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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  August 26, 2024 3:58am-5:01am MSK

3:58 am
you, i love you, dan, and i love you, sunshine, i have a meeting soon, i have to go , you can tell me everything in more detail later, okay, i miss you very much, and me, kisses, kisses. well, it seems to me that we are already late, we have time, everything is fine, hello, hello, vera, meet her, this is ksyusha, ksyusha, this is vera, good afternoon, good afternoon, i hope you are feeling better, yes, thank you, and we are going to the cinema, vera, if you want, come with us, but i can't me.
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grandma is waiting, i bought her something tasty, or maybe you should come and have some tea with us, why? no, what about the movie, well , let's go to another show, well, we've already bought a ticket, oh well, we'll cancel, artem, what's the big deal, let's go, who 's come to visit us, oh hello, lyudmila, hello, we're good, let's meet, this is ksyusha, good afternoon, temochka, hello , come on, tell me. quickly, how are you? haven't seen each other for 2 weeks? oh well, i'm taking my people to the championship, you're our restless one! tem, by the way, the ceilings in the hallway were poorly painted, the paint is falling off, well, that's probably where verka painted, well, well, of course, well, let's go and see, let's go, i'll show you, and how did you meet artyom? and my son is in his section. he's lucky, tema is the best
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coach, he's been doing it for a long time, why are you acting like a fool, what do you think, once someone has screwed you and dumped you, that's it, now you can start going to other men, listen, vera, artyom is a delicate, well-mannered man, your problems are right here for him, you should leave us alone, well, the tea is brewing, it's brewing, come on, pour the tea. i 'll change my clothes now, and i'll help, yeah, yeah, listen, vera, and i have a favor to ask of you, can you put together a first aid kit for me for the championship in your lab, and what do you need, everything that is needed for the championship, there are different things there, sprains, fractures, dislocations, well , okay, i'll have a look, that's it, i'll come to you tomorrow then, okay, okay, just at one o'clock, i'll have a break
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, yeah, okay, vera, come sit down at the table, i'll wash the dishes now and sit down, so many people have signed up today, i don't even know how to receive everyone today, vera, come to the procedure later, yeah, yeah, okay, when i go there, verochka, berunche, how are you? fine, like take her inside, tem, tem, no need,
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padonok, answer, it was you who attacked her on the street, why did you do it. you shouldn't ask
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me, i'm just the executor. we're home, well, finally you've arrived, hi, hi, got a tan, had a rest, look good, thank you, how wonderful you are, a beauty, new, yes, new, i still have a whole suitcase of things with me, oh, lift it up, please, thank you, let's go see, let's go , did you like it, well, how did you rest, yes, i really liked it, very good, thank you very much, well, help me. so here we have for you have a ton of gifts, let's go there, let's go upstairs, i'll give them back, faster, faster, faster, faster, faster, artyom, artyom, can i have a minute, stop, rest, rest,
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what happened, why didn't you meet me yesterday, i waited for you for 2 hours. 2 hours, and you didn't even answer the phone, i'm sorry, it didn't work out, vera just has a problem with her taker, vera, vera, i don't understand at all who is more important to you, me or her, she, guys, okay, artyom, good luck to you, with vera, more, more, more. i've had a rest, run here, let's continue, i understand you, let's meet tomorrow at my office
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we'll sort it out, okay, we agreed, viktor pavlovich, have they come to see you? yes, we have some very important news for you, i'd like to give the floor to danila, thank you, to be honest, i
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'm a little nervous, i haven't rehearsed, so i'll try to tell it like it is. among you there is a person who is really dear to me, a person whom i truly love, alyona, just thinking about you makes my heart beat faster, i don't know how i can live without you, i really. "i really love you very much, i want to ask you, do you agree to become my wife, i agree, i don't agree, vitya, vitya, what are you
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saying, well dad, what's wrong, what happened?" ignatov, danilo igorovich, are you accused of attempted murder? what murder? what? what, what dad, the murder of his fiancée, he paid his friend to attack her, and that little brat would get rid of the child she was expecting. no, that, no, that, that can't be, dad, i don't believe it, danila, danila, tell me that it's not so, mom, dad, do something, where are you taking him,
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i bought your favorite cake there, let's go have some tea drink, thank you very much, thank you, thank you very much, good, and this is for you. verochka, how are you, the best of all, and he is our daddy, how are you fyodor artemovich, and quietly, quietly, quietly, yes, come on, come on, i'll take it. be careful in the darkness of ghostly dreams, but believed in love, you
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lit a light in me with a million bright comets, the light of hope, you are my soul, you are mine. star in the sky we will be together, with you for everything, you are my soul, you are my star, in the blue sky we will be together, i ask the heavens, just be with me always, give me happiness, sonya. time for me, i i will carry my love through the years, just be
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with me, be forever, you are my soul, you are my star, we will be together in the blue sky.
