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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  August 20, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm MSK

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how many are collected in the country, the president was shown both apples and sugar-free apple pastila. putin said that these candies are much better for children than chewing gum. thank you for watching, bye. about people who became heroes, about events that will go down in history, our author's program with olga armyakova and nikolai, hello, time has chosen them, our heroes, defenders of our fatherland, whose experience and knowledge are so necessary for our future, people who heroically showed themselves on the front lines, will make key decisions, boldly taking themselves... this is the time of heroes,
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the presidential personnel program, a shot! they commanded special forces, artillery crews, brought their units into battle on the front lines, participants in a special military operation and the personnel program, the time of heroes. of course, everyone is a hero here. orders of courage, hero stars, from private to major general, they have been awarded for victories that have already. true heroes and patriots in life are sometimes quite modest , reserved, they do not boast about their successes, do not pronounce loud slogans of words, but in turning points in history, it is these people who come to the forefront, take responsibility. the new elite of russia, veterans of the special operation, who showed themselves worthy at the front, and whose knowledge and skills are now so...
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standards that our best projects, the highest this program will be built on the same school of public administration, which is called the school of governors, as well as the competition leaders of russia, their graduates reach high positions in many areas, even become ministers, heads of regions, with advanced in the classroom, time of heroes, the president's personnel program, applications from all over the country, test assignments. took place even in dugouts, and now they master new knowledge, public administration, economics, there are no usual lectures and seminars here, but there is a habit, never retreat, even if you need to conquer the north pole, the impression is amazing, never in my life thought that i would end up in such a place at the north pole, on such a large ship, would like to connect their future life with: the armed forces or see
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yourself somewhere in civilian life? it will definitely be public service, i took the oath after all. we make strong people even stronger, we serve those who serve russia, the motto of the personnel program is time of heroes, after training, the road is open for them to government bodies, state-owned companies, after all, they took responsibility for their comrades, for non-standard decisions that led them to victories. now they are ready to take responsibility. for the future of the country, 83 veterans of the special operation became participants in the first stream of the time of heroes program. coming soon applications for the second round of training will begin to be accepted, and today in our studio we have those who have already completed the training. i do not consider myself a hero, i believe that i did not perform any feat as such, i did my job and nothing more. hermann shevchuk, call sign snake
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, on september 20, 1922 , was left alone to cover the guys, his only weapons were a sniper rifle and a machine gun. he held out for 40 minutes, and then he was covered by a polish mortar. at 26, hermann really proved that he is a real man. i know perfectly well that it was better for him to die than to go back or leave his friends in danger. in the course of his activities, he received the most... probably, the most precious medal to me, the medal for bravery, among the entire award system, this award, it is awarded directly in battle, my great-grandfather had a medal for bravery, and i am proud of it, our family is from military dynasties, he probably had an example before his eyes all his life, i went through the same thing, participated, or rather, in the counter-terrorist operation, was awarded. in that battle, herman received a severe concussion and completely lost his hearing.
