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tv   Taini sledstviya-15  RUSSIA1  August 23, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm MSK

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registration in mobile offices of the state veterinary service can be done right on a walk, first fill in the owner's data name, surname and phone number. you need the owner's passport, the pet's veterinary passport, and of course the pet itself. installing a chip takes only a few minutes, it is absolutely safe for the animal, the microcapsule is inserted under the skin in the withers area using a disposable applicator. the capsule contains a personal fifteen-digit number, by which you can... introduction itself is like this he does not bring, except for the procedure itself , a grain of rice, which contains an individual number. the count has just had a chip implanted under his skin, the procedure was not so painful, the dog feels well, count, give me your paw.
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is quite affordable for every owner of a four- legged friend, its cost is 350 rubles. this procedure is absolutely cheap, because it is not done every day, but is done for a long time, for life, probably, here you can vaccinate your pet against rabies with the russian vaccine robikan absolutely free, we want protect yourself and your pet from problems with diseases in the future, and this is the domodedovo park, the city forest, everyone is met here. "hello, we are for vaccination, here you go, documents, you for rabies, yes, yes, yes, yes, dogs for rabies, chipping and vaccination of animals is currently taking place in two parks in the moscow region, soon it will be in fourteen, this action will be held until september 10, an animal, if registered, it immediately gets into the database, which means that you can use this database to understand who the owner is, if the animal suddenly. got lost, having found the animal,
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we will always be able to read the chip, understand who the owner is and return the animal to the owner. the current list of parks, as well as the working hours of the mobile offices of the state veterinary service can be found on the official website of the ministry of agriculture of the moscow region. alexander sanzhiev, yuri zabolotnikov, mikhail yunusov and pavel letnikov. news. an exhibition dedicated to the anniversary of the polytechnic library has opened in the museum of contemporary history of russia. it is 160 years old. the exposition includes unique publications, photographs. scientific and technical collections of the country. we presented a number of rare exhibits here. in general, the polytechnic library funds comprise about 3.5 million books. of these , 87 are rare editions. for example, magnitsky's mathematics, which lomanozov studied, is presented here. the exhibition is open until
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october 27. financial literacy week has started in charge, it is being held as part of the territory of the future moscow 2030 forum . visitors have the opportunity to listen to lectures by leading experts, ask questions to bank employees and get their professional advice, for example, on how to form a cushion security and where it is more profitable to invest money. a separate program was created for children. and it will tell them about... cybersecurity and how to recognize scammers? now the footage that we received a few minutes ago. vladimir putin is currently holding a meeting of the security council via videoconference. the president began the meeting with an assessment of the situation regarding the capture of the zaluzhniki in the colony in volgograd. the head of the vsin reported the situation to me.
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we will start working with kolokoltseva with the minister inside the department vladimir aleksandrovich for assessment situation in volgograd, please. we have everything by this hour, see you. poster on the kultura tv channel. theater, music,
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fine arts august 23. the sixteenth international military music festival spasskaya tower will start on red square with performances by orchestras from belarus, china, egypt, guinea, turkey and russia. the new season of the gilikon opera theater opens with the premiere production of giacomo puccini's opera, madama butterfly, directed by dmitry bertman. the play by yuri pogrebnichko based on the novel by alexandre dumas three the theater near stanislavsky's house opens its season with the performance of musketeer. the moscow open puppet theater, on the first evening of the new season, shows the premiere of the play jokers. directed by anna kuanin based on the play by alexander nikolaevich ostrovsky . the exhibition "silver treasure of oman" continues in the moscow kremlin museums. jewelry, ceremonial weapons, belts, amulets, memorial items and other works made by masters of different eras, from