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dance after me, please, i don’t dance, i’m sorry
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. lyuda, hello woman. lyuda, ivan, is this not your daughter lyudmila? she is also your surgeon or , in a childish way? therapist. will you allow me to see you off? shandar. excuse me, i promised shandar. and i could forget. lyuda, maybe i will have the pleasure of seeing you off after the ban. and why with pleasure? lyudochka, this is vaivals. is it really, forgiver shandar, sorry. petya, it turns out that the soviet union
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does exist. you know, in 1911 i saw something similar in africa in the ritual dances of the nyam-nyam tribe, the only daughter.
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alyoshenka, thank you, my fault, lyudochka, alyoshenka, the car is at the entrance, sorry, lyudochka, you are with me, lyudochka, let's go, ivan, let's go, auntie. auntie, lyudochka, who are they waiting for, i don't know, auntie, come with us, alyoshenka, thank you, yes, let's go, ivan, button up, you'll catch a cold, oh-oh, lyuda,
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lyudochka, churyami! and who's going to pay the fine? well, of course, i'll pay, daddy, darling key, thank you, well i'll give in for the sake of march 8, men, sit down, i was ordered to sit down, lyudochka, well good night, young people, until tomorrow, lyoshenka, goodbye, interesting, alexey, don't forget, tomorrow at 10 the designer, i remember, ivan terenovich, maybe on foot? no, alyoshenka, i'm tired, it's still march 8, here's mine too, the whole day, like crazy, and i'm in a shohometka from hot. at one house, excuse me, came, yeah, i ask, thank you, oh,
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i'm tired, what is this, are you really stuck, well, very good, this is fate, this is disgrace, ruslan, lyuda, you can even now, here now don't laugh listen to me, completely seriously, i think about you all the time, and i think habitually, strive for lyudmila
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's joy, lyuda, be my wife, finally, i've been waiting for this solemn moment for 2 years, go on, go on, oh, we've arrived, let me in. i won't let you in, found a place for an explanation, you even invited me to the management house, why aren't you coming out, no, we're
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riding. oh, thank you, alyoshenka, please, such a night, goodbye! what's the matter, nothing, nothing, i just came to say that i can't do this anymore. i'll come for an answer in a week,
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and i've already planned a second one, well done, oh how far away, look, poltava is there, it is, so what do i have, lyuda, listen, lists of destinations have already popped up, well yes, where, you can choose. and leningrad is there, i don't know, i don't know, i haven't seen, leningrad is there, no, leningrad, how is leningrad not there, nizhneangarsk surgeon, irkutsk, chukarkhoyansk, poltava, stum and detich, ulan-ude, excuse me, where is leningrad? it never existed, where? there is no leningrad, it's not there. hello, lyuda. hello, well they said there would be places in leningrad. you know what? there's a great place in moldova, a wonderful hospital, i can't stand the heat, well, i don't like it, there's the urals, the mountains, i can ship myself, if you like it, then we're pawns,
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after all, i have my own plans, i want to live in lening, you're not a hepatist, take pity on your liver, it's quite possible that lyudmila, as an exception, will send you to renero, don't be witty. orenka, what's for the second course? mozgivan, i'm serving it now, brains are not an unnecessary detail in the human body, they didn't take us for lunch without a conference, i'm listening, vanechka, just a minute, thank you, why aren't you eating, don't i want, what's wrong with you, lyuda? auntie, i wanted to ask you to show me to dr.
