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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  August 31, 2024 9:30am-9:56am MSK

9:30 am
to come up with this, a lot of people tried to do it and they succeeded, we will live somewhere on another planet, guests will be able to study satellite images that are received using antennas installed on the roof of the module and immediately displayed on screens in real time, each site amazes the imagination, i liked the crazy imagination of the one who organized it, that's exactly all this diversity is awesome, well great, that's exactly beauty, and for lovers of vivid sensations at the exit from space... the pavilion is installed wind tunnel to experience the sensation of free flight. the forum sites will be open until september 8. ekaterina fralova and ilya korchuganov, news. the main news of moscow and the moscow region for the last 7 days , the most up-to-date information in the program week in the city. watch on our channel tomorrow at 8:00 am. vygrazite, little ones, sell. i don’t want to eat meat, to the village,
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who grazes dairy cows on the streets of the capital? we came to moscow and not to the village, and how can we live if the yard has become a cattle yard? oksana maksimova saw where muscovites don’t go to did you drive? to the nearest residential buildings, here one and a half to two kilometers, boats here, subs here, somewhere the border on the water, how to divide the moscow river so that there is enough for everyone, this is the best thing that has happened to us lately, and where is the new marking?
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exactly at 8:00 in the morning. all news is always available on the media platform, watch in the application or on the website smoтри and by this hour everything. we are following the developments. see you. rixas premium sea gate. family fun starts here, here every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens , the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable impressions at rixsos premium seagate. rixos premium seagate.
9:33 am
good morning, you are watching the russia tv channel, my name is alexey vershinin, and that means the show five on one is on air, a generous program where you can earn a lot of money without leaving your couch. today, evgeny popanyshvili, on dorevie, andrey urgant, evgeny rybov and alexander pushnoy are playing with us. good morning, good, good morning, nadar, you, you are our company, thank you very much, yes, but this is in at the beginning, it seems so to you, by the end of the program, i hope i won't be disappointed, so, nadar, i'll tell you, i'll be happy to remind the other four that last saturday, the star five shamefully lost the final round on an elementary question and...
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in any case, to try to find the answer, i can give you three hints, you ask any leading questions, and i answer either yes or no, usually it sounds more complicated than it really is, in fact, all this doesn't matter, sometimes or so, first round, let's go, attention to the screen, we'll choose viewer who will be the first to throw down the gauntlet to you today is: anastasia lysak, 19 years old,
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vladivostok. anastasia, i think, has such an unusual hobby for a 19-year-old girl, reading books. on the internet, no, no, paper books, because she writes that the winnings, perhaps, if she wins now, she will spend on replenishing her library, well done, if not, if she doesn't win, i'm ready to give it away, nastya, go on, ready, the first question of our program today right now, what subject was first mentioned in the book of expenses of the royal court in 1636, time? on wi-fi, wi-fi, yes, there is a password for wa-fai, bell, melon-melon-melon, yes, that's it , bell, good, no, no, and this is some kind of, this is a big object, no, small, well i answer yes or no, well, in general this is an object, i don't know what it means, in your understanding,
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it is used for defense, defense, no, it is an office item, no, well this is for the royal courtiers, uh, well, somewhere there, yes, the tsar directly used it, it is unlikely, well directly himself it is unlikely, toilet paper from 1636, no, it's too early, or maybe some kind of manure, manure, there was no manure before the 17th century, there was no manure, maybe it's some kind of mead, horseradish vodka, no, no, well , this is much more ancient , this object has been preserved until our times, yes, great, in the same form, then it's an inkwell, ink, no, not ink, oh, but not a stationery one, yes, and not a stationery one, so the first mirror, mirror, no, yes, but by the way, a mirror really appeared, approximately plus or minus, there we see a reflection, the amount of reflection is not connected, not this is what we are hinting at, here
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that's what they were hinting at about the kaleidoscope that's what la-la-la-la-la kaleidoscope kaleidoscope kolyaleidoscope no no no it 's connected with france the subject with france no no no with france no with georgia it's not connected with georgia. and the royal court is russian then i don't know russian then i don't know strange yes so russian it could well be that's the ruby ​​star somehow plays no - well ruby ​​stars appeared already in the 20th century what yes here what kind of hint is that it's a lake yes - a lake well or a river well most likely it's a lake reflection reflection reflection on water you hint no no on trees forest.
