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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  August 27, 2024 5:30pm-6:31pm MSK

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president macron the entire presidential administration, including for communicating with the press, so they are unlikely to want to ban the messenger, but they will certainly try to get access to the encryption keys. anastasia popova, lia bernatsky, european news bureau. together they follow the development of the main events in russia and abroad. stay with us. eighteen-year-old alina uruzov went to the front as a volunteer to find his missing friend. uruslan did not get in touch, it turns out i promised his family, his mother, i i will do everything possible to bring him home. alli kept his promise, found a comrade, and at 19 he had already risen to the rank of assault company commander. in march of this year, while on
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another combat mission, he was seriously wounded, took grenades, i felt my whole face was covered in blood, i had a bolohala, well, a mask that only showed my eyes, i took it off, it was camouflage and looked, like this, when it was squeezed, all covered in blood, in addition, ali's legs were wounded, he couldn't walk and spent seven days halfway to his own, waiting for the shelling to end. he had a map with information about the enemy's location, which he was supposed to deliver to headquarters. thoughts helped such as that supposedly today or tomorrow ours will come to endure a little, or another thought - not to retreat and not to surrender. but when the important documents were handed over to our fighters, the trials for ali did not end. when leaving for the evacuation point, he and his escorts again came under fire. my escorting fighters, two people, were wounded. and i had to,
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it turns out, to drag their dugout himself, when it was already dark, we hear steps from a comrade saying, who is coming, stop, he says his. ali said that the fighter who saved the wounded is called vladislav, his call sign is black, and he carried ali in his arms for 8 hours to deliver him to the medics. ali underwent 10 operations , the doctors managed to save his legs, now he has been discharged from the hospital and wants to meet his savior. alina uruzov is in our studio today. good afternoon, how are you feeling? good. good. so, i was told that you finished school, without telling anyone right away, went to the military registration and enlistment office? graduation day, yes, it happened after lunch. and what did i say that i wanted to serve? i had my own plan, i agreed with the military commissar before graduation, it turns out. and the graduation day was.
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conscription, we got there after the oath, it turns out, different units, upon arrival i found out that ruskhan had signed a contract tomorrow his own is leaving, and 10 minutes later i went to the headquarters to write, sign a contract, while i was waiting for the contract to be approved, an extract from the order would come, it so happened that ruskhan, it turns out he also had a combat mission, communication. broke off with everyone, after
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which i promised his mother that i would find him at any cost, no matter what it took, lucky that in 2-3 days i already received a contract, i set out to search for ruskhan, glory to the almighty, after a short period of time, you found him, i found him, it turns out we crossed paths with him at the border, and he got in touch with his relatives. well, and i continued my missions, at 19 you already became the commander of an assault company, that's it one of the days in which you escaped death three times, changed the whole alignment of your life, yes, at first you received a serious wound in the legs, yes, but you did not leave, they did not tell you the position, continued to command the battle, at some second, i don’t know, so...
