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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  August 22, 2024 9:30am-9:56am MSK

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to the front and how our guys are helped to start a new life after rehabilitation, we will find out today at 13:00, this man has one great quality, he is very faithful, if he said it, then you can be sure that it will be so, he says he was wounded, everything was hard, well, yes, it was hard of course, well, i, as a man, was worried in my own way, and she in her own way, thank you, that although ... we tried, unfortunately, even if he had been pulled out, nothing would have changed. we have all the information by this hour, see you.
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they say you need to prepare for rest, rest you have to be able to, you have to relax beautifully, but you have to relax where there is sun and sea, on the first coastline, where everything is included, except for your head. we know everything about relaxation. relax. anexс. monte shoca cognac. a product of steller group. for a first-class vacation slesorts. elegant details. a holiday of exquisite tastes. a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio-rezards, we are here
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for you. old barrel cognac - a product of steller group. here is a kept woman, she has not worked a day, she lives on her husband's money, on saturday, i am a mistress, and on our bed, either you leave, or we with the children, okay, remember! not you without me
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empty space, zero, you thought about the children, i 'll find a job, be careful, from the wreckage of the old life you can build a new one, at least something in business, you know, sometimes it 's better than the old one, help, my very first contract, i succeeded, let's be informal with me office, maria kulyakov. what the hell are you doing here? mom can. on saturday. on rtr. it just so happened that time chose you. and this is the time of heroes. strong in spirit. for us during half an hour worked 18 flights. thank you
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for being with my husband until the very end, faithful oath, i said, i am russian, i will not give up, so whether you want it or not, i will fight, i will until the end, in my opinion, he says, it is me, i say, i say i was wounded, the plague is before our eyes, it is hard, of course, to watch it. living for the sake of victory, they are waiting for us at home, they love us, just love the homeland, we have only one, ours, willpower, what courage you have, this inspires many, the premiere from monday to thursday on rtr, just fly to me, bye, something is wrong, yes, everything seems to be so, but something is wrong, rain at the end of summer, premiere, from
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monday on rtr. "this russian knows what he's doing, wrote western internet users, when the whole world was covered with footage of the battle for mariupol, there was smoke, shooting, tanks, fire, in the middle of all this a figure with a red backpack on his back was moving calmly and confidently, it was a twenty-four-year-old marine with the call sign string." who took command of the special forces groups of the marine corps during the liberation of mariupol, it became unknown thanks to the reports of the war correspondent andrey felatov, and the famous singer yuta dedicated a song to him, which instantly became popular. and again the shock wave, the bloody
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hell on the air, the call sign string, flies over the world, the string hums like the wind with the pit of steel and lead.
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your fate in which we recognized you, i just returned from mariupol, when mariupol was liberated, your fellow regiments, donetsk fighters, came out to the embankment of mariupol, together with the savior not made by hands, once every 3 months either the donetsk militia, or when i i come here with my colleagues, we are changing this banner, updating it, i brought you this banner from the mariupol embankment, do you see? it, it is weathered, hung in the wind, on this azov, here, but it is a shrine, in fact, because it is from this holy city disciple for you, thank you very much, thank you, of course it will cost a lot, exactly as a memory, well, unfortunately,
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i in particular have not been able to get to it now, but i think, together with it i will find the way to the place where it was, and well, probably. i will be able to say words of gratitude to god once again for how he led us all the way. your red backpack has forever become some very eloquent image of this battle, this amazing battle and terrible battle for mariupol, this image is multiplying here... on t-shirts - i will wear it with reverence, as it was born, this red backpack, by which everyone recognized you at first, we - carrying out the task, unfortunately, to our common, lost well, a certain part of the property, to retreat somewhere to the rear, yes,
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to equip again, yes, we just do not had the opportunity, did not have time for this, because well, every minute it cost someone's life. we went forward, probably the guys saw that i was neglecting even some necessity of my safety, yes, not having the opportunity to take additional ammunition, i used only the radio station, well, that is, and additional batteries for it, so that there was a need for constant communication support, well, that's why they considered it necessary. find me this backpack, apparently, for us it has already become a symbol, simply, for us it has become such an object, according to which our the unit was recognizable, because the enemy can directly see that there is a red backpack , they can shoot at it everywhere, they were not afraid, it is not dangerous, from
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a military point of view, from some global-tactical, yes, there are unmasking signs, we can talk about this, and we can say that it is the wrong thing to wear it, but ... we take into account, after all, that these are urban conditions, and we take into account that the distance to the enemy is not so great for us and take into account that ... a sniper saw you with a backpack or without a backpack, here it is not necessary, and it is especially important to figure out what is on you put on, he will not, unfortunately, there was experience and regarding those who were in civilian clothes, yes, that is, the civilian population, who came out in our direction, well, and naturally became some kind of inexplicable target for them, and do you remember the very first ...
