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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  August 28, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm MSK

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well, moscow is experiencing abnormal heat. on september 1, the thermometer will rise to +31, a record for 45 years. thank you for watching, bye. about people who became heroes, about events that will go down in history, our author's program with olga armyakova and nikolai dolgachev. hello. military doctors are always there where there is pain and blood, where there is a fine line between life and death, you need to save people at the risk of yourselves. calm or shelling, they are always on alert. our military doctors are the best in the world, but about our program.
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one of the few who managed to see the work field hospital, let's go for a walk, here we have soldiers waiting to be bandaged, hello, girls, i want to show you a little, this is our dressing station, taxi to dubrovka, taxi to dubrovka, that's it, well, we have such a situation here, even though we have wounded soldiers, but everything is somehow cheerful, active, lively, we... are not discouraged, here we have a medic preparing painkillers for evacuation, val, let's do it here, please, we'll look at the abdominal cavity there, yes, there is a penetrating chest wound, but without hydropneumothorax, at least according to the x-ray, let's see, there is symphysematous stenosis, let's look at the subject of drainage, when you were injured, tonight, at night. let's help him together,
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let's do it quietly, come on, come on, come on, come on, lie down, lie down, brother, lie down, lie down , lie down, lie down, lie down, let's do it cleanly, we need to see the fluids, and i think we'll leave it like this, we're doing an x-ray examination of the soldiers' wounds here, we'll take pictures now and decide on tactics, what to do next, well, that's all for now, how are you? the mood is great, as they say, the food is good, i don't want to go on vacation, i love my homeland, well, that's the mood, despite the fact that the work is not easy, but we do it with a smile on our eyes and lips, so we manage to help our soldiers, today, on their professional holiday , military doctors continue to work on...
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continue to save the lives of our soldiers, about brave doctors, today's program, i was born on sakhalin, my father is a pilot, a mid-air pilot, he flew mig- 29s, and we constantly traveled around our vast homeland, the extreme point, that's where my father was transferred, just before the collapse of the countries of the soviet union, it was just crimea, kerch, my grandfather wanted me to become a sailor, and my father... wanted me to become a pilot, well, in the end i became neither a sailor nor a pilot, i became a military medic, why crosshairs, you know, to show and a thing, but to press, the first time i went to donbass, it was may of the fourteenth year, after the sad events, i took part - in the battles of poceur grave, it was dmitrievka, dibrovka, there i received a severe concussion, right up until may of the fifteenth year i served in the ghost brigade, the realization. that i wanted to become a medic,
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came when my friend was seriously wounded, in fact, few of us knew what to do, thanks to this i went to study at a medical college, so divinely fragmentation, bend your legs a little, die, warm up, let them let you do something like that, muscle whine, if you want, scream, hurray, i also graduated from the naval school and before the events of the maidan events i went to sea, most likely, when the situation in the world improves, i will be demobilized from the army, i will come to my native crimea, i will go to the russian powder shipping company, and i will do what i used to do in peacetime, go to seas. we have in our studio military medic alexey kuzmin with the call sign sailor. hello, hello, hello, hello. grandfather
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wanted a sailor, father wanted a pilot, and you became a military medic, yes, i became a military medic, how did it happen, in the fourteenth year i went to donbass for the first time, when we already had a referendum in crimea. volunteers, that is, people tried to stop the equipment themselves, all this i very carefully there was no such thing there non-russian collected information, when they already became, well, who can, who wants to come help, i arrived in rostov, 2 weeks of accelerated training, having already arrived in donbass, accordingly, the first time we encountered each other, it was during the storming of dmitrievka, in my opinion, there was a ukrainian border checkpoint there, well , these comrades did not resist for long, but all the same, there were losses on our side, that on their
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side there were wounded, yes, we had wounded guys then and in our entire unit there were about 50-60 of us, one medic for such a crowd, it was very few. i became friends with this medic, together with him we kind of became to help him, well, so bring it, that is , training, accordingly, the basics of first aid were already in place, everything, and i realized that i needed to know more than i knew then, providing assistance in real combat conditions, when a fighter is really seriously wounded, how much this is the first time without a medical education, how difficult it is psychologically.
