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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  August 27, 2024 5:00am-9:00am MSK

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she'll stand there all night, i told you, go home, what are you doing here , you... what, tell mom that i'm not coming to spend the night tonight, why, i'm staying here, with sasha, well, he's my boyfriend, did you really think that he loves you, silly girl, did you just happen to be his? go home!
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sasha, good afternoon, maria stepanovna, sasha, the girl still hasn't left you, why didn't she leave, sasha? come on, follow the rules.
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of course, i understand that you should have your own personal life, but you know, you have to check in in the journal in advance the day before. no-no-no, it's not just a coincidence, this is an unusual girl, she's a queen, yes, a queen. oh, that's it. sunchik, here's breakfast ready. do you do this with all the actresses? how do i act? well, you chatted me up and dragged me into bed yesterday. what are you saying, you're special to me. do you know how i waited for you? i'm so glad you came back. oh, i know how you waited for me, had fun with my sister, that's how you waited. did tanya tell you this? well, who else could she cry to? seduced a naive girl. left, what
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happened to tanya was a mistake, i told her everything i'll explain, sasha, keep in mind, this won't work with me, if it's a relationship, then it's serious, and stand up, and i'll talk to you myself, and you'll only make things worse, while sveta , and breakfast, svetuchik, wait. svetochka, when you come back, come to rehearsal tomorrow, sveta, sveta, i, i, i'm ready for a serious relationship, sveta, sveta, i want us to be together, sasha, you'll have a hard time with your queen, marya stepanovna, well, you understand, huh?
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where's mom gone to the store, she'll be back soon, you told her yesterday, sveta, leave me alone, listen, tanya, sasha would have left you anyway, but if not today then tomorrow, i just showed you that he really is like that, you should thank me, listen, if he's so bad, why do you need him, and what would i tell my parents, who my child is from, so at least i love them the father, but it's not sasha's child, yes, but no one should know about this, especially sasha, why are you
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silent, do you understand me? where are you going? i have a rehearsal, sasha's, don't you dare tell him, calm down, i have my own rehearsal, my own! sasha, hi, sasha,
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i meant nothing to you, that's true, no, what are you saying, you mean a lot to me, you're a real friend, but you, you gave me a ring, it means more than just friendship, a ring, it's fake, you just took it too seriously, sasha, why are you pretending like nothing happened between us, why, no, everything happened, everything happened, i don't deny it, just understand that we crossed this line of ours.
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tanya, you, you, forgive me, don't cry, stop, why are you late, we're waiting for you there, she's standing, here she's chatting with the janitor, why she's so upset, oh yeah, i lost my ring, i didn't wear it for long, that is, the janitor didn't... that's not the janitor, that's our director, that's the director, i understand, okay, let's go, the guys are waiting for you, come on, come on and don't be upset,
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the construction workers in the limit have started a strike, protesting against the low wages and inhumane conditions of the setting, while the level of wages for limit workers is twice as high as the wages of ordinary jobs, why are you so early today, tolya, i thought tanya came back from the institute, why didn't you warn us, we would have got ready. valya is not such a holiday to greet me with music, what happened, troubles at work, that's it, valya, my service is over, i'm discharged,
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like a dream, lives in me, only the memory of past years, i catch your gaze, like a ray in an amble. there is no peace in my soul, whatever you want can come true, if you wait long, i want to open up to you, you will understand me, i was waiting for you so much, i was waiting for you so much, i was dreaming of our meeting, but only now fate has brought me together with you... la, i was waiting for you so much , i was waiting for you so much, i was waiting for you so much, i was waiting for you so much
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i waited, i dreamed of our meeting, but only now fate brought me together, i waited for you so much, i waited so much, guys, well, congratulations, the classes were not in vain, i like it, i just need to work, work, work, work, guys, i think that i will be able to put you in the general concert, great, guys, i have started lectures at the institute, and i will not be able to rehearse so often, hmm, how is that possible, yes. so valya, they wrote me off to the shore, it turned out that they did not need me, the ship went to pieces,
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like an old one to crumble, well, if we talk frankly, it's not that old and crumbling, it could still serve, and how, but apparently sailors and their ships have the same fate, well, what can you do, then... me, well, these are the times, well, tell me, how are our daughters, well, tanyushka entered the institute, she's studying, so, great, sveta, what, well, what, what is our sveta going to get married, oh, how, my god, yes, she's already moved in with her fiancé, interesting news, who is the fiancé, the director? of her theater, the director? uh-huh, well, so what? maybe it's not so bad,
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but two boots, a pair, and what will play in his performances, again, she won't be left without work, well, and then you know yourself, you need to look after svetka, now let her fiancé watch, by the way, invite him to visit, i want to look at him, i'll invite him, tanya, i understand that at... this is very important, but your first performance, this is simply very important, you understand that if my boss likes you, he will sign a contract with you, i want you not just to perform at a concert, i want you to perform no worse, no worse than the stars, that is, you think it's possible, well of course it's possible, but now it's up to you, you have to come up with a hit for your debut performance, only tanya is responsible for this for us, tanya. but i don't know when i'll write new songs, they somehow come by themselves,
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and you can make them come to you faster, sasha. the moment has come, what happened, darling, my dad came back from a hike, mom called, invited me to visit, get ready, we'll show you around, i'd be happy to meet your dad, yeah, oh, and i'll be very happy about it, let's hope that he will too, i i define the genre of our performance as an allegorical performative. when our characters are not squeezed into certain narrow frames of a given plot, but represent
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expanded metaphors. so, eat your mom's salad, this is our signature recipe. thank you. now again. so, you see, they, they carry a semantic load, a semantic message, a semantic vector. at the same time, the artists are absolutely free, absolutely, they flutter into the performances, they improvise. you feel the difference, and the viewer participates. the viewer participates in the process. that's how he took it, put it the performance, that's it, it exists, no, it lives, it pulsates, you see, every time in a new way, here now, here now, yeah, well, we understand the concept, and where are you going to live, well, for now in a dorm, i have a distant relative on my mother's side, she's
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a commandant, so i got a job behind the farm, i work here, i have a room to live in, a room for... rehearsals, that is, you are the quartermaster, yes, from happiness, the director quartermaster, a versatile worker, after the performance everything will change, look, sveta and i will have a lot of offers, we will have money, we will be able to buy an apartment, everything will be fine, a very tasty salad, thank you, no, well really, if the performance is a success, i think everything will work out, everything will be fine for the guys, that's it, let's wait until all this happens, there's no rush to get married, dad, our wedding with sasha is a done deal, we love each other and we won't wait, all these difficulties are a trifle, we'll get through them somehow, yes, but you, you know, i'm so glad that i met your daughter, she, she's
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a wonderful, rare, wonderful actress. person, she helps me a lot in my work and in general, she, she is my muse, good, bravo, good, thank you, well, since they are already such grown-up people, they have already decided everything, mother, so it is heading towards a wedding, i think everything needs to be done, humanely, invite, tanya, where are you going guests? i'll be there now, come on alexander, what is your patronymic, igorevich, igorevich, come on, where did you serve, i serve the theater, where did you go, i don't want to listen to this anymore, don't even think of blabbing to sasha about the child, why are you lying to him, you don't
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love him at all. mutual love does not happen, that's how life works, someone loves, someone allows themselves love, in short, you and i have agreed, now we smile and go to the table, you didn't hear me, let's go. i understand that you are having difficulties with financial issues now, well, yes, so my mom and
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i will help, no, as for the wedding, i think the guests should be invited here, no, mom, what are you talking about, it's my wedding, it should be celebrated in a restaurant, it's a lot of money , no, i know a suitable place, it's the eldorado restaurant, i have friends there, they will give us a discount, this is my service dog, it's time for big premieres rtr, siri, siri, they work in pairs, where, look, look, one is calling. listening, the other is eavesdropping, i feel that something bad is happening, well, we'll manage, yes, one is sniffing, the other is watching, quietly, the main thing is that we are not noticed, one is digging, the other is digging, video, we found a corpse, they are catching criminals together again,
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there are many suspects, but we need to get one out, please, no amateur performance. lady with a dog, new trail, i'm going with you, no objections, siri with me, soon on rtr, an international festival of sports and music, i want thank the countries that came to us, this is... kazakhstan, belarus, uzbekistan, china, cuba, fantastic colors, unforgettable rhythms.
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why can't everything be like before, if you asked me, i would have died, and what is this? and this is my wish map, when formulating your wishes, do not forget about the details: love or work? i think that a real woman does not limit herself in desires, because the result can surprise you greatly. thank you for.
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like snow on the head, a wish map, the premiere is on saturday on rtr.
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andrey malakhov's show on saturdays on rtr. oh, then we'll see each other less often, i'll still be married. i forgot my phone in a cafe, on friday. hello, where did you get the phone? i'm sveta's fiancé. if i could help you somehow, come with me, i'll say that you're my fiancée. if the bride has disappeared somewhere, you can always find a bride for an hour. i don't fit into this stupid dress. i don't fit, it's a brand
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model, but it doesn't fit, it doesn't fit. what, did you take this country bumpkin to your relatives? are you completely crazy? i won't allow gleb's marriage with this nail. i think it's still possible to fix it. a reward awaits the finder. on friday on rtr.
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in the 15th century there is already a mention that the temple here was in honor of st. george the popedonosets, we know this thanks to the inventory of the shilonskaya pyatina, when novgorod began to submit to the moscow principality, and an order was given to make a census of the entire novgorod land, and there is a mention of our osmina, it is referred to as vosmina, which means a measure of novgorod land, and there is another version that...
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in got lost, this is an interesting moment, when there was a russo-swedish war, after peter i's victory over the swedes, he gave this land to his confidants and his relatives. osmina itself was given to tsarevich alexei, his son, and peter ii ordered that a temple in honor of st. george be built on this site. the temple was built without a single nail, from huge logs like these, which are still partially preserved in memory of these past events. in the thirties, the temple lost its former grandeur, the temple was not only closed, but deprived of its domes and crosses. after the war, osmina becomes a district center, in the temple,
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a library, a club, a photo studio. but in 2002 , due to the fact that the temple was not used for its intended purpose in soviet times, the dome of the temple collapsed into the building, in 2003, with the architect , we dismantled this entire emergency part and built this room , an extension to the old ancient temple, but we already have a project for the future...
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so we met him, 20 years later i returned to osmino, married my current spouse, we came and spent time here, in childhood, and since then i have been here for 5 years now, since then i have been running the household and living here, we have all relatives, all our relatives, on my father's side and on my mother's side, they are all local, they are all indigenous residents, that is , my grandmother lives here and alone.
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they also have their own feelings, i just have a slightly different approach, in my youth i was involved in equestrian sports, so accordingly i already had the first thought, i need to buy myself a horse, there was a problem, that is, i immediately thought about the moment, where to put it, that is, i prepared a place, everything was long and stubborn, and i still took my first my foal, in principle, from this point on it went more thoroughly, it seems like
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one horse is not enough. i got my first pheasants, a friend advised me, she bred them herself, she just brought me 20 hunting pheasants as a gift, my husband built me ​​the first aviary, this covered one, because it’s not a chicken, they fly away, i liked them so much, they are so beautiful, after all , this natural natural coloring, yes , it’s really beautiful, they have their own behavior, that’s all, since then i began to learn that pheasants a huge number of species, and pheasants of course too... i didn't limit myself to it, i also had all sorts of other decorative birds, but also only those that you can look at, these are coot chicks, they brought me an egg , they were cleaning a pond, they accidentally broke a nest, well they said, at least try to do something, i put them in an incubator, six of my seven eggs hatched, they hatched from these coots, they grew up so big, well,
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their food... it's so peculiar, i had to feed them for the first 2 weeks, i just gave each one food in its beak, that's it now they can easily feed themselves, well, well, i don’t know what will happen next, if everything works out well. i’ll return them back to nature, yes, hello, hello, my dear, hello, hello, this is my beauty marta, i took her when she was already an adult, already 4 years old, well, i didn’t take her when she was small, because she needed to be able to milk, so she was calm, because after all, she was big, and that’s why i was afraid of her, and... that she’s a good cow, kind, so i make cheese from her milk, all dairy products, sour cream, butter, yes, you come in the morning and every day is a surprise for you, because
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yesterday i came, for example, my cow climbed into the feeder with both front legs, here she is, like this through her belly, this stick, yes, this beam, she is standing, and i come and think, how can i get her out of there? i spend the whole morning trying to get her out of there, the same thing happened to me, once a dog ran up, scared the horses, they knocked down my electric fence and ran through the village, well, imagine the picture, three horses are running, and from behind one little man is running after them, trying to catch up with them to stop them, returned home, well, where is it boring, i am such a sporty person, i was engaged...
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looked at the birds, talked to the animals, fed someone, and this greatly relieves them, of course, i want to expand more, with horses, of course , a training area would be very good, so we are making this area here, every year we fill it with sawdust, but this is not enough, unfortunately, we need to make normal soil, so that it is comfortable for both children and horses, because for horses it is very the fact that the joints have a strong influence, they feel all this very strongly, so there are a lot of plans, you just need strength, time, a lot of time to implement them.
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cells from iis are very good fuel for kindling domar, much more interesting than birch bark, that is, it burns well, gives a uniform fire, and after that you can already throw in rotten wood, little by little, well , there is not always rotten wood, but old bark from trees is used, it basically... gives good uniform smoke, smoke is generally needed so that the bees understand that it was a beekeeper who came, not a wild animal, i am an accountant with seventeen years of experience, i can show my work record, in different firms and
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companies, and my higher education is a manager-economist in municipal administration, the village of osmina , grandparents lived, respectively, for the summer, on weekends, for all the holidays and from ... i came here when i was 14-15 years old, the neighbors in the country got their first bees, the first two hives, and accordingly, since the neighbor was working at that time, he was engaged in bees in his free time from work, when the swarming time came, when a swarm of bees flies out of the hive, he took a vacation, but the swarms did not always fly out at that time, or when they flew out, he was not there, his mother, grandmother, that is, we called her, was there, she always came and said, yura, a swarm flew out, we need to help. take off, they equipped me with the full program, dressed me, well, a suit, a mask, gloves, the bees there were very angry and so gradually i helped them, and i found it interesting, one fine day i asked him for a book on
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beekeeping, he gave it to me, since at that time i was a schoolboy, it was summer holidays, i read the book in one night, fell asleep in the morning with the thought, i am a great beekeeper, it shouldn't be any other way, it became very strong in me, i came to my parents, after some time, i said: mom, dad, let's get bees, to which my parents said: no, dude , we won't get them, you won't be able to, well, well... in general, i forgot about it, then i graduated from school, college, work, institute, around 30 years old, when i was already married, my daughter was supposed to be born, i think what i should do in my free time from work, then i remembered that i have a dream, a childhood dream, bees, i think, and why not, i got my first year of beekeeping somewhere. it's nothing, it's funny, but for me
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it was the best, the most delicious honey, despite the fact that i am indifferent to honey, to eating honey, it was very cool for me, in this apiary there are about 100-120 hives with bees, this is accordingly, if you translate it into the number of total bees in this apiary, it is about 5-6 million. this is how you work with people, people are all different, they the same, on two legs, two arms, with one head, two eyes, but they are all internally different and in the same way all bees are different, and each hive, each bee colony has its own character, its own mood, normal understanding with bees came after 9-10 years. working with them i had situations when during the wintering
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50 out of 100 hives died, there were such moments, and this is my experience. the union of beekeepers of russia, together with the union of industrial beekeepers, is holding a competition, there is a so-called group of honey samilye, people who are like wine honey makers and taste honey according to certain characteristics, so in 1921 i sent honey there, i just unsealed honey. i pumped it out, in the process of pumping i chew the cast, the cast is wax caps with honey and then i realized that some honey is very aromatic, very bombastic, right now i got it, it is all delicious, but this one really stood out, i thought, no, i need to send this honey, i sent it and it took second place, at that time 360 ​​samples of honey were sent, so i think the second place is leningrad region - this is a good indicator. a man should
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create, and the process of growing a bee family or a bee colony, in which you invest strength, energy, love, desire, when it grows before your eyes, and you see the result of your work, it brings great inner satisfaction, as one of the greats said: find yourself a job of the soul, and you will not work a single day, despite this, i have such: moments when i think, damn, and what, again, i have no strength left, i'm already tired, i can't anymore, but you understand, if not you, this no one will do anything with bees, you, once you have them, as they say, you are responsible for those you have tamed, the sealed brood from which the bees will be born, here you can see the birth of a bee, here it gnaws through the lid of the cell and looks out, on the twenty-first day the bangs are born.
