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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  August 20, 2024 9:55am-11:00am MSK

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emotions are overflowing, right here on the new wave, the grand opening of the twentieth anniversary international competition of young performers, the long-awaited new wave 2024 on friday on rtr. "here is a kept woman, she hasn't worked a day, she lives on her husband's money, on saturday, i think, a mistress, and on our bed, either you leave, or we with the children, okay, remember, you without me, an empty space, zero, you thought about the children, i'll find a job, be careful. from
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the wreckage of an old life, you can build a new one, at least something in business, you understand sometimes it is better than the previous ones help my very first contract i got it let's be informal with me office maria kulyakova what the hell are you doing here mom maybe on saturday. narter. well, let's get started? yes, if you don't know how to survive the renovation, survive it with us. there is no comfort and order in the apartment, there is no joy and peace in the heart. we really like our apartment, but we like that it is not renovated. so, it's time for big changes. demolishing is not building. breathing new life into old walls. we have this minus turn into a plus. create a soulful atmosphere,
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i want to wish, may your sleeping area always dispose you to rest, we have adapted everything that can be for this, warm with the warmth of the hearth, open, i do not believe , no, it can not be, wow, big changes, everything always goes as it should, big changes, on saturday on sunday on rtr. rom castro is a product of stellar group. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort at rixsas golf villas and seюds. sharm el-sheikh,
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a magnificent world-class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy the contemporary design of the rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits, sharmaьshey. visky mancacher, a product of steller group. it just so happened that time. chose you, and this is the time of heroes, strong in spirit, for us within half an hour worked 18 flights, thank you for being with my husband until the very end, faithful oaths, i said, i am russian, i will not give up, so whether you want it or not, i will fight, i will be until the end, and mom, maybe it's me,
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good morning, talk and show dr. vestyakov. we are starting a program about the most important thing, that is, about our health and today is world laziness day, it turns out.
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by the way, i knew from childhood that such a day should exist, only it should not be one, but let's say once a month, but okay, once a year, then, once a year we cannot pass by this fact, we will talk about this and ... much, much more. stay yourself, you will not regret it, it will be interesting. today in the program about the most important thing: medicines, world-changing, monoclonal antibodies. in what cases are they used for high cholesterol and how effective are they against joint diseases and cancer. they attack a virus, a bacterium, this is. purely, purely targeted thing, what are nasal polyps dangerous for , how effective are ivs against dizziness, questions from a doctor, alexander myasnikov asks, you answer. an injection in the butt, already better, especially it is painful,
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good, tore through, laziness, how is it different from relaxation, in what cases can you be lazy and do nothing, when? really good for the body, i have an extremely negative attitude towards laziness, why? and i myself am very lazy, some white dot, then some shadow, i continue to watch, now in the field of oncology, hematology, cardiology, pulmonology, infectious diseases, a lot of booming new drugs have appeared. you say: here i take this, it is very expensive, and this is expensive, and that is expensive, yes, expensive, what is all this anyway? a new class of medical drugs called monoclonal antibodies has appeared. as you know,
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antibodies are a protein produced by lymphocytes in response to an infection, a virus, or an invasion of anything. they end up attacking the virus, the bacteria, or something else, and destroying it. the idea is, it's like a lot of shooters shooting at a lion, hunters at once, let's say you have 10 people shooting at a lion,
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hitting somewhere and killing it. the idea of ​​monocrown antibodies is that it can kill a lion only if you hit it in the eye, only if you hit it in the ear. mice and they start producing this the purpose of antibodies, then we must humanize them, that is, so that it is already in a person, it drives a person, a person already begins to produce, after a person produces, they take it and begin
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to multiply, this is the only monoclonal antibody, not multiclonal , directed everywhere, directed here is a virus against, say, a certain part. antibodies, it is very difficult, that it is very difficult to select these antigens, to understand, it is very difficult to calculate which of them is so targeted, now artificial is doing this intelligence, it has increased the sensitivity, the targeting of these monoclonal antibodies many times over, because earlier it was sorted out by trial and error, it took time, more than
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a thousand of these drugs are already known, all the drugs that end in map, and retuximap, for example, map is a monoclonal...