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most of them were militia, well, and accordingly weapons too, by the way, as now in the sov zone there was no such thing either, neither they nor we had more bullets, he had a bullet in his chest, all i remembered was that he needed to be anesthetized, examined, anesthetized, well, according to these instructions , it immediately turned on in my head, i taped the wound, bandaged it, pulled it back, saved the man, yes, yes, the guy left, then to russia to the hospital, i see that you even now have a first aid kit with you, well , i always carry it with me, because the situation was like this, even we were driving through the city and just in front of us there was an accident, yes , it turns out that in the rear there was already just an ordinary civil, yes, an ordinary civil accident, there the driver exceeded the speed limit, it turns out
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, crashed into a zil, everything, he was thrown out of the car, his arms and legs were broken, something had to be done, well, i agree, well, i already had experience , it's a miracle that a military medic was nearby, because he can... understand, show, provide assistance, help others understand how it 's done. we also have guys in the studio now, young army men, including those studying medicine, yes, guys, tactical medicine courses, you're going through it, come out to us, what 's your name, yes, guys, just introduce yourself, piterikov matvey, young soldier, piterikov david yanormeets, hello guys, alexey, maybe we should show the guys a tactical first aid kit, yes, let's discuss it, i have a small mini-master class with me. first aid kit, nothing should fall out of the first aid kit when you open it, they come in different formats, but everything should be there, if not on special tourniquets, everything should be tied up, guys, sit closer too,
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so that you can see, there is also a pillbox just in case, and so the minimum set in the first aid kit, it should be a tourniquet, individual dressing pack, now modern ones are used, we call them bandages, well, and a kind of different bandages, this first aid kit is considered the second echelon, we doctors usually say the golden hour, this is our tourniquet, the tourniquet should easily come out of you, the tourniquet folds in such a way that it can be easily used when applying, guys, you are taking courses in tactical medicine, what kind of classes do you have, and we have tactical medicine, they show us, teach us first aid, how much?
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alexey, and you can just comment on how correct it is, yes, the whole action, well, now matvey will show us, that is, it means, a scam. let's record, yes, a tourniquet, yes, no better, higher, well, don't tighten it too much, no need, well, okay, let's say, here for, and here we record the time, but usually it is better to record on the forehead or on the cheeks, i have guys with whom, well, from my gate, we train with them constantly, every day we have classes not only on tourniquet, well, in general , a full course of medicine in the field, and you how often do you guys train, every week, guys, thank you, we will wish you success in your future classes in tactical medicine, for now, thank you for taking part,
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you, alexey, were often in dangerous situations, working at the front, and you had to provide assistance to yourself for wounds, well, yes, in february i was wounded, it turns out - three hundred soldiers died, and it was not far from our medical dugout, well , we heard the scream, i moved out after him, there was usually a sniper working there, well, there was no time to think much there to hide from him, already running up to the third one, i start to pull him away, two bullets hit the bulletproof vest and one hit the leg, well , i got wounded in the left leg, well, really lucky that the bone wasn't hit, it was poured, it turns out i pulled this one away, i look at him there too, he's like, visually intact, there 's also a limb, there was also a leg, well, he already set himself on fire, well, he set himself on fire, grabbed this one by the scruff of the neck and with one leg
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, this is also an attitude towards water, that is, we have no difference, here's one of the moments when
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our guys, my razvidos, took the dugout, one there he tried to resist, he was unlucky, and the other two surrendered, here is one of these comrades, he was so heavy, three hundred, well, when they brought him to me at the dugout, they didn’t even abandon him, they just knew that he was wounded, they dragged him there, too, understand that the group ripped him open, that is, they packed everything up, re-anesthetized him, they waited until the evening of the evacuation,
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alexey, now you are on vacation for a while, but we know that you managed to do a very important thing, you had a wedding, we have a video, let's watch it, i'm giving it to you marriage certificate with secret number 001, to kiss with rings, goodbye freedom. come on, we proclaim you husband and wife, hurray, bitter. elena and alexey got married in march of this year. according to the laws of wartime , they were registered by the commander of the special forces medical detachment. well, and already in august elena and alexey formalized their relationship according to all civil rules in the legislative assembly. dear alexey and alena. today is the long-awaited day of your life. you are creating a family, it was love that led you to this decision to unite your
