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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  August 26, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm MSK

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soldiers and liberation from the nazis, as evidenced by numerous stories. this was the 60 minutes program. all the best to you and goodbye. about people who became heroes, about events that will go down in history, our author's program with olga armyakova and nikolai dolgachev, hello, this is a special edition. today , the entire country is helping residents of the border areas of the kursk region. a counter-terrorism operation regime has been declared in the region, a federal emergency . all roads leading to the border area, are attacked by enemy drones and despite the danger , evacuation continues from those areas, they go around. village after village, people
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are taken out from under fire by the military and volunteers. they are taken to the regional center, to temporary accommodation points. olga armyakova saw with her own eyes how kursk lives now. public transport runs regularly, cafes and shops are open, but the usual rhythm of peaceful life is interrupted every now and then by the howl of sirens. a missile threat is declared in the city. and this means another attack by ukrainian missiles or drones. the heart-rending roar dies down all over the city , queues are forming again at the mobile point of the red cross, where doctors and psychologists work, at the points of distribution of humanitarian aid, lines of people, those who were left homeless overnight, one of the central squares of kursk, this is what it looks like now, here people can find things for the first time, because from dangerous areas they fled without suitcases in what they were, no time for packing under fire, children's things.
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the branch of rosgoscirk is one of the largest distribution centers for humanitarian aid. today the whole country is united around this event, and we are all helping the people of kursk to cope, to cope with it. mountains of children's toys, household chemicals, food, everything that is needed for the first time, the most necessary. here people are received around the clock, volunteers work practically without sleep. there is no other person's misfortune here.
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to accommodate, warm, calm, be close to those who need it so much now. we have many relatives who left those areas, and we help, in principle, our loved ones, our fellow countrymen, many of us are from there. they share the difficulties together and the hardships, the pain of the kursk region became common for the whole country. i admire our russian people, that everyone united, everyone is close, everyone is together. and people are grateful, how much patience they have, they have lost everything in fact, i can’t leave, because i know that i am needed to help people here, because we are together, we are simply, this is the slogan, we are together, we, this is no longer a slogan, the most real phenomenon, almost 100 temporary accommodation centers, this is only in the kursk region itself, the same number are open in twenty-seven regions, for those who had to leave their homes, concrete blocks stacked. like a small house, this is a sign
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of the times, such shelters are now appearing all over kursk, when a missile threat sounds, you can wait it out here, here again the siren howls, a deafening signal. air raid sirens, another threat of attack, from kursk to the front line, only about an hour 's drive, and this is just under 100 km, people do not lose heart, and we always know that victory will be ours, russia will win, in a moment of danger, the border residents have become one big family, united in the face of a common threat, together we become stronger, it is so important to be close to those who need it now, in a word... to be useful to help cope with the heroic residents of the kursk region, our program today. i am now in sodzh, kursk region, my mother stayed here, so i had to go back, constant drops, stains on the asphalt from shells, i'd rather
