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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  August 21, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm MSK

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vremevsky salient. it was the 60 minutes program. thank you for watching. bye. about events that give birth to heroes. about people whose ordinary life turned into an everyday feat. this is our program with nikolay dolgachev and olga armyakova. hello. one of the hottest sections of the front is the direction from svatovo and kremennaya. and there, brave and courageous women are fighting along with men. our program today is about them. but first, to the front. let's see what the situation is there now. svatovsky section with the first days of the svo, one of the most intense at the front. ours are fast.
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the fighters are covered by the rap complexes, the necessary conditions of modern warfare. rap works as a force field, let's say, a distance of 300-400 m, suppresses all the enemy's birds, that is , the operator loses his bird completely, the bird gasses, mainly of course and mavics, literally 3-5 seconds, it immediately lands. sandstone pine forests are already more characteristic of kharkov than of the steppes of donbass, here they have become a zone of fierce military actions. we work very closely.
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all night time, a lot of birds, 5-10 minutes we show up at the position, at the front, we work in the first team, we immediately refuse, battles on the svatov lines, this is our road and to the kharkov region, to slavyansk, we will definitely return there, in our studio today is a holder of the order of courage, a military medic, a shooter with the call sign hurricane, we are watching the story, here we are with my brother, with mine on tanks, we always went to tanks, even then i already understood that i would serve the motherland. i was a patriot, very strong, i got this from my parents who served, here lived a shepherd dog with my parents, i loved them very much, looked after them, trained them, eventually became a dog handler. i served in the police for 15 years, when a special military operation began, the question immediately arose, how can i help, what can i do to bring victory closer, i thought that doctors, doctors are certainly needed, so i quickly began to study tactical medicine, i realized that it was necessary ... to go
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help already there on the spot, when i went to the military registration and enlistment office to undergo a medical examination, the doctors in the military registration and enlistment office, they just cried, we women it hasn't happened yet, what are you talking about? i'm saying what i'm saying, that's it, come on, check me already, put me on the front line, i understood where i was going, i understood perfectly well that i was getting into a combat unit where anything could happen, it was scary, my fellow soldiers in the bars unit didn't take me seriously at first, the commander gave me the task to do everything so that she would go home. that was such a tough order, it was very difficult, that is, i'm walking from the trench and they 're like, so now we'll give her a hard time today, shooting should be 10 out of 10, something else there, that is, that's exactly how it is, specifically, they tested me, i was shocked and didn't understand at first why everything was like that, then i understood why, because they were apparently testing my character, that's it, but they understood that it was useless, when they saw this stubbornness in me, they no longer had any doubts, and even that... and then, yes,
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they smiled, drank, in the dugouts, they already brought me candy. looking at this photo, i remember how we went through a course of biological training with them, because the chief of intelligence, he always liked to do some kind of tricks like that all the time. by the way, my work on in front of me, here is the call sign circassian, also a good guy, alive, i think that everything in this life is not accidental, here i also really believe in god and i believe that my path, which i... it was needed, there i feel in my place, this is my second family, here is my family, which i gave birth to, this is my daughter, forever there is my family, life is divided into before and after. in our studio is a participant of the svo ekaterina kudryavtseva with the call sign hurricane. katya, hello, i am glad to welcome you to the studio, a large, incredibly beautiful girl, a holder of the order courage, tell us why you received this award, for love of the motherland. i think this is
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the best answer, but we know that you carried soldiers in your arms, you rushed to the front line, moreover, you were the only one. when you found yourself at the front for the first time, what were the rethinkings, first of all, i came to a field camp, that is, i encountered a certain way of life that
