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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  August 27, 2024 9:05pm-9:21pm MSK

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zuckerberg also admitted to digitally suppressing the spread of hunter biden's controversial laptop story on his platforms at the request of the fbi . the new york post story, which could have potentially been an october surprise and deprived biden of victory in the last election, was declared russian propaganda and forcibly restricted . i want people to be held accountable for violating the constitution. the first amendment says the government should not abridge free speech, but this exactly what they did, forcing zuckerberg to introduce censorship. the media is in the hands of the democrats. soon there will be elections in the us again, less than 70 days left, and the democrats certainly don't need any october surprises, unless they are on their script, well, zuckerberg, zuckerberg is insuring himself, looking at... telegram in
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america is experiencing a real boom after the arrest of its owner, it rose from eighteenth to eighth place in the list of the best applications, in the ranking of the best social networks it even became second, you can't resist lead the classic operations, which for the time being must be carried out under a foreign flag. valentin bogdanov, ivan udkina and vlada tsurkan, host usa. trump included kennedy jr., who withdrew from the election, in his transition team. he, like former congresswoman tulsi gabart, who has switched to the republicans, will join trump's sons eric and donald. the us president reacts to the rating jump of the harris 45 team not only by the number of people, but also by the quality of entertainment content. trump has launched a new batch of digital collectible cards for sale at $99 each. those who...
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buy a pack, get a piece of the jacket trump wore during the debate with biden, and some even get a personal invitation to dinner. report by dmitry melnikov. on the third anniversary of the inglorious american escape from afghanistan, donald trump lays wreaths at the tomb of the unknown soldier at arlington cemetery in washington. with him are the families of the thirteen soldiers who died in the terrorist attack at kabul airport in those days. officials, including the vice president,
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have latched onto the conditions they themselves put forward for biden, whether he should work one candidate's microphone during the other's speech? we agreed, it will be the same as last time, with the sound muted, i didn't like it last time, but it worked out, ask biden how it went, it was fine, and i think it should be the same. but they are trying
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to change the rules, the truth is, they are trying to get out of it, because she doesn't want a debate, she doesn't know how to debate, she is not a smart person, not the lack of an audience, nor trump's microphone being turned off, which is what the democrats were so insistent on then, biden can't do it did not help, and the excruciating hour and a half on cnn live became the beginning of the end of the presidential election campaign, after which even his entourage was forced to admit that biden cannot go to the polls. a repeat of the same disgrace, only now with kamala harris, the democrats are afraid now, in the hope that trump will refuse to debate himself, they are changing the rules of the game on the fly, explaining it by the republican's fear of harris's pressure. we told abc and other networks that we believe that both candidates' microphones should work throughout the broadcast. we suspect, that trump's team didn't even tell their boss about this controversy because it would be too embarrassing to admit. they don't think he can handle the vp. from
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the mute button. of course, the microphone is just an excuse, and the main danger for the democrats is the inability of kamala and hari to formulate their own thoughts, without cheat sheets and a teleprompter. i think we have to remember, kamela haris was basically a national joke until this media explosion and the democrats foisted her on the party. every time she spoke off-script as vice president, it was a huge disgrace. in 1919, when she ran in the democratic primaries, her campaign was such a failure that she had to drop out of the race before the first round of voting. that is why harris has not given a single full interview to date, limiting herself to rehearsed speeches to voters, the most striking of which was at the democratic convention in chicago. and so far, this strategy seems to be working. the democrats are counting on raising half a billion dollars donations. kamala harris herself
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disappeared from all radars after the convention in chicago. she and tim wahls are expected tomorrow in swing state georgia. but her formal boss and current president joe biden. it seems that they are no longer expecting him at work. after relaxing on the beaches of santa barbara, biden was transported to another beach, in his home state of delaware. from where he, as the white house assures, continues to manage the domestic foreign policy of the united states. today he spoke on the phone with indian prime minister modi, discussed ukraine, last week he made several calls about ceasefire negotiations. he is following the events very closely. 70 days before the election, america is once again without a leader, but the main thing that worries the us political elite now is whether to turn on the microphone or not at the debates, which are not a fact that they will take place at all, and donald trump is already starting to hand out posts in his future
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second-term administration and special preference for defectors from the democrats. first robert kennedy jr. and now congresswoman tulsi gabbat, according to trump, will become honorary co-chairs. of the presidential transition commission, elon musk is also planning to work in the administration. disillusioned with the democrats, they may all lead the purge of the deep state that trump has promised to begin on the first day of his presidency. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. the abolition of fuel benefits for pensioners, the reduction of health insurance, the threat of increased crime and an uncontrolled influx of migrants will hit britain as early as october. prime minister. farmer called compatriots to tighten their belts, but they responded by calling it tightening the noose around their necks. we have discovered a £22 billion black hole, the budget office didn’t know about it because the previous government hid the problem.