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walk over houses, so that if something happens i can lie down on the footway. the idea of ​​filming came to mind - to record the emotions that i felt, but i wanted to convey this to others people who basically don't understand what it's like to live on the border, maman, it's me, mom, mom, oh, phew, you scared me, okay, let's get ready, no, mom, i came back specifically for you, we'll take the cat now, okay, let's get ready, when i put mom on this minibus, arrived at my office, drones were buzzing there, and i just slightly opened the door, listened, i heard a drone, how can i get out of here? the first step was the hardest. i walked out of the city on foot with two backpacks. here i am evacuating like this that's how. the last video of suji that i 'm filming, to be honest, is creepy, very creepy. yeah, the dog? how are you? it's not
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my dog ​​at all, it's her. i'm homeless, but she comes with me. what a find. mini-cupcakes, awesome. now that's what we'll eat, a dog. yeah, great, i'm sitting in a pipe, hiding from drones, i'll rest a little, because i'm already very tired, the dog is still with me, 60 km - that's in 2 days, well, i arrived at the temporary accommodation center after my mom had already moved in, so basically i moved in with my mom, we now live in one room, just the girl, the most kitty, you are my favorite, in our studio are residents of sudzha, milan kovalev and his mother lyudmila, hello, hello, in 2 days, ivan, you walked almost 60 km along the most dangerous route from sudzha, towards kursk,
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well, this story became known thanks to the video diary that we just saw, why did you decide to film all this, well , at first i just wanted to show my friends what it's like to live in a border area. because when i tell, well, who is not from our region, they just don't quite understand what it is, that what was going on there, and then everything went too far, and i couldn't film it anymore, it was just such a dangerous moment, at that time i was still trying to document, did it somehow help you emotionally, eh, yes, i was talking to the camera, it was easier for me, ivan, but in general , how did it happen that i had to walk and walk so much, from where to where, just explain, so that it's clear, a big... did you understand the situation from the beginning, how much you'd have to go? well, somehow i didn't think ahead, i just acted, well, from where to where, so that i just, well first i was on the sixth day, i was just filming all the destruction, in general everything that was happening, and
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then, when it was already clear that it was time to leave the city, my mother refused to go, i went on foot, well, i went, i went, then it was still possible to try to get there. and then i spent the night in ulsoldatsky in the pvr, i was generally planning to get to kursk, but it was difficult, so i spent the night more with ladask, in the morning the situation seemed to get worse, and i was trying to call my mother, but my mother did not answer and i could not find a place for myself, absolutely nothing, this even worse, if she had at least answered that everything was fine there, there i am sitting at home, everything is fine with me, and i call, call, call, and the phone is unavailable, and i just woke up, let's go to find out who... spent the night there, and i went on foot to sudzha, that's when i got there, i already convinced my mother, and it turned out that way by happy coincidence, i put her on a minibus, an evacuation one, it was by chance, completely by chance, and we met, so i understand that there
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weren't really any seats there, well, you could have climbed in there, but since i was already there, i decided to take her some valuables from the office, because that's all i have and... and did they put mom on a bus? lyudmila, tell us what happened on august 6, how did that day start for you and what was going on in sudzha at that time? 3:00 a.m., well, for us these were already ordinary events, but as before we shot, shot, stopped, and now this shelling, shelling is getting closer, closer, closer, 6 a.m. appeared somewhere, the internet was still working, there was a connection at 6 a.m. footage of destruction appeared, where they hit the city, in city, next to us is a three-story house, they bombed, i don’t know, the roof,
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the roar, you know, as if the sky cracked, it’s so close, the whole house is shaking, some frames are falling from my bookshelf, well, it’s scary, it’s really scary, it’s impossible to put into words, it ’s very scary, well, we still hoped, we couldn’t understand what was happening, well, we thought it was shelling, well, yes, now ours are displacing them in the morning and early in the morning there is no connection, my connection was lost at 16:40, that’s it, the last call to the response.
