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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  August 25, 2024 11:00am-11:51am MSK

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igor borisovich, at home, at home, ah, but he's sleeping, it was a sleepless night, i don't want to have anything to do with you, go away, at home with the dog, a new trail, soon on rtr. hello on the russia tv channel, news in the ren rossius studio and the main topics for this hour. the most important thing today is that they are at home in russia. the guys who returned from ukrainian captivity are already making plans. to see their parents, to see their girlfriends. all the fighters will undergo rehabilitation. in the kursk region, alligators
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destroyed enemy armored vehicles, artillery worked on the transit camp ukrainian militants. in esu, the village of rokitnaya in the belgorod region was attacked, five people were killed. pavel durov was detained in france. mu faces up to 20 years in prison. elon musk has already spoken out in his defense. the russian foreign ministry is investigating the circumstances. we flew on a business trip for 8 days, but in fact it turned out to be for 8 months. the starliner let us down. literally on a ride: there was always coal, there will be a need. vladimir putin congratulated the miners on their professional holiday. 115 of our fighters returned to russia today, captured by ukrainian terrorists in the kursk region. the exchange took place on the border
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of ukraine and belarus, a special flight detachment delivered the soldiers to one of the moscow region airfields that night, in the very near future they will all meet with their relatives and friends. those who need it will be provided with medical psychological assistance. report by grigory vdovin. the il-76 landed at one of the military airfields near moscow, here is how we see, the ramp opens, the exchange is complete, everything went well, he passed according to the formula. on the ramp one of the wounded is helped down by tatyana moskalkova, she accompanied our military during this flight, and as the commissioner for human rights received an abundance of relevant information. the guys are very courageous and enduring the move. today the most important thing is that they are home in russia. that
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today they will be given the most necessary assistance, everything else needs to be thought through, i have collected a lot of material for a conversation with the ukrainian side, everything is fine, and i have nothing to add, and of course, joy and overwhelming emotions in anticipation of the upcoming meetings with family and friends, an indescribable feeling, everything is great, first of all, what are the plans? to see his parents, to see his girlfriend, we have already talked to him, yes, of course, the peculiarity of this exchange is that the guys who defended the kurdish region are now returning to russia. according to the details of the negotiations , it is known that the united arab emirates acted as a mediator, having made, as stated in the official statement, efforts of a humanitarian nature. the exchange itself took place at the border crossing between ukraine and belarus, in the hands of each a large package with gifts, on which you can read.
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with me alive, healthy, there is a concussion, well , that's how it will go, everything is fine, hello, hello, mom, hi, oh, son, right now, wait, nagrom, come on, talk, that's it, i arrived, in the moscow region, i, here with me, i say, i haven't been anywhere, i've been in captivity, i've already been on a plane in the sky, i've been everywhere, each such exchange is the result of long, difficult painstaking work, when everything can fall apart at the very last moment, the fact that the exchange was a success, everything went
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well - this is the merit of the negotiators, of course, but what is happening is perceived as a wonderful end to the unknown and a state of anxiety and, as reported in the official formulations of mortal danger. which has ceased to threaten all these guys only now, the joy that they returned home , i don’t even know how to express it in words, my mother was glad to hear my voice, she was very happy, the fact that i called, naturally, there were tears of joy, all military personnel, if required, will receive any necessary assistance from military doctors, in any case, they will all be rehabilitated, but the most important in such often...
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a new missile strike on manpower and armored vehicles was carried out by the crew of the alligators. after the attack, the pilots released heat traps and successfully returned to base. artillerymen worked on mobile armored groups, which, despite losses, are trying to break through to the territory of our borderland. the target was also a transit camp of militants, which they equipped near the russian border. in this footage, the result of the strike on the american armored vehicle humvee. but from kursk, where they were temporarily stationed.
