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tv   Blestyashchei zhizni lepestok  RUSSIA1  August 27, 2024 1:30am-3:59am MSK

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orzhak decided to name it c, since these are the initials of his first and last names, as well as the first note of the musical staff. it can be assumed that he will come up with a name for the first seven albums without any problems . the motto of the young artist: love what you do and do what you love. denberel, orzhak, russia with the song snow. remember the world as it was, where you forgave the heart for love, where the eyes close, come again, dreams incomprehensible to the mind, fill with light. hundred, with a flash of color in the morning, everything
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disappears, slowly night, the pulse catches, the sky dreams, snow, snow, snow, simatsya clouds, your dreams, hours, i know, mine, snow, snow, snow, flies, taken off in the sky, you want to be near, i know, we warm the soul, every year the sun goes into its sky, you move away from the star, that's all. will become white,
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snow crystals will fall, they remained, they call the light, i go to the white court, and it overthrows, slowly, but let it lull, do not bend in the snow. snow, snow, snow, winter behind the clouds, your dreams are pure, i know, with her, snow, snow! no, here
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winter is for the blessings, your dreams are pure, i know, snow, snow, snow, fly to you, melting, you are near you want to be, i... i know, denberil orzhak, russia, the performance is cool, so let igor speak, i agree, igor yakovich, you have the floor, well, we all really had the opportunity and have, to watch the growth of den berel in different...
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projects in the junior new wave at eurovision at the junior yes, in my opinion, yes, well, first of all , thanks to kolya naskou for the phenomenal song, god bless him, to you for your courage, for the fact that you took on such a difficult song and it seems you coped with this song, i want to wish you success, all the best, thank you. thank you! denberel oorzhak, russia! let's meet our contestant! maria ermakova, 17, belarus, like all talented children , participated in many music competitions, including being a laureate of the children's new wave. in 2017, before her first music casting, she found a coin on the street.
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she put it in her left sneaker for good luck, now the world remains with this talisman, in her plans for the next 5 years, to graduate from university, buy a dog, write, maria's motto is nothing is impossible on stage maria ermakova belarus with the song the best in you. well done! at the end of the tunnel there is a bright light, blinding stars, potoshvay on dry foliage will leave flights, still under the skin the belt is drinking, i have to live, i
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may not return anymore, or maybe i will stay with you, i will remain without... light on the slopes, i will remain a flame in the eyes, in your hands, the breath of the wind, i will remain snow on the cheeks, i will remain a light in the distance, i will remain for you, at the end of the tunnel there is a bright light, and i go. i walk on scorched grass, on thin ice, don't cry, i'm not afraid anymore, she is not there, i may not return anymore, or maybe i will stay with you, i will remain as ashes
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on your lips, i will remain a flame in your eyes, in your hands, the breath of the wind, i will remain snow on your cheek, i will remain a light in the distance, i will remain light for you. light, light, light, i will leave the snow on the snowdrift, i will remain a light in the distance, i
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will remain light for you. maria ermakova, belarus, igor matvienko, please, tell us a few words. today is the day of my country, yes, that's why. it's so nice when a girl from china comes out, sings in chinese, a real chinese folk song, it's nice when an armenian girl comes out, also sings an armenian song, azerbaijan, was at its best, just bulbul,
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oglu, i am just amazed by these young girls, this is the second young girl who absolutely lives in music, and it’s just... you can feel it, this is a person, a person comes out and it doesn’t matter what kind of show, arrangement, what kind of song, well , this energy comes from her, this is probably the most important thing in an artist, because everything else, these girls have a great future, thank you very much, thank you very much, yes, seryozha, seryozha, you are waving your hands so frantically, something you mean, no, i just. i'm glad i agree with igor matveenko, yes, i absolutely agree, we all agree, maria ermakova, belarus, bravo, thank you very much, we continue, our next contestant, khvicha,
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luka, gruzia, dreamed of becoming an architect, but his love for music directed him to another creative path. he started singing professionally a year ago, passed the casting, here he is at the anniversary music competition new wave. khvicha is self-taught, does not know notes and does not play musical instruments, but he composes music and lyrics himself, his life creed, not never give up. khvicha luka, georgia with the song argo, welcome. ისმის ანგელოზთა სიმღერა და გალობა, დროა,
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ა,ც ვთხოვოთ არ მოგვაქლოს ცხალობა, გზა დაგვილოცე, გზა და... and the sail above you, filled with fate,
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eternal separations, and the sail above you, filled with fate, the flag of separation , eternal fear from us! შენი მოწყალების ქალთა გადამაფარე მზეო მზეოს კიდე შენი მეგზურად გამატანე გზა გამინათე გზა
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i love this composer and m, it's a pity that he left, but he wrote so much beautiful music in his
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life, so much, this one is just well truly an immortal hit, and it's always so nice to hear new interpretations of a song that's already been loved, i think it's such a balm , uh, not only for those who sing it, but also for those viewers who know this song and who, in principle, love very good music, georgians are all vocal. you are no exception, your voice is wonderful, everything is fine, i really liked it, thank you, larisa, khvicha luka georgia, how many posters there are today in support of our contestants, i'm sure that the competition will be incredibly difficult, well, that's it ahead, yes, and we have to introduce the final participant number 13. but so that superstitious people do not worry, i will say that we really have 13 contestants, here
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are the 14 participants. ilya anopriyev and vladimir bobenko. russia. the guys met at a youth festival and united in a musical duet "pocket tomik". the uniqueness of the project is that the guys write new songs to the poems of classics. ilya is a sound producer and songwriter. and vladimir is an experienced host and artist. meet pocket tomik russia with a song an island beyond the forest a field in the open, rain falling in the sky beyond the coast the sea, the sea beyond the marrem
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the mountains are steeper, pitiful birds in the sky. if only they wouldn't crash, but chance is likely, you'll start all over again, you've driven many people crazy, i 'll understand everything one day, because i don't care what else is a bird and what's no good, i'm the one who's important. where are you wandering with me, are you hiding from people, take me with you, i'm the one who's crazy, apparently i can be with you, with you, you're just a lonely island, on the sea,
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where so often? the ships sank, maybe fate help you, and you will no longer be a hermit of love, but beyond the ocean rivers, beyond the river, forest and mountains, that which stands forever.