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the first was to meet, to explain to my mother that everything is much worse than it was even yesterday, that's why we need to leave at any cost, on foot, we even thought about taking a tent with us somewhere, maybe staying in the forest, it would be safer there, because it was really dangerous to be in the city, so we just got ready to go under fire on foot, not on foot, we had several options for how to get out, the main thing is to act, the main thing is to get out of the city, that's the very first goal - to get out of the city, and then by... circumstances, but at the same time you refused with people to leave, yes, we couldn’t, that’s all, not only me, all the residents of sudzha, the residents of the region, we
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couldn’t assess the situation of danger, because well, at first there weren’t all these actions, we didn’t have such a situation, well , sabotage groups eventually also entered all sorts of areas, they were immediately forced out, it was just very fast, no one expected it to be so fast, that we… there simply wasn’t any information, well, and you were afraid for things, yes, from the house, cats, that’s what you were talking about cat, like me, like me, leaving home, yes , there was that fear too, to lose everything you have, but even when we were leaving, i remembered later, vanya said, well, we 'll sit out the temporary accommodation centre in soldatskoye for about three days now, it's a neighbouring regional centre, we'll sit out there and come back, so we dumped all the food we had for the street cats, there 's a neighbour there too. we dug holes so that she, she's
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our domestic cat, we've never taken her anywhere, so she was of course scared too, that's the story of your rescue, in essence, the story miraculous rescue, it's amazing that you found each other, that it happened this way, the circumstances worked out this way, but at the same time you lost your property, what do you think is the fact that you managed to survive, to be saved, it's still more important, of course, what am i saying... no one will take people out and will not take them out, and there is no way out, no one will go there, the main thing is there is no connection, no connection, no connection, i don't know if they are even alive, ivan, well, and i can't help but ask, we watched these shots of your evacuation, your mother's evacuation, and you had this loyal dog with you, who spent you through all this way. where is the dog? yes, i called him tuzik on the road, gave him a nickname, we met him at the exit from the city and he
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came to me, he was very happy to see me, that i somehow responded to him, and we walked with him to bolshesoldatskoe, and there, in principle, well, it will be safer for him, because there are more people there and it is calmer, just 3 days ago his owner wrote to me that he recognized his dog, not a homeless one, well, he is a street dog, but with an owner, yes, so let's begin. one moment changed so abruptly, and now move only in bulletproof vests, life in civilians await under fire, such as
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isa, maybe we can give you a bottle of water too, no, no need, there is well water here, why? from the first days of the ukrainian attack, sometimes several times a day together with a partner they carry food, medicine, water, animal feed, deliver humanitarian aid to populated areas from which to the combat zone hundreds of meters, courageously help those who have such a hard time leaving their home, come with us, where will i find, i'm not afraid, and the chairman of the muslim community himself kursk region, his friend, an orthodox christian, on this yellow gazelle with the inscription.
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in the first necessity of things, products are open in each region. to appreciate the scale, it is enough to look at the license plates of trucks, columns entering kursk. from different parts of the country they are bringing such necessary cargo now. in the distribution center of humanitarian aid in kursk, 1,500 volunteers work in several shifts, around the clock. if there is an opportunity to help, then you need to help. one person will help, another will help, and this wave will grow with with great force. because russia is a united country. there are hundreds of residents of the borderland in temporary accommodation centers, here are those who were forced to leave their native villages, which were under fire from the ukrainian side. there are many children, pensioners, volunteers from moscow and st. petersburg came to help. the most important thing now is to calm them down, explain, give them some kind of support, so that they feel calmer, warmer, that
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they will be taken care of in any case. everyone is trying to help the residents of the borderland in any way they can, public movements are uniting, sports clubs, even members of house chats, get down to business together, here everyone is at the call of the heart - these are ordinary people, these are students, schoolchildren, teachers, these are people from evacuated areas, it is worth noting that here friends from sudzha, from korenev, simply said that they could not sit at home, they also want to help people, in addition to food sets, volunteers work with individual orders, select shoes, clothes by size or, for example, lactose-free children's ...
