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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  September 12, 2024 2:00pm-2:35pm MSK

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today, september 12, 2024, the tv channel is broadcasting news, i, maria sittal, greet you, hello, it was here in st. petersburg that the foundation for the creation of brics was laid. and 34 countries have already declared their desire, in one form or another , to join the activities of brics. the minister of defense of the air force academy in voronezh assessed the training of personnel and equipment. i was not there either, but now i am there for the first time. for the first time
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in 10 years, our film crew reached the liberated krasnogorovka, from where the ukrainian army shelled petrovsky donetsk region. in moscow, a sentence for apartment raiders who involved children in their criminal business. today, on the day of the transfer of the relics of the holy blessed prince alexander nevsky in st. petersburg, a multi-thousand procession. this is music. simply penetrated my heart, maestro vladimir spevakov, a brilliant conductor, accepts congratulations on his anniversary, 80 years, 34 states expressed a desire to join the work of brics.
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vladimir putin stated this at a meeting with high-ranking representatives of the countries of the association, overseeing security issues. it was held in the constantine palace in st. petersburg. among the topics discussed are the parameters of the future world order - the development of multipolarity. well , in addition, the president is holding bilateral meetings today. we expect to find out all the details from our special correspondent alexey golovko, he is live on air. alexey, welcome and what statements were made? good afternoon, maria, welcome from strelna, where today in the constantine palace high-ranking representatives of the brics countries have gathered, these are political advisers overseeing issues of national security of their states, in the marble hall of the palace, they were warmly welcomed by vladimir putin today, also taking part in the meeting, took part secretary of the russian security council sergei shaigu, it is worth noting that china is represented at this event by the minister. foreign affairs,
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let me remind you that brics from this year is no longer five states, but nine, russia, brazil, india, china and south africa have been joined by iran, egypt, the united arab emirates and ethiopia. well, as vladimir putin noted today, there are those wishing to join brics in that or other form is becoming more and more every year. our chairmanship was entrusted with a special mission, to promote in every possible way the fastest and most organic integration of new member countries into all brics mechanisms. in addition, we could not ignore the growing interest in brics on the part of many countries. to date , more than three dozen countries, or more precisely 34 states, have already expressed their desire to join the activities of our association in one form or another. therefore,
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an active discussion was launched with all participants of brics modalities of the new category of partner states, which are to be approved in kazan. well, and then the summit in kazan at the end of october this year, very soon, this will become the main event of russia's chairmanship in brics, in total 200 events are planned for this year, having one or another relation to brics, 150 of them have already taken place.
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friends, as high representatives on security issues. at the same time, we are building on the truly solid experience of interaction acquired in brics. extremism, illegal arms trafficking drugs, transnational crime and illegal migration. among the specific results of the joint work of the brics states, i would like to note the creation of a special electronic registry for the exchange of data on computer attacks and incidents. the decision on the establishment of the brics council on... here in strelna, vladimir putin is also holding a number of bilateral meetings, the first of which has already taken place, the russian president met with the minister of foreign affairs of china, wang yi.
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this year in october, our countries will celebrate seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations now russian-chinese relations are at the highest level in all these decades. i am waiting in russia in kazan for our and my friend, the chairman of the people's republic of china, mr. brics summit, as we agreed, i ask you to convey to him the best wishes. russia and china, i inform you, defend the principle of a fair, democratic world order based on... law, sovereignty, equality, the same approach is supported by like-minded countries of the global south, the world majority, as for bilateral relations, they are developing quite successfully, and in all directions, this concerns the coordination of our work in
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the international arena, this concerns issues related to economic cooperation, cultural, on the cultural, humanitarian track, let me convey to you the warmest greetings of your friend chairman siidpin. deep mutual trust and friendship have been established between you and the chairman. you constantly determine the strategic guidelines of chinese-russian relations. under your leadership has consistently maintained the high dynamics of chinese-russian relations, as a result of which china and russia are the most important factors in strengthening multilateralism in the world. also at this meeting, wang confirmed that chairman of the people's republic of china xi zinping had accepted the invitation of the russian president and would take part in the brics summit in kazan. maria! thank you, alexey! our colleague alexey golovko is following vladimir putin's working visit to st. petersburg.
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defense minister andrey belousov inspected the level of training at the frunze air force academy zhukovsky and gagarin in voronezh. theoretical classes are combined with practice. specialists in flight and engineering.