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ancient times to the present day, demonstrate the traditional culture of oman and its rich history. the festival contemporary music shestakovich myerhold shnit. opens in the nizhny novgorod pokgauz, with a concert of the orchestra lavoce strumentali. soloists vadim repin, vladislav lavrik and nadezhda pavlova, conductor dmitry senkovsky. on kant island in kaliningrad, the festival territory of peace, territory of music begins. carl orff's cantata, carmen burana will be performed by soloists, the yurlov choir and the moscow symphony orchestra. the moscow theater for young spectators. shows the performance of kama ginkos's violin rothschild by prose by anton pavlovich chekhov at the ostrovsky fest festival in kineshma. the novosibirsk old house theatre opens the season with a premiere performance based on ken kesey's novel flowers for algernon. directed by andrei goncharov. the thirty-third season of the omsk
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fifth theatre opens with the premiere performance of heda gabler. henrik ibson's play was staged by natalia shurganova. polina romanova plays the title role. an exhibition by amangeldy shakenov is taking place at the vrubel omsk museum of fine arts. more than fifty paintings and graphic works, from the most early, written in the seventies of the last century, to the last painting blessing, demonstrate the creative range of the master, who was called the artist of two cultures, russian and kazakh. music by sergei prokofiev is played at the bbc proms festival in the royal albert hall, played and conducted by the rotterdam philharmonic... dmitry korchak and erwin schroth close the rassinet opera festival in pesara with a concert performance of the opera journey to reims. an exhibition at the top of the pyramid, the civilization
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of ancient egypt, is held at the shanghai museum. this is the largest foreign exhibition of ancient egyptian art. in three halls on an area of ​​more than 3.00 square meters are located. about 800 artifacts telling about the history, culture and art of ancient egypt, from the first pharaohs to the era of tutankhamun. this is my service dog. time of big premieres on prt. work in pairs, where search, search, title, one listens, the other eavesdrops, i feel that something bad is happening, we will cope, yes, one sniffs, the other watches, the main thing is that we are not noticed,
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one digs, the other digs, video recorder, we found a corpse, they catch criminals together again, there are many suspects. all the walls are covered with scribbles vasya plus olya, i have a war with my neighbor, she will live in our bedroom, my throat is dry or my heart is stabbing, my heart is dry, humor, humor, humor, the premiere is on saturday on rtr.
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so put your legs together, relax your leg, relax, relax, good, the reaction is excellent, and now look here, here, here, great, great, your head is not spinning, a little, yeah, it is spinning constantly or only now, it's not spinning anymore, yeah, well that 's great, well, now you need to finish the procedures you started, i think you'll be back on your feet very soon, i can leave, of course, i'll help. oh, what about me, mom, okay, they don't like it when people help, doctor,
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well, you, it's not nice to keep silent, now, now i'll tell you everything, dear, bella yakovlevna, i'm paying attention. just don't worry, i think the worst is already behind him, his body is young, healthy, he has enough resources for recovery, well, of course, there will be rehabilitation long complicated, here you need medicines, vitamins, massage, i will buy, i will buy everything, everything that is needed. you write to me, bella yakovna, i would recommend that you place him in
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a rehabilitation center, you understand, there they will develop a special rehabilitation program especially for him, based on his diagnoses, it will be much more effective and reliable than any outpatient or home treatment, i assure you, i... would like to take him out of the hospital, i have a massage therapist, a friend, and then i know how to do, yes, you understand, bella yakolna, here we need comprehensive rehabilitation, we need comprehensive treatment, i ask, we need speech specialists, physiotherapy specialists, well, but he himself, he came out of the coma himself. he trains at home, he trains his muscles, he
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reads and listens, he retells stories, i agree with you, of course, i believe that igor can recover himself, but will it be a complete rehabilitation, and how much time will pass, that is the question, i just want us to do everything in our power so that igor gets back on his feet as soon as possible. i understand, i understand everything, but i have another question, how much might it cost? well, of course, the amount will be quite large, well, yes, they will tell you everything after the examination, yeah, i still want to take him from the hospital, but you understand, bella yakovna, this is not reasonable, i will take him.
