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tv   Vasilisa  RUSSIA1  August 29, 2024 4:10am-4:59am MSK

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she is like yesterday, beloved flowers, the stars will not shine for us, the sky will cry with a spring shower, but i can’t help but remember you , forgive me, beloved warm days, even they will not call for a colorful fairy tale.
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so where is your wife? listen, ivanovich, she got me so tired, i punished her. so how did you punish her, oh, how painfully, ivanovich,
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she went to the highway, well, let her take a walk, if something happens to her, i ’ll shoot you, beloved flowers. you gave another,
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the star has gone out for me, captivating happiness, beloved flowers, you are no longer with me, there is no more love, it is like yesterday, beloved and you, you gave. another will be married to me a star, of precious happiness, beloved flowers, that you are no longer with me, no longer with love, it is like yesterday beloved lights, hello, me, i have to go to the city, well, sit down. let's get started, yeah,
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well, what, an unlucky day, can't you imagine, they didn't give me money and threw me out of the car? you take me for something else, who should you take me for, and i am a singer, tatyana bulata, maybe you have heard my songs, and i am joseph kobzon, very nice, you can, you can not believe, just take me to the city, i will pay, you will pay, only in advance, i, i have no money with me, nothing. we will think of something,
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stop the car, i can't wait. that's it, where are you going, come on, stand there, what are you breaking, come here, come here, and what are you doing? totya, totya, totya, well, now you are with me, now you will work, i will take you right behind the house, everything
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will be fine, come on, come on, come on, let's go, what straight home, i will take you, let her go. and would have gone on my way, let her go, i said, what are you doing, rooster, oh, please, please, dobin, because of some whore, what are you doing, tvai, everything is fine, let's go, i 'll take you home, oh, no need, i need it like my mother, well, how can i say, so do the house, to mom's so to mom's,
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thank you, thank you, vladimir, you saved me today, but you are in my business, which means, under my protection, your husband, of course, you see, you can't rely on him, so if there are problems, call me, agreed, okay, now a business card, a business card, okay, i 'm going. "thank you, come on, i don't understand how yura could change so much, this
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"damn brownie, as if he bewitched, there was one person, a completely different one remained, or maybe he is always like that?" "that was the case, i just didn't notice, i don't know, but after what happened today, i can't go back to him, tanyusha, but you live here as long as you want, i'm always glad to see you and danechka, don't worry, everything will work out.
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who's there? tanya, open the door, please, i beg you very much, we need to talk. yura, go away, i won't talk to you. tanechka, i, i, i,
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i really, i'm sorry, i don't know that she found me, i've just gone crazy, i kolyanus, i will never, never have this happen again, never, of course, will it happen again, because i am not going to live with you anymore, tanya, you. can't take me, just leave me, you are my wife, and dania is my son, you remembered your son, you haven't seen him for months, he was just a burden to you, but you... don't worry, he won't bother you anymore, tanya, tanya, wait, well , i admit that i was a bad father, you understand, it was work all the time, i worked, i swear, i will find time for the child, yur, you you woke up too late, it's all over, your apologies are not accepted, you no longer have a son or a wife, you have your castle, so live with it, and please, leave me and dania alone, okay, i get it, there's one thing, you signed a contract and you can't ignore its terms, what contract, yura,
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i forgot, i'll see you in memory now, let me pass. if you want to get a divorce, go ahead, but according to the contract you have to go on tour, you'll work it off in advance, i'll do what you want, tell me, here it says about the rights to the songs, what is it so, i don't understand, the rights belong to the production center, but these are my songs, well , you yourself... transferred them to us, when the date is there, i remembered, you
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slipped me this contract before the opening of the center, what a scoundrel, yes, i just played it safe, and as i see, not in vain, just don't imagine that i really really need tatyana was. listen, i will find other artists, i will make other stars, so if you don't need me, why are you forcing me to work, why are you forcing me, let's calmly, let's go our separate ways, you will do your own business, i do everything with my business, you understand, tatyana, it's not about me, it's about my partners who invested in the galaxy on the condition that you would be there. and these are very serious people, if something interferes with their business, they can take extremely harsh
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measures, so there is no need to bring it to this, are you threatening me with your bandits, or are you afraid yourself, i warn you, and do not forget what happened to your dad. i understand you, now get out, take your flowers, this, otherwise you spent money when you bought it, keep this for yourself, this is a copy, cheated on you with someone. grumps, i hope you're not going to forgive your husband, why can everything be like
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before, if you asked me, i would then, seryozha, it's all over, and what is this? and this is my wish map, when formulating your wishes, don't forget about the details: love or work? i think that a real woman does not limit herself in her desires, because the result can... surprise you a lot, thank you for agreeing to meet, maybe we'll be on first-name terms in front of you, you have a gentleman, he's very witty, well-read, but there's one problem, vasya, lika, thank god you're here, forgive me, please, but i need your help, ex -wife, you say, yes, fell out of the blue, wish map, premiere on saturday on rtr. discover a real pearl on