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he cannot return to the front, but continues to serve his homeland in the rear. now he is preparing for the program "time of heroes". at the front, i had a certain peculiarity, i noticed that... wherever i went, i was accompanied by a ladybug, this is a kind of symbol that the almighty is with me, that there is nothing to be afraid of in this life, and what difference does it make who is against you, if god is with you. in our studio, we have a participant in a special military operation with a vertinent snake, german shevchuk. hello, german, hello, hello, let me shake your hand, and there is no ladybug there. no, they didn't bring everything with them, well , unfortunately, what kind of unusual symbol do you have, there really was such a certain feature in the form of a ladybug, which accompanied me throughout my entire combat path, and you know how, i thought, i didn't attach any importance
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to it, well, the ladybug completely by chance, day after day, wherever i was, constantly accompanied me. well, it will go on the sleeve, surprisingly in general, considering, guardian angel, maybe i thought so, later i already accepted such a conclusion that it is so. tell us about your combat path, how did you end up in the svo zone? my career began in 2018, i passed it in novocherkassk, rostov region, and after completing my service i signed a contract and went to the republic. tajikistan, the city of dushanbe, where from the first days i served as a sniper, from the twenty-first year i was appointed to the position of commander of a sniper group. well, you go to the front in the special operation zone also went as a sniper as
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a group commander. what were the difficulties then , remember your particular battle, in which it was difficult? we, from the first days, already directly began to work. to hold back the enemy, what kind of story is this and no one was left nearby, this was the krasno-liman direction, it was very decisive such a direction, which we should not have given up, which would then have cleared the way, yes, that's right, we just had this settlement novosyolovka,
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the essence is to hold this settlement, so as not to to develop further offensive of the armed forces of ukraine, it turned out that... delivery of personnel, equipment, food, and you we stood, there was an order to stand and hold back this sector, well you understood that it could be extremely with each time, with each hour, that is , risky, that it was a matter of life and death, and as it turned out, that you sent your group to the rear, remaining. alone, of course, we understood, we, as professionals, understood perfectly well what kind of mission this was, but it turned out that really already there was nothing to conduct combat operations with, and no one to do it with, in fact, everyone was tired, the ammunition was gone or, of course, the ammunition was running low, because that day we
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held back the enemy for exactly 24 hours, we made a decision to retreat in order to gain a foothold in order to avoid big... i, as a commander, made a decision, i think that in my place any real commander would have done exactly the same, because the personnel, the personnel that i led, the guys were all married, some had children, and well , at that time i was single, in fact, i there was nothing to lose, i was probably the youngest in the group, yes, at that time i was 26 years old, 26 years old. and i was confident in my oath to the end, a medal for bravery, this is history, yes, this is history, i was awarded this award, for me it is a kind of symbol, because my great-grandfather was awarded it during the storming
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of the reich chancellery in berlin, my great-grandfather was awarded it, he stormed the reichstack, yes, that's right, well for me this is our connection between generations, yes, that's why for me it is... rehabilitation, despite the fact that it was twenty-second year, it was twenty -four, well, i was seriously wounded, i had a serious concussion, and unfortunately, my military career came to an end, but another career began, just with the time of heroes, tell us about it, such an ellipsis happened, the time of heroes, completely by chance i learned about this program, about this project, it was an appeal...
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why an artist after the end of my service i resigned in 2009, i came to the capital of our homeland, moscow, to conquer it, i accidentally ended up on the set where they were filming in extras, also a participant in the program "time of heroes", yes, tell us how you met... with german, i now work as a deputy, head of the branch of the state fund "defenders of the fatherland" in
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kabrennaya balkaria, german alekseevich, he was just leaving the social coordinators, and we met in the corridor, that is, german was recovering, help was needed, yes, the fund, yes, well, plus we have common events on military patriotism, so the fund "defenders of the fatherland" attracts us for education, patriotic education of youth. eldar, you are a tanker. yes, what are your memories of that period when you worked on the front lines and carried out combat missions, what kind of missions did you have? for me, tanks are new, since i graduated from the st. petersburg military institute of the internal military district of the russian air force and had nothing to do with tanks. well, after i was mobilized, i came to the military unit, the unit commander says, what did you graduate from, i say, i am a career military man, well then you will be a tank company commander, i understand, it’s fine, everything is very clear, i say, well... with a tank, i say, i don’t have anything to do with it nothing to do with it, let's go to any other position, no, that's it, we completed
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the tasks, my relatives let us in, well, i heard on the radio, i was just driving home, i heard on the radio - the news, that they announced a partial mobilization, it was september twenty-second year, i immediately accepted it for myself, if a summons comes to me, i will definitely go, i will not make excuses, they told my wife, right? and she, she supported me completely, that's what an officer's wife means, yes, real family support is most important, probably, let's look at the material about your large family, i happy father, i have a wonderful, big family, my wife's name is fatima, my eldest daughter's name is laura, my second daughter is alya, she is 5 years old. 3 months and of course we are all waiting
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for the long-awaited son, well, he will appear at the beginning of september, no matter, you go and pick raspberries, and i will cook us lunch, yeah, white one, come here, look, look, here is the red one, take it. well, did you pick it, show me , come on, come on daddy, treat me to a little, maybe i should take a leak? come on, daddy, that's enough, oh. of course, did you pick it yourself? yes, how delicious. i was waiting dad, so that he would come home sooner. yes, i had one such moment when i came home, and no one at home knew, for them it was a shock. i am proud of my dad, because he is the best superhero. my dad is good, smart, strong.