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now i do it for the porch in the church, as far as i can remember, i did it, i always loved wood, i loved from... forks, when there was no wood, i made them from bone, since i had such an opportunity in the north, we ended up in the north because my mother was a hydrometeorologist in institute of arctic and antarctic. dikson of the sixty-fifth year was famous, they even always showed the weather, our first icebreaker left there and moored there, by the way, we arrived there in the same year, i don’t know how it is now, once on dikson we had 300 residents there and two.
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there are plenty of them along the banks, so i collected them, they float timber to them, and of course, there are no forests there, as such, but we have the yenisei, but when a pine tree is in salt water, it has a tarnish color like on metal, it changes its colors to purple, to blue, that is here, if you look at this, then these are interesting , why did i already at that time like not just to plane a piece of wood and make something out of it, but also to use color, by the way,
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here in my works i also use wood, in which there is one color in the middle, and another at the edges, you get white and brown. here is another work - this is alha, it even has three colors: a crown, a beard, and here it seems to emphasize the fur, this is his collar, it gives the opportunity not to make the figure so monotonous, as usually happens on some kind of wood, it is waxed, not covered with anything, its colors are natural, when you take this piece of wood, you start to think what was first.
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to the soviet union. and these russian guys will soon leave the nile land. 3 years for them is half a life. my father built the asan dam in egypt. that is, when i was 5 years old, we went there. my father was at work, my mother was at work, she worked there as a club manager, she is a philologist by education, that is, such an energetic woman. and there, there was a club for both arabs and russians, there were certain days, she was manager, but if the child is alone at home, my brother is older. went to school, and what should i do at home? i am generally a child calmly, i took pencils, drew. i am originally from dnepropetrovsk, there i graduated from the dnepropetrovsk assembly college , specializing in architecture, everything is connected with drawing, painting, i graduated with
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honors, why not enter hertsin, vystina turned out to be completely by chance, there was work here, we worked in the club. i am a teacher of drawing, labor drawing, designer by education, all sorts of drawing circles, vladimir viktorovich and i had already met then, started a family and started doing ceramics, so now i sculpt from everything that is possible, it can be called a carousel with generals, guys with shoulder straps are jumping, in each ceramic school of sculpting, in each toy there is a set of images, they are already ready, but i can add some of my own details, so i sculpt a carousel, for example, there is no such dymkovo toy, it is called the northern lights, i put deer under the dome,
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naturally, and draw some, i don’t know, chukchi-nai, in such a special hat we draw such narrow eyes, everything is in the canons of smoke... toys, all the techniques are observed, the color is white, this is the northern lights, i can, if i have such an opportunity, for a day or two not talk to anyone, just do what i like to do, i immerse myself purely in the topic, i really like it, it suits me, and she and i like creativity, creativity not just in some kind of such, in a specific form, therefore if i finished the porch, yes, i am very pleased, i am in a great mood. i did it, i have it again it worked out, it's very important, because well, it shouldn't work out all the time, life is good and bad, and here it worked out again, everything is good for me again, we are trying
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to make the corner near the church attractive, that is, if you know this parable, they ask a person who is pushing a wheelbarrow with stones, what are you... doing, pushing a wheelbarrow, another says: i earn a living for my family, and the third says: i am building this beautiful temple, how did it give birth, that soon it will be 11 years since i was here, compared to everyone... we are in the osminskoye rural settlement, 53 villages and 30 km in one direction, 30 km in the other direction, these are our
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distances, now we are in the temple in honor of st. nicholas the wonderworker, which is territorially part of the parish of the church of st. george the victorious, when they organized the construction of the temple here, for the foundation , local residents dragged. and they were dragged by local residents of neighboring fields, although it was possible to use horse power, horse traction, but local residents decided to do it this way labor, then sacrifice for the sake of the temple, that is, 40-70 people were harnessed to the cannatas and pulled these huge oxen from the fields. this temple is also unique in that there are historical references to the fact that people received healing here.
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the temple was naturally also closed in the thirties, the priest was shot, the woman prosphora baker, the parishioner was also shot. after the war, the temple was transferred to the new collective farm krasny sokol, approached from need. that is, when the collective farm went bankrupt, the building naturally also became useless to anyone, in the nineties years there was no talk of any spiritual life, because people survived as best they could, some drank themselves to death, some left, and naturally the temple also began to fall into disrepair, somewhere the roof was not patched in time, all this led to the fact that now we are seeing rain, which is also slowly destroying this temple. unfortunately, the last cross fell, this cross also fell from some dome, here it
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was five-domed, the emotions, of course, are sad, but emotions that testify to the fact that this is our spiritual modern state, that is, it is like a carbon copy of our spiritual state, that is, whatever state the society is in , its shrines are in such a state. there is always such evidence on the face, that is , if the residents gave birth to this temple, if they wanted to transform themselves, then naturally this temple would be transformed, and it has long been restored, people live in anticipation, even to mow the grass i have to come with eight people to mow the grass around the temple, there is hope, we poured a floor in the bell, began to hold services there. i believe that the people will wake up and will reach out to the revival of their
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shrines. the tv channel my planet presents. my small homeland is the big city of moscow. one of the features of the modern capital is, of course, traffic jams. it turns out that they appeared at the end of the 14th century. then carriages began to be imported en masse from europe to russia, which quickly filled the narrow streets of old moscow. the first transport collapse was resolved by tsar fyodor alekseevich. he forbade the use of carriages by anyone who was not a member of the boyar duma. apparently, it did not help. these steppe expanses and
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forests framing the steep ural mountains have recently changed their ancient appearance. oil rigs have become the calling card of the republic, where more than 15 million tons of oil are now extracted per year. here is the symbol of the bashkir treasure, with modern methods of extraction , oil fountains no longer allow openly to beat out of the ground, but once upon a time the black gold itself came to the surface, in ancient bashkir cauldrons oil was called the oil of the earth. many thousands of years ago, this oil of the earth was formed from the magical blood of a hero spilled in these places, whose name was: no he gave his people not only the opportunity to use oil wealth. thanks
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to the urals, a whole beautiful world with all its mountains, meadows, rivers and underground treasures arose, but the main legacy of the epic hero is the rules of life for descendants, the secret of happiness for all people. so what made ural batyr famous, that even the mountains bear his name, and what do we know about this national hero now. in 1910, the teacher and collector of folk tales mukhamedsha burangulov went on an expedition to the poidkul volost of the orenburg province. today it is the baimak district of tastan. his attention was attracted by the ancient tales of the poets of scenes, filled with the spirit of mystical events of the past and revealing the secrets of the creation of the world.
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the bashkirs always respected the sesenovs, these poets not only composed, but also remembered, performed and passed on ancient tales from generation to generation, and their performances were accompanied by the abrupt sounds of the ancient musical instrument dumbara, in addition, it was believed that ...
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more than 10 years in the early twenties , the written version of the epic first appeared abatyr, that is, the hero, ural and his glorious exploits. in ancient times , there lived an old man and an old woman, and they had two sons, the elder was called shulgen, and the younger was ural. when they grew up, the father saddled two lions and sent.
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and ural remained faithful to the covenant of his father. day and night, year after year, ural batyr performed his exploits. he defeated the bloodthirsty king katila, the king of snakes kahkaha, found living water, fought with the evil divas and their leader ozraka. and finally, in battle, he met his brother. and all this so that people would be happy that grief and death would leave the earth forever, when ural killed evil divas, their bodies fell to the ground, and then mountains arose from them. it would seem that almost any nation has such epics, but ural batyr
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clearly stands out from his own. and the fact that his path is a search for absolute good, and the fact that in today's bashkiria, the epic and his exploits are more than just a fairy tale. in one of the battles, ural killed the main evil divaozrak, he cut off his head with his diamond sword, when div fell, it seemed that the whole world shuddered. his huge, terrible body cut the expanse of water in two, in place of tom. a mountain rose, there behind the clouds is the very mountain that, according to legend, arose from the dead body of azraki, this is the highest point of southern bashkartystan, and the mountain is called big yamantal, which means a big bad or evil mountain. among the local population, it has always enjoyed a bad reputation, it is believed that something
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strange is constantly happening in its area, lodges have never returned from there. many fierce bears, and the weather on the mountain slopes, no one can predict now, and they even say that by climbing imantau, you can bring yourself to hell.
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you are watching the news on the russia channel. hello, andrey shevtsov is in the studio. russian t-80s destroyed machine gun positions of the ukrainian armed forces in the ovdeevsky direction. murmansk infantry of the pacific fleet. we attacked the militants' equipment. firefighters eliminated intense fires near feodosiya. the total area of ​​the fire is 150 hectares. french investigators released the bodyguard and
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assistant of pavel, who was arrested in paris durova after interrogation. in the vdeevka direction of the special operation, tankers of the central group of troops attack enemy positions. the t-80 crew, having received the task of supporting. assault groups, moved to a firing position for direct fire. having driven closer to the strongholds of the nationalists, the tankers worked on them with fire, high-explosive shells. as a result , machine gun emplacements firing positions in the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed. the shooting was conducted from a distance of about 800 m. we roll out almost directly, in close proximity to the enemy, so basically for us there is nothing. armor. our battle chariot takes us out, and we take care of it, it helps us. the crews of the rapira anti-tank guns, a motorized rifle unit of
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the western group of forces, destroyed the camouflaged positions of the ukrainian armed forces. all specified targets were successfully hit with precision fire, the enemy suffered losses. the combat work of the guns was adjusted from drones. according to the servicemen , it is almost impossible to miss from the rapira. the projectile flies exactly where the sight is aimed, firing range of over 7 km. drones in the svo zone are capable of performing a variety of tasks. one such drone, as the military say,
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destroys targets throughout the entire south donetsk direction. in conjunction with optics, the machine, as a rule, carries two grenades, the ammunition is small, but it is quite enough to disrupt enemy communications. so that the enemy's life does not seem like honey, we destroy starlings, i personally destroyed somewhere up to 45 starlings. exactly with the installation of repeaters , drones can fly deep into the enemy's rear, this is where they are located nato long-range artillery positions. recently, a fighter with the call sign baikal destroyed a french self-propelled gun caesar. it is rare, there are very few of them, it is a very long-range artillery, one of these, one, yes, sal caesar and one m777. the very buzz of the drone's motors makes the enemy nervous. these machines
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are used for real psychological impact, leaflets like these in the form of large bills are dropped over ukrainian positions, they are quite noticeable, even in the field, this is a pass to our side, there is a special qr code from the messenger, by to which you can surrender. after the last psychological attack by the scouts of the vostok group in the vremevsky direction , three enemy soldiers voluntarily surrendered. other drones with a cumulative warhead have already flown to those who did not want to leave. sergey samokh, oleg sokolshchuk, news. magatte ceo rafael grossi intends to visit the kursk nuclear power plant and its satellite city of kurchatov today. he emphasized that it is extremely important for him to personally assess the situation. the head of the agency plans to discuss the problem of shelling and analyze steps to nuclear safety at the nuclear power plant. earlier, it was reported that the ukrainian military attempted to strike kursk using. drones, its fragments were
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found approximately 100 m from the spent nuclear fuel storage facility. firefighters eliminated the hotbeds of intense fire near feadossia and this was reported to the ministry of emergency situations. currently , extinguishing is underway inside the perimeter of the fire and pouring water on the edge of the fire. its total area is 150 hectares. almost 500 people and more than 100 pieces of equipment are involved in the work. the grouping of forces in the area is being increased tepeoba mountains. an airmobile group from sevastopol has been sent to the scene, with the help of aviation , more than 200 tons of water have already been dropped on the scene of the emergency, extinguishing the fire is complicated by strong gusty winds, which increase the speed of fire spread. at least 30 people have died in sudan, where a dam near the red sea coast has burst due to heavy rains, it is possible that the number of victims may increase significantly, 200 people are missing, about 100 people have been killed due to the influx of water. the destroyed dam
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supplied pressurized water to a large city, a port sudan. drought is threatening it in the coming days. the breakthrough also destroyed power lines and flooded gold mines. the cultural festival in london's nottingham again did not go without incident and eight people were stabbed during the two days of the carnival . the condition of two of the victims.
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pavel durov. before that, they were questioned. durov's arrest has been extended until tomorrow. the prosecutor's office reported that the arrest is related to the investigation of twelve crimes. these include illegal transactions on an online platform from participation in the storage child pornography, drug trafficking and fraud. durov has not yet been charged with any of these counts. next, regional news, stay with us. news of the capital region, the swimming season will return to moscow by the weekend, the air temperature in reservoirs will rise to 22°, the reason is the abnormally warm weather that has set in in the region. today in the city again up to +30, partly cloudy without precipitation, atmospheric pressure, increased 753 mm of mercury.
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the pushkin museum of fine arts is holding an open day, guests will tell about various programs and master classes that will be held during the next year, two sessions are planned, daytime from 1 to 3 and evening from 5 to 7 o'clock, registration is already open. an alley of decorative plants decorated the moscow city quarter as part of the summer in moscow festival, opposite the entrance to the metro station, the business center, maples, rowan trees and various flowers were planted. you can see the green street in the middle of high-rise buildings until september 8. in total , more than fifty exhibition gardens with walking areas appeared in the capital this season, all news available on the media platform watch the app or on the website, don't switch. kalinan beleg - a place where
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time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury. forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true perfection, making dreams come true. kalinan beleg hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale. titanic deluxe hotel, belek golf, where every moment is exceptional. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools. relax in the spa salon and enjoy exquisite. dishes of the best restaurants, here every room is a journey to coziness and comfort, your vacation - your rules, titanic deluxe, golf bellet - the best choice for an unforgettable vacation, who
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are we, where are we going, what kind of country are we, a russian person remains a russian person, of course, there is something inside such a chill, anything can happen, i will still do what i do, now there is ... ae the struggle for our values, for us, for russia, for our past, this is my path, this is my life, this is my destiny, life and destiny from monday to friday on rtr. good morning, good morning, greetings to you.
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scientists have become foster parents for northern bald ibises, why are they called that? in europe, this species of birds disappeared in the 17th century, but they survive in other parts of the world, perhaps they were bald then, but ornithologists managed to breed a population in captivity, and how to show the migration route for wintering, but only by personal example: routes for ultralight aircraft have been laid from austria to italy and spain, the efforts were not in vain, one of the first trained families is already flying with ... independently, yes here are kindergarten children walking in single file, well, it's a pity, people themselves are not always able to stand up for themselves, here dmitry zaitsev will tell about court decisions that leave victims without compensation. i was just 10 meters from the entrance.
