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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  August 29, 2024 9:55am-11:00am MSK

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natural state in well in our profession, a workaholic, any golik, he somehow or other from something, in my opinion, runs away, until to finish in his family some story connected with self-destruction, this is at the moment my best role. two vernik-2, on friday on rtr. we give karina an exclusive three-week tour of south america birth, i don't understand anything, and what 's going on here, why did you come, what with the paper in your office did you find, a certificate of divorce, what kind of stupid jokes are these, this is not a joke, this is your new reality her
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erased from our own lives, now we have nothing, no car, no house, i have no business and no husband, so it's time to build a new one, tell me, are you seriously deciding to get going, i want to prove that it's impossible to drown me, the stable is burning there, what is this, how is that possible, andrey, where, where is andrey, mom karina. i'll start all over again on saturday on rtr. my father wanted a pilot, my grandfather wanted a sailor, and you became a military medic. there are no random people here. he came under mortar fire, fought until the guys came, in front of the ryaga, almost private. there are no made-up stories here. he says, daughters, i have, i will definitely die. i have two children. i say: "listen, what if i go with you, i have four, will you go?" yes.
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there are no insincere feelings here, children's letters came, you read, you cry, trouble touched them, it's hard, kuryans, we are with you danbas with you, we speak openly with ours, about ours, we have waited for this for so long, we have finally returned - home, our premiere, we are all together, and you are proof of the same, that together we won. monday through thursday on rtr. welcome to the newest hotel рixos in sharm el sheikh. rixsas rodomis sharm el sheikh is the perfect place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of children and their
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parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's town in the region and an unforgettable holiday. rixsas rodomis sharm el sheikh. bourbon stirsman is a product of stellar group. today in the program we are preparing a traditional russian soup from ordinary beet tops, why it is worth remembering a forgotten russian dish, in a serving you can get up to 300% of the minimum daily requirement.
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benefit, benefit, is botvinya tasty? we have to check it out. we are putting together a country first aid kit together with a cardiologist, academician belenkov. top drugs for emergency self-help. actually, that's it, yeah, and can you imagine what he's doing here, huh? these should be the hypertensive drugs that we selected. yeah. with a margin. eye discharge. an ophthalmologist will tell you when to sound the alarm. dmitry dementyev. a mobile phone is a huge source of infection. what diseases can it cause? bleopharitis. secrets of longevity: what habits will help you live to 120 years? someone gets full with this amount of food, but if someone wants more, you can replace the products with less caloric ones, right? that's right, that's right. moderate physical activity prolongs the life of animals to the upper species limit.
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good morning, hello! batvinya is an old dish of russian national cuisine, a cold soup with a subtle, delicately spicy taste with bitterness on... bread kvass. originally botvinya appeared on the peasant table and was a mixture of tops of garden greens. the soup was supplemented with beet tops, horseradish, radish, turnip, as well as hogweed, borage and even sunflower. later, the soup appeared on the imperial tables in a new interpretation. botvinya was seasoned with stewed and mashed beet tops and fresh greens. boiled, fresh or salted fish was served separately with botvina. mainly valuable species: beluga, astirina, pike perch and crayfish necks, as well as finely chopped bogrenets ice. classic botvinia was served in three dishes at once, this was its main difference from other cold soups. such a dish will cost
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a pretty penny, crayfish necks, red fish, in fact, you can cook botvinia, so to speak , in a peasant style. mikhail moiseevich ginsburg, nutritionist, doctor of medical sciences. good morning, well , tops are not the most common ingredient today. by the way, in vain, beets are not ripe yet, carrots are not ripe yet, tops
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are ripe. i think that by the way, this dish appeared in such a way that people understood that now there is no point in pulling out this tiny beetroot, just trim the tops a little, sweet things. the substances are useful, very similar, but at the same time the leaves can still grow, i think even the leaves contain much more useful things than this root vegetable itself, probably this is our property, yes, we try to eat what is tastier and often throw away what is healthier, it's like in this fairy tale, the tops and roots, well in this case yes, the tops should not be thrown away, let's find out what is useful in botvini, let's, yes, the most important? yes, the ingredient that gave the name to the dish, in this case we are talking about reducing the risk of coronary heart disease, we remember vitamin k-2, which is very much in the leaves, in the tops, that is, we can say that in a serving you can get up to 300% of the minimum daily
