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tv   Vozvrashchenie  RUSSIA1  August 20, 2024 12:20am-1:25am MSK

12:20 am
you got it all wrong, and how was i supposed to understand it all, differently, differently, yes, well this is ira, she is a sister, sister, sister, listen, well this is not serious, what other sister, what sister, my cousin, and why then i don’t hear for the first time, and why are you hiding her here, who , no one hides anyone, who hides, well look, i just didn’t tell you about...
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really, let’s go, i’ll just change my blouse now, yes, take my blouse there, take it there, i say, my sister, such and such, then, you will read this chapter with expression, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, until you read it, you won't move from the spot, come on, here we are, meet, ira, well, thank god, my aunt-niece recognized me, i'm also very happy, and how many years, how many winters, irochka, hi, what's your name? sigor, great, and my name is ira, i'm your cousin's aunt, so you never said that you had a brother or sister, i don't, and my husband had both a brother and a sister, by the way, how's mom,
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good, good, she, well, of course, is sick, but we cope, so, oleg's aunt on his father's side, it seems like she died 2 years ago, she died, she died, of course, my husband's brother also died, everyone died, my brother's wife is alive, thank god, what's the matter, nothing, i'm just asking. "listen, i'm sorry i didn't bring you a present, we were just in a hurry, but we'll definitely buy you something, whatever you choose, okay, that's even better, otherwise they buy me all sorts of nonsense, as if i were little, someone big, how old are you, you're already 8 years old."
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oleg, why did you hide her? again 25, i didn't hide her, she hid herself, from whom, from whom, from whom, from her husband, she ran away, now she's hiding so that he doesn't find her, what what kind of husband is this, from whom? you need to hide, well, that's the kind of husband, right? you can, you can, oh, what pajamas,
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vika gave you these, yes, in my opinion, cute, yes, more than, well, the woman has no taste, well, what can you do about it, no, no , she is, of course, kind, loves. and cooks beautifully, but there is no zest in her, no allure, no breed, or something, and they have been living with oleg for a long time, 7 years old, and yegor is eight, the thing is that yegor is adopted, but i 'm telling you this only because you ... "
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you won't tell anyone about this, because it's true, of course, and she doesn't have any children of her own, vika has problems with this, well , you understand?" and the most important thing is that she hides it from me, now she's undergoing another examination, but she doesn't know that the test results are already on my desk, after all, i'm in charge of the medical department, well, why are we always talking about her and her, how did you end up here, did you come, why did you just up and come, pyotr, did you break up, what do you mean broke up, did you get divorced? yes, i will never believe that pyotr just took and let me go, i don't believe it, why just, he threw me out into the street like a dog, without
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pennies, without everything she came with, she left with, who would have thought, but he loved so much, he loved so much. there is no point in me taking you, elizaveta andreyevna, no, no, just a voluntary divorce - it's hard to imagine, what you're telling us is absolutely in his spirit, i believe you, forgive me, girl, i'm tactless, i sympathize with you, yes, you've suffered enough. ira, food delivery, ira, ira,
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did you fall asleep there or something? something wrong? well! no, everything is fine, it's just that you've been looking at me all day like i'm a ghost, forgive me, really, i'm looking, it's just oleg told me everything yesterday, and i sympathize with you very much, that everything about your husband, about
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your husband, that he, well, that he torments you and is a bandit? that is, that you ran away and he is looking for you now, well yes, that it is true that he is a bandit, no, of course, but for me he is a real monster, of course, but don't worry, you won't see him, i'll leave in literally a couple of days, forgive me. yes, yes, i, as soon as the results are ready, by five, well, i'll probably have time, yes, i'll have time, my doctor will still be there, well, you can at least
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say over the phone, everything is fine there, or okay, thank you, i'll be there, are you sick, no, i'm checking, it's just that everything will be fine. thank you, and can you sit with yegor for an hour, i'll quickly go to the hospital there and back. yes, of course, no problem, i'll take a look. thank you. just don't tell oleg anything, this is between you and me. it's none of my business. great. that's it, thank you. off i go. i love you. and i love you. okay, we're sitting. wait, hurry up, come here. let's run, the premiere, so reliable, not petrushka, he called someone again, well, don't be silent, please, my name is mikhail dolskaya, i know, we've talked before, you
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i didn't spend the night at home, there's something i don't know, can i finally confess, i love him, you know, i love him, and i can't do anything about it, you know, i love him. the bonds of marriage or the webs of love, what will be stronger, i just ask for madness, what does it mean without emotions, you won't give up on me, i won't give up on you. i won't drink, choose, rain at the end of summer, soon on rtr.