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anastasia would be glad to forget that terrible april day, but the wounds do not allow. the injuries received are hidden by dark glasses, as if in a fog, a stranger approached from behind and ran away splashing something. he committed hooliganism with the use of violence and objects from ... examination, for his absurd act the attacker was nicknamed an acid maniac, a former engineer from one of the capital's factories was convicted, declared insane, but this does not make things any easier for the victims, they will treat him there, god bless him, what should we do? as a result, the woman underwent five complex medical operations at once, the doctors did everything possible to save the patient's eyelids, but a long recovery process lies ahead, more than half a million of... it is unknown how much more will be needed, because of what happened anastasia had to quit her job, she has a small son in her arms, only volunteers and charity fund, the court refused to compensate the woman, the criminal is mentally ill, which means... he is not responsible for himself, however, and for those who are quite capable, the law is not a decree, so
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he has been seeking justice for several months, anastasia's namesake from yekaterinburg, i was standing in blood, they did not help me call either an ambulance or the police, she could not even imagine that a verbal altercation in a parent chat could result in a real attack, grieving over a harmless comment, one of the mothers attacked with a knife on anastasia. i got a broken nose, with a very strong displacement of the septum, as a result of which i now have chronic... with all this, the offender got off with only a suspended sentence and compensation of 50,000 rubles. however, anastasia never saw the money. the bailiffs shrug their shoulders. the defendant has three children, and she does not work anywhere, in a word , there is nothing to take from her. the person from whom the money is collected simply files a bankruptcy petition, is declared bankrupt by the arbitration court. there are other ways not to pay the compensation ordered by the court, their criminals know this very well. a person can just sit, not work, and, accordingly, not make any deductions. then there is the statute of limitations.
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hello, good morning, well, as far as i understand, there is article 52 of the constitution, which
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gives us the right to protection, to compensation, because, of course, of course, the right to compensation is guaranteed by current legislation, of course, no one can remain without responsibility in this case, because if a person is recognized as truly insane, in the civil code, in its current version already has a mechanism for resolving this situation, there are very specific individuals who are responsible for this, these are primarily relatives. who, if, being, having among their relatives an insane, insane person, did not apply in the established legal manner, in order to promptly recognize him as incompetent, the civil code resolves this issue, they are responsible for this, and if there are no such relatives, but the same situations also happen to us, it is absolutely true, a special established institution, after the act is recognized as insane, and not before, then who is responsible? in this situation he is responsible, because
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the law does not limit the possibility of filing such claims, but in practice almost no one does this for one simple reason: first, because calculating this lifelong payment sometimes seems quite difficult, and the second reason why this is not actively spread, we ourselves just heard, a citizen can declare himself bankrupt and free himself from these debts, maybe in this part then and make changes in the legislation, if we are talking about some kind of judicial proceedings, then bankruptcy cannot be extended to this case.
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the financial source is world experience, this is the insurance system, which in a number of cases, when it is precisely in the minimum standards of protection supported by the state, we can establish an appropriate standard, when a certain minimum fund, a minimum guarantee of protection in cases of harm to life or health, the state would undertake provided this insurance for such layers of the population, understand you, thank you very much, well, the main thing is that they were heard, our guest was the director of the center for monitoring legislation. law enforcement of the kutafin moscow state university, ale grin. thank you very much. so, you won’t give the case away. i’ll figure it out myself. food for thought, better absorbed during the day. marya sergeevna always knew this. and yet this is a version. a coherent version, but direct evidence is needed. secret means. you are still lucky that
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shveitsova is handling your case. monday through friday at 15:00 on the channel russia. let's look at the almost world record holder. this climber from nepal is 18 years old, in his life he has already conquered 13 peaks. if he climbs shishapangma in tibet, he will be able to pronounce, then go to does not know how, will become the youngest athlete who has conquered all 14 mountains above 800 m. the test is serious, but the young man is determined. his goal is to inspire his peers to show what a person is capable of. well, actually, as a child, the boy was fond of football and photography, but as usual, his uncle said: "let's go, "let's go to the top, let's climb". and now this is a passion forever, but forever there are not many peaks left. here are the peaks that our scientists in nizhny novgorod have reached . they have created a device that, using ultrasound lasers, builds a map of blood vessels,
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identifies health problems long before they appear. how are you feeling now? excellent. comfortable, convenient, in the near future you will be able to lie on the bed for a few minutes. an optoacoustic angiograph is the name of the device that doctors are currently using to non-invasively examine the patient's vessels, or rather scan them to see the smallest details, they say the resolution of the device is better than that of a tomograph, and there is no need to display the vein of the x-ray contrast, the device is based on a laser, configured so that its photons are absorbed by the hemoglobin molecules contained in ... like blood, they literally begin to vibrate, and this can be heard, in order to read this information, we listen to this information using ultrasound, which already has spatial resolution and depth, and in fact in this case we look at a spatial distribution of blood within the body. the preliminary picture looks like this: here you can see online how blood passes through the vessels, and after
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processing the images you can build a detailed map of the veins of the arteries, for example , see the manifestation of thrombosis, atherosclerosis and other ailments. our goal is the early diagnosis of vascular pathology, when changes in small vessels precede changes in large ones, and we can see the absolute norm on ultrasound, on optoacoustics we already see vascular changes, but not only diagnostics, this same device will allow you to quickly assess the effectiveness of treatment, you can give the patient a medicine and practically watch online how well it works, here's another... technique that, in order to understand whether a person has health problems, studies the vessels, but only those that can be seen without complex equipment. these are in the fundus. it is photographed, and then the image is provided to specially trained neural networks, which experienced ophthalmologists have shown, in particular, what the signs of hypertension look like. approximately 30%, which means that people simply do not even know
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that they have high blood pressure. and changes in small vessels can be one of the early signs, which means the presence of arterial hypertension. the neural network will tell you that in such a case you need to pay attention to this particular patient. scientists see their development as a screening test in a medical examination, it will allow you to quickly understand whether a person can have a heart attack or stroke within 3 years, doctors will have enough time to prevent. rain at the end of summer in the previous episodes. the main thing is health, target, friends, please save reserves, we still have sitrina and lula kebab, mikhail dolsky and petr markov have been friends with their families for many years, we met petrusha when i was 5 years old, he was 15. the couples look prosperous, but petr has been living a double life for a long time, markov, i love you, if you hang up now, i will do something to myself, no, i did
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nothing more, that's it, that's it, and mikhail suddenly meets his first love. maybe we'll run away from here and have lunch somewhere normal. change is inevitable, but not everyone is ready to accept it. the field seems to be everywhere. yes, everything will still be fine with me, maybe you can say at least something, rain at the end of summer, continuation, we're watching today on rtr. well, let's get started? yes, if you don't know how to survive the renovation, survive it with us. there is no comfort and order in the apartment, there is no joy and peace in the heart. we really like our apartment, but we don't like that it is not renovated. so. it's time for big changes. to break, not to build. breathe new life into old walls. we will turn this minus into a plus. create
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a soulful atmosphere. i want to wish that your sleeping area always disposes you to rest. we will adapt everything that is possible for this. we warm it with the warmth of the hearth. we open. i do not believe, no, it is not possible. wow, big changes, everything always goes as it should, big changes, on saturday on rtr, then we will see each other less often, i will still be married, i forgot my phone in a cafe, on friday. hello, where did you get the phone? i am sveta's fiancé. if i could how can i help you? come with me, i'll say that
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you are my bride. if the bride has disappeared somewhere, you can always find a bride for an hour. i don't fit into this stupid dress. i don't fit. it's a brand model. but it doesn't fit, it doesn't fit. why did you take this country bumpkin? to relatives, you've completely lost your mind, i won't allow gleb to marry this thing, i think everything can still be fixed, a reward awaits the finder, on friday on rtr, favorite songs are playing in our studio, let's go, birthday, favorite music never gets old.
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the profile looks beautiful, one problem is that it is inconvenient to use the small trunk, but everything changes when the rear window is raised together with the lid, however, then it is no longer a sedan, but a liftback, today in our review three similar models, officially presented in russia, we will start with the recent novelty liftback mg6, a one and a half liter turbocharged engine with a capacity of 168 horsepower, a seven-speed robotic gearbox, in the list of basic osna... rub. under the second number is the already
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well-known in our market chingan uni. under the hood there is also a one and a half liter gasoline turbo engine, but the power is higher - 181 horsepower. gearbox, seven-speed robot. the starting configuration will include an electric drive for the fifth door, parking sensors all around, plus a 360 camera with a video recorder. well, let's finish with the most unusual model in our top three , the citroën c5x crossliftback, which is supplied to us from. it is driven by a 1.6-liter turbo engine with a power of 175 horsepower, an eight-speed automatic transmission, the basic version includes parking sensors in the front and back plus a circular view, adaptive cruise control, contactless trunk opening, sunroof, heated, massaged and ventilated front seats, dual-zone climate control, recommended retail price of 4,299 rubles. so, the mg6 is a car like the well
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-known skoda octavia. the list of basic equipment is rather meager, and there are no warm options in russia at all. however, only one driver's seat is heated in chengan, and that is in the top configuration. but the rest of the equipment is not bad. citroen stands apart from other liftbacks. in terms of dimensions, it is noticeably larger than its competitors and better equipped. the classic automatic transmission can be added to the asset. in general, everything would be fine, if not for the price, for which you can buy a large chinese crossover, and an all-wheel drive one at that. in any case, some brands need to better adapt to the russian market. electronics alone will not do, because it is important to offer a practical and climate-friendly car. and then, a good morning coffee, it invigorates. yes, but today it is not coffee, porogvazki tea, mate.
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destroyed about 40 ukrainian in a day nationalists in the donetsk direction. after detecting the ukrainian armed forces personnel in one of the dugouts, the crew of the attack drones quickly deployed to a pre-prepared position and flew out on a combat mission. as a result of the attack, all targets were successfully hit, and the information received from the quadcopters in real time is of great importance in the advancement of the assault units. anti-tank units
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of the airborne forces group. dnepr troops prevented the nationalists from landing on the shore in the kherson region. early in the morning, the scouts discovered landing craft in the ssu with personnel. they were moving at high speed in the direction of russian territory from ochakov. as they approached, the enemy opened massive artillery fire on the coast, trying to suppress the firing points of our units in order to land the troops. however, anti-tank crews of the airborne artillery unit destroyed two landing craft and more than ten militants with return fire. negotiations on a ceasefire in the gaza strip will continue in cairo for at least several more days. about this reported in the american administration. they specified that the exchange of strikes between israel and the lebanese hezbollah movement did not affect the consultations. the mediators also continue to discuss with the parties to the conflict the exchange of hamas hostages for palestinian prisoners.
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meanwhile, lebanese militants attacked several israeli military facilities with drones, including two border checkpoint headquarters . the idf, in turn, struck the central part of the gaza strip. at least seven people were killed there. a salvo of rain hit the black sea coast in a matter of minutes sochi's surroundings were under water. the aftermath of the disaster at pavel melnik. no one would risk driving any further. five cars at once in the sway of rain streams. traffic.
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the water level reached about waist-deep, one and a half meters, as the employees say, at the time of the flood there were 35 patients here, all of whom had to be urgently evacuated to the upper floors. until the sochi rescue service arrived, nurses rosa and laura literally carried out the sick in their arms, in a matter of minutes the wave broke the windows, a little more and the water would have reached the sockets. some, some on sheets, some on gurneys, nurses, beds, as it was possible. in general it was very difficult it was very difficult they can't walk, they are heavy at 150 kg. the crushing power of a tropical cyclone. even strong trees. chopped into splinters. emergency services cleared the roads all night. local residents came out to help the emergency rescue teams. these residents of the host have their own construction equipment and a desire to be useful. the situation
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stabilized closer to the morning. thunderstorm the front is moving away, leaving a storm warning for the coast. beaches will be closed until further notice from the authorities. pavel melnik and nikita kalchenko, news from sochi. smoke from large-scale forest fires. this has happened for the first time in at least 20 years. public events have been cancelled, the airport was closed for several hours. the air quality index has reached its lowest level, fires continue to burn across the country. many cities have been living in haze for several weeks. in the state of sao paulo alone , approximately 3,500 outbreaks have been recorded in a month, there two people died. a four-kilometer traffic jam on the moscow highway last night was caused by a bear cub. on a section in the tver region, the cub found a hole in the fence and got onto the road. drivers of several cars quickly got their bearings and stopped the flow of traffic so that the animal would not die under the wheels of cars on
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the section of the road, the maximum permitted speed is 130 km/h. a few minutes later, the young bear disappeared back into the forest and traffic was restored. next, news from your region with residents of moscow and the region. see you in a few seconds. now news from the capital region. today in moscow again up to +30 and partly cloudy without precipitation, atmospheric pressure is high 753 mm hg. according to weather forecasters, hot weather will continue in the capital region until the end of the week. in moscow, the area near the new metro stations festek and pykhtino is being improved, sidewalks have been repaired, convenient paths for pedestrians have been laid. in addition, green squares, a place for walking dogs, modern sports grounds have appeared nearby. veronika saw the updated space
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tarasova. a new skate park appeared on letchika gritsevtsa street, young people from all the surrounding neighborhoods flock here, but there are also guys from neighboring areas on the site, because it is convenient to get here, the new metro station, pykhtina, is very close. within the framework of this project, work was carried out on the installation of the drainage network, on the installation of the roadway, on the repair of the device, on the installation of a road and path network made of tiled pavement. they built a dog walking area, it is also in great demand, they also improved the approach to the metro, laid new lawns, all the sidewalks are well lit. we like everything very much, everything is very beautiful, everything is very neat, all the infrastructure is nearby, today. we rode the metro for the first time and were very pleased, here is the area near another new metro station - fistech, it was like that and it has become like that, the sidewalks, the roadway, the lighting , the bus stops have been updated, for example, a skate park like this has appeared, which, as we
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can see, is especially popular, but if you just want to take a walk or relax, there are benches and comfortable paths, the area is lively, new residential complexes are being built, and it is necessary to arrange points of attraction for citizens, yes, where they can spend time with their families. where they are, where the children are, as you can see, there are a lot of children here, they can do anything. veronika tarasova, nikita shchuchkin and ada adamova. vesti. moscow region police destroyed a plantation of ornamental hemp in the voskresensky district. it was located on an area of ​​about 3.5 hectares. the event was carried out as part of the special operation mak, which was declared throughout the moscow region. according to conclusion of the expert of the forensic science center of the main directorate of the ministry of internal affairs of the russian federation.
