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tv   Taini sledstviya-15  RUSSIA1  August 27, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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currency, and gave the codes for the crypto wallet to the scammers. the scammers convinced the people's artist that she was participating in a special operation by the special services, as a result of which dolina sold her apartment in khamovniki, transferred part of the funds to fraudulent accounts, and gave the rest to a courier, losing a total of more than 200 million rubles. by the way, tserulnikova claims that she was also deceived and did not know what she was participating in. about 500 schools, colleges and kindergartens in moscow have prepared for...
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details of the rescue story in the report by alexander bustritsky. i began to choke when even when climbing the second step. i walk up two steps. i rest, walk up some more,
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rest. any, even minimal physical activity became a real test for maya, she began to choke, her eyes darkened, and she was also tormented by a constant dull cough, like a heavy smoker. she self-medicated for 3 months, took antiviral drugs and cough syrups, and then in the doctor's office it turned out that the cause of the malaise was completely different. a benign tumor was growing right inside the patient's heart, repeating its contours. it was huge 11 cm. with a fist, which is comparable to the heart of an adult. myxoma is a rarity in itself, maya formed in the right atrium. according to statistics, this happens only in 20% of cases. this greatly complicated the surgeon's work. the formation was attached to the inferior vena cava, which is responsible for the circulation of blood from the abdominal cavity and lower extremities to the right side of the heart. any inaccuracy during surgery could damage it. the structure of the tissue of myxoma, it is quite loose. this is glandular tissue, its can be compared to jelly. or, for example, to
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a jellyfish, try to take a jellyfish with tweezers to get it out whole, without fragmenting it, so that small fragments do not get into the patient's bloodstream, before going to bed i scroll through all the possible options in my head, how it can go, how the situation can begin to develop. the operation lasted 3 hours, the heart was working all this time, but in order to prevent major blood loss, the patient was connected to a heart- lung machine, because the right side of the heart, where the tumor had been for so long, needs to be had to be drained and only then removed the myxoma. the tumor attachment site was completely sutured to prevent relapse. for doctors at niis klifosovsky, this case is unique. successfully removing a myxoma of this size, usually no larger than a chicken egg, became possible , among other things, thanks to the clinic's first-class equipment. our cardiac surgery, it works on everything, yes, this is a difficult emergency surgery. in the flagship building there is a special hybrid operating room, also unique in history, which allows for surgery at the same time.
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to do several approaches at once and provide comprehensive help to the patient. just a couple of hours after the operation, maya was already able to walk. now she feels well, she returns to the hospital only for scheduled examinations. this is me in front of you now without a corset. and now i will come home and put it on, of course, that is, you need to wear it constantly. yes, of course, well, maybe there will be some of it, perhaps, we will see, i would be glad. after such an intervention, quite stressful for the body, you need to wear it for fixation after the surgical suture, fortunately it won't be long, only a month and a half left. alexandra bastritskaya sergey evdakimov, alexander markin nagaev, iada adamova, news. and that's all for now, denis polanchukov was with you, see you soon.
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the poster on the kultura tv channel: theater, music, fine arts on august 27. shows on the new stage the premiere performance wedding based on the screenplay by pavel lumgin and alexander gallin , directed by alexander karpushin. the new season at the etsar theater opens with the premiere performance by grigory detyatkovsky love annoyance based on a little-known play by jean-baptiste malier. the exhibition project antiquity coordinate system continues in the exhibition hall of zaryadye park. the exhibition features paintings, graphics, sculpture, and decorative and applied art items from the 16th-11th centuries, collected from the arkhangelskaya reserve, which is celebrating its 105th anniversary this year. the yekaterinburg opera and ballet theatre presents the ballet the fairy tale of pero on the stage of the nizhny novgorod opera and ballet theatre as part of the big tour project. directed and choreographed by maxim petrov, konstantin khlebnikov and alexander merkushev, to music
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by nastasia khrushcheva, alexey bolovlenkov and dmitry mazurov. the pskov drama theatre named after pushkin opens the season with dmitry meskhiev's play my not my based on the play. a total of 37 works demonstrating the formation and development of a new figurative language of landscape painting in the städel museum until the end
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of october an exhibition is open women artists between frankfurt and paris. the theme of the exhibition is the creative interaction and unions of women artists who helped each other in organizing exhibitions and... creative development among the eighty paintings and sculptures are works by luise breslau, atilia roederstein, erna auverbach, elisabeth nourse and other artists who created their works at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, during the formation of new artistic movements. the bayeröhe festival ends with the opera tammheiser, directed by tobias kratzer. the leading role is performed by klaus florian vogt, conducted by nathalie stutzmann. the royal theatre of madrid. this is an opera on universal themes, about music, art, poetry, about the confrontation between tradition and modernity. wagner does not depict gods, but people with their own problems and conflicts
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that could live at any time, so we placed the action in a conditional space. we came up with funny and fragile cardboard houses so that the confrontation of characters. looked like a child's game, but a game that will eventually destroy this whole world. in my opinion, this is a comedy, but a deep comedy, in which we will never be able to understand to the end, my task was to make this story alive. tell me how it was, you always have a choice, there will be a case for you. shoot, well get acquainted or break up? marry me, again. your proposal, salvation for me, but can't we just remain friends, suffer or act? alyosha is alive, i believe in
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it. search or hide? i won't take my eyes off her now. did you all agree, or what, together? leave or come back? where do you need to go? are you a bus driver, or maybe you'll order me a taxi? whatever you choose, this meeting can't be cancelled, just look at the profit, or will you take part, from monday to thursday, you are very busy, what do they show, that's it, it's time for big premieres on rtr, put out the candle, light some hay, you won't get bored with us.