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they impose, everything happens in the stabilization point, this is not the rear, gray zone, the probability of getting under fire is high, risking their lives, volunteers treat wounds and take soldiers to the hospital in kursk, soon i will not be allowed here, well, they cannot come here, they can be fired upon at any moment, some of them worked in the special operation zone, provided assistance during the evacuation from the kherson region, when the armed forces of ukraine blew up the kokhovskaya hydroelectric power station. today, some of the volunteers are leaving for the district. kursk region, heavily damaged by shelling, help clear the rubble, they do not hide, it is scary, do not for themselves, for others, volunteers drop everything they are doing, forget about sleep, work around the clock in temporary accommodation centers, save lives, risking their own, it is so important, just to be there for those who are
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in trouble, we have volunteers from sudzha in our studio. tatyana, what happened to you, how did you, at what point did you realize that you needed to get out of the city and how did you get out of sudzha? well, at 3:00 in the morning, the shelling started somewhere, immediately the lights went out, because such terrible shelling, we have never heard anything like that, i don’t know, such there were explosions, it seems to me, and the sky shook, and the house just, it seems to me, it would have collapsed, so, then we somehow ran out to the basement. and so, well, my husband went to work in the morning, they called them, well, and i was at home and i don’t know, then when we already understood. that we had to leave, we were already driving along the road, the cars were burning, it was terribly scary, well, of course , there were no people, already in the cars, we see that the cars
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are empty, well, well, we didn’t think that we would leave for some time, we think, well, all this will pass, we will return home, everything at home remained completely, we just took a package of documents, how did it all start for you that day, well, the shelling most likely started a little earlier, because they were shelling a part of... ganching and maybe you couldn't hear it, because it was somewhere around one o'clock, there were muffled landings, as usual, it's well day, hour, hour and a half, by three o'clock they had already started shelling right in the center, well, that is , you had to leave your homes, and despite this you went to help others, let's watch a short story about your great work, i'm from sudzha, from sudzha itself, with the very center, on august 6th i was up to... it happened at night, everyone was sleeping, no one expected anything, rapid bombing began, the bombing was big, strong, non-stop, people got out themselves, as best they could, some by their own
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transport, some by car, some on foot, some by bicycles, we got ready quickly, what we could take this thing, we have practically no things, only documents left, when we left the city was almost completely on fire, our friends took us in, two people live in this house, me and my husband. my husband sleeps on this little couch, people gave us pillows, blankets, a sheet, they gave me everything, on this little couch, that 's where i sleep, that's how we live, all the help that goes to the fighters is provided here, i don't know where we get our strength from, probably our lord god gives it to us, because we can't do without it, here we have the bulletproof vests that our fighters need, here are the nets, the girls themselves are great at weaving them, they come, pick them up, we unload and transport it all, here... the pink stove, on which we cook delicious dinners for our guys, we cook with such a mother's soul, so that it would be satisfying, so that it would be tasty, here here we have people who provided us,
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the residents of this village, provided us with a refrigerator, provided us with a freezer, where we have frozen food, here is meat, here are sausages, here is liver, all this is all for our guys, so that they would be well-fed, fed and fight, you can see how you... sorafanno radio soldatskaya, here are aunt tanya, aunt natasha, you are very strong girls, thank you, because it is true that you yourself faced such a misfortune, and at the same time with such help others with a big heart. you know, i
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want to say, thank you very much to our people, to all of us, just to our huge country, who are bringing, helping us, they load up in the morning, they bring at night, they accept all this, if it weren't for the people, i don't know what we would do, they do it. for you what you did for others, that's what 's happening right now in kursk in the borderland, we learn from there, right here, we have connections now our correspondent, alexander rivunov, alexander, hello, sasha, hello, what's the latest information, hello olya, hi kolya, the situation here is still tense, a siren sounds several times a day over the city, this means that either ukrainian missiles or drones are flying, but to the credit of our guys from the air defense. all this is shot down without any serious consequences, of course life in the city itself has changed, this whole trouble has united people, there are a lot of humanitarian aid distribution points, we
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are now in one of them, and guys, this is a circus, this is a kurdish branch rosgoscirk, this is how it looks now, yes , that is, everywhere there are boxes of baby food, diapers, food, cereals, canned goods, all of this is packaged, all of this is then distributed to people from the border, they come here, receive these pro... sets in the city itself , there are already about a hundred temporary accommodation points, 7,000 people are there now , they have found shelter, these are the people who, well, have no relatives, friends, acquaintances, of course, the majority are now with their loved ones, and all of this ultimately united a lot of people, i say again, because people bring everything here, they bring it in big trucks, trailers, caravans, they come from all over the country, you can really read the entire geography of our country by the numbers, someone in cars, that is, people from the heart, from the heart. they try to help people who got into trouble, well, it must be said that of course the authorities do everything possible and the federal authorities, including constant connections with the head of the executive power here in the kursk
