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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 3, 2023 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] and accordingly, in addition to all this, we still have a whole series of developments on how we can really resolve this serious issue today, but the main thing that we think today, maybe, maybe something that needed to be thought about, is the security council, released national security strategy and 809 decree on the protection of traditional values, but the problem is that there is no body in the country that would be responsible for the implementation of this law and, by and large, from a demographic point of view, it might be advisable in the development of a national security strategy, to develop the reality of a million people, and we need a body responsible for execution, you know, all of this, maybe all the laws that are adopted in the state, they would undergo demographic control and monitoring, that is, this law increases the population or it actually decreases, until
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yesterday the minister of development said: we have adopted 700 projects in the field of demography, i say, listen, but for the last 10 years we have the same problem, such as in crimea, we are checking with the ministry of health, one pharmacy, in a year they sold 3,500 packages of drugs for abortion, and the annual statistics of crimea are 4,000 abortions, imagine, one pharmacy sold 3,500 packages, and the statistics are 4,000, because the same private clinics do not provide statistics, for the country for the past 1,200,000 of these drugs were sold per year. and the statistics of the ministry of health are 400,000 abortions, if you add 200 - that’s 1600, that is, relatively speaking, of course, 700 projects, and their implementation is not the use of budget funds, it’s an increase birth rate, that’s what’s most important, this is the excess of birth rates over deaths, and of course, we may , i don’t know how correct this is, that it would be right for some body to be responsible in general in the country for everything that happens in our country in demography, second, of course, we need a strategic document that could
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systematically unite all... the efforts of all state structures in terms of solving this problem, sorry for the long speech, well, thank you very much, a very very important question, i won’t go there now in depth, in details, but it’s complicated, yes, and it’s clear why our failures are connected, we’ve already talked about this many times, in 1943 we had the same failure as in... in terms of demographics, in terms of fertility, the number of births we had in 1943, or in 1991, that’s how it is, the population of the country accepted the collapse of the soviet union, they stopped, well, the horizon for family planning immediately decreased, so, but the first thing i would like to say, of course, is
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the problem of abortion, it... it so acute, the question is how to deal with this, what to do about it, ban the sale of drugs that interrupt pregnancy, or improve the socio-economic situation in the country, increase the level of well-being, real wages, social services , assistance to young families, assistance in other areas, and material assistance to young, student families, a lot of different areas of activity on supporting motherhood and childhood, an extremely important thing, is it necessary to put everything there in the security council, well
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, after all, everyone should: mind their own business, i’m not because i’m afraid of overloading them security council, no, but the government is responsible for this entire social block, in general, i think you will agree with me, as the head of a large family, after all, with children, i agree, i agree with you that we need to constantly pay attention to this attention, constantly, dwell on what has been done, react to the realities in our lives, we need to do this every day , think about it every day, and generate new and new considerations, there is security in the field of demography, we need to think, we just need everything that the state does, this is the strategy, of course, this needs to be concentrated somewhere, but well, the government is concentrating it in the social
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block, but nevertheless, still... once again , together with my colleagues, i will think about what you said, because the issue is extremely important for the future of our state , that this is one of the key issues, here you are completely, absolutely right. i completely agree with you, well , i want to wish your large family happiness, good luck, you know what i want, i want to say, this is when i meet, when i meet with large families families, you know what catches the eye, uh, so as not to offend anyone, of course, we assume that we are all good people, but large families, parents are different, just believe me, with special kindness, this is just what they call: this well, the obvious thing catches the eye, especially, well, mom - that’s understandable, that goes without saying, but especially it always surprises me, honestly, i know , that’s how it is, of course, we work with the camera here
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somehow - you can’t tell a family member, nevertheless, here i am saying what i think, dad surprises me all the time, honest, self-confident people, kindly, gently treating their children, this is some kind of unique style among fathers of large large families, well, this is of course a special happiness, children, and i sincerely wish your family, everything best regards, thank you, alexander kholdov, commission for security and interaction with. vladimir vladimirovich, our public chamber is engaged in public control in various areas of activity, including, for example, issues of road safety, for example,
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we now have a project, road traps, when citizens write on the website of the public chamber about some situations on the roads where they fall into a trap, they themselves do not want to break the rules, but it turns out that they are breaking, together with the traffic police we analyze, if for some reason everyone really violates it in one place, such a traffic trap , in addition, we now have new types of transport on our roads, we see unicycles, electric scooters, robotic delivery people are already riding, driverless taxis, we have it all already exists in the country, and naturally, the traffic rules need to be adjusted, but the traffic rules have been changed more than fifty times, so now the government, in general, has done the right thing, it has prohibited changing the traffic rules, it just needs to rewrite the text again. and in order to introduce an emergency now, why are we rewriting? but because the document has already been patched 50 times, or it needs to be completely new, or it turns out like a newspaper, you can subscribe to the traffic rules, everyone