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who are we, where are we going, what kind of country are we, a russian person remains a russian person, of course, there is something inside, such a chill, anything can happen, i will do it anyway what i'm doing, now there's a fight for our...
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and where is that enthusiast? there he stands, well, what do you want from him? what are you doing lazing around? no-no-no, i'm the opposite, mastering the technique. yes, that's it, i almost got it, so this is the first mode, oh, this is the second, well, and accordingly the third, well, now vasilich will succeed,
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yes, to the enthusiasts, pardon me, this, i 'll show you such a pardon now, i 'll show you such a pardon, well, get out of here, he's fired, i 'll tell you so much now, i'll tell you so much, vasily, what's going on, yes, this freak, the recruit, all the concrete poured out, and there was just a little bit that spilled out, what the hell. hello oleg nikolaevich,
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i finally saw you, for the first time today, hello grigoryevna, i'm glad to see you too, you probably brought reports , come in. it seems to me, or are you running away from me, it seems, oleg, you decided to leave me, no, you don't call me, don't ask how i'm doing, if you think i'm lying? listen, i'm tired of sorting things out at home, honestly. "you're also starting, really, since you dyed your hair, you started thinking and talking like my wife, yes, and what would
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what would your wife do if she got pregnant, tell me, otherwise i don’t know what to do now, have you been to the doctor, no, i haven’t, but i ’m sure, and i’ll go to another doctor, not to your mother, to someone who doesn’t know us, it’s clear that…” okay, kamil, i don’t want to quarrel, it’s just that this conversation is not very good now, by the way, there are many other problems, let’s do it this way, you’ll go now, right? to rest, and you, and i ’ll also work, go home to rest, and tomorrow we, rested, well-slept, will calmly discuss everything, agree, okay, and if you want, i
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i'll change my color, do whatever you want. you don't love me anymore, well that's it, i'm sorry, i love you, until tomorrow, until tomorrow.
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wow, how they drink it, here's your payback, get out of here, while we're here, you enthusiast, it was nice. let's work guys, so come on, you know how to do it, i think
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it's possible, come on no-no, you can't play the role in such a state, the keys, no, the code of administrative offenses says that drunk driving is punishable by a fine of 30,000 and a license suspension for 2 years, and if this is not the first time, then the fine is another 3,000.
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take me, come on, sit down, where to go, so you, then, are a lawyer, yeah, what did you want to set up, well, you're a lawyer now. like singers and dancers, a lot of them, in general, you can't get a good job without patronage, running around as someone's assistant for 3 kopecks is better than setting up, well, you're still a builder, well, yeah, it didn't work out that well, you drive
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well, very old-fashionedly. you'll come to me as a driver , i mean, i mean, as a personal driver for you, yes , i'll go right when to start, well, what have you already started? ye guys, yeah. yegor!
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yegor! i'm here! dancing, slingshots! well where have you disappeared to? i got scared! don't run away too far! hello, hello, and this is your relative, well, you'll have time to meet everyone, give me the keys, definitely, i'll be waiting tomorrow. i'll be here at 8 a.m., don't be late, i'll be there at 15 to, thank you,
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yegor is still playing, speakazhe. and what do we have with meat today? ira cooked dinner today, and where have you been, you rubber, yes, i'm still quite the housewife, no, no, what are you saying, i'm not rubber at all, i like it, at least it's edible. yes, yes, yes, it's delicious, somehow i pleased everyone, even elizaveta andreyevna, but i have never managed to do it yet. where are you going?
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you're offended. listen, you're our guest, i can't just say in front of everyone that you're bad. polišt, don't try, oleg, to seem better than you really are, you can't do it.