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was completely unfamiliar to me before isvo, well, i lived alone in a dugout trench, that's because that's how it's supposed to be, i'm a woman, guys, everyone treated me well, our commander was strict. he tested me to the fullest extent, that is, there are company commanders, but the battalion commander personally tested me, whether i could or could not, morally, that is, lying down, the wounded had to be carried, classes were held every single day from morning until evening, this was before being sent to the front line, yes, a field camp, everyone has one, i received a double load, that is , the men were even surprised, because somehow they had everything like everyone else, and i had a separate plus additional load, could she, no, that is, he prepared me, he said, if you don’t cope... you’ll go home, but i said, i’m russian, i won’t give in, so whether you want it or not, i’ll fight, i’ll fight to the last, well, you can say whatever you want, accordingly, and he decided to check whether it was true or not, so he checked, yes, and i also extended the contract, he was very strict with me, for which i am grateful to him, there is a video about
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how you were there, about what was happening on the front lines, what was happening in the combat position, let’s watch this video now, dear comrades. acceptance into our brother is invited to the oath, katerina, please, yakaterina, i swear, probably with the russian federation, a huge-huge greeting from the front line. i conclude, very strong, come on, come on, come on, faster, faster, faster,
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the grad system worked on the enemies, how many volleys were there, four or five, four or five volleys, in short, how the khokhly on... normal, good morning, victory is ours, and tell me how they received you in barcelona on the front line here is your brother katerina, well, when i got to the front line, i got there at the time of the offensive, the month of october, storming makeyevka, everyone was in shock, everyone was in shock, because they saw me, who are you, you say, who, how did you even get here, i say, i'm katya hurricane, well, that is, not seriously, help, but here they already understood that from the video at first, of course, they were not serious, when the wounded were already going, and it was needed , we saw just one of these episodes, when the evacuation is going on, as i understand it, yes with the wounded, there were many such cases, when
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it was difficult and hard and we had to pull people out on our own, when there was no equipment, what was hard, we are fighting with enemies who are fighting very meanly, that is, there is an evacuation group, there is an orange one. who were mobilized with barsa, so they were carrying out our common tasks with us at that moment, thanks to this brotherhood, this russian spirit, our russian spirit is invincible and it really exists, that is , our soldiers have a russian spirit, i think about your strength, about
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your spirit, but what did they tell him to motivate him, that he would live, that everything would be fine, you would save him, in fact, the wounded behaved very decently, ok, they'll make you prosthetics in the hospital, that's it, but you still have to encourage the men, and
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even, you know, even providing first aid before the doctor, yes, there's so much attitude, spirit, that is, they see a girl, that's it , everything changes for them at once, and they endure pain, i'm talking about spirit, russian spirit, and you know his further fate, do you have any connection at all with those fighters whom you, whom you saved, saved, who, unfortunately, don't, unfortunately, there's no connection, i thought when i returned, and... at the end of the contract, we have social networks for the twentieth century, i thought, you never know, maybe i will find someone, you never know, i tried, but no, you are such an incredibly strong, incredibly brave woman, where did this strength originally come from, what kind of family is this, who are your relatives, i served in the police from the age of 18, even then the police used to be , that is, my parents are also civil servants and my mother worked, the first woman in the convoy, my father too, they instilled this in me, love for the homeland, well and ...
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my and my mother's sister, yes, aunt, yes, yes, yes, yes, they are very strict with me, they they wouldn't let me go anywhere for a walk, they say, when you grow up, when you're 18, that's when you'll be, where would you have time to go for a walk if you were enrolled in all the clubs and sections, but i had one day off, sunday, and i had no strength left, i lost it like you, we slept, rested after workdays, no, my parents were caucasian. they say: if you want to go for a walk, go and walk the dog, train it at the same time, that was, that is, katya and the profession
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were decided in the family, right, and you immediately decided that it would be the police and or canine service, well, to be honest, i wanted to join the army, i always dreamed of serving in the army, we didn’t have a unit nearby, and the department where i served was 15 minutes away, that is, i think, well, probably god himself. me, that i would serve in the police, but i didn’t tell anyone about it, i was embarrassed, when i came to the police, they took us to a training center for 6 months, half a year, that is, you live there for half a year, go to the parade ground, live in barracks, that is, i realized that this was mine, i realized then that my destiny was right here, and i am in i'm moving in the right direction, very strong words, that there are such people who are written... to serve fate, yes, this is such a fate and yours turned out this way, let 's see, we were just talking about your family