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region, help people. with employment, now in all the temporary accommodation centers there are already representatives of the employment service, lawyers help to process documents, some have even lost their passports. sasha, please tell me, how will the school year begin in such conditions for children in kursk and the borderland? paul, as far as i know, the authorities have decided in the border areas, in several border areas, as well as in the regional center, in kursk in the city of kurchatov, to transfer children to distance learning, as they say in the rear areas, everything will be as usual. september, even the second, probably, yes, september, it will be monday, the children will go to school study according to their regular program, those who are distance learning will be provided with everything they need, that is, textbooks, notebooks, tablets, they will be able to study, well, in this mode, this is all done, of course , first of all, for safety. sasha, thank you very much, thank you for your work. now a short commercial, then we will continue. i love you! and i
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you, we are sitting well, ran out, ran out, the premiere is on rtr, you are so reliable, not petrush, he called someone again, well, don't be silent, please, my name is mikhail dolskaya, i know, we talked with you, you did not spend the night at home, there is something i don't know, can i finally confess... i love him, you know, i love him and i can't do anything about it, you know, i love him, a husband or a love network, which will be stronger, i just ask without emotions, what do you mean without emotions, you won't give up on me, i won't stand it, dial, rain at the end of summer, today on rtr.
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hello, dear friends, your favorite program 60 minutes is on the air. vladimir vladimirovich, let's talk about all the issues, without rushing, to place nuclear weapons, i already demanded, give me back the nuclear weapons, go to readiness number one, what is he the image of victory, will destroy in a gang in the head with zelensky, yany rag. see you, on the air special issue of our program and today we are talking about the events in the kursk region, about the kursk character, about our russian people, about what is happening now and how people cope with it. the pain of the kursk region echoes in the hearts of the whole country, this is the pain of separation, the pain of losses that are impossible to survive. about what happened in the family of artem kuznetsov, our
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story. hello, hello, once again, and an air kiss, how are you doing, we evacuated on the sixth from the village of kurilovka, we left in two cars, i was the first, my wife was riding behind with matvey and his mother, we came under fire from soldiers in the armed forces of ukraine, my wife was seriously wounded, matvey was also wounded, there was a splinter in his back, bruises. well, here is the strongest one, which was in the back, and here it is cut, that's it, nothing, nothing, nothing, when i ran out, i shout matvey into the salon to me, they open the door, and nina, nina is already lying down, wheezing, for a split second of thought they decided to go to the hospital, here is my wife was still alive at that moment in the gynecology there in the operating room and there they tried to save and did not save. it should have been in second
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place, what next, what will happen next helps to cope, his son love for me. this because all that is left of me, we will live with him, somehow start all over again, i will try to give him the very best that is, education, there is a sports school, there is even as if i wanted my son to be a worthy person, i will try to do this, in our studio there is a resident of sudzha artem. will not be able to compensate it is difficult to remember, it is definitely even more difficult to talk about, of course about what happened, well, we evacuated from the village
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of kurilovka on the sixth, i woke up from the fact that shots, and the fact that shells are flying, it was somewhere around half past three, maybe. earlier at 5 in the morning i left for work in sudzha itself in the city, while i was driving by, i saw a lot, that means from shells, shrapnel and so on, i arrived at work, they told us that we would not work today, and that while there was shelling, they decided to go home straight away, i decided to go home straight away, i arrived home, woke up my wife, mother-in-law, matvey was sleeping. and i tell them that there is a very strong shelling of the city, we need to leave, well, like everyone else, probably, residents of sudzha, as if especially at this and we didn't believe it, well, bang and bang, but we started to get ready, nevertheless, no, not right away, not
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right away, at what point did we understand that we didn't need to right away, we were just a little bit getting going, getting going, even had a little argument with my wife, went to the city again, went to the city again, waited for my brother, somewhere like that we collected everything we needed, that is, you understood that at that time the enemy was already in the city, no, not in i didn't even think that he was i didn't even think that the enemy was already here , that is, the shells, the landings, all this, i didn't
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expect that they would already be waiting for us there, well, when you left, essentially they were waiting for you, did you see who was shooting, how did it happen, when we got into the cars, we had two cars, that is... eh, i was driving to otsov 's niva, and my wife was driving to our family car, she herself is so fast, i specially put her there behind the wheel, matvey in a child seat, mother-in-law in the back, nina at the wheel and we started to drive out and when leaving the village, maybe i don't know about 500 meters, but 600 was not enough for us, i we are moving, i see that she is lagging behind a little, and we are driving out, driving out, and i i hear that...