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when he came and said that he has a big. desire and he wants to go there, i did not interfere, we understood that he had already made a decision for himself and we did not dissuade him from his decision, yes, of course, it was scary for him, he was there at the svo, i was already in the seventh month pregnancy, i started renovating the house, it was very difficult, well, i got used to it, but what can you do when you already have a lot of children, you have no time, you just have no time, don't get tired , nothing, video calls were very rare, here he said, i'll come out to you today, the connection warned by text message, so the children waited until the last minute, until midnight, they even fell asleep on chairs, but they waited for their father's call, i knew that - in the end he would still return home alive and well, as in principle this happened, mm, how delicious, oh, you can immediately tell who's hungry, that's how it is every
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weekend, we want to, yes, but you and grandma will stay, okay, very touching footage, you are a happy father, four girls, the fifth will finally be a son, yes, there should be a deputy to the commander, after all, how were you released to the front, in the sense that you are a father of many children, in fact, there should not have been any summons for you, and i did not receive a summons, i came to the military registration and enlistment office myself, wrote a statement that i am a father of many children, at that time...
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to protect the homeland, at that time i already had experience in conducting counter-terrorist operations in the caucasus, so they considered it their i considered it my duty, yes, i considered it my duty that i had to go, since i already have experience, and i knew where i was going, well, this is very worthy, of course, how do you plan to apply the knowledge you gained at the front in civilian life, which can be useful, german alekseevich and i constantly go to schools. respected people should, well, yes , a culture of speech and we pass on our experience, well , we tell children everything that we saw there, we are already engaged in military-patriotic education of youth, in the future , can this help in management activities? well, i just finished the time of heroes, i have advanced training in modern public administration, i have already received a certificate, well
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, i continue, that is, i have already completed the training course, are there any specific proposals. yes, yes, they are very interesting, well, i can’t talk about it yet, until you share, okay, german alekseevich, and what proposals and plans do you have in general, at the moment i am a candidate for deputy of the highest legislative body, elections are coming up soon, a single voting day, and i think, that i will make a good contribution to the development of our region.
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also in terms of humanitarian aid, in terms of rehabilitation , to provide comprehensive assistance and support to our veterans, and of course our ordinary people of cabrinobalkariya, too, to talk to them, to tell them, yes, that's right, to dispel those myths and stereotypes about what a special military operation is, why it is necessary, when you see heroes like you, there is no doubt, well, it is important for you to hear. people, yes, because people, those who have been through the crucible of war, special military operations understand the common man, well, probably like no one else. well, now let's watch a video about how to get into the time of heroes program, which has already helped you so much. the time of heroes project was launched on the direct order of our president, and its
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goal is to prepare highly qualified managers, executives for subsequent work in state municipal authorities, as well as state corporations. participants in the program passed all their exams already on the battlefield, while, of course, many of them lack knowledge.