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the coast of bodrum, titanic luxury collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures of fiery entertainment. welcome to the world of eternal elegance and unrivaled comfort. secrets of paradise. opens in titanic luxury collection bodrum. titanic luxury collection. father wanted a pilot, grandfather wanted a sailor, and you became a military
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medic. there are no random people here. he came under mortar fire. his fight, until the guys came up, he was in trouble, almost a private, there are no made-up stories here, he says: daughter, i will definitely die, i have two children, i say: listen, and if i go with you, i have four, will you go, there are no insincere feelings here, children's letters came, you read them, you cry, trouble touched them, it's hard, kuryans, we are with you, donbass is with you, we say, openly with ours, about ours, we 've been waiting for this for so long, we've finally returned home, our premiere, we're all together, and you're proof of the same, that together we'll win, from monday to thursday on rtr, cheated on you with some shrew, i hope you're not
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going to forgive your husband, why? maybe everything is like before, if you asked me, i would then, seryozha, it's all over, and what is this? and this is my wish map, when formulating your wishes, don't forget about the details. love or work? i think a real woman doesn't limit herself in desires, because the result may surprise you. thank you for agreeing to meet, maybe we'll move on to this, you?
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the earth is round. we'll figure out everything else. in detail. it seems that we're about to launch a couple of old ships nearby. what a cool machine! let's go! it's up to you to decide what to fill your travel piggy bank with. and yet , lace suits me. and we'll always help. it's obvious to everyone, even to iguanas, that this is a paradise. well, go ahead. shake it. secret to the whole world, you'll see it all for yourself now, on sunday on rtr, so we're digging around, loading the equipment, it's time for us to go, lyuba, slow down
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, we'll get ready and go calmly, we already have concerts every day, let us at least take a break, and have you gotten used to it? that's it, guys, the sweet life is over, there won't be any more indulgences, yes, tanya, this concerns you too, you'll work like everyone else, you can forget about your whims and star habits, it's not the same situation. lyuba, why are you talking like that? lyuba, you 're currying favor with yurychka, it was he who instructed you on how to treat us now, he's not yurychka, but yuri nikolaevich, he is your director and an outstanding one. however, producer, can you show at least some respect to such a person, it was he who brought you all into society, where would you be now if not for him? you have 3 minutes.
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so what, are we standing, loading up? is this our bus? lyuba, we won't fit here, you won't have any other transport, and should i climb into the box again, or what, as you wish, there was no need to spoil relations with the producer, that's how things are. the wind changes, an unexpected squall hits,
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or someone else just comes, you on this the question did not answer, who were you and what have you become now? green hill in the desert, my near sorrow, i am leaving, and forgive me that i do not whisper to you how sorry i am, in the emptiness i rush eternally to the otherworldly babylon, only the pain of my heartache recklessly drives away my sleep. and the chase, i gave, i gave all my love and strength, so that
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you would quickly get back on your feet, i fed you strawberries, and watered you with spring nectar to who were you and what have you become now? green hill in the desert, my near sorrow, i am leaving, and forgive me that i do not whisper to you how sorry i am, in i rush into the eternal void, into the otherworldly babylon, only pain. danish heart my reckless sleep drives away, my sleep drives away.
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ladies and gentlemen, our jury is ready to announce its decision. so, the winner is the participant, the winner is the participant number 17. svetlana mulatova, applause for the presentation of the cash prize of the queen's crown, i invite to this stage the chairman of the jury
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zabegaev albert valentinovich, yours will be appreciated. the rest you will get an evening at my house, thank you!
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come on out, come on out, come on go-ka look, for the whole summer, mom, go, go , look, look, look what is this, of course there are no servants here, this is not a castle, but i think we will be very happy here, yes it will be good, it will be, so... beautiful, yes, well of course, thank you, let me take it, wow, it's you, look, happy, oh, there's so much space, oh, how beautiful, oh, mom, i thought this would never end, well, it's all over, the contract is done, you can rest, yes, i just can't understand, why did yura do this to you? mom, i don't want to talk about it think. let's not discuss it. it hurt me, but it's all over now, life
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goes on. i have you and my son, that's the most important thing, yes, well, what are you going to do now? rest, but i want to visit georgievna, yes, but then, how are you going to perform, yura organized all this for himself, and i, mom, won't perform anymore, how are you not going to, i'm so tired of all this, i'd better find myself something else to do. how do you mean you won't perform? the latest statement by the russian president regarding the increase in energy prices and the accompanying increase, there everyone has already left, and you are still working, toiling, my girl has come, albertik is working, albertik is earning money.