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i need to leave as soon as possible, i... please get me a passport, do you think it's that easy to do, when you needed it, you did a great job, remember how you ran from the cardiologists, don't remember, what do you think, and why did we both end up in the same city, i didn't care where to go, why didn't here? "here it was possible to start everything from scratch, i wanted it too, but here you are,
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well, have you already thought about where you'll go, what's the difference? in general, i have one thought about the passport, i think it will work out, great, thank you, you know, it's still unpleasant to think that we will not see each other again, no matter what, i still knew that even if it was far away. but you are somewhere, now, and now you have
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a great family. everything will be fine, it's not worth it, vika will see, and you are still my brother, not real, oh, vika, you are all hiding in the corners, whispering, gossiping, like na... you can't cook, if i'm bothering you, i can leave, no, no, no, what are you saying, what are you saying, you , it's just that ira and i haven't seen each other for so long, it's been five years, eight years since we've seen each other, can you imagine, and ira is just in a moment like this, she needs to talk it out, and well then, when ira has talked it out, come to me, i 'm waiting for you, oh, i think she... didn't notice,
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go after her, what's wrong with you, ira, don't you dare offend her, oleg. nikitos, what are you doing here? hi, i was just passing by, i thought, let me take a look, maybe for old times' sake, you'll look for a room, i'll be right now i'll call oleg, that's why i came here, why? daina, the investigation, what other investigation, like this, no, well, seriously
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, of course i should have called him into the office, but... i thought so peacefully, do you hear me, business sausage, well, stop, please explain to me what happened, nikita, nikita, can you hear me, please, oleg, oleg, why did they come to you? good evening, come on, captain gardiyev, the main detective, and how did my humble person interest the criminal investigation department, i would like to talk to you, evil eye naglas, if possible, well, i ask you to come into the office.
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so you think that it was me who attacked roman reznik, well, you had a motive, right, roman reznik sued you? suspicion that you unfairly won the tender for the construction of the sanatorium, well, you, i could have lured him to the embankment to attack, nonsense, i have albi, i was at home at night, you can ask my wife, well, after all, she is my wife, and secondly, such a wealthy, respectable person, could have hired any other person for this matter, right, you me...
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do you suspect or is this speculation? no, i don't suspect you of anything, i'm just asking him questions . okay, i answer, i didn't hire anyone to beat roman resnik half to death. and what are you doing here? nikita is there, a groom, or something? i'm not leaving, he came to a colleague as an investigator. a colleague, why? can you not shout? if you have any more questions, ask, don't be shy, helping law enforcement agencies is an honorable duty of every law-abiding citizen. thank you, tell me, was roman reznik for you competitor? not only him, six companies participated in the tender, and what if the ceo gets sick, i will also be to blame. and outside of work, in everyday life, did you
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communicate with him? no, that is, you don’t know anything about him, well, why should you know competitors, habits, preferences, weaknesses, yeah. tell me, did roman reznik have a mistress? no, it’s impossible. strange. i have information that he was seen on the embankment, with a girl, thin build, blonde. as far as i know, he loves his wife very much. that’s good. thank you. total good. by the way, i recommend not leaving the city, okay, goodbye, goodbye,
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nikita, wait, you understand that this is all nonsense? what nonsense? well, that's it, it's not true, i can go right now to this prosecutor's office of yours on a lie detector, prove that he is not guilty, oh-oh-oh, bad girl, eavesdropped, of course she eavesdropped, you yourself understand perfectly well that he did not attack this roman, and why suddenly, they are competitors, they are even suing, yes, because you don't know him, he would never do such a thing, oh, an angel, probably, yes, she married a saint, as for me it seems that the swindler didn't just file a lawsuit against him for nothing, because somewhere your oleg is with a swindler... no, you're just taking revenge, yes, you're taking revenge because i love him and not you. vik, let 's come to an agreement, and i never mix work with personal life, for now, you're lying, now, you're lying.
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he left, everything is fine, he came to me, he thinks that i organized an attempt on my competitor's life the night before last on the embankment, he asked about some blonde who was with roman, a blonde, well, are you the only blonde in town or what? oleg, please get me the documents? yes, yes, yes, of course.