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does the program even exist? well, here is german eldar, how important is it that such a program really is, this is a high indicator that the state cares about veterans, special military operations, provides an opportunity for further development, further development of veterans, makes a very significant, significant contribution, how valuable is it to feel useful and your knowledge? skills experience, we hold events, a lot of events of various formats, that's when our children yes, look at us,
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rely on us, you see that it's not all in vain, yes, it's so important when you are a truly useful society, when you have something to tell, when you really have experience, when you have such historical events behind you that allow you to hear people, completely... differently than before, today, more than ever, it 's important, so we are not slowing down, we are in double, or even triple size, with pleasure and duty we continue to fulfill our duties, with honor, everything is correct, well, of course, it was very nice when they announced the program is the time of heroes, because military service is military service, and the fact that we will receive new knowledge, already studying there, it will help us... learn new modern management technologies, and being here with your comrades in arms there , do you communicate now, do you keep in touch? well , of course, someone continues to serve, someone,
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like me, already retired, every day, every day, especially, such a special emphasis on those who are now on the front lines. herman, we have a video about one of your comrades in arms, let's watch it. let's. the idea to become military, but since childhood, in general i was born, as i understand, blind, studied in a special school, there were certain deviations, when the time came to go to the army, i left the children's clinic, i come to the adults , i say, i want special forces, the doctor looks at me there, what kind of special forces do you have, you are disabled, he took the documents from there, burned all my, that's all that was, i destroyed everything, i learned the table, the last line, there is usually the last one, here is the enka ... ib, msh, ib, i still know it, i go to the military registration and enlistment office, to the military registration and enlistment office, and where do you have the cards? i say, everything is lost, how healthy, yes, healthy, i passed the medical examination, everything
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as i wanted, everything turned out that way, that's when i returned from military service, i ended up in the ministry of internal affairs, in the nineteenth year i already signed a contract with the 201st military base, but when the mobilization began, together with my unit i had already killed directly to the front, an order was received in our direction fortified area, well, on the approaches, as follows... they began to meet us, i drank, i got hit right in the head, i thought, that's it, well, for me everything ceased to exist, except that i promised to return, but it is strong, the very first place, probably in the life of a fighter, is his family, his rear, here is his wife, children. for me it was very important, even well at that moment, when i found myself on the edge of life, i had to, i had to rescue the boys, that there
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were still wounded there. well, in my head there were no thoughts, except that i had to return home, i promised my wife, that's how i kept my promise, it is such a strong feeling, that is, well, we are like one whole, well, really like swans, probably, now in our life is a new stage, my husband is not serving, but helping comrades who... are now standing for our homeland, who are there, it is not that it is a duty, it seems to me that everyone should do this, there is excitement, of course, it is there, he goes there to the front lines, meets directly with the guys, again explosions, landings and so on, i understand this perfectly, but to say, no, dear, enough, i also can’t, well, here it is avdiivka, well, that’s it, a fighter by the call sign mother, what will you say, i will say,
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people are working, and i have an ear, so you can say, we are in we were in the same boat, but you know, we served different periods of time, i was the first, the first to come in, timur, it turns out, well, i was wounded, they replaced us, now timur, continued your work, we haven't seen each other for a long time, oh, since '22, it turns out, no, since '23, since '23 i
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was undergoing a rehabilitation course, timur visited me, checked in, we keep in touch, of course, i hope everything is fine with him, well, today such an opportunity arose, to meet in person, timur came to our studio, german, meet us, next in the program long-awaited meeting of colleagues, what will comrades in arms say to each other in the studio, that you are a good girl, normal, everything, thank you.
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be careful! from the fragments of the old life you can build a new one. at least something in business, you know? sometimes it is better than the old one. help! my very first contract, i succeeded. let's be informal with you office. maria kulyakova. what the hell are you doing here? mom can. on saturday nrtr!
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hotel titanic deluxe golf beleg, where every moment is exceptional. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in spasalone and enjoy the exquisite dishes of the best restaurants. here, each room is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday, it seems that we will soon have a baby, i will be the happiest person in the world, an obedient wife must help her husband in everything, our entire bureau lives thanks to lenin's ideas, raising children, i love my son so much. respect
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my mother-in-law, yes, this is the first time i have met a mother-in-law who is completely satisfied with her bride, but sometimes the system fails. mri showed that as a result of the mother's injury, the child's brain was badly damaged, masha killed her, no, wait, let me go, let me go, we are facing a huge penalty, on a project that promised a solid profit, neither you nor i will be able to finish it, what have i done, i promised lena that everything would be fine with her, she believed me, an obedient wife, on saturday on rtr scanon of the sixtieth anniversary in our studio, the favorite of millions of viewers, alexey nilov. scandals in the media, alcohol, high-profile divorces, as well as children who were laughingly dubbed abandoned,
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loud headlines began to appear. captain larin became a hermit. we sang and did not hide it. the path to faith, old british ancestors and four generations of actors in one family. the secret life of alexei nilov.
