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tv   Dozhd na iskhode leta  RUSSIA1  August 28, 2024 9:20pm-10:26pm MSK

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is introduced into lands of some unclear purpose, to which the ministry of forestry replied that this is not a forest, but grassy vegetation. the centuries-old grassy vegetation is disappearing before our eyes behind the blind private fences. as far as i know, nikitin and rimkevich won the auctions for these plots, there are direct signs of a criminal element, including corruption. we are probably talking about hundreds of plots, the question remains: if none of the participants in the scheme with ghost houses even hides that its goal is to divert state land, why law enforcement agencies still can't spot the crime. alexander karpov, silatsayevich and luna gasieva, news. that 's it for our issue, all news is always available on the media platform. watch in the app or on the website smoтри, right now on the channel new episodes of the melodrama rain at the end of summer.
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olga viktorovna dymova.
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hi, i'm from the night, two sharpenings, so i'm late, sorry to bother you, i just wasn't expecting you today. can you hear me? what-what? nothing. let's go home. let's go. on the second.
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dear passengers, please be careful, my passenger number 43 is arriving at the second point . well, finally, forgive me, the traffic jams are monstrous, i parked, god knows where, remnev, but my lunch ends in 15 minutes, we'll make it, you're certainly a handsome man, you yourself are so, and what's that changed face,
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what happened, my husband cheated on me, wait, it turns out it's so easy to say, my husband cheated, wait a second, that is, yours carefully, your faithful. but if we 've lived to see this, then the world has definitely gone crazy, carefully, and we know who his fighting girlfriend? ugh, this is m dymova olga viktorovna, i need help, i need her phone number, no problem at all, so do you know? do you want advice? please, just don't whine that i 'm humiliating myself with this. my dear, recently they conducted a study and patented a remedy for all-all these sufferings, antidepressants, let them drink it themselves, treat like with like.
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okay, okay, okay, okay, i was wrong, i lost my temper, i got carried away, i'll do everything, everything will be in the best possible way. this is gratitude, it's too much for flowers, an assistant, yes, always yours, treat like with like.
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hello, hello, thank you very much. mitya, what a sour face? i can't cancel this idiocy. parents roll out a response for admission. everything as it should be. dean, deputy dean, deputy department head, friends, comrades. and this whole event will take place at the dacha, and from there, well, very, very-very inconvenient to get to. it's a pity, of course. copper. poor borit, listen, you are so brave, patient, you don't even complain, i'm telling you, i will no longer go out on the night shift, listen, day and evening and at night a drip, i fall asleep already, you pay
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pennies, that go out, you know, sometimes people complain about their pain and sometimes. hates pain, sometimes they scream from pain, and does it happen so much? more, that they can neither complain, nor hate, nor scream, and from the outside they say, dude, you are somehow unshakable, somehow indifferent, you understand, i don't know. okay, i'll go then, don't be angry, connections, don't be
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sad. now i'll look in this column, yeah, no, no, now, now, now i'll look in another, no, now, wait, i'll open the right folder, vip, no, probably some kind of scary, so what? but smart, don't you think that all these mans, any in ponoroshku, i don't
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even want to talk about this topic, here are your false calls to me, how can i explain it, to simulants, by the way, i didn't fall in love with you from a photo, but after the second injection, how do you know, maybe this first injection was also from the series? "love me immediately, or you will never get up from this couch. alexander, yeah, a football player, yeah, from the minuses he recently underwent an operation on obaminiska, is he lame, now he is not, yeah, no, enough i don't need an artist, boris, well, let 's flip through, i adore you, very worthy, of the pluses 37 years old, here's a teapot, very..."
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how old, now 64, i got it, yes, we, soon the sweet table will be ready, here i can cut more, red crimean onion, it's terribly healthy, rita, do you like crimean, yes, it's sweet, yes, it's sweet, he says that it can be spicy. sweet, yeah, if the onion is very spicy, you need to pour boiling water over it and ryatul, do you hear who with boiling water mark boiling water and it's normal, dad, markova, rita, dad is talking about onions, and what does it have to do with girls, well because you you always want to give him an execution, who is this physicist, nuclear scientist, oh my god, stop, stop, and who is this brinet, he is my pride, a sea captain is almost never at home, but still a husband, no, well, i still want to be at home, well at home, well, i got it, i finished. now, stop, stop, stop, stop, who is this?
