved the work of his whole life in time, because then the bank ended up on the blacklist of the central bank, a couple of months ago, yeah. they took away finita's license for comedy, oh well, god bless them, what else did zlata tell, and zlata, well, i've already told you everything, tell me this, where should i put those things that i didn't seem to wear, i understand, i'll put them there then, yeah, yeah. yeah,
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zlata, hi, hi, mom, how's lugansky, did you get there? yeah, everything's fine, he's unpacking his suitcases, everything's great, how are you, dima says, you don't want to go back for some reason, he's joking, probably, you yourself wanted to send me to kostik, so you sent me, well, i mean, i wanted to protect you, but now everything shook off and you can come back, now you 've calmed down, and what will happen next, some villain will appear again. will i fly back and forth? yeah, what's wrong with you, why should he appear? oh well, no need, mom, i understand everything, you couldn't tear yourself apart between me and work, you're 25 again, what are you saying, zlata, mom, i'm telling the truth, well, kostik has arrived, i 'll call you back tomorrow, bye, zlata, bye, bye, mom, oh well, i miss you, well, get used to it, well, what can you do, she's grown up?
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hello, is anyone home? hello, hello, come in, and great, great,
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major, what's yours, mine? great, sit down, thank you, yeah, sit down, have a drink, no, you know, it's a bit early and, and i'll probably have a drink, you know, and you flew in at night, yeah, yeah, at 2 o'clock, yeah, listen , let me change now, take a shower. i'll come back and we'll talk about everything, everything on the table, everything is yours, no questions, thank you.
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i'm listening to you, what did you want to say, you scared me, oh my god, and you know, we have to carry out a number of activities, yeah, i understand what i have to do, you have to carry out an identification of your wife. a hasn't she been identified yet? identified, but you are the closest relative, it is very important that you are the one to carry out the identification, well, okay, okay, so i ask you, don't apply yourself anymore, because the identification procedure is very important, and if you, yeah, let's go, let's go, here... a kept woman,
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hasn't worked a day, lives on her husband's money, on saturday, it turns out i'm a mistress, and on our bed? either you leave, or we with the children, okay? remember, without me, you are an empty space, zero, you thought about the children, i will find a job, carefully, from the ruins of an old life you can build a new one, anything at all in business, you know, sometimes it's better than the old ones, help, my very first contract worked out for me. let's be informal with you office, maria kulikova, what the hell are you doing here, mom can be on rtr on saturday, vodka pechora, a product
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of stellar group, immerse yourself in the world of luxury comfort! vixas golf villas and sudes sharma. a magnificent world-class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy contemporary design rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits sharmaьshey. gin cnop product. steller group kalinon belek - a place where time stands still. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover
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true perfection, making dreams come true. kalinan belek hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale. bourbon starsman - a product of steller group. allow yourself a first-class holiday slesorts. elegant details. a holiday of exquisite tastes. a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reорds, we are here for you! veda vodka, a product of stellar group. this land is called paradise. you will cry with
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happiness when you see it. if dreams of a paradise crumbled to dust, dad died. if someone really hurt you. who is it, mom? young sebastian, don't look at it like that, life is not a movie. you need it. a sip of love, everyone calls me goviota, very nice, goviota, coffee with the aroma of love is already on the website in the application , watch. one of the most beautiful and talented actresses of the sixties, svetlana danilchenko, filming in the cult series eternal call, a role in the film by akira kurosawa, which received an oscar, and then years of oblivion, now the memory of her can be consigned to oblivion. our investigation, the secrets of famous graves continues, and also lonely.