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requirement, recently we have discovered such an important property of this vitamin as redistributing calcium in the body in every way against obstacles. it fits entirely into the clinic of atherosclerosis of the heart vessels, vitamin k2 can protect a person from these calcinates to give a person, even prone to eschemic disease, well, another 10-15 years of such a good, healthy life, green onions. what are you, here i understand that we are again returning to the story of vitamin k, talking about vitamin k, in particular k2, remembering such a unique property of this vitamin, how to help vitamin d retain calcium in the bones, that is, in fact, vitamin d determines how much calcium is sucked in, and
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vitamin k determines where it will go, where it will go and where it will not come out, that is, here retaining calcium in bones is an extremely important task, the thing is... with age , hormonal levels change, motor activity changes, strong bones are no longer so needed, the body is designed in such a way that if they are not needed, they will, well , be resorbed, dissolved, decreased, so the bones become more brittle, also due to well, such age-related changes, lifestyle changes, friends, this is what you definitely need to pay attention to, 40 plus, especially women, the risk of osteoporosis increases. one of factors that prevent the development of osteoporosis - this is a sufficient intake of two vitamins, vitamin d and vitamin k2, after 40 years even advised to use in pairs, monitor the content of one second eat more foods rich in vitamin k2. let's go further, spinach, it
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is a source of carotenoids, carotids a huge amount of carotenoids that affect the condition of our skin. and improving brain function due to eggs, well , now we generally say that at least one egg a day should be eaten, extremely useful, first of all due to phosphorlipids, due to haline, due to vitamin d, due to vitamin a, all these factors support nerve cells, support glia, support the brain and prolong its, well, let's say, normal state, that is, prevent diseases, age-related. it
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is converted in our body into a very important neurotransmitter choline, which is responsible for the transmission of impulses between nerve cells, there are studies that show a direct relationship between the speed of motor reactions, between remembering a person, especially in older people, that... and this is connected with halina, benefit benefit, is botvinya tasty, we have to check it, we have all the ingredients here, naturally, the first is our chopped beet tops, our spinach, yeah, naturally, a little cucumbers, well for taste, so that there is something to chew, we will add a chopped egg there, this is instead of crayfish necks, mikhail, of course green onions, we will add a little salt, a little, a hot day to replenish the sodium deficiency, botvina can be hot, i don't think that
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it will be delicious, maybe hot kvass, something like that, but you will also kill some of the benefits, significantly, it seems to me, for example, you can make batvenia with kefir, it just probably won’t be batvinia, although again, if we say, what is botvinia not kvass, yes, yes, yes, yes, not cla, well yes, probably you can, the traditional recipe was classy, ​​so mustard may be a must, more mustard, that is, so that the dish is not bland, we will add mustard there, for the sake of fairness, i suggest treating our viewers in the studio to botvinia for now, so you haven't tried it either, try it, come on girls, a little bit on the tops, and you?
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they also added crushed ice from glaciers, they simmered it in winter. on the river and put it in deep holes lined with straw and even in the summer ice was available, this ice was actually added there, kolts, it seems to me, in the summer in the heat it's just great, oh, a good cold soup, healthy, low-calorie, as i understand it, in general and in the summer in the heat in some kind of heat there is such a soup, there is also homemade kvass, not store-bought, cold, beet tops grow much better. than the beet itself, join us, friends, thank you very much, mikhail misievich, today we talked about
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the traditional russian and undeservedly forgotten dish obatvinye, please cook it next weekend, for example, we give the floor to the academician, cardiologist yurievich belenkov, who will tell you what medicines should always be at hand in a country first aid kit. we have arrived, grandma, what's so special? and this is our new neighbor, you must admit, a very bright woman, and what can be wrapped in a carpet, only a corpse, sergey peregudov, will you follow, yes, i am looking?
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an unforgettable experience hotel rixos sharmaьshey for adults only 18 plus. here you will find entertainment all day long. year-round performances of the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. riksсас sharmaьshey is not just a holiday, it is a feast for the soul, where every detail is created to delight. discover a true
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pearl on the coast of bodrum. titanic luxury collection bodrum. exceptional. incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in the world exciting adventures of fiery entertainment. welcome to the world of eternal elegance and unrivaled comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic lakshery collection bodrrum. who are we, where are we going, what kind of country are we. russian people remain russian people. of course, there is something inside, such a chill.