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, a short video about your aunt, this is my younger sister, she is 11 years younger than me, katya's mother, i loved her madly, then she got married, so she gave birth to katya and dima, then she got a bad disease, she was gone, and i replaced their parents, but they... they were always with me from childhood, they grew up with me, here are the remains of katya's room from my library, katya loved to read, she read voraciously and i even scolded her , i was afraid that she would ruin her eyesight, she wrote well, she wrote essays, stories, when she went to english courses, she went for several years, that she even began to write poetry in english, she is a very talented girl. was, and now she is defending our homeland, i sometimes
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look at her photographs, i miss her, i would also go, when katya was born, her grandmother ordered a painting for katya, that is why katya is so brave, that she is like little red riding hood, she is not afraid of wolves, this is katya's elephant, one of her suitors gave it to her, i don't remember who, she was, of course, happy. it's crazy that such a baby elephant, this is the place where katya spent her free time, she played sports with the kids, here of course it was not like now. the gates were normal, the grass was mown, but this is exactly the place, she made a date when she was a girl here, she played football with the boys, there was volleyball, they just ran here, well, in general, and had a good time, she grew up responsible, modest , that's it, but active, my katya is a hero
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our time, as they say, i worry. for her, i still worry, it's easier to go with me five times than to send her once, we have ekaterina's aunt, tatyana orlova, in the studio now, hello, well, you are also a fighter, the same as katya uragan, you would also go to the front, yes tatyana, tell us, just when we heard that katya was going to the front, how was it accepted in the family, but she prepared me for this. so with some hints, then she began to say, i will go to rostov, somewhere there in some military unit, she something, but i i realized that she was deceiving me, something was wrong, well, in the end, before she left, she said, nastya will be with
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you, and i went to the front. i didn’t say anything, i said that i would be sitting somewhere deep in the rear, but she spoke to her, but i still understood, they took care of my aunt’s feelings , yes, tell me about your childhood, she was such a fighting girl, no, she was a very modest, quiet girl, until i sent her to karate, she studied karate at school, well, except for mathematics, about the rest she was doing great. her character changed, that's when katya found herself in karate , she took up such an active sport, something changed , of course, she believed in herself, she became so self-confident, no one started to bully her anymore, and they bullied her before, why at all, yes, at school i used to shake her in the locker room
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, they defended katya, yes, yes, and then i got so tired of it, and that's why i sent her there, so that she could herself. like when they were on the front lines, how they contacted, she wrote, you couldn't call, yes, yes, yes, text messages, tatyana, well, how's her heart i was worried when she was there, very much, it's indescribable, it seems, everything. how simple, in general it's very hard, especially when there is no news, and you don't know, she went on a mission, there is no connection, i was constantly on the internet, looking where what was, i know where she was in what area, i was looking all the time , i thought that god forbid, i prayed, which
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warmed your soul, yes, what, what gave you hope that everything would be fine, everything would be... okay, my daughter is waiting at home, well, naturally, there was hope, how could you live without her, of course, how did you hold on, what did nastya say, maybe nastya to you, so that no, i tried not to touch nastya, can i sit next to you yes, and i myself was silent, i was worried inside and cried at night, it was katya, when she got in touch yes... i also needed to cheer her up a little, i needed to hold on, but how they talked to her, when she got in touch, i kept saying that i love her and am waiting. katya, do you feel this support? yes, of course, yes, katya, it seems to me that there is nothing more important, yes, when you feel that at home, at home there is a family, such a strong rear, and nastya is the same, also,
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how they calmed down my aunt, well, you have to be stricter with her, because when... you start to feel sorry for her, she starts to get even more out of hand, that is, i don't feel sorry for her, tatyana raised me, raised me, you see, now she supports everything, and also in a fighting spirit, in a fighting spirit, katya, tell me , how did my colleagues react to this, how did the officers look, the men who saw that the girl had gone to the front, they supported me, my colleagues, yes, they say, we are not even surprised by such a decision that you are quitting, because like... a hurricane, well yes, they came up with a call sign for me, they came up with it in the police, and how do you tell me about this call sign, how did they come up with it, fyodor, my colleague, comes in, we need. for explosives, that means, schools, there is little time, a lot of things to do, we need to be faster, well, i keep everything quick, quick, quick, and he says, well , since it's a hurricane, well, i think, the hit is