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fap aerial bombs by the crew of the supersonic fighter bomber tsu-34. dozens of ukrainian armed forces servicemen were destroyed in one strike. in one day, kiev formations were missing several units of expensive nato equipment. a bradley infantry fighting vehicle, manufactured in the usa, was destroyed in the zaporizhia region. after the coordinates were quickly transmitted to the artillerymen, a precise. strike on the target the geocent b gun of the dnieper group of troops was inflicted. and during the liberation of the village of memrik, our soldiers destroyed the abrams tank, which tried to stop the advance of russian troops, but to no avail. in the avdeevka direction,
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the fortified positions of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed by the malka self-propelled gun. the turn of the calculation of the aiming in a matter of minutes. then the shot. it can hit targets at a distance of up to 40 km. the military of the southern group from the fifth brigade, which liberated krasnogorovka, also successfully operate, our military correspondent grigory turned out to be vdovin. here we have already turned onto a road that i have never driven on before, there were signs that everything was sealed off, it was forbidden to go here, to go here, to go here, the length of 10 years of krasnogorka, everyone has heard, but no one has ever been there, i have not been there either, now we are going there for the first time, we need to drive fast, but at the same time the road is constantly dug up with anti-tank... ditches, you can’t speed up on it, we cross huge deserted spaces separating krasnogorovka and
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donetsk, although the drive is only 5 minutes, it is them and it was so difficult to overcome, finally, here is stella at the entrance to the city. the streets are overgrown with grass and trees, because no one has driven on this asphalt for the last 10 years, we pass the checkpoint of the plant and the school, the city is completely cleared of the enemy to the very last western street. well, we have one thing, we are one big family, we have one. everyone for one, they began to clear the territory of the plant with assault actions, they cleared it successfully, one might say, without losses, during which they then began to squeeze the enemy out of the multi-story buildings, here are the shots, like a flag erected over the last enemy stronghold in the city, there are no more ukrainian armed forces in krasnogorovka, and this is the last populated area in the suburbs of donetsk, from where the enemy could not be driven back from the very beginning of the svo, and from where the ukrainian army constantly shelled the petrovsky district and drones did not ...
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2-3 minutes, 5 minutes, like one family, we have been living for more than, well, 2 years, you can say, 2 years for sure, everything is in order, everything is in principle with housing, with everyday life, everything is decided, the hardest thing is the sound that completely drowns out the words of the interlocutor - this is work, as they say neighbors, mlrs grad, everything is flying in the same direction, all the guns of this sector are now looking in one direction, driving the enemy from krasnogorovka further to the west. of course, we are filling up, yes, there is constant work, i have all directions, all workers, i have three batteries
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in the division, they are working everywhere in every direction, and they have time to deliver, thank god, everything is fine, there are no problems in this. with the change in the configuration of the front line, the artillerymen will also have to move from their equipped positions, of course, with the observance of all safety rules, the drone detector in this area is constantly triggered, but the move, here it is called a roll, further to the west of donetsk, this is already good and correct troubles. grigory in the house, dmitry vishkevich, gennady korneev and andrey rudenko, news from the donetsk people's republic. systematic work to destroy ukrainian militants continues in the kursk borderland. every day the enemy suffers heavy losses. from the air , the attack on the enemy equipment by the concentration of ukrainian terrorists was carried out by our helicopters-28. the army aviation crew hit the targets with missiles, and then returned to takeoff site. attack the enemy even in those areas where bridges have been blown up and broken.
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well, the investigative committee has opened new criminal cases against ukrainian militants for a crime in the kursk border area, the defendants in the cases are servicemen of two mechanized and one airborne assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. according to the data.