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hearts, creating a family is the beginning of something new, good wonderful period in your life. august 9, 2024, in the palace of marriage number 4 of the city of moscow, register your marriage, from this moment my husband and wife, congratulate each other. what a joyful event, why two weddings after all? well, we have long wanted to register somewhere. in the eighteenth year lena was going to come, but covid broke out, i went to work in the hospital covid orderly, and where lena was going to come from, well, she lives in spain, in general, although she is russian herself, but she has been living there for more than 20 years in spain, we will see each other on my vacation, this is once every six months, let's invite your wife here, elena, come in, elena konstantinova, alexey's wife, hello,
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hello, hello, congratulations, congratulations, thank you, a double wedding is always nice. for health reasons, if necessary, well, and i see the bird the wedding still had to hide somewhere, tell us how you met alexey, it was interesting how we met, i've just been going to donbass with the guys for many years, with the italians, with the spaniards, from turkey, from france, that the guys are volunteers, and we help, well, and also. i wanted to see with my own eyes everything that was happening in donbass, it started before the svo, you started, 6th year, fifteenth, and we came to the ghost brigade, when i returned home, to spain, i saw one video, the ghost brigade, well, i liked the boy , such a cute one, yes, there was a boy, a boy, cute in the video, so shy,
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well, somehow he got into it, he got into my soul, that is, from one frame, how many seconds were there we... now we can evaluate, let's watch this video that caught your attention, what kind of boy is he there's one, here, here he is, here he is, this. from the frame, yes, so, i counted 4 seconds, that is, you saw alexey eating stew, yes, you fell in love, yes, what was it in these frames that
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struck you, his smile, really, in a few seconds you could appreciate this, yes, yes, why are you laughing, alexey? touching, well, yes, elena, well, it turns out that you fell in love first, he didn't know anything about you yet, how and how did you manage to organize the first date, find, yes, there was some desire, yes, to catch him, you met the guys with the military from the ghost brigade, friendly relations began, i saw his photo, i applied for here it is, this shy smile, yes, an application for
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friends. there it was already, well, it was all clear that nothing good would happen, in 2013, when the maidan began, i watched it all closely on tv, then on the internet too, i understood that something terrible would happen in ukraine, the leader of the rock band basotti contacted me, it is an italian pan-group, they travel around countries helping humanitarian aid, they went to syria, to palestine, well, and you said anti-fascist convoys to donbass, that is, you traveled as part of the same convoys, yes, what caravans, caravans, anti-fascist caravans, just the basot gangs also went there, what kind of help is this, yes, how the europeans helped and are helping donbass, they help, this is help, this is, for example, school supplies, help for orphanages,
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medicine, they do charity concerts with... let's see, since september 2014 we have been traveling to donbass with a project that we organized with the basot group, it is called an anti-fascist caravan, when we saw, what... may 2, 2014, we decided to bring aid to donbass, document everything, make videos, photos, interviews, to show
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europe, which calls itself civilized, but is not, what happened in donbass, because television, propaganda is a weapon in the hands of nato, the us congress, which completely misinforms the population, we tried to show a different vision, to show what really happened in donbass.
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so the italians are heard and it is nice to hear them, who is this person, tell us a little about him tell me, because we are a very good friend of mine, his name is david cacion, he is the leader of the basotti group, he has the basotti gang written on the back, yes, he also writes books, every visit we make to donbass, he writes books, everything he saw, photographs, all this is shown in italy, people have a different idea, yes, can you remember such cases when you talked. with europeans, with italians, with your friends in spain, who suddenly opened their eyes to the event in donbass, when the svo began, of course, the propaganda was terrible on tv, and i,
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for example, at work, my directors asked me, well, tell us, what's the matter, they knew that i was going to donbass, they knew that the war did not start in 2022, i'm trying to tell, i'm trying to show videos, i'm trying to show photos. i'm telling, they didn't believe, at first they doubted, but then no longer, when a lot of videos started appearing, when i was already filming and showing videos myself, then they already believed everything and don't trust television, many even stopped at all watch television, european, we also organize a kind of meeting, about 50 people gather and also show everything that really happens on... thank you for this work, it is very important that they see the truth there too. later in the program, alexey kuzmin met with his fellow soldiers a year later, what
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his comrades in arms will tell you about. hello, this is a number, didn't expect that? no, of course, i will come to you.
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we invite you to the swiss hotel sharm el-sheikh, the first swiss hotel in the world operating on an all-inclusive basis. give yourself a vacation, where elegance and natural beauty merge into perfect harmony. create memories that will remain forever in your heart. svisotel sharmel sheikh is your perfect place in the heart of the city. oh my god, this is alena, my fiancée. on friday, i will never believe in my life that this is a miracle.