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vanechka, well done, he already counts so well, he was running around, he was reading, oh, everything in a row , we were walking with him today, he read all the signs, without hesitation, you'd better buy him some books, some fairy tales or what does he like? how are you, good, run, play, yeah,
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he likes animals, a very sensitive boy, like all libras, go home, just don't need this astrology of yours, stop meditating, i'm lying down, oh, oh-oh-oh, and what is this? great, yes, i will. make me some coffee.
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hello, i'm not a balloon, what should i do? emergency vtk magadan region.
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a prisoner has escaped from custody. let us recall that this is no longer just an accident. in 2006 , three prisoners escaped from a far eastern colony. the search for the especially dangerous criminal who escaped during an escape from a correctional labor colony in the magadan region has been ongoing for the third day. a guard was killed during the escape. the criminal is carrying a firearm. all forces of the ministry of internal affairs have been deployed to search for him. and what do we have, excuse me for waiting, what are you doing? i didn't even discuss it, well, i was afraid
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that you would perceive everything like that, well, how about we move to moscow, and my work, well, yes, but you don't have to move, i need to move, and you want us to live separately, no, no, i don't want that, moscow is nearby, well, what are you talking about, 3 hours away, what are you talking about, 4 hours, but 3:42, but i came for the weekend, you came for the weekend decided, yes, i didn't decide anything, i'm discussing this with you, you just have to understand that it's important to me. are you doing this for money? i don't earn much, tell me, well, you don't earn much, but i 'm not doing this for the money, i'm doing this for the sake of business, and business requires risks, some investments, new horizons, well, why am i sitting here like in a swamp, i can't do all this any other way, so i'm discussing it, if you're against it, i'll refuse of course, but you know, you have to understand me, i don't understand you, well, masha, well, masha, and you called st. petersburg a swamp? yes, that's not what i wanted to say, mash, i was talking about business, and there is a city in which we live, i adore
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the city, aurora, i love st. petersburg. damn! when you need to give an answer about moscow tomorrow, ugushka, hello, yes, good, good morning, i'll be there in about 20 minutes, yeah, bye, bye, do you hear, i was thinking about something, maybe we'll sit down again in the evening and discuss everything properly, yeah, maybe, well, we agreed.