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i can be with you, with you, you are just a lonely island, somewhere on the sea often, ships were given, maybe fate will help you, and you will no longer be, a hermit of love, russia and we want to give the floor
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to jury member oleg gazmanov. pocket volume. an interesting title, of course, well, in general , the choice of song is very good, i simply adore lenya gutin, his songs and his words, and what he does, the introduction was very beautiful, and i i was waiting for it, i was thinking, what will it all turn into, yeah, where is this beat that will be better than lenya's, well it should have been better, since you 're taking on such a hit, such a song, you need to somehow... well, surpass it in something, yeah, but it seemed to me that this beat that went on after the hook is too heavy for this song, well, somehow make it heavier and more complicated, it seemed to me that it needed more lightness, of course, that's what lenya agutin had and even surpass it,
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it was definitely necessary to do this, well done, well done in principle, it's an experiment, everyone is ready for experiment, competition day we invite all participants stage under your stormy applause we greet armenia. anatoly kolmogorov, russia, gaia
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kauki, malta, anar agayev - azerbaijan, elizaveta trafimova - russia, eric panich, russia, kong shuang. china! eric akhmetov! russia! tsvetkova, russia! denberel orzhak, russia! maria ermakova, republic of belarus! khvichaluka, georgia! and pocket tomik! russia, and i will remind you that the jury will evaluate the finalists of the new wave on a ten-point system from six to 10 points, each member of the jury can
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raise the sign 9,10 only twice. so, the first one to come out on our stage was anaid akapyan, armenia. now we will remind the jury and the audience what this first participant performed and how she performed. attention to the screen. now all attention to the jury, i ask for your scores, eight. 9 8 10 8 9 and nine the next
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contestant is anatoly kolmagogorov russia we remind you how the contestant you are burning you are burning performed. khakim had a performance, we remembered, now let's find out the scores of the jury members. so, sergey lazarev, eight, anna asti, eight, igor matvienko, eight, igor krutoy.
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so, the jury's scores, sergey lazarev, nine, anna asti, eight, igor matvienko, nine, igor krutoy, eight, anni lorak 10, philipp kirkorov, nine. larisa dolina 8, oleg azmanov 8 points, thank you, next on this stage was anar agayev, azerbaijan, we watch
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and remember the contestant's performance. gazmanov eight. let's remember the performance of elizaveta trofimova from russia. me! i miss
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you like a bush misses white snow, i miss you, what can i do, so, the scores of our jury,
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we are in this gristashka itself, only yours you and me, and have been together for so long! so, time to give marks, eight, anna asti, eight, igor matvienko, eight, igor krutoy, nine!
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and we move on, let's remember the performance of eric akhmetov from russia, i draw i draw you, i draw you, i draw you.
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i miss you, i'm all mine, my whole background, you look, it's funny, but something from each portrait, you look, we watched the performance, and it's time to find out the marks of our jury, sergey lazarev. eight anna asti igor matvienko eight igor krutoy eight anna lorak seven philipp kirkorov 8 larisa dolina eight and oleg gazmanov - 7. another contestant from russia tsvetkova. let 's see. the wind is changing direction. i'm afraid
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i've lost you, beyond the edge of the world, beyond the edge of the world, the sun, swung through the vents, love with cherries and a vent, so, the jury's scores: sergey lazarev, seven, anna asti, seven, igor matvienko, seven, igor krutoy, eight, ani lorak, seven, philipp kirkorov. seven, larisa dolina, seven, oleg ozmanov - seven points. next up was denbrel orzhak, russia, no, no, winter is behind the clouds, your dreams are pure, i know, with her. snow, snow, snow, simanta
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blessings. time to find out how our jury rated this performance, sergey lazarev 8, anna asti - 9, igor matvienko - 8, igor krutoy - 10, annie lorak - 9, philipp kirkorov - 8, larisa dolina 8 and oleg gazmanov 8 points. next up, maria ermakova, republic of belarus. i will remain in the light far away, i will remain the light for you,
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so, the jury's scores, sergey lazarev 10, asti, de!
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so, sergey lazarev - nine, anna asti - 10, igor matvienko - 8, igor krutoy, eight, anya lorok, 8, philipp kirkorov, 10, larisa dolina, eight and oleg gazmanov, 10 points. so, the first day of the competition was completed, the duet pocket tomik russia. but you hide from people, take me with you, i am that crazy witch, i can be with you with
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you, you are just alone nostos, so, the scores for the duet pocket and tomik, sergey lazarev. seven anna asti igor matvienko eight igor krutoy eight anya lorok seven philipp kirkorov six larisa dolina 9, oleg ozmanov - 7. well, the scores have been posted, today was only the first day of the competition, and the winner will be determined by the total. in 3 days: the first day of the competition for you was hosted by the incomparable, inimitable, irreplaceable, lera kudryavtseva, and the talented, charming, newly-minted host of the new wave, sasha st, until next time!
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i ask a question, and you answer, agreed, sometimes you need to rethink the situation, give me 3 days, i want to understand what the matter is, it is often necessary to rebuild tactics, i just wanted us, don't push, please, give us time, it is always important. watch secrets of the investigation there is a version from monday to friday on rtr. welcome to rixsas premium magavish
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suths and villas in hurghada, where luxury rooms and villas are combined with a golden sandy beach stretching 1 km. impeccable service, exquisite cuisine will make your holiday unforgettable. rixas premium magavish suds and villas, a holiday you.
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good evening, on air news from st. petersburg, in the news studio igor strakhov, briefly about the main thing. new dpo, keys to special vehicles, hero award, the minister of emergency situations and the governor of st. petersburg held a working meeting. on by train. to ladoga railway station, transport accessibility for residents of regional new buildings, a single shopping mall with an atrium, the city authorities have agreed on the project for the reconstruction of the opraksin yard, they poured water on passers-by, created obstacles to the movement of reckless drivers on jet skis, chose a preventive measure. a fire station was opened today in
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krasnoselsky district, the new building was inspected by the minister of emergency situations alexander kurenkov and the governor of st. petersburg alexander beglov. fire and rescue unit number 33 arrived in comfortable conditions. previously, it was located in the house 19th century buildings. the protected status did not allow creating the necessary conditions for work. the new premises were equipped taking into account all the needs, now the rescuers have a rest room for psychological relief with chess and a parrot. gym. canteen and main all the necessary equipment for the service, including a unique high-pressure compressor. the apparatus of st. petersburg production quickly fills four fire-fighting cylinders at once. krasnoselsky district is developing, a large number of objects, social structures are being built, and of course, all this requires the most important thing, to ensure safety. and you stand guard. residents of st. petersburg are always sure that you will come to their aid in the most difficult moment, the most necessary. in case, in
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memory of the event, linden trees were planted near the walls of the new fire dpo, issues of further ensuring the safety of st. petersburg, alexander beglov, alexander kurenkov have already discussed in the city monitoring center, assessed the capabilities of digital technologies, so in the northern capital they are testing smart lanterns with surveillance cameras, as well as bus stops, capable of recognizing faces and reporting suspicious objects, video analytics systems help maintain public order. a rescuer is a profession that requires special courage, fortitude and endurance. you are people who are ready to take risks to help those in trouble. this shows your highest degree of nobility and self-sacrifice. the merits of employees who showed personal courage were celebrated in a solemn atmosphere today.
