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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 2, 2023 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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it's 10 in moscow, we continue the morning broadcast, here's what we've learned up to this hour. the israeli army tore through the hamas defenses in the northeast of the gaza strip, and a strike was carried out on lebanese territory in response to a drone attack. in palestine, after a new shelling by tel aviv in the jebaliya refugee camp, the number of victims approached 200, many remain under the rubble. in the kupinsky direction, russian anti-aircraft gunners destroyed drones of the ukrainian armed forces, and precision missile salvos were fired by anti-aircraft systems.
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m2, their equipment allows you to detect , destroy any air targets, introduce fire simultaneously at four objects and even shoot back on the move. at vdnhut the final preparations are underway for the opening of a large-scale exhibition, it is called russia and starts this saturday, november 4th. all regions of the country will present their achievements; it took more than six months to prepare the event; various interactive and thematic excursions and cultural excursions have been developed. programs and activities. in kamchatka, traffic has been restored on roads blocked by mudflows from the klyuchevskaya volcano. eruptions provoke the melting of glaciers, with streams of mud and stones flow down the slopes into the hills. visual observation of the volcano is currently impossible. the summit is hidden by thick clouds, changes in its behavior are monitored by satellites. the israeli army fought fierce battles with hamas fighters in the northern
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gaza strip all night. according to sakhal, dozens of radicals were killed. the shelling is taking place on the border with lebanon, from where a rocket was fired at an israeli army drone the day before. all the latest information is in the report of our special correspondent, alexey konopko. first line defense, hamas has been broken through. but nevertheless, now a lot of videos and photos from the ground, from inside the gas sector, are being published, a lot so that by reference points, by noticeable buildings, comparing them with... pictures, one can try to make a map of captured bridgeheads, or such bridgeheads now there are three or two, if the northern groups have already been united, heavy fighting is taking place on the streets of the city of gaza, the fighters are showing courage and determination, and are not retreating from their intended goals. the idf is moving towards the complete defeat of hamas, and victory comes at a cost price, and i share the grief of the families who lost loved ones, the children of all of us died, more than 1000 thousand terrorists were dropped on the city,
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from ordinary militants to senior hamas commanders. in addition to territorial conquests , there has been success in eliminating the camas field commanders, of course, working together with regular army units, now in the gas sector and reconnaissance, in order to look for those captured. the best specialists will work with professionalism and dedication every minute to fulfill our moral duty, bring the hostages home. just this week we saw an example of the success of these efforts: the rescue of the uri soldier migidish as a result of a brave, resourceful and determined operation by our forces, hamas's reaction as if they were not holding uri was false and reflects the level of pressure they are under. the day before it became known that four countries immediately announced the recall of their ambassadors from the jewish state, and if the first such country, bolivia, was accused of surrendering to terrorists and allegedly even supporting
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killing 1400. israel regrets the decision of the jordanian government to recall its ambassador for consultations, the state of israel is focused on the war imposed on it by the terrorist attack of hamas, an organization that has killed 1,400 israelis and kidnapped 240 women, children, babies and the elderly. israel is targeting hamas terrorists, the infrastructure of this organization, who are using... the civilian population of the gaza strip as living brush. well, with whom israel has complete mutual understanding, where they receive full support is from the western authorities countries, the united states, of course, in the first place, but everything is more complicated with international organizations, it is already known that another week has passed, the israeli foreign ministry quarreled with the un with the secretary general of this organization with amnesti international, with the private, but also international satellite company of elon musk , well, now the scandal has reached the red cross. i spoke today with... i
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told her that if the red cross fails to visit the hostages being held. hamas, it has no reason to exist. the red cross must act decisively to take care of the safety and health of the hostages, including women and children and holocaust survivors, who were abducted by hamas, contrary to all international norms. only hamas now knows exactly how many hostages there are, and who they are exactly; according to israeli intelligence, at the moment there are 240 people, and probably six of them are russians. alekseiko, konstantin piunov, lead israel. almost 200 people have become victims of repeated israeli strikes on a palestinian refugee camp in the gaza strip. this is reported by aljazeera tv channel. un secretary general anonio guteres also condemned the attack. meanwhile, the president of the united arab
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emirates ordered the admission of a thousand palestinian children into the country. they will be provided with the necessary medical care. about the situation in the region, material from our special correspondent stanislav bernwald. shelling continues in the gaza sector , both in the south and in the north, the center where sakhalova is conducting a foreign operation suffers the most, i remind you that the day before israel launched a second attack on the jabali refugee camp, as a result of the first strike, more than 400 people were killed and injured; yesterday, several dozen people were also buried alive under the rubble, dozens died on the surface, the israeli military noted... that they are hitting the hamas underground tunnel systems, although they know that in the camp for the most part there are women and children, here under these rubble there are children and women, we have no equipment , we can’t do anything, we can’t dig, they all died, even if there was someone
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alive there, they’re all would have died anyway, us children we moved to this area, we thought it was safe here, but it turned out that the enemy doesn’t care who to shoot at, soldiers or ordinary people, where to go... what israel and america want from us, aren’t there enough casualties yet? this is a real massacre, the whole area was destroyed, the whole area with the people in it was destroyed, with the people who came here seeking refuge, they were all cut into pieces, an area where there was not a single armed person, we ask for peace, support us. russia is waiting for a signal from egypt to evacuate citizens of our country through the checkpoint rafah, the russian ambassador stated this. according to him, there are now 600 russian citizens on the list, they will be taken out as soon as the border between egypt and the gas sector is opened, in the meantime , the first 76 seriously wounded from the gas sector who crossed the border with egypt were taken to al-arish hospital, 76 people -