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well, maybe you can call and ask for time off for today, and what can i say, tell the truth, the flight was delayed, i didn’t sleep all night, he’s a man , he will understand everything, he will understand, all the best,
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goodbye, but i promised, okay, i slept on the plane, hello, hello, hello, hello. i’ll change and go to work, i will too i'll change and go to bed, yeah, well, i'll rest anyway, you know, a little bit, and then i'll go to work, and you've become prettier during the flight, so, please, color, yeah, come on, oh, listen, you look, and as soon as i came in, yeah, ah, and you sent me a presentation, very good, i 'll look at it. and i'll call you back in the evening, that's it, goodbye, you weren't going to go to work, i wasn't going to, but i can work anywhere, i just need the internet, it's readable, yeah, mash, hi, yeah, people, we've lost you here, where are you anyway, you're back, yeah, you've arrived, rice detained, just got home, yeah, i get it , well, anyway, we have a dead body here, or rather yours, i
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've already informed your detectives of the incident location, anyway, i'll cover for you as best i can, just tell me the address, liteina 17, apartment 157, right now , i'll be there, come on, bye-bye, where am i going, were you going to change there, i don't know, no, the guys are waiting, oh, why don't i look right, no, you look good, but i just, well, go on and rest, yeah, turn off your phone, yeah, i'll try, bye, bye, see, up there, you see the balcony, right?
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good afternoon, go ahead, are these some kind of formulas, no, we're not touching anything, this is vechdog, this is vechdog, we're not touching anything, and this is vechdog,
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well, you're feeling a little better after the injection, aren't you? bella yakovna, for god's sake, forgive me, i understand how hard it is for you now, and please accept my condolences, but do you suspect anyone? the boy, i mean, the boy with the violin. the boy with the violin, i understand, well, there teplitskaya is not herself, that's simple. she doesn't answer, she behaves somehow inappropriately , she keeps repeating about some boy with a violin, well, leave her alone, well, maybe i need to talk to the other neighbors, korablev will talk to the other neighbors, and you
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take care of the video camera from the entrance, and take into account that the killer and the mother could have missed each other within half an hour, there is half an hour, you understand, she went out, he came in, or rather, when he went out, then that is half an hour, you understand, the main thing is that they work, you understand, because sometimes it happens with us, the camera hangs, when he quickly nothing works, does not work, he ... but they killed mastu too, nothing works, well, let's start blessing, but it's time to finish, and we here we go, good afternoon, eh, excuse me, please, but where is your local police officer stationed here, well, i'll tell you, of course, here, there, over there, it happened that you needed him for something, well, and do you live in this entrance? no, well , i'm here often, i understand, thank you, you know, i didn't see anything, god, how
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awful, and did you talk to deblitsky, what kind of person was he? well, i have no idea, somehow? no, well, of course, we 've been living here for 12 years already, he rarely even said hello, well, somehow he was not of this world, not of this world. there was just some bearded guy walking around, muttering something to himself, here, here's his mommy on the contrary, who is always in a white blouse with a hairdo, lips pursed, uh-huh, well, like , not a white bone, and we are like, plebeians, uh-huh, that's what it is, i understand, but in general they maintained contact with someone or, and you know, yes, recently one woman went to them, but i don't know, maybe it's a relative, can you describe? well, of course, small, fat, nondescript, by the way, here she is, now she will tell you everything, hello,
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hello, well, i'm leaving, thank you, sofia yakovna, hello, my name is korablyov, criminal investigation department, can i ask you a few questions, yes, please, who are you to teplitsky, no one, i am a social worker, i bring them groceries. come with me, let me help you, thank you, please come this way, as i understand it, you have been in constant contact with the teplitskys lately, of course, as soon as igor was discharged from the hospital, the social security department assigned me to them, yeah, his mother is not young anymore, she couldn’t help him. after all, he couldn’t sit on his own after the coma he could have fallen into someone, and a car hit him, i don't know the details, i won't lie,