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oh, well, i don't know, then, then i'm thinking, how to make peace, let's go, in short, hi, hi, so what, what, what, we have a firearm, a shot at point-blank range, in the temporal region, yeah, come here,
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right now, right now, i'm running, yeah, details. "well , i can't seem to find the cartridge case, maybe the killer took her with him, i don't know, fingerprints, yes, there are fingerprints, but at least no one carried out sanitary treatments here, look, as i said, the victim was shot at point-blank range, from that place, most likely, yeah, one shot, oh, well, you know, it's hard to miss, there's no exit wound, the bullet is stuck in the head, alone with his thoughts, time of death, well, about three hours ago, so what? 6, well, plus or minus half an hour, what about mayorov nikolai ivanovich, that means he was born in the second year, central, soviet, there is a mobile phone, i haven't found it yet, it's unlikely to be a robbery, well, oleg petrovich, take your passport, just don't disappear, look, the place is deserted, i think that the murderers with the victim would, well, yes,
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it's hard to find such a place, he found it, yes, we've already questioned him, well, let the man go, no one is holding him, we've collected all the data, he was just in no hurry. fel, well, here you go, here are the surveillance cameras, a request via mobile phone, and we 'll go to the victim's wife, to the wife, so to the wife, bye, forgive me, bye, please, please, i'm not in a hurry. "mar sergeyevna, i am of course delighted with three overtakes in a row, but you used to drive more calmly, did it happen? it happened, lugansky is leaving for moscow, he has prospects, you know, well, prospects are kind of good, that's it, and you, and what about me, well, moscow is a bread city, there
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is enough murder for everyone, no work, i 'm not going to change anything, okay, otherwise i 'll worry about it, but there's no need to worry, i don't like rushing home now, we'll be working in a high mode, so why are you so tense then, that's romance, some kind of, you in st. petersburg, lugansk, moscow, you will visit each other on weekends, all week i will come to an empty apartment, where no one is waiting for me, and you get yourself a cat, mine is really waiting for me, he sits on the windowsill and waits, and in general cats they evoke exclusively positive emotions. i am not telling you this, this is scientific medicine, get a dog, you will walk with it, walking is very useful after sitting in a car or in an office all day, and if? rain, if it rains even better, you will become more attached to it after such victims, and in general, a lot of all sorts of acquaintances, i don’t need any acquaintances,
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useful ones, i need lugansk, hello, are you kira borisovna mayorova, no, she hasn’t lived here for 2 months, and what happened, who are you, mayurova? hello, i’m his son’s nanny. vanechka, what happened? don’t worry, can we pass? uh-huh, uh-huh. thank you, please pass. and what happened? “i knew it, i knew
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something bad would happen, he was telling me something, they threatened him, he has the moon in scorpio, you know, that he has the moon in scorpio, there is always meanness and duplicity around such people." death, they attract death, a terrible astrological forecast, poor vanechka, he was left an orphan, why, the major seems to be married, the child has a mother, but what kind of mother is she, i beg you, she has saturn in opposition to cancer, she only cares about her own person, not her family. by the end of the month, she and nikolai were supposed to have a divorce, and the reason for the divorce was that she cheated on him, of course, he kicked her out of the house,
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forbade her to communicate with the child, and where is she now, with a lover, probably, and where is our lover, i'm not a gossip, my job is to look after the child. so we don't seem to be gossiping, we can, we can invite you to our place, take all the testimony under protakova, do you want? she got in touch with a fitness instructor, such a cute one, he sometimes gives her a ride in his car, when she wants to look at her son, how did she feel about the divorce? she didn't want to, of course, got used to it? to live on everything ready, and nikolai promised to leave her without a penny, oh, she wanted to take the child for herself, to knock out more alimony, even
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i know, she filed a complaint about beatings, saying that her husband beats her, they opened a case, i don't know anything, nikolai didn't tell me, i didn't pry into his soul, but you know the name of the lover, how to find him, he... works in the fitness center on krestovsky island, yeah, we still need to confiscate the computer, mayarova, he has a laptop, yeah, i'll bring it now, okay, tanya, when we go for a walk, vanechka, oh, my good one, vanechka, now, now, now you and i will go, get dressed, go, go for a walk, listen, what's going on, you promised send. the seal of majorov's calls, they sent it already, when, just now, well, excuse me, excuse me, i say, i'll have a look now, excuse me,
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yoshkin, trunk, well, that's how... people can take such nonsense seriously, and you about astrology, well, yes, his moon is in scorpio , death walks through the pits, but still he is dead, yes, his wife most likely ordered it, yes, marya sergeevna, listen, the thing is that regarding cctv cameras everything is deaf here, the killer probably chose the place very carefully, but unfortunately, there is worse news, yeah? in a word, someone leaked information about the death of the network mayors, not only did they leak it, they also posted photos from the murder scene, but i assume that it was bogdanov, a witness, well, that's the thing, while he was waiting for us, well...
