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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  August 25, 2024 5:50am-6:11am MSK

5:50 am
alyoshenka, lyuda, alyoshenka, lyuda, ivan, is this not your daughter, lyudmila, mine, is she, what do you have, a surgeon or a pediatrician. baby, will you allow me to see you off, shandur, people, oh, children, excuse me, this is a bike i promised shandur, how could i forget, lyuda, maybe i will have the happiness of seeing you off after the ban, and why with pleasure, lyudochka, is this jayvan, is it, excuse me, shand, excuse me, lyudo,
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you know, in 1911 i saw something similar in africa, in the ritual dances of the yam-yam tribe, the only daughter.
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with me, lyudochka, let's go, ivan, let's go, auntie, auntie, lyudochka, who are they waiting for, i don't know, auntie, come with us, alyoshenka, thank you, vat, yes, let
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's go, buckle up, you'll catch a cold, oh-oh-oh, lyuda, lyutochka, mind you, i see the car, and who's going to pay the fine, well , of course, daddy, darling, give me the key, thank you, well, i'll give in for the sake of march 8, men, sit down, orders to sit down, lyudochka, well , good night, young people, see you tomorrow, lyoshenka, goodbye, aleksey, don't forget, tomorrow at 10 from the designer's office, i remember, ivan terenovich, maybe on foot, no, alyoshenka, i tired, it's march 8th, here's mine too, the whole day, like crazy, and i'm in a shukhomyatka without a hot one, at one house, excuse me, i came, yeah, i'm asking. thank you, oh, tired,
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what is this, are we really stuck, well, very good, this is fate, this is an outrage, not fate , lyuda, hello, says the duty mater, what are you on? i don't know, i don't know, but i'm completely calm, i wanted to talk to you all evening, well, listen, comrade, call later, i'm busy, yes-yes, i'm busy now, eh, so, lyuda, that is lyudmila, i'm listening to you, ruslan, lyuda, you can even now, here don't laugh now, listen to me, i'm serious, i'm thinking all the time. lyuda, be
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my wife, finally. i've been waiting for this solemn moment for 2 years, go on, go on, come on, let me in, i won't let you in anywhere, found a place to explain, you even invited me to the management house, why aren't you coming out, no, we're rolling. oh, thank you, leshenka, please,
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good night, goodbye. what's the matter? nothing, nothing, i just came to say that i can't do this anymore, i'll come for an answer in exactly a week,
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and i've already planned, secondly, i know. well, and how far is poltava, yes, yes, so i have it right there, people, listen, they've already posted lists of destinations, well yes, where, you can choose, and leningrad is, i don't know, i don't know, i haven't seen, leningrad is, no, leningrad, how is leningrad not there, nizhneangarsk surgeon, irkutsk, chukar, verkhoyansk, puzhmirenka, poltava with tsum vetich, ulan-ude, excuse me, but where is leningrad? and it wasn't there, where? no, leningrad, it's not there, kirill, hello, lyuda, hello, but they said that there would be places in leningrad, you know, there is a wonderful place in moldova, a wonderful hospital, i can't stand the heat, well, i don't like it, the whole urals, the mountains, get around
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by yourself, if you like it, then what are we , after all, beshki, i have my own plans, i want to live in leningrad, don't be gepeti, your liver is shriveled, well, it's quite possible that lyudmila odintsova is an exception. they'll send you to the zhenera translation, don't be funny, orenk, what's for the second course, brains, vantserin, i'm serving it now, brains, not an extra detail in the human body, they didn't take me without a conferant for lunch, i obey, vanechka, wait a minute. why aren't you eating ? you don't feel like it. what's wrong with you, lyuda, auntie? i wanted to ask you to show me to dr.