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well, too, that is, naturally, that at least something for large families additional aid kits. the humanitarian aid distribution point works from morning until late evening, and a field kitchen is deployed here, hot lunches for everyone. today we have pasta with meat, pilaf, we stew potatoes, bake buns, there are buns we have hot tea, there are cold drinks, so that in time. the opening of the cook volunteers begin to cook at 5:00 in the morning, and so day after day, we perform such a service here, helping people who come here for uh help, which the state offers, here are all sorts of things and
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everything else, and we take advantage of this moment and offer both physical food and, most importantly , spiritual food. polish president duda admitted that the tanks supplied by warsaw to iisu are used in the kursk region. in particular, we are talking about the rt-91 twarde tanks, created on the basis of the soviet t-72. previously, western countries
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tried not to advertise the facts of the use of their weapons on russian territory, well, when they surfaced, they attributed everything to kiev's amateur performance. but after the pentagon stopped denying the obvious a few days ago, his... junior partners followed suit. at the same time, nato is helping ukraine not only with weapons, as the new york times reported today. the us and britain have provided ukraine with satellite images and other intelligence. information from the okursk region so that they could track the transfer of russian reinforcements. thus, there was yet another piece of evidence that moscow was right, which has repeatedly stated that the west is a direct participant in the conflict, despite public statements by politicians. on other topics: sochi liquidates consequences of the weather apocalypse. the day before , a powerful storm hit the city, which blew away tents and easily turned over yachts. all the beaches were closed, the airport worked intermittently, flights were sent to alternate airfields,
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and it will rain in kuban for another 2 days. in the mountains of karachay and cherkessia, rescuers continue to fight a landscape fire. its area was significantly reduced to 5 hectares. in 24 hours, an emergencies ministry helicopter dropped 70 tons of water on the burning vegetation. these shots come from crimea, where fires are also burning in the mountains forests, two hundred specialists and 30 units of equipment are working on the site. a major fire in the rostov region, on an area of ​​400 m, near the recreation center, dry reeds are blazing. there is no threat to populated areas, but the smell of char is felt many kilometers from the site of the emergency. hundreds of thousands of russians, whose work is somehow or other connected with coal mining , are celebrating their professional holiday today, as vladimir putin noted in his congratulations,
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in kusbas, donbass and other regions, where this industry is considered one of the key ones, miner's day is celebrated as a second new year. we today we honor all those who chose the profession of tunnelers, miners, mousers, electric locomotives and lifters, dark surveyors, mine rescuers, foremen, mining engineers, representatives of other mining specialties, all those who dedicated themselves to an exceptionally important cause that requires endurance, fortitude and readiness to come to the aid of a comrade at any moment. we also remember the great merits of the pioneer miners of donbass, and we will do everything possible to revive coal mining, metallurgy and other industries here. dear friends, in our today, almost
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150 thousand miners working in mines, open-pit coal mines and processing plants are receiving congratulations in the country. everyone knows the strong, direct, persistent character of a miner, the dignity of a working person who is confident that his work is the main way to improve the well-being of his family, city, and native country. i would like to separately address the families of all those celebrating miner's day. only with your support can we do this hard work, which is often associated with risk. coal has always been, is, and will be needed. and the coal industry itself still has great development prospects. the well-being of our country largely depends on its growth of success. therefore, i believe in your new successes, in the glory of russia, i congratulate you with all my heart on
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the holiday, i wish you all the best. young guards of united russia went to donbass, where this holiday is especially celebrated. the activists visited several mines in tarez, snezhnoye and makeyevka. they congratulated the miners on their professional day and presented fruits, cakes and delicacies for the festive table. it is a great honor for us to be there, to congratulate the miners personally. miners are a special caste of people, courageous, decent, true patriots, devoted to their country, its traditions and values. for all of us, especially for the younger generation, such people are an example and authority. our correspondent, alexander podoprik, talks about how industry enterprises are developing and modernizing in the donetsk people's republic, one of the largest coal mining regions. the new stage of work at the zarya mine was marked by the ringing
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of combine blades and the clanking of a conveyor belt, the annual the downtime after a strong flood ended, the miners produced the first ton of black gold, pumped out this influx of water in a short time , coped with the elements, and prepared the number 32 vava, to assemble it quickly without losing quality, the miners coped with this task in just 2 months, a year and a half, i think this lava will pump over a thousand tons so. that we have a prospect, we will work, let's hope for a bright future. for mining on such thin layers, they use the developments of donetsk engineers, creep donbass-80. a local plant was connected to the restoration of the section, which again provided work for hundreds of people, one of the main participants in the repair alla popova, a turner with 42 years of experience, they said that it must be done quickly, we remain, uh, without breaks, in each mine family dynasties work, the site manager artem kushnarenko has been working for 17 years, he maintains family traditions, thanks to new technology and new approaches
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to increase production volumes, for him it is no longer a task with an asterisk, with the technology we have worked out 1,200 daily production, increasing production. it will definitely work, especially since there is low-ash lava here, the quality of the coal is very chic, this coal is ideal for industry, such as chemical plants, thermal power plants, the main consumers. coal chemistry, this is what will be very important, because, starting from cosmetics, medicine, the chemical industry, gasoline of all components, thanks to the free economic zone regime, it was possible to attract private capital, investors invested several...