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duty. a new route of electric trains of eight special vehicles, tomorrow they will take over devyatkina to ladarsky railway station. suburban trains were lowered to improve transport accessibility for residents of novostroyeksky district. trains depart from kapitolovo, go through ruchi, novaya okhta and devyatkina. so, for example, you can now get from the metro station of the same name to krasnogvardeisky district in 20 minutes, and the cost of travel on this route is 43 rubles. very convenient, because before. i got from devyatkina to novo-cherkassko, ledoladovskaya, i
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work in this area, now it is twice as much more convenient, plus you ride on the surface, it's interesting, beautiful, there are few people so far, so everyone is sitting, everyone is comfortable and happy, for me it was unusual, because i have never come from this side of the city by train, four electric trains were launched from the leningrad region to st. petersburg, mainly during rush hour , five trains in the opposite direction, for now the new route will only operate on weekdays. the authorities of st. petersburg have agreed on a project to reconstruct the oprakseno dvor, the investor will restore two buildings, turning them into a single shopping complex with an atrium under a glass roof. alexey komarov, more details. as i understand it, this is the very basement that was completely flooded with water, well, not completely, but there was definitely a meter here, the smell of dampness, mold and brickwork destroyed by water, once these dark and cold rooms were used by the clerks of the eliseev merchants, they stored cereals, sausages, canned goods and various pickles here.
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and in soviet times - what was located, you don't know, there were also some warehouses and a base here. milk, then, the management of kindergartens, then there were goods stored, we still found here these like forty-liter flasks. this is how the territory of opraksinin dvor looked at the beginning of the 20th century, on the second floor there were office premises on the first floor there was trade. since then, the building has repeatedly burned down until the passage turned into this. however, the investor promises to return the historical appearance of the architectural monument of regional significance. it opens completely, and this is someone's store, and wooden doors glazing, well, like in the living room, like everywhere, here is the historical center, this is how it will look here. authorities petersburg agreed on a project to reconstruct the courtyard of the oldest clothing market, the city
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transferred 5,500 square meters to the investor. in 3 years, the company will restore two buildings, turning them into a single trading. negotiations with the investor have been held, we are now planning to continue working on the buildings that are in the so-called mixed ownership, this is the property of both the treasury of st. petersburg and a private investor. today, the investor owns 70 thousand square meters, the city 60 more. several legal entities and individuals, namely problems with different for a long time, the form of ownership did not allow us to start reconstruction, some agree to sell to us, some want to participate in the reconstruction themselves, and some do not want to change anything, this is the biggest snag with
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these, you just need to start doing something, at least with one building, here we have another project, we are currently preparing two more buildings, a project for the integrated development of the territory. in the courtyard, nikita evein's architectural studio developed it back in 2017, it was approved by the council for the preservation of cultural heritage. the main function of the quarter remained the same, it is trade, but not wild, as it is now, but civilized, as in the guest house. the entire apraksindvor was divided into zones with different creative spaces, art galleries, cafes, restaurants and hotels. there will even be a theater on the territory of the market. options were given for each of the houses. adaptations, a preliminary restoration project, proposals were given for common networks, general transport loads and so on and so forth, that is, it was a preliminary project of such a city within a city, this very concept perhaps with minor changes the investor will use, the reconstruction of buildings
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37-38 will begin in the spring or summer of next year, now the project is undergoing the necessary approvals, the entire aprak. forever alive for the st. petersburg governor's cup. this year they were held for the eighth time, according to the participants, they acquired an all-russian scale. over 50 teams competed during the week, mainly fighters from the security forces. the ministry of defense, the federal security service, the russian guard, the ministry of internal affairs, as well as bailiffs and customs officers. but there were also amateurs, athletes from russia, abkhazia, belarus and south ossetia. the culmination of the competition was the so -called duel. teams of five people hit targets with several types of weapons from different distances. there are no easy stages, they are all
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difficult in their own way. somewhere this is in addition to physical training, well, that is, different very different stages in terms of obstacle courses. climbing a tower, that is , using weapons. this year, the spectators were family members of those killed in combat operations in the svo. based on the results of all stages, the first place went to the fighters of the almaz detachment from belarus was only slightly inferior to the shooters from the odessa special forces team of the ministry of defense. the vasileostrovsky district court of st. petersburg chose a preventive measure for two jet skiers who in mid-june arranged a drift along the rivers and canals of the northern capital. the man. was sent under house arrest for 2 months, the hooligans were captured on street cameras, the recording shows how they cut off passing boats, creating an obstacle to traffic, pouring water on people walking along the embankments, demands: employees of the transport security service violators ignored, as a result a criminal case was opened now the identity
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of the third defendant is being established. next, the weather forecast for tomorrow. hello, with the weather forecast in the studio leonid petrov. on tuesday in the petersburg region it is warm, sunny and practically without rain, a little drip may only occur in vyborg. according to data. st. petersburg on august 27 during the day the owner's field is expected to be about 21° above zero up to +24 the air may warm up in tekhina and baksetogorsk, +23 in volkhov and kirishi, also not cooler 20° should be in gatchina and vyborg. in st. petersburg dry during the day, no clouds, moderately windy. in the northern capital during the day +22 on the thermometers, on wednesday night 15. in st. petersburg , tests of a cleaning robot have begun,
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a multifunctional device of domestic production can wash roads, remove leaves, snow, treat sidewalks, use anti-icing agent and even dig, it has all-season tires, a system of sensors, all this makes it stable on slippery roads, there are also radars and cameras, with the help of which the universal cleaner recognizes people, animals and ... cars, for now the robot is accompanied by a person, for autonomous operation it needs digital maps of the area, which do not exist yet, in addition, charging stations and control rooms have not yet been built, but if the tests are successful, next year st. petersburg can purchase the first batch of cyber cleaners. we will return to monday's news in a few minutes. st. petersburg is the pride of russia. we preserve, revive our
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monuments and build a new city. heirs of peter i, we continue his work and increase the glory of our city. relying on the great past, we build the present and confidently look to the future. together, we create. centuries. ldpr is the oldest party in russia. for 35 years we have been protecting the residents of st. petersburg. today, ldpr has a new leader, leonid slutsky. the party has a new development strategy and new goals. the fight against microfinance organizations, strict regulations for business, development of the digital economy. support for regional producers. these are our tasks. ldr. slutsky yakovlev for you. dear friends, hello, my name is pavel bragin, i am running for governor st. petersburg from the green party. i
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sincerely believe that our city should be greener and more environmentally friendly. i plan to introduce restrictions on the movement of vehicles with internal combustion engines in the center, expand the infrastructure for the use of electric scooters, as well as electric cars, ban the use of plastic bags, and i believe that together we can make our st. petersburg greener. comrades, i am a communist, sergei malinkovich, i am running for the governor of st. petersburg, leningrad. here in our city the october revolution began. today our goals are the same, but the methods are different. we will create a soviet city government, without capitalists, without pseudo-communists, without liberals. we will revive industry, revive the system of professional education. we will return our beloved leningrad to the rails of socialist construction.