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this is absolutely a tiny number, now in need of evacuation, hundreds of hundreds of people are in need, negotiations are underway to keep this corridor open longer and be able to accept more seriously ill people so that they can receive first aid, simultaneously with the expansion of ground maneuvers in gas, hamas showed footage of the destruction of israeli tanks and infantry fighting vehicles. palestinian grenade launchers made a sortie from one of the tunnels and hit several units of israeli army equipment. the arab street does not subside, there are protest rallies in all middle eastern cities, rallies in support of the palestinian people in turkey,
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several hundred people also attended the rally, gathered at the american embassy, ​​chanting the death of america, israel is a killer, america is a killer, and so on. accordingly, as always happens here in the middle east, they are burning... with the united states and demands that its government enter into a war against israel in order to protect the people of palestine. stanislav vestivan. moscow calls to stop the bloodshed in the middle east and prevent the crisis from engulfing the entire region. this was stated by the permanent one. russia, vasily nebenze at an emergency session of the un general assembly, the diplomat emphasized, the united states is trying to get the security council to approve a ground operation, which, according to nebenze , cannot be done. delegates, we do not refuse israel has the right to fight terrorism, but
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fight terrorists, not civilians . otherwise, you yourself take the side of evil and act using its own methods. jewish people. from persecution, he must understand like no one else that the suffering of ordinary residents, the death of innocents for the sake of blind, bloody retribution will not help restore justice. and now to the situation in the special operation zone: in the krasno-liman direction, the russian military hit 160 targets of the ukrainian armed forces. during the counter-battery fight, about thirty artillery crews of the militants were destroyed. about the successes were described in detail in the press service of the center group. in the krasnolimansky direction, units of the center group of forces inflicted fire on 160 enemy targets. bomber aviation. groups attacked two command and observation posts of the ukrainian armed forces. in
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addition, artillery fire and air strikes defeated the assault groups of the sixty-seventh mechanized brigade in the serebryansky forestry area. during the counter-battery fight, about thirty artillery crews of the ukrainian armed forces were exposed and suppressed. a now we will show footage of the precise work of russian attack drone operators. in the artyomovsk direction , the ukrainian armed forces militants who were in trenches and other shelters were not destroyed, ammunition was dropped on them from drones, and artillerymen also carried out precise strikes on enemy attack aircraft. the infantry group was hit with a gun salvo, and while trying to escape the militants were eliminated. now let’s start with advertising, and then we’ll talk about trading on the moscow exchange. all commissions for business transfers have been cancelled, open a business account for free
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opening of trading is 3219 points, and the rts is 1088 points. the russian economy is developing in accordance with the forecast, the pace has been good. this is how vladimir putin assessed the situation at a meeting with the cabinet of ministers the day before. my colleague artyom yamchukov will tell you all the details. stable growth, this is the assessment vladimir putin gave to the russian economy at a meeting with the participation of members of the government, representatives of the presidential administration and chairmen of the central bank. the meeting took place via videoconference, opening it, the head of state cited a number of people. important numbers. current statistics show that the economic situation as a whole is developing predictably, in accordance with the forecast. over the 9 months of this year, russia's gdp grew by 2.8% compared to the same period last year, including in august
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september, it increased by 5.2%. at the same time, at a faster pace. here are manufacturing industries, industries of the real sector, not related to the extraction of natural resources. so, in september, as the president said, russia’s gdp grew by more than 5%, almost three in 9 months of this year, in construction plus 8.5%, agriculture showed double-digit growth dynamics, industrial production is picking up pace in september, it increased almost processing speeded up the release to 11. the head of state called for maintaining this same momentum. it is necessary to strengthen positive trends in industry, agriculture, and services, to support business investments in opening production facilities and developing new technological solutions in
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training of professional personnel. and of course, we need to continue developing infrastructure. financial, transport, logistics and so on, this is a key condition for ensuring long -term growth, for the economic sovereignty of russia, the president also drew attention to the high growth rates in industries of the real sector not related to mining, especially vladimir putin noted sectors with good added value , production of machinery, equipment, and equipment, and as a result, wage growth . wages in russia increased by 9.5% in august, and as rosstat reports, in general for january-august of this year, it increased by 7.5% year on year. in addition, in august, in annual terms, the average monthly salary in russia increased by 15% and exceeded 69,000 rubles. with historically low
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unemployment of 3%. the main factors for wage growth, named in mineka, are acceleration. with this, there is a high demand for good specialists. we are talking about the non-budgetary sector; processing is showing faster growth rates, as well as the hospitality sector with active implementation domestic tourism development programs. for sustainable, balanced development of the economy, vladimir putin noted at the meeting, it is necessary to work on further reducing inflation. i would like to draw the attention of the government and the bank of russia to the importance of effective coordinated actions to reduce inflation. it directly affects the well-being of russian families, our citizens, among others; we need to carefully monitor the dynamics of prices for socially significant, most in-demand goods and services. so, the results of the fight against inflation
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already there, the weekly figure has slowed down to 14, minek reported, the rate of growth in food prices has decreased to 3%, with the exception of fruit products, their dynamics remained at the level of the previous week, the cost of non-food goods has remained virtually unchanged, although electrical and household appliances have begun to become cheaper again , in the service sector there is also a decrease in the rate of price growth, but the reason is also a slowdown in the rise in prices for air tickets for domestic flights. in general, the stabilization of inflation is already influenced by the decree on the mandatory sale of foreign currency earnings and a number of other measures. ultimately, all this will increase the well-being of russians and make economic development predictable.