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he was not alone there and naturally they understood that he was a civilian, we did not have any identification marks, that we were military there and so on, i when i passed him, i we even crossed paths with him, these people came there to kill, i
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tell you, and of course he saw that the woman, of course, i felt like a person, why so i don’t know, when i passed him immediately somehow from the salon. i immediately stopped as instructed, i understood that my wife was there, i can’t leave her, if they stop her, i’ll go there, i stopped, the car was so careless, it went sideways a little, i ran out and watched, it was driving by, driving by, i thought, it worked, when we all started moving, matvey started to fall asleep and my mother- in
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-law put him on her lap, when they were driving by, when we, when they were being shot at, my mother-in-law saw that my son had a wound in the back, blood, she screamed, nina, nina, matvey was wounded, nina was already unconscious, it was my mother-in-law from this arc who just mechanically reached for the steering wheel, drove towards the car, saw that i was standing, honked at me, i heard the car honk, i i thought nina was telling me, we're going, we're going, i didn't even have time to get into the car. well, as soon as i got in, i didn't even have time to lift my leg, i got hit so hard from behind, they got there, yes, my mother-in-law headed there specifically to stop, so that there would be a stop for the car, so that there would be a stop, yes, stop the car, she decided to hit mine, otherwise we would have flown forward, yes there's a ditch, there's a turn, eh , it would have been even scarier, probably, and i run out of the car, shouting matyusha, come into the car with me, get into the car, i think... i've already lost my socks i just, well, got scared there, didn't turn out,
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hit myself, i open the door, she's lying there, already wheezing, i grab her by the arm, under the back, deep storage, i shout to my mother, let's get her into the car with me, we load her into the car, we drive on, i see that her car... leave them, and we, nina, put matyusha down,
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we start moving, i can't move, the cars are locked together, from the impact, he somehow got right under, i can't move, my mother screams, d'yomka-d'yomka, what should we do, i'm in low gear, i start revving it up, we break free, thank god, we're driving, we're starting to drive, the glass is falling, i look back, and their eyes are glassy, ​​their mouths are open, well, they probably went into a coma at that moment, my mother checked for a pulse, there is a pulse, there is a pulse, we are going, we are going, well, we arrived at the hospital, i am screaming, my wife was wounded, help! a medic ran out, checked,
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there is a pulse, there is some chance, i am with this nurse in the back, the first one, you know, who brought this stretcher, the driver, the doctor who was killed by the drone, he was the first one there, we took her to the second floor to surgery, to gynecology. that's where she died. artyom, we can't describe what we feel condolences, of course, we will also help you in any way we can, our program, our team. thank you, we, we will be there, artyom, and of course, everything you are telling us is unbearably painful, what gives you the strength now to hold on and live on, only your son, also well, family support. but my son is my main motivator in life, i
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will do everything for him, everything to protect him from all this, what i think, he will not remember all this, and his mother is, his mother, you know, i am already with a cool head, she has the wound was right here, and he was lying right behind her, it, it was his bullet. "mom saved him, she would really like him to be happy, and so that you can cope, we will help, it is already clear,
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on the night of august 10, my partner irina semenov and i left for kursk with collected medical supplies with mask-nets. and we understood that , uh, our military will protect the borderland, will drive out the enemy, uh, huge thanks to my local groups, be good, iron rear, protective net, the girls collected humanitarian aid literally in 24 hours, the second time, it turns out, a week later we left with another volunteer, kind hands,