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yes, an expensive injection, but it really, i always somehow doubt it, yes, but you send patients, and in russia it was available now, probably, also for now, yes, it is very expensive, but listen, two or three injections relieve for months to people who couldn't even dream of it, you know, it's a really effective treatment, and it's something that will probably continue to develop. in any case, as a new class of medical drugs, it's a certain revolution, i
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don't remember it being like this for a long time, of course, it's a question of cost, because cloning is, you know, you press a button and it goes, it was all smooth sailing on paper, but to develop, to clone, plus i also said, artificial intelligence has increased the sensitivity of these drugs in 160 times, respectively, accelerated production by 160 times. yes, because before everything took a certain amount of time, there was the breeding of these special mice, then they were killed, the spleen was taken out, antibodies were isolated from this spleen, because the spleen is a cluster of lymphocytes, where all this was produced, then they were injected into people and several times, well, that is, this is a very complex technology, by the way, i don’t understand much about it either, because to understand this, you really need to, really a lot...
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either the lack of effect, or the wrong target, do you have any questions, yes, go ahead, good morning, good, alexander leonidovich, you once said that we launch rockets into space, but we still haven’t learned how to effectively treat joints, so maybe this medicine will become that panacea, is it possible, they are developing, making, testing, inflammation occurs, the release of inflammatory cytokines, yeah, which destroy cartilage, joints, and so on, and so monoclonal antibodies are trying to prevent
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this release of inflammatory cytokines, how is it done, let's say with rheumatoid arthritis, it works with rheumatoid arthritis, with osteoarthritis, no, there is a slightly different mechanism, but since it works with rheumatoid arthritis, presumably it should work here too, but for now the placebo experiment and monoclonal antibodies are the same. thank you very much, in fact, you remembered correctly, well, indeed , rockets are already flying to mars, yes, people have landed on the moon, you start looking at how to treat lower back pain or knee pain, no way, the answer is no way, really no way, what no way, there is no such medicine that you gave and okay, you cured, well at least it’s better there, no way, so do gymnastics, lose weight and what, and nothing, get out of here, that’s it. here are the recommendations of the vos for the treatment of osteoarthritis,
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all these 16 points are listed there 16, this is plasma, this is the introduction of stem cells, these are lacto-canal bodies and you you you, everywhere, no , no, no, no, no, no, period, and what yes, we don’t know, there was another question, good morning, aleksandrevich, such a question, my husband has an elevated level of cholesterol, and these do the drugs help? yes, very much and what is better , very much, and because many people do not tolerate statins, someone, for some statins are not effective enough, you need to increase the dose. here one injection per month you have normal cholesterol costs about a thousand euros, made an injection the whole month is free, you do not need to constantly drink and so on, yes, classically there is it is used everywhere, well, it is available everywhere on the globe, a very-very powerful medicine, thank you,
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well, okay, i introduced you to this class earlier, it is clear that it is clear that nothing i see, i see, all this is very complicated, biological technologies are very complicated, but they exist, this is a huge step forward in medicine, so let's hope for the best, everything will be fine with us, then, what are the dangers of nasal polyps , how effective are ivs against dizziness, questions from the doctor, alexander myasnyakov asks, you answer, an injection in the butt this is already the best injection in the butt, especially it is painful. straight, and good, it tore through, straight, i love you, and i love you, it's good that we are sitting, daughter, quickly, ran out, ran out, the premiere is on rte, you are so reliable, not petrush, he called someone again, well don't be silent, please, my name is mikhail dolskaya, i know, we
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talked before, didn't you spend the night at home? there is something i don't know, can i confess, finally, i love him, you know, i love him, and i can't do anything about it, you know, i love him, the bonds of marriage or the web of love, which will be stronger, i just ask without emotions, what do you mean without emotions, you won't refuse me, i won't stand it, choose, rain at the end of summer, from 26... august on rtr. kalinon belek - a place where time stands still. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true perfection, making dreams
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come true. kalinonbek hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale. discover a true pearl on the coast of bodrum, titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures of fiery entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and...