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a regatta on super-fast hydrofoil boats was held in st. petersburg, five of the country's strongest teams participated in it. all professional athletes, olympic participants, world and european champions, started in the yag-club on the petrovskaya spit, thanks to their unique technical characteristics. these boats rise above the water and develop a high speed of 30 knots by the standards of traditional sailing. this is 55.5 km/h. well, tomorrow the baton of water competitions will be taken up by the youth cup, where crews of young yachtsmen will compete for the main prize for 2 days. these were the news from st. petersburg. all the best. i 've been crazy about you for days, in 5 hours i'll be in our model. premiere on rtr.
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you look awful, what a mess in our house, you have no brains at all, the rain is ending summer, tomorrow on rtr, welcome to the newest rix hotel in sharmelsh. the perfect place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of children and their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment, enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's town in the region and an unforgettable holiday. rixas rodomis sharmel sheikh. allow yourself.
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cool holiday sleorts, elegant details, a feast of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. here was a man 10 thousand years ago, he walked to the pharmacy, to work, back, he did not know the bicycle, did not believe in miracles, because he did not experience all the worth of the wheel,
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the wheel, the sun sleeps blue. in overhead, the wind to us faces we overtake the globe, petry vezdy running away into the distance, you sit down and just press the pedal, give-give, give-give, give-give-give, give-give-give, leningrad, the sixties are leaving, the seventies are advancing, ligovo is being built up, pine glade, a cheerful village, turns 200 the snegirev maternity hospital, built by decree of catherine ii, which has received half a million newborns. the new sports palace
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hosts the jubilee european figure skating championships. the country's first vitebsky supermarket opens, and the hermitage welcomes its fifty millionth visitor, captain second rank german aleksandrov. the sea façade of leningrad is being built on vasilievsky island, the dostoevsky museum opens, but the transition from one decade to another was not formal, what yesterday seemed possible and talented today looks undesirable harmful. there is a joke going around leningrad: the winter palace is standing, eliseev is trading, marinka is dancing, romanov is ruling. in september 1970, grigory romanov became the first secretary of the leningrad regional party committee, effectively the master of the city. the intonation changes, censorship is tightened . hard times are coming for the city's culture. amateur musical groups go underground.
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the only chance to appear on the big stage is via.
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vladimir vasiliev, musician, member of the singing guitar group, was born in leningrad. the ensemble singing guitar, he was the first in our country who... suddenly stood up and suddenly said: you know, comrades, i like it, but as soon as the boss said he didn't like it, everyone started fidgeting in their chairs and saying: yes,
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there's something there, we should, what, let's take a chance? singing playing at the same time, that's how the genre of pop music was decoded, which was now designated by the short symbol "viya". singing guitar is considered " almost like the ronning stones. let's go, let's go.
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that's all. 10 days have passed, and we must part. 10 days, why did we need them. 10 days of candy flown away in secret always.
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today and for us with you the daylight goes out, this gloomy whitish light, either is, or, and we stand with you next to each other, on the threshold of darkness, i sang the song twilight, and they did not let me go. four times i had to enrage, this is some kind of pathology, i still sing, thank him for this song, it is somehow eternal, i do not know, some kind, some kind of warmth in it, pretending
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together that there is love, that it lives. so tell me why, you tell me why, you tell me why, we are with you, anatoly nikolaevich vasiliev, the leader of the band, was one of the first in our country to pick up an electric guitar. we were young guys, i played the saxophone with genna golshteyn. in the summer, before going on vacation, our drummer said to me: tolya, couldn't you learn
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to play the guitar over the summer? you're a string player, right? i bought myself a simple guitar, started picking out chords on it, i was introduced to a rodist who made me an electromagnetic pickup, it was glued to the guitar with plasticine, a long cord came from it, which was plugged into the amplifier, the guitar sounded very loudly, we started playing rock and roll, i brought a real electric guitar from the gdr, a red, very nice guitar. people from the lunacharsky factory came to my house and took drawings from it. it was in 1963. at that time, i was already working as a guitarist in the druzhba ensemble. from an interview with anatoly vasiliev. the melody of the gypsy song is also an arrangement by anatoly vasiliev. be brave,
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guys, be brave, well, if we talk about singing guitars, about the emergence of this group, then these are happy accidents, connected with the fact that on our stage there was such a...
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most likely, maybe, maybe it wouldn't have been, there would have been many other groups, but maybe it wasn't, i heard the beatles and, of course, i got hooked, i wanted to create the same ensemble, because i'm a choir singer by profession. at first, there was an idea to make a group, a soloist and an accompanying group that could sing and play. anatoly was invited as a soloist when the application was submitted.
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always you then whose words we want to live with a smile so smile he had a unique voice, and when the choir sang...
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arriving in murmansk, he naturally, first, what, he started looking for the palace of culture, where it is, and he wanted to eat, and he could not think of anything else, when he saw a policeman on duty nearby at the intersection, asked him for 3 rubles to borrow, he went and bought some pies for these 3 rubles, went inside this palace. he saw that there
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was some kind of rehearsal going on there, he said, is this how they sing, let me sing for you, the director laughed, said: well, sing, anatoly came out and sang, when he sang, the director was very surprised, he has a very pleasant , velvety, deep voice, and offered him, he says: can you perform at our concerts? he says: i can, and so, actually, he started performing, that's how his career began, well... with this little thing, he was paid for the performance, the first thing he did, he returned 3 rubles to the policeman, who was extremely surprised, the guy was walking around the world with a song. he could go around the planet, he could fly like a bird into the sky, he could dump the whole world on his shoulders, go towards a thunderstorm, because the guy was in love, a song in the blue sky, and
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the heart roars, the sun laughs, and yes, the forest and porridge are oncoming. the guy will smile when the guy's eyes are spring, in the army he participated in a military ensemble, in my opinion, it was here in the military ensemble that bronevsky noticed him, who at that time was recruiting young people in friendship. in january, winter is serious , you can freeze. on the nose, only we go swimming, on nevub any frost, straight to the ice hole in the ice, undressing on the hut, oh, you, mom, mom, mom, dear, how cold the water in the neva is, but
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still we are carried away with you, neva, in summer and winter, only neva, i began to write songs and met: a poet, he not only songwriter, but also a poet, viktor krutetsky. eduard kuziner, arranger, composer. and he said, if you don't want, there, i 'll introduce you to the vocalist from druzhba, and his name is anatoly korol, he's a big hit there, he wants to do his own thing, and that you 'll organize an ensemble for him, and you'll work together. there's one opinion. it's very controversial, that there is envy, only black, that there is envy, only spiteful, bitter, like the path to
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a lovnoye place, then a festival turned up, in my opinion, for now. just a famous person within the druzhba ensemble, he got first place there, and got it brilliantly, he jumped out thanks to tv, korolev sang holker's song in envy, a wonderful song too, he immediately became a star throughout the soviet union, he already arrived after sochi as a star, whatever you say,
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to a deep, warm, somehow homely warm, and he is always so sincere, he was somehow real, you understand, again spinning and melting, white snow on the palms, like a simple song, about you, about me, you are the sound of a string, you are the light of a window, you are the shine of a wave, you are the only one for me, you! for me, my seas, i varustvay, always with you,
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finished the department, the first department, well , some star, say, korolev, the second department was occupied by, let's say, singing guitars, the whole department they worked very well, everything was wonderful and acceptable, do not start. girls, a girlfriend, a beauty, otherwise jealousy, your every day will be poisoned, at least with a kind mother, a girlfriend.