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hello, where did you get the phone number? i am sveta's fiancé. if i could help in any way? come with me, i will say that you are my bride. if the bride has disappeared somewhere, you can always find the bride for an hour. i do not get involved in this stupid dress. doesn't fit, it's a brand model, but it doesn't fit, it doesn't fit. what are you doing, taking this country bumpkin. relative, are you completely crazy, i won't allow gleb to marry this bait, i think it's still possible to fix everything, a reward awaits the finder, on friday on rtr, good morning, a dacha is always nice,
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of course, yes, fresh air, fresh. vegetables, a river, a bathhouse, in the end, yes, all this is very good, very nice, if it's not a dacha duty, you don't need to make a dacha duty out of a dacha, alexandra contacted me about her mother, natalia, who loves her dacha very much, but has made a fetish out of it, which is probably already dangerous to her health, so come in together , let's talk.
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well, it won't be nearby, that is, what pills should always be nearby, i get it, i get it, you are 182, 183 tall, yes somewhere like that, no, 171, i'm just in heels, so let's do it this way,
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i'm 178, somewhere 171 the doctor doesn't need to take, heels are 3 cm, i specifically drew attention to it, that is, this is not an idle question, yeah, there are beds next to you, yeah, how did you disappear into these beds, show me, please, actually saying, like this, yeah, yeah, and imagine what she's doing here, and a tall , overweight woman, apparently hypertensive, so, yeah, that's right, she spends her free time in this pose at the dacha, okay, is that it? of course not, come here, like this, the little blue thing, take it in your hands, put it here. here, here, like this, sit mom down, sit down, sit down, like this, take this
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thing in your hand, i don't know what it's called, i'm not a dacha owner, and weed as much as you can, that's the first thing, work in a comfortable position, while hemodynamics are disrupted, blood pressure increases, yeah, dizziness occurs. weakness, headache, spots before the eyes, it happens, here sasha, here, twist this thing, the red one, come on, come on, come on, come on, oops, this happens when a doesn't work properly at the dacha b - what alexandra says, forgets medicine, hobbies are important, but health should still come first, a person
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has a siesta in the afternoon, yeah, a cap, yeah, definitely, yeah, then tea, then water should always be nearby, yeah, don't forget that to do, so, of course, you need to have some things with you at all times, first, then, alexander, it's up to you, a tonometer, so that it's accurate at the dacha, what you need to have in your first aid kit, first of all, ah, you need to have it. you're hypertensive, of course, well here in this case an ace inhibitor - these should be those hypertensive drugs that we have selected in reserve, then, of course, these are some drugs
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that are, well, sedatives, well, what is it, it can be a regular collection, a herbal collection, well, if alexander will nag you again, you will do this wrong you weed the garden bed, then give her a sedative, it's some kind of painkiller, excuse me for god's sake, but i think your lower back is always, well, there are painkillers, of course, naturally, yes, yes, so of course, some, in principle, of course, for you the best option, it would be, of course, to weed not only on this bench, but with a corset, put on with velcro, on the back, well, what, yes, good, yes, it's still best, it's harmless to eat, let's say, any ointments that relieve pain, but nevertheless you need to have them, and of course, these are some drugs that, well, let's say it this way, i see you had injuries on your legs, that's all, well, bit, iodine, brilliant green,
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you have it all, antibiotics after all, activated charcoal, that is, well, the whole set, that is, far from the city, well, within 100 km, that means 4 hours of driving in traffic jams, well, if you ask for it, then yes, now in the summer, yes, that's how it turns out, that is, quickly bring something. the city won't work, so alexandra, that means, then you take a diary, yeah, write everything out, under control, look at your mom, took a cross, took a cross, took cross, took a cross, at school they went to the doctor, please, work, okay, that's the conversation, in principle, nothing terrible, you need to work at the dacha, it's nice, it 's good for everyone, parsley, a husband is a husband, and parsley is parsley, everything is fine here, zucchini, oh, especially zucchini, you see how... forward, goodbye, that's how it is,