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yes, you're crazy, he's your genius! we urgently need a special doctor. can you feel it here? no. here? no. can't you hear me? i can't feel anything below my belly button. you used to walk on crutches, and now you, a doctor, are helping such a dandy as he? my method works, and i'll prove it to you. forward, let's swim to me. and now answer me honestly, have you ever gotten at least one person back on their feet? no. because it was. not to be on rtr on friday, welcome to our program, just some kind of holiday, friends met here, one hundred percent certainty that friends are not let down, your humble servant, i'm thinking something
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thoughtfully, maybe it's those who lay asphalt, asphalt pavers, time of the column, questions for the doctor, no, questions from the doctor, but we have a column, then either i ask you questions, or you... ask questions, now it's my time to ask you questions based on previous programs, guess correctly, get a prize, incorrectly, now you'll fight with herman, who's ready,
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raise your hands, come on, what's your name, hello, my name is shangena anastasia, i'm 23 years old, i live in moscow, but came from the capital of the republic of buryatia, the city of ulan-ude. profession, what do you do, and a lawyer, of course, well, twist, a lawyer, so, polyps in the nose can degenerate into a cancerous tumor , a good question, plus, here you still can’t get by on blah-blah-blah, you need to write, no, as you said, cancer cells, well, often there is a diagnosis of a polyp in the nose, a polyp in the nose, it can degenerate into cancer, well, firstly, you have ... three questions, and you took up everything, yes, that’s how it is, no, in fact, it is precisely a polyp in the nose that is a manifestation allergic reaction, they grow, they
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are removed, the problem is that operations cannot resolve them, very often, after 2-3 months the enemy again, they never degenerate polyp in the nose, okay, i wonder what the lawyer will say, can the first aid kit be kept in the bathroom if it is closed? no, you told me, firstly, i did not tell, because everyone has what kind of bathroom, there are people whose bathroom is like this room, where the exhaust hood is, where the dressing rooms are and so on and so forth, well, and if of course in an ordinary bathroom, then of course it is not worth it, because
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in general, a drip is a hospital remedy , they don't do it in outpatient practice at all, i can't even name a situation when you need to go to an outpatient practice to do a drip. a drip is for a hospitalized patient in an intensive care unit, and so on and so forth. our dear soviet man, and now russian, loves a drip, a pill is not enough for him, an injection in the butt is already the best injection in the butt, especially painful, that's just good, it tore right through the second. increased, well, and if they put a drip, it means, as a great respect, it's so the doctor came to you, he put you on an iv, a friend of mine came, i said,
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well, go to our head of intensive care, since she knows him well, tell him, and i was somewhere, she asks me what's wrong with me, i say, well, go, he'll tell you, she came, the doctor says, yes, you don't have anything, everything's fine, everything, he says, you can put on an iv, she says, why, well... just as a sign of hospitality, well, what do we have, yes, no, yes and the right one only no, yes no, here no, golden words, why me you, why me you chose, you know why, you're in pants, i was getting ready to lose, i should have come in red...
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well, let's go spin the ball and there, look at me like this, hand, come on, she's a hack, she's a lawyer, she reads there, they'll choose, there's a prize, i had one like that, like this: without looking, boom, prize, she says, but i saw where she was looking, well, what, ride a gyro scooter for 15 seconds, and you can, no, can i have feathers? i also think,
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you'll fall off this gyro scooter, that 'll be a bonus for me for one correct answer, come on, throw a basketball into the hoop, okay, take the ball, throw it. well, wit is ingenuity, and what will you object to, he, as a lawyer, will say, it was not said the distance was to throw the ball into the hoop, i threw it, i threw it, i have questions for you, no way, okay, sit down, yes, do you want to review us, this is a platform , we watch the application or the site smoтри, and we move on. today we have a rather unusual
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topic, about laziness, why we are lazy, is it harmful to be lazy, or maybe on the contrary it is good, but i sat down, and i am too lazy to talk, laziness, he is so soft, he purrs so much, he reminds so much mine, so mine is red and would have beaten everyone here a long time ago, but this is calm, cats are lazy or... not lazy, you understand, no person can relax like a cat, probably no animal, you take him, and he is a wimp, he is like this, well, he often sits like this, and you lift him up, and he goes bang, back, he is so, he is so relaxed, this is not laziness, this is probably some kind of state of accumulation, probably, because an animal will not do anything for no reason, an animal cannot understand, i am lazy or not laziness, you're just like a cat, a hippopotamus, yes,