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a character, that's exactly the character, a mind-blowing character, katya is a hurricane, like tatyana now, katya has already said that she is also going to a new contract, she is going to go to zone of yours, we are getting ready, now your friend, colleague, alexander will appear in our studio. alexander, come in! we have in our studio the commander of the patrol and guard service department, hello, alexander ksenofontov. alexander, hello. are you proud of ekaterina, what were your feelings then, when you worked together, what did you think, what did you feel when she went to the front? initially, i met her parents, they are very good people, worthy, well, of their positions. and then ekaterina came to us, at first glance it was that, well, an ordinary some girl, well, she came, modest, it was unclear how her service would proceed, that is, on the patrol route,
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well, ekaterina showed herself to be a very spiritual person, she has a worthy fortitude, i was sure that with me on duty there was a person who i could rely on and go to perform any tasks, there were such cases when i had to... from the very first days , yes, in 2008, a hooligan was on the platform in a drunken state and pestered citizens, we came to the call, began to spend time with this a conversation with a person, to which he reacted aggressively, seeing again that there was a girl, after which he was detained by us, katya, do you remember that first detention? yes, i can’t forget it, forget something like that. i always would, yes, i have exactly that day imprinted in my memory, it was scary, but i realized that if i do something wrong now or get scared or something, that is, i will disgrace myself, i will let down my
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comrade in arms, that is, this has become a final point for you in this sense, and this feeling now it persists, well, it persists like this, tell us about the hurricane, everyone says that katya was a modest girl, my aunt says, yes, you are telling alexander, that she came and showed herself very calmly at the very beginning of her service, why? the hurricane, because she is nimble, everywhere, she is everywhere, ekaterina, and what about the love for dogs, where did it come from, we are also trying to understand your inner motives, we understood how you got to the bottom, yes, but where did the dogs come from, well, katya said, there were just two shepherds, yes, in the family, parents, yes, that is, it is not my dog, parents, and the caucasian shepherds were already quite like that, well, 2 years old adult dog, right? and i really wanted to go for a walk with them, feed them, clean them, train them, and that is, i really enjoyed it, and they also
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scolded me all the time, because they did not know what to expect from me in the sense that i was always bringing animals home and hiding them, even then you could call it a hurricane, that is, they were already afraid to even go into my room, remember, yes, that is, they were afraid already , who are you? this time i dragged him, that is , i felt sorry, here i am walking and the main thing, you know, it turned out, it still turns out that animals themselves, they themselves come across me on my life path, for example, even there in the svo zone, in lugansk i took our guys to the hospital, right in the city in lugansk, yes, that is, he tagged along with me dogs, well, he tagged along, then he got into our car, i'm already telling the driver, i'm telling him, well, it's probably fate. they say, well, apparently, yes, so i brought him, and he lived with me in the dugout for almost a year. let's see what kind of dogs there are now , these probars from lugansk. there is
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a phrase, the more i get to know people, the more i like dogs, this phrase is actually about dog loyalty, it is very, very strong. animals never betray people, never. she came to work in the police, 18 years old, a young girl, i was already on... at that time i was working as a dog handler with dogs, that is , naturally, here she came, she immediately wanted to work with dogs too, this girl came, modest, and so i, well, in my line of work, found myself her mentor, we went through a lot with her, and then later we came to the dog service, the call sign hurricane, basically i came up with it for her, then over time we worked together, because she was like... really like, you're my sweet, you can't live without me, i know, and i went to take the three hundred guys to the hospital in lugansk,
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a dog was following me, so... i immediately told him, as a person, that you can't go with me to the combat zone, but he flew into our box ahead of the fighters and to me, well, the driver says, katya, apparently it's fate, lugansk is lugansk, yes, when i took him to the hospital, after all, svatova kremennaya, this is svatova kremennaya, so yes, he's a good guy, he never let me down, he never backed down, he's always with me, and also when the cassette explosion was quite close, yes. from us, he walked, tucked his tail, but left, looks at me, that i 'm not going anywhere, he walks, scary, walks, that is, he didn't run away, he loves me just madly, bars has now joined us, ekaterina's faithful friend, and what does she have written there, by the way chevron, flint like a native, and what else is written, bars 14, honor and courage, bars, what are his tasks for you, you just
