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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  August 28, 2024 9:05pm-9:21pm MSK

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you are preparing to go on air, we will use the remaining minute before the regional part to turn on gtrk kaliningrad, marina morozova is already in the studio in kaliningrad at the site of the avtotor company today a plant for the production of electric motors was opened. hello, igor, yes, the enterprise will be able to manufacture 60,000 units per year. to work on the production line, engineers and workers have undergone special training. engines with a capacity of up to 140 kw can be used in trucks and cars. project is being implemented within the framework of a special investment contract between avtotor and the russian ministry of industry and trade and the regional government. this is only the first plant in the plans for the construction of eleven more high-tech enterprises. let's wish all our colleagues a good broadcast, and we'll see the residents of moscow and the moscow region in a few seconds. in the capital, a court has sentenced
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members of a gang of apartment raiders led by a former criminal from perm. we have repeatedly told how they bought up shares in the homes of muscovites and settled so-called professional neighbors. three episodes were proven, but there were many more victims. report by yaroslav krosienko. also, the three of them, as they were brought to the court hearing, viktor zaitsev, anton kondorev and oleg tsarev came to the owners of moscow apartments, blackmailed them. and threatened with violence, did not force anyone, i swear on my mother, all this continued for several years, the raiders were detained in the summer of 2022, and today the judge read out the verdict. to assign punishment to anton valerievich kondurev, because imprisonment for a term of 7 years with serving the sentence to fulfill to a general regime colony. tsarev was given 6 years, zaitsev four, they made offers to their victims that were hard to refuse, having a share in the apartment, they demanded to sell the remaining part for next to nothing. they gave them unbearable
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living conditions, they moved in so-called professional neighbors, they organized damage to property and unsanitary conditions, the owners of the apartments , mostly single women or old people , had no opportunity to resist the raiders, so that decisions would be made faster, they moved in drug addicts. they us beaten for several years, the apartment was smashed to zero, only walls remained, no dishes, nothing, everything was smashed, then they set up a hostel, we... if the owners of the property did not give in to pressure, the raiders changed the doors in the apartments and did not let the owners in. so, do not touch the locks, do not touch the locks. don't pay attention, guys , those who recently felt like they were the masters of life are clearly unhappy with the sentences. if you wanted to know the truth, you would have taken an interview. do you not need the truth? i think that innocent people are now sitting in custody. and
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received a guilty verdict, that is, all three of them are not guilty of anything, i am personally convinced, and the defender of those whose lives kondorev tsarev zaitsev turned into hell, believe that the punishment does not correspond to the true scale of the criminal group's activities. this case is certainly not over, let 's face it, this is such a small fragment of episodes of dozens, which are approaching 100, victims who still cannot enter the apartment, there are also a huge number of them, and they only brought in... three episodes, but three episodes were enough to make the capital's real estate market safer. this paddy wagon will deliver kondarev and his accomplices from the courthouse to the pre-trial detention center for the last time today, but formally today's verdict did not put an end to this case. the defendants have another 15 days to appeal it. yaroslav krasienko, gennady talochkin and anastasia fenogenova. vesti. the most important event in the development of rail transport.
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the first unmanned swallow in russia began transporting passengers of the moscow central circle today, the train moves without the participation of the driver, he only monitors the operation of the systems, this is the so-called third level of automation, at the fourth maximum there will be no person in the cabin at all, how is safety ensured, alexey knor found out. you can’t immediately tell that this is the first swallow from the outside, no differences inside the car, if you don’t look closely, also all at once...