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very many, very many and mushrooms, they say that the winter will be very cold, very cold, traces of potassium cyanide, well, yes, and they discovered it completely by accident, they took a smear from the table in the place where he, well, was wiped, well, to determine what they wiped it with, suddenly, here you go, they ran the spectrogram through the computer and he, what does he say, well, in short, someone spilled the potion on the table, yeah, and if someone spilled it, it means they poured it somewhere, or they were going to pour it from somewhere, wait, you want to say that the innkeeper? they tried to poison her, well, or maybe she suspected something, well, or accidentally spilled a glass on the table, they had to strangle her, well, yes, though they first put her in bed, put her on underwear, what nonsense, and the gentlemen know, of course, i called him first, started swearing, shouting that there were no signs of poisoning, really, i promised to do it
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an additional toxicogram natsionit, but it 's done quickly, so here, here, wait, are you sure of it yourself, well, what about me, the computer is sure, here... you don't need apples, do you? well, and i'm just going there now, because if my version is correct, then traces of cionide should be on the carpet under the table, and then in the end they wiped it off with something, you keep me informed, yeah, yeah, laziness, laziness, don't be capricious, well, laziness, well, why did you bring him to me drunk, do you think this is a sobering-up station or something? well, what was he like, and privalok, well, do you really think that he's so drunk that he wouldn't recognize his own wife? so, in short,
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you'll be responsible for the result, and i'll make a note in the report, and you 'll make a note about a slight degree of intoxication that doesn't interfere with the identification act, okay, come on in, are you ready, are you ready, right? opana, i'll go vvotechkin, come on, we need to take a look, i say, yes please, so she tells me, we can take a look, well, maybe some water.
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he'll fire you, the bastard, take this, you know, it seems to me that it was in front of my eyes, and now he's the first to me not without his help, she passed into another world, you noticed too, yes, well, he reacted to her as a victim, and not as his own wife, listen, were you sure he was in spain? exactly, well , unless of course he crossed the border back and forth illegally, come on, write, it wasn't for nothing that we made him identify himself today, oh-oh, come on, come on, go for a cool start, it wasn't for nothing, all of you weren't for nothing, at the bear's, i'd have a dozen of those cakes, and you come in more often.
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some departments started to appear, a marketing department, but why do you need this department 100 years of excellent availability, well, that is, with samkarev you did not have such a good relationship, we do not like each other , the reason sasha married him, i generally tried.
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"i, to be honest, did not know shinkareva well, only gossip, i can not even imagine with whom she could be friends, and relatives, well, she herself came from komsomolsk to study, her mother and father died, and relatives remained." there, we can ask your husband, although, judging by what you and i heard, i would not trust this source, that's exactly it, well i don't know, i am with her i didn't cross paths with her that often, what are you saying, at parties where you run around endlessly, what good would that do, yeah,
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what does that have to do with it, well, it seems like she was friends with galaktionova for a while, with whom, with galaktionova, do you remember her? the one who was involved in fitness centers, yeah, she also invited us to some new one that opened on krestovsky island, promised discounts for new clients, you're looking for, yeah, yeah, come on, nikonurov, not that one, i found it, yeah, well done, i can give you a discount of 25% maximum out of old memory. and that's all included, including massage, tempting, maria, with a live lugansk, is that a problem for you? yes, it's not about money, it's just far from home, you're not going to build here, come on, everything there is covered with flies, and it's expensive, and if it's far, why did you come, i want to talk to you
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, oshenkatkareva, to me, but what 's there to talk to me, it was a long time ago, well and... well, special food for bodybuilders, cocktails of all kinds, that is, it turns out, you often talked to her, and please, thank you, well, at one time yes, and then when she got married, to her, except shinkarev was no longer needed by anyone, yeah, they stopped being friends, or something, but
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there was never much friendship, well, and lately all the conversations were limited to her lover's business, yeah, it seems to me that she generally... considered him a beloved pet, a little dog, a kitten, you don't treat him very respectfully, he didn't deserve it, maybe he also took him seriously at first, even wanted to organize some kind of joint business, we talked for 2 days, deleted the phone number from the address book, listen, what's this story, where is her lawyer needed, and the kitten, as if a funny jar had burst, was offended, pouted at his mother, even wanted to get a divorce. and at the same time grab half of the squeezed property, well, it's just funny, the husband was also amused , and the kitten, in fact, grabbed everything, oh, how nice, for once you feel like a husband who has returned from work, and the wife has cooked
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dinner, so don't talk about it, what is posheneva, poshinkareva, listen, all my friends will soon talk to me only in ... please, there is a certain entrepreneur, saransky, yes, who managed to withdraw 5 million dollars of sirex assets through offshore companies, can you imagine, and at the same time the company is in the process of bankruptcy, yeah, well, he gave someone currency control. let them go. and why are you telling me this? and i 'm telling you this because a debt must be repaid. you have to pay for everything. i just know perfectly well that you have friends in the department for combating economic crimes. well, you don't have to do anything there, you just have to raise the documents and look. yeah. okay, saransky, what's his name? saransky, sasha.
