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tv   [untitled]    August 26, 2024 10:25pm-11:01pm MSK

10:25 pm
oh, hi, mom, hi, darling, why so early, i have a seminar, and what is this pile for, i'm almost not ready, so the only way is to... make an impression, if i'm not
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ready, then just peas, peas, are you sure, 100%, everything else is just , crap, what you just said, sorry, i was wrong, you are just, space, i adore you, let's go, you make me coffee, let's go, okay. good afternoon, are you by any chance professor dolsky? hello, by any chance, professor dolsky. i am glad to welcome you to our the beautiful city of primorsk. let's go, i 'll help you check in, i'll wait downstairs.
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so that we can go straight to the academy, tell me, wasn't it you who called me yesterday? oh no, my boss, i see, your boss has a very interesting voice, yes, listener, listen, maybe i'll be lucky and hear, and we were waiting for professor guryan, our professor got the flu, but you know, i'm even a little glad about that. ritur, stop being silent, you were pestering me with calls yesterday, the actress, the snotty one, with whom they put me to bed, you know, she looks like a beautiful german doll, but nothing of her own, she gives off silicone and slaps her stupidly.
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with her eyes, so they put us to bed together, and i say: friends, what are you doing, i am an old, sick, balding man, what are you doing? and the producer says: for the demand of the day, for the demand of the viewer, yeah, petrusha, what 's wrong with you, this is the first time i've heard harsh self-criticism from you, and can we do without morning irony, so i put her to bed to save, and she whispers to me, take off her bikinis, i say, and what does she say to me , bikinis, you say, take them off, i say, why, what about for the truth of life? ritul, i tell you about the difficulties of my profession, and you constantly organize me, yes, i don’t even know how you cope with such difficulties, it’s hard to cope, it’s hard, yeah, listen, das, i turn to the emperor, but to the operator, that’s what i call him, and she’s breathing down my neck again, filming bikini, filming minikinic, why do you need to film them, yeah, she says, but how about it, so angelina jolie won the heart, brad pita, with the result of 11 years,
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a happy marriage, you answered with dignity, of course, first, i'm married, second, i have a stunningly beautiful wife, third, we've been married for 25 years, that's what i said, well, here's the ring on my hand, yeah, and fourth, i'm not talking nonsense peak, it's a pity, but i'm not sorry, i love my homeland, but i 'm not sorry.
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2 km more to go home, come on, come on, turn around, let's go, come on, come on home, the third season is just around the corner, come on, come on, come on, come on! fourth, that's how life goes, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, hold your breath, you've been greeted with dignity, the hotel is nice, great, you forgot your striped tie, back in the evening, kisses, i'm coming.
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in full dress, something is too early for grandma, and you are not early, and i have a stuffy breakfast, and we will not say hello, we will , hi, hi, mommy, i need to go to university, at 7:30, yes, at 7:30, i can't believe my eyes, good morning, my...
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didn't forget, okay, if i promise that i won't sting, what will happen to me for that?
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hi, oh, hi, sorry, i'm late, i was listening to markovsky's tiyo again, now my head, now my hand, now my veins, then, thank god, i received no gift, well, everything is as usual, i'll get you coffee too. yes, thank you. and i also listened to a whole tirade about how yesterday's calls were unauthorized harassment by markov's partner in the bed scene. yeah, great. well, what did you want to tell me? i was with your karina yesterday. but she's magical , of course. you're welcome. thank you. thank you. and did you try the oxygen mask? yes, but that's not the point. we were just finishing the procedure. and then i hear screams from the hallway. markov, you promised to leave your wife. "at first i thought it was a namesake, then i heard the second phrase, in what frame will you go, then i understand that this is definitely our petrusha. then, to my great joy, i hear the third phrase: if you hang up now, i will commit suicide. and what is
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the joy? a wonderful question, and an equally wonderful answer. i leave the office. i go up to her, sit down next to her and introduce myself as a psychotherapist, i suddenly remembered how markov showed us his psycho seminar, i remember, she came to me so much, decided to copy her, and this fool, having a nervous breakdown , asked for an appointment herself, imagine, of course i agreed, that's why i am today i'm dating kostya remnev, i want to ask him for an office, with whom, well, kostya remnev, i told you in passing, he's my childhood friend, he's in love with me, by the way, look, he's coming, remember the dream? that 's better, well, look, what a handsome man, by the way, i'm married, he says he's waiting for me, although he's in great demand for uniform, original, he has a large law firm, by the way, kostya, ladies, sorry, traffic jams, i'm late, there 's some kind of madness there, i even had to abandon the car, god knows where, and hello, margarita,
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konstantin remnev, milania voiced your problem, this is of course disgraceful, but naturally, i will help, will you have coffee, oh, no, no, i'm in a hurry, i have a client there later in a stupid state. so, my secretary will meet this worthless person, she studied acting, her career did not work out, but the girl is a first-rate actress, and in the meantime i will think about how to fill my office with trinkets, diplomas, so that it takes on the appearance worthy of a great psychotherapist, why are you laughing, i have already ordered business cards, kostya, you are the best, anyway you are with dolsky, there, by the way, there is a secret room with a separate exit, from which you can hear everything, so to speak, from the first breath to the last exhalation, so the golden key is in our pocket, margaritas.