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they told me that you lost consciousness, you woke up and there were two african-americans standing over you , yes, that was the case, they were mercenaries, that is, there were mercenaries on the other side, yes, that was the case, and... i already at that time had received a mine blast wound, a concussion , a shrapnel wound from a grenade, during the drop, it turns out my face, nose, everything was covered in blood, moving to the positions where our wounded were lying, we observed two groups of mercenaries, there was an explosion nearby, the blow was so strong in the classic that i passed out, everything was blurry, and normal came to my senses, chopped and the moment i open my eyes, close them, when such a normal blow to the face from the foot flew in, i began to observe such, it turns out such a picture, that they pulled off
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my chevrons, it turns out, all the buttonholes there were speaking in an incomprehensible language, this african takes it turns out that he allegedly me wanted to finish off the... took two single shots, the collarbone, it turns out, i got hit in the right, right through the right elbow, uh, the anger was then at its maximum, of course, there was a very strong call for them, then at one point he takes, when the radio station began to speak, it turns out, my radio station, which survived at that moment, they, how to say, did not understand that we, well, what the authorities were telling me, well, they panicked, hands in their legs. ran away uh, as i said initially, that i was ready to fire from behind cover, i just loaded the machine gun, he was next to me, i it turns out i sat down, watched that they were already running somewhere at 30, 35 m, and i understood that their silhouette was decreasing, i, without thinking, was in
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a state of shock, it turns out, took this machine gun and had to eliminate them too, and with my own efforts, well, you laid down three of this african american, that's it? right away - and then you need to say that you crawled for 7 days and got to your own, did you hear something at school about the feat of maresyev, who crawled with frozen feet through the forest, yes, yes, it turns out i spent almost 3 months in various hospitals, changed three hospital, it turns out the entire medical staff - nicknamed me maresev the second maresev in my homeland the same thing everyone nicknamed me the second maresev i no, well it's amazing yes without food water in the style of the spirit, and the main thing is that you had a task, yes,
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you had a document, this map with the designation of the enemy's position, yes, the desire to deliver it, yes to share this secret information, you crawled, i imagine, still the month of march, probably it is ... well, not always ideal weather, plus fogs, yes the weather in general was yes cold such no no with good, the situation was such that if you lift your head even 5 cm from the basement, more than thirty grenade drops were already being made within an hour, it turns out they were smoking out with a landmine, direct fire was aimed by artillery, well, the situation was such that inside the wukan, as if you were always not for one second.
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came under attack by kamikad drones, the most offensive thing was the heartlessness and cruelty of the enemy, who directly aimed only at the wounded, and not at the one with the weapon, but it does not matter that one drone was shot down, the second drone was shot down, and the place where the drone was shot down at these coordinates, then the mortar shelling began, we reached a certain place, there was a little more to go, more... the drones started flying one after another, when we had already reached the dugout 50-70 m, it turned out that we only had to go far, far straight ahead, a certain amount of time, it turned out that two of my supposedly
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accompanying wounds, who were supposed to carry me there, and these final 50-75 m , it turns out, i had to sort of drag them into this dugout one by one. then through some time the shelling stopped, it got dark, i hear some clatter of footsteps comrades who were also wounded, they immediately panic, who is coming, there is no password, nothing, our own.
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i am grateful to the soldier who saved you, am i embarrassed by my injury, i am embarrassed in places where there are many people, people not only look, but also come up, ask, well , the mood is not always, and the same thing, i don’t always want to tell, i fell off my bike, i say that... all my fingers on both feet were frostbitten, my fingers
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were amputated, then after the amputation i have gangrene started, dead tissue formed, after a long treatment a skin graft was done, they did plastic surgery, they took skin from my hip, now i'm already walking, it doesn't even hurt, it's in good condition, it's healing little by little, the nurse or the senior nurse does my dressings regularly. it was really hard for me, really, to see all this, now everything seems to be getting better, we just treat him, put on new dressings, like these ones, they told us, he's not alive, well, words can't describe what i felt. i don't wish this on anyone, not even my enemy
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i don’t wish this, i don’t wish it on anyone, well then i found out that my son was alive, he called my sister , my sister immediately set up a conference, i said, who is this, i said, this is our aliyah, my daughter shouted at me, well i didn’t see anything else there, but i shouted, i cried, my son, it’s good that you’re alive, well i knew that you were alive, well they got the fragments from ali, i brought them specially, i told the doctors when i was pulling them out, i said, give me these fragments, i said to my son, why do you need them, mom, why do you need them, i said to my son, i i will show them to my grandchildren, why am i asking? he was young too, olympus told me that vladislav saved him, i am not only
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grateful, i would kiss his feet, not to mention , for helping my son, thank him, thank him and his mother, thank you for giving him such an upbringing. may allah grant him health and his family. your mother madinat sultanovna together with your beautiful sister dali are here in the studio. let's invite them. yeah. madinat, well, you raised a hero, of course,
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how many children do you have, five, five, the youngest children, the youngest, the most, of course, it was exciting when they told me your story, that when ali left, a friend called you first, he said that he was not alive, yes, yes, he said, he said that...