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well, in particular, a decision was made by the commander of one of the units to send a combat vehicle for his evacuation and , accordingly, to take them to the rear area already, and this call sign string where is it from? this call sign was for our airborne assault company, well, in view of the circumstances, the commander unit was wounded safely. was already evacuated for rehabilitation, rehabilitated,
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continues to serve, but the call sign, after his injury, as well as the command of the unit , passed to me. and how did the other fighters perceive this your leadership, only at the stage of the first acquaintance, or already during the execution of the task? what an interesting clarification, and was that the difference? well, undoubtedly, combat operations, they ... on the other hand, probably show a person, and i think that everyone who encounters a commander, with his new unit commander, he can do this confirm, because as practice shows again, where the risk to life increases, there the attitude is completely different, if i understand correctly, it was right in your first big battle in mariupol, yes, then you were surrounded, we had the opportunity to advance in... in all directions, and what does this phrase mean: we had the opportunity to advance in all directions? well, this is also an encirclement, only for us
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paratroopers it is not an encirclement, the opportunity to advance in all directions, you were surrounded for 4 days, yes, if i understand correctly, you were in some house all this time, but for you it became like pavlov's house in stalingrad, i heard that you even want to make a film about this house, what happened during these 4 days, sitting in this house, well, or what... for you, i wouldn't call it difficult, it was hard to see the first wounds of your comrades in arms, their losses, but we didn't give up any hope, in any case, we maintained contact with our main units through the senior commander, and were sure that...
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i remembered this phrase of suvorov's, pray god, he is our general, the general who leads
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the soldier, you practically said it in his words, there were situations when there is no doubt that the lord is here, and again i turn to that house, there were in fact such events that i could not explain, when a shell burst, or had to me to... only or got ahead of me for a second before i went out, several such arrivals, i conclude all the same that to some, to something greater. life is given to me, well, before the beginning of the execution tasks, my wife gave me a belt and at the same time a strap, which protected me, so i think, under the guidance of someone's words of relatives, obviously fate
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led me this way, the prayers of loved ones, they also work miracles, mom... she is your young beauty, wife, how they supported you, how they worried about you, did they even know where you were? knew, and, well, you could say, blessed, and we went to carry out the task, mom, probably, was somehow better suited to this, you could say, because she was raised in a military family, my grandfather served, also graduated and received lieutenant's shoulder straps. only the school of communications and then the academy of communications and she knew what a military environment was, she knew what a serviceman's duty was, so she probably had fewer questions. we talked with my wife, honestly, i don't remember what
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i promised or didn't promise, but it turned out the way we have now. how did you get your storage, we can never foresee the outcome of events, the only thing we know, yes, what we have already acquired from experience, is if we hear the whistle of a shell, then this shell is not yours, which means it has already flown by, here, unfortunately, it is not a shell, here, unfortunately, there are certain minefields, vile traps, well and ... during the reconnaissance stage of the area we came across what we came to, and i found my mine, your fellow soldier rokot, this is how he remembers all this, when an injury occurs, in principle you do not understand anything, first the string tore off the leg, i tell him, why are you
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lying down, he looks at me, says: are you stupid, i say, what do you mean, are you stupid, i i say, get up, let's go? he says, i have no leg, i look, he really has no leg, i say, holy shit, okay, i say, wait, i'll run for the apc now, i'll run, i'll load you up quickly so you don't bleed to death, while i'm talking, i'm bandaging your leg, he says, okay, come on, well, i ran about seven meters or so and stepped on my mine, roughly speaking, there were just two paths, one on the left, one on the right, and for some reason i ran along the left one along my arm, and i step on it with my right foot and i just got a spark from... i don't understand why i fell, actually, i'm lying on the ground, looking at my leg and thinking, well, screw it, how is that possible, well, you know , i don't have a leg, at that moment the string tells me that i didn't make it, well, we laughed a little bit, and then we were pulled out, i was pulled out specifically