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they usually push you to some cape with light steam, it is connected with frequency, rope yes no, maybe it is a tax, brooms are made from trees, a tax on it is not a tax, this is andreyevich an object, an object, it is a broom,
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a bathhouse, it is connected with sweat, it is connected with human sweat, with sweat, well no, it is not connected, no, a blotter for the forehead, and this is a matting napkin, no, guys, 1636 is also somehow on this well yes a bathhouse, no, an object, an object, a bathhouse, an object, yes, well a bathhouse, existed 1.00 years before it is connected with a bath, no, it is not such a direct frontal hint, but it is connected, from afar, come on, let's do it this way, we have run out of versions, everything is fine, do you give up, yes, that's it, no, but on the iron, iron, iron, this is the correct answer, so, yes,
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yes, that's it, that's how we play, got it, are you just talking some nonsense? one time out of ten you get it by chance, show me the answer on the screen, i don't understand, he has an iron, yes, that's good, but i don't understand how the first hint is connected, it is important, important. water smooth surface, water smooth surface, i tell you, on february 10 , 1636 , an entry was made in the book of expenses of the royal court, where this gadget is described, on the thirty-first day of january, the blacksmith ivanka trofimov was given five altyns, and for that money he made an iron iron for the queen's chamber, since then this day, february 10, by the way, is officially considered the birthday of the iron, there is an iron museum in russia
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, in russia, and this day is statistically the smoothest, it was gracefully beautiful, although very stupid and absurd at the same time, yes, i was just pherical, so three hints, now already clear, water surface, surface, surface lake, water skin will be further, yes the second hint, but here well smooth skin, obviously the person gets rid of wrinkles, yes smoothes. smoothes yes-yes-yes the third hint with a light well steam yes well steam yes in irons now there is a steamer but then there was none, but nevertheless i said that it reached our days, but in an altered state, well gorgeous, and anastasia, forgive me, dashing and - and a strange round would be, we just not we remember, we said that we ran out of versions, and zhenya just added the last word, which was, which i knew in principle, just yes, that's it. there were no words left in my head and that's it, it's just some good, show me the jackpot, it has increased exactly twofold and
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now is 40,000 rubles. and i can't, mommies, nadar, how great, i really like it, i'm ready to win more than 40,000 rubles. okay, the second round right now, let's go, in the second round... about the same thing will happen as in the first, there is one feature in it - this is a round of photo questions, but first let's get acquainted with the tv viewer. igor sviredenko, 61 years old, city korolev will play with you now. igor has the following hobbies: fishing and traveling. igor will spend the winnings on new gear, of course. good. attention to the screen, a question from igor. answer me, what is this gear, no,
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some kind of partupey, that two fingers are inserted here, no, they are not inserted, no, there are some buttons there, this is a lock, this is put on the hand, not on the hand, no, for the guitar, not on the hand, no, on the leg, to block the vein, musical, it is called, these holes need to be looked at, no, no need look, insert, no, no, who? is it connected with a musical instrument, yes it's on darov listen, the only person who has any bright ideas at all for you at saxophone, it's not a saxophone strap , it's a musical instrument at all, it's not a musical, no, it's a holder for a musical instrument, so you can say so, yes pipes, no, for a guitar, no, and this is to carry a piano, small, small, small, but this is small here, yes the piano fits and... no, but this object is some small, i as i understand it, it's small, yes, yes, maybe it's - to make it easy to hold the flute in
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your hand, mouse, so, so, so, so, so, that it's a sensor, mouse, well, you said a musical instrument, guys, dadar says a musical instrument for sharmanda, that would be too simple somehow, no, for a harmonica, a harmonica strap, and this is with the help of, wait, that is, with the help of this strap they tune the musical, they don't tune, they upset the musical. they hold, they upset, let's go further, they hold, they hold, you could say, during, during during the game, during the game, yes, because without it it falls, well, the harp, it’s inconvenient, i hold the harp, no, not the harp, the drum, tell me, is it, is it a stringed musical instrument or yes, then a guitar, no, not a guitar, then a violin, it would be too simple, if it were just a double bass, this pin is inserted there and... that double basses have this pin, which is not below, but by the way, not
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a double bass, but an alto, well, what about the alto - this is this, well, all the same, the hand, it seems to me that the hand is involved, the hand hands, there is this bow, yes yes there is a bow, well between the viola and the double bass, i forgot, like a violoncello, what is it, come on, come on the violoncello holder, it was not held, as you saw where? how to hold it between but and no-no, but apparently, so that the hand is at the right angle, no, no, no, not a hand, still pay attention to the hint, and what is there, and what is there, we do not see like these.