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new amendments will be coming to you every month, so now the latest amendments relate to the insistence that electric scooters become a means of transport, and the person who is a driver and not a pedestrian on it, many are grateful to us for this, but the draft of a new traffic rule is now. it turns out that only the public chamber is involved in this, that is, now our traffic rules are temporary until the twenty-ninth year, that is, if suddenly no one does anything, they will cease to exist altogether, but it seems to me that there is no point wait for the year twenty-nine, we now have new modern ones in which we take into account, for example, electric cars, and some even flying cars, even delivery robots, all this, then maybe russia will become the country from which everyone will then write off text of the rules, adopting your... countries, so i ask you to give instructions not to wait for the twenty-ninth year, but now to launch the procedure for preparing new traffic rules and be sure to include the public chamber in this process, because we have already collected several
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hundred proposals from citizens, believe me, there are very adequate ones, society has a request for simple and understandable rules that even children can study at school, well, children should study at school, children at school should study the rules road traffic is not just from... as they say, but it would seem to be such a generally accessible, but rather special area of ​​activity, so let's agree, i will now ask the minister of internal affairs, he will invite you today or tomorrow for a conversation and you and him , you are with discuss it, thank you, then i’ll hand over the ticket to st. petersburg, i’ll hand over the ticket to st. petersburg. you can wait, because when i was coming here to see you, i talked to him on the phone, he was in his office, well, if something didn’t happen there, didn’t go anywhere, i’ll come back now
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and ask him, he’ll call you, okay, okay , thank you, please, thank you very much, after all, of course, when you start talking , you have a lot of thoughts at once, first of all, thank you for the president’s certificate of honor, which reached me, not... thank you for the zemsky figure, it’s also important for us, i understand that february 24 the world has changed completely irrevocably, and there have been attempts to cancel culture, everything else , i have such a personal, almost childish question for you, if you... knew how all this would happen, would you have made this decision on february 24, or not? we had no other choice, thank you very much, thank you, because before making a decision to uncover the machine gun, we need to think, is it possible to do without it, no, unfortunately, this could not be done, why, because we were already attacked , you just
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said that these are ours, well, in these territories, our all subsequent historical territories, the people who lived there, the events showed, my colleagues just said this publicly, they considered themselves part of russia from the beginning, but they were attacked in 2014, first they tried to attack crimea, and then , in order to resolve this situation by peaceful means, in the end they told us, let’s not use peaceful means, but they refused to do so. refused publicly, we won’t, they said, we don’t like the minsk agreements, but whatever we do, we’ll continue hammer without ceasing, but at some point it was necessary to take actions aimed at putting an end to this, we are striving for this, this is all dictated by it, you know, what i propose is the final one, yes here you go, no, no , no, well, women, please give in, yes, please, thank you very much, otherwise there are two. wonderful, thank you, i thank you on behalf of the section of the public
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chamber, which was held yesterday on the preservation of historical memory for the creation of a national center of historical memory, thank you great, we have been waiting for this for a very long time, but we all understand, vladimir vladimirovich, that this is not about, but it seems to me that here we can take the experience of our belarusian colleagues, so i literally just learned from minsk about a very cool practice that, since 2004, attention is realized, every first-grader receives a gift edition, i am a citizen of belarus, this is not a postcard, this is not a teaching aid, this is not a brochure, this is a gift, it is very beautiful, very valuable, everything important about the country is there, every young person receives a passport at the age of 14 , receives a gift edition, i am a citizen of belarus, every teacher receives a gift edition with multimedia, belarus is a great country, numbers and facts, let's make an analogue in russia, this will be very important, yes, we need to use ours, we need to use
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the best practices, including ours belarusian friends, thank you for drawing attention to this, and i think that we will introduce this practice in russia, but as for belarus and russia, i would also include information about the union state in this gift, please, please , in our the eve of a great victory is a very important date for the whole country, young people recently, thanks to a project without a statute of limitations , already know a lot of the truth about events, which is very important, again, using the experience of colleagues, in belarus the ninth-tenth grade, there is a textbook, training course, the victory of the soviet people in the great patriotic war, we don’t share either, we did a lot for the world, all together, thank you very much, thank you for the information, dear... dear, i want
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to thank you for your work in general and for today’s our meeting, it seems to me that it not only took place in such a positive way, but it was also useful, because during our meeting you touched on a number of such important issues, life, the functioning of the country, our work in the most important areas, i wrote down almost all of this, as i have said more than once, in government, i hope to continue our interaction in the future as actively as possible, i hope that this joint work will continue as before, i once again congratulate you on the upcoming holiday, all the best. thank you very much,