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"this was the idea of ​​the taste of the creator of singing guitars, our unnamed anatoly nikolaevich vasiliev, he believed that this should be exactly the same leningrad note to contribute, when vasiliev was offered one singer with a beautiful voice, i say to tolya, for some reason he didn’t take him, you know, the old man has a taste for crap, that’s a purely musical term, that’s all.
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some young guys come up to me and say: hello, we are from the singing guitar group, we liked the way you play, in general, how do you say, look on stage, we wanted to invite our group, but the singing guitars at that time were, it was the leading group in the country, that’s 100%. uh, to be honest, i was a little taken aback. we, he says, also liked yours guitarist, tolya chezhevsky, we need you
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to come, the sooner the better, i say, okay, tolya was invited, he says, i agree, leningrad would be nice. the team always changes, certain people come, i joined the team in the seventies, was put on a touring schedule, we spent 9-10 months touring cities from yuzhno-sakhalinsk to kaliningrad, from norelsk to kushka, earning money for... our native len-concert and it was generally quite hard work. tolya vasiliev, director the band, he was very sensitive to the fact that the musicians who played the instruments, so that they also sang and sang well, sang well, so before the concert we always had a warm-up, so-called
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there, half an hour , one hundred percent. oh, to see him smiling, it was quite difficult, he was always stern, especially at rehearsals, because we had singing guitars, of course, there were not only guitars, there were drums, and there were keyboards, by the way, i stood at the keyboards, our program was built like this, we sang songs of soviet composers, our russia is eternal,
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we are on a flight somewhere in the steppe airport and there
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we needed to somehow refresh ourselves we have to fly further for sausages queue. lera is standing last at this time endlessly ssu is being played sit sit, i come up, imagine, i say, the performer wants, without a queue, i am looking for only her, my dream, and only she alone i need, you know everything, you will tell where she is, she, where she is, i really... liked the duet: alexander fedorov and evgeny bronevitsky, they were the main soloists of this group, and they were completely different in character, that's it sasha fedorov, he played rhythm guitar sometimes, and zhenya bronevsky was the permanent bass guitarist of the group, but they were such
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inveterate leningraders, you know, leningraders, i'll tell you honestly, loved us. and they still love us, at our concerts there was n't a single empty seat, we had the so -called fifth column, girls who ran around, they were somehow distributed there, and if i was riding the subway, then i see five girls standing there, they saw me off, they knew everything, what was where, then one worked, either in dlt or in the passage, you boots needed, i have some french boots like this... heels dragging fans, what was going on, you know, well to say, i don't know if it's possible to say this on air, but when i met some girl, he says: i'll go with you, of course, today, if tomorrow you introduce me to zhenevitsky, so the advance, that's how
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successful the guitars were, but the main thing, of course, the main thing is that this was truly new. sunday is a joyful day, let the rubbish of our shadows disappear, hey-hey-hey, come out quickly! hey, ask to be angry, you see in the gardens, even the birds, forgetting about business, hey-hey-hey, sing merrily, the sun laughs, again with you, i, i, will go next to you. let it always remain, this
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day, day, day is the best in the year, for the first time, in this group several of my songs were performed, firstly, anatoly vasiliev immediately selected four songs from those that i offered them, they did not listen, they say, we will sing this, but one of these songs was: there is no one more beautiful than you, and the poems, by the way, were recorded by an employee of the len-concert, irina bezladnova, she wrote two verses, but it was clearly not enough, so i already had friends, i had friends among musicians, in leningrad, and misha belyakov wrote the third verse, and he hit the nail on the head, and zhenya brytsky came up to me and said: "yura, can i sing this song, i say, zhenya, no questions, please." for me there is no one more beautiful than you, but i catch your gaze in vain, like
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an elusive vision, every day you pass by, like an elusive vision, every day you pass by, and i repeat, again and again, die love, don't die, love, don't die, love,
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the second hip parade took place at the beginning of august, there was a story that showed how interesting things were happening at that time in soviet pop music in general. the first place was divided. in half george harrison with the song what is life, what is life, this did not surprise anyone, it was a famous, very fresh hit of his from
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his famous triple album, here is the second song also in first place, which collected the same number of points, it was a song by leningradsky, in general, rather at that time the author of the singer yuri antonov, this song... no you are more beautiful, and it was performed by singing guitars and soloist evgeny bronevitsky, but i believe that the day will come, the ice will melt in your eyes, in the summer we will wash away each other and ... i will understand that you need me, in the summer heat a narrowing will suddenly arise,
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i will understand that you need me, and i repeat, but do n't die love, don't die. i'm not dying, of course, i was so to speak, to be honest, because it was such a victory, i would say on an all-union scale already, and of course the country sang this song, from all the windows there the song was pouring, at that time i wrote a couple there hits for soaring guitars there 10 days and
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salaspilts, they rehearsed. without me and vasiliev calls me, so happy, you know, it's such a bomb, people don't let go of their songs, come work for us, i started working in singing guitars, it was about the seventieth year, but i didn't have a place there at the piano, because there was a good pianist klemets, grigory, ponorovskaya's first husband, at that time irina podarovskaya worked there , a complete bun, absolutely nothing. the singer, vasiliev was going to fire her, and he took her because she was the daughter of the musician len konzertovsky, a bass player, under bentsanoff, there was a group there, vitaly ponorovsky played the double bass, and this was the daughter, she studied at the conservatory, in the piano class, she was a very good pianist, a charming girl, but such a simpleton , normal, she was plump, fat and so on, she had no timbre in her voice, nothing
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at all, and he was looking for a replacement for her, but a replacement could not be found, suddenly after vacation, one summer, one autumn she comes to us at a general meeting there, a remarkable beauty, a twenty-year-old young lady, thin, slender, beautiful, it turns out that this is irina ponorovskaya, in one summer she lost 14 kg, but in principle, she began to sing differently, better, suddenly she became a star, right out of the blue. i love him dearly, but i won’t buy a ticket for a train, yes i love him and i’ve been sad for the third year, but i will never forgive the insult,
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the group broke up, of course, this did not happen in one day, and there was no single reason that could explain everything, but there were many versions. the initiator was our leader, to whom he honestly and openly said: guys, i'm bored, i need to move on, but at some point you no longer suit me, thus the team fell apart. where
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it's lonely under the sky, my eleventh route, its final path is unknown, they don't wait at the ring, and you don't know, and you don't hear, my sadness, my sadness, and i'm like, that after you. i can go to any distance, perhaps the plot of the song envy was reflected in his fate, maybe someone was very much in charge of his successful life, which went serenely, very smoothly, it is quite possible, was, because even such the case when his wife was walking with their son in the summer garden, some woman ran up to her