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that you won't have to eat alone in the fitness club, well, what can you do? well, i understand, i knew it , give me the laptop, i'll contact zhirov, now, where to put it, back, yeah, bye, bye,
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come on, come on, don't relax, we have one more approach, but i can't, you can do everything perfectly, come on, come on, wake up, sleeping tsarena, and you kiss me, i woke up, i 'm at work, come on, more actively, more actively work your shoulders, more actively shoulders at me, yes, push, push with your chest, yeah, well done, well done, good, good, good, great, we're working. we're working, good, hello, my name is korablyov, criminal investigation officer, you are kira borisovna mayurova, yes, and what, i'd like to talk to you, actually i have a training session now, do you have any questions for me, and it was my husband who sent you, you see, unfortunately, your husband was killed, what is this, some kind of joke? so
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that we will have to talk to you after all, but maybe not in this room, what nonsense, we had a strange relationship, we haven't lived together for the last 2 months, so excuse me, i guess i can't help you, yes i know that you were going to get a divorce, kind people have already told you everything, and do you know that it was she, the nanny , who destroyed our marriage? turned my husband against me, and kira borisovna, where were you last night from 1 to 6:00, do you suspect me? no, i'm just collecting information, i was sleeping at home, of course, who could do that confirm, my fitness instructor, i 'm living with him now, so what, did your husband throw me out of the house? no, no, i
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don't mind. "listen, i'm not feeling very well now, nikolai was not the last person in my life, yes, yes, i understand, tell me, who are you related to, we can meet, yes, he doesn't seem to have any relatives, but in samara or saratov, no, there's nothing to identify, i'll have to drive, of course, i was his wife." rain at the end of summer in the previous episodes, the main thing is health, friends, please keep your reserves, we still have sitrina and lula kebab, mikhail dolsky and petr markov have been friends with their families for many years, we met petrusha when i was 5 years old, he was 15. the couples look prosperous, but petr has been living a double life for a long time. markov, i love you, if you put the corpse down now,
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i... will do something to myself, i have no more strength, i have, that's it, that's it, and mikhail suddenly meets his first love, maybe we'll run away from here, have lunch somewhere normal, changes inevitable, but not everyone is ready to accept them, fields are everywhere, chi to her, yes, everything will still be fine with me, maybe you will say at least something, rain at the end of summer. we are watching the continuation today on rtr. allow yourself a first-class holiday with lioreorts. elegant details, a holiday of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and
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azure waves. lioreorts, we are here for you, vodka pechora, a product. stellar group. gin snop, a product of stellor group. international festival of sports and music. i want to thank the countries that came to us, this is kazakhstan, belarus, uzbekistan, china,
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cuba. fantastic colors, unforgettable rhythms. why can't everything be like before, if you asked me, then i would seryozha everything is over, and what is this? and this is my wish map, when formulating your wishes, do not forget about the details, love or work, i
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think that a real woman does not limit herself in desires, because the result can surprise you a lot, thank you for agreeing to meet, maybe we'll move on like this. you have a gentleman, he is very witty, well-read, but there is one problem, you, lika, thank god you're here, forgive me please, but i need your help, ex- wife, you say, yes, fell out of the blue, wish map, premiere on saturday on rtr, hello, hello, can you take your time? because the meeting is cancelled, kovin left, no, kovin is here, but he has some nice guy in his office, so they 're waiting for me, yes, they're all waiting for you, what's going on, whose is this
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anyway, here, come on, come on over, oh, max, hello, your knees are waiting for you and someone else, well, i'll take my clothes off now, marya sergeyevna, sit down, hello, maria sergeevna, hello, how come, and i think he will explain everything to you now, it means that information about the murder of mayorov, which you are investigating, leaked to the press, of course, a leak of information is extremely undesirable, but in this case, so
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to speak, it was to our advantage, he reacted promptly, he reacted, and now he offers us his help, so straight to the point, yeah, mayorov was passing by with... to meet us halfway, but they were still friends and why did he have to risk it and come
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, he could have asked for help, but having received a refusal killed majorov, why did majorov go to meet him if he wasn't going to help, marya sergeevna, this is just a version, but i think it makes sense to work on it, petanich is right, you should... work on it, you 'll deal with the immediate circle of the murdered man, and the department will focus on finding zarubin. i need to read the zarubino case, great, i'll provide all the materials, so here 's more and more, very good. "help yourself, hot, fresh, thank you,
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i wonder who taught you to park like that, and what is it like to leave a mobile phone in such cases behind the glass, no problem, i'll take it away now, okay, okay, you're absolutely right, i can even apologize to you if that makes you feel better, i hope it never happens again. well, if it wasn't him, he was shot in his own car, they found documents on him, where the bullet hit in the head, oh my god, that means the face, no, the face wasn't hurt, the bullet hit the temple, yeah, listen, maybe i should give you some sedatives, no need, i... ready, who's there?