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shatrov, are you not feeling well? yes, dad, something recently, i found out that there are no places in leningrad. it's okay, colleague, you'll go to the periphery, it's very useful, when i was your age i started in the barracks and god knows where to ask, and i'm proud of it, won't she stay in leningrad, will she leave? yes, daddy, i'll leave, well, like all the students in her class, why should there be an exception for her, leningrad.
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by the way, you have a great way out, bring me and my father to a heart attack and collect certificates of disability, auntie, well, what are you talking about, or jump out and marry some irreplaceable leningrader, stay with your husband, i never thought that i would have to have such a shameful conversation with you, dancing, parties, and a gentleman in a permanent, the surgeon of pies, if you want to know, did not dance at all, here lermont won the prize for you.
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"i'm asking you for the last time, call, i won't, as you wish, what are you looking for, a hole, what hole, into which they want to drive me for the rest of my life. dad, come on , call, i said, i won't, i won't, don't wait!
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"boris vasilyevich, listen, who are you calling, about lyudmila, i beg you, please leave me alone, oh that's how it is, yes, and you, and you, both of you, leave me alone, it's easier to run away from home, and you raise your daughter, the father calls, by the way, this is your upbringing, no, this is your upbringing, i physically didn't have a home, i am."
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walks, why did you come, what did i find in your office with a piece of paper, a certificate of divorce, what kind of stupid joke is this, this is not a joke, this is your new reality, she was erased from your own life, we don't have it now nothing, no car, no house, i have no business and no husband, so it's time to build a new one , tell me, are you seriously deciding to start from scratch, i want to prove that it 's impossible to... drink, the stable is burning, oh my god, what's wrong, how is that possible, and andrey, where, where is andrey, mom, i'll start all over again, on saturday, on rtr, allow yourself a first-class vacation with leo reorts, elegant
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details. a holiday of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. leo reorts, we are here for you!
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crumbled to dust, dad died, if you someone really offended, who is this mom, young sebastian, don't look like that, life, not a movie, you need a sip of love, everyone calls me goviota, nice to meet you, goviota, coffee with
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the aroma of love, already on the website in the app , watch, please, thank you, lesha, oh, olya, olya, alexey, hello, come in, thank you for being with you, my head hurts, soul, my boy, soul, your co-author is not at home, ran away, demarche, you see, arranged, slave rebellion, excuse me, is ludo at home? in his office, hello, and hello, alyosha, dad is not there, and i, actually, not to him, i
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i just dropped by for a minute to get the blueprints, by the way, to say goodbye to you, exactly, in 2 hours i'm flying off to a construction site, yes, that's it. i 'm flying off to siberia, for a long time, yes, for at least a month, damn, by the way, you know, lyuba, i 've been hanging around under your windows for a whole week, after all, i'm an adult, i just don't understand, is it really so hard to say simple human words, and lyosha, i don't love you, that's it, why are you silent, lyuda, do you
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really enjoy torturing me, lyuda, no, well... actually, i, i knew it, well, what zh, farewell, people, alyosha, already, where, to siberia, no, to the legislative assembly, congratulations on your legal lie. hurry, hurry, let's get the plane,
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a wonderful picture of a turning point, auntie, lyuda, wait, you'll shoot me down, i mean, auntie, lyuda, most interesting. case, congratulate me, on what, i got married, people, to whom, don't be scared, auntie, don't be scared, for your favorite, for alyosha! oh, unfortunate guy. so, comrade rumyantseva, the commission and the entire institute, as a whole, wish you success in the noble field of a doctor. thank you. well, there will be difficulties, of course, but the region you are going to is waiting for you. and it is very nice that you yourself expressed a desire to go so far.