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oh, how cute, interesting, cute, interesting, really cute, oh, what a piercing look, i can't even believe that such a handsome man can't find a partner, it's even suspicious, daisy, i have no suspicious ones, my agency guarantees that you suffer, it's just that he's incredibly on markov. he stutters, that's why he's almost always silent, what to do, i don't know, i always said that stuttering is not a disadvantage, it's a and this is intrigue in another, yeah, and maybe something less intriguing, i talked to her this way and that, i don't know, is it possible, yeah, i can't convince her otherwise, stop, go already, i'm already embarrassed, now it's not right, girls, ladies, no, no. we're waiting for you, well no, tea is waiting too,
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and cakes, no, that's also somehow not very good, so, stop, stop, stop, come on, come on, no, i don't like that, well, yeah, yeah, that's not it, come on, no, no, very wealthy, by the way, gloomy, that's not handsome, no, well handsome, well gloomy, well gloomy, well, well, and you're perky!
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they say you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to know how to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax where there is sun and sea, on the first coastline, where everything is included except your head. we know everything about vacation. anex vodka pechora, a product of stellar group. immerse yourself in the world of luxury and comfort at rixsus golf villas and suyut sharmaь sheей. a magnificent world-class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons.
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enjoy contemporary design rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples. relax in comfort and style rixos golf villas and suits sharma. snop product of stellar group. allow yourself a first-class holiday slio reorts. elegant details. a feast of exquisite tastes. a variety of entertainment. product of stellar group.
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hello to the most beautiful woman in the world,
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do not be afraid this maniac stuck to the glass, scared, may i give you a bouquet? a bouquet? for what occasion? out of feelings or do you have nowhere to put your money? i'm kidding, the bouquet is beautiful. what's the scent? will i die if you don't feed me? what? where is our faithful? he's the varni changers. you don't have to whisper, i'll send you to the market. oh, you're such a handsome man, remnev, but what's the use, my dear. you're with dolsky, i can't take my eyes off you. as always, you're lying? as always, i'm lying! what's the news about men not taking money, take it up the ass, unexpectedly, and the bonus?
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her landline mobile phone, 87. hello, is this olga a. dymova? yes, it's me, introduce yourself, please, who are you? hello, i am
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lyudmila dolskaya, can i take a couple of minutes of your precious time? don't be scared, i will not make a scene and sort things out that cannot be sorted out. i have only one question for you: your husband claims that he has written off your relationship. is that true? he said so, wrote off your relationship? yes. what an interesting expression. lied? no, i didn't lie. come on in, it's funny. hi, kostya. greetings. hi, dear. mish, are you bored? guests are not in danger of death. "stay with us, let's have a bite to eat, have a drink, i'd be happy to, but the clients, wow, where are you going, you just bought it, we won't eat it in the evening, you'll
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make fish, yeah, come over to the get-together in the evening, we'll be glad, i'll try, go, i'll kiss you, look what flowers remnev gives me, just like that, well done, and i give you tomatoes, look how huge they are, oh, look, my god, they look like a baby's head, it's even scary, how you joke, le, and what kind of envelope is this, it's a bribe, and you took a lot of wine, you managed to invite petrushka, you think, let's go i'll go again, i need to think. lyush, what's that smell, what's so delicious you're cooking, please forgive me, i, i didn't mean to, it hurts,
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it hurts, very much. please forgive me, forgive me, i'm listening, forgive me, yeah, misha, not bad. did you make a mistake? so why go with zvinich? yeah,
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better to go. so, salad. salad is the most important thing. which one should i get? get pink.
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oling, hi, you won't believe it, i just came from a date, a wonderful man, a phd, an incredible intellectual, instead of flowers he gave me a book, an unknown poem by tsvetaeva, can you imagine, mom? "can you give me then you'll tell me about the professor about poetry, i can tell you nothing at all, as usual with your mother, you don't have time,
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stop, i'm collecting for the kindergarten." fishing, and what's wrong with your voice? nothing, olya, did something happen to you? olga, don't lie to me, a mother's heart feels everything, he didn't come back from china, he left me, what should i expect if he wants to get you back again, don't give in to this love scam. mom, i don't want to talk about it, and i'm not asking you. to talk about it, just promise me that you will unconditionally kick him out of your life this not young, young man.