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yeah. uh, lyosha. lyosha. okay, i get it. let's talk about shinkarev. shinkarev has gone crazy. he went completely nuts after closing. and what did he do? he spoke publicly, insulted his own wife, why so disgustingly, called his mistress, showed her off to everyone, and what about his wife? well, his wife tried to resist somehow, she didn't give him a divorce, yeah, but i don't know, i know that he wanted to grab half of the property after the divorce, he wanted to, but who would have given it to him? no, she's a smart woman, she protected herself, he would n't have gotten anything in that case, even if should have stayed, thank you, and he knew about it, about what, well, about this situation, and m, i don’t know, well , they explained it to him, and i still went to spain with my mistress, well, and... you know, she hired some other person, a specialist who settles family conflicts, and what kind
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of specialist, well, i don’t know, i don’t have family conflicts, everything is fine, naturally, yeah, well, i only know that he was recommended to her, well, this specialist, korolchuk, yeah, well, he’s a lawyer, yeah, i don’t know, okay, you eat, eat, yeah, thank you, delicious, very delicious, especially reddit’s. "you you're kidding, thank you, quiet, great, hi, listen, well if you're so sure he's guilty, well let's drag him here, well i don't know, we'll somehow get him, they say he's still a fighter, maybe he'll float, we'll get him, first of all, after that shvetsov himself will get him"? and secondly, before you can blink, his lawyer will be right there in front of you, and they'll come to
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you, i assure you, arm in arm, a four, a nine, well let's say that's not a fact, no, well he's certainly not a fighter, probably an idiot, but not a complete failure, not a complete failure, because you and i are here together smart people, one, okay, let it be. "i have my sights set on one lady here, in connection with this, there is, our family, our family
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want from me, i want to talk to you in an informal setting.
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we met with him, then we started dating, then he rented an apartment for us, well, he invited me to his work, deputy, that is, you suddenly went from being a simple teller to being the deputy director of the bank, now you are definitely making fun of me, yes, i will not talk to you about anything, i was right when i told you that i should not talk to you without a lawyer, please take him , i will put him there now.
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yes, well, what is there to hide? yes, i was with a friend. and your wife was in the know. i don’t understand what this has to do with the case at all. listen, this has nothing to do with the case at all. this is sergei’s personal life, he is not obliged to tell you about it. what were your relationship with my wife before leaving? normal. i mean, i suggested a divorce. and for the last week we've been... separately, and that's normal, no, that's not normal, well, we've had a really bad relationship for the last six months, so i wanted to divorce her, yeah, well, i mean,
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before leaving they weren't getting any worse, that is, they were always bad, she betrayed me, you know, because of her i lost my business, you were mad at her for not helping when your bank's license was revoked, no, and... she was the one the reason my bank 's license was revoked is her fault, and you wanted to divorce her and formalize your relationship with evstafieva, right? and so it turns out like this: went abroad with my grandma, had a rest and went straight to the registry office, is that how you think? and in your opinion, and in my opinion, it's just a passing option. do you want to ask something? no? oh well, yeah, okay, thank you very much, if we have any questions, we 'll contact you, at any time, great, we can go, just a second, we'll need to sign the protocol, oh, leave yours please
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coordinates, you don't have a pen, you're a lawyer, dictate +7, 816, yeah, 713, yeah. 69 78 is your phone, mine, did i get it right, 8 816 816, yeah, okay, thank you, i wrote it down, that bitch, she got into our business relationship, come on over. well, i feel like i'm under suspicion. listen, you have nothing to worry about. your alebis are made of concrete. in principle, you can refuse to testify at all. what, do you want them to? there's an article in the constitution, i don't remember the number, but it doesn't matter.


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