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the october budget is going to be painful, we have no choice given the situation we are in. without naming names, starmer berated johnson for his covid party and sunak for doing nothing. then the guardian released a liberal-friendly insight that lystras was considering cancelling all cancer treatments under compulsory medical insurance due to the budget disaster, including the military budget. starmer, left with nothing, urgently commissioned an interdepartmental assessment of external strategic threats to britain to 2050, the deadline is march next year, this year should be enough to solve internal threats. a mindless minority of thugs, people with swastika tattoos shouting racist abuse on our streets, they will now learn that crime has consequences, but these riots did not happen in a vacuum, they exposed the state of our country, exposed a deeply unhealthy society, after 14 years
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of failure we have inherited not only an economic black hole but also a social one, from the black hole the star world cannot see what is happening at london's nottingham carnival, fixated on... the riots in southport the prime minister ignores eight stabbings and 300 people detained, that's already 200 more than albion's packed prisons can accommodate. i can't tell you how shocked i am by the neglect of the old prisons, but opening new prisons will take time, i won't be able to build prison by saturday, but they can just be released, from september 10, thousands of prisoners will be released as part of the government's emergency measures. will those released work and pay taxes? unions ask. we need change, not cuts. austerity, like a gloomy prime minister, is not the answer to britain's problems. starmer's gloomy britain has shocked journalists joking. quoting
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the oasis song, you often looked back in the flint today. starmer was asked why oasis, which had been silent since gordon brown, was suddenly decided to play right away 15 sold-out shows in a row, and the newspapers asked the band's fans if they could afford £200-£300 tickets in the conditions promised to starmer? dark times, and also recalled how the crowd broke through the cordon and caused a stampede at an azis concert in 2005, if the police can't even handle nor, how to avoid stabbing at wembley, the daily mail sees the return of the idols of the nineties cold commercial calculation, the leader of oasisis divorced his wife and gave her £20 million in conditions when starmer is called upon to introduce an emergency... percentage property tax of the super-rich, while the prime minister calls for saving, the galher brothers plan
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to earn almost half a billion pounds in 2 months, newspapers joke, it will definitely be enough for eternal life, about which they sing oasis. well, now we are ready to provide airtime to our colleagues from the regions, the local news will continue to be broadcast, but for now let's look into the broadcast studios of our two branches. first there will be gtrk voronezh and elizaveta kapyrina, in the village of zhuravka today 10 houses burned down. hello, igor, residents say that first the grass caught fire on outskirts, along which the fire reached two uninhabited buildings, and in a matter of minutes the entire street was ablaze. the area of ​​the fire was about a hectare, more than 50 rescuers and 15 units of equipment fought it. according to the preliminary version, everything happened due to careless handling of fire. there is currently a special fire regime in the region , it is prohibited to make open fire, if the violator is found, he may face
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criminal punishment. yes, thank you, ilizaveta, let us let you get ready for the broadcast, the remaining minute before the regional part was used for in order to turn on gtrk tver, nadezhda semenova is already in the studio on the m11 highway a traffic jam formed due to a bear cub that came out onto the road. hello, igor, yes, the animal ran out onto the toll section of the m11 neva in the torshka area, apparently through a hole in the fence, the drivers managed to. increase speed and avoid an accident. the frightened predator ran along the road for 4 km until it found another gap in the fence. the service company reported that they had already found and sealed all the holes so that the animals would not put themselves and drivers at risk. we wish all our colleagues good luck ether, with residents of moscow and the moscow region, we will see you in a few seconds. dozens of clients of one of the food delivery services
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have united to file a class action lawsuit. in mid-june, they ended up in the hospital with symptoms of batuulism after being poisoned by poor-quality salads. many are still experiencing serious health problems, so the victims are insisting on large compensation for moral damages. alexey knor with details. it doesn’t happen like in the movies, that they take away your ventilator and you breathe. this is huge. photo, to re-, well, learn to breathe, i had to learn not only to breathe, but also to speak and walk, vera vashchinskaya ended up in a hospital bed because of a salad with beans, i ordered delivery of ready-made food, the next day my head suddenly started spinning, and my vision went away, they still couldn’t make a diagnosis, they didn’t know if it was botulism or not, two weeks in intensive care on a ventilator, another 2 weeks in hospitals, but even after discharge my health was not restored, i have such a partial memory loss. that is, i i don’t remember languages ​​very well, it’s very frustrating, i can no longer continue my studies, so as not
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to lose my place at the university, i had to take an academic leave. now vera and 30 other victims are preparing a class action lawsuit against the company kitchen on the district. the service has already started paying money, but many are not satisfied with the amount. unlike, so to speak, standard cases in the field of consumer protection, people here have long-term consequences for life. some lost their jobs, were unable to get a new job, because they were lying in hospital, ae. many still have health problems. natalia just finished a course of chemotherapy, was hospitalized again, ate lobio from a local kitchen. i want to receive compensation for moral damages, because i believe that every person has the right to life, and i have such a serious illness, like all cancer patients, of course, i am afraid of a relapse, and a relapse is very strongly associated with stress. the service is not working now. rospotrebnadzor has identified many violations in production. however, getting infected with botulism not only through purchased. food the cause of the disease is the bacterium clastridium botulinum, is safe in itself, lives in the intestines
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of warm-blooded animals, in soil and water, but when it gets into an oxygen-free environment, it produces a powerful organic poison - botulinum toxin. any canned food, including homemade ones, are ideal conditions for this. at the moment i am sterilizing, that is, i have water, it will boil now and the marinade in the jars will also boil, this is some moment of this particular heat treatment, allowing you to remove. all the main misconception of everyone who does preparations for the winter, ordinary boiling of clastridia is not afraid, clastridia spores are very stable, and in order to inactivate them reliably. uh , temperatures are needed that are higher than 100 °. such temperatures at the level of 120, 130 °, at home are certainly impossible to achieve. clastridia does not like vinegar salt, but the concentration of preservatives in the marinade should be higher than 1%. such a strong brine is not to everyone's taste, in a weaker one the spores germinate perfectly. preparations should be stored
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at a temperature not higher than 4 °.

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