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scooters, now there are 350 such streets in the capital, where the speed limit cannot exceed 15 km/h. such spaces are organized in rest areas on streets with heavy pedestrian traffic. slow zones are introduced on streets with high pedestrian traffic, where the scooter must slow down automatically. when entering such a zone, the scooter itself slows down to 5-15 km/h. this allows us to separate the flows of pedestrians and scooters and make traffic safer. this is already the second round of restrictions, earlier they were introduced on arbat near the metro station in parks. in moscow, recruitment has begun for groups preparing for the all-russian olympiad for schoolchildren. this was reported by deputy mayor of moscow for social development
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anastasia rakova. to get into the teams, you need to confirm your level of knowledge. the best capital teachers and psychologists will work with the children. in-person and remote stages of online interviews and testing will be held for schoolchildren. the selection will take place in early september, and you need to have time register before the ninth. well, if someone. passes, we plan to hold additional selections in october at a later date, but of course it is better to join the preparation from the very beginning. classes in the national teams are organized in twenty-four subjects that are presented at the all-russian olympiad. all news is available on the media platform, watch in the application or on the website see you. they say
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you need to prepare for the holiday, you need to know how to rest, you need to rest beautifully, but you need to rest where the sun and the sea are, on the first coast, where everything is included, except for the head, we know everything about rest, relax, agatha, hello, put it away, you are one of those
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people who do not like animals and women, or maybe you will become friends and take patronage over him, that's it, when will we resume our chess games, still busy with one very difficult task, another murder, the lady with the dog returns from september 2 to ... rtr. good morning. good morning. today, elena nikolaeva and andrey petrov greet you, we always show up on time, when you either have to go to work, or take the kids to school, or something else or to kindergarten. wait, about time, give us a little more time. it's only the beginning of a new day. in general, have you introduced us well? you and i are like ingredients for breakfast, there are also some more to make the morning
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tasty, kind, someday, probably, you won't have time today, try a swedish recipe: scandinavians invented banana pizza, this culinary disgrace, called tropicana, in addition to banana it includes curry, pineapple, smoked ham, surprisingly, our northern neighbors are delighted with this combination, criticism is already demanding to stop to cook such a dish, but honestly there is a feeling that most of these critics... but coffee may disappear due to climate change, this is the conclusion made by australian scientists, according to statistics, 60% of russians start the day with a cup of coffee, for them it is the only option to wake up the body, but experts say that there are other tasty alternatives, let's try to switch, let's try, i drink it sometimes in the morning, but in... part i like to drink it during the day, when the dynamic stage
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of work begins, and we are not talking about the usual coffee, muscovite olga has to regularly cheer herself up, the girl works in the it sector, often at night or around the clock, until recently liters of americana or espresso were used, and now a glass or , more correctly, a colabasa of mate is enough, fashionable today , popular many centuries ago in latin america. mate is a drink made from the paraguayan paduque tree, mata is drunk in the traditional way from ... pumpkin, this is the most common bottle gourd, the drink is drunk through a straw, the ritual is almost magical, here there is no special magic in the drink. the main stimulant in it is the familiar caffeine. getting into the blood, it blocks the receptors responsible for fatigue, as a result of which the body starts internal reserves and excites itself. if you build the caffeine content, then - probably the highest caffeine content is moty in dry matter, there is sometimes from 2 to 10%. this is both a plus and a minus: the effect comes faster than from tea and
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coffee, good for those who need an instant result, but for people with problems cardiovascular system, such accelerations and brakings are simply harmful. a completely different approach to morning wake-up. in china, a jug with a decoction of its shoots or berries is often on the table instead of water, in our country, lemongrass is just gaining ground, we planted it as if it were alive to burn out, it turned out that a tanning drink can be made from the berries of the shoots, dried and drunk like tea, it works better than coffee, and most importantly, it works more gently, experts confirm, the botonizing effect of chinese lemongrass is in no way ... connected with the tonic effect of caffeine, there are simply such substances schizandrins, which belong to the group of tannins, chemical substances that are also included in tea, also theophylline and theobromine, and this is only the beginning of the list, in total there are more than 200 different substances, however, for those who do not grow
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exotic plants in the country, it is not easy to find lemongrass, here are the ingredients for the unfairly forgotten russian sbiten, which, due to the large amount of carbohydrates, is excellent for drinking, there are in ... in every home, honey, warm water and spices to taste. in ancient times, each region added its own medicinal herbs, now experts advise enriching the composition with a tiny piece of ginger. ginger, due to copsiacin , gives this very energy that we need, but at the same time it will not be built in to replace adenosine, that is, we will not have this very addiction. in general, it makes sense to give up the usual tea or coffee and try to meet the morning with a new taste in a familiar cup, at least sometimes, so that life. just so that life seems better and more interesting, perhaps you just need to change your work schedule, make it individual, some experts believe that such work is the key to increasing the efficiency of employees in absolutely any field, a flexible approach allows people to balance between work and personal life and as a result there is an incentive to complete tasks as early as possible
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to do their own business, good options for such new schedules are possible today it is possible to foresee. that is, a person having decided that a strict schedule there 5 days a week from 9 am to 6 pm does not suit him, he goes to the ceo and says: you know, i looked at myself, looked at his work, i can do it differently, give me another
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schedule, please, and they should meet him halfway, and it’s not even necessary, he should go to the general manager, he can talk to his immediate supervisor with the hr department. and the hr manager, because this, of course, is all under the jurisdiction of the hr manager and hr services, all forms for an employment contract of this type exist, moreover, a flexible schedule can provide for, for example, that you start the working day at certain hours, well for example, i come to work between 9 and 11, i leave between five and twenty, whatever, or there may be a fixed part of working time, which is agreed upon with the employer, and is fixed in the employment contract at...
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each organization, even a very small one, has the opportunity to introduce its own standards for recording working hours, that is , it is not necessary that working hours are recorded completely by a pass, it can be in any form, for example, by agreement, again with a representative of the employer, well for example, the same personnel departments, you can write i have so many hours at the computer, yes there are internal regulations that regulate labor activity, the so -called local regulations, in short , each.
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you worked, worked in the organization for some time, suddenly it dawned on you that you want a flexible schedule, and you will cope with your tasks much better life has changed, you can talk to your representative. yes, we must, ognifa, soon. i am the owner of a marriage agency. listen, what are you
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offering me? exactly. rain at the end of summer. premiere. today at 21:20. you can make mobile communications and high-speed internet more accessible in two clicks on the public services portal. voting for small settlements with no coverage has started under the national project digital economy. cellular networks. it will last until november 17. the villages that receive the most votes will be provided with a stable signal next year. in kakoshniki , the village ensemble "rowan beads" rehearses in national costumes. the repertoire mainly includes russian folk songs, but recently the vocal list has noticeably expanded. we are already getting likes. the head of the local house of culture, tatyana malki, watches with interest as the number of views on social networks grows under the video from the latest concert. with the arrival
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of civilization in the small karilian village of suayoki, as the silchans call mobile communications and the internet, creative life has been in full swing. all events, all news, everything we watch on the internet. now there is no need to leaf through paper scripts in search, we find scripts for everyone holiday on the internet. on all sides, suayki, which at most has two hundred people, is surrounded by picturesque forests and swamps. but it is far from here to large settlements , it was a real problem to catch a signal from cell towers, so a year ago the residents decided to send a collective request to the relevant ministry, like help with communication, as a result , a brand new base station was installed here, it became possible to call on a mobile phone, yes, the connection is not bad, we need the internet so that we can pay for our services, some utilities, now in the village and the nearest districts on the phone everyone has full reception, available. voice communication and fourth-generation internet and such small but cozy as suayoki in the list of the project to eliminate digital inequality there are already more than 5,000 settlements, there high-quality
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communication and internet have already appeared. the main criterion is the population size, the construction of base stations is being carried out in settlements with a population of 100 to 500 people, the quota is formed for each region separately, the quota is formed based on the number of unconnected settlements as a result of the voting. according to the national project digital economy, since 2019, about 4,000 villages have been connected to the mobile internet through voting, in which over 2.5 million people have already taken part. you can make your choice on the state services portal, on the voting service page , or by sending a letter to the ministry of digital development by mail, indicating your name, registration address and the settlement in your region where you want to connect. the results will be announced after november 17. the winners of the list will soon begin the construction of new cell towers, for example, like in this nizhny novgorod village of elkhovka. the base station antennas were placed on a high mast, now the signal shines to the very outskirts. sveta, my beloved friend, how is your health? the locals are happy to call
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their relatives via video link directly from the garden, at the same time they can boast about the harvest, it has become more convenient to pay for purchases in the village store , and little by little they began to forget about cash, nothing freezes, everything is fine, before this it was it was a very long time, they could wait, they could reboot the terminal, now there is no such thing, without a phone, like without hands - this is about the people of elkhov, now everyone has something peeking out of their pocket... either the usual push-button, or a whole smartphone, villagers, like real city dwellers , don't go out into the yard without online, weather forecasts, cheated on you with some shrew, i hope you are not going to forgive your husband, maybe everything will be like before, if you asked me, i would then seryozha, everything is over, and i... what is it? and this is my wish card, formulating my wishes, not forget about the details: love or work? i
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think that a real woman does not limit herself in desires, because the result can surprise you very much. thank you for agreeing to meet, maybe we will move on to this. you have a cavalier, he is very witty, well-read, but there is one problem: vasa, lika? "thank god, you are here, you forgive me, please, but i need your help, ex- wife, you say, yes, fell out of the blue, wish map, premiere on saturday on'. international holiday of sports and music, i want to thank the countries that came to us arrived, this is kazakhstan, belarus, uzbekistan, china, cuba, fantastic colors, unforgettable rhythms, fall in love.
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kaliningrad, from the caucasus to yakutia, from all families of russia, from vladivostok to moscow and st. petersburg to the urals and to siberia itself, everyone who is ready to share their unique story with us, a family of families, a new project by maria sittel for each of us, for all of russia, to take part in the project. fill out the form on the website send, fill out the forms, we are waiting with impatience. what will we remember this summer for? here another attraction of the outgoing season. hurry to visit, the festival of sand sculptures has started in the northern capital. masters from nine cities, from arkhangelsk to
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yekaterinburg, create incredible figures that even the st. petersburg weather cannot spoil, which means strong figures, thanks to these creative people pushkin, peter i, viktor tsoi and not only them met on the same beach, you can enjoy sand art until september 8, i am sure that the sculptures will stand, the secret is in the composition of the sand, clay was added to it for strength particles and a little bit of water-based paint, cross pushkin's egg, interesting music turned out, well yes, kaliningrad pleased us with cinematography, the festival ended there, in short, in the hall of the summer cinema... the korocha theater, that evening dozens of excited participants. the jury is the first to introduce the authors of the best full-length debut films. this year , six films were selected to participate in the korocha festival. the brightest and most convincing directorial works are the comedy earth says by yevgeny korchagin and the drama polina kondratieva's blank sheet. the winners were those who did not try to surprise, did not try to be original, what was ahead was not to show their own authorial statement, something very different from
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others, but simply to tell a story that excites themselves... and as soon as it excites the author, it immediately excites the viewer. there were five times more short film directors participating, and the choice was more difficult. of the thirty-two authors , only six received the coveted statuettes. in the nomination for best film, the jury's decision was unanimous. the victory was won by varya matsenova's apples. thank you very much to the festival for the fact that today you give us, well, i will speak for myself, inexperienced, young, a little anxious, a little lost guys, you give us the opportunity to believe in ourselves, give us hope, the puzzle, it must come together, and this is a lot, this is the camera work and the story itself, the script, and the direction, and the artist, together with famous actors and directors of the film, the audience watched and evaluated, in a special nomination, in short, the stars, out of eleven short films, the best was the drama the idiot, the award was received by the director
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the film's screenwriter ekaterina alikina, her story is about how... sometimes it just happens to people who have experienced loneliness, the pain of losing loved ones, to understand and support each other. my film, it is so aimed at people, well, not rushing to conclusions, not hanging some labels, assessments, but trying to get to know the person, maybe there is something there, well, the whole world and an interesting person. this year , the koroche festival welcomed more than 10 thousand viewers on its sites, they were able to see the works of debutants and hits of domestic distribution for free, and also take part in discussing films and personally communicating with... in just 5 days , about 100 films were shown at the koroche festival. the twelfth festival of short and debut films koroche is ending, but next summer , aspiring directors, critics. and stars of russian films will once again walk the red carpet on the thirteenth, koroche, and while the selection of competition works is underway, viewers will be able to see some of the films of the participants of this code on large screens,
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they gave it well outside the city, it was quiet, it was, they already specially ran away from these motors, well, well, then you don't need to run from them, but change them. we'll talk about the order of things about car noise in detail with an expert after the news. tomorrow, let's go to work. you 're watching the news on the russia channel, good morning, andrey shevtsov is in the studio. russian t-80s destroyed machine gun positions of the ukrainian armed forces in the avdeevka direction. pacific fleet marines attacked militants' equipment with drones. firefighters eliminated intense fires near fiatosia, the total area of ​​the fire is 150 hectares.
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french investigators released the bodyguard and assistant of the man arrested in pavel durov in paris after interrogation. in the vdeevka direction of the special operation, tankers of the center group of troops attack. enemy positions, the t-80 crew, having received the task of supporting the assault groups, moved to a firing position for direct fire. having driven closer to the nationalist strongholds, the tankers worked on them with fire, high-explosive shells. as a result, the machine gun points of egnevo positions of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed. the shooting was carried out from a distance of about 800 m. we are moving out almost directly, into immediate proximity to the enemy.
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can replace the assault squad, it all depends on who controls it. one such drone, as the military say , is enough. vesti military correspondent sergei samokha spoke with quadcopter operators. drones controlled from a first-person view are now the most accurate. weapons in the svo zone, an experienced operator can literally fly into the window to hit, for example, a tank in the most vulnerable place. if this is armored vehicles, then accordingly, their places must be hit, or at least immobilized, and if this
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the pickup is ordinary, then in principle any hit to it will be critical for it. now the sky scouts of the pacific fleet marines are identifying and destroying targets throughout the southern donetsk direction. in conjunction with optics, the vehicle usually carries two grenades, the ammunition is small, but it is enough to disrupt enemy communications, so that the enemy does not think with honey, we are destroying starlings, i personally will destroy somewhere up to 45 starlings for sure. with the installation of repeaters, drones can fly deep into the enemy's rear, namely here are the positions of long-range nato artillery. recently, a fighter with the call sign baikal destroyed a french self- propelled gun caesar. it is rare, there are very few of them, it is a very long-range artillery, one of these, one yes, caesar and one m777. the very buzz
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of the drone's engines makes the enemy nervous, and these machines are used for real psychological impact. leaflets like these in the form of large bills are dropped over ukrainian positions, they are quite noticeable, even in the field, this is a pass to our side. there is a special qr code from the messenger, by which one can surrender. after the last psychological attack by the scouts of the vostok group in the vremevsky direction , three enemy soldiers voluntarily surrendered . other drones with a cumulative warhead flew to those who did not want to come out. sergey samokh, oleg sokolshchuk, news. magatte ceo rafael grossi intends to visit the kursk npp and its satellite city of kurchatov today. he emphasized that it is not important for him to personally assess the situation. the head of the agency plans to discuss the problem of shelling and analyze the steps to nuclear safety at the nuclear power plant. earlier, it was reported that
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the ukrainian military attempted to strike the kursk npp using drones. its fragments were found approximately 100 m from the spent nuclear fuel storage facility. firefighters have eliminated the hotbeds of intense fire near feodosia. this was reported by the ministry of emergency situations. currently , extinguishing is underway inside the perimeter of the fire and pouring water along the edge of the fire. its total area is 150 hectares. almost 500 people and more than 100 pieces of equipment are involved in the work. the grouping of forces is being increased.
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in paris, the founder of the telegram messenger pavel durov. before that, they were questioned. the arrest of durov himself has been extended until tomorrow. the prosecutor's office reported that the detention is related to the investigation of twelve crimes, including illegal transactions on an online platform, complicity in the storage of child pornography, drug trafficking and fraud. durov has not yet been charged with any of these counts. next, regional news. stay with us, now news from the capital region: the swimming season will return to moscow by the weekend, temperature water in reservoirs will rise to 22°. the reason is the abnormally warm weather that has settled in the region. today in the city again up to +30, partly cloudy without precipitation. atmospheric pressure is high. 753 mm of the mercury column.
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the pushkin museum of fine arts is holding an open day. guests will be told about the various programs and master classes that will be held over the next year. two sessions are planned, daytime, from 1 to 3 and evening from 5 to 7 o'clock. registration is already open. an alley of ornamental plants decorated the moscow quarter city. as part of the summer in moscow festival, opposite the entrance to the station, stay with us.
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discover the real! pearl on the coast of bodrum, titanic luxury collection bodrum, exceptional service, incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation, immerse yourself in the world of exciting adventures of fiery entertainment, welcome to the world of eternal elegance and unrivaled comfort, the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury collection bodrum, i miss you, which day i go ... with
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mind, in 5 hours i'll be in our model, premiere on rtr, do you have no face? "what a mess in our house, do you have no brains at all, rain at the end of summer, today on rtr, good morning, good morning, it seems to be the same. everything will definitely be different, we promise, elena nikolaev, andrey petrov greets you today, no, well, if you start waving your right hand, then of course it will be different. in general, now andrey is going to somehow charge the air on what, on beauty, on high prices, on technology, now closer to the screens, now just
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namely, lovers of technology, look at what new products are offered to the world at the motor show in the united states as part of the car week in manter, the most expensive ones are brought there, 19 luxury cars were exhibited. the most expensive batman roster, it even has a virtual assistant, speaks in a voice from the movie. the cost of a two-seater sports car is almost 5 million dollars for a minute, they showed a vehicle designed by a neural network with body parts printed on a 3d printer, phew, expensive, rich, as we say, but at night, when all the cats are gray, the cost is not more important car, and the power of its exhaust, for those living near roads, is definitely one of the most perverted tortures. at one time it was depriving a person of sleep. and the residents of korolev near moscow have been subjected to such torture for more than 10 years. since the time when fans of charged cars took a fancy to the parking lot of a shopping center, the residential area has remained only on paper. 4:00 in the morning. it is simply impossible to sleep at night.