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and said that if you are still here... to move, as a taxi crashes into him at high speed, the wife's bag flew 10 m away, she has a... an open fracture of the tibia, it was a terrible story, they assembled it literally according to the drawings, you can say, when he was already discharged, he gave one more concert after this tragedy, this was
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the end of his career, is it love or just a fantasy, i hear voices in my sky. i walk as if spellbound, the road into the distance is quiet, abandoned, like someone's blond braid, i walk as if bewitched, the road is quietly thrown into the distance, like someone's blond braid, while he was recovering from this accident, he developed gangrene, he was only 48 years old, he was born in forty-second... even his wife wrote on the monument: the earth is empty without you, there is nothing impossible in the world, the road
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is quietly thrown into the distance, like someone's blond braid, we got together for the second time, because we had a break in performances in 1997, celebrating our thirtieth anniversary, and we are still performing, the sound of mebony tilted. began to knock, the rain on roofs, under my window, serves day, suddenly a date for us, rain, all together, if you dig towards me, even a mushroom to bake, if
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even such you will wait, it means you love, it means you love, leningrad, the beginning of the seventies, then musicians did not perform in stadiums, via was not invited to television, soloists were not interviewed, but the fact that the guys and girls from the singing guitars were perceived as aliens, everyone who was young then remembers. leningraders were proud of the singing guitars, because it was their native ensemble. times are not chosen, as not choose their fate, but the singers had to endure not only the dawn and sunset, but also the loss of friends, a split in the team, a scam with the name, numerous trials, what the new age did not bring, nevertheless, in the fall of 2021,
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the singers triumphantly celebrated their ninth anniversary, and their loyal viewers were nearby. this is my service dog, the time of big
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premieres on rtr, they work in pairs, where look, look, call. "one listens, the other eavesdrops, i feel that something bad is happening, but we will cope, yes, one sniffs, the other watches, quietly, the main thing is that we are not noticed, one digs, the other digs, idik, we found a corpse, they are catching criminals together again, there are many suspects, but we need to choose one, please, no amateur performance"? lady with a dog, new trail, i'm going with you, no objections, siri with me. coming soon to rtr. hotel
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for unforgettable impressions - rixos sharmaьsheikh, only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances of the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixsus sharmaьshey. this is not just a vacation, this is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to delight. hello, it's news time on our channel in studio elena pokhomova. briefly about some of the topics of the issue. a successful day. clean sheet,
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director polina. in kaliningrad , the winners of the koroche film festival were awarded. living canvases. this allows you to understand the volume, as if you were where the artist painted. a multimedia project dedicated to vasily polenov was presented in buenos aires. amazons of guinea. the first african women's orchestra performed at the spasskaya tower festival. colored dreams. we came up with the theme and how to reveal them and how best to do it ourselves. multimedia artists presented their works at the artmas championship. in short, the festival in kaliningrad summed up the results. since most of the participants are debutants, the works of the winners can be used to judge what domestic cinema will become. stanislav onesimov
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will continue. the closing ceremony was traditionally held in the central park of kaliningrad. in the full-length debut film competition, polina kondratieva's film won, pure sheet. the main character of the film is an aspiring poetess. in order to free herself from her father's oppression, she gets a job as a nurse for a terminally ill girl. this experience will help her, first of all, to understand herself more deeply. i was interested in the accompanying. she received two special prizes from the russia-1 tv channel and from the jury with the wording for a cinematic attempt to save our land.
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it is easier for him to find friends here. i like to read,
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and i bought a book by roman mikhailov yagoda and read this story and could not stop thinking about it for a long time, and then i realized that i want to do something with it. this year's festival did without any significant discoveries or big names among the participants, but this year's program turned out to be very balanced and harmonious. in short, the festival generally has a very good tradition of maintaining a golden mean between the audience and, conditionally , blue cinephile cinema, this year, in general, it turned out - exactly the same, that is, perhaps, we can say that the spectrum - the films that are being made in russia today, we see, the quality is changeable, the short program meters this time turned out to be much stronger, although darker, full-length, the jury made their decisions almost unanimously with minimal disputes, the favorites were clear right away: after the screenings, in short, these are the results:
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stanislav onisimov, dmitry kotov, maxim sachkov, news of culture, kaliningrad. the international congress of the national association of broadcasters is taking place in moscow. the problems and tasks of the media industry are discussed by representatives of federal and regional television companies, specialized ministries and departments, digital video services. the agenda includes discussions on the prospects for the development of municipal channels, the content of regional broadcasts, the possibilities and prospects of domestic internet platforms and online cinemas. among the main tasks is the search for new formats and import substitution. as part of the nat congress, the nadexpo exhibition is actually taking place, here you can. see new technological and technical solutions that, in general, our specialists are already offering and implementing in our industry. gradually, step-by-step, in general, little by little we are moving away from complete dependence, technologically from western manufacturers and suppliers. the culture tv channel is our first fully-fledged channel that
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works on a domestic product to the maximum extent, that is, you have news layout, you have... an exhibition of animated paintings by vasily polenov has opened in the russian house in buenos aires. in argentina, home to the largest russian-speaking diaspora in latin america, interest in russian culture is enormous, and this is one of the reasons for the strength of the nearly 140-year diplomatic relations between our countries. last weekend
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, argentina hosted several events aimed at strengthening ties with russia. for the first time in the world, it was in argentina that the paintings of the russian itinerant artist vasily polenov came to life, accompanied by his music. a new, modern light and music exhibition , vasily polina on a journey to herself, opened in the russian house in buenos aires. these works were created by students of the moscow institute of business and design and the workshop of alena kukushkina, who prepared the exhibition together with them. artist vasily's assistant ermakov polenov was presented by our argentine colleague sergei brilev , who is also a member of the polenov board of trustees, who also collected impressions from the guests of the exhibition. this allows you to understand the volume, as if you were there where the artist was painting. i think this is wonderful.
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you can feel that every student is different, some like more statics, some , on the contrary, add movement, others show what is not on the canvas, but the canvas is here. such events are always like a refuge from everything else, embraced by the some chaos, just a holiday for the soul. and this is the beginning of the documentary film novy sveta forgotten wave, by sergey brilev himself, about how in the twenties and thirties of the twentieth century.