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communicate with him, he is for... i didn't even train him, he is already smart, i think that he is a fighter, that's why he has survived a lot, and there is no point in even training him, as far as i know, he even had a concussion and there was an attack and he was concussed, that's why he, that is, he did not expect it, it is clear that the first time such an attack was really close, and he got scared and ran away, and i thought that's it, he probably won't come back anymore, and he came back to me flew into my dugout such eyes. in shock, that's it, but he didn't leave me for a step, that is, he didn't abandon me anywhere and there were flights, he would tuck his tail between his legs and walk towards me with me, looking, there was shooting too, yes, he was so afraid of all this post-concussion, after this flight, that's it, but he still went with me to the training ground, that is , he would press himself against the shooting, sit, all the same, he had to go with me, he is small, small, but he has a fighting character, very, i would even say, that is, i have german shepherds at home, he and a husky, he made friends with everyone,
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but... he showed his character right away, that if anything, woof. next on the program, an unexpected proposal for ekaterina kudryavtseva, who on the front line decided to take a serious step? i love you, marry me. mom, today the team went through all the departments, collecting information about attacks on couriers and online stores, because of this we got into a lot of money, why is there money here, was he killed? fingerprints were found they matched the prints left by these bandits, we need to crush a bank here, well, do you have a lead, tomorrow we are introducing our courier, secret investigations, today on rtr.
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titanic luxury collectionrum hotel tiitanic deluxe golf belek, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the spa salon and enjoy exquisite dishes from the best restaurants. here, every room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation - your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable vacation. this is my service dog. time for big premieres
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on rtr. "sili, sili, they work in pairs, where look, look, what a good girl, one is listening, the other is eavesdropping, i feel that something bad is happening, we can handle it, yes, one is sniffing, the other is watching, quietly, the main thing is that we are not noticed, one is digging, the other is digging, come on, we found a body, they are again..." together they catch criminals, there are many suspects, but you need to choose one, please, no amateur performance, lady with a dog, new trail, i'm going with you, no objections, siri with me, soon on rtr, happy birthday, happy anniversary, thank you, what is this?
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look, see, this is something serious, valery afanasyev, i still apologize for some things, you even admitted that you drank away... an undeserved artist, how could this be, this is a lesson for life, then we were left practically without roles, talented fans, liza minelli, congratulated you on your birthday, it happened, i kept people in suspense for a long time, what is happening in this photo, everyone decided that irina vadimovna and i have a child, knowing your biography, no one would be surprised, look what a wonderful child, this is for you, asked to tell you, please read,
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how did your daughter react to this? well, i don't have a husband, i broke up with him, that's why my daughter, yes, my daughter was happy, naturally, well , she was worried, undoubtedly, she was worried, yes of course she was worried, but she knew, i
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promised her to come back, so she came back, ekaterina, let's look at another material about your relatives about the family, yes, i met katya in 2009, i was discharged from the army and... went to work in the police, oh, she was just magnificent, not just beautiful, but magnificent, all this was on the parade ground, we it was love at first sight, young, beautiful, pretty, well i don't know, it just went, i don't know how it happens, it just went , i can't let go, my friend and i were standing there, i said, damn, that girl , i told you, i really liked her, she just went right up to me, my friend said, her father works in everything, he'll put you in jail for her, it didn't scare me, i was so... i wanted to achieve katya, all the obstacles were nothing, we walked, got to know each other more, in the end we got married, i was 20 years old, and katya was 18, just super, super, in 2011 we had
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a beautiful daughter anastasia, anastasia sergeevna, how does it sound, guess who, oh, this is my daughter, yes, hi, how are you, great, let's go for a walk, let's go, nastya, there 's a lock hanging here, when we got married with... they hung a lock on their mother, look, sergey, katya, and really, maybe it is him, we lived with ekaterina, in a happy marriage for 6 years, raised a child, at some point we had to get divorced, the relationship remained friendly after the divorce, my mom and dad are equally close to me, when i found out that katya was leaving slo, i was so stunned, i don't know, i can't express it, of course, we were worried, the girl is going to war, not everyone. how can you drag a man there now, exes, not exes, he's still like a person going to war, you're proud, say, well, that's it, i'm proud, yes, i'm sincerely proud, i'm proud that nastya, let's go see the tanks, we'll have a walk there, take a stroll, let's go, and nastya,