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"your fiancée, she is a swindler, as long as i am alive, there will be no marriage there, and what can be done for this, leave my fiancée alone, i understand, i am confused, alena, i need you, a reward awaits the finder, on friday on rtr. international sports and music festival, i want thank the countries that came to us, these are kazakhstan, belarus, uzbekistan, china, cuba, fantastic colors, unforgettable rhythms. on the stage are the stars,
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the children's rhythmic gymnastics festival alina. we are all doing a good thing together, sunday on rtr. earlier in the program, field medic alexey kuzmin, call sign sailor , checked the skills of first aid. among the young army men, that is, you put it on, fix it, and tourniquet it, and here i recorded the time, like this, yes, they just fix it and stick it somewhere, and elena konstantinova told how she first saw her future husband on the internet, and he wrote to me, and who are you, where are you from, maybe you are a spy, alexey, and lena, we know that you have a daughter, she was born in spain, yes, she speaks
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russian, she...
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some laws have legalized minors that they can change their gender without their parents' permission, if the parents are against it, the parents can simply deprive them of parental rights. len, well, you said yourself, we manage to see each other once every six months, here we have a video of such a meeting, let's take a look, well, now here is finally the long-awaited meeting, i'm a little nervous. i won't start, hello, hello, hello, how are you, victory, oh, so grown up already, for this, get off, oops, why are you barefoot, hello, flowers for the kids
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, ice cream, bien, neno, contento, sí. contented happy, selfie, and the selfie itself, alexey hasn't seen his daughter since 2018, he saw how she grew up, although we communicate via... video zone, but now we can finally go for a walk somewhere all together, hug, kiss, bask, the feeling is wonderful, simply superb, i'll demobilize from the army, we'll live together
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for good, i think we'll live in russia, in rostov or in crimea, such touching shots, meetings, even now you can see how nastya misses her dad, now i'm coming home, dad, look. show me how you love dad, i understood without translation, you see, love, it doesn't need a translator, there are no words, everything is clear, nastya, we want to give you a small gift, such russian symbols, the main thing, of course, is to learn russian, russian dad, you have one, yes, and this is russian and russian culture, russian culture, of course, russian culture is not only matryoshka, bololaika, but these are our brightest symbols, which by the way. and now we will try to play something for you, so that you could touch russian culture inside 10 mareshki, that
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's how you can play on this and for your italian friends too. you can note an interesting musical instrument, matryoshka is living history, yes, of course, our culture is only its small plastic, big, huge russian culture, wonderful writers, we have gorgeous music, immerse yes daughter just when you move here to russia, alexey, well, yesterday we walked, walked around red square, walked, walked all day, and even bought a kokoshnik, we already have a kokoshnik, bala. our folk and kokoshnik, nothing, asked mom something, nastya, yes, it's interesting, she's interested in something about gifts, yes, she just wanted a matryoshka yesterday, is it true that our dreams come true, and how good
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that she's here in the studio today, but alexey, as i understand it, now the vacation ends very quickly, don't get ready to return to work again, of course, of course, well the guys are waiting for me there until we defeat this fascism. ukrainian, the most disgusting, probably, fascism that exists in the world, how - these ukrainian authorities torture their own people, you know, again, if we return to the issue of prisoners of war, even that wounded man had two summonses with him, and two fines of 200,000 hryvnia, they just came to the field, he was working on a tractor, their tetsk workers packed him up and sent him literally 2 weeks of training there to fight, on the third day he ended up in captivity, that's all, that is... the man he didn't go to the last to this, this is where their government is pushing into this meat grinder, there are a lot of such people, you, why do you come back, what amazes me most is when fighters come to our program, you are a military medic, but every
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time you say, i will definitely come back, my guys are waiting for me there, and you, like no one else, know exactly about the dangers of the work of a military medic, we often film reports, our colleagues from the news, let's just look at fragments of these stories. magnifications work wonders, save lives where you yourself can't just survive, after serious injuries they stabilize the condition of soldiers in the field , provide assistance, stop the bleeding, stabilize the person there, they also take the wounded out from under fire, military doctors do not just evacuate, on the move, moving off-road, they resuscitate their patients, where it is impossible to get, they make their way by land transport by air, counted. minutes for landing, the transport mi8 lifts the slave and leaves with wounded soldiers to the pain hospital. airmobile hospitals, which are equipped practically on the front lines, are always in