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but of course i didn't want to believe it, and i didn't tell anyone at home, because there was a case when ali didn't get in touch for a day, and the next day he contacted me, i also hoped that it would happen again, but on the second day the same story, sergei tells me that no, most likely he is not there, there is not even a corpse, and of course i had to do this at home say, then m these days, we were in a stupor, i just didn't know what, what to do, where, we called all the hospitals, looked in all these different channels, mm, in hostages, i don't know where, anything, at least some information about him, everything was, there was no hope, he called me in the afternoon
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of the nineteenth from an unknown number, i felt it.
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madinat, we heard in the story how you thank vladislav for saving your son, i know that you came here to meet him, let's look at the screen, we filmed a story about him, this is my home, this is where i live, i came back here now on vacation for rehabilitation, this is my family, this is my beloved wife, her name is svetlana, dirty, this is our daughter, her name is vika, oh, put your shoes on, this is lisa, our dog. this is our second dog, her name is fenrir, we are still small, we are only a year old, while my husband was away, we raised him with our daughter, raised him as best we could, and since this is a woman's upbringing of a boy, well, we got such a loving one, of course i really wanted to get home to my native walls, i will not let him go, well, they say correctly that relatives
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the walls are healing, because even now i feel better, we have a calendar, it is still hanging , this is the same calendar on... swelled like here is the wound, a fragment remained there, a blind wound of the ankle, two fragments entered the ankle, and there was a through wound under the knee, well, the fragment entered here, came out here, it broke my nerve and because of this my ankle does not move, well, there are still fragments above, but i think the eye wound is visible, there is now a 5 by
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7 mm fragment that went through the eye, broke the eye socket remained in the sphenoid bone, missed the child. when she comes running, hugs, when she draws, when she brags about her drawings, dad too, thank you, it's me, you're my hero, it's good that you'll be back, so don't cry, hare, everything's fine, daddy's at home, fox, you 're not coming with us, you want to go fishing, yes , bunny, we have a tradition in our family, when the weather is good, we go fishing, we took the bait, we took the bait in advance, after returning from the hospital. this is the first fishing, we set it up, squat down, look at the tip, how it twitches, it means it's a bite, early, vika, early! where are you running off to, the best catch is a leaf, vika, we are not vegetarians to catch leaves, like you killed, yes, these moments were missing, very missing, but
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probably, so that everything would be calm for them, that's where we go, what a mustache, oh, we'll come now, we'll eat, in our family i am traditionally engaged in cooking fish and meat, so this time i will also be cooking. and this is another of our pets, the cat's name is monday, when our dad left for the north-eastern military district, the cat replaced the breadwinner, he brought a mouse under the door every couple of days, he is our hunter, he thought we were not finishing our food, girls, eat, thank you, dad, delicious, to your health. well, has vladislav changed? yes, he shaved his mustache. just
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a few minutes of commercials separate you and the viewers of our tv channel from meeting him, so be patient, after the commercials, we will continue. i ask a question, and you answer, agreed. sometimes you need to rethink the situation, give me 3 days, i want to understand what is going on, often it is necessary to rebuild tactics, i just wanted us, don't push, please give me time, it is always important to review the secrets of the investigation, there is a version, from monday to friday on rtr. rixas premium sea gate: family fun starts here, here every detail is created for your
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pleasure. enjoy the water park for children, lush green gardens, the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable impressions at rixsos premium seagate. rixos premium seagate. mancacher whiskey is a product of stellar group. immerse yourself in a world of luxury comfort at rixsas golf villas and suют sharmaь sheей. magnificent a world-class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy contemporary design rooms and luxury villas, perfect for couples and families. relax in comfort and style rixos golf villas and suits sharma monteshoca cognac a product of steller group.
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on rtr, here, this is for you, are you happy? do you know who i am? unfortunately, yes, i want you to understand that we are serious, we are expecting a child, you understand, let him go. olga grosko, ilya noskov. i will not forgive myself if i do not try to fight. i will bring you back. and i do not care what you think about it. kart. good afternoon, hero at
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18. today the main hero of our program is eighteen-year-old alina uruzov. he went to the front as a volunteer and at 19 became the commander of an assault company. in march of this year, while carrying out a combat mission, he was seriously wounded. ali could not walk and spent 7 days making his way to his own people in order to hand over important documents to headquarters. during this time, he did not eat or drink, only when he completed the task, he began to lose consciousness from pain and loss of blood. ali said that a soldier saved him. he carried him to hands, to force the crachs, to the hospital ali underwent 10 operations, now he got back on his feet and wants to find that soldier to thank him for saving his life. before leaving for advertising, we found vladislav ivanov in the oryol region showed how he lives, now a long-awaited meeting is being held for alisa. we meet vladislav.