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before we move on now, what about hangovers? syndrome, here's the inter, and laziness, what provokes it, and the first thing is a hangover syndrome, i just know that i didn't know that there were such snails, they're called something else, yes, this is the big one that sucked, this is her face with a mustache, and here they write why people do physical exercise on the tape, well, write, write, then we'll talk too, healthy lazy habits, you know what, in general i have an extremely negative attitude towards laziness... why? and i myself am very lazy, and i've been with it all my life i've been trying to fight this since that age, physical education, sports are generally too lazy, they say: listen to your body, if i listen to my body, i'll lie with a book, constantly eat white bread with butter and garlic, i won't do anything and everything, my body tells me: well, where are you, what are you, you, think, what are you doing,
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where are you going? 5 at 5 getting up is too early, 6 is too early to jump, what are you, how old are you, jumping , my body says: and if i run somewhere around the corner, it says yes, what are you you remember, in general, i have a very tough conflict with him and i think that lyunica is wrong, you have to break yourself, you know how it is, if you live constantly overcoming yourself, well, you are too lazy to do everything, here you are standing , for example, here is an elevator, why are you waiting? after all , you are ready to wait 20 minutes for the elevator, you are too lazy to go up to the fifth floor, it is hard, and so on, everything is laziness, if you live constantly overcoming your person, then sometimes you can listen to her, sometimes you can sleep through it, sometimes you can do nothing, sometimes you can skip gymnastics, then where is it here, what is more useful,
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reduces the risk of mental illness. improves cognitive abilities, has a positive effect on the immune system, reduces the risk of hypertension, but i don’t know where it comes from, or i don’t understand what laziness is, the art of relaxing is not laziness, but i ’ll tell you from my freediving experience, you will never dive there more than 20 m, without scuba gear , meaning taking in air, if you strive for some point on the bottom, because any of your movements burns oxygen, you simply won’t have enough oxygen to float to the top, and especially since in the sea, the ocean, deeper than 10 m, negative buoyancy, up to 10 m you will float up yourself, below 10 you go to the bottom, that is, there is negative buoyancy, you will have to overcome it, people who can dive, why can't i dive deep, and not because i am some age and so on, but
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firstly, i am physically a little different. "i can't relax, that's where you need to relax, for frida, who is making holes, will tell you, there you just need to relax completely, like this, like a cat, and with slow movements, the main thing..." i will share my method personally, here we close our eyes, in front of our eyes, well, that's it, there is something there, i close them and i look, yeah, there is some white dot, then some shadow, i continue to look, but
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the main thing is to force yourself to look at this dot, then this dot turns into some kind of mountain, from a mountain it suddenly turns into such a white fog, and then suddenly it is in some kind of...
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sitting, crawling, aquala, kaala sleeps there almost 20 hours a day, but it is a lazy creature, it eats this equlip, it by the way it smells like eucalyptus, if you smell it, it's just like that, it's nonsense that they move slowly, these domestic turtles move slowly, and i worked in barbados for a while, then i visited it recently, a lot has changed, there is a whole park where these turtles live, they run like dogs, further, what makes us lazy and what things definitely need to be done despite laziness, take care of the elevator, it preserves your health, hire lazy people, i had to tell irochka about yegor,
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can you even imagine what will happen now, let's watch rtr, i will never forgive you or oleg for what you did, only now i realized that i was happy with irina, i have been a wife and mother for egor for 8 years, i, not her, in any case, one of you will become unhappy, there is no other way out, return, today on rtr, we invite you to the swiss hotel sharm el sheikh, the first swiss hotel in the world, working on the all-inclusive system. give yourself a vacation, where elegance and natural beauty merge into perfect harmony, create memories that will remain forever in the heart. svisotel sharmel sheikh - your ideal place in
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the heart of the city. catch a fish, big or small, well , in general, you chose the right place, have you ever wondered why people consider duki. fats carbohydrates, here my question begins: can tasty be useful? i try, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases, can useful be pleasant,
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fantastic, can scientific be understandable, and you make a wish, yes, yes, once again, yes, every person in any region of russia can make your diet not only tasty but also healthy. it lifts your spirits, it's definitely the formula for food on sunday on rtr, hello, sergey selin, the documents have been prepared, yuri kuznetsov, alexander polovtsev, vanya, we have a psychic, everything is exactly as in my visions, perhaps a crime, and... and the case has not yet been solved, pokonya, call
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him to me urgently, it is very difficult, we are already watching on the website in the application, the program about the most important thing continues, we are discussing when the lazybones is good for health, the cat hippopotamus, it's amazing, he is not tied, not glued, they put him down, he lies, well i'm a cat person, i've been a cat person since childhood, a cat won't do what it doesn't want, it's completely out of the question, well it's simply out of the question, what kind of character does he have, they put him down, well he apparently doesn't give a damn about you or any of you, well they are kings, well they are kings, well somehow, you understand, yes, what, but, but, somewhere i read how it was said there, hire lazy people, because a lazy person, he finds a lot of ways
