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tv   Mestnoe vremya  RUSSIA1  August 24, 2024 8:20am-8:36am MSK

8:20 am
ninth, you said that you need to be careful in communication in correspondence, does this only affect communication or some professional activity, financial investments? and from the point of view of professional activity, we use another aspect, which is in the sky between saturn and jupiter, it is tense, and here we get inflated expectations from the authorities, resistance from subordinates, the desire for scale, the best result, and this is a bad desire, because
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it spills inattention, gullibility, sacrifice, well, in general, the risk of deception increases, well, and about relationships, as soon as venus moves into the sign of libra, that is , on august 29-30, romance immediately begins, the tense aspect from neptune remains, therefore gullibility, to pass off the desire to really get acquainted , to immediately think that this is forever, well , at least until the new year there will be someone to meet. well, as an option, well and that is not a fact,
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because the aspect is tense, and here neptune will add fantasy, dreaminess, well, that's it, we will be ready, thank you, this was the forecast for the next week from astrologer lyudmila venetskaya, all the best to you, moscow, the kremlin, putin, don't miss it this sunday, we will show more than the rest tomorrow at 22:30 on the russia channel, just fly to me, bye. something wrong? yes, everything seems to be so, but something is wrong. rain at the end of summer, premiere. from monday at 21:20. oh, i see in you, now i still don't believe it. so much energy, alexander, that even the belt came off.
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yes, the basis of the watercraft is an ordinary steel bath, they sell them for construction shops. there is a legend that once upon a time there was a severe flood in this area, and one girl managed to escape thanks to the bathtub. the enthusiasts liked the idea. yeah. in many countries of the world, boats are one of the main means of transport, like cars, they can boast an original, and sometimes very strange design. i studied the most unusual. varvara
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ermakova. well, well, the weather. driving to work is definitely not an option today. so, we'll have to swim. so, let's see how these boats are made here. archimedes needed a point supports to turn the earth over. and these guys only need a couple of plastic bottles to keep from capsizing on the water. self-taught boat builders make boats from various materials at hand. empty containers, cardboard, this... and this guy built a raft from sewer pipes instead of an oar he has a screwdriver, almost an electric motor, of course you won't sail far on such a vessel, so creative craftsmen choose more reliable material and build more powerful ships, this kayak turned out from film and wood, delight internet users were attracted by this boat, it is made of transparent acrylic, it seems as if the passenger is simply flying. over the water.
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homemade boats are a unique, one-of-a-kind product, which makes them even more valuable, because no one else has such a watercraft. definitely not, however, official shipyards also know how to surprise. the unusual shape of the boat always attracts the glances of onlookers bored on the shore. professional shipbuilders make water transport to suit the customer's mood. for racers and extreme sports enthusiasts, there are such examples: a boat in the shape of a sports cars. and how do you like this option - a shark boat cuts through the waves with the wind? for those who like quiet boat trips, such ships will suit. a real restaurant boat is offered to tourists in tanzania: you sunbathe, dine, and at the same time sail. and this kind of vacation will appeal to residents of the northern regions. a jacuzzi boat allows you to comfortably spend time
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on the water, even in late autumn. some boats look like alien ships from science fiction films. this ship really once flew, its owner bought an old plane and converted it into a means of transport for water, restored the damaged interiors and generally saved from the plane as much as possible . in general, experimenting with boat design is easy and simple, the main thing is to build a structure that will stay on the water, everything else is a flight of the author's imagination, and for some reason i seem to have gotten carried away with the design of the boat, well, nothing for ... ready for a round-the-world trip, tea like in a fairy tale for real princesses, in one singapore cafe they came up with something to surprise the bored public, make tea in cinderella style, where all the dishes and desserts will remind you of this magical story, with
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coal, sandwiches with pumpkin pieces, as if a carriage is carrying a handsome man to the ball, sand palaces, sugar slippers and lollipop diamonds, princes look in on such a pie, as they say: yes, and is it possible so that it is easy and delicious? marya lyaagina watched a very beautiful film recipe for love. a real hymn to french cuisine and was so impressed by the vol-au-vent that was prepared and served in this film that she decided to try to repeat it. we owe the vol-au-vent antoine karemo, they say, invented it with...