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do you want to change your hair color, you have a very beautiful hair color, maybe you will change your mind? no, we are changing the image radically, well , look. the client's desire is the law, well, have you chosen? yes, dye my hair the same color as hers, okay, as you say, well, did i tell you? yes, no one wants to be themselves.
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yes, yes, good afternoon, lizaveta andreyevna, did you call? yes. "come in, sit down, how are you, how is your husband? well, i'm fine, little by little, roma, still in a coma, it's been three days already, well, well, don't despair, you have to hold on, do you want me to..." i'll ask to be replaced, and you 'll be able to be with roman a little longer. no, no, thank you, i asked my colleagues from the trauma department to keep an eye on him, i don't think he cares now. i see.
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are you judging me? i'm a living person, too? i can't see him like this, is it really that hard to understand ? well, why not? you can understand, you can accept it, please tell me, is it true that you're having a romance? tetorenko, no, you understand, i basically don't care, as long as it doesn't affect my work, but there's a criminal case here, if you have something to say, no, it's all dirty gossip, nothing more, it's not true, well thank god, then that's it, you can go to work, thank you,
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"the subscriber is temporarily unavailable, call back, it's okay, voicemail, i'll get you anyway, hello, hello, tell me, can i make an appointment with lieutenant colonel denisov, right today, well then for..." write for tomorrow and preferably in the morning, yeah, when can he see me, on friday, next friday, no, thank you, no need, ira, and you brought ice cream, oh! auntie, and you who? and why are you here? because, boy,
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i live here. ira, i didn't recognize you at all. yeah, yeah. and that's it, no. yeah. and that's it, a little bit. and that's it, i recognized you completely. cool procedure of cognition, i'm ready to join in. go play. okay, image change, cool, are you following me, no, and then what are you doing? i'm working, stop, i can't, i need to eat something, well, and in general, with each meeting i think more and more that this is fate. are you normal? no, i'm special, i really like
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to talk to beautiful women, how are you, where do you live, what do you do for a living? a driver, and you? enough chatter, let's go, i'm late anyway. oh, yeah, i'm running, not running, i'm flying.
1:00 am
rest is leaving yourself alone, rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely disconnected from. this is rest. we know everything about rest. anex. kalinan beleg - a place where time stands still. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury. forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true perfection, making dreams come true. kalinon belek hotel, where life
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turns into a fairy tale, information confirmed, there are corpses, what wait, wait, corpses or corpses, if corpses, how many, did you identify anyone? i can't look there, a serious crime, you understand, not every seasoned criminal would do this, the symptoms resemble the effect of methyl alcohol on the kidneys and liver, we'll figure out what kind of liquid, we'll find the killer, okay? secrets of the investigation tomorrow on rtr. konilochka, no need, we need to, mom, we need to,
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you've completely drunk away your brains, your mouth. cut, haven't forgotten that you're talking to your father, to your father, but it's better to be an orphan than with such a father, why did she come here, i stopped by to see my mother, to hear some woman's snot, so what did she tell you, if you lay a finger on her again, i 'll file a police report against you, do you understand me, go ahead, write, write, you decided to scare dad, you know that at the police... station no one will even deal with this everyday stuff, and why bother with everyday stuff? i'll write to them about your business, about the factory, about poaching, about how you treat people like slaves here, i won't even think about it,