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interesting movie, drunk happy guests are already sleeping ten times in their beds, and you 're fishing, i forgot, she was marinated. "i
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saw your face at the festive table, in a nutshell, what's going on, in a nutshell, i'm a scoundrel, olya called, mila was standing next to me, i told olya, well, that she made a mistake with the number, and she was standing next to me and also chena, singing, good-natured. what to do? application, not shining with navezhnaya, rush to her, now amilia, what will i say, that i'm a podunik and i need to apologize in front of your beloved woman, and mile, tell them that they urgently called you from the department and asked you to replace someone. another thing, how
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can you justify the fact that you need to go home now? notes, well, five, the scene in your pocket has been filmed, so, who, who will call the department? lord, only for you, god knows, i didn't even have anything in my thoughts about these bikinis. markov,
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hello, hello, i didn't expect it, unexpectedly, i confess too, so zhurik decided to finish writing our scenes, and my sister sent me that she would finish writing scenes for us, no scene came to me, well how come the scene didn't come, how should i know, okay, good scene, good scene, yeah, listen, i wanted to tell you that you, that i'm a good actress. really, yeah, but for some reason you made fun of me in bed, said that i only advertise bikinis, what if you're a good actress, you're a good actress, and i really need your help, okay, you need to be friends with your partner, what should i do, please take a pen, pen, i took it, write down the phone number, the phone number and what needs
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to be said, wait, and if i can't handle it, you can handle it, i believe in you, three sentences, yes, i can't even believe that markov took me with him to you, and what should i do if he moved out to you, as if? i ended up at your reception again, yes, you really screwed me over then, you're so eager to judge the sins of others, start with your own and you won't get to others, shakespeare and i forgive you, what generosity, okay, lucy, let's be friends, well, what else can i do, nadenka.
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in the institute cafeteria, now she 's drinking coffee in paris, and what should i do now, let me do everything, yeah, don't break the plates, you're clearly nervous, i'm not nervous, i'm asking you, for yell don't sit down, you've been drinking, take a taxi. i 'll take your husband, i found an assistant, you've been drinking, i haven't been drinking, yeah, i haven't been drinking, that's weird, you won't be going with the cat, yeah, listen, everything's fine, he hasn't been drinking, he hasn't been drinking, he hasn't been drinking, but i just
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talked to him, he has been drinking, he can't not drink, yeah, well that will be faster, honey, i'm not sure about you, come here, i'll hug you. opponents of statehood would like to choose the path of radicalism, they need great upheavals, we need a great russia, the time of big premieres on rtr, dear maria petrovna stolypin, i am one of those revolutionaries with whom your father fought in saratov, and i certainly intend to fight in the capital, we are building a new russia, time is weighed.
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i still can’t get rid of a strange presentiment, long live the russian revolution, tables, foam, and where is my family, soon on rtr the titanic deluxe golf belek hotel, where every moment... this is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort at our pools. relax in the spa salon and enjoy exquisite dishes from the best restaurants. here , each room is a journey into comfort and
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comfort. your vacation - your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet - the best choice for an unforgettable vacation. veda vodka - a product of steller group. titanic luxury collection bowter. rum, castro, a product of stellor group. we invite you to the swissotel sharm el sheikh, the first swissotel in the world, working on the all -inclusive system. give yourself a vacation where
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elegance and natural beauty merge into perfect harmony. create memories that will remain forever in your heart. swissotel sharm el sheikh, your idea.
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"you know, here he is, yeah, our mom,
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unique, but you know, she's been acting funny lately, what are you talking about, strange, how, and you haven't noticed, where did you get that from, i don't know, nothing like that, i haven't noticed, here, for some reason i decided that, in my opinion , on..." she's acting normal, well , she's all worked up, that's true, i agree with that, but, oh, what a soup, you and i need to go fishing more often, son, yeah, she's a little tired, that's probably why, dad, come on, oh, she's tired alone with you. "that's for sure, then
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it was right that we left, she'll get a rest from us 2 day will be bored, go, go, okay, just in time for the fish soup to steep, just wake me up, for the fish soup. they went into a large, but terribly stuffy, hotly heated by the sun all day room, with white lowered curtains on the windows, and as soon as they entered the footman closed the door, the lieutenant rushed to her so impulsively, both of them so stifled in kisses that for many years they later remembered this moment. " never experienced anything like this in their entire lives,
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neither one nor the other slept much, but in the morning, coming out from behind the screen near the bed, in 5 minutes having got dressed, she was fresh, embarrassed or she was, no, very little, she was still simple, cheerful, already reasonable, no, no, she said in response to his request to go on together. "no, you must stay until the next steamer, if we go together, everything will be ruined. i give you my word of honor that i am not at all what you might think of me, nothing like what happened to me has ever happened, and will never happen again, it was as if an eclipse had come over me, or, more accurately, we both got something like a sunstroke." olenka, forgive me, for
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what? for my answer yesterday. it was disgusting. you're here, that's the main thing, my wife was just nearby. "she's suffering because of me, this thought is killing me, uh-huh, yeah, it's terrible, i 'll think of something, i'll definitely, oh,
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i'll definitely, i 'll, i'll come to you, i'll definitely call you"? don't call me, don't call me, don't come to me either , listen, i'm tired of it, i can't take it anymore, stop making fun of me, are you even you, do you believe yourself, did you think, you, you'll come, god willing once a month, what will i do do all this time, what will i do all this time, will you keep me in the dark for a long time or not, i keep you in the dark, i love you, shut up, i love you, i just need time. "i need time to prepare my loved ones, and i don't need to prepare my loved ones, you have a family, and i do, do i have a family interest club or something? don't talk nonsense, okay, okay, i 'll tell my wife today that i'm leaving, what will you tell your husband,
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what will you tell your husband, that i love you"? repeat, my maya! i want to introduce you to my brother, ok.