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. in the amur region, the main air gates of the region were prepared for winter, blagoveshchensk airport switched to a winter schedule, and at the same time coped with constant flight delays. to do this, we had to change the carrier; soon the city residents will be able to fly from the amur region directly to sochi. they will start accepting them at the airport. wide-body airliners, alexey sherbakov will tell you what is being done for this. a wide-winged iron
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colossus cuts through the morning fog as it sets. there are almost 90 people on board for landing, who flew to the regional center from the capital of the primorsky territory, like in vladivostok with the weather, you see, snow, east, +11, sun, warm, tell me how you got there, and we got there perfectly, we liked everything very much , the plane is convenient, comfortable, at the controls of this cozy domestic superjet konstantin bednov, the pilot has never been to the far east before, but now, he says, there will be a good opportunity to get to know and see our region better. by the way, almost zero. visibility this morning did not affect the flight in any way, the map, navigation, all this, everything is there, we don’t need visibility in principle, i have long wanted to visit, see the cities, and that is, we are sitting in vladivostok, yuzhno-sakhadinsk, such a new challenge, yes, long distances, you fly so beautiful landscapes, you have time to notice, well, of course, this flight was the first for the new air carrier in amur region, he came to relieve the company when
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the plane was delayed, in which... many amur residents complained, flights to vladivostok and back were sometimes postponed for several days. the problem should now be a thing of the past. in addition, it will be possible to fly from the regional center to yuzhno-sakhalinsk on an ongoing basis, and the number of flights to krasnoyarsk has been increased. previously , it was possible to fly from blagoveshchensk to krasnoyarsk every day, but only in the evenings. now in this direction, on some days , more morning flights have been added, and if earlier there were only boeing carried passengers; now airbuses and a superjet are also taking to the skies. the number of air carriers, the opening of new routes and the ability to accommodate ships of greater capacity have a positive effect on the dynamics of passenger traffic; last year it amounted to 843,000 people, in the future the figure will be even higher. we are preparing to receive wide-bodied aircraft, since the construction of a new runway is now in its final stage, it will be able to accommodate all types of aircraft without restrictions, there is already information that for example, next summer season,
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sales of aircraft between blagoveshchensk and sochi are already open, it will be a wide-bodied aircraft, and just the very aircraft that many here are waiting for. in the near future, the blagoveshchensk airport itself, on behalf of the plenipotentiary representative of the dfu presidents yuri trutnev, will undergo a large-scale renovation , the construction of an international terminal has already begun, workers are now forming the foundation, in parallel, concreting of another pier is underway, the air harbor will take on an updated and modern look in the spring of 2025 year, which means it will be even more comfortable for amur residents to fly, and the region will become more accessible and attractive for tourists. alexey sherbakov, alexander vasiliev, vesti amur region. now we’ll stop for a couple of minutes, and then the program “fifth studio” will be on air on russia 24. you know,
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such a thrill. you start the engine of a tank for the first time, you just feel this power, seed, when i decided to come to donbass, they thought i was completely crazy , seventeenth, please go down to the intensive care unit, they asked, called, well, ready, no ready, as if they are not ready, as if they are always ready , just as women made a great contribution to the great patriotic war, so now women... are doing a lot, here, where i am as a medic, let’s say for drivers, i can probably bring them more benefit , than i will sit in the office at the computer, when she just comes up to you and even just hugs you and says the word that we believe in you, this gives a lot, i won’t sit at home, idle, this is my land, i will be hers to protect it, i won’t give it to anyone.
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hello everyone, the fairy tale is straight and figuratively, truly wonderful, love works wonders, captivates, directly amazes, directly saturates, however, such an easy and most importantly, kind work, when you look, you cannot remain indifferent, sibor si, shibarshchi, lively, cheerful, fascinating , very optimistic, a fairy tale about love, about happiness and about kindness, i was imbued with one evil, one emotion, it is magical, adventurous, instructive, i will fulfill any of your wishes, some straight traditions, you know, as probably in mine they filmed it as a child, well, finally, otherwise i started to get bored, this is a great family movie, let there be such a movie in our world.


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