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masha, good morning, explain to me how it differs from a regular tortalet, well, except for the size that was in the film, nothing, it's a large tartlet, which is extremely, by the way, easy to make, perhaps the main difference is that the tartlet is baked in a mold, a valavan by hand, both, in fact, a basket for serving the filling, we start with preparing the base, take puff pastry, ready-made from the store will do, make a dusting of flour and...
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a perfect circle with a knife, pubam, pubam, pubs, grease the puff pastry circle with protein, put the second one on it, grease it again on top, the protein will help to glue everything together, now let's work on the sides, cut out a circle from the second part of the dough, then remove the core from it, it is convenient to do this with a culinary ring, assemble the vallavan, base, ring, another one on top, do not forget to fasten. all women believe that there are never too many rings, by the way, yes, grisha stocked up on rings today, listen, do you want these, do you want more, do you want smaller, do you want metal ones, do you want natural, any, cover everything with yolk on top, it will give the vol-au-vent an appetizing
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crust, go over the edges well, yeah, that's right, oh my god, it seems like you 've been painting vol-au-vents all your life. maybe this is my calling, of course, balavan, the second, my second name is balavan. while the oven is heating up, grisha will have time to make another small vol-au-vent, all because it's as easy as pie. we put our vol-au-vents to bake for 30-35 minutes. grisha, while the vol-au-vent is baking, we'll do something, or just stand with you, we can tell, we can tell each other funny stories in french, well really, balavanna, it 's a french dish, right? yeah, ui, valauwan. tribian itself, mm, great, let's continue, let's prepare the filling for palawan, the onion should be cut into small pieces and fried. until soft mixture of vegetable butter, we also cut the fish, but first we get rid of the bones,
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you know what's good about this dish, that we can make valauwan separately, make any filling separately, if you want, it can be fish, like in the movie, if you want, it can be meat, do you want, can you make our favorite for olivier salad, which you ask me to cook every time, is it true, and what to put it in a vol-au-vent, put it in a vol-au-vent? two or three cloves of garlic cut into medium slices and send to the frying pan with the onion, put the fish there, so that our filling is even tastier, add boiled shrimp to it. by the way, so that the vol-au-vent does not fall apart later, the filling should not be too wet, let's give it thickness, for this we will take the remaining fish juice, add there flour pour this mixture into a frying pan, at the end add cream, salt and finely chopped parsley, it goes well with seafood, it's time to get the puff pastry barrels, immediately cut off the lid, that's it,
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here we have a wonderful storage for the filling, look how beautiful, and warm, all that's left is to fill the vol-au-vents with the filling, the filling is brought to mind, no, you need to use a secret ingredient, i suggest using tartar sauce from makeev, it is prepared on a mayonnaise base with the addition of dried spices and pickled cucumber. this sauce will enrich the taste of seafood and fish, add a couple of tablespoons directly to the filling, mix and send the filling to the alovan, cover with lids, decorate with herbs and try, really cool, the dough is light, crispy, because how vlavan is translated, something about airiness, really so, really airy. tender, that's great that it is so saucey, yes, this crunch with
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sauce, i like it, and i like almost everything, which means almost everything, well, you can't cook for a healthy man, you have such small portions, okay, okay, i'll share with you, watch a movie and cook with pleasure, good morning and bon appetit, then the queen a how to extend the blooming of roses, all the secrets of caring for a capricious beauty in a few minutes. morning of russia, don't oversleep, the main thing.
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here's a kept woman, hasn't worked a day, lives on her husband's money, today. oh, it seems, a mistress, and on our bed, either you leave, or we with the children, okay? remember, without me you are an empty place, zero, have you thought about the children, i'll find a job, be careful, from the ruins of an old life you can build a new one, at all anything in business, you know, sometimes it's better than the previous one, help! and my very first contract, i got it, let's be informal with me office, maria kulyakova, what the hell are you
8:35 am
doing here, mom maybe, today on rtr, we remember the hits of vocal and instrumental ensembles, the most popular hits of the soviet stage,


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