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good morning, yesterday i didn't notice you at all, good morning! i must have passed out, i started having an allergy to the medicine, god, like a shar pei, they kept me on iv for 6 hours, they're sedatives, i couldn't open my eyes, i felt it and came, at night
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i agreed with the nurse that she wouldn't let anyone in, last night again... my parents came, my father was yelling again that he wouldn't tolerate a ward nurse, that is, you, near me, i told him it was too late, we were getting married because you were pregnant, he almost hit me, i mean, he raises his hand against you, well, how can i say it? yes, he beat me up until i was 15, was it specific or exemplary? well, i don’t know, he broke my arm twice, and i also had a
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concussion, he beat me with a chain once, what do you think, was it specific or exemplary, you know, a throw? it’s written in the poem that this world can no longer be saved, but an individual can always be saved, you are my salvation, maresh, so, yesterday you told me your dreams, do you tell them to everyone? you tell them, crazy, no, of course not, and i will answer you in czech, if you have a person who... you can tell me your dreams, you you have no right to consider yourself lonely.
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marisha, marry me, really, if i get married, my parents will leave me alone right away. and if a child is born, they will completely switch their brains. mitya, listen, i, i will not lie to you, i do not want, i ... "i am really pregnant, but not from myself, as you understand, unfortunately, and if it were not for this whole story with the beating, forgive me, i did not think that this idiot would go for it, i would have definitely had an abortion this week. and you know what, i don’t
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care, you and i are getting married, and the child will be mine, miss, you will come, you want to save yourself for about this useless embryo, no, i need it, me, me. i won't give it to his parents, i want to raise it and love it myself, listen, i really want to be happy, the catchphrase is that happiness is capricious and unpredictable, like a butterfly that you want to catch, but it keeps slipping away from you, but if you get distracted, it will fall right into your palms. mitya, i agree,
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i have a one-room apartment with a wonderful, expensive. renovation in the center, my matchmaker let me down, yeah, the fourth is no good, i understand, this is later for you, margarita, what are you beautiful, how well-groomed you are, thank you, i wonder how much you spend per month, i somehow never asked myself this question, and in vain, yeah. you know, i'm used to keeping an eye on my budget, yeah, come on, what does this have to do with me, really, nothing to do with it, bye, yeah, we
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have a wonderful signature dessert, maybe you 'd like something, no, no, thank you, i have a surprise, and you know, bring me a glass of wine, please, i beg you, of course, i like vodka more, but wine is more expensive, you're kidding. try the candy egg, yeah, it's wonderful taste, thank you, not cheap per kilo, by the way, it's not wasteful, i'll treat myself too with your permission, you know, margarita, whoever can't appreciate little, it's hard to be satisfied with much, it's time to go. let's go,
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oh, queen margot, lenochka, my god, how old, lenochka, what a meeting, years, how many winters, hello, how are you, they say, got married? god, how good, good, and who is this, an acquaintance, i'm alone, still alone, yes, and how are your twins, twins, twins are doing great, in the middle of the head, they went to school, they rented another apartment, eternal, from the eldest daughter, which daughter got rid of her husband, with her grandson, moved in with me, so we all live together, here in a finished apartment, we have a lot of fun, a lot of fun, and we also got a dog.
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disappear, oh, my god, good afternoon, hello, maybe another
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glass? no, thank you, my name is ivan, and you, as i understand it, are rita, svetlana igorevna did not tell me anything about you, i asked her about it. you know, i have already had three similar meetings today, i, frankly speaking, am not very happy, but this is wonderful, it means there will be no strength to try.
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i have a feeling that i'm at a racetrack, and you like racing, no, i can't stand it, it's just that under your gaze it seems to me that i'm a racehorse, and you're judging whether i'll finish first or not, excuse me, what are you saying, i'm just admiring you, people like you aren't made anymore , you're definitely real, see for yourself.