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how are you feeling, vladislav? normal, already normal. changed, changed a lot, changed, got better, did you hear cutlets with potatoes, everything is correct, they told me that you carried him in your arms for 8 hours, in general, what are you talking about i was thinking at that moment, because i understand that well the attacks continued, about the weather, yes, because there was a full moon, we lost time, when it was safe to go out, and i am
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very happy. you motivated him so much, that you will survive, i will find you, it seems to me, he lied to me so much, that we had 300 m left to go, 500, 500 500 he said, in the end 8 hours passed, he says, we will get there in 5 minutes, then i count the steps, not mine, but his, i say, i will multiply them two or three times, i say, 500 m. i say, we passed an hour ago, no, there is still left, they got through after all, but it was done precisely for this, but a few weeks after you saved ali, you yourself were wounded, yes, and what happened, they said that in the same dugout, i was bandaging myself in the same dugout , i got wounded 200 m from it, right there on the trail, when i met them, i went a little further to bring the guys water, food and... that
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trail that i walked along, they found it, they saw it perfectly from birds, well, from drones, how i carried out three hundredths from there, exactly on this trail, there is 300-350 m of straight asphalt roads, it was on it that i caught the kamica drone, although by all calculations, that is, it was already twilight, the kamica drone does not go to a single target, the kamica drone flew out at me, i don’t know if this is also true information or not, but after you were wounded, you continued to carry out the task and only after completing it... did you contact the doctors? yes, i carried food and water for the guys, bandaged myself, i fell from the same dugout, reported that i was wounded, refused the evacuation group, because i understood that he would not go there, calmly bandaged myself, yes in the morning he already started to go out, took another three-hundredth with him, together we slowly went, but there are still operations ahead, you, yes, yes, i have at least two more operations on my eye
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ahead. your wife svetlana, who is also in the hall today, is ready to meet ali, with her mother, sister, please come out, have you already met? with my husband, how many 13 years, more than 13, a little, they told me that he proposed to you on the fourth day of our acquaintance, yes, we met, i had a birthday, and i was at work, he called me, and my hands were a little, well, since the work process is dirty, and i had to turn on the speakerphone, so he blurted out in front of everyone his i will marry you, marry
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me, well of course everything... it was taken as a joke, but from that moment on we actually never parted for a long time, and then we waited for 5 years, preparing for this, because we still wanted to somehow ourselves. prepare for the fact that after all to start a family, and 5 years after his first proposal we still got married, but you have a small child, there okay ali, 18, your friend left, and how did you react when your husband said that he wanted to go to the svo, when he first said that, well, it’s wrong, that i should be at home, i’m a man, i should go and protect, i talked him out of it the first time, and we discussed it for a long time, we even discussed it to the point of, if you go, let me also go there as a volunteer, so he stopped me on the fact that we have a small child, who will be with him, well, like , there are grandmothers, grandfathers, you can ask a grandmother, grandfather to look after the child, to take him there
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kindergarten is not a problem, no, let's still stop for now, while we think, the first time we were thinking, the second time he, apparently, based on the first situation, said nothing , presented us with a fait accompli literally 2 days before departure. and then nothing can be done, well , of course, let's say so, roughly speaking, we were a little angry with him and the child, well , what can you do, we collected everything, saw dad off and waited, but he also happened, he didn't get in touch for weeks, how did you experience this time of uncertainty when he didn't get in touch, he just disappeared completely just before he was injured communications, well it was hard, yes, there were many thoughts that something could have happened, we called all the authorities we could, we looked for him everywhere, but they didn’t give any information about him at all, when i called the number to find out if he was alive or not, they update the lists there,
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they only told me one thing, he’s not on any lists, there’s just no communication, we were worried thanks to our parents, the support of our parents, our friends supported us, everyone was constantly there, everyone who called. they said, it’s okay, you’re not like that, it’s not that easy for you take it, hold on, he'll call, well, we held on every day with these phrases, of course, we waited for him to call, and he told you about it, it turns out that this whole situation happened before he disappeared from contact, and he couldn't tell when he was there, he told me when he was in the hospital, so in the calls he told some short stories, and well, accordingly, when he came home, already having some basics, a lot of questions were asked, of course i wanted to know in detail, but as i understand it, he didn't tell most of the information tells, well, yes, here he told the general information, what the guy promised, brought out,