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unexpectedly, such a meeting of military friends, comrades, that you want to tell each other, i did not expect. they said who he was going to, he is also for him to see you is a surprise, i did not expect honestly, timur, how is your surprise, without words, i am really without words, i did not even have a clue, i am still in some kind of shock that well,
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we have not seen each other for more than a year, yes , we have not seen each other with timur for more than a year, so this is really a gift, this is a gift, this is in in fact, this is my brother in arms, this is my combat mentor, a worthy... person, i was going to come this year, well , somehow, it never worked out, then humanitarian aid, something else, i was so worried, i said, brother, i will get to you anyway, and here is good, ours are here, all ours are here, all ours, timur, you, you were also discharged due to health reasons, what is the reason, what kind of injury did you have and what kind of battle was it that we... yes, i was wounded by a polish mortar, as i understand it, and my right eye was pierced, a fragment went into head, pierced the bulletproof vest, fragments went under
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the heart, well, well, the arm, it turns out, the direction was krasnolimansk, it was the summer of june of the twenty-third year, to be more precise , june 19, 2023, i remembered this day, my second birthday, the task was received, we need to advance, literally in two groups, to take a fortified area, which was on a hill, but there was a big difficulty in the fact that one forest plantation went to it, we called it a string, and we are on a postcard, that is, it is not simple, these are bushes, we were like on palms, we had bumblebees, bumblebee, of course, a terrible weapon, a rocket infantry flamethrower, we are not...
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retreat, retreat, retreat, retreat, frenchman 300, come on, take away, take away, frenchman, pull out, here is a frenchman, a shaman, take them out, there will be a reception, we have almost reached the heel, let's go together, let's go together, together, i'll throw it off, that's it , let's go, let's go, a and a hotter, guys, i
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can't 300, this is my friend's camera and it turns out, eh echo his call sign, here we are directly with him - we acted, he is a sniper, and i am a flamethrower, this is what happened, what we we moved out with the first group on the approaches to the fortified area, we... were met, we were seen, well, the area is open, of course, they started to work on us, people started flying there from the ages, what about the fighters who were with you, there were wounded too, there were wounded, there were dead, i managed to retreat with my squad, not to withdraw, to retreat, it would be more correct to say, i walked behind, not in front, that is, we retreated to a safe place, i...
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here it is, the brotherhood in arms, you served together in the four of you, yes, this, this, you understand, this brothers, these are the people who are ready to give their lives, their lives for you, although everyone has a family, everyone has, everyone has a rear for which they need to fight, yes, to which everyone promised to return, but this brotherhood, when you see, like about himself, timur spoke modestly about himself, so quietly, but about friends? here
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it would be right to note that not only to notice, but you need to pay careful attention to this, there the circumstances developed in such a way that everyone could listen to their inner self-preservation, yes instincts, animals, this is what makes you cling, squeeze, hide, timur, the one who was able to step over even... at the moment when he was wounded, the fear of continuing the evacuation, continuing, well , that is, not without making any positions, nikita, your recollection of that day, how difficult it was, you were covering everyone, uh, well, i was covering the already wounded, that is, it turned out - i was one of the last to enter, it turns out that right in front of me the group starts to unwind from the end, well , ours, that is, i just entered, well...