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"of course not, beke is soon filming a movie, and i will tell him to give you the main role, that's it, let me work a little, our issue, show business news, i want to tell everyone that our beloved singer tatyana bulatova has finally ended her career, tatyana simply could not withstand these stresses, she began to have health problems, now she is under the supervision of psychiatrists, yuri, how..." you can you comment on the rumors about your article getting divorced, we're getting divorced at the end of the weather program, need to visit relatives,
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great, healthy, so, come on, squirt, come on , come on, come on, i saw your interview, what did you tell the journalists, bulatovo is under the supervision of psychiatrists, well, ivanovich, that's a joke, well, although it wouldn't hurt her, it's funny how you're going to bring her back to business, you should have improved your relationship with her, ivanovich, why bring her back at all? you understand, stars light up, stars go out, that's normal for show business, it's a natural process, look, you know this girl, in a month the whole country will be talking about her, why? yes , because i know how to light up stars, understand, i have everything thought out, ivanovich, well, now we are preparing for the competition, she performs there, becomes a superstar, the money is flowing
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into... pockets again, well, why are you so sure? well, ivanovich, well, trust me, what are you talking about, huh? i saw a damask star, made one out of it, and now i'll make one out of this one, and out of tanya, well, we've already simply survived, well, everything that is possible, it's time to forget about her, maybe it's time to forget about you, m, it was a joke. go away, go away, immediately, do you hear, i won't let you in anyway, go away, go away immediately aleftina georgievna, it 's me, tanya bulatova, open the door for me, tanya, yes, it 's me, come in. aleftina georgievna,
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what happened to you, what happened, why didn't you open the door? danechka, some guys are coming to see me! they say they're from a real estate agency, but you should have seen them, such mugs, bandits, real bandits, and what do they want, they need my apartment, to exchange they suggest, don't agree, so i don't agree, but they threaten me, well, not directly, but indirectly, they say , think about it, we'll come to you again, i don't know what to do directly, tanya, maybe i should call the police, although what will i tell them, right? the police won't do anything here, i know who can help, i'll call on your behalf, of course,
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hello, vladimir, hello, i need your help. right now, tanyusha, this is your friend, he's the only one there, there are so many of them, he'll handle it, don't worry, he 'll handle it. you, excuse us, lady, there was a mistake, we mixed up the address, we are very sorry that we disturbed you, and guys, you
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forgot to say that you will do repairs in the apartment as moral compensation, and we will call the craftsmen, the apartment will be as good as new. out, vavan, what is this? you are not caring about the granny, you decided to bend over for the singer, why vavan, and who is she? should be on our side, i respect tatyana, she deserved it, and i don’t know much about you, go your own way and don’t forget what you promised, vladimir, thank you
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great, vladimir, you just saved me, thank you, you're welcome, everything's fine, tanya, i'd like to talk to you. yes, yes, i'm leaving, i'm leaving, i won't bother you, tanya, i'm very sorry that you left the galaxy, it's wrong, you know, yura and i got divorced, well, that's your personal business, and business is our common business, i understand, vladimir, but i've worked off my contract, that 's all. "i don't want to perform anymore, well, fine, but if you change your mind, suddenly let me know, my
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worry one, my worry two, my worry three." mod figure in place freeze, oh, tanya, and i thought yur was joking, and did you really go crazy? should i have bought you at least some pills, and who are you, this son? crazy, i'm dania, and this, this is a bird, right, sveta, hi, glad to see you, meet, this is your nephew,
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and this is aunt sveta, well done, sveta is not a pussy, who told you that, was it mom or something, grandma told me that, and what is not a pussy, let's go inside? mom will be glad to see you, let's go, come in! oh, mom, i brought you some shoes as a gift, they're for me rub, and french perfume, just don't look that they are opened, i opened it, it's just that the smell is somehow risky for me, thank you, light, but everything is so expensive, you know, oh, mom, for me it's not a problem now, you and dad have been on dry rations your whole life, and now i have a different life, well, i'm glad that everything worked out for you, like sasha, how should i know, i don't live with him anymore? i have a serious man now, truly worthy of me, and not
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this loser, oh, tanya, i brought you things here, my man bought me, but with i guessed the size wrong, it hangs like a sack, but it will fit you perfectly, thank you, sveta, i 'll go put the kettle on, oh, no, mom, i'm late, i have so much to do here that i can't even have tea, no, i was offered the lead role in a film, again, not again, again, well, bye, i'm off, the driver is waiting for me, bye, bye-bye, bye, what came, mom, well, you know, sveta comes either to ask for something or to brag.