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shatrov. are you feeling unwell? yes, daddy, something has been happening lately. i found out that there are no places in leningrad. no problem, colleague. you'll go to the outskirts. it's very useful. when i was your age, i started in the barracks and god knows where to ask. i'm proud of it. will she stay in leningrad? will she leave? yes, daddy, i'll leave. well, like all the students in her class. why should there be an exception for her? leningrad is overcrowded with doctors. there are no doctors on the outskirts. enough, and in general i don’t want to talk about this topic, but i want to talk. “come on, although no, auntie, i won’t talk either, you’ll do the right thing, i’m just not leaving leningrad, because as far as i know, my voluntary consent is necessary, here, my dear,
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you’re absolutely right, your consent is indeed necessary, by the way, you have a wonderful way out, bring my father and me to a heart attack and collect disability certificates. auntie, what are you saying? or jump out and marry some irreplaceable leningrader stay with your husband. i never thought i'd have to have such a shameful conversation with you. "dancing, parties, and gentlemen with permanents, the pie surgeon, if you want to know, never danced at all, here he won a prize from lermontov for the vase, stupid! lyudmila, forgive me, dad, dad, call me, i won't, but i beg you, dad! well, call boris vasilyevich, after all, he can do everything, what does it cost you? do you understand what you're saying, i'm a
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party candidate, you're a komsomol member, well, okay, dad, i'm asking you for the last time, call me, i won't, as you wish. what are you looking for? a hole? what hole? where they want to drive me for life. dad, come on, call. i said, i won't. i won't, don't wait.
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"boris vasilyevich, listen, who are you calling, about lyudmila, i beg you, please leave me alone, oh that's how it is, yes, and you." you and both leave me, it's the easiest thing to run away from home, and you raise your daughter, by the way, her father calls her, this is your upbringing, no, this is your upbringing, i wasn't physically home, i was traveling, a tourist, oh, that's it , i've traveled too much, you know, stupid, a loser, please, thank you, more, alyosha, olya, olya,
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alexey, hello, anna terentina, come in, thank you for being with you, my head hurts, my soul, my boy, my soul, your co-author is not home, he ran away, and march, you see, he started a slave rebellion, forgive me, lyuda is home, he has... in his office, hello, lila, and hello, alyosha, dad is not here, and i actually didn't go to him, i just dropped in for a minute to get the drawings , by the way, to say goodbye to you in exactly 2 hours i'm flying off to a construction site, yes, here... on a plane, i'm flying off to siberia, for a long time, yes,
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for at least a month, damn, by the way, you you know, people, i 've been hanging around under your windows for a whole week like a boy , after all i'm a grown man, i just don't understand, is it really so hard to say simple human words, and lesha, i don't love you, that's it, why are you silent, lyuda, do you really enjoy torturing me, lyuda, no, well, actually i, "i knew it, well, goodbye, people, alyosha, already, where, to
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siberia, no, zaks, congratulations on your legal marriage, a wonderful picture of a turning point. auntie, lyuda, wait, you'll knock me down, i mean. auntie. lyuda, a most interesting case. congratulate me. on what? i got married. lyuda. to whom? don't be afraid,
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auntie, don't be afraid, for your favorite, for lyosha rybalchik. oh, poor guy! so, comrade rumyantseva, the commission and the entire institute as a whole, wish you success in the noble field of a doctor. thank you! well, there will be difficulties, of course, but the region you are going to is waiting for you, it is very nice that you yourself expressed a desire to go so far! that where to shoot where, oh, and i am even further, 10 days by train, then by steamer, and then by reindeer, congratulations, thank you, and where are you going, friend, to epiphany, what is this, where in estonia are the lindens, under the chairs, a gray, wonderful regional center, started up, started up, the center of the 13th century, yes, yes,
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a church of the 13th century, apples like this, oh, well, well, like this, well, half a kilo each. guys, i warn you, poltava is for. lyudmila ivanovna odintsovachenko. thank you. therapist komsomolka, excellent student. congratulations colleague. thank you. as everyone knows, the most active beer-drinking mold of our student amateur performance, but this is like a stroke for me, a very capable doctor, a lot of energy, oh, tell me please where the director's office is, second floor, thank you very much, forgive me,
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girls, haven't you seen lyudmila. already in the commission, and anna tirentyevna, of course there, thank you very much, and where are you, no, i'm not going here, no, what's all that noise, wait a minute, who, me, her, you, you, excuse me, comrade, continue, alexey, hello, comrade.
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the person is a single husband, he appeals to the commission with a request to take into account the interests of the family and not separate the newlyweds, in my opinion this does not contradict your wishes, of course, and we we're not going to do that, very good, but the situation has changed dramatically, and what's going on? the thing is, he's just been appointed chief engineer for the construction of a bridge in siberia,
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what? and the construction needs a doctor and that 's why... wait, wait, wait, taxi, taxi!


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