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the most important thing is that there is hope, we are doing everything for this as it was before 20, 30, 40 years ago, we do. all mining enterprises strive for such indicators, the best in their specialty are selected from among the employees, they are honored with badges, certificates and gratitude. well, this is my first, so it turns out to be an award, it's joyful, i want to talk to my relatives, show. the main pride of coal mining enterprises is people who, despite the difficulties, give themselves to work completely. risks and challenges. for miners, the mines become a second home, where have their own foundations and customs. thanks to the dedication to the profession and knowledge that are passed down through generations, there is hope that donbass will regain the title of industrial heart of russia. anton khobotov, denis vedyaev, vesti donetsk. the first liturgy in the restored church of the archangel michael in the moscow region
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village of okulinina is currently being held by the patriarch of moscow and all russia kirill. the construction lasted almost 4 years. and now all the work is completely finished. the church was first built there in the 17th century. according to historical documents, it was originally wooden, later in the next century it became stone, but in the thirty-fifth year it was dismantled, and the stone that remained was used to face the medical college. 9 years ago , residents decided to revive the temple. this is news, this is what will happen next in our program. again attacked civilians in the belgorod region in the village of rakitnaya, five people died, they were flying on a business trip for 8 days, but in fact it turned out to be for 8 months, starliner let down nasa astronauts and they will fly home in february of the twenty-fifth literally hitchhiking and luntik returns home, the long-awaited cartoon with favorite characters is released in wide release, we will talk about this not only after the commercials, we will see each other, and what will you
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overhear? came up, asked, they eavesdrop and spy on our program, because it is always, a hub of events, in this helicopter the president of russia, putin, the most important details, we will look at the transit footage of the week, as well as what distinguishes our program, disappearance in front of the eyes of the presidents, moments that others will not show, let's show house. for personnel nuances, trips to grozny, this sunday we will show more than others, i know that you wanted to show even more, moscow, the kremlin, putin, watch today on rtr. kalinan belek is a place. where
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time stops, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true perfection, making dreams come true. kalinan beleg hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale.
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and then we will see each other less often, i will still be married, forgot my phone in a cafe, on friday, hello, where did you get the phone number? i'm sveta's fiancé. if i could help you somehow, come with me, i'll say that you are my fiancée, if the fiancée has disappeared somewhere, you can always find a fiancée for an hour, i don't fit into this stupid dress, don't fit, it's a brand model, but it doesn't fit, it doesn't fit, what are you doing, taking this country bumpkin to your relatives, are you completely crazy, i won't allow gleb to marry this commoner, i think he can still... fix everything, a reward awaits the finder, on friday on rtr. altai, majestic
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mountainous country. nature has generously rewarded this region, picturesque green valleys, a waterfall. mountain ranges, snow-white peaks and glaciers, especially rich in glaciers belukha, a two-headed sacred mountain, where, according to legend, you can find the entrance to shambhala, belukha is the highest point of siberia and the cradle of the great altai river katun. among the mountains is lake teletskoye. altai has always been a source of legends and myths. and
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today its mysterious beauty fascinates people, as it did many centuries ago. you don't need to make an appointment with him. joke. he will come to your home himself. we are starting. he will always help. we will to train. how to walk on ice will always tell you how to raise low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, will always support a bowl of pasta and cheese, this is a saucepan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes on lard, a knitting needle, this is how a child sleeps, but i do not advise you to do this. a doctor who can be trusted 100%. and you will be happy. well, i do not guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely improve.