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igor, you're already on the mend, i thought you'd soon start helping your mother yourself, but it, uh-huh, look how it all turned out, and you don't know when teplitsky came back from the hospital, do you? a month ago, he was in a coma for almost six months, but it was such a miracle, no one believed that he would recover, even his mother didn't believe, tell me, who is this boy with a violin that teplitskaya keeps talking about, maybe some relative, you don't know, i don't know, but yes, i know, what kind of boy is this, let's go, uh-huh, let's go, let's go, here, let's go, here it is, it was hanging, a painting, a boy with a violin, uh-huh,
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zhirov, yeah, come here, i'm going, where, don't touch anything, i'm nothing. and the painting that the owner is raving about, maybe it's some kind of world masterpiece, who the hell knows, maybe some unknown shishken, what kind of shishkin, shishkin
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painted a bear, what's the difference? fyodor, establish the identities of everyone who entered and exited the entrance, uh-huh, the time we're interested in, the main version is robbery, laziness, need to request a printout of calls from the teplitskys' landline phone, which will also raise the case materials on the accident in which teplitsky was injured, i understand, yes, well, i 'm off, yes, bye, bye, no, well, not
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a bad version, not a bad one. i can't get this woman with a stroller out of my head, you know, she was so thick and stocky that if it was even yes, no, no, what are you saying, no, well, a woman , a woman, a woman, well, theoretically, a woman could have strangled, theoretically she could, i doubt it in practice.
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i love you, and i love you, we are sitting well, the premiere is on rtr, you are so reliable, not petrush, he is someone again, well, don't be silent, please. my name is mikhail dolskaya. i know, we have talked before. you didn't spend the night at home? there is something i don't know. can i finally confess. i love him, you see, i love him, and i can't do anything about it, you see, i love him. the bonds of marriage or the web of love? which will be stronger. i just ask without emotions.
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what do you mean without emotions? you won't refuse. me, i won't tolerate you, call me, rain at the end of summer, from monday on rtr, vodka pechora, a product of stellar group, immerse yourself in the world of luxury comfort in rixsas golf villas and suits sharmaьshey, enjoy the modern design of rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples families. relax in comfort and style rixos golf villas and suits sharma. gin сnop product of stellor group. callinan belleg - time
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stops, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, the shores of the mediterranean sea, discover true perfection, making dreams come true. hotel callinan bellek, where life turns into into a fairy tale. bourbon stirsman - product. stellar group: allow yourself a first-class holiday with leo reorts. elegant details, a feast of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio
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rezards, we are here for you. veda vodka, a product of stellor group. it seems that we will soon have a baby, i myself. happy man in the world, an obedient wife should help her husband in everything, our entire bureau lives thanks to lenin's ideas, raising children, son, i love you so much, respecting my mother-in-law, yes, i am the first time i meet a mother-in-law who is completely happy with her bride, but sometimes the system fails, an mri showed that due to the mother's injury the child's brain was very... damaged, died, masha, no need, wait, let me go, we are threatened with paying a colossal penalty on a project that promised a solid profit, neither you nor i will be able to finish it, what have i
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done, i promised lena that everything would be fine with her, she believed me, an obedient wife, on saturday on rtr, the russia channel presents dear friends, my name is maria sittal, i am the author and presenter of a new large-scale documentary project, family of families, on the russia tv channel. all families in russia are invited to participate in our new project, from vladivostok to kaliningrad, from the caucasus to yakutia, from moscow and st. petersburg to the urals and all the way to siberia, everyone who is ready to share their unique story with us , family of families, new. for each of us, for all of russia, to take part in the project, fill out the form on the website, send, fill out the forms, we are waiting with impatience, hello, hello, what are you doing,