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do you know that your grandfather was a tank driver, no, no, wow, by the way, he also fought, we have a whole dynasty, grandfather, mother, so don't worry child, the great patriotic war we stood firm now we will stand firm, victory will be ours, let's go and look at the guns, at the artillery, let's go, we have katya's daughter, nastya, and her dad sergey ashpetov in the studio now , hello, hello, we heard here that nastya also wants to become a dog handler, mom seemed to hear this for the first time, well, yes, i want to become a police dog handler, train dogs, this is an example of mom deciding on a profession. well, yes, tell us about when mom decided to go to the front lines, yes, how did you experience it and how did you support her when she was there? well, mom she went there for the love of her homeland, when she
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was there, we were very worried as a family, we wrote her letters, in the letters we wished her luck in battle, uh, we said thank you for the peaceful sky above our heads, we thanked her very much. do you have a letter with you, i have, let's see, a letter that was written to you, if it is possible, at least a small part, yes. "hello, dear soldier, thank you for defending our homeland, it must be hard for you there at war, that is, children write such things, yes, sincerely, soldier, i support you very much, the main thing is that everything works out and you returned to his family and friends with a victory, and there will definitely be a victory, good luck to you, christmas school, and i keep these letters, this is a memory from children, and it inspires strength, it gives energy to every letter from our children, i want to do everything, sergey, tell us about
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the fighting spirit of your ex-wife, when you found out that she was going to the front, there were probably no doubts or worries that they would cope. i found out, a message came to me, i was getting ready to go to the front. for me it was a shock, i was really shocked, well, it was unexpected, here, but knowing katya's character, if katya wanted, then she will do it, here. nothing did, she says, here i say, he thought, what about nastya, when i worked at nastya's, tatyana's, sana was at her aunt's, when it was a day off, that is, nastya and i spent time, walked in the park, rode bicycles, i knew that she would be there in medicine helping people, but i didn't know exactly where, that is, i had already left, here are the text messages, when i looked at the photo from my daughter, when katya wrote to me, medics at the front are always next to the soldiers, yes
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, in fact, they are also soldiers, let's see a report from our correspondents, news correspondents, about doctors at the front, behind, behind, do you hear, bro, he's still lying there alone, alone, passed by, yeah, come on, hand, hand, come on, come on, american. 30 seconds is the time you can live, in which you can save a person, in which you can get out of an artillery barrage, evacuate a person in 30 seconds, take, intercept someone, intercept, what's all there,
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details, yeah, alexey, you have the floor, tell us about this amazing case. hello, the wounded man was brought in from under solidarity after the attack of ukrainian drones. even on the front line, doctors were providing first aid and noticed an unexploded shell in his hand, which looks like a vok, it is a fragmentation grenade with a radius of destruction of several meters. the decision was made quickly, it is necessary to deliver patients to military doctors of the airborne troops. let's watch a fragment of the story. to convey how it was, 15, the ambulance driver admits that in 2
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years of service he has never driven so carefully , it could have detonated on every bump, there are enough of them on the front roads, but it worked out, i was even driving like this adjusting the armor, i thought, god forbid, it would explode, like right behind, he was just a patient lying next to me - from behind, his left arm is just a shell, the wounded man is being taken to the operating room along empty corridors. the rest of the patients, the doctors have evacuated to a safe place. now the patient is being administered anesthesia, the most important stage of the operation is ahead, when the surgeons also become sappers. checking the results of the computer tomography, the surgeon makes an incision and removes from the body not an exploded shell. the sappers identify it as an explosive device of western manufacture, put it in a special armored container. and take it out of the area, where it is destroyed. after the ammunition was removed
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, the traumatologists took over the wounded man. the verdict: he will live, he will walk too, now he has been sent to recover in a rear hospital, and the paratrooper medics will continue to work, saving the lives of patients in any conditions, even if they have to risk their own. and they risk their own every day, amazingly faithful to their duty, strong, real fighters. and sometimes you had to risk your life, when the risk was so high, tell us about it, how was it? i only remember that there was little time and a lot.