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you understand, if i shook your soul out, all of it, you understand me, and don't you dare touch your mother, i use slaves. you understand me, i hope, i hate you, i'll put some flowers with you like this, put a toy here, give me a postcard, here, uncle roman will wake up, he'll see right away, hello, oh, hello, doctor, the nurses let us in here, we won't be long, here's dinochka, uncle roman, who saved you, now, you see, he himself needs help, well, tell him thank you, tell him, will he hear us? he'll hear you, he 's done so much for you, how could he not hear, he'll definitely hear. uncle roma, thank you very much, get well soon. well done, you did everything right, and now let's go, let's not bother the doctor aunt,
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you're not bothering me, i'm his wife. how's the wife? oh, my god, what a grief? it's hard for us, i can't even imagine, such a person, if i knew who could raise a hand against him like that, i would strangle him with my own hands, after all, he pulled our little dinochka out of the grave, she had leukos, my husband works for him as a simple worker, roman vsevalodovich, when he found out about our trouble, helped himself, no one told him, and found money, a clinic, a moscow one, then he transferred money there every month, but what am i telling you i'm telling you, you know everything, i didn't know anything about it, how he transferred such sums, he didn't just help our dinochka, he also got the kids back on their feet, our pogodinskys and others, look
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how many flowers and toys they brought, i see, forgive me, a golden, golden man, what's going on, what's going on? i was at roman's again, and there, with life, abzaley. well , i told the nurses, don't let anyone in, the pilgrimage has already begun, that's it, that's it, calm down, wipe away your tears, here you go, whatever, if you want, just tell me, he can do it to get out of this, i mean to survive, quite well, and i do everything for... this, but will he be the same, i don't know, oh, why, he's so young, he's only 37, he was involved in sports, why are you acting like a little girl , it's impossible to pull him out of something, you 're talking about some kind of sport, maybe something, but it can't, and that's what you think, let's see what
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the council says, well, for god's sake, am i against it, or what, do you think i want zveven, well, it wasn't me who drove him into this coma. damn it, egor, what, you can't sit at the computer for so long, it's not a computer, a tablet, well and what difference does it make to you? what they say no more than half an hour, and you've been sitting there for over an hour, let's go play in the yard, i don't want to, and i say let's go, well, let's go. well , let's go, no need, well, let's go, well, let's go, let's go, that's it, i'm coming , i'm coming, let's go, and what are we going to play, a feast,
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really, yeah, here you go, fill up and go to the car wash. it'll be done, oleg nikolaevich, what a black rabble, are you ready? yes, we're loading onto the pirate frigate, okay, so, on board, raise the anchor, yes , raise the anchor. the anchor is up, here you go, we're heading for an uninhabited island, an uninhabited one, of course, that's where we'll hide our treasures,
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look, blackbeard, i see another spanish galleon, and i see captain hook right ahead, nabordash, i surrender, i surrender, but i don't know, sit down, blackbeard, he surrenders, blackbeard, hurry up? black moustache, cute pirate, oh, okay, enough chatter, you'll play yourselves, i will, i will, hurray, so, you'll be captain hook, well, hold on, now i, captain hook, i understand what i need to say.
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you wanted to say, listen, if oleg knew, he would have asked me long ago how, why, and he keeps silent, although his head is already filled with other things, what is it filled with, how is his job, the same construction site, and what is a construction site, the construction site is being built, everything is on schedule, there is no lying there, and how do you know? vik, i work for oleg,
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so who is it? the boss you are covering for, and it turns out you knew and kept silent, and i was turning my soul to you as your best friend, vik, and i'm not even sure, to be honest, that this is really true, who is she, what is her name? who is she? camilla, camilla grigorievna. so, please, just don't tell, oleg, please. vik, don't tell me how you found out.
