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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 1, 2023 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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federal assembly of the russian federation, valentina ivanovna matvienko. dear alexey borisovich, dear nikolai grigorievich, dear regional leaders, dear friends, colleagues, today we have such, i would say, a special joyful occasion for a meeting, as part of the presidential program, we will be connected to gas. new facilities in 18 constituent entities of the russian federation , as you know, the head of state launched this program in 2021, a message to the federal assembly, during this time a colossal amount of work has been done, i would say unprecedented work, i take this opportunity to thank you, dear... the entire
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gazprom team that is engaged in social gasification, i want to thank the ministry of energy, you, dear nikolai grigorievich, the regional leaders, without whom the implementation of such a large-scale program would have been impossible, and i also want to say a huge word of gratitude to the designers, engineers, installers, this is what we say to all gas workers. the federation council from the first stage as the chamber of regions from the first stage of its program in every possible way supported, promoted, we adopted legislative initiatives, in particular, at the proposal of the federation council, changes were made to the regulations regarding the procedure for applying for gasification, and the number of papers required for registration was significantly reduced.
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and the program turned out to be in great demand, it covered almost all of russia. today, gas networks are connected to the borders of 750,000 plots, almost 400,000 households are already fully connected to gas. the head of state set a new task last year, so that not only residential buildings, but also schools, kindergartens, health centers, clinics were also connected to gas, and moreover, he said that this program should be open-ended, so in this large team of ours there is a huge, huge amount of work ahead, but the results are already in this parts, today will be connected to gas, and schools and others. social facilities and even boiler rooms
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of a monastery in the mordovian republic of the korachaev national natural park of the circassian republic. i would especially like to note that also on the instructions of vladimir vladimirovich putin, the program acquired such folk character. she became available because there is an order that is being fulfilled. so that certain categories of citizens, in particular families and members of the sbo, large families, low-income disabled people have the opportunity to receive compensation in the amount of at least 100,000 rubles for purchased gas equipment. alexey borisevich, you often say, it’s always in advertising, that gas is our national treasure. and so it is. which
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means that any citizen, no matter where he lives, has the right to use this national treasure, and this program very expected in the regions where gas comes, there is warmth, there is coziness, there is comfort, there is clean ecology, and today we are taking another step in the implementation of this program, but of course, there is still a lot of work ahead, thanks to all of you, everyone who is now present, uh, this, this is the most important social project, and - the most important order of the president, which we each in our place must unconditionally carry out, i congratulate everyone who is connected to gas today, i wish everyone further success and i want to say that at the federation council , chamber of regions you can count, we will do everything to... provide, create conditions for
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the implementation of this important project. once again , many, many thanks to everyone. thank you very much, dear valentina ivanovna. the floor is given to the chairman of the management of the public joint stock company gasprom, alexey borisovich miller. dear valentina ivanovna, dear andrey anatolyevich, dear nikolai grigorievich , dear colleagues, dear friends, today we have a significant event, we are connecting gas facilities as part of the program "gaznamsification of the constituent entities of the russian federation." regions of our country. the program is being implemented on behalf of the president of the russian federation vladimirovich putin. he determined that this is a priority program for gazprom, socially oriented. and we clearly fulfill all the targets
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defined in this program. we work in 72 constituent entities of the russian federation today, within the framework of the gas program: it goes to more than 1 million families, and more than 5,700 settlements and villages will be gasified. particular attention to according to the president’s instructions, we are focusing on additional gasification so that houses in those settlements where gas has already been supplied also receive gas, and 750,000 such contracts have already been fulfilled. what concerns. additional gasification of socially oriented facilities, then 140 contracts for additional gasification of medical and educational institutions have already been completed. the president has set the task to ensure 100 percent technically possible gasification in
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our country. the program is being implemented clearly, strictly according to schedule, we have no doubt that the order of the president of the russian federation there will be a federation. completed, thank you very much, dear alexey borisovich, i give the floor to the minister of energy of the russian federation nikolai grigorievich shulginov. thank you, dear valentina ivanovna, andrey anatolyevich, alexey borivich, sergey vadimovich, i congratulate you on your new success in implementing those opportunities to connect. gas networks of facilities, not only social gasification, but also the facilities that you all said, this is actually an important success, but i would like to say that those competencies, those techniques that we are working within today