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on land, on buildings, structures, objects firmly connected to the land, the president in his message to the federal assembly instructed to gasify gardening associations in populated areas. the most important issue for many people, how is this work going? to provide gas, you need to register the house and ensure registration of rights. we organized the work on prompt surveying, registration and registration of rights to the house. the figures speak for themselves, since 2020 additional... introduced izh 19 million square meters. st. petersburg today celebrates the three hundredth anniversary of the transfer of the relics of the holy blessed prince alexander nevsky from vladimir. he is considered the patron saint of the northern capital. festive services are being held in the city today. in the service at the alexandernevsky lavra was led by the patriarch of moscow and all russia kirill. but
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one of the main events, of course, was the religious procession. report by ekaterina fisenko. nevsky prospect, drowning in prayers, chants and bell ringing, it seems that the whole country is now embraced by these sounds, the great holy prince meets the cavalry as if the grand ducal squad leads the religious procession, and here at this point on alexander nevsky square will meet those who carried the icon of the kazan mother of god across the entire nevsky prospect, and those who sailed from fortress nut with the icon of alexander nevsky and those who will carry out the chest with the relics from the lavra. from this moment the defender of the city. petersburg, petrograd and leningrad did not surrender even before the most terrible trials. during the blockade , leningraders steadfastly endured the horrors of war. and today the city is growing, shining. this was felt by those who walked along nevsky with icons. unity and divine grace,
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which poured out from heaven on all the people who are present here. on the whole city. the relics are the main shrine of the city. in the lavra, in the holy trinity cathedral there are always many pilgrims, but on september 12, both petersburgers and guests flock here every year to celebrate the day of bringing the relics of alexander nevsky. from the very beginning, this city was like a thorn in the side of our powerful western opponents. they understood that the creation of a city here in usti neva was an outlet to the baltic, and through the baltic to europe in general. and as they wanted.
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mirror, awarded the order of honor for personal courage. you watch the news that's what we 'll talk about next. the russian aerospace forces received a batch of. new fifth-generation fighters, in the sea of ​​japan there was an international episode of the most important exercises ocean and the anniversary celebrates maestra spevakov, about this not only in
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a few minutes. hello, let's get acquainted, agata denisnaya. time for big premieres on rtr. an ill-considered decision can lead to a catastrophe. plays chess, better than any grandmaster. entrances in advance, i calculate the check. i have prepared a gift for you, oh, a figurine, my favorite, trains a dog better than any dog ​​handler, let's do it again, home and now let's go, solves a crime better than any detective, it turns out that we have one criminal, killer, for two cases, lady with a dog, new trace, and i'm always right, from monday on rtr, welcome to rixsas premium magavish suths and villas in hurghada, where luxury rooms and villas
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suits me, and we will always help, the fact that this paradise is obvious to everyone, even to iguanas, well, go ahead, tell the whole world a secret, you will see everything yourself now, on sunday on prt. opponents of statehood would like to choose the path of radicalism, they need great upheavals, we need a great
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russia, the time of big premieres on rtr. dearest maria petrovna stolypina, i am one of those revolutionaries with whom your father fought in saratov and undoubtedly intends to fight in the capital. my comrades and i are building a new russia, the time for balanced words, i will not let the country be overthrown, today there is pyotr arkanevich, tomorrow he is gone, what do you think , for a short time, which of our ministers of internal affairs lived for a long time, the time for important decisions, only you today have the power to save russia and lead it on the right path, time has chosen it. i do not tolerate any mysticism, but still i cannot get rid of the foreign one premonitions, long live russian revolution, stolypen, where is my family, coming soon
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to rtr, you don't need to make an appointment, it's a joke, he'll come to your home himself. but i don't advise you to do that. a doctor you can trust 100%. and you'll be happy.
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well, i don't guarantee happiness. your health will definitely improve. doctor myasnikov. on saturday on rtr. you're watching vesti, we're continuing the broadcast. now about the progress of the large-scale command and staff exercises okean. on the kola peninsula , the northern fleet's fighter pilots carried out a bombing run. su-24 crews hit ground targets, simulating a camouflaged command post of a simulated enemy. objective control recorded a successful hit. the ships of the caspian flotilla destroyed enemy drones and repelled an attack by unmanned boats. during the exercise, the crew used passive interference systems,
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palazh anti-aircraft missile and artillery systems and ak-306 automatic mounts. meanwhile, the coastal troops of the caspian flotilla deployed bal missile systems with anti-ship missiles. they cover group of ships base point. the tasks were also completed by mobile groups on protected transport and high-speed pickups with large-caliber machine guns. well, in the sea of ​​japan, an international episode of maneuvers took place: russian and chinese sailors practiced firing from all types of ship weapons, joint maneuvering, and also communications training. report by andrey kolestnikov. this is really rare luck, like this on a naval aviation helicopter hovering over the waters of peter the great bay watching the progress without exaggeration of the historical joint maneuvers of the two largest
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fleets in the pacific ocean. russian and chinese, in this area, for example, large anti-submarine ships are engaged in searching for submarines. the international episode of the maneuvers involves firing from all types of weapons, joint maneuvering and training of communications specialists. a staff of military translators works on the key ships of the joint naval group, so the strategic partners understand each other perfectly and the unit acts as a single organism. the number and the scale of joint combat training events between the ships of our country and...