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doctor myasnyakov. today on rtr. this is news, we continue the release. five people died 13 more, including three children, were injured, 10 houses were damaged, four cars were cut by shrapnel, this is the result of a new terrorist attack by ukrainian armed groups on the village of rokitnoye in the belgorod region. the gas pipeline was cut, without gas, several settlements were left at once . from the scene. report by alexey kornev. another brutal terrorist act was committed by vasu's militants against civilians in the belgorod region. at night , enemy shells fell on residential buildings in the village of rakitnaya shells. as a result of the attack, five people received injuries incompatible with life. 12 were wounded, including three minors. one boy received medical assistance on the spot,
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two with shrapnel wounds were taken to a regional medical facility. as part of the criminal case, the investigative committee of russia will identify all persons involved in the commission of this terrorist attack, both the commanders who gave the illegal order to fire on civilians and those who directly carried it out. their actions will be given a tough legal assessment. among adults, four were wounded in serious condition, the victims are also receiving all necessary medical care. damage of varying severity was sustained in 10 private homes, two commercial properties and four cars in the village. damage was recorded on a gas pipeline and a power line. three settlements were temporarily left without power . administration employees continue to visit houses. emergency services are on duty at the scene. alexey kornev, vyacheslav podzolkov. vesti. belgorod region. russian iskanders struck american launcher in sumy region. drone operators spotted the vehicle and escorted it to the parking lot. as a result of
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the attack. in the krasnolimansk direction, after a large-scale artillery barrage, crews of modern storm squads are advancing on the enemy. bmps are being developed. frontline report by alexey baranov. in such an unusual way, a shell is fed into the akatsiya self-propelled artillery howitzer for only one purpose, to reduce the time between shots. this battery of the guards army of the west group of troops operates on krasnolimansky direction. target coordinates are received both from reconnaissance groups operating behind
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the line. then this unit operates much closer to the front line. these most modern in the russian army bmp-3 operate in the avdeyevka direction. today, the crews of the central military district have a special task - to ensure the delivery and safe landing of assault groups, the center of the troop group on the line of combat contact. such difficult, without
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exaggeration, dangerous work is carried out here around the clock, just returned from the bmp-3 forward gunner with the call sign designer, without a trace of excitement, calmly tells us about the work he has just done. seven people board, the landing force is approaching, when we approach, i start working , practicing to bring the enemy to the ground, it takes less than a minute to land right away, so that the attack aircraft move away from... tires, when they just come out, we leave, on the retreat we also start working in the same way to help the boys, ready, bmp-3 of the central military district, replacing each other, work around the clock, at full speed, making marches from the loading point of the assault groups to their landing point and back. mp3 worked together with
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the assault groups in the ovdeevka direction and has now left to replenish its ammunition, while other crews continue to operate just a few hundred meters from the front line. alexey baranov, yuriy marchenko, anastasia shevchenko, khaled tankiev. news: donetsk and lugansk people's republics, the line of combat contact. the russian embassy in france is investigating the circumstances surrounding the detention in pavel durov's paris. french researchers say that the creator of telegram is not helping them fight drug trafficking, money laundering and fraud. the official representative of the russian ministry of foreign affairs, maria zakharova, recalled that 6 years ago the west actively urged russia not to create obstacles to the work of messenger. she published a list of western human rights organizations that then
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stood up for the platform. and noted that she expects a reaction from them now, what threatens durov , why he, despite his own fears arrived in france, anastasia popova found out. at le bourget airport, the private jet of the telegram founder landed at about 8:00 p.m. thirty-five-year-old pavel durov, accompanied by his assistant and bodyguard. all three were detained right at the steps of the plane. the russian foreign ministry has already taken up the case, the first reaction was from the russian representative in vienna. some naive people still do not understand that if they play a more or less noticeable role in the international information space, then it is not safe for them to visit countries that are moving a much more totalitarian society. durov knew that he was being hunted in europe, so he rarely visited here. why did he go to paris, he knows that there is a warrant for his arrest, everyone is guessing. elon musk and former head of mit austria karen kneissle comment on the situation. the year is 2030. in europe, you will be executed for liking a meme. the founder
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and ceo of tv. pavel durov himself was arrested yesterday evening at the paris airport, the charges against him are simply insane, he did not want to cooperate with the french authorities, sharing keys to encrypt messages in telegram, this can be reduced to. claims, the lack of moderation on the platform, according to french investigators, makes him an accomplice to drug trafficking, fraud, distribution of pedophile content, organized crime and terrorism, and this is at least 20 years in prison, and they intend to try him as a citizen of france. in 2021, durov received a passport of this country. in one of his rare interviews with american journalist tucker carlson, durov openly said that an agent was hunting him and his employees. and then met him again in san francisco, the agents were interested in the platform architecture and encryption algorithms, the intelligence services offered
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thousands of dollars for the creation of a confidential channel in durov's secret, through which the data they needed would be transmitted to the us authorities. the west is irritated that in 2018, dura handed over the keys to encrypted messages to the russian intelligence services. the fight against terrorism, after which he moved to live in the emirates, where he received protection for the platform from attacks eu and us intelligence services, and a passport, now he is actively involved in the technological transformation of the middle east, helping to develop cryptocurrency to abandon dollar settlements, developing applications that do not rely on western software with its own middle eastern digital currency , enough reason for the west to declare a hunt for nadurov, in the networks he is already called the second asange, stoval him for allowing the public to express freedom of speech. this is a western country, an ally biden administration, a nato member, locked him in jail. pavel durov sits in a french prison today, a living warning to any platform owner who refuses to censor
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the truth on orders from the government and intelligence agencies. the previously free world is rapidly descending into darkness. a separate column of charges for telegram functions that allow you to send cryptocurrency. toncoin by asset capitalization. in the top ten largest, but after durov's arrest, its value has already collapsed by 15%. in the companies claim that there is no panic. in case of such unforeseen situations, they have a pre-developed plan agreed with durov, which will ensure the smooth operation of the platform. the hearing at which charges will be brought and a preventive measure chosen will take place today. according to sources in the french media, durov should not count on being released on bail during the investigation. according to the judges, he has too much money. to quickly leave the country, and western intelligence agencies have too much reasons to prevent him from doing so now. anastasia bernadsky, polina fedorova, european vesti bureau. a powerful exchange of blows between israel and hezbollah took place last night.