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the youngest child can wake up in the middle of the night crying, who is driving. residents of patriarch's ponds are restless at night in the center of the capital go out on another night patrol with noise. 95, well there was also soil, here it is, real noise records begin to be set closer to midnight, when entire columns of forced cars line up on the streets, they cannot have fun here until 4 am, and even double-triple glass units do not save from the noise that we hear from the street, small towns suffer from noisy racers, residents of goryachy klyuch are already forced to fall asleep to the accompaniment of an orchestra of exhaust pipes, there is such noise that the vibration of the glass makes it impossible to naturally sleep with the windows closed windows, while penalties for exceeding the permissible noise level have existed for a long time, the problem is to catch the offender with a sleeping bag. 3 years ago, as part of an experiment
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, cameras with microphones were installed on the roads, but the technology still requires improvement, experts say. several vehicles can drive in parallel, which of them is noisy? the camera cannot say for sure, such experiments have been abroad, so far in no part of the world, these problems with automatic cameras have not been solved, much more effective the means turned out to be raids by inspectors armed with noise meters, such as those held the day before in st. petersburg and krasnodar. of course, no one will speed in front of the traffic police, so when stopping a suspicious car, the inspectors themselves ask to rev the engine up to 3.00 rpm. if the level of the noise system exceeds the permissible, respectively, more than 96%. then an administrative case is drawn up against the driver under article 823, excess of noise level, where administrative liability is provided for in the form of a fine of 500 rubles. but the fine 500 rubles is unlikely to make those who spend tens or even hundreds of thousands on speeding up their cars come to their senses, this is what the state duma thinks, where they have already proposed toughening
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the punishment for owners of noisy vehicles. the first time the fine is 50,000 rubles. the second time the fine is 150,000 rubles. the third time, that means the cancellation of its, that is, registration number. yes, a fine-parking lot, and then he will think 10 times whether he should drive like that. as for those who decide not to risk receiving huge fines, they have options, just return the car to factory settings. well, here's what shumu did this summer in the educational sphere: during the admissions campaign, in some universities there were more olympiad winners than budget places. the relevant department promised to develop measures to eliminate such situations. how can this be avoided? let's ask professor boris padolkin, first vice-rector of the moscow state technical university named after bauman. boris vasilyevich, good morning. let's immediately decide, in fact, we have not yet established a quota for the number of budget places for these very same wonderful olympiad winners. yes, that's absolutely right. a quota for olympiad winners, for those who
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have the right to enter universities without entrance examinations, based on their results obtained at one of the olympiads. indeed, no. and in general, in my opinion, such a quota probably cannot exist, since this is still a certain kind of award for the best, an award for those who won an intellectual competition in another country to go to reduce the number of olympiads that allow for such a thing. general the number of olympiad winners who enter universities is very small, well, 1 or 2%, or something like that, but they all want to go to a certain very narrow set of universities, to a narrow set of specialties, you are absolutely right, that's the whole problem is why stories happen that get into the press, that get to you, we are worried at universities that very often the winners and prize winners of olympiads, well , of course, they strive to enter good universities, they choose them.
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we work with schoolchildren, we use a variety of tools for this, and to work so that they do not gather - that is, really, for one or several specialties. boris vasilyevich, this is what i heard in what you are saying, it is not so important how many schoolchildren, olympiad winners want to enroll, it is important that they are simply correctly distributed among faculties, maybe this is the point that needs to be hit, it is necessary to tell the kids for several years about what universities exist, what specialties there are. for example, we spend a lot of time and energy explaining to schoolchildren, starting from the seventh, eighth grade
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class, even earlier from the younger, younger classes, especially if we are talking about senior classes, we definitely talk about what engineering work is, what specialties there are, what your working day will consist of, what your day will consist of, naturally, universities cannot do this work themselves, we definitely take part in it, industry, organization, employer, that is, you see it right here. olympiads that are only held online from the first to the final stage, there are no such anymore, the main thing here is honesty, there is an olympiad with remote elements, for example, at the preliminary... stage, when we need a lot of participants, yes, who of them will get to the next stage, here are remote
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tools, they are successfully used, and they are used in combination with proctoring technologies, that is , whether a person cheats on tests or not, and if the olympiad is held as it should be, first of all honestly, then of course, if a person cheats, then this is visible, the possibilities, namely remote work, they must be used, just use wisely, got it? thank you very much in the morning studio was professor, first vice-rector of the moscow state technical university named after bauman boris padolkin. thank you very much. eighteen-year-old ali nooruzov went to the front as a volunteer in 19 became the commander of an assault company. in march of this year, while carrying out a combat mission, he received a serious wound in the legs and spent seven days half-heartedly making his way to his own people to hand over important documents to headquarters. his relatives thought that he was no longer alive, but ali survived thanks to a fighter on named vladislav, who carried him in his arms for 8 hours and handed him over to the medics. now. ali has been discharged from the hospital and wants to find that soldier. meetings for ali. malakhov. today at
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17:30. well, surely on long summer evenings some of you, struggling with boredom, built houses of cards. but how bored you have to be to build a skyscraper out of cards. 54 floors. an american, an architect by education, spent 8 hours on it, no glue, only sleight of hand and steel endurance. to complete the masterpiece, he even had to use a ladder. and for greater effect on the top of the master unloaded the smartphone, now it is the tallest house in the world made of playing cards, 7 m 86 cm, a record in the guinness book, and of course likes, likes, try to repeat it is called, well and now about real houses we have extended the program, according to which large families can receive a payment of 450,000 to pay off a mortgage, daria tyuunova will find out what documents are needed, 45,000 very ... well reduce the body of loans, we will pay off the mortgage a few years earlier, accordingly we will have our own apartment without
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any encumbrances. the father of many children, evgeny, and his wife alexandra received state subsidies of 450,000 rubles to pay off their mortgage as soon as the family had a third child, artem. thanks to this payment, the loan term was reduced by almost half, and the money was received quite quickly with a minimum package of documents. everything is done quickly and easily through public services, there are tips for everything, all documents are uploaded at once, they are simply pulled from the database. partner, birth certificate, marriage certificate. reduce term or amount of a mortgage loan thanks to a state subsidy, other large russian families can also. this opportunity has been available in our country since 2019, and this summer the program. was extended for another 7 years, in order to receive the payment, it is necessary to meet a number of requirements: payment of 450,000, it is paid on the basis of, if you have a third or more children, it is important that one of the children was born after january 1 , 2019. applicants, his children must have russian citizenship, by the way, children can be from different marriages, the program works in
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relation to adopted children, and here it is important to remember that when receiving the payment , the date of birth of the adopted child will be considered, and not the date of his adoption. another important condition is that the loan agreement must be concluded before july 1, 2031. you can submit an application in two ways: you can apply for the payment online through the state services portal, or in person through the branch of the bank that issued the mortgage. on average , the document review period is seven working days, but it can be extended and up to 14 working days if additional verification of documents is required. the package of documents when submitting in both ways is the same through public services. however, most of them will be loaded automatically in any case provide the necessary application for loan repayment, passport, snils consent to the processing of personal data, birth certificate of all children, documents confirming maternity or paternity, a loan agreement for the repayment of which a subsidy is requested, a document on the acquisition of real estate. by the way, a subsidy may be less than 450,000 rubles, if the interest and debt on the loan remain
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less, respectively, that is, if the debt is less than 450,000 rubles, the payment will be equal to the amount of the debt. unused money cannot be received in cash or transferred to another loan, but the entire amount can be received again provided that the fourth or subsequent child is born in the family, the payment is issued by a different parent than the one who received it last time, and most importantly, such an amount can be received a second time when concluding a new mortgage loan. and then the predictor of diseases. new inventions of russian engineers, we will study in a few minutes. oh, then we will see each other less often, i will still be married, i forgot my phone in a cafe. on friday, hello, and where did you get the phone? i am sveta's fiance, if i could somehow help you, come with me, i will say that you are my bride, if the bride has disappeared somewhere, you can always find a bride for an hour, i do not fit into this
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stupid dress, i do not fit, it is a brand model, but it does not fit, it does not fit, are you taking this country bumpkin to your relatives? are you completely nuts? i won't let gleb get married to this thing. i think it's still possible to fix everything. a reward awaits the finder. on friday on rtr. catch him, rivka. well, in general , you chose the right place. why do people count proteins, fats, carbohydrates? this is where my question begins: can something tasty be healthy? we try, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases, can something healthy be pleasant? it's fantastic, can science be understandable? and you make a wish?
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yes, yes! yes again, every person in any region of russia can make their diet not not only tasty, but also useful, and this raises the mood, that's for sure, the food formula on sunday on rtr, with... hello, sergey selin, the documents have been prepared, yuri kuznetsov, alexander polovtsev, vanya, we have a psychic, everything is exactly as mine were seen, perhaps a crime, the case has not yet been solved, pokonya, call him to me urgently, very
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difficult, we are already looking at the website in the application, the father wanted. a medic, there are no random people here, he came under mortar fire, fought until the guys came, trouble, almost ordinary, there are no invented stories here, he says: daughter, i will definitely die, i have two children, i say: listen, and if i go with you, i have four, will you go, there are no insincere feelings here, children's... letters came, you read, you cry, their misfortune touched them too, it's hard, people of kursk, we are with you, donbass is with you, we speak openly with ours, about ours, we have been waiting for this for so long, we have finally returned - home, our premiere, we are all together, and you are proof that together we have led,
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from monday to thursday on rtr, i ask a question, and you answer, we agreed, sometimes need to rethink the situation, give me 3 days, i want to understand what's going on, often it's necessary to rebuild tactics. i just wanted us, don't push, please, give us time, it's always important to review secret investigations, there's a version, from monday to friday on rtr, the colors of the new season, actually, of course, it's not autumn yet, and the dutch city of tilburg is already drowning in red. a local artist
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tried to find a model for a painting, invited 15, 150 people came to the casting, that's how it all turned into an annual three-day holiday, in my opinion, is fun, very fun, even though we dye our hair, well, and how many redheads have starred in different films, today, by the way. russian cinema day, what grand premieres await us in the near future, maria dmitrieva will tell. family films are the best, it's good when you can go with children. family films are very touching, the desire of the audience is the law. already in october , a fairy tale will be released on wide screens, the name of which literally everyone knows from childhood, but you should be prepared for a surprise. hey, what started? what are you doing behind the trees somewhere hid? sharpened. the danish storyteller, the author of the classic tinderbox , never even dreamed of such a turn. this is a completely different story and a completely new, magical universe, full of real computer and even technological
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wonders. a certain reality that rhymes very well with our cultural code. there is a lot here, the authors came up with it from russian fairy tales, that is, it is all intertwined, everything is collected together. and the main character ivan, but by no means a fool, will have to figure it out. what should be considered truly valuable magically beautiful? what for a monster? maybe you need heroic help? help in the fight against evil is never superfluous. another fairy-tale blockbuster is being prepared for release on the big screen: finist, the first hero, and there is no equal to him, not in courage, not in dexterity, not in strength, not in modesty, down with false modesty, the creators promise that the continuation, or rather the prequel, the beloved. saga the last hero will be even more spectacular in terms of scenery, costumes, graphics, in a word, a fairy tale. our fairy tale is interesting not only for children, but also for adults, because there is a lot
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humor and many collisions that will be interesting. this gift is not a pig. and here is another one, the release of the long-awaited palma 2 is announced in march . the adventures of the cutest shepherd dog continue, her people again have life changes, mental anguish and ... a funny touching story about the fact that other people's children should not exist, even if they are clubfooted and ill-mannered, you know, plots for films are taken from life, so the life of each of us has such adventures that you think, for any brazilian series is enough, or for an excellent a good movie for big and small, which is so great to watch all... and share impressions, we are waiting for the premiere. and then, compensation to the victims. who will pay for the damage caused. we will find out from the expert in a few minutes. news continues to work
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live. in the studio andrey shevtsov. hello. a volley of rain fell on the black sea coast in a matter of minutes , the surrounding area of ​​sochi was under water. consequences of the impact of the elements. no one will risk driving further, five cars at once in the quagmire of rain streams, traffic on the federal highway from adlar to sochi was temporarily paralyzed. water continued to flow out of the exhaust pipe of this suv for a long time, the engines and wheels seemed to have jammed. sochi was hit by the most powerful torrential volley of this summer. i wonder if our hotel will be washed away too, or if we are you? this khosta river rose to critical levels, the third city hospital, right on its bank. treatment rooms, wards, corridors, the water level reached about
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waist-high, one and a half meters. as the employees say, at the time of the flood there were 35 all patients had to be urgently evacuated to the upper floors until the sochi rescue service arrived, nurses rosa and laura literally carried the patients out in their arms, in a matter of minutes the wave broke the windows a little more and the water would have reached the sockets. some in different ways, some on sheets, some on gurneys, nurses, beds, as it was possible, in general it was very difficult, they are not walking, 150 kg each, the crushing power of a tropical cyclone, the car is backing up, even strong trees were cut into splinters, emergency services all cleared the roads at night. local residents came out to help the emergency rescue teams, these residents have their own construction equipment and a desire to be useful. the situation has stabilized, closer to the morning, the storm front leaves, leaving a storm
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warning on the coast, the beach. will be closed until further notice from the authorities. pavel milnik and nikita kalchenko, news from sochi. now, during a special operation, the calculation of unmanned aerial vehicles of the southern group of troops destroyed about forty ukrainian nationalists in the donetsk direction in a day. after detection of personnel in the armed forces of ukraine, in one of the dugouts, the crew of the attack drones quickly deployed to a pre-prepared position and flew out on a combat mission. as a result of the attack, all targets were successfully hit. anti-tank units of the airborne forces of the dnieper group of troops prevented the nationalists from landing on the shore in the kherson region. early in the morning, scouts discovered landing boats of the armed forces of ukraine with personnel. they were moving at high speed in the direction of russian territory from ochakov. when approaching the enemy opened massive artillery fire on the coast, trying to suppress the firing points of our units in order to land a marine assault force. however, anti-tank
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crews of the airborne artillery unit and return fire destroyed two landing craft and more than ten militants. iaea director general rafael grossi intends to visit the kurdish nuclear power plant and its satellite city of kurchatov today. he stressed that it is extremely important for him to personally assess the situation. the head of the agency plans to discuss the problem of shelling and analyze steps to ensure nuclear security at the nuclear power plant. earlier , it was reported that the ukrainian military attempted to strike the course. ae using drones. its fragments were found approximately 100 m from the spent nuclear fuel storage facility. negotiations on a ceasefire in the gaza strip will continue in cairo for at least a few more days, the us administration reported. they clarified that the exchange of strikes between israel and the lebanese hezbollah movement did not affect the consultations. the mediators also continue to discuss the exchange with the parties to the conflict
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hostages. to hamas on palestinian prisoners. meanwhile, lebanese militants attacked several israeli military installations with drones, including two headquarters and the border post. tsehal, in turn , struck the central part of the gaza strip. at least seven people were killed there. smoke from large forest fires enveloped the capital of brazil. this happened for the first time in at least 20 years. public events were cancelled, the airport was closed for several hours. the air quality index. reached its lowest level, the fire continues to burn throughout the country, many cities have been living in a haze for several weeks, in the state of sao paulo alone , approximately 3,500 outbreaks have been recorded in a month, with two people killed. next, news from your region, residents of moscow and the region, we'll see you in a few seconds. now to the news
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from the capital region: today in moscow again up to +30, partly cloudy, no precipitation, atmospheric pressure elevated 753 mm hg. according to weather forecasters, hot weather will continue in the capital region until the end of the week. according to the data center, the workload of the capital's streets is currently 0 points, on the roads. absolutely free, in the coming hours the density of traffic jams may increase to two points. in moscow, the number of so-called slow zones for electric scooters has been increased. now there are 350 such streets in the capital, where the speed limit cannot exceed 15 km/h. such spaces are organized in rest areas on streets with heavy pedestrian traffic. slow zones are introduced on streets with a high flow of pedestrians, where it is necessary to slow down the scooter
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automatically. entering such a zone, the scooter slows down to 5-15 km/h. this allows us to separate the flows of pedestrians and scooters to make traffic safer. this is already the second round of restrictions. as gritsevtsa, young people from all the surrounding neighborhoods flock here, but there are also guys from neighboring areas on the site, because it is convenient to get here, the new metro station, pykhtina, is very close. within the framework of this project , work was carried out on the installation of the drainage network, on the installation
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of a passageway for repairs, on the installation of a road and path network made of tiled pavement. built a dog walking area, it is also in great demand, the approach to the metro has been improved, new lawns have been laid, all the sidewalks are well lit, we like everything very much, everything is very beautiful, everything is very neat, we have all the infrastructure nearby, today we rode the metro for the first time and we are very pleased, here is the area near another new metro station - fistek, it was like that and it has become like that, the sidewalks, the roadway, the lighting, the bus stops have been updated, for example, a skate park like this has appeared, which, as we can see, is in special demand popularity, well, if you just want to take a walk or relax, benches and comfortable paths have appeared, new residential complexes are being built in the area, and it is necessary to arrange points of attraction for citizens, yes, where they can spend time with their families, where they are, where the children are, as you can see, there are a lot of children here, they can do any business. veronika tarasova, nikita shchuchkin and adda adamova,
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news. moscow is the leader in russian film production and the city continues to develop the film industry, sergei sobyanin said today in his telegram channel. new a grand project of the capital, moscow, city. cinema is in the future more than a thousand hectares of creative space, where any idea can be realized. the project includes film studios on ryazansky prospekt, sergey izenshteyn street, and valdai passage. a network of cinemas and a cinema park, the area of ​​which will be equal to seven hollywoods. recruitment for the all-russian school olympiad training groups has begun in moscow. this was reported by anastasia rakova, deputy mayor of moscow for social development. to get into the team , you must confirm your level of knowledge. with the best hundred teachers psychologists will work with the guys. for schoolchildren , there will be face-to-face distance stages: online interviews and testing. the selection will take place at the beginning of september, you need to
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register before the ninth. well, if someone is late, we plan to hold additional selections in october and at a later date. of course, it is better to join the preparation from the very beginning. classes in the teams will be organized in twenty-four subjects that are presented at the all-russian olympiad. all news is available on media platform watch the app or on the website see you there. dive into the world of luxury comfort. a magnificent world-class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy the modern design of the rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and
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families. relax in comfort and style rixos golf villas and suits sharma. who are we, where are we going, what kind of country are we, what is for us? value, we have not changed, a russian person remains a russian person, they are not afraid of anything, of course, there is something inside, such a chill, anything can happen, don't retreat from anything, i'll still do what i do, the higher the pressure, the stronger the concrete, that's it, never change yourself, i don't have a family every year, i have every minute, a minute of family, it's impossible to do otherwise, now it's going...