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vikus, he'll fire me from work. you'll pay the bill, i have to go. vika. yeah, don't be afraid , i won't give you away. let's run, black warriors, sryuk, take care, i once gave you such
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a bang, i'm here now. you have nowhere to run, no, no, no, no, don't kill me, that's it, you're giving in, yes, that's right, i'm giving in, egor, did you wash it, buddy? yes, i did. ira, come here. i'll sit with you. dad, come to us. maybe you'll stop giving orders and sit in your place? i want to sit with the raw one. i now i will always sit with her. and we will play pirates? yes. no, you will not. you have a math test. you need to prepare. the pirates will wait. but we will prepare, then we will play. yes, only the raw one will study. and you don’t need me anymore. come on. this is some kind of kindergarten, honestly, well, since i’m annoying everyone here, i won’t bother you, food is on the table, bon appetit, well, this is already becoming a tradition, mom, egor, go calm mom down, tell her that you love her very much, maybe you shouldn’t shift to the child what you should do, come on, you
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more. you are camilla, hello, i need
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to talk to you. well, what are we going to talk about? and you have no idea? well, i'm not a fortune teller to guess. okay. you have a relationship with my husband oleg, is that true? really? you couldn't help but know, you
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knew that he was married? what? it's not like she's a wall, and besides, he was the first to start courting me, or do you think i dragged him into bed with arkan, but you're wrong, it was just the opposite, you had a bed with him, and that's it, my god, oleg was right, holy cow, that's okay, so what are you what do you want from me? "i want you to leave my husband and my family alone, why should i, i love him, he loves me, at least because we have a child, and i will have a child, from oleg, well of course, from whom else, no, it can't be, really, no, no, this, you're already making this all up, no,
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enough of it, this is so, this can't..." what do i care? enough, please, i'll just leave. wait, wait, i haven't finished speaking yet. no need to finish speaking, i'll just leave, that's enough. i don't want to listen to this? no way. i came, like this, listen. let me go. you epileptic, now i understand why your husband is cheating on you. i won't let him go, do you hear me? hi, mom, how are you? hi, good, and how are you? fine. listen, mom, remember you told me that women come to you,
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how can i say this? and social ones, well , so what? and they have documents, they do, but why do you need them? i don't need them. irina needs a document, someone else's, irina needs someone else's documents, well, she just forgot hers in moscow in peter's house, how can that be, well, how, she didn't prepare to escape in advance, so it happened, i don't understand anything, she told me that she got divorced, and you say she ran away. passport office, not to report the loss, she can't, what's going on, oleg,
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let it be so, why shouldn't she go herself, or are you telling me the truth, or what 's going on, oleg? she killed peter. what? well, at least that's what she says, not on purpose, she defended herself, he attacked her, she shot. lord, you know about this, you bring her here, to your house, are you out of your mind. get the documents, she'll leave.
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vika. what happened? stop pretending sympathy. so. what's wrong with you, were you at the clinic? i was with your mistress. what mistress? i don't have a mistress. who? camilla. we just met. why did you decide to lie, vika, stop, and at least once in your life tell me the truth, thank you,
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vika, vika, vika, wait, yes, we dated camilla, but that was a long time ago, there's nothing left, i broke up with her, "i don't want to see her, it was a mistake, i feel disgusted myself, really, let's not make a fuss, think about yegor, why didn't you think about him when was with her, i'm so sorry, i'm a fool, forgive me, i love you, babischa". i promise that there will never be any camilla in our life again, and it's time for your sister too,
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no, don't worry, she'll leave soon. here, take this, and don't be afraid of this lie down, it's not real, if peter asks, i'll deny it. that i gave you this toy, wow, and where did you get it? don't come near me, otherwise what?
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tomorrow i had to tell irochka about yegor. do you even have any idea what will happen now? i will never forgive either you or oleg for what you did. only now i realized that i was happy. it was with irina, i was your wife and mother for egor for 8 years, i, not her, in any case one of you will become unhappy, there is no other way out, return, continuation, watch tomorrow on rtr, allow yourself a first-class vacation with leoresorts. elegant
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details, a holiday of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio rezards, we are here for you.
1:24 am
good evening, on air news from st. petersburg, in the news studio igor strakhov, briefly about main. plus 15%, smolny signed a tripartite agreement set the minimum wage level. 45 years on guard of the city, today is the anniversary, the beginning of the construction of the st. petersburg dam. thief ukrainian spy for residents of the kursk region of donbass, the russian guard from st. petersburg collected a batch of humanitarian aid. 28,750 rubles. that is how much the minimum wage in st. petersburg will be. compared to last year, it will increase by 15%. the corresponding tripartite. agreement was signed by
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the leningrad federation of trade unions, the government of st. petersburg and the union of industrialists and entrepreneurs of the city. the document comes into force from the new year , that is, the minimum monthly salary that the employer must accrue to employees working full time cannot be lower than the specified amount. this applies to public sector employees and those who work in private structures. as the governor noted, social guarantees are an unwavering priority for the city government. in addition, unemployment is at a record low, with only... on behalf of the president, we continue ensure that the minimum wage exceeds the subsistence minimum, from january 1, 2025, the frost in our city will exceed the subsistence minimum by more than a third, which is 36.4%. russian president vladimirovich putin.


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