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the tire goes away, trying to shoot down the bird, well, to move away, that is, to take cover, it turns out she throws a straight wok at me, i'm in one direction, the helmet in the other direction, where is the shell? no, it came straight at me, that is, the armor saved me, that is, well, it turns out i'm the third, well, wounded, i went to the boys, they reeled me in, i feel like i've swum a little to get to them already, well , there will be no use from me there, i move to the side to the large caliber
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, i was already covering the boys until the last, there was a nightmare, in the battle everything is like that it collapses inside, everything switches off, that 's what's inside, that's the core, it makes itself known, here's a comrade officer, i'm a real hero, here's an example, a real combat officer, when - i was pulling my guys back, i could, he's just running, we somehow run up, he's running across this field, the wounded are where, the wounded are where, i tell him there, there, now, he's just like that, i'm already under fire, i'm already back, when i'm running, i look, i'm already running there, he has a pierced arm, i see, he's already burned out, and he's up to the last one, he is this officer, here he is, until they pulled everyone out, he did not calm down until they pulled everyone out, here is just about one, if i am
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talking about a whale, it is worth a lot, how you talk about each other, of course, how much this is a military brotherhood. next in the program elena zarubina , call sign mother, will tell how she visited avdiivka for the first time. when we drove into avdiivka, it was a completely different dimension, it is simply impossible to describe in words what you feel inside. the information is confirmed, there are corpses here. what? wait, wait, corpses or corpses? if corpses, then how much? did you identify anyone? i can't look there, it's a serious crime. you understand, right? not every hardened criminal would do that, the symptoms resemble the effect of methyl alcohol on the kidneys and liver, we'll figure out what kind of liquid, we'll find the killer, i understand, the secrets of the drug today on rtr, bright
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hello, dear friends, your favorite program 60 minutes is on air. vladimir vladimirovich, let's talk about all the issues, do not rush. place nuclear weapons. i have already demanded, return me the nuclear weapons, go to readiness number one. "what is he like victories, will destroy the gang in the head with zelensky, yana is a rag, see you, they took everything from me, oleg is an excellent surgeon, he said that you will be able to walk, when someone here knows the answer, when mashenka with her golden hands simply works miracles, masa, is this a joke now , how many people have you put on their feet, i have enough, for one? " "a special patient, he is a genius, yes, a half-wit, he is your genius, a special doctor is urgently needed, here
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you feel, no, here, no, can't you hear me, i do not do anything below the navel i feel like you were walking on crutches, and now you're a doctor helping such a dandy as he is, my method works, and i'll prove it to you, go ahead, swim to me, and now answer me honestly, have you ever gotten at least one person back on their feet? no, what happened will never happen, on friday on rtr. earlier in the program , svo participant timur told how he was wounded in a battle near krasny liman. my right eye was pierced, a fragment went into my head, pierced my bulletproof vest, fragments went. under the heart, well, and my arm , it turns out, a touching meeting in the studio, colleagues do not hide their emotions, they understand this,
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brothers, these are the people who are ready to give their lives, their lives for you, according to the operational situation that is now in that direction, in the northern direction, let's look at the material and discuss, shot, shot, reload, another shot, action on... every day we hit enemy equipment and thus bring victory closer. the tula artillerymen and paratroopers support the attack aircraft. they hit nato equipment even from afar, but they hit the target precisely. in the northern direction. we help our assault groups advance. the enemy is running, we are forcing them to run, they are running under our pressure. seversk is a small city, but it is of great importance, it is of great importance for the subsequent advance of the russian
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group, when our forces drive the enemy out of there, he will have to retreat to the next line, to slavyansk and kramatorsk. the outskirts of lesechansk, and this is, perhaps, the last beaten road that lies on the path of the t-90 tank to its firing line. liberation is vital for the residents of the luhansk republic, lesechansk, severodonetsk, kremennaya, along these peaceful areas, the enemy artillery does not stop striking from its positions, namely near seversk. russian military understands this very well, they are defending the civilian population with all their might. anti-aircraft crews, electronic warfare systems, all attention to the sky are always on the alert. ukrainian militants , although they hold the line of defense, are still gradually. retreating, in this direction the initiative is completely in the hands of the russian military. including thanks to that battle,
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the guys, when they went forward, led a group with them and cleared. krasnolimanskoye direction, so that we could continue to liberate, we have all decent people, all, but this man, not only is he literate in himself, yes, a courageous man, he was a squad commander and he also covered his own. the hardest thing, returning to civilian life after all this, is not to give up, not to go somewhere on a binge, on a spree there, not self-flagellation, he ... pulled himself together and went to the deputies, yes, i know that, this is also a character, this is also a character, and what is he like in service in friendship, how would you describe him, he is a friend, brother, friend, brother, it seems, very valuable words, these are such words, just like that, yes, you can’t just call them like that, you really have to earn it, here you are proud of your brother, he
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becomes a deputy, and you, well, what are you doing now, how are you helping the front? i also collect humanitarian aid from around the world little by little and directly bring it myself to the front line to the front line, yes directly there who does not go , the last time i was in avdiivka, they don’t let you into avdiivka and we saw that you saw in the report, your mother went with you, let's call her, let's call her here, elena, come in.