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good morning, good morning, greetings from us, elena nikolaeva and andrey petrov are in the studio today, but since we are with you.
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and how can i show the migration route for wintering, but only by personal example: routes for ultralight aircraft have been laid from austria to italy and spain, efforts have been not in vain, one of the first trained families already flies independently, but the kindergarteners still walk in single file. well, it's a pity, people themselves are not always able to stand up for themselves. but dmitry zaitsev will tell you about court decisions that leave victims without compensation. i was just 10 meters from the entrance. anastasia would be glad to forget that terrible april day, but the wounds do not give. the injuries received are hidden by dark glasses, as if in a fog, a stranger approached from behind and splashed something and ran away. he committed hooliganism with the use of violence and objects used as weapons. during the investigation, chemical. two forensic medical examinations were conducted. for his
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absurd act, the attacker was nicknamed an acid maniac. the former engineer of one of the capital's factories was convicted, recognized as insane, but this does not make things any easier for the victims. they will treat him there, that's it, god bless him, what should we do? as a result, the woman underwent five complex medical operations at once. doctors did everything possible to save the patient's eyelids, but a long recovery process lies ahead. the treatment has already taken more than half a million and how much more will be needed is unknown, because of what happened anastasia had to quit her job, she has a small son in her arms, only volunteers and a charity foundation help her, the court refused to compensate the woman, the criminal is mentally ill, and therefore is not responsible for himself. however, even for those who are fully capable, the law is not an order, so anastasia's namesake from yekaterinburg has been seeking justice for several months. i was standing in blood, they did not help me call an ambulance or the police, she could not even imagine that a verbal altercation in parent chat can result in a real attack, offended by a harmless comment one of the mothers. attacked anastasia with a knife, i got a broken nose with
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a very strong displacement of the septum, as a result of which i now have chronic goymuritis. despite all this, the offender got off with only a suspended sentence and compensation of 50,000 rubles. however , anastasia never saw the money. the bailiffs shrug their shoulders. the defendant has three children, and she does not work anywhere, in a word, there is nothing to take from her. the person from whom the money was collected simply applies for bankruptcy, is recognized as bankrupt by the arbitration court. there are other ways. pay the compensation appointed by the court, criminals know them very well, a person can just sit, not work, and accordingly not make any deductions, then the statute of limitations expires, or the victim re-files, and this can be endless, and the size of the appointed payments, experts believe, are not commensurate with today, and compensation for moral damage is entirely at the discretion of the judge, it can be improved the criminal procedure code so that there would be a more, well, let's say, clear... system for decision-making, we are talking about proportionate
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compensation, this proportionality should still be carried through all our legislative procedures, for example, in the usa, while the court case is in progress, victims are paid compensation from the budgets of specially created funds, they exist in each state, in great britain it is spelled out in detail how much money a citizen will receive for each injury or for the death of the victim, perhaps it would also be worthwhile in the domestic letter of the law to bring such clarity. yes, we would like clarity, we will try to get it. in the studio is the director of the center for monitoring legislation and law enforcement at the kutafin law university, oleg grini. olek, hello, good morning. as far as i understand, there is article 52 of the constitution, which gives us the right to protection, to compensation, right? of course, of course, the right to compensation is guaranteed by current legislation, of course, no one can be left without responsibility in this case, because if a person recognized as truly insane in civil.
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okay, but if a person is recognized as insane after the act, and not before, then who is responsible? in this situation, he is responsible, because if insanity occurred already at the stage when he was detained. we are talking about the event that took place at the time of the commission of any offense, but as we saw in the story, we are not just talking about the offense of the story after all, uh, why then such a court decision, if you say everything is clearly regulated by our law, the court says: well, well no, what the demand was made to the wrong person, here in this situation it is very important that
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our citizens, here using listen, it is necessary to say that if suddenly somewhere a situation arises about an insane defendant, a correct co-defendant should always appear. only operations are needed, not all of them, they are covered by insurance, that is, money is needed right now, do we have the possibility of some kind of fund, some kind of buffer, i don’t know, a warehouse with money, with services, if the state really pays attention to this, with the help of the insurance system, will create this buffer that would allow compensation for those persons who a priori experience difficulties with compensation for any damage and those who, in fact , cannot do this, as in most of our cases, large families...
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of course, in the law, so that it closes the possibilities for the development of these loopholes, and those mechanisms that we discussed with you, firstly, there must be a financial source, the financial source is world experience, this is the insurance system, which in a number of cases, when here it is in the minimum standards of protection that the state supports, we can establish a corresponding standard, when
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a certain minimum fund, a minimum guarantee of protection in cases of harm to life or health, the state would undertake to provide this... insurance for such layers of the population, we understand you, thank you very much, well , the main thing is that they were heard, our guest was the director of the center for monitoring the legislation of law enforcement at moscow state university named after kutafin olegrin, thank you very much, thank you, you and i are two girlfriends in misfortune, tell me, did it make you feel better, rain at the end of summer, premiere, today at 21:20, waited, wondered when, don't worry, very soon, your favorite... the sixth season of the largest music show september 6 at 21:30 on the russia channel let's look at
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the almost world record holder this climber from nepal is 18 years old in his life he has already conquered 13 peaks, if he climbs shisha. pongma in tibet pronounce, then go to does not know how, will become the youngest athlete who has conquered all 14 mountains above 800 m. the test is serious, but the young man is determined, his the goal is to inspire peers by example to show what a person is capable of, well , actually, as a child the boy was fond of football and photography, but as usual his uncle said, let's go to the top, let's climb and now this passion is forever, but forever there are not many peaks left, these are the peaks that are reached. our scientists in nizhny novgorod have created a device that, using ultrasound lasers, builds a map of blood vessels, identifies health problems long before they appear. as now am i myself? excellent. it is comfortable to lie down, conveniently, the nearest, you can squeeze motionless for several me. optoacoustic angiograph,
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that is the name of the device with which doctors are currently non-invasively examining the patient's vessels, or rather scanning them to see. in detail, they say, the resolution of the device is better than that of a tomograph, and here it is not necessary to display the vein of the x-ray contrast, the device is based on a laser, configured so that its photons are absorbed by hemoglobin molecules contained in the cells blood, they literally begin to vibrate, and this can be heard, in order to read this information, we listen to this information using ultrasound, which already has spatial resolution and depth, and in fact, in this case, we look at the spatial distribution. blood inside the body , the preliminary picture looks like this: here you can see online how blood passes through the vessels, and after processing the images, you can build a detailed map of the veins and arteries,
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but not only diagnostics, this same device will allow you to quickly assess the effectiveness of treatment, you can give the patient a drug and practically watch online how well it works. and here is another method that, in order to understand whether a person has health problems, studies the vessels, but only those that can be seen without complex equipment, such are in the fundus, it is photographed, and then the image is provided to specially trained neural networks, which experienced ophthalmologists showed, in particular, what the signs of hypertension look like, approximately 30%, which means that people just don't even know that they have high blood pressure, and changes in small vessels... can be one of the early signs, that is, of the presence of arterial hypertension. the neural network will tell you that
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in such a case you need to pay attention to this particular patient. the scientists see their development as a screening test in medical examination. it will allow you to quickly understand whether a person can have a heart attack or stroke within 3 years, doctors will have enough time to prevent them. rain at the end of summer in previous episodes. markov, i love you, if you hang up now , i'll do something to myself, i have no more strength, i have, that's it, that's it, and mikhail suddenly meets his first. love, maybe we'll run away from here , have lunch somewhere normal, changes are inevitable, but not everyone is ready
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to accept them, fields seem to be everywhere, no one to her, but everything will still be fine for me, maybe you'll say at least something, rain at the end of summer, continuation, we're watching today on rtr. so says the lighthouse. cheated on you with some myrroy, i hope you're not going to forgive your husband, why can't everything be like
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before, if you asked me, i would then seryozha everything is over, and what is this? and this is my wish map, when formulating your wishes, don't forget about the details, love or work? i think that a real woman does not limit herself in her desires, because the result can really surprise you. thank you for agreeing to meet, maybe ahead you, you have a gentleman, he is very witty, well-read, but there is one problem, you, lika, thank god, you here, forgive me, please, but i need your help, ex-wife, you say, yes, fell out of the blue, wish map, premiere on saturday on rtr. good evening, sirius, new wave, good evening, my soul,
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he simply could not celebrate the anniversary in his hometown in any other way, only for him the stars sing on stage, everything for him, creative evening of stas mikhailov on new wave, today on prt. on you, well if today on tuesday you feel that routine is absorbing, as they say, look for alternative ways, like here this office worker from shanghai, gets to work by kayak, overcrowded buses, traffic jams - all this is no longer for him, he moves along the canals, enjoying the fresh air, excellent views, plus physical exercise, he infected his colleague with the example, sometimes they even take passengers, and for free, but our colleague ivan zinkevich, if he is looking for an alternative to a car, then always among other cars, today in the liftback segment,
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many modern sedans have an aerodynamic ... a swift profile, it looks beautiful, one problem - to use a small trunk is inconvenient, but everything changes when the rear window is raised together with the lid, however, then it is no longer a sedan, but a liftback, today in our review three similar models, officially presented in russia, we will start with the recent novelty liftback mg6, a one and a half liter turbocharged engine with a capacity of 168 horsepower, a seven-speed robotic gearbox, basic equipment ski: rear parkingtronic plus cameras, electric adjustment of the driver's seat, dual-zone climate control, the cost starts from 2,900,000 rubles under the second number already well-known in our market chingan univ. under the hood also one and a half liter gasoline turbo engine, but the power is higher - 181 horsepower. gearbox seven-speed robot in the starting configuration will be an electric drive of the fifth door,
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parking sensors in a circle plus a 360 camera with a video ... recorder, climate control, wireless charging, price 2,890,000 rubles. well, we will finish with the most unusual model in our three, the cross-liftback citroën c5x, which is supplied to us from china. in motion it is driven by a turbo engine with a volume of 1.6 liters, with a capacity of 175 horsepower, eight-speed automatic transmission. the basic version includes front and rear parking sensors, plus all-round visibility. adaptive cruise control. contact trunk opening, sunroof, heating, massage, ventilation of the front seats, dual-zone climate control, recommended retail price (4,299 thousand rubles). so, mg6 is a car like the well-known skoda octavia. the list of basic equipment is rather meager, and there are no warm options in principle that are so necessary in russia. however, chengan also has only one heated driver's seat chair, and that's in the top configuration, but
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otherwise the set of equipment is not bad. in a row of liftbacks stands apart, in terms of dimensions it is noticeably larger than its competitors and better equipped, the classic automatic transmission can be added to the asset, in general, everything would be fine, if not for the price for which you can get a large chinese crossover, and all-wheel drive. in any case, some brands need to better adapt to the russian market, you can't get by with electronics alone, because it is important to offer a practical and climate-friendly car. oh yeah. a good morning coffee invigorates, yes, but today it is not coffee, but paraguayan tea, mate, but it also has a lot of caffeine, and tomorrow they promised to brew cocoa, after it you will want it, you will not fall asleep, about interesting tasty coffee substitutes, we will talk in detail after the news, it really does invigorate, well, still
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good morning, you are watching the news on the russia channel. good morning, andrey shevsov is in the studio. russian t-80 destroyed machine gun emplacements of the ukrainian armed forces in the avdeevka direction of the special operation. in a matter of minutes, the sochi area was under water, on the black sea coast they are eliminating the consequences of a volley downpour. french. at the beginning of the issue about the elements in the south of the country, a volley downpour hit the black sea coast in a matter of minutes sochi's environs were under water, the consequences of the blow of the elements at pavel melnik.
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no one will risk driving further, five cars at once in the shaking of rain streams. the water level reached about waist-deep one and a half meters, as the employees say, at the time of the flood there were 35 patients here, all had to be urgently evacuated to the upper floors. until the sochi rescue service arrived, nurses rosa and luura literally the sick were carried out in their arms. in a matter of minutes the wave broke the windows, a little more and the water would have reached the sockets. some, some on sheets, some on gurneys, nurses,
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beds, as it was possible. in general it was very difficult, very difficult, they are not walking, they are heavy, 150 kg. the crushing power of a tropical cyclone. backs away, even strong trees. chopped into splinters, emergency services cleared the roads all night. local residents came out to help the emergency rescue teams. these residents of the host have their own construction equipment and a desire to be useful. the situation has stabilized. towards the morning, the storm front leaves, leaving a storm warning on the coast, the beaches will be closed until further notice from the authorities. pavel milnik and nikita kalchenko, news from sochi. firefighters have eliminated the fire. this was reported by the ministry of emergency situations. currently, extinguishing is underway within the perimeter of the fire and pouring water on the edge of the fire. its total area is 150 hectares. almost 500 people and more than 100 units of equipment are involved in the work.