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dear friends, zucchini is a good thing, but the lower back is also, it is also somehow dear to itself, so well, observe elementary things, well, don't forget medicine at the dacha, weed in a comfortable position, well, i don’t know, well, wear a hat, after all, well, basic things. which sometimes, excuse me, for god’s sake, this is not a joke, sometimes save lives, good health to all, see you, and i’ll pass the floor to my colleagues, goodbye, right now the ask the doctor section, answers to questions, and most importantly about health, we are ready to listen to the first video question, my name is rinat, the city of almaty, such a question, i have a friend. well, i won’t say that he’s old, he’s 30, 30-32 approximately, now he suffers from hypertension, for what reason does he have it in his
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at a young age now there is that... therefore it makes you think about the secondary nature of this disease, because all hypertension they are divided into two categories: there are, well, approximately 90-95% of the so-called primary arterial hypertension, that is , when the increase in pressure itself is an independent disease, and there are approximately 5% of secondary hypertension, that is , which arise due to the fact that there is some disease, well, for example, renal failure, the kidneys do not work well, they secrete little enzyme, which... thyroid
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glands or for some other reasons a person has high blood pressure, these types of hypertension often start earlier than normal, so if at a young age there is a persistent increase in blood pressure, this is definitely a signal that it is necessary to examine this young organism in depth, because well, 30 years is not really an age. of course, look for the reason for such an increase, because in most cases it will turn out that this is a violation in the work of some internal organs. thank you very much, please, a question from the audience, who has questions, please, good morning, what does a constant deficiency of vitamin d indicate, here it does not increase the level, the level of vitamin d, even after taking d3, d2, here i have completed a course, but... the level of the vitamin does not
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rise, look, what this could indicate: the first thing is that you are getting little of it, there with food, or even taking it in the form of supplements, you are not getting enough to increase this very level, in fact - well, the same vitamins that are sold, there is a range from 400 international units to 10,000 international units, yes, when a person says: i take vitamin d without specifying the dose, in general, it is impossible to say anything specific, enough, it is not enough. the second, no less common, and this is excess weight, or rather excess body fat, why fat cells, they are a kind of trap for vitamin d, and studies show that people with excess fat mass, taking the same doses of vitamin d as people with normal weight, they nevertheless have a deficiency of this vitamin in the blood. certainly not variants of its absorption disorder are also excluded, for example, in the intestines with
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a wide variety of diseases, for example, with a removed gallbladder, this occurs when a person has cholediarrhea, that is , there is constantly an accelerated movement of food through the intestines and, accordingly, it does not have time to simply be absorbed, this can be, for example, with renal failure, because the kidneys are responsible for the final activation of vitamin d, that is, there are actually quite a lot of reasons, here we need to understand whether there is any reaction to a change in the dose of vitamin d, that is... if the dosage is increased, there is no difference, yes, we need to look for some deeper reasons, because primarily in 50% of cases this dose is insufficient. we will get back to you in just a few minutes. advertising on the russia tv channel. i ask a question, and you answer, okay? sometimes you need to rethink the situation. give me 3
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days, i want to understand what's going on. monday through friday on rtr. rixas premium sea gate. family fun. starts here, every detail is created here for your pleasure. enjoy the water park for children, lush green gardens , the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable impressions at rixsos premium seagate. rixos premium segate. allow yourself a first-class holiday sliv.
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elegant details, a feast of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment golden. it is necessary to die easily, but he with a smile on his face, and if this had happened to oksana, you would have continued to let her go further to donbass, yes, everything is not important, the most important thing is life in god, ivan okhlabystin, and his commandments
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family happiness, our motto is, god, russia and family, everything else is captivity, many things that i have endured, well, they guaranteed my death, i somehow... thank god for everything. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. we continue the useful column: ask the doctor and the next video question is in line. this is my daughter.