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lyudmila ivanovna odintsova rybalchenko, hello, please sit down, thank you, therapist, komsomol member, excellent student, congratulations, colleague, thank you. as everyone knows,
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the most active beer plutonium of our student amateur performance, but this is like a small stroke, a very capable doctor, a lot of energy, oh, please tell me where the director's office is, second floor, room twentieth, thank you very much, forgive me, girls, you are not have you seen lyudmila odentsova? where from, yes she's already on the commission, and anna terentyevna, of course there, thank you very much, where, no, i'm not going to come in here, what's all the noise, just a minute, who, me, her, bass, pa, excuse me, comrade, continue, alexey, hello!
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i'll explain everything, i'm listening, yes, so, calmly, calmly, now talk, i'll continue now, she was planning to go to dagestan, to the regional hospital in urkarahi, but in view of...
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the thing is that he was just appointed chief engineer for the construction of a bridge in siberia, what? and the construction needs doctor. and here is the application for lyudmila ivanovna odintsova rybalchenko, whom he brought, and why are you so pale, odentsova? don't be afraid, you will definitely go together, are we huns or something? where are you going? odintsova! "stop, wait, wait, taxi, taxi,
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how are you, great, excuse me, hurry, stop, lyudochka, what have you done to me, and what, what am i, what am i, a traitor, a deceiver, how dare you"? what, how dare you, why are you ordering me around, commanding me, who gave you the right? do you understand, at least, what have you done, lyudochka, my dear, i am even i don't understand anything, what's got you so excited, and you're still pretending, making fun of me? for god's sake, what's going on here, just don't touch me, and know that i'm not leaving leningrad, anywhere, wait, wait, wait, and it's completely impossible, because i've already accepted an appointment, immediately, right now , go to the institute and take your stupid application back, do you hear me,
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do you understand what i'm telling you, well, ah, that's it, maybe you... are with me only so that i don't leave leningrad, ok, very ok, i won't impose myself, only you, you, my wife, lyudmila ivanovna, rybalchenko, no, i'm odintsova, no, rybalchenko, no, odintsova, rybalchenko, my wife, will you come with me, no, i'm not your wife yet, and i'm not going anywhere with you, no, you'll go, and... "please, let's do without family scenes for today, oh, i hate you, i hate you, as you wish, divorce, right now, immediately, yes, i won't give you a divorce, yes, you understand that i can't see you, but i can't see you, nikolaevich, welcome back, thank you, meet my wife, lyudmila..."
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well, yes, how to dry, hold on,
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hello, alexey nikolaevich, welcome, thank you, whoever you brought, your wife, the doctor. alexey nikolaevich, hello, hello, hello, go away, hurry up, go to bed, i won't go to bed. live , they say, welcome, thank you,
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get up, the ferry is below. i won't get up, my heel broke, well, break it, the second one will be more convenient to walk. i advise you to put your suitcase on your shoulder, it will be more convenient. save your advice for others.
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good. "i love you, and i love you, we're sitting well, let's run, the premiere is on rtr, you're so reliable, not petrushka, he called someone again, well, don't be silent, please, my name is mikhail dolskaya, i know, we've talked before, you haven't spent the night at home, there's something i don't know." can i finally admit it, i love him, you know, i love him, and i can't do anything about it, you know, i love him, the bonds of marriage or the web of love, what will it be?