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what people, oh, grisha, tanechka, bulatova, how's life, little by little, i'd like to see sasha, he here, and sasha doesn't live here anymore, since marie left, they took away his space, it's not allowed by the staff. and where could he be,
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you don't know, he came in, took his props, uh-huh, said that he got a job at the theater, theater, labyrinth, eight letters, he'll get drunk, how will he act, come out in front of the children, they're children, it's very strange, hello, hello, hello, and can you tell me how to find alexander sokolovich , right? of course, forward along the corridor and down the stairs, uh-huh, if, of course, he hasn't left yet, where would he go on friday evening, they are in the middle of a trial now, but i won’t bother them, not even a friend can bother them, i see, thank you, it’s her, she, and why would she need it, i don’t know, the lot of a creative person is loneliness, you know, come on, smile for art, yeah, let’s be healthy, what
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a performance i had, a real performance, not this crap that they make here, you know, and it was like breathing, like a heartbeat, what? “she saw it, she will confirm, she will confirm everything, tanyukha, i saw sasha, i visited him, why, i just wanted find out how he is, well, what's up with him now, well, not very well"? he looks bad, drinks, didn't
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talk to him, left right away, probably worried that svetka left him, they really need support, otherwise he'll go downhill, i don't understand why you should support him, sasha helped me write my first song, yes, when was that, mom, well, he helped me then, i'll help him now, oh, my god, who is this? do you know him? no. hello. now i'll find out what he needs. hello. hello tatyana, my name is vil'skiy, your friends andrey, they said, where to find you, and what do you want, i have an application for you, no, another, but i really hope
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that it will interest you, and this is for you, nice to meet you. tatyana, i have been your long -time fan, your voice with its unique intonations penetrates straight into the heart, even into my heart, not even the most tender, it cries, is sad, dreams, hopes for happiness with you, your songs are, they are such beauty, this is magic, and valdis, of course i am very pleased, but yes, i think that you did not come here to sing praises to me, you ...
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tatyana, don't doubt it, i sing without an accent, if that scares you, no, that's not it, i just decided not to perform anymore, it's bad, that is, i heard about it, but i didn't believe my mushas, ​​but nevertheless, it's true, nothing, but still, with your permission, i 'll give you a recording, well, there's a song and there's my phone number, if suddenly you change your mind, and i, i'll, i'll wait and tatyana, i'll hope, yes, never say never,
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valdi stamilsky, okay, okay. hello, sasha, so it was you after all, i already thought i was imagining things. well, come in, what are you standing in the doorway for? in short, life is what it is, and i am what i am, that's all, but you weren't like that, you inspired the actors, they followed you, i still remember our rehearsals in that dorm, i still remember, listen, so what about those rehearsals, the play was a flop, you
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know that, that is, just one failure and you immediately broke down. what, immediately broke down? by the way, i wrote a play, i wanted it to be staged, well, where is your play, did you write it? well, i started writing, but then i abandoned it, why? because no one will stage it anyway, so it must have broken down, listen, i don't understand, you... why did you come to scold me, and sasha, i want to help you, i want to see that director i knew, finish the play, you can finish it, and offer it to the theater, at least offer your own, you work in the theater, sasha, i believe in you, do you know what
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is needed now? for you to believe in yourself at least a little, 13:1,20, that's it, it's time for you to go, no, wait, some kind of torment of waiting for a meeting, i'm at... stop, stop, what's the matter, we've screwed up another one
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dubl, why are you looking at the camera, where else should i look, at my partner, at yours, you talk to him, look at him, yes, i was always told to look at the camera, who told you that? when only porn actresses do that, we're not filming porn, yes, yes , learn something yourself already, and then they point out to me here, what's going on here, what's all the noise? yes, i can't work with her, vigitov, did you hear, he can't work with me anymore, replace him, find me another director, calm down, sveta, calm down, rudolf wonderful, great director, a top-notch professional, yes, i don't intend to replace him if you had some kind of argument here, right? all sorts of disagreements happen on set, yes disagreements, but you have to be able to overcome them, find common
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ground, okay, i told you, this good-for-nothing doesn't work here anymore, he's fired, find me another director, or i'll tell albert to fire you, and he'll do as i tell him, got it, and what are you grinning about? are you really? break, did i express myself unclearly, break for everyone, you've had enough, we'll continue we will tolerate it, we will not.


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