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tv   Mestnoe vremya  RUSSIA1  August 25, 2024 8:00am-8:36am MSK

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now you will all cut olives for us, yeah, garlic, yoga will cut for us, and i will chop the greens in the meantime, great, that's it, now we will add our dressing, olive oil , wine vinegar, that's from... its intestinal microflora, and we talked about the fact that resistant starch from such potatoes, it is a prebiotic, that is, it stimulates the growth of intestinal microflora, we need just... properly
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cooked potatoes for the child, yes, i know the recipe, so you just need to go with the child to nature to burn a fire, when there are coals left, that's it the best, it seems to me, is a childhood memory, to stir up these coals, throw some not very large potatoes there, pour them on top , wait, here is a baked potato, it seems to me that if you try a child's baked potato once in your life, you will love it for the rest of your life, i agree with you, because i have the same childhood memories, dear parents, go hiking with your children, bake them. potatoes in coals will bring you happiness and happiness to your children, listen, it smells so intoxicating, it is already ready, yes, yes, it is ready, here in at the end you can add cream cheese when serving eat, urgently, urgently, urgently, cold potato salad for heart health, cut the cooled potatoes and tomatoes into large pieces, chop the herbs and garlic, add chopped peppers and olives, season the salad with olive oil and...
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vinegar, mix all the ingredients thoroughly, at the end add cream cheese. sometimes size matters, because i really like the fact that we cut it into such rough ku, well, like pieces, it's like this, it raises mood, mm, very tasty, that's it. still an ideal combination, such baked potatoes, greens, tomatoes, by the way, and a healthy heart, you said that this salad is good, scientists have calculated that a modern person should consume at least 5 g of potassium per day, yeah, it is mainly contained where, in plant products, and mainly in greens, and we don't eat it like that, even if it is present on the table, still how much is eaten, well 30 g, 50 g, well no one eats it, i don't... there 200 g of greens per day, yes,
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and 200 g of potatoes is not a problem, and this is half the daily norm of calcium, plus tomatoes contain lycopene, useful for both the heart and blood vessels, bulgarian peppers contain vitamin c, in huge quantities, great, we can derive a food formula, of course, yes, just 200 g of baked potatoes a day will strengthen your heart, reduce the risk of developing diabetes and improve the intestinal microflora. miko, yes, you are wonderful, i am very glad that you liked it, yes, very tasty, you are napitilisami, who brought potatoes to russia? peter the great? there is such a version, well tell me, was it in vain that he did it, he is a great fellow, here, because i realized that potatoes can be useful if you cook them correctly. that's right, it was the program formula of food on the tv channel. russia
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other cities and other products are waiting for us, until next time, who else will we eavesdrop on, came up, asked, they eavesdrop and spy on our program. because it is always events, in this helicopter the president of russia putin, we will see the most important details and promiscuous shots weeks, and also what distinguishes our program, disappearance in front of the presidents, moments that others will not show, for personnel nuances, trips to grozny. i am with my mother, will be every day,
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this sunday we will show more than others, i know that you wanted to show even more, moscow, krem! putin we are watching today on rtr, this is a week in the city, with you nikolay zuksik, hello, here is what will be in the program. how did blogger sidarupula attract subscribers and followers, why didn't they give him more than 8 million
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rubles. fashionable hotel in the moscow region every night shocks locals, who is having so much fun there today. why was a man who beat a famous sculptor to death in moscow, despite his criminal record, aggravating circumstances, transferred to house arrest, our investigation. in the charge, historical finds were discovered during restoration in the capital more than 200 exhibits. these letters are made of wood covered with social gold. the latest. equipment, no queues, barrier-free environment in the southwest of moscow , the construction of the main building of the polyclinic number 11 has been completed, a modern building in several times larger than the old one, residents of five districts of the capital will be able to receive medical care. on wednesday, the new clinic was inspected by mayor sergei sabyanin.