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all weapons. military doctors here are of various profiles, from surgeons to dentists. after all , patients come to them not only with wounds. the holy of holies of the field hospital is the small operating room. surgeons work. military doctors also provide assistance to the civilian population around the clock, residents of donbass, who for years lived under shelling could only dream of professional medicine, now come for consultations. this is when fear fades into the background, professionalism and luck come to the fore, where can we go without it, especially when there is no an exploded shell, it is very dangerous, but it is necessary to pull it out, we will continue to work for the glory of russia 24/7 in order to win the special military operation, which we will definitely do. brave masters of their craft every day with their invaluable work make
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it clear that the patient's life is more important than their own, it makes no difference whether to save a soldier or a civilian, this is their professional duty, which they perform courageously and with honor. we would like to be out of work, honestly, we wanted all the guys to be healthy and not needed our hands. well, and state awards, although absolutely deserved, are. say the doctors themselves, a pleasant bonus to the main result of their work: thousands of saved lives. brotherhood in arms, military doctors. alexey, tell us, how do you support each other with colleagues in difficult times? like all people, like us, the same people as ordinary soldiers, everything is always divided in half, all the hardships and joys of military service. and tell us about your comrades in arms? my gatekeeper, always nearby, always at the forefront, this is terek. captain of the tereks, commander of my company,
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makar, this is the deputy company commander, that is, this company generally lives on the front line. alexey, now a person will come to our studio, also a close comrade of yours, you have not seen each other for more than a year, but you also served shoulder to shoulder in it. yes, we are meeting your comrade, let's invite ivan to the studio, our guest is ivan stukalenko with the call sign klayt. oh, wow! how we crossed paths and what were the first ones, i don't know,
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immediately the chemistry of the relationship, friendship and military brotherhood, yes of course, straight away into battle, yes yes, well, that is, him and his comrade are there too they threw us to reinforce, it turns out to us, as soon as they saw a common language, they found there, to save people, well, yes, yes, yes, they talked about the fact that if, for example, some kind of shrapnel wound, to save the blood there inside the body, what to put there, some such detailed things are important. for work, and how did you end up at the front, i was sitting at home, i realized that i can’t sit it out, i looked on the internet, i found it and went, well, you were already a trained medic , namely, at that time i was studying in college, now i have finished it , i asked for time off in college, well, i went, there are some bright stories that connect you with alexey, when alexey appeared at all, the first thing he did was to restore order to the positions, fortifications , all the tactical moves, everything worked out, the guys fortified. then later it helped them a lot, the first missile
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flew to the guys, it exploded on the net, it gave them a few seconds to get out, and then the second one already covered them, you said, the doc saved hundreds of lives, are you keeping track of the lives saved, or are you not in time, well, it's not that we are not in time, that's it, the person survived, that's it, well, ticks should i put it like, i'm a good guy, this is my job, i have to save lives, do you have the same for me, right? of course, that is, you don't even know how many, how many you were able to save, the worst case is that i was already leaving the position, the enemy was pressing, i went out there on the hill to the position, a beacon came on the radio that someone from battalion 300, but if it weren't for him, there was a guy there, he had a bad land, and at that time the situation turned out to be such that drones flew in, in general, and f1 was thrown, it turned out to be a shrapnel scattering. it was very big, and there a fellow countryman
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took almost all the shrapnel, and it all happened literally in the evening, when i had already started to patch it up, there were a lot of holes, lightly pierced, to see what needed to be patched up, as if i had turned on a headlamp, then an enemy mortar started working on me , getting closer, closer, closer, like a target, well of course there, that is, you can immediately see everything in the distance, well, there are already shrapnel nearby, when they started whistling, they quickly threw it into the trophy ural there. well, i mean the motorcycle and then they pulled out the ural, as it were our motorcycle was punctured there died at the end they started to drag it there that is up the hill. so we ran to the nearest patch of land alexey brought him here and he is also lively people, military medics, a real feat every day, the reward is a saved life. further in the program, who is grateful to field medic alexey kuzmin for help and support on
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the front line? you in the car off-road with a flashlight, right in the car you took out shrapnel from me, bandaged my hands. we arrived, granny, what a bag, and this is ours the new neighbor, you must admit, is a very bright woman, and what can be wrapped in a carpet, only a corpse, sergey peregudov, you will be.