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did, you were awarded, no, why are you so modest, i don’t think that you need to be awarded for this, i just got on the nerves of the person, we had our own plan even before the combat mission after the end, he lives not far from me, it turns out, he should still come to me, then it seems to me there is a chance, if... vladislav comes uh to you, then we have another small plot, let's look at another hero, pay attention, this is my house, the house where i grew up, we have a family of 13 children,
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the eleventh, now i live at home with my mother, me and my younger sister, this was my garden, i planted tomatoes, cucumbers and... got an apple, i have been boxing for 7 years, during this time i have participated in many places, here are all my medals, in
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the cup, i am a five-time champion of the republic of ingushetia and in the future we will continue to perform, bring new poisa, cups, medals, oh, dala. meet my mother, zinaeda yaakhyaevna, the only person i probably think about most light, although she raised us without a father, but she replaced our father. then there were problems were financial, you could say yes , despite everything she invested in me by the will of the almighty i have achieved a lot in life with sports thanks to her, you could say yes , mom's golden hands, as they say, the youngest, the most beloved, yes, of course, very tasty , the only thing that no one can repeat such a taste, please, it will be very difficult for the future wife to cook such a dish,
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just like mom, as i returned from washing, where my warm hearth awaits me, the feeling is as if i am ruking, when uraskhan was still there in the svo, he sent such beautiful voice messages, i couldn’t even read them, only through tears, there is light, he says, many stars, he says, which... yes, i can count them on my fingers, i am also
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grateful to him, very much so, thank him too and his parents, well, tell me, tell me who this is, this is my best friend, kostoyev ruskhan, a colleague, it turns out, we did our military service together, and it was because of him that you went to look for him when he disappeared, i i went there to look for him because... i promised his mother that i would find him, and we were also connected by friendly, warm relations, i was sure of everything that i could, that i would achieve this, and no thoughts or obstacles pushed me away from my idea, in the end i achieved it, well, let's invite uruskhan kostoyev to our studio, let's get to know him, you haven't seen each other for a year and a half, they told me
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what will you tell him? i'm glad to meet my new comrade-in-arms, i've heard a lot about him, how he helped my brother, and once to meet you, but if your brother has five in the family and he is the youngest, how many are in your family? in our family there are five brothers, eight sisters. and what number are you? i am
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the twelfth in the count, the second to last, how are you feeling, tell me, i am khachnym, i feel good, i am recovering now, getting myself into physical shape, i was also just told that when ali went to look for you, and you did not get in touch, you did not hear anything, you had a concussion for 2 weeks and that during this time you even learned to read lips, why are you refused to be evacuated - it turned out that we came under fire, and the very last thing i remember was such a close, not far from me there was a big, strong explosion, after which i was simply knocked out, after some time, when i woke up, i was in a bunker where our troops were, and i immediately at that moment - i had a very bad headache - i was constantly checking, for two weeks i practically didn’t... i didn’t hear anything, there was a clouding in my eyes, and in short, at that moment i
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practically began to understand by the lips, the man, well, not really well, but i understood what he was saying, and the commander asked me, yes, he says, we are evacuating you, you need to get some treatment, in short, i refused at that moment, no, i don’t want to, i say, we’ll continue until the end, so that they complete the task, but do you remember the moment when... when i approached the checkpoint, he looks at me from afar, he shouts out my last name, kostoyev, i look at him, he has such a strange face, in short, i recognized him, he doesn’t recognize me, and in short, i just smiled and in short, it’s you, he says, we bumped into each other and understood, in short, that it was us, but it was a short meeting
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, we talked a little, so i was leaving, and he was driving in at that moment, yeah. but i want to say that we have a surprise for vladislav today, but first, let's listen to what you told us at home, attention, we had children's letters that came to us as support there at the front, i remember one letter, i received it already being in the hospital, hello, dear soldier, a student of the first i-class, bou secondary school number 51 of the city of st. petersburg, losin alexander, is writing to you, my letter is my gratitude to you for.