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anastasia makhina spoke about when the first patients will be accepted there. in the academichesky district of the capital, there are new decorations, a stylish seven-story building, large windows, a beautiful territory, modern design. that's it. this is the new building of the clinic number 11 on vavilov street. the clinic has been built, commissioning work is underway, it will be completed in the shortest possible time, well, according to the plan, i i know it's the end of the year, i think it can be sped up by a couple of months, so let 's speed up. the work is on the home stretch , finishing the finishing and preparing the offices for specialists. currently, outpatient clinic number 11 is located on the lower floors of a residential building from 1956. the new main building of the outpatient clinic is six times larger in area, and its capacity will also increase, and will be able to receive more than 700 patients per shift. now patients will be greeted by a spacious hall with upholstered furniture, a cloakroom and a buffet right there, wide corridors and spacious offices on all floors, in a word, everything
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according to the new moscow standard. this is primarily convenience for patients, the use of modern finishing materials, the use of high-quality medical equipment. clear logistics, clear routing, i am registered in the area belonging to this clinic, i will try to attach myself and be serviced at this facility. more than a hundred doctors of different specialties will work here, from therapists to immunologists pulmonologists, all of them are already looking forward to the move. of course, to work in a comfortable office, yes, equipped good equipment, equipment - this will allow our level, and the medical level to be raised even higher. still.
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residents of the akademichesky, lomonosovsky, gagarinsky, obruchevsky and cheremushkinsky districts will be able to register with the clinic . it will be ready to accept its first patients by the end of this year. anastasia makhina, evgeny oreshnikov, dmitry belous and ksenia sookolova. vesti. more than 700 schoolchildren and kindergarten pupils from the kursk region will continue their education in educational institutions of the moscow region, their enrollment is under special control of the authorities. in the meantime, the children recovering after. experienced in sanatoriums and camps. about how they were received in the capital region, kirill popov. carousels, swings, volleyball and football. thirteen-year-old veronica and her younger brother lenya have a busy day, but they miss home. my favorite cat has dropped by, who scratches me every day. of course, my mother marina
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misses her husband nearby, he stayed in his native kurchatov to take care of the household. the decision to evacuate from the kursk region in an incomplete composition was difficult, but for the benefit of the children. the siren mainly scares me. since she is an adult, she is more meaningful, that is, she knows what is happening, and the son is very nervous, there were stomach upsets, and his appetite was gone, what do you like most here? there are no zryvye, no sirens, these, in the podolsk children's and youth center dream , 98 people from the kursk region were accommodated, 69 of them children. sasha, what are you doing now, well, i do 3d, like this only this plane. nine-year-old sasha from the village of glushkovo, kursk region, is mastering modeling, a new hobby, got carried away the other day, did not have time to take his toys from home, fees were short, took only the most necessary and documents. accommodation
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of evacuated residents from kursk under special control in the prosecutor's office of the moscow region, the most important thing is that the storage is in good condition, see we have everything packed, everything is enough, such prosecutor's inspections are now taking place in many social institutions, sanatoriums and camps of the moscow region, it is important that everyone has enough medicine, clothing, assistance, including an address. special attention to preparation for school. soon the day of knowledge and, accordingly, the beginning of the school year, the authorities have decided the issue of education of these children and most importantly their delivery to school, to school education and back. parents can also be calm about their children's leisure. for example, as part of the exhibition of the moscow 2030 forum, children from the kursk region were invited to an exhibition in the skolkovo park. they were shown the technologies of the future in virtual and augmented reality, innovative developments of residents. i saw a flying motorcycle, which, although in my childhood there was no such thing, no one even thought about it, was most memorable
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robot, you could talk to him. there are currently more than 750 children in the moscow region whose parents were forced to leave their homes as a result of the shelling of the kursk region. the motto of this center in podolsk is that everyone should have their own dream, but it seems that now everyone has a common dream, so that the faces of children who have made such a long and difficult journey from the kursk region will again have smiles on... business coach andrei sidoroppol, he is suspected of large-scale fraud, creating
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online courses that actually taught nothing. the day before, andrei was detained in krasnodar, was taken to moscow to choose a preventive measure. in the tverskoy court, the hearing lasted more than an hour, the lawyer asked for house arrest and even provided a lease agreement for an apartment where the defendant could have been all this time. however, the court considered that sidoropolo could come into contact with other possible participants. the scheme or even escape, so it chose a preventive measure in the form of detention for a period of 2 months, the blogger took the court's decision calmly, only hid his eyes from the cameras, and his lawyer refused to talk to the press. sidaropole has been on the federal wanted list since january 2023, and probably went into hiding after a mass appeal from victims to the police and the court. his author's courses were supposed to teach the intricacies of advertising and creating traffic on the internet. the accomplices created an internet resource, organized an advertising campaign, concealing their activities,