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the water park for children, lush green gardens , the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable impressions in rixa. premium siagate. rixos premium seagate. new, incredible stories of foreigners in russia. how a seventy-four-year-old briton turned from a coal magnate into a russian farmer and met the love of his life. on healthy. why did a fifty-eight-year-old portuguese leave european resorts and settle on the banks of the yenisei? this is my place of power. and also the thirty-seven-year-old princess of gabon. she found happiness in russia after escaping. from an african gang of criminals. i am very glad that i ended up in russia. malakhov, today on rtr. earlier in the program , special operation participant field medic alexei kuzmin told why he chose a dangerous but
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noble profession. you need to save a life because it is your comrade. all this literally flies by instantly, you not only provide assistance, you also have to monitor. you don't think about yourself anymore, and military doctor ivan stukalenko with the call sign klayt shared his memories of saving soldiers on the front lines. when i had already started to patch it up, there were a lot of holes, light, broken, to see what to patch up, as if i had lit a headlamp, then an enemy mortar started working on me. alexey, now we have a video from a person who will never forget you, i am grateful to you for life. let's watch, hello, sailor, long time no see. a year has passed since the moment of defense, but i am still undergoing treatment, but this does not prevent me from carrying out the assigned tasks, let's say, in a slightly different direction. i would like to send you a big hello and a huge thank you from the guys, all the guys you helped, whom you helped in the evacuation, i remember as if it was only yesterday, the night nothing foreshadowed trouble, then bang, and i am already sitting in the dugout,
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my commander and other guys are rewinding me, injecting me with painkillers, calming me down, they say that soon everything will be fine, soon there will be an evacuation, brings me to the evacuation point at this moment, when they are just bringing me, a uaz drives up, you jump out of it together with a psycho, push me into this uaz, so without roads in this darkness you take me to the hospital, and what really delighted me is that despite all these listed factors, you in a car off-road with a headlamp right in the car took out shrapnel from me, bandaged my hands, this is simply worthy of great respect, the work of a doctor is huge. risk, let's say, first of all for a person, because he risks himself, gets the wounded on the battlefield, helps them without sparing himself, his life, so i u... say 100%, you are worthy of this, this, this position, this work, and you fully justify the trust placed in you
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, hope, once again thank you very much, see you. alexey, tell us about this guy, who is he? well, this is a platoon commander, the guy himself in donetsk, graduated from the donetsk military school, came to serve with us and they were covered with cassettes, there were serious injuries, i just happened to leave the position, they sent me, i just... just got to the location , then i came on the radio, they said 300, the platoon commander, a young guy, that's it, i immediately unrolled a loaf, not even a loaf, we had one then, on a vaz on a goat on a regular one , well, that's it, i got there, picked him up, i see, the situation is serious, we had to do everything quickly, stabilize, give infusions, one of the many people you saved, not the only one, yes, together with your comrades you are doing a great job, let's call another one your... soldier, friend, dmitry, dmitry tukhvatulin, we have you in the studio today, hello, let's meet, hello,
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hello, hello, hello, hello, tell us about your everyday life at the front, what connects you with alexey, well , what connects us with alexey is, first of all, our acquaintance in the twenty-second year in the volunteer battalion, now. business, the people's front, and many humanitarian organizations in this sense do so that our soldiers at the front can perform their
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tasks more effectively so that doctors do not need anything, let's see, well, that's how it is with us our comrade will go there, zhenya is pecking there, we drove with... humanitarian aid to the guys, brought a little bag, the most important thing was driven in, now it will be put to use, they loaded us up a little more, from here we are moving out already like this somehow, the reconnaissance company expresses its enormous gratitude to the group everything for the front, everything for the victory for the quadcopter provided, all this that was brought. all this is vitally important, if it weren't for you, we would n't have lasted here, dimka gave us
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a generator, the generator came from mikhail drozdova, thank you very much, brothers and sisters, thank you for the assistance provided to the svo, especially the dressing material, hemostatic sponges, the rap system, everything for us, victory will be ours.