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this was footage of vladimir putin’s meeting with new composition of the public chamber. and let's start the release with the progress of the special military operation. over the past week, russian troops carried out 15 group strikes on ukrainian territory. the targets were warehouses of weapons and equipment, as well as places of deployment of foreign mercenary military personnel. about it. the military department also spoke about the situation in the main directions. from october 28 to november 3, caused by the forces of the russian federation. places of storage of weapons and military equipment, as well as a point of temporary deployment of ukrainian military personnel, nationalists, foreign mercenaries. as a result of the strikes , hangars for preparing ukrainian aircraft for flight, production sites
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for unmanned aerial vehicles and unmanned boats, and a group of foreign mercenary instructors were destroyed. nagubyansky direction subdivision of the western group. the troops, through professional actions, occupied more advantageous positions, and also repelled 24 enemy counterattacks. air strikes and artillery fire hit the manpower of the equipment of the twenty-fifth airborne, fourteenth and 115 mechanized, as well as 95 airborne assault brigades of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of the settlements of senkovka, ivanovka, timkovka, kharkov region and makeevka of the lugansk people's republic. podere enemy in a week in this direction. consisted of over 755 ukrainian military personnel, seven tanks, eight armored combat vehicles, 17 vehicles, 16 field artillery pieces, as well as two multiple launch rocket systems. in addition, two field warehouses were destroyed ammunition, unit of the ukrainian armed forces. in the krasnoliman direction, the skillful actions of a unit
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of the center group of forces, air strikes , and artillery fire from heavy flamethrower systems repelled 20 attacks by assault troops, three tanks, 14 armored combat vehicles, 19 vehicles, and five guns. in the donetsk direction , russian units of the group of troops repelled six attacks and defeated units of 28. ukrainian forces in the areas of the settlements of kurdyumovka, kleshcheevka and marinka, donetsk people's republic. enemy losses amounted to more than 1,340 ukrainian military personnel, seven tanks, 22 armored combat vehicles, 22 vehicles, 19
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field artillery guns and four multiple launch rocket system combat vehicles. two armed warehouses with ammunition and military equipment were also destroyed. ukrainian forces in the south donetsk direction, russian units repelled four attacks by assault detachments, the 72nd mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine and the 118th territorial defense brigade in populated areas points of vodyanoye and staromarskaya donetsk people's republic. during this period , enemy losses amounted to over 1,110 ukrainian military personnel, seven tanks, 11 armored combat vehicles, 28 vehicles, nine field artillery pieces and a multiple launch rocket system combat vehicle. in the zaporozhye direction, units of the russian troops introduced an active defense, during which they repelled eight attacks by the thirty -third mechanized and seventy-first yager brigades of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of the settlements of verbovoe and robotino, zaporozhye region. enemy losses in this direction over the week
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amounted to more than 760 ukrainian military personnel, four tanks, 26 armored combat vehicles, 27 vehicles, 14 field artillery guns, as well as a multiple launch rocket system combat vehicle. in the kherson direction , as a result of fire raids, artillery preemptive actions of russian troops, and a thwarted enemy attempt to land , gain a foothold on the left bank of the dnieper. in addition, a unit of the thirty-fifth, thirty-seventh brigades was defeated marine corps of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of the settlements of tyaginka and ivanovka , kherson region. as a result of hostilities . the enemy in this direction amounted to up to 550 ukrainian military personnel killed and wounded, 11 field artillery pieces, 40 vehicles and 35 various watercraft. fighter aviation of the russian aerospace forces and air defense systems, in a week 10 aircraft of the ukrainian air force were destroyed, one helicopter,
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including 5 mik-29, 3-27, one su-25 attack aircraft, one l-39 combat trainer aircraft, as well as mi8 helicopter. in addition, four atakans operational-tactical missiles, three jame guided aerial bombs, three harm anti-radiation missiles, 51 hymers multiple launch rocket systems and 274 unmanned aerial vehicles were intercepted. within a week , 28 ukrainian soldiers voluntarily surrendered to russian troops. on november 1 of this year alone, 15 ukrainian military personnel voluntarily surrendered to one of the units of the vostok group of troops, refusing to carry out the orders of their command and to die during the next meat assault; in total , since the beginning of the special operation, 25 aircraft, 254 helicopters, 8,586 unmanned
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aerial vehicles, 441 missile systems, 13,135 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,177 multiple launch rocket system combat vehicles, 6,967 guns have been destroyed field artillery and mortars, as well as 14,923 units of special military vehicles. open a free account with alfabank get a business credit card with free service alfabank is the best bank for business. soon it will be a green day at the megamarket and you will find out what a price squeezer is. and now buy shoes with a discount of up to 50%. megamarket. alfabank was the first in russia to cancel. commissions for all transfers and payments. order a free alpha debit card. not just profitable. alpha is profitable. everyone is delighted with the taste
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free delivery, a scooter without extra expenses. united russia and the young guard opened a new assistance center in gorlovka, and also, together with the nasha pravda foundation, donated medicines and equipment to participants in the special military operation. in particular, the head of the executive committee of united russia, alexander sedyakin, handed over drones to one of the battalions. also military. employees received anti-drone guns, electronic reconnaissance system, night vision devices and other military special equipment. the tasks that you have on the obke are not fulfilled, therefore, in order for you to detect the enemy at night, to pursue him from the air, to crush his means with which he is watching us, you bet you show yourself,
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