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that you are 83 years old on the beach you can do everything, in principle, yes, what, what should be avoided, reckless acquaintances, no, in general, when they put it with my daughter, i thought that they were friends, it is generally strange that such a lady the question of health arises, in my opinion, everything is fine with her, yes, but nevertheless, it would not be superfluous to duplicate, yes, as for tanning, and therefore, it should be remembered that a person receives optimal physiological doses of ultraviolet radiation either before 11. in the morning or after 5:00 in the evening, that is, when the sun rises or sets, but during the remaining time it is still not recommended to be on the beach, and if you do get covered in sun, then you need to do it in the shade, and naturally, use sunscreen,
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because the daytime sun is dangerous in this sense, because there is a lot of ultraviolet radiation, it is very easy not to feel - excessive exposure, but for the skin this is, alas, but... not very healthy, because it can lead to, well , at a minimum, to the fact that the skin will begin to peel, well, that is, a sunburn will happen, and at most, pigment skin cells, yes, and nephrocytes, they can begin to divide uncontrollably, that is why this should be avoided, naturally, that you should monitor your drinking regime, because it is very easy, being on the seashore, especially in september, when there is a breeze it doesn't seem to be that hot, but nevertheless the body loses moisture. drink enough liquid, go to the beach with a bottle of water, take it and drink two sips every half hour, everything else, it's great, good weather, walk barefoot, swim in salty sea water, it's great, well, by the way
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, you said to walk barefoot, there in tops, by the way, i was on tour, but it was really october, and there are pebbles, and it's really useful to walk on these sea pebbles barefoot, because you're training. because if you say that this is definitely something to pay attention to, even the appearance of such hematomas, lumps is exactly yes, then this indicates some kind of problem in the blood clotting system, and here
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a consultation with a doctor, a hematologist is certainly necessary, one problem is when bruises form under the skin, it’s kind of unsightly, yes unpleasant, but relatively safe , a completely different story, if suddenly that... a coagulogram, such a list of tests, to understand, in fact, in what link of this there are problems with the coagulability itself in case, well, if this problem is detected, then receive some treatment that will reduce this coagulability. thank you, we give the floor to the ophthalmologist surgeon dmitry dementyev, who will tell you why discharge may appear from the eyes, when this is a normal variant, when a signal of the onset of a serious disease, stay with us,
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good morning, eh, of course, any disease is very unpleasant, we really do not like to get sick, eye diseases cause great discomfort, but there are still some symptoms eye diseases that cause us... a lot of inconvenience, let's talk today about eye discharge, how dangerous it is, what eye diseases these discharges can indicate, a patient named julia came to me, and let's listen to her story: i come from a family of potential hereditary glasses wearers, on my female line, everyone has problems with discharge of varying severity, so i am very attentive to my health, some time ago i had a problem, i began to wake up in the morning with... discharge from the eyes with a feeling of glued eyelids and lumps. and at first i thought that it was
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some kind of problem from the use of cosmetics or improper care. well, in the end i could have brought in an infection and i myself got dirty with my hands. i used folk remedies: herbal decoction as a compress, rinsing with tea. the problem did not disappear, and if before it was periodic, now it recurs more and more often. tell me, please, why... discharge from the eyes, yes, it is very unpleasant, it is very - uncomfortable, so, let's start with where, why the discharge appears, a few questions, in the morning, yes , i heard so, but only in the morning, that is , you wake up in the morning, it's hard to open your eyelids, do you wash your eyes with something or do you still manage to open them yourself? sometimes you know, you wake up
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, with the phrase to open your eyes, this is exactly about me, and sometimes you have to run your hand, what color is the discharge, lately, whitish, yellowish, such yellowish, opaque, no, opaque, okay, do you wear contact lenses, no, i wear glasses, ok, it's great that you wrote to us, sent a message that you came, because there is no more time to put it off, the symptom of discharge that you are talking about, the nature of the discharge may indicate an infection that you have in your eye, let's try to understand where this infection came from, why it has latched on to you, on this board we see soap in a public toilet, which many people use, do you use soap in a public toilet? well, liquid, yes, liquid soap, so, despite the fact that soap, disinfection, mass the use of various... containers where this soap is located, their handles, since many
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people use them, the antiseptic itself, of course it disinfects, but in order to spray the antiseptic, hundreds of people pass by and touch it with their hands, this surface that we press on, it can have an infection, a phone, do you have a phone, yes, of course, a phone, oddly enough, a mobile phone is a huge source of infection, in all operating rooms... it has been forbidden to bring mobile phones in for the last few years, today everyone is watching, so that the doctor, nurse, anesthesiologist does not bring a mobile phone into the operating room, because bringing a mobile phone into the operating room, any surgical operating room, means completely disinfecting the space, public transport, you use public transport, of course, a large crowd of people, on the surface of our hands we all have a huge number of bacteria, viruses, they may not be pathogenic, but nevertheless through the handle
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of the handrail on the bus, in the tram, in the trolleybus, you can get this infection on your hands, if the immune system is weakened rubbed the eye, this infection can get into the eye, a pathological process called conjunctivitis, keratitis, blipharitis is triggered, which causes discharge from the eyes that you have. come here to me, what discharge, why do discharges occur in the eyes at all, this is normal, an absolutely protective reaction of our eye, the eye produces the first tear. under the upper eyelid is the lacrimal gland, which constantly produces tears. why do we need tears? firstly, the tear constantly washes the surface of the eye apple, and if the tear is produced correctly, its quantity is enough to wash our eye, the infection that can
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get into the eye, it can come from anywhere, as we have determined, is washed away by the tear and does not stop, there are also so-called...