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hundreds of missiles and dozens of drones were launched from southern lebanon at israel. at the same time, shortly before the launch , israel itself launched a massive preemptive strike against the radicals' launchers on lebanese territory. about a new round of escalation of the report. a powerful exchange of blows took place, in which large forces of the israeli army were involved. the general staff says that hundreds of fighters and bombers were striking the territory of southern lebanon, but this exchange of strikes was quite unnoticed by the residents of israel, since it took place at dawn at 4:45 a.m., having received information from intelligence... sources, including from us intelligence services. the israeli general staff decides to launch a preemptive strike against hezbollah, since according to intelligence, hezbollah intended to attack israel at about 5 a.m., using
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up to 6,000 surface-to-air missiles for this purpose. the surface, including the strike, was going to be carried out by tv at byangurion airport. that is why tshal went to... after consulting with the ministry of defense , the chief of the general staff, we instructed the army to act preemptively to eliminate the threat. since then, the idf has been actively working to prevent threats, thousands of rockets aimed at the north of the country have been destroyed. however,
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as military experts noted, israel did not strike the capital of lebanon, beirut, or the neighborhoods where lebanon's shi'ide minority lives last night, so it is obvious that by striking. preemptively, the israeli army, however, is trying to behave with restraint in order to prevent the escalation from spreading and turning into a full-scale war.
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71 people died in the gas. alexander bilipov and
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dmitry shcherbakov. vesti: middle east. the astronauts of the starliner test ship will remain on the iss until february next year. this was announced by nasa. the decision was made for safety reasons. engineers are not sure that the ship from booing will be able to land successfully with the crew. therefore, starline will return empty. the crew will have to return to earth literally by hitchhiking. the space ship and... elon musk. more details about how this happened, pavel prokopenko. they flew on a business trip for 8 days, they have to stay for 8 months, and that's in the best case. the fact that astronauts sunita williams and butch wilmar would remain in orbit was discussed immediately after the discovery of malfunctions on their ship. but nasa was in no hurry with the final decision. the starlair crew remained in limbo for 2 s2 months. now there are still six months ahead. our the decision to leave boogie and sani at the international
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space station, they will return home with the crew of cru 9 in february next year, and starlye will return without a crew. on june 6 , the starliner took off for the first time with a crew on board, when it docked with the iss an hour late, the ground heard houston, we have a problem. astronauts williams and ... reported that five of the 28 engines failed during the flight, they depressurized, a helium leak occurred, they literally flew on their word of honor on one wing. the fiasco of the booing company, which, in addition to aviation, now space problems. the starliner project, according to the developers, was supposed to compete with elon musk's dragons. the first manned flight sent all hopes into a tailspin. the boeing ship was not ready, it... flew for the first time and
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could not dock with the station at all in the unmanned version, with great difficulty they finally docked and were allowed to make a manned version, so on june 6 this - the starliner in the first manned version with two astronauts on board, finally flew, but it flew to iss, but there were a lot of comments, the manufacturer immediately stated that nothing terrible had happened, the crew could return. nasa and boeing held countless meetings on this ship, but boeing's safety guarantees were unconvincing for the space agency. it will be very difficult to control the ship during descent, and the ship needs to enter the atmosphere, enter the atmosphere in a certain position in a strictly defined position. therefore, this is a rather dangerous situation for the crew. the starliner crew will be part of the next planned expedition to. the astronauts in orbit will wait for the rest and will all return to
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earth together in six months. if williams and wilmar, who were stuck in zero gravity, needed to be urgently delivered home, nasa could have asked roscosmos for help. many astronauts remember the recent flights on our soyuz. after the completion of the shuttle program and before the advent of the dragons, the americans simply had nothing to fly into space on. they used our ships from 2011 to 2020. support mutual assistance in space. today our american colleagues problems with the starliner, they don't know how to land their crew, and we are in constant dialogue with them. extending space missions is not uncommon. there are enough oxygen supplies on the iss for everyone. the prospects for the starliner crew have become clearer, but the future of the ship itself remains unclear. its