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who are you saving, for example, we carried one comrade in our arms in a tent, this comrade was very heavy, literally, that is , very heavy in weight, we simply carried him, and so he also had shrapnel, and we told him there, there are beautiful nurses waiting for you in the hospital to lift your spirits, everything will be fine with your blood pressure, yes now there's a little humor left there. military doctors say that he's pretty black, really, no, no, we kind of stayed positive the whole time, here's
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another fighter, call sign, unfortunately, i don't remember, it turned out that... a drone covered him, he simply went out of the basement to make himself some noodles, and as if both his lower limbs were wounded, so the whole way he kept thinking about these noodles, it would be better not to eat them, yes, well, and you support morale and calm down in such a situation, after all, guys remember this with humor, although we are talking about injury, but today is the day of the military medic and...
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not only, but brings some, so to speak, peace and health to people, may god grant you many, many, many summers. nurses, orderlies, doctors, i want to say a huge thank you for your work, thank you from those guys you carried out from the battlefield, happy holidays, our dear medics, i hug you all and may god bless you. dear colleagues, dear brothers and sisters, all who are now providing assistance to our soldiers on the front lines, in hospitals, in the rear, simply helping in rehabilitation, you are incredible people, we are all proud of you, you are a huge incredible family of military medicine, our russian medicine, which is now showing that very valor of ours, i am proud, i bow low, warmth to all of us, a speedy victory, and victory will be
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ours, we join these huge congratulations. thank you to all military doctors, we congratulate you on your professional holiday, we wish you good health, spirit and unquenchable energy, thank you for your work, friends, thank you very much, thank you, take care of yourself, thank you, i am not a doctor, but you help, whoever helps a doctor is also a doctor, this was our program, about our best people, remember that the most important day in life is today, well, and we will see each other on the next broadcast. on the russia channel, right now, watch the vesti program. the most blessed mother of the lord did not really die, as people usually die, but
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rather fell into a short, peaceful sleep, saint john of kronstadt taught on this day. is it not because we are so lazy in conquering passions and evil inclinations in ourselves, that we are weak faith in the life of the next century, but it is as certain as our present life. today the orthodox church celebrates one of the great 20th holidays, the dormition of the most holy theotokos. he was a remarkable natural scientist, an honorary member of the st. petersburg academy of sciences, as the creator and collector of the most representative collection of minerals in europe. he studied astronomy, zoology, anthropology and botany, worked on the theory of color, argued with newton, whom he openly called a charlatan, he left 143 volumes of works and more than 13 thousands of letters. 275 years ago, on august 28 , 1749, johann wolfgang goethe was born, that 25 years ago in voronezh, the eldest of ten children
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, andrei platonov was born. from stalin's side , persecution in printed publications, arrest, death of his son, war and incurable disease. his life was ugly, mercilessly distorted, - wrote veniam koverin. "double martyrdom, it was embodied in his language, beautifully heavy, this is the weight of noble metal. official recognition of platonov began only in the late eighties of the last century, the most his significant works are chivengur, juvenile sea, kotlovan and other stories and short stories. having emerged from literary oblivion, he immediately became a classic. during his lifetime , the writer liked to repeat napoleon's aphorism glory, sun.
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after the release of the film, the unknown vladimir ivashov in the mik became a world celebrity. in the 1970-80s, ivashov was one of the most sought-after actors. with the onset of perestroika, everything changed. in the period without time, heroes like ivashov could not exist. he starred in almost 50 films, but the film ballad of a soldier remained so in his destiny number one, as ivashov himself remained alyosha skvortsov for millions of viewers.
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today vladimir ivashov could have turned 85 years old. today is august 28 , 2024. in my life there was one unpleasant hereditary disease that just almost destroyed my life. nikita efremov, you are engaged in the acting profession, and they tell you, why are you doing this, you do not need to go in this direction, go somewhere else, that now i need to become some kind of great, what about you, do not disgrace, not this, not that, not that, change your destiny, not changing my calling, i had 10 projects in a row, that is, i had somewhere three, four or even more months, there were two days off a month, workaholicism is, of course, a perfect state, but... on the other hand, this is a natural state in well, in our profession, a workaholic, any workaholic, he somehow or other runs away from something in my opinion, until he finishes some story in his family
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related to self-destruction, this is my best role at the moment. two vernik-2 on friday on rtr. hello on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in studios denis polanchukov and the main thing at this hour. russian troops destroyed a warehouse with haimars in the sumy region, from where the ukrainian armed forces.


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