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mother knows this, it's very hard, i just want to say that we are proud, proud of our homeland, that we have such guys, courageous, there is someone to be proud of, and they were raised by such mothers as you, by whom grief, elena, well, you went to avdiyevka together, and it is a very difficult city, still, yes, you were not afraid, why did you go at all, i love
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my son, i am proud of him, now that he... came after his own, i understand how hard it is for him, because his guys are there now, and i wanted to support timur at that time to go to the guys there, to give them spirit, yes, because when we arrived there, even though they are fighting selflessly, but when they see us, they start to smile, look how cool they are, it’s not by chance that this is your call sign, how correctly it sounds mama, call sign mother, yes, of course, my son came up with it, yes, but the guys liked it, they held on, so we arrived there all my brothers, they came out without emotions, at first, like zombies, because they were all tired, yes, mother, someone immediately on the cheek kissed, everyone had already melted, there were already some arrivals, no one pays attention to it, they were all already communicating there, well, at the same time, it seemed almost fun, yes, but the arrival is a mortal danger, weren't you
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scared there, well, to be honest, before going i didn't know where? but timur set it up, yes, that's right, i see, you were in deception, in full protection, he provided medical assistance with her, he provided medical assistance, and i know that he will go with me, he is a hot guy, and with me he will be himself hold, but it turned out the opposite, i'm a hot guy there, i was worried when the most terrible moment that happened when we...
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defend the interests of the country, i wish you fortitude, and do not forget that we are waiting for our guys, and i also want to wish that everyone... the supreme, the lord god, never left either the soul or the heart, always accompanied on this difficult, thorny path, but very correct, we should all be united by one idea, we should be moved by us on the path that we have chosen, that they are waiting for us at home, they love us, and faith in the almighty - this is... aspects that make you live, i wish for every serviceman who is there, of any category, a participant who is engaged in humanitarian, some kind of volunteer activity, the one who
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is directly involved, i wish that each of them would be expected at home and that he would know that he is expected at home, i want to add that there is someone to live for, we have a younger generation, we have children who will be children of the soldiers who will return. mandatory families, they must be raised, they must be raised, they are waiting for you, they love you, you can't forget about it even in any situation and dig yourself out, at least for their sake. well, i would like to say, more patience to the guys, those who are on the front lines, and no less patience to their loved ones, families, and what depends on us, we will help to do, thank you. as a mother, as a mother, thank you, so that they do not lose heart, do not give up, victory
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will be ours in any case, so that we will all return home, everyone, everyone, so that at home they find themselves and live, become units of society, worthy, this too, this too... that's how it is it turned out that time chose you, and this is the time of heroes, and we are really very proud of you, when you see guys like you, who so sincerely speak about their comrades in arms, who are there now, who so sincerely say words of support to wives, mothers, parents, those fighters who are waiting for their homes, it seems that there is no doubt, victory will be ours, thanks to such strength of spirit that you show. and to such mothers a deep bow to all our mothers thank you, thank you, thank you, guys, thank you very much, this was our program, about our the best people, remember that the most important day
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in life is today, well, and we will see each other already on the next broadcast on the channel russia, right now watch the program vesti. hello on the channel russia vesti in the studio irina roseus and the main topic for this hour: your own storage, yes, your own storage, yes, your own, your seedlings, your trees. vladimir putin arrived on a working trip to kabardino-bulkaria immediately got into apple orchards and producers promise more than 50 tons per hectare.


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