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i'll go home, okay, thank you, ritochka, i understand you perfectly, it hurts to hear the truth, it is not always sweet, sometimes it
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knocks you off your feet, but you need to know it, retulya, so that it is not excruciatingly painful, then, this is my service dog, the time of big premieres on rtr, sili, sili, they work in pairs, where, look, look, here is vladi, one listens, the other one is eavesdropping, i feel that something bad is happening, we'll manage, yes, one is sniffing, the other is watching, quietly, the main thing is that we are not noticed, one is digging, the other is digging, idik, we found a corpse, they are catching criminals together again, there are many suspects, but we need to choose one, please, no... amateur performance, lady with a dog, new trail, i'm going with you no
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objections series with me, coming soon to rtr. gin snop product of stellar group. welcome to the newest hotel rixos in sharm el sheikh. riks. rodomis sharm el sheikh - an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything
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is created for the happiness and comfort of children and their parents, escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment, enjoy theme rooms, the largest children's town in the region and an unforgettable holiday. rixas, radomis sharmel sheikh. bourbon stirsman is a product of the stellar group. allow yourself a first-class holiday with leo reorts, elegant details, a feast of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. veda vodka, a product of the stellar group. this
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not a rite of worship to ancient spirits and not even a wedding ceremony, this is how travelers dedicate themselves in this country. the earth is round. we will figure out everything else. in detail. it seems that we are about to launch a couple of an old ship nearby. what a cool device. let's go. what to fill the piggy bank of travels to decide. after all, lace suits me, and we will always help, the fact that this is a paradise is obvious to everyone, even to iguanas, well, come on ... carry a secret to the whole world, now you will see everything for yourself, on sunday on prt, i am glad to welcome you to our beautiful city primorsk, mr. dolsky, let's go, this is
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the new building of the academy, hello, the translators are based here. so, well, my dears, let's finish writing, the third group is all free for today, i will be glad to see you tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, this is our audience, your seminar will be in the conference hall, alive, my dear lintyai, what is it?
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after lunch, we left the bright, hotly lit dining room onto the deck and stopped at the chicken coop. she closed her eyes, put her hand to her cheek with her palm outward, and laughed a simple, charming laugh. everything was charming in this little
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the woman said. i think you're drunk. where did you come from? 3 hours ago, i didn't even know you existed. i don't even know where you sat down, in samara? but anyway. is it my head that's spinning or are we turning somewhere. colleague, forgive me, please allow me to disturb your thoughts, thank you, hello,
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good afternoon, good. this is the only free seat, forgive me if i scared you, but after today's cutlet and green puree , nothing can scare me anymore, well, and if you don't believe me, i suggest you taste it, you, probably the borscht turned me on, well then that's total madness. so that's what kind of mysterious stranger you are, very similar to vasilisa the beautiful, all that's missing is a kakoshnik and a braid on her shoulder, have you been talking to her for a long time, with
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whom, with vasilisa the beautiful. about 15 years ago, when i was reading fairy tales to my daughter, i talked to you on the phone yesterday, nothing criminal, i just suddenly, unexpectedly fell in love with your voice, my name is mikhail dolskoy, i know, we talked to each other, well how? so wait, you weren't at the seminar, were you? no, i had a lecture in the next room, i
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i felt you, vasilisa the beautiful, maybe we'll run away from here and have lunch somewhere normal. do you remember me? of course, you hear me, of course,
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just not here, not here, please, be quiet. now this evening i 'm leaving this evening today and that's how veselisa the beautiful is. "how beautiful you are, so it's time for me to leave, i got a little beautiful,
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so vasilisa was beautiful for a little while, it's time to go home, to turn again, a frog, i 'll take you, i'll take you." damn, thank you, goodbye, you forgot the bags, yeah. "goodbye, well, everything's fine, magical, oh, magical, hello
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, oh, hello, doctor, hello, what happened, dad, retulya, everything is fine now, where are you going, doctor, can he get up, can he, lena borisovna, he can do everything, lena borisovna gets me back on my feet every time in the mike." elena borisovna, meet my beautiful daughter, dad? yes, she is a beauty, she is a beauty, and her eyes are just two pools. thank you. you know, your dad tells me about you all the time. dad, yes, morchaika, unfortunately, i have to go, i still have a lot of calls. let me see you off. i will help. come on, all the best, elena borisovna, behave well, oleg olegovich,
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doctor, you know, these frequent attacks really scare me, but don't worry so much, margarita olegovna, your father's physical ailment is not... his main illness is loneliness, and the most cruel loneliness is heart loneliness, well, i'll go, okay, otherwise i have three more calls, it was very nice to meet you, thank you very much, margarita, thank you. you for dad, thank you, everything will be fine, everything will be fine, all the best, goodbye, bye goodbye, goodbye. dad, i