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life activity - this is exactly the same pus-like discharge that we have seen, we did a culture for you, which the analysis showed, you have an increased golden staphylococcus, what causes golden staphylococcus, which in principle, what diseases can it cause, bole pharitis,
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inflammation of the eyelids or inflammation of the very glands that produce lubrication, it is not enough to treat it with just drops, to treat it. we do special massages to squeeze out as much of this secretion as possible, which is produced by the medullary glands, to make them work and function fully, so that this secretion is constantly renewed, conjunctivitis, but conjunctivitis is usually an acute disease, and most likely you may have had conjunctivitis, but now it has already passed, that is, you already have such a chronic condition, but conjunctivitis inflammation of the conjunctiva is a protective membrane. of our eye, conjunctivitis can be bacterial, discharge is usually yellow, white, conjunctivitis can be viral, discharge is transparent and conjunctivitis can be fungal, the discharge is also already a lot of white, opaque, but abundant, keratitis, a less
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pleasant disease, i would even say completely unpleasant, inflammation of the cornea, the cornea is the lens of our eye, if keratitis has occurred. it means it got in, damage to the surface occurred, as a rule, this happens to people who often use contact lenses lenses, the surface of the cornea occurs , microcracks appear, the infection that was picked up in public transport penetrates, inflammation occurs, as the cornea recovers, it can become cloudy in the place where the infection formed, this can cause decreased vision and serious problems, so if suddenly keratitis on ... and finally, another disease, very unpleasant, also infectious, also associated with
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the ingress of the pathogen, but not in the eye, in the lacrimal sac. decreocyte is just that. inflammation of the lacrimal sac, this disease, which causes severe pain, not in the eye, but here severe pain, there may be a high temperature with fever, redness, enlargement, dacryocite - a bad disease, which would be immediately clear that you have it, your problem is blepharitis, which is caused by staphylococcus aureus, chronic blepharitis, which needs to be treated. with the help of drops, performing a specific eyelid massage, no need for self-medication, the ophthalmologist will understand what needs to be done, will prescribe you a course of special therapy, everything will pass, it's... not scary, dear friends, take care of your eyesight, do not self-medicate, you need to go to an ophthalmologist if you see that
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something is wrong with your eyes, the program about the most important thing continues, i pass the floor to my colleagues, i picked you up, egoist, heard, now i heard, leaving the keys, rain at the end of summer, god knows, i did not want this, i'll call, who are you calling, on one delicate occasion? separation as a cure, sasha, sasha, forgive me, forgive me, i no longer understand our relationship with you, but it does not help everyone, yes i went, wait, and what now, misha, misha, help, somebody, rain, at the end of summer, final series, today. on rtr, we invite
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you to the swissotel sharmel sheikh, the world's first swissotel operating on an all -inclusive basis. treat yourself to a vacation where elegance and natural beauty merge into perfect harmony. create memories that will remain forever in your heart. swissotel sharmel sheikh! your ideal place in the heart of the city. kalinon belek is a place where time stands still. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time at the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true perfection, making dreams come true. hotel. kalinan belek, where life turns into a fairy tale.