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there were headphones, but i wanted the child to know that kindness always comes back. well, what do you think, we found this schoolboy. sasha losin and his mother svetlana, came from st. petersburg to meet with you. did you help write the whole letter tell me yes we wrote there was homework to write a letter to the soldiers at the front, we wrote with sasha together, for us of course it was a big
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surprise that the letter actually got through, that a soldier received it, more of course what was unexpected was that we received a response. a letter a gift, and where are the headphones, sasha? at home, at home, well yes, and what do you have in your hands, a tank, did you make it with your own hands, yes and for whom did you bring it, it's for me, no, and to whom, thank you, thank you, thank you, sasha was very, of course. we are invited to the program and that we since i didn't find, that's when we found out that we would meet with you, sasha was incredibly happy, so he says: mom, let's prepare some kind of gift, your husband is also
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a military man, yes, your husband is a military man, a lieutenant colonel, too. we didn't know about this, of course, from us it was all hidden, you probably didn't know what vladislav did, how he carried for 8 hours, i didn't know, yes, i just heard your story, of course, i was touched to tears, you are such, of course, heroes, such, well, now another short commercial, in a few minutes new surprises for our heroes, and also a girl, new, incredible stories of foreigners in russia, how a seventy -four-year-old briton turned from a coal magnate into a russian farmer and met the love of his life, good health. why did a fifty-eight-year-old portuguese leave european resorts settled on the banks of the yenisei. this is my place of power, and also
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the thirty-seven-year-old princess of gabon. she found happiness in russia after escaping from an african gang of criminals. i am very glad that i ended up here. malakhov will soon be on the russia channel, i have been crazy about you for days, in 5 hours i will be in our motel, the premiere is on rtr, you look terrible, what a mess in our house! do you have no brains at all? rain at the end of summer. today on rtr. we invite you to the sharmel sheikh swiss hotel, the world's first swiss hotel, operating on a system, everything
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included. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge into perfect harmony. create memories that will remain forever in your heart. svisotel sharmel sheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city. borbon stersman is a product of stellar group. allow yourself a first-class holiday with leorets. elegant details. a feast of exquisite tastes. a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you, vodka veda, a product of stellar group.
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rum castro is a product of stellar group, beloved songs are playing in our studio, let's go, birthday, favorite music never gets old.
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on friday, i will never believe in my life that this miracle is your bride, shaper, while i'm alive,
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there will be no marriage there. and what do i need to do for this? he will leave my bride alone, got it? i 'm confused. alena, i need you. a reward awaits the finder. on friday on rtr. once again, good afternoon, if you just turned on your tvs, today is the story of alina uruzova, who at 18 went to the front as a volunteer, at 19 became a commander assault company. in march of this year, while on a combat mission, he was seriously wounded and spent 7 days making his way back to his own people to hand over important documents to headquarters. ali completed the mission, but he no longer had the strength to get to the doctors on his own.
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ali, we have another surprise for you, do you remember who supported you in the hospital after you were wounded, well, don't blush, i want to tell you that the girl who supported you, and to whom you even once brought a chocolate bar, is here backstage today, delara abdisheva, we're meeting her. hi, how are you are you doing well, how are your legs, okay?