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hello, over here, yes, please, uh, no need to rush over there, over here, i beg you, open up. yes, it's him, wow, what a ridiculous death, what to sign, and the protocol is on the way out, the protocol is on the way out, so what do we have here, right here, please. uh-huh, yeah, that
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's right, that's it, that's it, i can go, no doubt, uh-huh, listen, i don't think she's only not upset, she's even happy, that's not surprising, they didn't have time to get divorced, so she'll get all the property, i understand, listen, and the guy... he's healthy, if it weren't for the bullet, he would have lived to see you, you got the bullet out, you were getting ready, but you called that you were taking your wife for identification, you didn't want to traumatize her with your appearance a torn head, leaked brains, well , it's not a pleasant sight, i think even she wouldn't like it, and maybe she should have , look, be careful, look at the documents, hello
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, hello, fedya, hi! listen, i need to go to the major's office, talk to his colleagues, what kind of relationship there was, can you find out? oh, i see, we'll do it, okay,
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yeah, marya sergeyevna, and when are you going to find out, well, i'll have some coffee now, i mean, i'll get ready and go, okay, yeah. yeah, okay, i'll check, well, finally, they gave a conclusion about the sids' death, i'll call back, well what is it, murder, no, a stroke, i think, i... that doesn't make it any easier, so guys, let's drop everything, you have a super important task, this description has been sent to all departments, but you have to catch him, so it's zarubin, yeah, they show him on tv,
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zarubin, our old friend, a nervous guy, you remember that, no, well... of course, he was a witness in the zarubino case, i don't remember his last name, a major, he was shot this morning in his own car, so it's zarubin or something, we'll stick to that version, it is clear that the fugitive criminal will be wanted everywhere, he has a wife in nizhny, a brother in samara and generally a bunch of relatives all over the country, but so far no one has linked him to the murder of mayorov, but he is from st. petersburg, that is our advantage. naturally he is from st. petersburg, but i think he will not come home, i suppose the neighbors watch tv there too, so our task is to find out who he can turn to here for help, his sister is here too, she also gave testimony, i know, we need to establish surveillance of her house, and
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this, wiretapping the phone, well done! my apartment is awesome, you'll see now, i have no doubt that you have a great one, you're hinting at you, get out. kira borisovna, kira borisovna, kira borisovna, where's the key? where's the key, be quiet, please, lady, it's none of your concern, where 's the laptop, where's the laptop, i'm asking you, the police took this one, and you gave it right away, but
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wait, sheep. what's going to happen now? they won't do anything to us? they 'll start digging under us right away, do you hear, don't blame me, yes, it was your idea, they're digging under us they'll start, right now. so what, we're sitting here, there's news, well, unfortunately, i can't give you any good news, his password is kind of tricky, but you sit down, i tried this way and that, yes, maybe, listen,
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maybe we should call people who really understand this... people who really understand this are also people, one is sick, another is on vacation, i'm doing what i can, what about the bullet, they're working on the bullet, and in more detail, i can tell you that they shot from a makarov, all the details tomorrow, but you sit down, sit down, why should i sit down, i'm fat, i don't have time with you to sharpen the chatter. and can you say anything at all based on fingerprints, for example, i can. there are no fingerprints in the car, except for mayurov, that is, the killers still
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wiped their hands, wiped their hands, took the cartridge case, so laziness, for today so far no leads, when was it different, fats, tomorrow. everything will be tomorrow, hello, hello, dim, hello, mash, hello, how are things, does it allow us to meet for dinner, not yet, i understand, then i will wait for you at home, any wishes regarding dinner, anyway, okay, i won't distract you, i'll think of something myself, kisses, kisses, yes, go on, so marya sergeevna, what should i go on about, as i understand it, at work? mayorova didn't have any particular problems. yeah. and what about mayorova's personality? well, she had a pretty good motive. and, by the way, she behaved
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quite provocatively during identification. what do you mean? well, in that sense. and the alibi? alibi, alibi. alebi. well, the footage from the cctv cameras in the entrance showed that she was with her lover, whose last name was banin. yeah. by the way, the next morning they came out, what characteristic place, somewhere around eleven. was he also at home all night? well , yes, he arrived somewhere around. around 12 at night, and the majoro was killed at 6, no, of course she could have hired a killer, she has enough money, it’s clear, we need to deal with her personality, and what about the billing, what about the billing, so, what about the billing, according to the billing, they called him, as i understand it, the night before , well, the day before the murder, as i understand it, from the area of ​​zina portnova, yeah, there ’s some kind of industrial zone there, a non-residential area, yeah, and what’s the number? yes, the number is fake, the owner is in places conclusions, the last name is not zarubina, no, last name is zarubina, he is serving time for robbery in perm, and