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surprise, well done, what a surprise, thank you, what does it smell like, clingy, a month in the freezer, try it, a nightmare. oh, i have no doubt that it was shvetsova! panov, hi, what's the conclusion? hello, masha, i had no doubt that you were calling me, masha, have i already sent you everything by e-mail, by mail? yeah, listen, you're quick, i have nothing new to add, and i sent the material by courier, that's it. wait, lyon, tell me, can you describe the alleged killer? i can, go ahead! hello, hello, look, judging by the nature of the strangulation groove on teletroupe, the killer was strong and tall, yeah,
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tall, and if teplitsky was sitting at the time of the attack, it's out of the question, i'm reading it to you, masha, in black and white, come on, teplitsky has injuries on his side, typical of a fall from a height. you cope with household chores, you can generally work at home around the house, well, that's the successful part of the surprise, i mean meat, and there's the unsuccessful one, do you remember your cashmere sweater, well, the one you liked, yeah, you know, i unpacked the suitcases, put everything in the washing machine to wash, how is it there
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it turned out, i was even surprised myself, but when i pulled it out, you feel sorry, it became so small, as if it were for a child, maybe when it dries you can stretch it, but i couldn’t do it that way. “well, you see, i understand, i immediately stuck my nose in, but it’s so small, will you buy me, but three new sweaters, no, no, no, well, calm down, it ’s just by chance, i’ll buy you three new sweaters, but for that i have to work in the office , okay, go work in the office, well, i’ll go, of course, well, my dear, well, you understand, i grabbed it, i pull it out, i pull-pull, we’re talking about that we don't talk anymore, that's it, thank you, i was even surprised myself, how is it possible, well..." in general, yes, you will eat, so you need to check her
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just in case, well, according to the passport data base, she means teplitskaya, she also lives in this house, like all the residents, well, she looks about 25, 25, i think. even 30, but you need to look at the twenty-year-olds, because she is a large lady, maybe younger, that is, you want to say that according to your passport you are also younger than you look. it turns out that, well, of those living at the address liteyny 17, there are such snegereva, kruglova, laptev, we'll see now, here's laptev, yes, it looks like it, but by the way, her child is also registered at this address, yeah, thank you, another iron you can't find fault with, yeah. well , that's what's strange, the teplitskaya killer, who was returning
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, was missed by a little bit, well, and the fact that there are no strangers on the video recording, yeah, we need to check the attic, because in houses of this type their attic spaces are connected, and you mean that he could have entered and exited through another entrance? yes, i think that somehow he had to enter the house, the attic must be check, as well as the video recordings from the other entrance, and where are you going? i'm going home, and you go check the attic and the video recording. masha, why aren't you sleeping? right now, right now, i need to clarify something. what, something urgent? no, i just want to understand what kind of painting it is, a boy with a violin. does it look familiar? yes, there's just a painting with the same name in a russian museum. well, who is the author? well, i'm trying to find out. masha,
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i need to go to bed, this can wait until tomorrow, right? right now, right now. what right now, mashenka, we've already parted ways with the moscow one time, and tomorrow you have to get up early. go to bed. masha, what? close the computer and go to bed. that's it, i'm going to bed. now? right now. let's go. come on, turn off the light. definitely. some kind of kindergarten. yeah, hi, did you find out anything about the accident, what kind of accident, in which teplitsky was injured? yeah, i checked. so, what's there? the accident happened almost six months ago, there was a trial, the drivers were acquitted. or maybe the driver had a really good lawyer? well, teplitsky was crossing the street in the wrong place, so... there were a lot of witnesses, there was no connection with the murder
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has. okay, and have you checked the teplitskys' phone calls? well, yes, but the data on the request hasn't arrived yet. and what about the cctv recordings? it's dead quiet for now. how dead quiet? the alleged killer isn't on them. a new version has emerged, fedya is checking it now. well , keep me posted, bye. yes, the door to the attic is locked, i promise you. a week ago i personally opened the lock when the antenna on the roof was being repaired. i trust you as myself, but i still need to see it, for god's sake, i don't mind, well, that's good, when will it be the elevator will be fixed, don't ever ask, in my opinion, how can this be, oh, i knew it, what a bastard, when did they manage to do it, they all need to be jailed, who do you suspect, of course, the youth has taken a fancy to this attic, they smoke, drink, some... they chase them away, others come, well, it's strange, the house is prosperous,