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once again insistently ask you to move to our city, it's just becoming unbearable, you have pity on me in the end, ritual, it's awkward, but i want to confess something, and this is serious. dad, no, wait, wait, reed, don't interrupt, believe me, this confession is not easy for me, when your mother passed away, i died with her, i felt nothing,
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i didn't want anything, i wanted to leave quickly, to her there, only thoughts of you have kept me here all these 10 years, suddenly everything came back, all the colors life, imagine, everything became a joy, and rain, snow, slush, sun, believe me, for a long time, i feel incredibly good, dad, what are they injecting you with? yes, they inject what is necessary, they inject, it is rarely embarrassing to admit, i simulate attacks, what are you doing, do not get excited, only when you know that elena borishivna is on duty. wait, what are you doing,
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have you been simulating all these years, a month, have you fallen in love, well, you are cruel, dad, you are against it, tell me, i will understand, of course, no one will ever replace our mother, why should i be against, dad, you could have warned me at least, i lose consciousness every time when a quick pa... dad, i have long since won in the nomination of worst daughter of the year, best of the year, already daughter of the year, dad, but you are a bug, i agree, no, you are not a bug, you are a bug, dad, march, tomorrow we have a trial with mom, god, how i do not want
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to go there. "admit it, you did it on purpose so that we would not be divorced, wish map, the premiere is on saturday on rt. rest is to leave yourself alone, rest is not to think about anything when you are calm." and completely off. vacation is vacation. we know everything about vacation. anexс. rum. castro. product of steller group. immerse yourself in the world of luxury comfort. vixas golf villas and suют.
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a magnificent golf resort of the world. luxury villas, ideal for couples and enjoy the modern design of rooms and families. vacation in comfort and style rixos golf villas and suits, sharmaьshey. mancacher whiskey is a product of stellar group. rixas premium sea gate. family fun on. it starts here, here every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens , the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable impressions at rixsus premium seagate. rixos premium segate. monte shokoka cognac is a product of stellar group. and this
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is called quantum entanglement. let's continue. so, all this has been going on for you for 4 years, right? well, why tegomutina, we've been having a crazy roller coaster for these 4 years, it's such a thrill, that is, you've been in a relationship for 4 years, this is very important, did i understand you correctly, almost, january 1 will be 4 years, yeah, the cat then came to me at 7 in the morning, what breed, who's the cop? no, that's what i call markov. he calls me a kitty, and i'm his cat. you don't get it, do you? where did you get that idea, my dear? a thrill, what kind of thrill? it seemed to me that a slight look of disgust appeared on your face. no, no, you
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didn't get me, i was having a relapse into my previous relationship. my ex also called me a kitty. husband or lover? husband. do psychotherapists also get divorced? of course they do? and what about your cat? well, the cat then came to me with a huge bag and said: now i yours. i thought that was it, he finally made a strong-willed decision, left. it turns out he was just returning from filming. we were in a quarrel then, i didn't know his schedule. but in fact , at the very beginning, everything was pretty good with us, we went on vacation together, i flew to him for filming, if he was far from home, something like that, yeah, so, judging by your
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story, i understood that he is afraid that his wife will find out, therefore, he loves her, who, the cat, loves only me, ah, but there is one problem, practically insurmountable, what is it? their husband died son, very small, and a long time ago, but the cat , as a decent man, is embarrassed to leave his wife, it was the hen who hung a large portrait of their son in the living room, unfinished, how can you leave , and how do you know about the portrait, i know every corner of the cat's apartment, such a note for every day, agree, well, this is already impudence, the devil knows what? i don't understand something, are you on her side, whose side are you on, well , how whose, yours, naturally, well if mine, then what does impudence have to do with it, but you misunderstood, i wanted to say that what if
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if she had come back earlier, when you were there, yes, i would have been glad if that had happened, then maybe she would have finally understood that my cat doesn't need her at all. markov worked and works like crazy, by the way, he himself doesn't live in luxury, they rent me an apartment, who are the neighbors, my colleagues,
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probably, not everything is okay there, not just with you here, how friendly you are, sweet evgenievna, go on, dear, by the way, today we have a dress rehearsal of a new play, i have an invitee. i'll be glad if you find time, and maybe for two people, yes, of course, in next time when, what when, and the session, the next window is in three weeks, maybe i'll persuade the cat to come with me, yeah, goodbye, retulya, she left, you can go out, retulya, we were invited to the theater. we've had a crazy rollercoaster these past 4 years, i know every corner of the cat's apartment.

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