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implementation of these programs, those opportunities and acceleration of the pace of implementation of social gasification programs will be useful to us in the long-term, in the long-term program. the task set is to connect the power of siberia gas pipeline with the sakhalin-khabarov vladivostok gas pipeline, to connect the integration of gas networks from the east to the west, which will allow us to begin gasification of the republics of buryatia, the krasnoyarsk territory, the zapaykaysky military district, these are ambitious goals that we will also have to fulfill, there is a separate instruction for krasnoyarsk president is in his twenty-eighth year, and i think that these... will also be implemented, i once again congratulate all the leaders of gazprom, mezhregiongaz, the federation council, the united russia party, who have all made large-scale efforts to ensure that these programs are and will be implemented already in another
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increased volume, thank you, thank you very much, nikolai grigorievich, for the report, the floor is presented to the general director of gasprom mezhregino. gas, gazprom-gasification, sergei vladimovich gustov. thank you dear valentina ivanovna, dear andrey anatolyevich, dear alexey borisovich, nikolay grigorievich, dear leaders of the constituent entities of the russian federation , colleagues, friends, a few current figures, however, alexey borisovich has already said them, 1,25,000 applications accepted, concluded agreements, 750,000 executed up to the land boundaries plots, 4,000 houses, households have already received gas into the boiler, into the stove, they are truly using these high-quality energy resources, we are together with gazprom, the united russia party, the government of the russian federation, the council
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federation, state duma, heads of regions of the russian federation, we are all working together to fulfill the instructions of the president of the russian federation, within the framework of the 2021 program, 9,500 inter-settlement gas pipelines have already been built, more than 2,500 gas pipelines within settlements and this work continues, i want to say that the gasification program and additional gasification is provided with material, technical, human and financial resources, so we are confident in its unconditional implementation, today eighteen constituent entities of the russian federation, we will provide gas supply to industrial and agricultural enterprises , boiler houses, residential buildings, churches, social and cultural facilities, hospitals, schools, public health centers, kindergartens and allow
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, alexey borisovich, to pass the floor to the regions , i allow, thank you very much, today the regions of the russian federation are with us , this is the primorsky territory, amur, chelyabinsk, saratov , ulyanovsk regions, the republic of mordovia, perm territory, ivanovo, tula, vologda, leningrad, novgorod regions, region, korochaevo-cherkess republic, nizhny novgorod, rostov and astrakhan regions. the village of bolshaya borla, ulyanovsk region, is in touch, over to you. dear valentina ivanovna. dear alexey borisovich, dear colleagues, dear friends, we are now in the village of bolshaya borla, ulyanovsk region, today is an important and significant event, gasification work has been completed and today we are launching a ceremonial gas launch, i thank
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the government of the russian federation, the management of gazprom, gazprom mezhregion -gas for excellent work, for excellent interaction. our gasification level is 81.5% in the region, there is still a lot of work to be done, but i am confident that we will cope with these tasks. and i would like to give the floor to a resident of the village of bolshaya borla, victor. stepanovich, please, hello, on behalf of all residents of the village of bolshaya borla, we would like to express our gratitude to our president, vladimir vladimirovich putin, for the assistance provided in freely finishing the gas pipeline to our homes, i also thank...
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they organized the gasification of our village, i also i'm glad i was there and met sergei vadimovich and i convey to him again a big thank you, a big thank you, congratulations, well , we have connections in the city.
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dear valentin ivanovna, dear alexey borisovich, nikolai grigorievich, andrey anatolyevich, dear friends, today in the city of zlatoust we are launching the work of the central boiler house, an important facility for the heat supply of the city, heat, and therefore comfort, will go to 109 apartment buildings where more than 22,000 people, dozens of social facilities, this became possible thanks to interaction and clear work with gazprom, several large important objects were implemented for this, and a gas distribution pipeline, a gas pipeline, a gas pipeline, and a number of... other objects, today here, next to me,
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there are gas workers, builders, residents of zlatoust, many thanks to the gazprom company , alexey borisovich, to you personally, to your team, and the program for the development of gas supply in the chelyabinsk region is being implemented clearly, there are still several large, important landmark facilities ahead, we continue to work on additional gasification on behalf of the president, by the way, the gas pipelines that i mentioned in zlatoust will allow more than 2,000 households to be supplied with gas, so this is comprehensive. thank you very much for your constant attention to the regions of the chelyabinsk region, we feel it, see it, and of course, thank you very much , united russia party, we are implementing this project together, regional and party, dear
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friends, the boiler room is ready for work, report. will finish, we thank the governor of the chelyabinsk region alekseyevich texler, communications ivanovo region, ivankovo ​​village, furmanovsky district. dear valentina ivanovna, dear alexey borisovich, nikolai grigorievich, andrey anatolyevich and sergey vadimovich. thank you, alexey borisovich and the entire gazprom team for the high pace of gasification of our ivanovo region. thanks in part to these events, this has allowed us to be there for three of the last 5 years. in central russia in terms of the rate of attracting investment into the economy. but this year we have another very important construction project, the gothification of the city of yurivets, work is progressing at an accelerated pace, people have been waiting for gas for 50 years, people have been promised gas for 50 years, so gazprom is now carrying out this work, i will emphasize once again at an accelerated pace, vladimir vladimovich putin signed a decree on celebrating