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it seems, yes, the house is normal, the youth are the same everywhere, so where can you go there, oh , let's go, i'll show you, they've made a mess, the bastards, oh, what's there, a rat, what rat, stepped on your back, give me your hand, ok? rat, be careful, mash, hi, hi, i'm early too i arrived, let's go have some coffee, come on, i haven't even had breakfast yet, and you, a second breakfast never hurts, listen, you eat all the time, don't be jealous , be careful with your back, i advise you, a belt made of dog hair, it helps a lot, i don't even have one... yeah, yeah, oh, head, head,
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be careful, oh, damn, trunk, be careful, steps, oh, yeah, masha, they've been waiting for you for a long time, already, come on, come on, i'm here for you, hello, hello, hello. i get it, come in, let's go, let's go, well, i'll, i'll probably go, no, no, wait. child me, i beg you, forgive me, but i can't, my other charges are waiting for me, i need to bring them groceries, clean up, and i promised to cut the hair of one grandfather there, everything will be fine, come on, come on, everything will be fine, come on, go, go, thank you, oh, i'm sorry
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, it's me, it's my fault that igor was killed, i'm alone, don't say that, come in. yeah, sit down, right here, yeah, the thing is that i wanted to sell this painting myself, the boy with the violin, to pay for igor's rehabilitation, but as you can see, i didn't have time, yeah, tell me what kind of painting this is, it was painted by a talented but little-known artist. pyzhikov, my father told me, and i knew that this painting depicted my ancestor, yeah, it's our family heirloom, you know, yeah, and did you find out the approximate cost, yes, of course, it was valued at 1 million rubles. yeah, i wanted to sell it, but at the same time
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i doubted it, my god. "if i had been at home yesterday, none of this would have happened, and where were you yesterday? i went to the cemetery to see my father's grave to ask for forgiveness for having to break my promise and sell the painting, "yeah, did anything else go missing from the apartment, did anything go missing"? and my son's computer, it's so small, oh my god, who needs it, no, we can't meet for now, sit quietly, i 'll call myself, i don't have time for you now, you know, igor
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was a genius, a real genius of mathematics. my god, how much he didn't have time to do, it seems to us that it was one of your friends who committed a crime, to whom igor could have opened the door, i don't know, i don't know, we always lived in isolation, people irritated igor, so he tried to avoid unnecessary contacts, so why didn't anyone come to you? no, why did they come, zoya came, and the doctor, a neurologist, golberg, he always observed igor, i have a business card somewhere, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, i'll keep it for myself, of course,
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i don't need it, and also, colleagues. igor from the institute, bystrov and gena mazaryan, though, it was a long time ago, six months ago, when igor was still in the hospital, they first came to me to support me, good guys, and then i asked them to visit igor, they were supposed to come to him on the weekend, i asked myself. i thought that igorek will start to get better faster. and did you tell anyone about the cost of the painting? no, i only knew zoya. zoya? you know, she
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kept asking me about this painting. a boy with a violin, a dear boy, don't you know what a violin is, oh, well, fyodor, does it hurt, lenya, yeah, i should go to the doctor, listen, i'm fine now, i just can't straighten up. listen, maybe i should buy a belt made of dog hair? how did you manage to do this? i have no idea, you see, i can't sit, but maybe i should go somewhere, give me the phone. lenya, is that you? hi! hello, marya sergeyevna. i talked to teplitskaya, we need to check two more alebi. good. so,
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the first one is the neurologist goldberg. uh-huh. city hospital 17, fermerskaya street 36. got it. and who else is on the list of suspects? and also social worker duleyeva. i don't know. teplitskaya claims that she was very interested in the painting. so should i call her in for a talk? no, no, wait, we just need to check. social circle and so on, okay, we'll do it, well then we'll be in touch, but that's it, well, fyodor, it looks like you won't be seeing the doctor today after all he'll get away with it, oh!