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to be left alone, he is very, they are very inventive, lazy people, very inventive, because they don't want to do, that is, i didn't come here and i don't know, but i understand logically, yes, that since they hung it up, then it is an invention of lazy people, a meter, diapers, a bucket, a pedal, then according to this logic, a tv remote control, well , yes, you turn to it, you don't go somewhere, although in fact, we say, let's say, an elevator, i don't know if a lazy person invented the elevator, but an elevator, you know, take care of the elevator, it preserves your health, it was once written, all this is true, yes, the elevator takes away your health, elevator, wrong inventions, and in general everything, everything that exposes life to us, shortens it for us, all these devices, this vacuum cleaner that walks, crawls by itself, elevator, and so on and so forth, full. you have to wash by hand, you have to walk up the stairs,
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if you are on the twentieth floor, go up to at least the fifth, call the elevator from there, well, and so on and so forth, because, here we are now returning here, there is no time, no one has time, no one has time, and even if there is time, it is just laziness, here is time yes, but laziness, and if you are from everyday life, well, you can't, you need to go upstairs in some other way, you will go on foot, you need to wash the floors, you will wash the floors, but it is not necessary to crawl there on all fours, although it is better, i personally just take a stick, a stick with this one with a rag, but on all fours it is better, on all fours it is better, right away like in a plank, you stand with one hand, rub with the other, it is a completely different matter, that is why when you make your life easier there with a tv remote control, well now you don't turn on the tv without remote controls, but still you have to get up once again to go somewhere, it’s good, before for me it was absolutely... impossible to ask someone to bring coffee somewhere, i always went everything
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myself, myself, but i got used to it, everyone was chasing me, i was the youngest, bring it there, and somehow i was very active, now of course, when there is someone to ask, to drive, then they run, but this is also wrong, this is laziness, look, i don’t consider it necessary for myself, well, you know, no, i don’t even want to ask who it was, because if a person doesn’t consider it necessary for himself, well, what should i do with him, i will i won't count, or persuade him.
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one does at least something, just walks , walks, counts steps, and then people are divided into those who are intensively engaged, who are average, who are at least somehow, even at least somehow it's all the same. so don't consider it necessary for yourself, it's a way to shorten life, boring does not bring pleasure, well, change , not the pose, but you change me, okay, sometimes you have to be lazy, but basically you still have to
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overcome yourself, as i say, change poses, everything will be fine with us. and now our viewers in the studio will ask their questions to doctorukov. good morning, alexander leonidovich. i have a question: for the past 8 years i have been fainting, they happen so suddenly that it is impossible to even prepare, that is, it can happen anywhere, the last time it was in the subway and it didn't end very well with fractures. doctors can't find out why this happens, that is, they did a cat, brain, heart, everything is fine, which doctor should i contact, and if it is some kind of vascular spasm, how can this be avoided, tell me, did you say suddenly is it without precursors or with precursors without, in general , the devil, that is, i was riding the subway, well , like, just suddenly, it turned off
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, turned off, yes, that is, i don’t have time, it’s literally a minute since they checked my heart, and before that too ? what could this threaten? it’s important to look for this here and not just do a holter once, do a tech to say that everything is normal with you. well, it ’s clear, you didn’t have it at that time, and if i were you, i would probably have this as a basis for doing an electrophysiological study, cardiac catalysis, looking this is serious, that is, you need to contact a serious arrhythmologist, and not just on
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the fly and the second, that these are convulsions, epilepsy, it occurs, it can occur without convulsions at all, it’s just that a person does this like this... turns on, sometimes fainting is confused with convulsions, sometimes fainting occurs with convulsions, they say it’s epilepsy, and sometimes epilepsy occurs video recording, that is , these are two conditions, but here you need to do an electroencephalogram, but i’m more concerned about the heart, if you go like this, turn off like this, this is not good, yeah, thank you great, good morning, good, alexander leonidovich, tell me, please, are there any effective methods? and prevention of varicose veins, that is, i know that my mother has varicose veins, i assume that this problem should affect me, i would like to avoid it, and how is the first stage of varicose veins designated, thank you, well, you will see varicose veins with your eyes, yes, you see either vascular stars, or veins, or swelling of the legs,
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that is, this is on normal such legs, but how do they, no, not that in any way, with medications no way, no medications, prevention is just...