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the 800th anniversary of this beautiful russian city in 2025, and the city’s residents hope to meet it. i’m sure it will be so, and now the word to the head of the enterprise, good afternoon, our enterprise operates with a full technological cycle, from the preparation of feed to the production of environmentally friendly meat products, the use of gas will allow us to significantly save costs and will allow us to produce products at decent prices. reasonable prices, thanks to the gas workers for their work. thank you very much, congratulations to you, connections of the village of sanaksar, temnyakovsky district of the republic of mordovia. dear valentina ivanovna, dear alexey borisovich, dear nikolai grigorievich, all colleagues of the united russia party, andrey anatolyevich, sergey vadimovich, today we have
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a very significant event, thanks to the work of gazprom in mordovia, the level of gasification. 4% of gasification alone will be seen by almost 5,000 households, but among hundreds of kilometers of gas pipelines, here are 4 km that go to the temple, the sanaksarsky monastery is a monastery on an all-russian scale, an object of cultural heritage, these 4 km are very important for us, this is an object in the middle of the 16th century , the famous naval commander fyodor ushakov, admiral of our fleet, lived here, passed into another world, into the kingdom of god and was canonized, invincible , who is canonized by the russian orthodox church, so a big bow from all residents of the republic of mordovia, from all residents of the russian federation, from monasticism and from everyone who comes here, i want to note that this monastery is included in the orbit of arzamas, deveyev and sarov, so it is very important for everyone, thank you very much, i give the floor
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to the metropolitan, our bishop, respected zinovy, please, sincerely thank you. the president of our country for the care and attention that punishes the people and for the gasification program, today opening the boiler room of the sanaksar monastery , in which rests the relics of the holy righteous warrior fyodor ushakov, who brought russia victories, we hope, and... will happily answer all those, who takes care of monks, monks, about prayer books, and we hope that this good work will continue, god's blessing to all participants and performers, god bless everyone. thank you very much, connections to the village of mikhailova aleksandrovka,
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rostov region. good afternoon, our school has been heated with coal for 41 years, and now a new page in its history has come. thanks to russian president vladimir vladimirovich putin and gazprom, our classrooms will now be warm and cozy. thank you from teachers, students and their parents. and we, our children , understand perfectly well that gas is the future of russia. thank you very much, congratulations to you too. friends, respect sergei vadimirovich, we ask you to report on the readiness of the facilities. alexey borisovich, all facilities are ready to start gas, please allow it. i authorize the launch. thank you. we are starting to launch in all regions of russia. dear friends, let’s applaud this historical moment, the launch
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of network natural gas has been completed. with great joy, we join all the gratitude, all the wishes, all the sincere words that were voiced today, we congratulate everyone, we wish you a fruitful day. thank you so much for. for taking part in this solemn ceremony, thank you, thank you, thank you, this was a live broadcast from the ceremony of gasification of facilities in the regions of the country, now a short advertisement, then we will continue, register a business for free at the dot: follow your dream, just dare dot bank for entrepreneurs and enterprises
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my name is emelya, cheerful girl. according to the command: the fifth studio is on the air, i am anton potkovenko, we are discussing the situation in the middle east, israel continues to strike the gas strip, at the same time, the shiite ansar allah movement in the north of yemen announced that it carried out missile and drone strikes from explosives on the territory of israel, in turn, the idf reports that a surface-to-surface missile was intercepted, which was supposedly launched by the emeni houthis, the same shiite movement ansar allah. in addition, israel diplomatic relations with a number of countries have become very seriously complicated, we will discuss this whole situation with anatoly viktorov,
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the russian ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary to israel is now on a video call with us. anatoly dmitrievich, i greet you. yes, hello, good morning. hello. so let's start with yemen, then. eh, what do you think it means that the houthis and yemen have entered into a conflict, essentially, what are the consequences, is there any damage from the strikes, and what do they generally say in israel on this topic? well, in israel, of course, with complete seriousness refers to this kind of development of events, as we know, arrows and exchanges of blows are taking place not only from yemen, but on the northern and northeastern borders of israel, this is something that we have repeatedly talked about, there are many hot spots in the region , and syria, and iraq, and israel’s unsettled relations with lebanon, the houthis have now become involved, this is precisely the dangerous development of events, we are very alarmed, as you know, by the fact that the israeli defense forces have opened a new phase and have begun ground operations operations,
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it's really very worrying.


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