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the nurse, it turns out she did my dressings under anesthesia, without anesthesia, without anesthesia, when they did my dressing, only when it was her shift, i allowed it, agreed. but at first he didn't let you near, right, and he was admitted to us in a very serious condition, he had more than ten dressings under anesthesia, but approximately three operations, the prognosis was generally bad, there was even talk of amputation below the knee joint in fact, but the attending physician medovich, he
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said... i'm trying to cure you, and i did, but he changed after the hospital, now you were looking at him behind the scenes, yes, he really got better, and chocolates, he really did bring, yes, chocolates and all sorts of goodies, we always talked, but he wasn't like that, of course, our first meeting was a bit conflictual. i came to the dressing room, he had shrapnel wounds on his thigh, and i said, well, come on, lie down, come in, undress, he was like: no, you're a girl, i won't show you anything, call a doctor, a man, that's what i said, no, i'm a nurse, i have to move it, he no, call the doctor, i say, i'll close the door now, you won't go anywhere, i just need your wounds, your legs, i say, your hip and everything, well, after all, he allowed me, so to bandage
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it, then we began, of course, to communicate more, we always supported each other, but you knew that here he was - crawling for so many days - yes, without food, without water, well, i often stayed late at work, we talked in the dressing room, he told, shared emotions, we talked, always supported each other, and you are married, for her? what will a friend say, it seems to me, in general such a good girl, i am not black, i think, will be beautiful, a good couple, i say, if especially mom is here sister, everything at once now, you understand, this is already a witness, especially since i have written here that when you were leaving, you came with a chocolate bar and say, well, that's it, dilyar, i'm checking out, thank you, i
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will always be there, you see in the meanings about you, it was like that. i brought him chocolate bars, and he gave himself to the deed, but now that you are all gathered, it seems to me that we should show, how do you live, your friends, your family, and places dear to you, attention, this is my village where i grew up, being at the front, i always remembered my native street, i always dreamed of returning, my parents' house, this is my family, dad, vakhan khasanovich, mom madina sultanovna is a housewife at the moment, there are five of us children in the family, well, vatim, it's always hard in the family, bring this, take that, everywhere, help everyone, well done, reliable, reliable, they, despite
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their small age, still managed to always protect us. especially my sisters older brother amir, my older brother always asked me when i came home from school not about my academic performance and my studies, they asked if anyone had offended me, they didn’t let anyone offend me, i cook what he likes, here is besh parmak , i have beef, meat is a national dish, when he was everything, of course, i was worried, i think my son is a log there, he always missed home during the day, he always dreamed of eating something home-made, i often remembered my family at the front, how everyone gathered at the same table, i always wanted to return to this, i i am ready to stroke it all my life, we can, of course, pride is not, we are now in
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jairaz. rane, this is the place where our ancestors lived, and the ancestral towers have survived to this day. it turns out that you see the red roof of the house, to the right of it is half a tower and a ruin, the rest are the ancestral towers, where our ancestors used to live, during the wars that were several centuries ago, they took battles it turns out from the battle towers, we had many brave people in our family, ancestors, my grandfather hasan magomedovich, the great patriotic war, he was entrusted the task of transferring documents to the division, during the execution of the task he received a bullet wound in the heel area, and completed his task, i
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am proud of my grandfather, he was an example number one for me, equal to him, to his exploits. we are in the school where i studied since childhood, at any opportunity i always ... come to visit, hello, hello, our hero, hello, we are glad to see you, hello, guys, hello, guys, today our graduate naruzov ali lakhanovich is visiting us, this is the office where ali studied, we have this desk, remember ali, right? where you sat, now this is the desk of a hero with us, our best students, excellent students will sit at this desk, we are glad to see you within the walls of our school, we are proud of you and
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your exploits, of course it is nice when our generation says such words, sincere words from the heart, li, what kind of shelters did you have, shelters are more varied, and what kind of trench do you dig in such an acopy to beat? were you afraid, if you show your fear of the enemy, it gives the enemy more chances, spirit and courage did not leave us, did not show an ounce of fear at all, we all held on with one effort of friendship. well, alei, i am glad that today your dream came true, and you and vladislav finally met and... you both, in addition to courage, bravery, it seems to me, have another very important quality: the ability to be grateful, as vladislav said, good should be returned for any gift of fate, for any action that
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happens in your life, it seems to me that this is very, very important to remember and know now to everyone, especially since everyone says that 2024 is the year of karma, so everything comes back very quickly, so take care of yourself and your loved ones. that's all for today, goodbye. hello, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, hello, your favorite program 60 minutes about the most important thing is live. so, in the sssu today they tried to break through the russian border in the belgorod region. were you afraid?

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