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guinea came to moscow for the spasskaya tower festival and took part in the program military orchestras in parks. maria trofimova compared the rhythms of africa, latin america and the celestial empire. fiery rhythms and melodies in moscow parks are again played by military orchestras of the spasskaya tower. in the park of filia, the amazon guinea, the first female orchestra of africa, formed in sixty-first, it became a symbol of the emancipation of new thinking , creative realization of women in guinea, for more than half a century their music reflects the desire for equality, justice,
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as well as respect for the history of their ancestors, the brave warriors of dagameya. amazons is an ancient word that traces its history from the kingdom to the gamey. griots, they were exclusively men, today women are modernizing the game on a traditional instrument. the ballafon is considered a royal instrument, which was played at the court by griots. it is made of wood and dried pumpkin fruits. it has an unusual sound. we call it sound.
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performs one of the country's favorite songs , long live venezuela.
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this is the fifth anniversary season of the national open championship of creative competencies artmas
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, the number of applications increases every year. there were 300 applications for this particular competence, well, about 300, and it was difficult to choose 10 people who reached the final. as for creativity, almost all the participants had no contact with the sphere of aba art or mapping before. this championship gives an opportunity.
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lead the guys, according to the results of the competition, the participants acquire new knowledge the opportunity to present their projects to a wide audience of professionals. evgeny karov, vladimir siganov, irina mustafina, vesti privolzhye. frightening realistic androids made a splash at the world conference on robotics in beijing. why did they give you the name yucan? i have answered the question about my name many times, it means quantum transition, a symbol of breakthrough. and changes, do you have any other questions? created in the image of a human, a teenage robot, one of the many developments of the x-robots company.
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another model presented at the conference, a young woman-like machine on a mobile platform, which can act as a housekeeper. artificial intelligence allows the machine to react more subtly to incoming information. several hundred such devices have already been sold, including the sush robot.
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that's how things are, that's how things are, another hour is lost. and i'm right from the morning, that's how things are, that 's how things are, my heart is singing, that's glory.
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tanyusha, hello, alyutina georgievna , of course, i'm always glad to see my students, oh, tanyusha, you sang so well, wonderful, goodbye, school at the graduation party, a month has passed, and i 'm still under the impression, you know, i came to you to talk about songs, right, who else to talk to about songs, if not with a music teacher, i'm listening to you, you see, i decided to enter the institute of culture, the faculty of pop music, wonderful, i support you, you are talented, and talent cannot be buried in the ground, thank you, and i just wanted to ask you
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to help, i need a song for the exam. and maybe maybe you can recommend something? of course, i will, but don't worry, please, which songs do you like the most, tell me, oh, i have so many, i can't even remember them all, you know, i would like to write songs myself, my own, i can just imagine, sometimes there's such a big poster, it says, a creative evening with tatyana bulatova, and so many spectators crowd around the concert hall, they all ask, do you have an extra ticket, do you have an extra ticket? great ticket, wonderful, but until you start write songs, you and i will use a proven repertoire, yeah, don't worry , everything will be fine, you have all the data for this, now you only need effort and persistence, i understand, i understand, your sister is studying at this institute, yes, yes, yes, but she is finishing already, oh, how wonderful, she has her last exam today, just in time.
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very good, girls, wonderful, you have pleased me, and the members of our examination committee, i think, too. it's nice to see that our efforts were not in vain, you are great, and i am bronislav mikhailovich, sveta bulatova, you also performed well, girls, i wish you to take a worthy place in the world of art, now you are professional dancers. remember your mission, to bring beauty and harmony to this world, success to you, thank you, thank you, i say parting
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words to them and feel like a deceiver. after all , how many of our graduates are now without work, do not blame yourself, now everyone has the same problems, it is not easier for doctors or engineers, yes, we taught them everything we knew and could do, so the rest does not depend on us, well, with the material we decided, these songs will suit you in timbre by...
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you're hiding it from us, but i'm not hiding it, yes, i work at the eldorado club, we have a dance show there in the evenings, really, and what didn't you say, and you didn't ask, so maybe you can arrange for us to go there, yes, len, let's go together,
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okay, let's go there, oh, no, i can't today, my dad is returning from a campaign, the house is like a warship, everything is clear, according to the regulations, don't be late anywhere, maybe tomorrow, let's do it tomorrow, well great, right? from my side, and what are you going to do there, well, how are you going to study, you studied, and i i'll study too, what's so special, to
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a lullaby, nothing special, that's your problem, you're nothing special, what a pop star, i woke up. whistle everyone up, mom, dad has arrived, finally, we've been waiting for you, my girls, my sweethearts, oh, wow, hi! you, we've left the bay, well, my dears, come on, here i am at home. well, tell me, how are you
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here without me, we're fine, tanechka had her graduation here, she sang a song for us, she sang it very well, a certificate without any cs, so well done, thank you, dad, svetochka, how are you, today i passed my final choreography exam and they immediately offered me a job at the club, but i'm still thinking, lord, why am i sitting here, i have gifts for you, gifts, come on, come on, bring them, bring us gifts, gifts from the northern seas, wow , fish, oh, amazing, you'll get one like that here, cut it up, dad, you'd better buy me shoes, svetochka, we'll definitely buy you shoes, tanechka, and we'll buy you a gift, that's it... i won't get it right away, we'll buy it, tanyukha, well,
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have you decided on the institute, will you apply? to the pedagogical? no, dad, i, i want to go to the institute of culture, like my sister, yeah, sveta, you advised her, no, it has nothing to do with it, do you want to be a dancer, no, i want to go to... what department at the pop department, and what profession will you be after that, a singer, no, well, it's up to you to choose, it's up to you to live, tanechka, well, there are so many good professions in the world, teachers, doctors, others, well, don't rush, you have time. think about it, dad, why can sveta
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do it, but i can't, dad, i really have nothing to do with it, you're for a long time this time, i don't know yet, you've been released until further notice, but...
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talent, so liftina, liftina, which one they have for music, or what? well, she's great at music, i don't mind, valya, let her sing as much as she wants, just at home, i'll sing along and praise her, well , it's not her profession, you know, not hers, and the sooner she understands this, the better, well, so as not to be disappointed, i just don't know how i ... explain it all, but she sings well , so i don't mind, choreography was cancelled, we're going to the library, well...
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let's go to the library, let's go, by the way, i need to give back my books, why are we standing there, your mouth is hanging open, where do you need to go, i'm going to the variety show faculty, you went to school, you can read, it's written, dancers to the right, librarians to the left, singers straight ahead, up the stairs, come on, oh, youth. he'll come, he doesn't know anything, nothing, and he can't read, some kind of pub, if you don't want to, don't go, i'm not forcing you, you said everything will be fine for you.