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there were also calls from this number, now, yes, it turns out that there were three times in a week, that's where, that means, from here, yeah, right here, also not a residential area, well, yes, there are no cameras there, it will be difficult to beat, but the most important thing is, i don't understand at all what we are looking for, a car, a person, a killer, so, we need to study the materials on the zarubin case, there is a version that he killed mayorov, we will work on this version, this version will be worked on by the notorious ch, what buevich, and we will work in parallel. and if i were in his place,
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why wouldn't i go to my sister? yeah, who would you go to? nobody, the country is big, i'd run away somewhere beyond the urals, to a quiet village, nobody knows you, so in a quiet village i'd immediately notice a stranger, it's easier to get lost in a big city, so maybe we should talk? ask her to rat on her brother, and why not, maybe he scared her, well, maybe she only dreams of ratting him out, she would dream of it, she would rat him out, okay, lyosha, let's not try anything amateurish, and there she goes. jim, i thought, uh-huh, well, i'm sorry, i shouldn't
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slow you down, for men it's important, but for me it's really very important, you'll succeed, i know, uh-huh, korablyov says, get a dog, but what about you, i don't know, such a responsibility, well, look, you go to the store yourself, you walk yourself, and a dog is... like a child, well, at least in some way it's better than a dog, of course, well, really, a dog won't go to moscow, well, agatha, hello, take him away, you're one of those people who don't like animals and women, but maybe you 'll become friends and take patronage over, then shall we resume our chess? game, i am still busy with one very difficult task, another murder, yeah, the lady with the dog
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returns from september 2 on... rtr veda vodka, a product of stellar group. rom kastro, a product of stellar group. rixas premium sea gate. family fun starts here. every detail is created for your
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pleasure. enjoy the water park for children.
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everything is given with joy, let's all wave our hands, when everyone is home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr, crazy and bear, this is alena, my fiancee, on friday, never in my life i will believe that this miracle is your bride, you are a swindler, what a life this marriage will not happen, and what can be done for this? leave my bride alone, understand? i am confused, alena, i need you, a reward awaits the finder, on friday on rtr, good evening, new wave, good evening, he simply could not celebrate the anniversary in his hometown in any other way,
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and my heart is made of pure gold, cranes are flying to china, just don't fly away, everything is for you about... and fogs for you, seas and oceans for you, stas mikhailov's creative evening on new wave, today on rtr, mash, hello, well what, i finally opened majorov's mail, well done, he received the letter the night before the murder, and what was in the letter, and the letter with
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rather piquant photos, where marov, you see... with some second and well , all sorts of things, yes, they found out from what ip address i sent the ip, you understand, he was most likely blackmailed with this letter, yeah, but that 's not all, that means, look, that's not all, here's what, finally a response came from the lab, this makarov pistol, it turns out that quite a few people were killed from it, especially it was actively used in the league in the nineties, and the last time it was seen was in 2001, it's very strange, so much time has passed, and you sent me the data on it? yes, yes, but i'm sending it now, well, it just arrived, well, let's send it quickly, yeah, that's it, bye, yeah.
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it's been waiting for a long time, hello, can i talk to you, yes, i wanted to call you, but it's good that you came, yeah, please, by the way, masha, today is petrov's name day, there will be a cake, she needs to be deprived of parental rights, she doesn't give a damn about the child, you understand, she is only interested in rags, men and beauty salons, sit down, she never took care of vanechka. there were always nannies, probably now they will hire a nanny, and you can imagine what stress it is for a child, i can’t help in any way, the guardianship authorities are dealing with that, she kicked me out on the street,
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she didn’t even pay my salary for a month, maybe she had a reason for this. nikolai ivanovich, i didn’t allow myself anything like that, they wanted to get divorced. yes, officially he was married, but he wasn’t going to live with her, he was a free man, well it turns out that this divorce was beneficial to you, right, yes, yes i, yes i held on to my job, understand, my parents are elderly, everything is on me, everything is on me, do you want some water? no thanks, the stars said, nothing good can be expected this year, and i was hoping, who do you think could have sent these photos to mayorov, of course she did, so she
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and her lover killed him, the bastard, of course. kurochkin, well, listen, what thought came to mind, he has, he has apartment number one, so what, how what? so what? oh, and who lives on the first floor? well, yes, so he could easily use the window so as not to be seen on the cameras in the entrance. yeah. all goods and services.
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bus tours in russia detailed information on the website. hello, oleg mikhailovich, why not through the door? yes, i 'll open it for you now. what's your code? 138. thank you. they'll open it now.


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