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giving your legs a rest, drainage and accordingly walking, walking, walking, thank you, you know that, here's even just a simple example, if you walk for a long time without a backpack, without a gun on a hunt, but just walking for a long time, do your legs swell, no, your arms, your arms swell so much that you squeeze them when they get punctured. this is just an illustration that with your legs, the same situation. yes, good morning, doctor,
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my name is ekaterina, i have such a question: for a long time now, i have a very low ferritin, with lithen intake of iron preparation, and there is gastritis too, and well, as for more than a year, three to ten everything rises, if there are some other ways to raise it, will they be effective, and what do you understand? preparations, iron, vitamins, yeah, by mouth, yeah, well, that means either you are taking an insufficient dose, or you are not taking it in the form in which it is absorbed, by the way, i remind everyone of iron, iron preparations should be washed down with orange juice, this is undesirable, but necessary, this sharply increases absorption, in your case, hilitin very low, you are already ready to try to raise it, then you need to switch to injections, better intravenous injection, there is a drug that can be injected once, but in general, like this, yeah,
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now what you are doing, it will not work anymore, you need to, you need to inject, yeah, thank you very much, this was the ask the doctor section, and i wish everyone health and good luck, next in the program, who is at risk of heart attack and stroke?
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fill out the form on the website: send, fill out the forms, we are waiting with impatience. the information is confirmed, there are corpses here. what? wait, wait, corpses or corpses? if corpses, then how many? did you identify anyone? i can't look there, serious crime. you understand, not every hardened criminal would do this. the symptoms resemble the effect of methyl alcohol on the kidneys and liver. we'll figure out what kind of liquid it is and find the killer. got it? secret investigations. today on rtr. good morning. hello. for many years now, cardiovascular pathology has been the leading cause of death worldwide. in the russian federation , a special federal program has been launched a long time ago to combat cardiovascular diseases. and here,
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of course, in assessing the risk of developing cardiovascular. vascular pathology , knowing your cholesterol level plays a big role, and we want to talk about how elevated cholesterol levels affect the development of the risk of cardiovascular pathology, as well as what other factors, unfortunately, can also affect the development of heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular diseases, no one likes to go to the doctor, it's time, it's money, so now in my opinion ... telemedicine is becoming increasingly popular, as well as numerous checklists that doctors actively use, and patients. today we will talk about what you need to pay attention to in your life and at what combination of risk factors it is worth taking some measures. and in order for our conversation to be more specific, i would like to invite our expert to the studio. andrey nikolaevich zolotarev, doctor of biological
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sciences, sports nutritionist, nutrigeneticist. good morning, andrey nikolaevich, good morning, good morning! we will now approach the stand, at the stand we will open risk factors for cardiovascular pathology. i have a request huge, all of you have pens and questionnaires, please mark which risk factors, in your opinion, apply to you. our tv viewers can also make their own checklist while in front of their screens. high cholesterol. in our body , essentially two cholesterols are distinguished. low-density and high- density, they are conventionally called bad and good cholesterol, so that atherosclerotic plaques do not form, so that the risk of atherosclerosis does not appear, which actually leads to strokes, heart attacks and other cardiovascular pathologies, it is important that they are in a certain harmony. bad cholesterol should be at least three times lower in concentration than good. the next risk factor is hypertension, my friends, from
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the increase in pressure the inner surface is often damaged. the walls of the vessel, it is in these places of damage that cholesterol is often deposited. the world health organization has changed its recommendations. now hypertension is considered any blood pressure above 130 to 80. these figures are the upper threshold, normal value. this is almost a critical condition, already smoking, smoking affects our body by narrowing the lumen of the vessels, and this, naturally, is an additional burden on the entire cardiovascular system, nicotine makes our vessels rigid, that is , the mechanism of this elasticity of the vessels, which allows us to adapt to changes in atmospheric pressure, to stress and to many, many other factors, works much worse. the next thing is obesity, my friends, you can even assess your risks at home: for men - this is more than 102 cm waist circumference, and women more than 88 cm waist circumference. if you already have more
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than these indicators, you automatically ... fall into the risk group, diabetes mellitus, and diabetes mellitus is a vascular disease, because first of all it has a negative effect on the microvascular bed, therefore , again, it increases the peripheral. threshold values, there are 5.6, 5.7, up to 6.5 already blood glucose, the so-called prediabetes up to is a very alarming bell, already requires significantly limiting the amount of sugar in the diet, male gender, this is your diocese, that men a priori, according to statistics more. menopause are at risk of developing heart attacks
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years are more at risk, women in the period and strokes, therefore, when we really have several factors recorded at once, we need to pay attention to this, what number of factors is critical, even if you have marked three in your questionnaire, then this is already worth it. then i have a question for our viewers in the hall: please raise your hands, who has five or more factors marked tick. hello, what is your name? tamara. please tell me: high cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes , age 60 plus. please tell me, are you being monitored by a doctor, do you monitor all the indicators, yes, you have been prescribed therapy, yes, well done. hello, young man, you also raised your hand. yes, hello, doctor, i also have high cholesterol, hypertension, smoking, obesity, male gender, age 45, that is, all
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the factors are present, that is, it really is more than five. what is your name? sergey, i think these indicators, well, already age-related, my wife is more concerned about my health, i am considered an absolutely healthy person by you, here is my spouse. what is your name? hello, my name is olga, in fact , i think that my husband underestimates his risk factors, especially since he has relatives in his family who have had strokes, and i think that he belongs to the risk group. you are absolutely right, the fact is that in general, changes in cholesterol in the body almost always go unnoticed, symptoms appear only when some kind of danger is already acquired for...