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by his subordinate, in this whole terrible story, it's amazing, well... the humor with which he tells about it, you really managed to treat it with humor then and there, you said such phrases, well, the phrases were really like that, but somehow it turned out that way, i i don’t know, it’s hard for me to explain, because the first thought, probably, some kind of, i don’t know, acceptance of guilt was before the fact that now it would be necessary... after all, to engage in evacuation, and not to carry out tasks, so we quickly provided ourselves with assistance, the guys were more worried, because when we got there, well , when they carried us to the armored personnel carriers, when i arrived
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in the rear area of ​​the concentration of our, well , main forces, the guys began to provide assistance, well, the ramp opens, they look at me, i thought that i still had a little strength more and it will be enough to get out myself, but unfortunately, my strength left me and i was forced to provide assistance, i understand what they received for, there can't be some kind of... just one act for the commander with one award, and obviously everyone understands this, everyone will always say about this uh. that the award for the commander is appointed, assigned by his personnel, the guys continue to work, the guys continue to bring us closer to
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victory, and accordingly their awards will undoubtedly find their hero, and you are in touch today with your fellow soldiers with the fighters there on advanced, yes of course we contact and... having the opportunity, we provide them with assistance, anton is directly involved in organizing assistance, collecting and sending funds, and the same intelligence alerts, anton is a rokot, yes, of course, of course, a rokot, today there is a huge experience, some people will not have enough lives to accommodate what you have accommodated over the past 3 years. you will be able to implement in another direction, you are undergoing training for this presidential federal program , the time of heroes, what do you get there and what do you
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awaits in the future, what awaits us in the future, i can’t say for sure, here’s what we get, this is certainly the best experience of those on whom it depends. now the development of our country we still have a lot to learn and a lot of work to do within the state. please do it, i remember the words of our president, the supreme commander-in-chief, that those who are now there on the front lines, this is our new elite, these are the people who will govern russia in the future, direct it. “i communicate with you like this, i understand that everything is it will be good when our country will be governed by people like you, we will try, thank you, dear, from
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our entire huge country, a deep bow to you, victories and peaceful skies, we and what we will achieve, this is life and destiny, vladislav golovina, pozyrnym string". thank you, the legendary music competition celebrates anniversaries. consider the competition of young performers of popular music new wave in open
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emotions overflow the banks right here on a new wave. grand opening of the twentieth anniversary international competition young performers. the long-awaited new wave 2024 on friday on rtr, they took everything away from me, oleg is an excellent surgeon, he said that you will be able to walk, when someone here knows the answer, when mashenko with his golden hands simply works miracles, massage, is this a joke now, or what, how many people have you put on their feet? i, enough, for one special patient, he is a genius, yes , a half-wit, he is your genius,
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a special doctor is urgently needed, here you feel, no, here, no, can't you hear me, i don't feel anything below the navel, did you go to crutches, and now you're a doctor, helping such dandies as he is, my method works, and i'll prove it to you, go ahead, swim to me, and now answer dishonestly, did you at least get one person back on his feet, no, what was will not happen, on friday on rtr, oh, i see in you, now i still can't believe it, so much energy, alexander, that even the belt came off, that... thank you very much for this wonderful evening, for such a mood, the clouds look, and now i'm looking at the river.


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