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the grouping of forces in the area is being increased tepeoba mountains. an airmobile group from sevastopol has also been sent to the scene. more than 200 tons of water have already been dropped on the scene with the help of aviation. the fire is being extinguished by strong winds, which are increasing the speed at which the fire spreads. iaea director general rafael grossi intends to visit the kursk nuclear power plant and its satellite town of kurchatov today. he stressed that it is extremely important for him to personally assess the situation. the head of the agency plans to discuss the problem of shelling and analyze steps to ensure nuclear safety at the nuclear power plant. power plants. earlier, it was reported that the ukrainian military attempted to strike the kursk npp using drones. its fragments were found. approximately 100 m from the spent nuclear fuel storage facility. now, during the special operation in the avdiivka direction, tankers of the central forces group are attacking enemy positions. the t-80 crew, having received
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the task of supporting the assault groups, moved to a firing position for direct fire. having driven closer to the nationalist strongholds, the tankers fired high-explosive fragmentation shells at them. as a result, machine gun emplacements and firing positions in the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed. according to servicemen, it is almost impossible to miss with a rapier, the projectile flies exactly
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where the sight is aimed, the firing range is more than 7 km . at least 30 people were killed in sudan, where a dam near the red sea coast burst due to heavy rains. it is possible that the death toll could increase significantly. 200 people were missing, about 20 villages were destroyed due to the influx of water, the flood damaged the homes of at least 50 thousand people. the destroyed the dam supplied fresh water to a large city, the port of sudan. in the coming days, it faces a drought, due to the breakthrough , power lines were also destroyed and gold mines were flooded. the cultural festival in london's nottingham hill was not without incident again. during the 2 days of the carnival, eight people were.
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the founder of the telegram messenger pavel durov, who was arrested in paris. before that, they were questioned. the arrest of durov himself has been extended until tomorrow. the prosecutor's office reported that the detention is related to the investigation of twelve crimes. among them illegal transaction on an online platform and complicity in the possession of child pornography, drug trafficking and fraud. durov has not yet been charged with any of these counts. next, regional news, stay with us. now news from the capital region:
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the swimming season will return to moscow by the weekend. the water temperature in reservoirs will rise to 22°. the reason is the abnormally warm weather that has set in in the region. today in the city again up to +30, partly cloudy, no precipitation, atmospheric pressure is elevated 753 mm. museum of fine arts named after pushkin is holding an open day; guests will be told about various programs and master classes that will be held over the next year. planned. registration is already open. an alley of ornamental plants has decorated the moscow city quarter. as part of the summer festival in moscow, maples, rowan trees and various flowers were planted opposite the entrance to the business center metro station. you can see the green street in the middle of high-rises until september 8. in total , more than 50 exhibition gardens with walking areas have appeared in the capital this season. all news is available on
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media platform watch the application or on the website, see you in almost 20 minutes. allow yourself a first-class holiday with leorts. elegant details, a feast of exquisite tastes. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover. true perfection, making
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dreams come true, the kalinon belek hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale. eighteen-year-old ali noruzov went to the front as a volunteer and at 19 became the commander of an assault company. in march of this year, performing combat mission, he received a serious wound in the legs and spent seven days half-heartedly making his way to his own people to hand over important documents to headquarters. his relatives thought that he was ... not among the living, but ali embroidered thanks to a fighter named vladislav, who carried him in his arms for 8 hours and handed him over to the medics. now ali has been discharged from the hospital and wants to find that soldier. meetings for ali. malakhov, today on rtr. good morning, good morning, you are greeted today by nikolaeva and. we always show up
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on time, when you either have to go to work, or take the kids to school, or something else, or a children's wait for the time, give us a little more time, it's only the beginning of a new day, in general, you introduced us well, you and i are like ingredients for breakfast, there are some more to make the morning tasty, kind, someday, probably, you won't have time today, try the swedish recipe scandinavians invented banana pizza, this culinary disgrace, it's called tropicana, it's not intricate. in addition to banana, it includes curry, pineapple, smoked ham. surprisingly, our northern neighbors are delighted with this combination. and critics are already demanding that it be stopped to cook such a dish, but honestly there is a feeling that most of these cryptics come from italy, they clearly stepped on their corn. i agree, there is something here. i don’t know about banana pizza, of course, we haven’t tried it yet, but coffee may disappear due to climate change. this is the conclusion made by australian scientists. according to statistics, 60.
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russians start the day with a cup of coffee, for them it is the only option to wake up the body, but experts say that there are other tasty alternatives, let's try to switch, let's try, i drink it sometimes in the morning, but mostly i like to drink it during the day, when the dynamic stage of work begins, and it's not about the usual coffee, moscow resident olga has to involuntarily cheer herself up regularly, the girl works in the it sector, often at night or around the clock, until recently liters of americana or espresso were used. and now a glass or, more correctly, a colabasa of mate is enough, fashionable today, popular many centuries ago in latin america. mate is a drink made from the tree of the paraguayan holly. mata is drunk in the traditional way from a pumpkin, this is the most common pumpkin-gordyanka, they drink the drink through a straw, the ritual is almost magical, here in the composition of the drink there is no special magic. the main energizing element in it is the familiar caffeine. getting into the blood, it blocks the receptors responsible for fatigue, as a result of which the body starts the internal. the grains excite itself, if
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here the content of caffeine is built, then - probably the highest content of caffeine mote in dry matter, there is sometimes up to 2 to 10%, this is both a plus and minus: the effect comes faster than from tea and coffee, good for those who need an instant result, but for people with cardiovascular problems, such acceleration and braking are simply harmful. a completely different approach to morning vigor is offered by asians, this plant, familiar to many gardeners, is called schisandra chinensis. in korea, japan and china, a jug with a decoction of its shoots or berries is often on the table instead of water. schisandra chinensis is just gaining ground here. we planted it as if it were alive to burn out, it turned out from berries shoots can be used to make a tonic drink, dried and drunk like tea, works better than coffee, and most importantly works more gently - experts confirm. the tonic effect of chinese lemongrass is in no way connected with the tonic effect of caffeine, it simply contains such substances as schizandrins, which
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belong to the group of tannins, chemical substances that are also included in tea, theophylline and theobramine are also included, the list begins. in total, the composition contains more than 200 different substances, however, for those who do not grow exotic plants in the country, it is not easy to find lemongrass. and here are the ingredients for the unfairly forgotten russian sbiten, which, due to the large amount of carbohydrates, is great for drinking, and is in every home: honey, warm water, and spices to taste. in ancient times, each region added its own medicinal herbs, and now experts advise enriching the composition with a tiny piece of ginger. ginger, due to copsiacin, gives us that very energy that we need, but at the same time will not be.
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what do we have? does the labor code allow us to make any schedule flexible? the labor code in article 102 very clearly tells us that, that there are no restrictions at the legislative level for employers of any type, nor for employees, let's, let's
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translate all this for our viewers, that is , a person, having decided that a strict schedule there 5 days a week from 9:00 in the morning to 6:00 in the evening does not suit him, he goes to the ceo and says: you know, i looked at... i looked at my work, i can do it differently, give me another schedule, please, they should meet him halfway, yes, and he does not even necessarily have to go to the general manager, he can talk to the immediate supervisor with the hr department, and the hr manager, because this is, of course, all under the jurisdiction of the hr manager and hr services, all forms for an employment contract of this type exist, moreover, a flexible schedule can provide for the fact that you start the working day at certain hours, well , for example. whatever you like, or there may be a fixed part of the working time, which is agreed upon with the employer, and is fixed in the employment contract, for example, you must come on tuesdays from two to four without fail, because we have
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a planning meeting, which we will agree on together, yes, but i want to emphasize for all of us, our respected tv viewers, that in this sense everything is in the hands of the employer of your agreements with him. absolutely everything, there are no regulatory restrictions, and the hr department says: guys, there are thousands of you, we have a company, we are a hr department with three employees, we cannot adapt the schedule to each of you, we monitor you, each company, each organization, even a very small one, and there is an opportunity to introduce your own standards for recording working hours, that is, it is not necessary that working hours are recorded completely by a pass, it can be in any form, for example by agreement, again with the employer's representative, well, for example, the same hr departments, you can write, i spend so many hours at the computer, yes, there are internal regulations, and by, which regulate labor activity, and the so -called local regulations, in short, each company, each organization can establish its own regulations and it follow, and no one will be specified here, yes,
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and then you tell us what the labor code now says about working these notorious 40 hours a week, look, 40 hours a week according to the labor code is exactly the maximum, not the minimum, but... working hours, that is, 40 is a guideline for the maximum, no more is possible, moreover, if, for example, you worked, worked in an organization for some time, suddenly it dawned on you that you want a flexible schedule, and you will cope with your tasks much better, you can talk to your employer's representative, and charlie, that is, the hr manager, or your immediate supervisor. or the general, which is easier for you, and resolve this issue with the help of an additional agreement to your employment contract, thank you very much, we spoke with the deputy chairperson of the commission on economics, labor relations, the public chamber olga. i will no longer interfere in your affairs, i will interfere in other people's, watch the
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russia channel, we will find out who, with whom, when, look, the lady with the dog is returning, you have something investigate, where did you get that from, from september 2 at 21.20 on the russia channel. you can make mobile communications and high-speed internet more accessible in two clicks on the public services portal. according to the national project digital economy, voting has started for small settlements where there is no cellular network coverage. it will last until november 17. the villages that receive the most votes will be provided with a stable signal next year. in kakoshniki , the village
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ensemble "rowan beads" rehearses in national costumes. the repertoire in mostly russian folk songs, but recently the vocal list has expanded significantly. we are already getting likes. the head of the local cultural center, tatyana malki, watches with interest as the number of views on social networks grows under the video from the latest concert. with the arrival of civilization in the small karilian village of suayoki, as the silchans call mobile communications and the internet, creative life has been in full swing. all events, everything. news, everything we watch on the internet, now we don’t have to leaf through paper scripts in searches, we all find scenarios for each holiday on the internet. on all sides, suaki, which at most has two hundred people, is surrounded by picturesque forests and swamps, but it is far from large settlements, it was a real problem to catch a signal from cell towers, so a year ago the residents decided to send a collective request to the relevant ministry, like help with communication, as a result , a brand new base station was installed here, it became possible to call on a mobile phone.
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from 100 to 500 people, the quota is formed for each region separately, the quota is formed based on the number of unconnected settlements as a result of voting on the national project digital economy, starting in 2019, about 400 villages were connected to the mobile internet through voting, in which over 2.5 million people have already taken part, you can make your choice on the public services portal on the voting service page or by sending a letter to ... numbers by mail, indicating the name, registration address and settlement in your region where you want to connect.
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the results will be announced after november 17. the winners of the list will soon begin building new cell towers, for example, like in this nizhny novgorod village of elkhovka. the base station antennas were placed on a high mast. now the signal shines all the way to the outskirts. sveta, my beloved friend, how is your health? the locals are happy to call their relatives via video link directly from the garden. at the same time, you can brag about the harvest. it has become more convenient to pay for purchases in the village store. they have begun to forget about cash a little, nothing hangs up, everything is fine, before that it was it was very long, they could wait, they could reboot the terminal, now there is no such thing, without a phone, like without hands - this is about the elkhovites, now each of them has either a familiar push-button phone or a whole smartphone peeking out of their pocket, villagers, like real city dwellers in the yard without online, weather forecasts are no longer published, tell us how it was, you always have a choice, there will be a case for you, shoot, well,
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get acquainted or break up, marry me, again, your offer to save me, but just friends, you can't stay, suffer or act, we lost our son, alyosha is alive, i believe in it, search or hide, i won't let go of power with her now, have you all agreed, or what, to leave or come back? where do you need to go? are you a bus driver, or maybe you'll order me a taxi? well , whatever you choose, this meeting can't be cancelled, just to see the profit, or will you take part? from monday to thursday, you're very busy. what are they showing? tv series, that's it, it's time for big premieres on rtr, put out the candle, light the hay, you won't get bored with us. this is not a rite of worship
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ancient spirits and not even a wedding ceremony is what travelers devote to this country. the earth is round, we will sort out everything else in detail. it seems that we are about to launch a couple of an old ship nearby. what a cool device! let's go! it's up to you to decide what to fill your travel piggy bank with. and yet, lace suits me. and we will always help. the fact that this is a paradise is obvious to everyone, even to iguanas. well, go ahead. bring it as a secret to the whole world, now you will see everything for yourself, on sunday on rtr, we are giving karina an exclusive three week tour of south america, happy birthday, i don't understand anything. what
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's going on here? why did you come, what did i find in your office with a piece of paper, a divorce decree, what kind of stupid joke is this? this is not a joke, this is your new reality, it was erased from your own life, we have nothing now, no car, no house, i have no business and no husband, so it's time to build a new one, tell me, are you seriously deciding to get ahead , su, i want to prove that... i can't be drowned, there's a stable on fire, oh my god, what's wrong such and such, how is it possible, and andrey, where, where is andrey, mom, karina, i'll start all over again on saturday on rtr, favorite songs are playing in
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our studio, let's go, birthday,
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cross pushkin's egg, interesting, the music turned out, well, yes, kaliningrad pleased us with the cinema art, the koroche festival ended there. in the hall of the summer cinema koroche, this evening dozens of excited participants. the jury is the first to introduce the authors of the best full-length debut films. this year , koroche was selected to participate in the festival
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six films. the most striking and convincing directorial works, the comedy by yevgeny korchagin the earth says and the drama a blank sheet by polina kondratieva, the winners were those who did not try to surprise, did not try to be original, ahead was not to show their own authorial statement, some very different from others, but simply to tell a story that excites you, and as soon as it excites the author, it immediately excites the viewer. there were five times more short film directors participating, and the choice was more difficult. out of thirty-two authors, only six received the coveted statuettes. in the best film nomination, the jury's decision was unanimous. the film apples won.