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purpose is to deliver astronauts to orbit and return them. this is exactly how it is written in the boeing project. in its first flight , the starliner coped with the task. exactly half. pavel prokopenko, elena varantsova, news. premiere on the big screen animated film luntik, return home. the main character and other characters of the beloved cartoon are waiting for space adventures. the audience first met the alien 18 years ago, and now it's time to return him to the moon to his mother. the film, filmed with the support of our channel, will be released in cinemas on august 29. emotions of the first viewers. ekaterina frolova. his world is painted in the brightest colors. the favorite of millions, the charming luntik, is preparing to go on the most important adventurous journey. so, my mother is also very worries about me, somewhere there, on the moon. for
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him, all things the world around him are, in general, a playground of happiness, let's say. this is the thing that we broke a little in the full-length film, he realized for the first time what even the counter-plot had not been outlined in the series, he realized that he does not have a mother. luntik becomes literally obsessed with the idea of ​​getting to the moon to see his mother. young viewers and seasoned fans hurried to the oktyabr cinema center to meet with the kindest childhood friend. i have been watching it since i was 27, i have rewatched all the episodes, i love - all of these characters, but will go to... it's not so easy to go to the moon alone, his loyal friends will come to the aid of the charming alien. and what are you doing? we are learning to fly, so far only going down. the director of the project is a laureate of numerous russian and international awards and a two-time oscar nominee, konstantin bronzit. he had been hatching the idea of ​​​​creating the film for more than 10 years.
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viewers first met luntik and his friends 18 years ago, when the cartoon was shown in the program "good night, little ones" on the russia tv channel. and now they are coming of age. a great reason to go on screen in a large format. all the characters were created using three-dimensional digital magic, each of them with their own emotions and character, each is drawn from different angles, thinking through their own emotions and poses. here , our finger phalanges move, all the joints are also coordinated, they move relative to each other. this is simply done out of love, this is this character, he is such a part of our life. and i want to give him another turn, a larger -scale one - a way of existence. fairytale the universe has been replenished with new and expressive characters. the audience will see luntik's mother for the first time and will meet the moth, an old scientist obsessed with space. no problem, you'll fly away in a year, the shell
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will remain with me for now. on the way, the funny alien will have space adventures that will make him think about very important earthly questions. imagine that your friend... flies away, and you will never see him again, you would be happy. the first spectators left the hall, wiping away tears of joy, the story of luntik touched everyone deeply souls. we all cried, we were very worried about how luntik would return to his mother or not, very cool, bright, the graphics are very amazing, there were many interesting restaurants, everything is very sensual, a gripping plot, generously seasoned with humor and unrealistically touching feelings. wait, luntik, what if you don’t reach the moon at all? i don’t care. but i have to try. and also a pleasant surprise for those who wait until the end of the credits. luntik, return home. in cinemas from august 29. ekaterina fralova, irii khezrieva, aleksey karpushin and dmitry korsakov. news. about the main events of the last seven days in big news with evgeny popov. watch today at 20:00.
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hanvi is quite new, compact and... very equipped, they stole it quickly, the mood of the kursk bulge, the slaughterhouse has the task of slaughtering pigs, we do not have the task of capturing a pig farm yet, a bunch of prisoners said, how vetya stole a humvee under the enemy's nose, just now the camera of these, it's you, the order came from the company commander to steal it. urgently, who and how is protecting the kursk npp. hello, normal. here are the engraving towers of the kursk nuclear power plant, where
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fragments of downed missiles were found on august 10. why does zelensky need a new chernobyl? the enemy tried to strike the nuclear power plant tonight. 30 pieces of silver of kasparov, why does it call for killing fellow citizens? don't think about the so-called ordinary russians there. who else is crazy about kursk? why did macron arrest pavel durov? the billionaire was put on the wanted list for various crimes, why did he decide to come to french soil while there is still a mystery? will telegrams survive? will france be able to read our correspondence? how much does a left-wing car sharing cost? there is not a single one that is not conquered.
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