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how quickly we managed to organize this work, we understand that you have been working for more than a year, yes, probably yes. volgograd, liski, from voronezh, from morozovsk, krasnogorsk, they collect everything literally a few days ago, when it was necessary to send a car, and a very large load, there are two or three tons, they found a car, built a route, it was necessary to take the cargo to vladimir, there they transferred it to another car, the car went to kursk, so everyone in turn,
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those cars, and those that they can take themselves, are collected in large trucks that go there, this is the feeling of this big family, this is the case when we understand that we are one country, one family, we have the same joys and sorrows for everyone, we will stand shoulder to shoulder together, now a short commercial, then we will continue, and then we will see each other less often, i will still be married, i forgot my phone in a cafe, on friday, hello, and where did you get the phone, i am sveta's fiancé, if i... could somehow help, come with me, i will say that you are my bride, if the bride has disappeared somewhere, you can always find a bride for an hour, i don’t fit into this stupid dress, i don’t fit, it’s a brand model, but it doesn’t fit, it doesn’t fit, why did you take this country bumpkin to
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your relatives, you’ve completely lost your mind, i won’t allow gleb to marry this piece of junk, i think everything can still be fixed. a reward awaits the finder on friday on rtr. rixas premium seagate: family fun
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starts here, every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy the water park for children, lush green. sodas and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. dive into a world of unforgettable impressions at riksos premium segate. rixas premium seagate. well, let's get started? yes, if you don't know how to survive a renovation, survive it with us. there is no coziness and order in the apartment, there is no joy and peace in the heart. we really like our apartment, but i like that. there is no renovation, which means it's time for big changes, to break, not to build, we breathe new life into old walls, we will turn this minus into a plus. we create a soulful atmosphere, i want wish, may your sleeping area always dispose you to rest, but everything that can
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be adapted for this, we warm up with the warmth of the hearth, we open, i do not believe, no, it can not be, wow, big changes, everything always goes as it should, big changes, on saturday on rtr. hello. sergey selin. the documents have been prepared. yuri kuznetsov, alexander polovtsev. vanya. we have a psychic. everything is exactly as in my visions. perhaps a crime. the case has not yet been solved. pokonnya, call him to me urgently. prost already on on the website in the application we watch, on air
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a special edition of the program our kursk character, we talk about the events in the kursk borderland, volunteers who are now here with us in the studio only recently arrived from the kursk region, who are now there in the borderland, helping people, they are taking a lot of risks, they are risking themselves for the sake of others, unfortunately, including suffering losses, let's watch a story about ... to get close to glushkovo, driving there to the destination, just on the left, on the right there is a rampart of fire. well, we are ordinary civilians, but we
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this is the first time we have encountered this and we are trying to do the maximum, yes we take risks, yes we go, yes we take, well, who wouldn’t do this in reality, i think everyone in the country should do this now, understand, here is one of the tables where we gather for lunch, before the guys start to leave for different regions, thank god, also... we gather back and share impressions, share who, what, how, well this is such an easy, not exactly a tradition, but still it is nice, now the only message, the only call about that all the cities of the country unite, we have volunteer edgar bodrov in the studio, hello, edgar, the people you have united around you, volunteers too, who are they, how did they appear around you?
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they can write to you from a real account of a person who is either no longer there or is in their captivity, asking to take out, save, help, there, come, we are going,
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we are arriving, all we get in response is heavy fire from both sides, unfortunately, there are real guys who are ours, so many deaths, losses, how many people were you able to bring out, recently, the last thing we brought out was three people, it was...