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chat with actors, in just 5 days about 100 films were shown at the festival. the twelfth festival of short and debut films is ending, but
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next summer, aspiring directors, critics and stars of russian films will once again walk the red carpet of the thirteenth, in short, and while the selection of competitive works is underway, viewers will be able to see some of the films of the participants of this code on big screens, gave well outside the city. already specially ran away from these motors outside the city, well, well, then you need not run away from them, but change the established order of things, we will talk in detail about the noise of cars with an expert after the news, yes, what is it, and you look, does not pay attention early in the morning, let's go to work, magical adventures with fire, right? hit you on the head, you have a nickname, where you need to go, that's what my name is, because i'm taking you not where you fool want, where you need to go, agnifa soon, lead continue to work in
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live, andrey shevtsov in the studio, hello, at the beginning of the release of the elements in the south of the country, a volley of rain fell on the black sea coast, a storm warning was announced in the region. in a matter of minutes, the courtyards of the city streets were flooded, many residents were blocked in their cars, the water even flooded the wards and the corridor of the third city hospital, all patients, including bedridden patients, were carried to the upper floors by orderlies and nurses, there are many fallen trees on the roads, local residents went out to the sites to... clean the streets, to help utility workers quickly eliminate the consequences of the split of the elements. and in crimea, firefighters eliminated the centers of intense fire near feodosia,
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the ministry of emergency situations reported. now they are extinguishing inside the perimeter of the fire and pouring the edge of the fire, its total area is 150 hectares. almost 500 people and more than 100 units of equipment are involved in the work. the group of forces in the area of ​​mount tepe oba is being increased. in addition , a mobile group from sevastopol was sent to the site. with the help of aviation, they have already dropped more than 200 tons of water were delivered to the scene of the emergency. the firefighting effort is complicated by strong gusty winds, which are increasing the speed at which the fire spreads. iaea director general rafael grossi intends to visit the kursk npp and its satellite town of kurchatov today. he stressed that it is extremely important for him to personally assess the situation. the head of the agency plans to discuss the issue of shelling and analyze steps to ensure nuclear safety at the nuclear power plant. earlier, it was reported that the ukrainian military attempted to strike the kursk npp with drones. its fragments were found approximately 100 m from the spent
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nuclear fuel storage facility. the crews of the unmanned aerial vehicles of the southern group of troops destroyed about 40 ukrainian nationalists in the donetsk direction in a day. after the personnel were discovered in esu in one of the dugouts, the crew of the attack drones quickly deployed to a pre-prepared position and flew out on a combat mission. as a result of the attack, all targets were successfully hit. anti-tank units of the airborne forces of the dnieper group of troops prevented the landing nationalists to the shore in the kherson region. landing craft with personnel were moving at high speed from ochakov. as they approached, the enemy opened massive fire on the coast, trying to suppress the firing points of our units. however, anti-tank crews of the airborne forces unit destroyed two landing craft and more than ten militants with return fire. negotiations on a ceasefire in the gaza strip will continue in cairo for at least several more days. this
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was reported by the american administration. there clarified that the exchange of blows between israel and the lebanese hezbollah movement did not affect the consultations. the mediators also continue to discuss with the parties to the conflict the exchange of hamas hostages for palestinian prisoners. meanwhile, lebanese militants attacked. drones several israeli military facilities, including two headquarters border checkpoints. no casualties or damage were reported. tsehal, in turn, struck the central part. of the gaza strip, killing at least seven people. smoke from large-scale forest fires enveloped the capital brazil. it's the first time in at least 20 years that this has happened. public events have been cancelled, the airport was closed for hours. the air quality index has reached its lowest level. fires continue to burn across the country. many cities have been shrouded in smoke for weeks. in the state of sao paulo alone
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, about 3,500 have been recorded in a month. levers, where at least two people have died. local authorities say all the fires are human-caused. french investigators release bodyguard and assistant arrested in paris, the founder of the telegram messenger pavel durov. before that, they were interrogated. the arrest of durov himself has been extended until tomorrow. the prosecutor's office reported that the detention is related to the investigation of 12 crimes, including an illegal transaction on an online platform and complicity in ... residents of moscow and the region, see you in a few seconds. now to the news of the capital region. today in moscow
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again up to +30. and partly cloudy without precipitation, atmospheric pressure is elevated 753 mm hg. according to weather forecasters, hot weather will continue in the capital region until the end of the week. by the weekend, the water temperature in reservoirs will rise to 22° , and the swimming season will resume. according to the central data center, the congestion on the capital's streets is currently 2 points. the main difficulties are observed on the way to the center. in the coming hours, the density of traffic jams may increase to four. in moscow , the number of so-called slow zones for electric scooters has been increased; now there are 350 such streets in the capital. there, the speed limit cannot exceed 15 km/h. such spaces are organized in recreation areas on streets with intensive pedestrian traffic. movement. slow zones are introduced on streets with a high flow of pedestrians, where it is necessary to slow down the scooter automatically entering such a zone, the scooter
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itself slows down to five. veronika tarasova saw the space. a new playground appeared on letchika gritsevtsa street, young people from all the surrounding neighborhoods flock here, but the playground is also attended by guys from neighboring areas, because it is convenient to get here. very close to the new metro station, pykhtina. as part of this project , work was carried out on the construction of the vodostochnaya network, on the construction of the roadway, on the repair of the device, on the construction
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of the road and path network from the climatic covering. they built a dog walking area, it is also in great demand, they also improved the approach to the metro, laid new lawns, all the sidewalks were well lit. we like everything very much, everything is very beautiful, everything is very neat, all the infrastructure is nearby, today we rode the metro for the first time and were very pleased. but the area near another new metro station is fistech, it was like that and it became like that, they updated it sidewalks, roadways, lighting , bus stops, for example, appeared like this.
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continues to develop the film industry, sergei sobyanin said today in his telegram channel. the new grandiose project of the capital moscow, the city of cinema, is in the future more than a thousand hectares of creative space, where any idea can be realized. the project includes film studios on ryazansky prospekt, sergei izenshteyn street in valdai passage. a network of cinemas and a film park, the area of ​​which will be equal to seven hollywoods. in moscow, began recruitment to the all-russian preparation groups. schoolchildren, this was reported by deputy mayor of moscow for social development anastasia rakova. to get into the team, you need to confirm your level of knowledge. the best hundred teachers and psychologists will work with the children , in-person and remote stages of online interviews and testing will be held for schoolchildren. the selection will take place at the beginning of september, you need to register before the ninth. well,
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if someone is late, we plan to hold additional selections, in october and at a later date, but of course it is better to join the preparation from the very beginning. in 24 subjects, which are presented at the all-russian olympiad. our news is always available on the media platform. look in the application or on the website smoтри have a nice day.
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titanic luxury collection. immerse yourself in the world of luxury comfort in rixsus golf villas and suют sharmaьshey. a magnificent world-class golf resort. you are a disgrace, what a pig in our house, do you have no brains at all, the rain on the end of summer, today on rtr.
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good morning, good morning, it seems like everything is the same, but everything will definitely be different, we promise, elena nikolaev, andrey petrov are greeting you today, no, well, if you start waving with your right hand, then of course it will be different, in general, now andrey is going to somehow charge the air, on what on on on beauty, on the high cost of technology, now closer to the screen, now just exactly lovers of technology, look at what new products are offered to the world at the motor show in the united states within the week cars in monterrey, they bring the most.
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it is not the cost of the car that is more important, but the power of its exhaust, for those living near the roads, for sure. "one of the most perverted tortures - at one time it was - is depriving a person of sleep, and residents of korolev near moscow have been subjected to such torture for more than 10 years, since the time when lovers of charged cars took a fancy to the parking lot of a shopping center, a residential area has remained only on paper? 4:00 in the morning, it is simply impossible to sleep at night, the youngest child wakes up in the middle of the night crying, who it goes, restlessly at night and in the center of steel. real noise records begin to be set closer to midnight, when entire columns
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of forced cars line up on the streets, until 4 am they can go wild here, and even double triple glazing does not save from the noise that we hear from the street. racers and small towns suffer, residents of goryachy klyuch are also forced to fall asleep to the accompaniment of an orchestra of exhaust pipes. there is such noise that the vibration of the glass makes it impossible to naturally sleep with the windows open, while the punishment for exceeding the permissible noise level has existed for a long time, the problem is to catch the offender red-handed. 3 years ago, as part of an experiment , cameras with microphones were installed on the roads, but the technology still requires improvement, experts say. several vehicles can drive in parallel. the camera cannot say exactly which of them is noisy, such experiments have been abroad, so far not in one direction, the problem with automatic cameras has not been solved, much more effective. raids by inspectors armed with noise meters turned out to be,
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such events took place in st. petersburg and krasnodar the day before. of course, no one will speed in front of the traffic police, so when stopping a suspicious car, the inspectors themselves ask to rev the engine up to 3,000 rpm. if the noise level exceeds the permissible level, respectively, more than 96 db, then an administrative case is drawn up against the driver under article 823, exceeding the noise level, where administrative liability is provided for in the form of a fine of 500 rubles. but a fine of 500 rubles is unlikely to make those who spend tens or even hundreds come to their senses thousands to speed up their cars, this is what the state duma thinks, where they have already proposed toughening the punishment for owners of noisy vehicles. the first time, a fine of 50,000 rubles. the second time, a fine of 150,000 rubles. the third time , that means cancellation of its, that means, registration number, yes, a penalty parking lot, and then he will think 10 times whether he needs it, as for those who decide not to risk receiving huge fines, they have options, it's just...
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the number of olympiads that allow up to this, the total number of winners
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olympiads who enter universities, it is very small, well, there is one or 2%, or something, in my opinion, but they all want to go to a certain very narrow set of universities, a narrow set of specialties, you are absolutely right, that's the whole problem, and why do stories happen that get into the press, get to you, we are worried at universities that very often the winners and prize winners of olympiads a... well , it is clear, they strive to enter good universities, they choose them themselves, they also gather in certain fairly popular specialties, the audience tells us they will say, well, it's so simple, just make a bigger set for this specialty, everyone will fit, all these will be eliminated in a year anyway, good advice, good advice, who will teach them, well, after all, the possibilities of universities, they are quite limited, and the quality, here, probably, we need to work better with this category of our applicants at universities. yeah, and we have
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our own system of pre-training, we work with schoolchildren, we use a variety of tools for this, and we work so that they don't were going to, that is, really for one or several specialties. i heard this, in what you are saying, it is not so important how many schoolchildren, olympiad winners want to enroll, it is important that they are simply correctly distributed among the faculties, maybe this is the point that needs to be hit, it is necessary to tell the children for several years about what universities exist, what specialties there are, for example, we spend a lot of time and effort explaining to schoolchildren, starting from the seventh, eighth grade, even earlier, from the younger, younger classes, especially if we are talking about senior classes, we definitely talk about what engineering work is, what specialties there are, what your working day will consist of, what your day will consist of - naturally, universities cannot do this work themselves, we definitely take part in it, industry. organization of the employer, that is, you
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see the main point here, what to do, that is, not to cut, because there is also talk about the fact that let's cut online olympiads, supposedly you can cheat there, well, in general they are not entirely honest, and you know, here it is still necessary, probably, to decide on the terminology, and online olympiads that only take place online from the first to the final stage, there are no such anymore, the main thing here is honesty, there are olympiads with... we understand you, thank you very much in the morning studio
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there was a professor, the first vice-rector of the moscow state technical university named after baumman, thank you very much. to understand the essence of events, sometimes you need to go beyond the usual, we know how to do this, always stay above the fray, open a new political season, 5 days a week at 11:30 and 18:30, 60 minutes, always on top. well, surely on long summer evenings some of you, struggling with boredom, built houses of cards, but how bored you have to be to build a skyscraper out of cards: 54 floors. an american architect by education spent 8 hours on it, no glue, only
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sleight of hand and steel endurance. to complete the masterpiece, he even had to use a ladder, and for greater effect, the master climbed to the top in... a smartphone, now it is the world's tallest house made of playing cards, 7 m 86 cm, a guinness book of records, and of course likes, likes, try to repeat that, it's called, well and now about real houses we have extended the program under which large families can receive a payment of 450 thousand to pay off their mortgage, daunova knows what documents are needed, 450,000 very well reduces the body of loans, we will pay off the mortgage several... years earlier, accordingly we will have our own apartment without any encumbrances. state subsidies of 450,000 rubles for the father of many children evgeny and his wife alexandra received the mortgage repayment immediately after the third child artem was born into the family. thanks to this payment, the loan term was reduced by almost half. the money was received quite quickly with a minimum package of documents. everything
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is done quite quickly through public services, there are tips for everything, all documents are uploaded there at once, they are simply pulled from the database. passport, birth certificate, marriage certificate. reduce the term or amount of the mortgage loan thanks to other large russian families can also receive state subsidies. this opportunity has been available in our country since 2019, and this summer the program was extended for another 7 years. to receive the payment, you must meet a number of requirements. the payment of 450,000 is paid on the basis of, if you have a third or more children. it is important that one of the children was born after january 1, 2019. applicants, their children must have russian citizenship, by the way, children can be from different marriages, the program works in relation to adopted children, and it is important to remember that when receiving the payment, the date of birth of the adopted child will be read, and not the date of adoption. another important condition is that the loan agreement must be concluded before july 1, 2031. you can submit an application in two ways: you can apply for the payment online through the state services portal, or
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in person through the branches of the bank that issued the mortgage. on average , the document review period is seven working days. however, it can be extended to 14 working days if additional verification of documents. the package of documents when submitting in both ways is the same through public services, however, most of them will be loaded automatically in any case provide the necessary application for loan repayment, passport, снелс consent to the processing of personal data, birth certificates of all children, documents that confirm maternity or paternity, a loan agreement for the repayment of which a subsidy is requested, a document on the acquisition of real estate. by the way, the subsidy can be less than 405 rubles, if by interest and the loan debt remained a smaller amount, respectively, that is, if the debt is less than 450.00 rubles, the payment will be equal to the amount of the debt, unused money cannot be received in cash or transferred to another loan, but the entire amount can be received again provided that the fourth or subsequent child is born in the family, the payment is issued by a different parent than the one who received it
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last time, and most importantly, such an amount can be received for the second time when concluding a new mortgage loan. come on, let's smile, morning of russia, don't oversleep, the main thing is, he cheated on you with some shrew, i hope you 're not going to forgive your husband, why can everything be like before, if you asked me, i would then seryozha, it's all over, and what is this? and this is my wish map, when formulating your wishes, don't forget about the details, love or work, i think that a real woman does not limit herself in her desires, because the result can really surprise you, thank you for agreeing to meet, maybe we'll move
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on to this, you have a gentleman, he is very witty, well-read, but there is one problem, thank god you are here, forgive me, please, but i need your help, ex-wife, you say, yes, fell out of the blue, wish map, premiere on saturday on rtr. international festival of sports and music, i want to thank the countries that came to us, these are kazakhstan, belarus, uzbekistan, china, cuba, fantastic colors, unforgettable rhythms, youth on the stage, stars on the stage.
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friends will not let you down, your podctornaya circle, i am thoughtful for some reason, maybe it is those who lay asphalt, asphalt pavers,
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100% guarantee that it won't be boring, aren't you afraid, here the light bulbs can break, what tourists are looking for in the veshcher, we have one of the answers, maybe it's the right one, puddles, 100% pleasure from the game, do you know how to janb, i'm just smart, right? 100 to one went on saturday on sunday to rtr, the colors of the new season, actually, of course, it's not autumn yet, but the dutch city of tillburg is already drowning in red, all because more than 10 thousand people with fiery hair came there for the festival, get acquainted, participate in competitions, master classes, sports competitions. their tradition is already 20 years old, then in 2005 a local artist tried to find a red-haired model for a picture, invited 15,
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150 people came to the casting, that's how it all turned into an annual three-day holiday, in my opinion it's fun, very fun, re-dye this hair, well, and how many redheads starred in different films, today, by the way, is russian cinema day, what grand premieres await us in the near future will tell maria dmitrieva, family films are the most the best, it's good when you can...
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there's no such thing as too much evil, another fairy-tale blockbuster is getting ready to hit the big screen, finist, the first hero, and there's no one equal to him, not in bravery, not in dexterity, not in strength, not in modesty, down with false modesty, the creators promise that the sequel, or rather the prequel, the beloved saga the last hero, will be even more spectacular in terms of scenery, costumes, graphics, in a word, a fairy tale. our fairy tale is interesting not only for children. but also for adults, because there is a lot of humor and a lot of some collisions that will be interesting, this is a gift, this is not a pig, here is another one,
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the release of the long-awaited palm 2 is announced in march, the adventures of the cutest shepherd dog continue, her people again have life changes, mental anguish and generally wild problems, now it is funny, and in six months it will be a big wild one, funny. a touching story about the fact that other people's children should not be, even if they are clubfooted and ill-mannered. you know, plots for films are taken from life, so the lives of each of us are like this adventures, what i think:
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let's chat, hello on the rossiya vesti tv channel, denis polanchukov in the studio and the main thing for this hour: new explosions thundered in ukraine, in kiev, sumy and kherson, sirens sounded throughout the country, a significant part of the energy system was out of order. precise strikes on concentrations of manpower and equipment of the armed forces of ukraine. in the border areas of the kursk region, russian troops are squeezing ukrainian militants out of ours.


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