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"we've already graduated from the academy, passed all the exams and will soon receive a diploma, please, don't tell me this nonsense anymore, my ears are withering, who are you going to show your diploma to here, and to me, you'd better show me your tits, and i'll look, so what are you standing there for, "i don't need sleeping statues"? no, well, faster, faster time, lena, you didn't say that i would have to undress here, lena, why did you bring them to me, well, i hinted, you didn't say that they dance striptease here, okay, girls, we don't have striptease, striptease is rude, it's american, we have an erotic
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show, we have moulin rush, we have, we have priceless costumes, huh? "i understand everything, i 'm leaving, i will not participate in this, goodbye, what were you counting on, girl with a diploma, and what did you think, there's a swan lake here you're going to dance, or what, well then roll, with the carter the path, well, and you, cool, yes i 'll put on a white sarafan, yes i'll shoe". feet in dust, i'll go beyond the pouring fog, unmown feather grass , no trouble, not a trace will remain, in the morning and the fog will clear, no trouble, not a trace will remain,
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in the morning and the fog will clear, good, ah, then we'll see each other less often, i'll still be married, i forgot. phone in a cafe on friday, hello, and where did you get the phone? i'm sveta's fiancé, if i could help you somehow, come with me, i'll say that you are my bride, if the bride has disappeared somewhere, you can always find a bride for an hour, i don’t fit into this stupid dress, i don’t fit, it’s a brand model, but it doesn’t fit, it doesn’t fit. what, did you take this country bumpkin to your relatives? are you completely crazy? i won’t allow gleba to marry with this profit. i think everything can still be fixed. a reward awaits the finder. on friday on rtr. riksas premium seagull.
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well, let's get started, yes, if you don't know how to... survive the renovation, survive it with us. there is no comfort and order in the apartment, there is no joy and peace in the heart. we really like our apartment, but we don't like that it is not renovated. so, it's time for big changes. break, don't build. breathe new life into old walls. we will turn this minus into a plus. create a soulful atmosphere. i want to wish, may your sleeping area always. we adapted this, we warm it up with heat , it helps you to relax, we open everything that is possible for the home, i don’t believe it, no, it can’t be, wow, big changes, everything
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always goes as it should, big changes, on saturday on rtr, in short, i come, i open it. that’s it, quiet, roma, you didn’t lock your car, it’s not scary that they’ll steal it, they’ll steal it from me, i’d like to look at this borzov, until i bury him, there’s a catch waiting for you there, yes, i know, and what are you hanging around here for, and so we have lunch, lunch is over, go to the market, then to shake the metro traders. so, girls,
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we work in all directions, we don't offend the light, okay? volanchik, here i am, great, how are you? well, i sorted things out with the gang, with the cops too, i think, in general, i solved the problem, handsome. what are you going to order, you're stupid, you'll ask me the same thing every time, bring me something to eat, got it, excuse me, ro, i have a serious conversation, what about, the co-op members are groaning about you, this rotten vovan market again, well again, because you just can't calm down,
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what happened was, times are changing, max, yeah, put it from the back to the front, roman, well, she's new, let her do it for now, yeah , you heard what i said, got it, got it, got it, light, change places, come on, forward, that's it, here, here, and make it brighter. baba, fire, listen, i like these.
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listen, rom, it's not the eighties now, please, if we don't change our lines, we'll be out of luck, do you hear, but don't make a fuss, bawan. and at home life is warm to the point of fuss, everything is elegant there, thanks for the ride, you have a cool car, they'll help, you're cool yourself, why are you visiting? will you invite me? oh, that's not very convenient, my
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parents are at home, my father is strict, he's a naval officer, well, it's right that you invite me to visit right away, a decent girl, well , see you later, give it to me. hi, what are you standing here for? i'm waiting for you, sveta, sveta, who were you in the car, and this is roman, he works at the club where i dance, he also dances, no, he's the main one there, he saw me at rehearsal and offered to give me a ride, why? because everyone wants to let me down, you ask questions, homemade vodka,
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better than real, that's what the underground says manufacturer, taken from police, well tell me, what kind of club do you have there, is it like a house culture, or what? well yeah, something like that, people come there, relax, watch a dance show, and what kind of program do you have there to act quickly. we are rehearsing a dance from swan lake. and when will it be possible to watch? dad, well i said, we are rehearsing, we just started. by the way, there will be a rehearsal. and you , tell me, what did you do, what were you doing, today i was preparing for the exam together with aleftina georgievna, she is the one who advised you to go to the institute, but i will knock you down knocked down, dad, why did i decide everything myself,
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she just helps me, it's one thing to sing at a school party, but being a singer is a completely different thing. in tver, two men were stabbed to death, their meat was then sold to the population. how can i understand what is happening in this big world, where everyone remembers only their own, and how can
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i find what i have been looking for for so many years, what no one can do. answer. and i would tell this truth, if there was something to say. and i would tell this lie, but what to come up with again. guys, that's it, thank you, that's enough. no more. this it's no good. but we were told that you are looking for performers. we are, but normal ones. and this is not for our audience. well, we can change something, remake it. change? the vocalist for myself... so that there would be a meaning, and i really wanted to sing in this pub, normal music is not needed here, no one needs you, i think that he is right about the vocalist, and you too, andryukh, you are a good musician, but excuse me, you don't sing very well, and that is, now it's my fault, i have long thought that
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we need a vocalist or vocalist, let's at least would. something happened? happened, they promised to pay the salary, no, they said, no money, wait for the weather by the sea, and what will i tell my girls now, no gifts, no souvenirs, dad can't do that, dad is cheating, but your daughters
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love you not only for the gifts, and now they are holding up everyone's salary, the quiet neighbor from the second floor with... what is this? charged water. are you crazy? well, things are a mess all around. these are my boys, this is kostet, vawan, zakidon, and you, boys,
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meet her, this is my queen. if any of them bothers you, you immediately say me, and they won't find it a little, that's right, i 'm telling you, guys, that's right, well your will is law for us, well done, golden words, so why are you silent, and what do you have, come on, let me check it out, where did you get it, and squeeze it out of the farm, wow, listen, i'll drive, so stick with me, my queen and you'll have everything... okay, yeah, rom, you're so cool, and you're so beautiful, will you dance a private dance for me, and what kind, any! but only for me, come on, yeah, i beg you, wow, whose office is this, your boss's, this is
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mine, everything here is mine, okay, i like it, yeah, yours, what, glass or something, glass, you wore it before me, and now you are my queen, you actually promised to dance for me. how am i supposed to dance, well then?
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the rvd bodies are investigating a case of pimping, matchmaking, maintenance, two prostitutes are involved in the case, a conversation with whom makes it possible to find out more fully who is the patron and accomplice of prostitution in hotels, yes, turn off this program, they start showing horrors all the time, well, what is there is, they show, by the way, i wonder, the parents of these motto, what were they thinking when they were raising them, tanya, what are you doing? and to we were preparing for exams, dad, where's your sister? and sveta, probably at work, i don't know, but she
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said that she was rehearsing, but not until the night, the pribaltiyskaya hotel, one of the hotel administration employees showed us around, wow, what's wow, the bracelet or me, and oh, rom, what do you think, with you from the bracelet, although it's cool, thank you, it's you, cool, you're my queen, now you 'll have... say what you wanted, and rom, i don't need anything, go ahead, don't be shy, say it,
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