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provided for the possibility of receiving funds from individuals within the framework of signed online offer agreements, all students were guaranteed easy, stable earnings after training, but also the price for established his own methodology is not small, from 50 thousand rubles for a basic course to 400,000 for those who want a vip approach, but in practice the information turned out to be empty. it was said about this in one of the interviews: the course was written, they wrote it themselves, that is
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, they collected something from the internet, now the blogger himself will need a mentor of a legal profile, sidorupala faces a real impressive term. responsibility for committing a crime provided for in part four of 159 of the criminal code of the russian federation, that is, fraud in a special large amount, provides for up to 10 years of imprisonment. it is known that at the moment. the amount of damage from the actions of andrey sidorov was more than 8 million rubles. and there are at least forty victims. andrey zhivtsov, yuri zabolotnikov, artemy antonov, lika dzhevakhishvili. news. laser shows, loud screams and concerts until the morning. residents of peresvet near moscow have lost their peace and sleepiness because of the eternal holiday on the territory of the neighboring resort. the peals of fireworks scare animals and children, and the local stadium has turned into a site for corporate events. about recreation area that crossed all boundaries, oksana maksimova. boom-boom-boom-boom, that's it,
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they screamed, they shouted. the city falls asleep and the park hotel wakes up. a large moscow region. kurt with deafening decibels breaks the thick silence of the cozy peresvet near sergiev posad, a celebration of life on a grand scale, from which the locals' hair stands on end, every weekend evening from the laser show it's as bright as day, nightingale trills drown out musical hits turned up to full blast, screams, these endless competitions with closed windows, you can't hear the tv at home, the hotel complex is located almost in the very center of the city to the nearest apartment building 200 meters, the residents already know all the jokes of the animators by heart, it is impossible to live, such noise, such shouting, and the colorful fireworks are watched even from the surrounding villages, on the huge territory of the sports and health resort there is a swimming pool, a park, a chalet by the lake, but for holding large corporate events the hotel often does not have enough of its own space, the scale of the events of the park hotels sometimes reaches such
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a level that it is necessary to rent a city the stadium as a whole, from local residents under lock and key... they open it for corporate events, and then for repairs. for example, on the running tracks there are holes in the pavement after another party, it is unknown how long it will take to patch them up, as it is unclear when local residents can get to the city stadium, security has stood in the way. this is private territory. it is 9 pm, according to the law, at this time on weekdays there is a quiet period. after a while , a representative of the park hotel came out to us and explained that they themselves did not expect such noise. people arrived with this equipment, we could not do anything. such an excuse. built and local administration. we understand that park-hotel is a popular place, but this does not mean that someone has the right to break the law. and the administration talked with the management of the hotel management company about the inadmissibility of disturbing the peace of residents. the schedule of events in the park hotel is tight volume of holidays, at least in the evening the resort staff promised to regulate, however guarantees that guests will not walk all night
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nobody gives. oksana maksimova, alexander kucherovsky, mark kazakov and pavel letnikov, news. moscow restorers are restoring the only glass facade panel from the soviet era in russia . the monumental decor of the ussr's achievement was miraculously saved during the demolition of the old electrical measuring instruments plant. how the historical mosaic is being revived, where you can see the updated panel, a report by marina gromova. there will be some cracks on top, but they are filled in. the artists had to invent the restoration technology with similar mr. we have never encountered this before. after all, in russia it is the only one, now we are going through the most delicate process, we are replenishing the losses of colored glass filling, but we do not use glass, since it is impossible to bake this entire fragment, because it can warp in the oven, and we make such an imitation of these glass fillings. smalt, from which soviet sculptors usually assembled mosaics, was baked together with pieces of glass at very high
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temperatures in three stages, the technique resembles cloisonné mal, in a modest workshop fit a grandiose...
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which was ideal in height and width. this is the territory of the former vlasov pottery production, a place that will soon become an open-air museum. marina
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gromova, sergey novikov, ignatiy sokolov, pavel letnikov and natalia gubina, news. this is a week in the city, the most interesting stories are always ahead. we'll be back after the commercials. exceptional service, incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation.