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for life, let's watch another story about another volunteer, indeed, thank god that we have many such people, there are such people began to engage in humanitarian aid from the very beginning of the special military operation since february of this year i live and work in donetsk, when this whole tragedy began on my native kursk land, my heart ached,
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my soul ached, and i decided to return to help here. a very large flow began refugees, here in the big hall there are people, internally displaced persons, more than 40 people, here we collect food, things, what people need, kettles, frying pans, pots, because people have nothing to cook on, these are the household things that we don’t notice, but a person who has lost everything, he really needs all this, the line won’t fit,
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you need to be in kursk, you need to go back there, tell me, at what point did you understand that you need to work, give everything now. here’s the paradox, yes, i am from kursk myself, at the very beginning special military operation i will put humanitarian aid for a ribbon, my dad laughs, says: you are there more often than on your native land, and it so happened that since february of this year i live and work in donetsk, when the tragedy happened on my native land, my soul instantly ached, i
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first helped remotely in organizing our general volunteer warehouse. the idea arose, the first idea came from mother ksenia from rylsk, she suggested creating such a general warehouse, and many volunteer groups supported it, now there is a large flow of cars, trucks comes to us, and we either give humanitarian aid to people here right here in the warehouse, or send it to the temporary accommodation center, or take it to the border, or these brave guys take it to our military, to those who, well... let's say, they are cut off. ol, what would you like to say to our kursk residents to support them? everyone is with us, everyone supports, everyone is together, you can feel it from this worldwide support of ours, because empathy comes from everywhere, and this response, you can feel it in our hearts. thank you very much for being here today with us strength to you and patience. and we are with you the whole
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country together with you. thank you. program our about our best people remember that the most important day in life is today, well and we will see each other already on the next broadcast on the channel russia, right now watch the program vesti. contemporaries. described him like this: he was tall, above average, had a long and respectful face, an aquiline nose, bluish-gray eyes, white skin with redness, beard and moustache in his youth were reddish, but sat in labor. on this day, august 26, 1451 , christopher columbus was born, the great navigator, spanish admiral, viceroy , permanent governor of the islands and mainland
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of india and captain general and member of the... royal council, discoverer of the sargasso and caribbean seas, the bahamas and antilles, part of the northern coast of south america and the caribbean coastline. central america 205 years ago , on august 26, 1819, albert duke of saxe-cobburg godsky was born. prince consort is the husband of queen victoria of great britain, the founder of the current reigning windsor dynasty. it was one of the most high-profile love stories of the 19th century. the brilliant educated graduate of the university of bonn captured the imagination of the young queen. during 20 years of marriage. victoria gave her beloved husband five daughters, four sons. prince albert was everything to her - one of the biographers recalled. father, mother, husband, partner,
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king, adviser, mentor, protector, he was the prince of her soul. they say about him that he miraculously escaped the nobel prize, but did not escape world fame. his prose is always an experiment, a surprise, a persecution genuine reality with... behind the words the texts are built as musical improvisations. his heroes are people who try to refute the existing world order, with its conventions and standards, these are people who do not want to lead a decent life. life , he wrote, is trampling in a circle, the center of which is everywhere, and the circumference is nowhere. love , he said, is the one who loves. 110 years ago, on august 26, 1914, julio cartaser was born, an argentine writer, a master of the short story, one of the creators of the new latin american novel. his magical realism is vividly presented in his most famous work, hopscotch. 95 years
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ago, yevgeny fridman was born, a film actor who starred in such films as running on the waves, newton street, house 1, director and screenwriter of the film treasure island. in my mind, he wrote, the laws of life are closely intertwined with the laws of sleep. because of this, the world's perspective is greatly distorted in my eyes, but this is precisely the only thing that still separates me from the all-consuming global ugliness. on this day in 1958, in the house the poet georgy ivanov passed away near nitsiya. i don't remember you. why should i remember, this is only what i know, only what is possible. know, the edge of the earth, a strip of smoke slowly reaches into the sky, lonely, unsociable, the soul swirls like a swallow. today is august 26, 2024.
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hello, on the rossiya vesti tv channel, denis polanchukov in the studio and the main thing for this hour. response to the attack on the kursk region. massive strikes with high-precision weapons on critical infrastructure facilities in ukraine. another one has been eliminated on the kursk border sabotage group. russian troops continue to methodically push kiev formations out of russian territory.

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