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well, yes we already understood how it works no, we did not understand how it works, but the fact that it is a violoncello is clear porastroppo, and the anti-slip stand for that i would not guessed, and i thought, to be honest, around the leg it and it seemed to me that it closes , closes, accordingly this big hole is put on top, pierces, yes, but no, it works exactly like that, if. a girl plays on the avialancheli, they also, as a rule, wear high-heeled shoes, or you can wear a heel, they yes, insert the heel into this hole, sometimes, if, for example, there is such a chair without legs, well, one leg, for example, just round, then they just stick out like a man's leg, this object has, it is called an anti-slip stand,
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great, we will know how to type in the internet , it’s interesting, yes, let’s look at the tips, three pieces: we had, well, yes, what , well, a mouse stand, a stand , well, yes, a mouse pad, the mouse slides along the pad, you know, like, on the contrary, it doesn’t slide, but or slides, well and yes, if on the table, for example, does anyone still remember when this was, it moves so randomly back and forth, it moves very chaotically, but on the rug it moves very correctly, so the second tip, slide, i’m standing on the asphalt, on skis shod,
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animals and women, and maybe you will become friends and take patronage over them, that when will we resume our chess games, still busy with one very difficult task, ocheynoye murder, the lady with the dog returns from monday to rtr. rest.
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is to leave yourself alone. rest is not to think about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about rest. anex. allow yourself first-class. rest slesorts, elegant details, a holiday of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for
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you. international festival of sports and music. i want to thank the countries that came to us, these are kazakhstan, belarus, uzbekistan, china, cuba, fantastic colors, unforgettable rhythms, youth on the stage, interweaving. five on one, we are back right now in the third round, one on one, well, a duel, one tv viewer against
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one member of the star five, i don’t know who it will be, the tv viewer probably already knows, attention to the screen, let’s get to know him, now against one of you dmitry eltyshev, 30 years old, novokuznetsk, will fight. and he is with us on a direct line by phone. dmitry, hello. hello, alexey, and dear team, i greet everyone. dmitry, tell us what your hobbies are, what will you spend your winnings on, if you smile today, good luck to you. well, various hobbies, hockey, history , a little ship modeling, well, when i have free time, i plan to spend the winnings, actually, so to speak, on hockey, on season tickets, on matches of our local team.
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the curse is revived yes, our spectator carefully, as they say, we have two curses for alexander pushnoy for the hockey team, let's at least sort out one with one, dim, thank you very much, sasha, well, you remember everything, 40 seconds, you play alone, ready, yes, attention to the screen, with the help of which it creates its own. working american artist and designer kumi yamashita time is connected with the fact that she is from japan? no, no, no, garbage, no, and this, of course, is something connected with
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human activity, no, no, i would not say, it is connected with a natural phenomenon, well, and so it is possible, it is possible to say so, yes, everything is from some leaves, not from leaves, no, not from leaves, no, not from plants, well no, not from a plant, but from bacteria, there can be plants and something, but... everything has a different meaning, there is a different meaning, that is, there can be anything, well, it can be anything, but the main thing, yes, everything that she writes on, and what does she write with, well, what does she create with, what does she create with, with the wind, no, no, actually with the thought, we congratulate dmitry elchev, 2000 rubles are sent to novakuts, the curse of the furry works, with the help of the wind, with the help of some natural phenomenon, rain, rain, in some way it is a natural phenomenon, like... in some way, as natural, in some way, in some way, the rotation of the earth, it can be natural, it can be artificial, let's do it like this, yeah, oops, well gravity, simpler, simpler,
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just simpler with the help of what from the water, no, it is material, it is some kind of object thing, you can touch it, no, no, you can't touch it, yeah, in general the thoughts of the sound, that magnets, no, not magnets, no, with the help of what else is created, it can be, artificial and not artificial yes well maybe yes what is a typhoon a hurricane is artificial and there is natural intelligence no easier maybe here in our pavilion and on the street it is natural of course with the help of light show the answer on the screen with the help of light and those i would simply accept the answer light would also of course kumiyata uses different objects directs light in a certain way to create, actually paintings from shadows, such works are often used in work, in the design
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that she creates, well, in my opinion, it's not such a difficult question, well, sasha, you know, in hockey you can also sometimes win, anything can happen, okay, the amount hasn't changed in the bank, show me, the jackpot is 60,000 rubles. there is a chance... to rehabilitate, to avenge sasha, for sasha, come on, here are all four of you, in the next round of our wonderful program, five against one, the fourth round, let's go, the fourth round is a round of video questions, the tv viewer asks his own question, but first let's get to know him, let's, alena dolgopolova is playing against you, she is 32 years old, from the city of zelenograd. alena's hobbies are traveling and learning foreign languages. the money will be spent on cultural events. this is how it is formulated. disco.


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