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immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and fiery entertainment. welcome to the world of eternal elegance and unrivaled comfort. secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic luxury collection bodrum. we give karina. i don't understand anything, what's going on here? why did you come, what did i find behind the paper in your office, a certificate of divorce, what kind of stupid joke is this? this is not a joke, this is your new reality, it was erased from your own life. we have nothing now , no car, no house, i have no business and no husband, so it's time to build a new one,
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tell me, are you seriously deciding to spin up from scratch, i want to prove that i can't be drown, the stable is burning, oh my god, what the hell, how is that possible, and andrey, where, where, andrey, mom, karina, i'll start all over again on saturday. we go to the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don't go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned means forearmed. any remedy has a downside with the most essential knowledge about health. we dispel myths , we help to find out the truth. how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up before that. what to pay attention to in the footage. from the beginning
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the disease takes two decades to manifest itself , so the whole family should be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take care of your body as a whole, take care of yourself and be healthy. about the most important thing, from monday to friday. any dog ​​handler, let's go home again and now let's go, solves a crime better than any detective, it turns out that we have one
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criminal, a murderer, for two cases, a lady with a dog, a new trail, and i'm always right, soon on rtr, please, an introduction and a roll call, can we do without lining up, i'm very glad you came to visit me, how much tea have you had? only everything comes true, everything is surrendered with joy, let's all wave our hands, when everyone is home, with timur kizyakov, today on
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rtr. this week in the city, we continue, the capital's prosecutor's office is monitoring the investigation into the death of the famous sculptor yuri kondrashov, who was attacked by a drunken company in moscow. in july , the author of the monument to the heroes of the battle of kulyakov was brutally beaten on the street, a few days later he died. relatives of the deceased are seeking a review of the case. all because the defendant who dealt the fatal blow suddenly had his charges reduced. dmitry blinnikov tried to find out why. yuri kondrashov's son shows his father's works, statues, busts, crystal and bronze items. his works are in the tretyakov gallery and in private collections in russia and abroad. he worked at vdnkh, and his works are in the kremlin of patriarch kirill. the famous moscow sculptor yuri kondrashov passed away in the prime of his creative
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powers. on the evening of june 23, he was returning home alone here in the square of the people's militia division he had a conflict with a group of young people. the camera footage shows how several people caught up with him. kondrashov put his hands out, backed away, trying to stop the attackers, and finally received a strong blow from which he fell to the ground and hit his head. he lay in the hospital for 3 days, in intensive care, and soon died, yes. the suspect turned out to be muscovite kirill kulaev. he was detained, a criminal case was opened, this is grievous harm from hooligan motives, causing death, this sanction is up to 15 years imprisonment, but later the article for some reason was reclassified to a lighter one: if earlier kulaev faced up to 15 years of imprisonment, now he can get off with just two years. the thirty-year-old defendant during the conflict deliberately struck the man in the face, from which the latter fell on the asphalt, hitting his head, the man
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was charged, his... every russian knows the picture of his fight with chelbey it was planned to make a whole park area there, such a patriotic directions with monuments with a cultural center so that the project would be approved by
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the moscow government, this work should have become a landmark, perhaps the most important in the life of the sculptor, if not for his death. now the family of the deceased is trying to get the investigation of the case started again, and the accused to suffer a well-deserved punishment. dmitry blinnikov, pavel glazunov, sergey novikov, lika dzhevakhishvili. incorrect labeling of a dangerous composition of fabric. a third of school uniforms do not meet the stated standards. this is the conclusion reached by experts on... after checking several dozen samples, how to choose the right clothes for a student cheat sheet for parents in igor ageenko's report, here's a nice blouse for every day under a school uniform, do you like it, no, they come to stores with children and families, look at the stands with school uniforms, checkered or plain, dark or pastel colors, each educational institution has its own rules. vest, shirt, always some trousers, now it's... completely