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hello, can i, good afternoon, come in, what's your name, right now, kurochkin, what time are you booked in, yes, you have an exacerbation, sit down, sit down. just a minute, sit down, kurochkin, fyodor mikhailovich, for the nevskaya ministry of internal affairs, forgive me, for god's sake, let me ask you a couple of questions, well, please, i'm listening to you, moisei karlovich, tell me, please, - yesterday. in the morning, well, around 10 o'clock, and where were you in nizhny novgorod, at the exhibition of chinese
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medicine, can you confirm this with anything, well, with anything, and so i have a report for our accounting, here you go, here are the tickets, the bill for the guests. the restaurant receipts, wow, and can i find out what exactly he suspects me of, yes, the fact is that your patient, igor teplitsky, was found murdered in his own apartment, murdered, it's terrible, of course. "i knew igor, i knew his mother, but why, actually, did you
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decide that i had something to do with this, well, you see, igor teplitsky did n't have such a large circle of friends, and we are working through all his acquaintances, please tell me, can i take this with me, please, wait, wait, i will give you all the recommendations, now undress and lie down on the sling, or maybe
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dog hair, undress, the legendary music competition celebrates anniversaries. international competition of young performers, the grand opening of the twentieth anniversary long-awaited new wave 2024 today. on
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a special spray nozzle for a larger. coverage area and all this is absolutely free, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited: i have everything, i have a wife, i have a mother-in-law, i have a mortgage, they all ask for food, i eat acorns by the kilogram, but there is no response from them side effects, and we haven't had a drink for women yet, i left the restaurant by myself without any help, i can barely hold on to the curb, are you coming to me? from humor on sunday on rtr, they took everything away from me, oleg is an excellent surgeon, he said that you will be able to walk, when does anyone here know the answer, when mashenka with her golden hands simply works miracles, massage, is this a joke now, or what, how many people have you put on their feet, i
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have enough, one special patient, is he a witch genius? yes, your genius is crazy, a special doctor is urgently needed, here do you feel, no, here, no, don't you hear me, i can't feel anything below my belly button. you walked on crutches, and now you , a doctor, are helping such a dandy as he? my method works, and i'll prove it to you, go ahead, swim to me, and now answer dishonestly, did you at least get one person back on his feet, no, that was not going to happen, today on rtr, mash, people, i work, remember, i told you about my admirer, well, because of the one you and i. swapped shifts, the one with whom you went to the theater or someone else? no, still the same, i'm shocked myself, but we're still dating, so what are you so sad about, because he's an interior designer, oh, and i
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can't stand men in creative professions, me neither, no, well, everything was fine, yeah, he just wants to introduce me to his mom, great, that shows how serious his intentions are, well, i don't know, it's kind of weird, you know, his plan is that we'll go to an organ music evening and there we'll kind of accidentally meet his mom, some weird looks, would you go to that, i'd go, well, at least he would i warned you, you have the opportunity to prepare, well, i don’t understand at all why i should meet his mother, because you want to get married, i don’t know, but i know, hello, marya sergeevna, hi! hi, anyway, i called fedya at the neurologist’s, the iron alebi. but i learned something interesting about uleyeva, she has a higher art education. so what does this give us? how what? so, this social worker is very knowledgeable about painting and
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probably understands the value of the stolen painting. do you think she tipped off the apartment? and why not? and she definitely knew about the back door, since she's been working there for so long. i think it's time to search her place. let's do a banipation, let's do a danipation, let's do a cash , then a banipation, i see you feel better , well then i sent you in the right direction
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, and you know how much you need to do, and you also know mri, here's a precise massage, acupuncture , gentle manual therapy, and hirudotherapy , what are leeches, do you believe in them by the way? no , not really, i don't believe in them at all, and they'll steal them. the chair is neat, hello, hello, no, stick it in here, and where's the third one? chair, sarah, where is the third chair, so the third one is at home? so slow down, slow down, ask the question.


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