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but on the other hand, why not, you can try, it will be safe, for i think that this is extreme on the one hand, the developers guarantee safety, the unmanned train was tested for 8 years. smoke bombs and spotlights were thrown at the testing ground, all our cameras were illuminated, a huge number of tests, therefore all types of obstacles that could exist, we checked, generalized, and several types of tests are carried out, that is, we conduct tests at our testing ground, an additional digital testing ground, a simulator, here is one of such
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tests on the tracks a person who does not respond to train signals, the train slows down smoothly stops, tests proved, unlike the human... the artificial eye will not get blurred, especially since the driverless train has many eyes, thermal imagers, day and night vision cameras, and the reaction speed is higher a person on average makes a decision in 1.2 seconds the algorithm, in just 3. we did it faster than others, we developed state standards in 2022, well, almost a year and a half earlier than our foreign colleagues, here it is today in normal operation. with a set of all the documents that are necessary for railway rolling stock for first of all, to ensure safety, but this is not the limit, soon swallows will fly along the moscow central circle without any drivers, they promise to finish the test by the middle of next year. alexey
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knor, valery kupri, andrey semenov, anastasiagenova, news. now briefly about other events, hot weather will last in the capital region until the beginning of september, now the metropolis is in the zone of a powerful anticyclone, so ... until the end of the week the temperature will remain stably above normal, night hours on thermometers will be about +15, and during the day up to +28. about 300,000 muscovites will be able to find a job near home after implementing a special city program involving private investment. more than 200 facilities, an industrial complex, an office center, logistics parks, schools, kindergartens, and clinics are planned to be built for more than two trillion rubles. some of them are already ready and the city has received 10,000 jobs. the prosecutor's office is investigating. who and how handed over a one-and-a-half-month-old lion cub to a veterinary clinic, and how was it acquired? the owners did not leave any documents for the animals, according to veterinarians, the lion cubs seriously ill, severely exhausted, now he faces treatment and rehabilitation. deputies
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propose to oblige motorcycle owners to install a device that reduces noise levels. now night biker rides do not give rest to local residents. meanwhile , motorcyclists claim that the loud exhaust. special shig, while some are relaxing to the fullest to ride so that the whole area can hear, a coil, local residents do not have time to sleep, the noise world is off the scale, no one remembers that families live here insanely loudly, neither double nor triple glazing saves, and this is arbat,
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use special inserts in mufflers within the city limits, this is the proposal we sent to the ministry of internal affairs, because we have a bill adopted in the first reading, where cameras with sound will be allowed to record these noises, but these cameras are still only working in test mode, the so-called flute helps to reduce the noise level, namely
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, a factory design, and for this they can install a flute according to the standards, which means intervening in a fine. we need to fight excess noise not by installing some additional devices, which is prohibited, you need to fight against excessive noise by catching those who change, make some changes to their cars and motorcycles. instead of a standard muffler, those who like to make noise put the so-called straight-through muffler, the exhaust goes straight without noise suppression. a straight-through muffler is ... not evil, if it is factory, standard, many motorcycles have it, evil is
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just a homemade hole, noise is not radio fun, experienced motorcyclists assure, it is a way to declare yourself in the traffic flow, when you are rushing at high speed, it turns out that the volume of a motorcycle is directly related to safety, with such loud statements, of course, the residents of the houses under whose windows they happen will argue, now the fine for noisy driving is only 500 rubles. but the mechanism for measuring the volume has not been worked out, and you can’t keep up with everyone with a noise meter. kirillo popov, vladislav duvtsov, dmitry nikrasov, ilona agasieva. vesti. the investigative committee is checking the legality of the mass sale of municipal lands. businessmen put unsightly sheds on the plots, register them as capital building and buy the land for ridiculous amounts, and then resell it many times more expensive. report by alexander karpov. how much did they initially buy these plots for 20% or 3% of the cadastral value? i have no idea.
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what is the little house made of? tell me, where is its foundation, where are its walls? i don’t know that. these little sheds are, in fact, evidence of a crime. residents of the third picturesque street of noginsk near moscow watch with amazement the migration of the same little houses across municipal and public lands. after such an anomaly, the plots invariably go under the hammer. well, from... this street, the houses were transported here behind the fir trees to a parallel street, houses appear that are built in half a day, these houses are registered as a capital structure, you know, you know, of course, but in fact this is a nef-nif house, so, well, if you spit on it, it will fall apart, everything is sold, right down to the former garbage dump and the playground, we also put a price on five hundred square meters right above the sewer pipe, 1 million 650, how is the property, the purchase agreement sales in the administration bought. it is
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legal, in fact, palms off a quarter of the former municipal plot, which was previously entirely leased at auction for 618 thousand. activists are sure, it is a criminal scheme. specially trained people come to these auctions, they regularly win these auctions, after that the administration according to the terms of the contract a residential house is supposedly built. allows to buy out approximately 20% of the cadastral value of this land plot the moment of truth the door to one of the pig houses was open now we will see what's inside oh my god it really wobbles from the slightest touch how does anyone officially register such decorations made of nonsense sticks as capital buildings this is the main question here the news correspondent got stuck in the wall accidentally piercing it with his finger the twin house on...
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sergey, don't leave, talk to us, please, where did you go? in neighboring kupavna, the investigative committee of the ministry of internal affairs has been conducting an investigation for six months into the facts of land fraud, here again, here they are, migrating houses, the owner, i don't know, we were told disassemble, here we are disassembling, where is the house being transported, where are you transporting it, nowhere, so, and when was it built? last year, probably, there is a complete deforestation, which is being transferred to
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lands of some unclear purpose, to which the ministry of forestry answered us that this is not a forest, grassy vegetation, centuries-old grassy vegetation is disappearing before our eyes behind blind private fences, as far as i know, nikitin and rimkevich won the auctions for these areas, they are visible directly.


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