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happy new school year, then, an unforgettable holiday, cities, somewhere there is a city, quiet as a dream, hey, guys, don't rush, don't grow up, i really, really want to, we can do everything, sad girl, so they love parties, winged wallets,
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we all want to live as long as possible, science is moving forward rapidly, dietary supplements, magic droppers, blood transfusion, plasmapheresis, all this is very fashionable among those who want to ensure a long life and stay younger, but the question arises, does it even work? everything is known for sure, there are very simple, but at the same time effective ways to live a long life as a healthy person. what have scientists come up with, we will discuss together with our regular expert, professor-gerontologist svetlana trofeneva. how to live in a sound mind and long memory? world-renowned gerantologist svetlana vladislavovna trofimova, professor, secretary general of the world council preventive, regenerative and anti-aging medicine. the president of the russian society of anti-aging medicine will give practical advice for future long-livers of our country.
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good morning, good morning, good morning, well, it has happened, a magic pill for everything has been invented. it is not just one magic pill, it is what we eat, and what physical activity we have, our biorhythm, that is, our habits. and who better than not? from long-livers to borrow their way of life, so i think that today we we should talk to you specifically about the habits of long-livers, let's get started, let 's start with the first, physical activity, 15 minutes a day in total from 15 minutes, so this is to the metro and from the metro, no, but in fact , research on the effect of physical activity on life expectancy has been conducted for quite a long time, and the first scientist...
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you can explain this with a very simple example, when we are born, we have a very high metabolic rate. accordingly, if we take the daily metabolic rate of a child, well, let's take that here it is, it begins to decrease and reaches a certain optimum around 20-25 years, this is what is sometimes called akma, midday
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of life, and then every 10 years there is a decrease of about 4%. 30 years, it seems unnoticeable, 40 years, it seems unnoticeable, 50, it is already noticeable, 60, even more noticeable, 70, in fact , this specific metabolic intensity decreases by half, and this means that our tissues can use less oxygen, they release less energy in the form of atp, this... means their functional capabilities are reduced, in general, this is how gradually we we are deflating, this is what scientists have established, that physical activity, they allow to maintain, in some cases even to increase this intensity of metabolism, that is, forcing the body actually not to age, interestingly, let's go further,
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reduce the caloric content of the diet. to prolong life in an experiment or to reduce mortality among people. reliable data was obtained that such a small, it would seem, reduction in the caloric content of food, somewhere up to 1,900-1,800 calories, kilocalories allows to reduce the risk of occurrence and oncological diseases, and cardiovascular diseases, and leads to a decrease in sudden death from cardiovascular pathology, at first glance, it seems to be a limitation in calories, and if you look at the portions, it seems to be nothing, someone will eat enough with this amount of food, but if someone wants more, you can replace the products with less caloric ones, right? everything is correct, everything is correct, in fact, there are several simple rules here that
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can significantly help, firstly, this is the use of. a sufficient amount of liquid, because some people, they, when they want to drink, they pour themselves some tea, and where there is tea there are cookies, buns, bagels and so on, and that is, a person, in fact , instead of drinking water, he actually eats instead, further, this is portion control, in fact, the simplest control is to use small plates, it allows us to force our brain, well, to deceive itself and think that this portion... will be enough you definitely have breakfast, because breakfast, the first half of the day, and these are the calories that we can still eat during the day have time to spend, respectively, a late dinner yes, these are the calories that the body actually does not need at night, that is, it will inevitably store them in fatty tissue, and more thoroughly chewing food, because a person
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actually does not get full instantly - on average , it is calculated that a person needs at least 20 minutes from the moment of eating to feel full, given that some people manage to have a first, second, third course and even compote in 10 minutes with a bun, naturally, that - it doesn't work, well, and define your life goal, very philosophically, well , in fact, a life goal is something that determines to some extent the duration of our life, if we look, there is a very large surge in diseases as soon as a person retires, and if a person has retired, but she has some things to do, like a dacha, a vegetable garden, all that stuff, it's not so noticeable, but if a person has retired, everything, literally within a few years, as it shows statistics, this person starts having problems with the respiratory, cardiovascular system, with weight, naturally, with joints,
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a person needs to live for something, that is, he needs some meaning. all viewers in the studio should do this now, well, our tv viewers too, why not, yes, please take markers, first formulate what is in you, what quality is very good, so good that even those around you notice it, go mikhail, find out what people wrote there, it seems to me that you have it a very long word, one word, what is your, first, efficiency, communication skills, your soul?