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ours from barca, yes, that is, we didn’t sleep even for two days, we just didn’t sleep, we worked, all this on autopilot and all this is fast, all this is well-coordinated, clearly, because life depends on it, and this is important, this is the main task to provide the very first aid, it happened that it was simply impossible to pull out, therefore , in order for the person not to flow out, even ivs on the front lines, and thanks to this the person remained alive, because we went. ekaterina, now a surprise for you, you have already said more than once that you did not look for the people you saved, but they looked for you, one of them, we will see him on the screen now. hello, our hurricane, hello, daughter, i want to express my enormous gratitude to you for
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saving my life at the beginning of my journey, getting me back on my feet, thanks to you, i am alive, healthy, beating the enemy. thank you to everyone who was next to me, helping me, thank you, hurricane, to you, once again, god bless you , health, happiness, long life, although we found out, we found out, yes, this is a stormtrooper, a blind vertebrologist, remember the situation when you provided assistance, yes, tell us about this case, what was it?
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got into an accident, we are looking at rtr, what did you do? where? and what difference does it make where? the main thing is that we are together with you, and what is the plan, choose, either you leave here and expose your son, or you stay with me, return, today on rtr. bright sunlight bothers you, are you afraid of harmful ultraviolet radiation, bright sunlight blinds you while driving, then you need sunglasses that filter out bright sunlight while ensuring vivid colors, perfect contrast and clear
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bollywood stars, is back in our studio after 2 years, what awaits us in the near future? malakhov, today on rtm. earlier in the program, military medic ekaterina kudryavtseva, call sign hurricane, went to serve. as a medic in the svo zone, in the studio she told how she saved soldiers. when we were helping him, i told him: come on, brother, hold on, and he looked at me, that's how it is, he smiled, that is, despite this state of shock, he smiled, i say, everything will be fine, you are alive, this is the most important thing, indescribable, it seems so, everything is easy and simple, in general it is very difficult , tell me, where did you acquire these skills, was it like by intuition or was there some medical authority from whom you studied?
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i started with the internet, i looked where there are courses in tactical medicine, specifically on providing first aid on the front lines, and i came across this tactical medicine of yuri yevich on the internet, so i i rewatched the video there because he was considered the coolest there, a military surgeon, he had a lot of experience there. 2014, one video i still remember, i watch it and am surprised, i'm still at home, yes, that is, i am surprised , so he talks, calmly, with restraint, provides first aid on the front line, at that moment he is practicing cassettes, there is also artillery, then, you know, a tank is working, which is very scary, yes, that is, and he talks, films everything, and he explains, not that he just does it, but he explains how in this situations, for example, when injured, when how to provide assistance.
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this is my combat backpack, thanks to the good people who gave it to me, you see, it was washed, washed and still hasn't washed off the blood, and the diesel fuel is also inside one compartment, here it is, the top one, a means for infusion therapy, syringes and syringe tubes with painkillers, hemostatics - these are drugs that are designed to stop bleeding, here they are, we take one under the leg so that there is a normal grip, the second one under the ribs.