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and the hero of russia aldar tsedinzhapov with two chinese destroyers, xining and wuxi, one frigate linie and a supply ship. what has been happening in peter the great bay for more than a day is just one of the stages. joint actions will continue in the coming days. andrey kolesnikov, denis yunak, vadim telegin. vesti dalnevostochnoye bureau from the waters of peter the great bay. rostec transferred a new batch of fifth-generation supersonic aircraft su-57 to the ministry of defense, and also su-35s. these fighters. go to any targets, are not visible on radars, all weapons are inside the fuselage, they can destroy ground, surface, air targets. the machines have already been accepted by the technical staff, have passed a full cycle of factory tests and tested in various operating modes, by pilots of the ministry of defense. the number of fifth-generation fighters entering the troops increases annually, the next batch of aircraft is already in production. the debates of trump and
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harris in the united states were watched by 67 million people, the guardian newspaper reports. well, although the verbal duel beat the previous one with biden in terms of ratings, but it failed to surpass the main american show in the super bowl final, which was watched by almost twice as many viewers. repeated debates may generate even less interest among voters. so far, everything indicates that the political thriller with trump and harris will not have new episodes. dmitry melnikov will continue the topic. will there be another debate between trump and harris before the elections? this is an intrigue that the american media is currently discussing. would you agree to the debates? on nbc on september 25? i would agree to nbc and even fox news. now we are deciding whether we need it. we had a great debate. and for the first time in the entire campaign, trump spoke about kamala
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harris without insults, even politely. the day before, after the debate, he... shook her hand at a memorial ceremony for the victims of the september 11 tragedy. what did you say to kamala harris this morning when you shook hands. we were just polite. and had a good conversation. the republican headquarters is determined to continue the fight, they say that their candidate is gaining ground and calling on trump to give cameli harris another fight. i spoke to 20 voters, and no one wavered. president trump's support is also strong. i heard that sentiment everywhere i went. at the same time , democrats are calling on harris to keep up the good work and prepare for another fight with trump. and they say the vice president's position.
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celebrity, she does command a huge posse, mostly young white women, it's important to note. another hot topic after the debates, do illegal migrants cats dogs in american cities. the moderators, abc presenters, argued with trump about this. republicans seized on this story: eat less kittens, vote republican, such election posters appeared in arizona. against this background, they almost forgot about the current president, who , after being forced out of the election race, is serving out his last months as head of the white house. apparently, at a farewell in one of the pennsylvania fire departments, biden suddenly put on a cap with the inscription trump. as they later explained in white house, so he wanted to call the country to
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unity, which as a result of the debates no longer existed. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. congratulations on his eightieth birthday today are being accepted by maestro vladimir spevakov. a brilliant musician and conductor. head of the moscow virtuosi group of the national philharmonic orchestra, daria okuneva will continue. bassoon french horn ligated note with a dot to play and strings too, what is this me! his rehearsals are almost a mystery, almost tangible energy of creative search, attention to each musician unique skill to explain music poetry. it seems to me, on a cracked rope, i am a small plesun. the duty of a plesun not to tremble along the rope, the duty of a plesun to forget that he once knew another substance. tsvetaeva will help to understand shestakovich, and brahms is impossible without a dream about a woman. each composer needs to look
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for a key, this came with age, the ability to feel music in an instant, when as a schoolboy i accidentally heard how tchaikovsky's reflections were performed. this music simply penetrated my heart, the most. salt with your finger the string picked up this melody. since then, music has become a god for him, to protect the instrument from hooligans, he even went into boxing. mom was surprised how quickly he suddenly turned from an average student into someone who wins competition after competition. in his hands is an instrument, now it is transferred for free lifelong use , the stradivarius violin not only sings, it talks. a rare gift that allowed him to play with the best orchestras and musicians in the world. its sound is unique, intonation is unique, the way of thinking musically, is also unique,
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partner, he is amazing, here i can speak in the first person. already being a world-class musician, he realized that he wanted to conduct 5 years of study and the decision to assemble his own. ensemble virtuosi of moscow. the leaders of the best musical groups of the capital agreed to become ordinary virtuoso ensemble. critics call him an archaeologist for his ability to find and return forgotten works to the listener. also a talented organizer for virtuosi built a house of music and devotes a lot of time to the wards of his foundation, gifted children, to whom help needed. maestro spevakov is a genius musician, this is a sound from a completely different time.


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