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development of cardiovascular pathology, this is really so. let's see what other preventive measures exist. the first thing that is necessary is to exclude food products that are fortified with saturated fats, provided in large quantities, so to speak, these are fatty meats, fatty dairy products, naturally any fast food, especially deep-fried, and, oddly enough, chocolate. in principle, sweet products, products rich in high sugar content, they are in any case.
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of course, there are synthetic agents, and the most striking at the moment are , of course, statins. the fact is that statin does have quite a large number of side effects, including headaches and muscle pain, gastrointestinal upset, loss of strength, and , of course, allergies. but, sergey, we can recommend some herbal remedies for you that still allow you to control the level of lipids in the blood serum, which include dioscorea extract. dioscorea extract today moment - this is one of the most... studied plant components, which is excellent at reducing bad cholesterol. it does this in several stages: it removes low-density cholesterol through the intestines, thanks to the secretion of bile. this plant
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contains a substance called sapanins, which absorb cholesterol, preventing its active absorption in the small intestine. this promotes less deposition of cholesterol in the vessel wall and, naturally, reduces the inflammatory process. in what? of course, if we are talking about diascorea extract, it is better to choose it in capsule form, and this is firstly, convenient, secondly, it is a really high-quality extract. highly purified, and most importantly, it is always the same dosage. of course, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer of such products, it is desirable that it is a well-known russian manufacturer who has long-term experience working with natural extracts and works according to the international quality standard. about work according to the international quality standard the gmp sign on the packaging of each product indicates. herbal remedies, taking on a long-term basis. quite quickly and
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effectively already corrects, but in order to get a good effect, you really need to take it for a long time, one and a half to 2 months, for this reason it is better to pay attention to the manufacturer, who have extensive practice and good experience working with natural products, well and this, of course, will have a key impact on the price of this product, and accordingly you will more profitable. olga, sergey, i hope that we helped you with advice to all of our viewers , including, because your health is above all else. andrey nikolaevich, thank you very much for being with us. my friends, even if you have an increased risk of developing cardiovascular pathology, and especially if there is a hereditary factor in the family, do not despair, it is always important to follow preventive measures, believe me, the sooner you begin to follow them, the longer, happier and healthier your life will be. and we wish you have a nice day. have a great mood, be
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healthy, you had a program about the most important thing, return in previous episodes, irina, married to a respectable businessman, i hate you, you know how these words turn me on, she has been humiliated for many years, but one day she can't stand it, don't come near me. irina decides to hide in her ex-lover's house, it has changed, it has become even more beautiful, i killed a man, oh no, it's ira, she, sister, sister, how old are you, already 8 years old, well, and here another blow awaits her, egor is your son, you said that the baby died, and they took him away, and now he calls a stranger his mother, return. ira, called to find out when
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my funeral is, continuation, watch today on rtr. hello, on the channel. host in the studio evgeny rashkov and the main topics for this hour: two armored personnel carriers 82 of our valiant, they are from a thirty-millimeter cannon, they just pierced them diagonally. our marines destroyed a column of equipment of the armed forces of ukraine, in the border area, several armored personnel carriers for trophies. in kursk they accept everyone who was evacuated, i have sugar.


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