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from monday on rtr. titanic luxury collection, welcome to rikса with premium magavish suds and villas in hurghada, where luxury rooms and... are combined with a golden sandy beach stretching for 1 km. impeccable service, exquisite cuisine
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will make your holiday unforgettable. rixas premium magavish seюds & villas, the holiday you 've been dreaming about. russia tv channel presents. dear friends, my name is maria sittel, i am the author and presenter of the new documentary. fill out the form on the website, send them, fill out the forms, we are waiting with impatience. who are we, where are we going, what
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kind of country are we, what is valuable to us? we have not changed. a russian person remains a russian person. they are not afraid of anything. of course, there is something inside, such a chill, anything can happen. do not retreat from anything. i will still be do what i do. the higher the pressure, the stronger the concrete. that's it. never change yourself, i don't have years every year, i have every minute as a family minute, it can't be any other way, now there is a fight for our values, for us, for russia, for the russian world, for our past, i understand that such responsibility is on me, this is my path, this is my life, my destiny. life and destiny from monday to friday on rtr the loud-voiced comrade fedorov,
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this is an outrage, because it is he, you understand, he is hey, poro, tenor, but not a tenor, but chief engineer, you see, with him... young doctor, and you are waiting for some cow, immediately drive away, i am not waiting for a cow, a lady, in the full scope of this word, he is coming , running, stop, step aside, you will scare the cow, a red stream will come at you, god forbid he will butt the komsomol secretary, hello lizaveta fyodorovna, with buyers , hello zoya vladimir. hello, i have a day off in the kitchen, i went and bought a cow, congratulations, congratulations, well comrade, come on, come on, i ask, thank you,
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i ask, well let's go, comrade fyodorov, it's awkward well, people are waiting, well, what is this, wait a minute, the load is gradually increasing, come on, come on, what is her name on the passport, manka, a rare name, comrade, well , sergei nikolaevich, what about vladimirovna, stay on this pier, i will bring you some specialists, and in the meantime you can jot down the theses , a counter speech, especially since i have a serious conversation with fyodorovna, long mooring lines.
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nikolaevich, you will be very happy here, well , already, quietly, calmly, away from everyone, like at a dacha, you understand, excuse me, alexei nikolaevich, they haven’t managed to finish building your house yet, here comrade fyodorov has given you his possessions, with all the property, since you are newlyweds, please. come in, come in, make yourself comfortable, fit in, i congratulate you on your housewarming, thank you, lyudmila ivanovna, for the komsomol registration, please come to me, third
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carriage, are you tired from the road, yes? well, goodbye! all the best, goodbye, lyudmila ivanovna, where will you settle down, oh, our maritime business, today here, tomorrow there, i am at the ferry, a waterfowl, do you hear, like this all day long, and they blow in my ear, and they blow in my ear, we need a bridge, tell me, please, i'm playing on your nerves, mistress. make yourself at home, there's water in the tank, novat is at the stove, make yourself at home, good night, good night, oh, please stop smoking,
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you should have married a non-smoker, however, if you... you advise me this as a doctor, then don't you understand that i can't stay in the same room with you, i understand.
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"i'm late, you're torturing yourself with this work, fyodor, no light, no charge every day, what's that, an athlete, getting tough, excuse me, where's the young one, you're already asking, are you? quickly, what's the hint? in front of my feelings elizaveta feodorovna, lizaveta, liza, lizaveta feodorovna.
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alexey nikolaevich, alexey nikolaevich, are you leaving? no, did you go for a walk with your things? what, instead of morning exercises.
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good morning, comrades, let's start doing gymnastics, the first exercise is familiar to you, stand up! stand in the starting position, so take a deep breath, hold yourself up straight, do not slouch, we started the exercise and 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 step in place, that
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's enough, let's move on to the next one. take this to the kitchen, okay, hello, hello, who is this, probably an artist, yes what are you, this is a doctor, and medicine, lyudmila ivanovna, hello, hello, how are you on... together, brilliant, yes, yes, here is our medical center, brought you a doctor,
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oh, what pretty shoes you have, really, swamp boots would be more appropriate here, yes, let's get acquainted. everything is in full swing, fires, disasters, poisoning, first still on horses, then on the emka, then in winter, at every intersection the green light, and here what, wait a minute, it's already 8:00, time
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to start the reception, are you ready, my dear fellow, yes. oh, trouble, vera arkadyevna, trouble, doctor, help, mitenka, mitenka swallowed a pin, what kind of pin, the one with a ball on the end, she took it away, took it away, now it's gone, maybe she swallowed it, or maybe it got lost, most likely, he swallowed it to stuff.
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petrov, mitya, so, here's a referral to the district, to the district clinic, and in the meantime , feed him urgently.
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you're complaining, frankly, doctor, he's complaining about me.

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