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basic things, you can wear jeans, sweatshirts, different t-shirts, in high school this is acceptable, but in middle and elementary school the uniform is strictly regulated, you have to look for it, you can't buy it in one store, because the styles are different and we'll take one thing somewhere, another somewhere else, for high school it's much easier, because you can buy it in stores, but if it's elementary school, then it's better to make it to order, it's more expensive, now let's get pens, in a large family for... this year two are going to school, we bought a uniform with a reserve for growth at the beginning of the summer, it helped us save money, prices have already managed to rise, if we take the same option now, then well, by 40 percent, probably, the same sarafan, that is, it is more expensive by more than 1.00 rubles. according to moststat , parents will have to spend almost 23,000 on a school uniform this year, school trousers will cost 2,240 rubles. a year ago they cost about 1,900,
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shirts, blouses and skirts have gone up in price by 200-300 rubles, but tracksuits have already gone up by 600. in the roskachestvo laboratory, they do the same thing with fabrics as in ordinary life, only much more aggressively, so you can understand what will happen to clothes in pa. an item of clothing, be it a jacket, trousers or a shirt, how everything is stitched, how strong the fabric is, how it interacts with your skin, read the labels and even carefully examine each one at the fairs, demand a certificate, each product should have one, but not
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everyone has certificates, even at official fairs, what can we say about spontaneous stalls, in general there are, of course, but you don’t have one with you, you don’t have one with you, this is a violation, it is accepted, very serious requirements are imposed on well-known large manufacturers serious certification requirements. school clothes and there is no risk of getting some kind of fake or low-quality product, unlike some small handicraft industries, but no matter what clothes you choose, the main thing is to consult with the child himself. i ran through in my head what images we will have, and in general i ask what my daughter wants. there is less and less time to satisfy all desires , the excitement in anticipation of september 1 is growing. ingorinka, artur nurmukhometov, egor vazletsov, anastasia finogenova, news. in moscow has increased the number of slow zones for electric scooters, now there are 350 of them, if at first speed limits were introduced in the city center and in popular recreation areas, now in residential courtyards. the system automatically reduces it to 15, and in some places to 5 km / h.
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an exhibition of finds and restoration has opened in charge. the exhibition has collected more than 200 exhibits that specialists found during work on moscow's cultural heritage sites. these are jewelry, household items and even documents that have miraculously survived to this day. alexander sandzhiev saw everything. here, every find is like a page of moscow history. here is the original sign of the pravda newspaper factory from the thirties, it has been preserved well, although one letter has been lost. these letters are made of wood and covered with gold leaf, which is more typical for icons, and not for a soviet-era building like the pravda newspaper factory. and these marble slabs unite two historical buildings at once. initially. were in the pre-revolutionary cathedral of christ the savior on volkhonka by architect konstantin ton. in 1931, the cathedral was blown up to clear the site for the construction of the palace of soviets. the valuable material was sent to the construction site of the pravda newspaper plant. the stalin printing house prints the militant organ
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of the all-union communist party of bolsheviks. the pravda newspaper. in 2006 , there was a fire here and after it , the building was empty for a long time, and recently restoration began. we went into one of the rooms, lifted a rather remarkable window sill, under which there was an inscription, which we later found out is the titles of the list of participants in the battle of brodino from the gallery of military glory of the cathedral of christ the savior. a separate section of the exhibition is dedicated to moscow secrets. valuable exhibits were archival materials belonging to the king of reporting vladimir gelerovsky. for example, there is an appeal to the central archive from the twenty-sixth year, where the museum of the revolution of the soviet union asks to provide an opportunity. more than 200 items found during work on cultural heritage sites are shown here, including decorative elements and artistic decoration of buildings, old household items, archival photographs, documents telling about the history of the capital. if
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you want to know why these guys were awarded medals at the exhibition, take a look at the pavilion of young naturalists. during the restoration of one of the pavilions at vdnkh, young naturalists discovered these fragments of a chandelier. it can no longer be restored, since many ceramic elements have been lost, so it was sent to the exhibition. and in the sachev estate, during the restoration of this grotto, they found new garden ring inside walled-up parts of park sculptures, where they came from and how they got there, no one can say now. here we tried to show those finds that reveal to the researcher some data about those restoration objects, where many of them would have been very well hidden, walled-up, painted over. the exhibition also presents archaeological finds related to the life of medieval moscow. these are numerous stove molds from different historical periods, ceramic, porcelain and faience.


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