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to provide assistance to the wounded, i have the honor to know there are many tactical medics, but women who work on the battlefield are literally just a few, not only do they save the soldiers themselves, they inspire the men who are nearby, because you have to be a very brave person to show yourself a coward in front of a woman, accordingly, this is the role of women's influence on the men who work next to them on the battlefield, with ekaterina kudryavtseva, who... hurricane call sign, i have never met, but i would really like to see him, i would hug him, of course, it is customary for us hugging participants in all sorts of combat processes when they haven't seen each other for a long time, i would praise them a little, ekaterina is a woman, a woman's view of personal participation in combat operations is different from a man's, so if we analyze now, tomorrow we will fight
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more successfully with less bloodshed and greater results.
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to learn something, you need to have a lot of self-discipline, one of ours told me that when there was a wound, he says, he saw blood, i was so frightened in my head, like in a matrix, everything was unzipped, that's if you at least watched something, you have a good chance that it will be unarchived from fright, and if you haven't watched anything, then none, and i wanted to say that ekaterina is an inspiring example for everyone, that do something, don't sit around, here is a person who had personal responsibility, he prepared himself, by the way, we have the fourth... they sent us a video from the front line, told us about the current situation of the matchmaker
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kremennaya, let's take a look, good afternoon, olya and kolya. we are under kremennaya, our situation here is very difficult, but we are not discouraged, we are moving forward, we are waiting with impatience the return of the hurricane. katya has become a real symbol of victory for us, bars fighters. katyusha, come back to us soon, we are really waiting for you. katya hurricane, you are our guardian angel, we are waiting for you.
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who is there, that is, they threw these boxes there with hallucinations, yes, hallucinations, at first they did not believe their ears, and then, when they saw, they did not believe their eyes, when i was still taking two-week courses, towards the end of the courses before already directly, when to arrive on the tape, i got very sick, 40 temperature, just the next day, here we are all sick, string, katya us, i'll put you on your feet, literally 2 days pass, everything, and you understand that in the ranks a girl and there is no time. some kind of weakness, such inspiration comes to the fighters and me including. ekaterina, now there will be an unexpected moment, which is unexpected, 100% for you, for us, including, of course, because one of the fighters of the unit where you are heading asked through our program to convey to you such a greeting, let's listen, hello, katyusha, i had
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to get up at 6 in the morning to catch the connection and you write stories. blue, marry me, handsome, by the way, unexpectedly, i'm in shock, we didn't expect such a greeting at all unexpectedly, stormtrooper, it seems to me that he is ready to take you by storm, judging by this video, honestly, well, what an answer, i'm generally glad, glad, well , what will you say to your stormtrooper, you need to think, i guess, i thought. at least a few minutes for decency, immediately agree, katya, but you met there, yes, yes, i don't know where, that's just the hero, he
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is in love with you, in love with you, imagine, i'm in shock, this is an interesting intrigue, but the story keeps silent about what's next, that is, now much more awaits you at the front than just your combat unit, love awaits you there too. unexpectedly, ekaterina, we would like to send a small parcel from our program together with you to the bars-14 fighters then we found one candy, now there will be more, katya, well, everything is very simple here, yes, so that there are candies, cookies, so that there is something to drink tea with, and so that the guys are warmed by the warmth of our... thank you very much, well, we hope, katya, that your combat path will work out so that you can meet this
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stormtrooper, even in another direction. thank you, well, and i can't help but ask, sergey, are you ready to wish katya happiness, such an unexpected thing for her, by the way, and for the whole family. of course, i wish you happiness, the most important thing is the stage now. katya, well, we wish you to return not only with a victory, but with the acquisition of personal happiness, thank you very much, thank you for coming, this was our program, about our best people, remember that the most important day in life is today. see you on the next broadcast on the channel russia. right now, watch the program "vesti". hello, dear friends, your favorite program 60 minutes is on the air. vladimir vladimirovich, let's talk about all the issues, don't rush, to deploy nuclear weapons, i already demanded it, give me
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back the nuclear weapons, go to readiness number one, what is he an image of victory, will destroy the gang in the head with zelensky, yany is a rag, see you. hello, on the tv channel russia vesti, in the studio irina rossius and the main topics for this hour. while we have such men, we are definitely completely. vladimir putin has completed his work visit to the north caucasus republics in chechnya, met with volunteers at the russian special forces university in godermesi and fighters who liberated mariupol in
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