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that at an older age people remember what they were interested in as children, and it is not always possible to use your childhood hobby during maturity, that is, those people who have retired, who already have some free time, they can remember their childhood hobbies, childhood interests and realize this at an older age, what is it, ask your envy? this is , strangely enough, a very paradoxical piece of advice, because we usually perceive envy as something bad, it is bad to envy another person, but if you think about it, what is envy? envy is when a person wants to achieve something that he does not have,
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accordingly, a good option is to ask your envy. think about people whose lives you really like, try to formulate, yes, and what do you envy in their lives? let's find out what people wrote there, right? i have freedom of movement, freedom of movement, you see how, i definitely don't envy, but of course, i would like more funds, but that's what i think, everyone in this room wants, and why do you need them, and you know what i would like, well , for my grandson to have a decent education, so that he would be deprived of me, he can do it himself, if you are with him, he was still 5 years old, he is still 5 years old, well, so you need to study with him, he will achieve everything himself, you know, i study with him, well, that's great. that's great, dear friends, but in fact, for you , our tv viewers, this is a very useful test, by the way, a test, if you want to do it again watch the episode about the secrets of longevity, then you can find all the episodes of our program
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on the online platform watch the application on the website smoтри, thank you very much, thank you very much, today we found out what healthy habits can extend the years of your life, follow the recommendations of gerontologists stay... thank you for spending this morning with us, we wish you a good day of good health, see you on the russia tv channel. posters on the culture tv channel, theater, music, fine arts on august 29. the tour of the arkhangelsk lomonosov drama theatre continues on the main stage of the vaktangov theatre with vladimir's play. the moscow youth theatre presents victoria verberg and sofia slivina in pyotr shirishevsky's play maria stuart based on friedrich schiller's play. the exhibition
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"carpet of stories" is held in the all-russian museum of decorative arts. masterpieces of soviet carpet weaving are collected in seven halls. ceremonial and gift carpets created by masters from russia, the caucasus and central asia and reflecting the themes and motives of soviet life. industrial development. among the participants are artists from hungary, china, japan, indonesia, spain and russia, light and media installations , immersive and site-specific objects placed in the landscape, reflecting the theme of this year's festival about the human. the ballet yaroslavno to the music of boris tishchenko in the premiere production and choreography of alexey miroshnichenko is given at the perm opera and ballet theater named after chikovsky, musical director and conductor artem obashev. premiere
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at the sverdlovsk drama theater musical dracula based on the novel by bram stoker with music by evgenia terekhova, director, producer and artist of the performance daniil akhmedov. the performance dracula is a somewhat new language of expressive theater. this is a visual-plastic performance, where. the main components are form, light, sound, costume, plasticity, the bodies of the artists, and of course, we do not forget about their dramatic existence, about the text, which will also be present in the performance, the viewer will experience the whole range of feelings from anger, joy, irritation, tenderness, fear, maybe you will have a hard time falling asleep later in the evening, and as if a very wide range of feelings, i would like the viewer to experience at this performance. the exhibition gold embroidery of karelia is open until september 22 in petrozavodsk, the exhibition includes traditional women's headdresses embroidered with gold thread, examples of embroidery of the korgopolye region of the tver karelians, and other works
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of decorative and applied art demonstrating the history of gold embroidery in karelia in the 18th and early 20th centuries. the roman opera shows a recording of the opera vincenza birini samnambulula, sing lice tarapesa and john osborne. musical director of the production francesco lanzelotto. daniil trifonov and the vienna philharmonic orchestra perform works by beethoven and berlioz at the salsburg festival. conductor yanik, nezo sögen. berlin. the exhibition on the top of the pyramid of the civilization of ancient egypt is held in the shanghai museum. this is the largest foreign exhibition of ancient egyptian art in three halls on an area of ​​more than 3.00 square meters housed about 800 artifacts telling about history, culture and art of ancient egypt, from the first pharaohs to the era of tutankhamun. tomorrow we have a court with mom, god,
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how i don't want to go there, i admit, you did it on purpose so that we wouldn't be scammed, a wish map, the premiere is on saturday on rtm, mokuny, like sparks in the night. attract my glances, conquer hearts, spectacle, command galaxies, look how happy we are, the brightest superstars of our universe.
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