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i'd rather have another drink, okay, one second, i get it, i'll be there soon. and what about big crime? it appears where it's least expected, mom didn't waste her time, she didn't even have time to arrive, she already witnessed a crime, i think i know the motive, agatha, but not christie, invite, get to know each other better, likes to solve cases, but not shvetsova, even if
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there were clues, now they are gone, what if it was an accident? murder, there is some kind of mystery here, it has begun, tie it to a tree, hands, quiet, look, the lady with the dog is returning, the character is absurd, self-esteem is inflated, the opportunity is hello, in my opinion, everything is accurate, from september 2 on rtr.
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cognac monte shop. product of stellar group. hotel for unforgettable impressions rixsus sharmal sheikh. only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment all day long. year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixsus sharmaьshey. this is not just a holiday, this is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created. to admire the old barrel cognac - a product of the stellar group. discover a real pearl on the coast of bodrum. titanic lakshery collection bodrum.
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exceptional service, incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures of fiery entertainment. welcome to world of eternal elegance and unrivaled comfort, the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic luxury collection bodrum, vodka pechora, product of stellar group, at 10:00 in the morning, sunny, hot, happy, with the ringing of churches and the bazaar on the square in front of the hotel, with the smell of hay, tar again everything ... that complex and fragrant, what the russian out-of-town smells like, she, this little nameless woman, who never said her name, jokingly calling herself a beautiful
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stranger, left, the breeder in a light, happy spirit took her to the pier, at kissed everyone on the deck, barely had time to jump up the gangway, which had already moved back, just as easily, carefree ... he returned to the hotel, but something had already changed, the room without her seemed somehow completely different than it had been with her, it was still full of her and empty, the feeling of the pleasures he had just experienced with all her feminine charm was still unusually alive in him, but now the main thing was still this second, completely new ... it was not at all, while they were together, which he could not even imagine in himself, starting yesterday, this, as he thought, only funny acquaintance, and what to do, like
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that strange, incomprehensible feeling, which to live this endless day with these memories, with this insoluble torment, he drank several glasses of vodka, we snack on lasol cucumbers with dill, and i feel that he would die tomorrow without thinking, if it were possible ... it would be by some miracle to return her, to spend with her one more present day, to spend only in order to express to her and somehow prove, convince, how painfully and enthusiastically he loves her.
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yes, i'm listening, when you're home, that's so important, yes, it is important, there is debatable, wonderful news, your daughter is pregnant, from your wonderful graduate student. good afternoon, good afternoon, we are coming to you, tim, natasha, hello, here you are, good afternoon, mikhail vladimirovich, hello, we are the tarasovs, marina, hello, hello, hello, hello, matchmaker, good afternoon. "hello, where is our goal? your husband asks, and i answer, tara, you have goods, and we have an excellent merchant, young,
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from the capital, he will be a decent father, not to interrupt, well, and a husband of sorts, a protector reliable, dima, stop it, shut up, everything is as per the rules, and we slept together and got pregnant. let's talk about the groom, what a guy he turned out to be, and dad, stop interrupting dad, let's show him, a smart handsome man, mom's joy, dad's pride. and then you'll like it, you'll judge, beauty, and this is the matchmaker, you 'll get some fruit so that your grandchildren are as sweet as fruit, thank you, you'll like it, polalike, we'll play somewhere later, definitely, sorry, we... weren't prepared, but we'll somehow
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organize something now, we don't have a refrigerator, i think empty, yes misha, we hope, for love, let's, for love, how beautiful they are, let's, let's, hurray, hurray, let's, let's, oh, let's, dim, let's, dim, let's, let's, please, son, mikhail vladimirovich, lyudmila evgenievna. "i want to ask for the hand of your daughter, marina, i'm not against it, i, actually , too, marisha, like you, and i, of the same opinion, yes, clever girl, for our handsome men, let's, matchmaker, wash this away, wash it away, we must wash it away.
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well, comrade general, should we splash some magic? let's, let's, and we have a family gift for you, marinochka, these are earrings nikolasha's mother gave her such beauty, you see, for my wedding with nikolasha, although she didn't really like me, but i don't care, i love nikolasha, so now we give you. i'll kiss you again, i'll kiss you again, thank you, and i'll kiss you from me, and i'll kiss you from me, and i'll kiss you, thank you, thank you, thank you, i'll kiss you again, your ears will fall off, yes, good company, pushkin, pushkin, nikolasha, yes, you 'll forgive us, our dears, for intruding, but... you understand the reason, it's serious, yes, i
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'll kiss you, give me a little pie, dad, this pie is a loaf, let it be a loaf, you, marishka, after all this, wrap us up a piece of the loaf, well, so to speak, there is such a tradition, so that this... unites us for our common friendly family, hurray, let's hurray, for the family.

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