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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 7, 2023 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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the united states is asking israel to pause operations in the gas strip, but they are not stopping the supply of weapons. the death toll in the palestinian enclave already exceeds 10,000 . hamas responds by striking israeli cities, causing casualties, and we will tell you the situation in detail. ivanovo paratroopers captured the vsu stronghold in the artyomovsk direction. a nato tank has been destroyed, and su-25 attack aircraft are carrying out... strikes in
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the southern donetsk direction. all details about the special military operation are in our issue. igor krasnov arrived in china for a meeting of the prosecutors general of the sco countries, a series of bilateral meetings and signing of agreements is also planned. we are waiting for the inclusion of our special correspondent from kaina. over the past holidays, sochi experienced an unprecedented influx of tourists. at the beginning of november, the weather in the resort town is almost summer; our correspondent will tell you how tourists spend their holidays. the israeli authorities discussed with the white house the possibility of a so-called pause in operations in the gas sector. the death toll in the enclave already exceeds 10,000 human. that night tsakhal fired at gaza again. hamasna responded. the speedster will tell you
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in detail about the situation. as darkness falls, the shelling of the gas sector becomes stronger. in this footage, tzahala fires flares. on the path of the advance of ground forces, there was a fierce firefight. in the coming days, israel plans to complete the encirclement of the gas and begin military operations in the city, the military said. our army eliminated almost the entire enemy field echelon. we are preventing them from carrying out counterattacks, this demonstrates.
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in the meantime, we ask for help, the situation is catastrophic, there are not enough medical supplies , hospitals are overcrowded, we simply have nothing to save people, but the television warns every time that it is dangerous to be in the gas sector, local residents are advised to leave the enclave and evacuate to the south. we dropped over half a million leaflets and flyers from the air, think about it over half a million. we also made more than 2000 telephone calls. officers called people in different areas and told them to evacuate, go south, and not linger in the northern gas. israel is fighting on several fronts, fighter jets are striking a number of hezbollah targets. in response, rockets are flying from lebanese territory towards israel. journalists report hits in residential buildings. the idf military continues to locate the gaza strip behind camouflaged hamas launchers. we captured a branch of the movement in the north of the gas sector. you can see right here by this.
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photographs of scouts, as well as rocket launchers, apparently aimed at ashkilon. israeli special forces are conducting an operation on the west bank of the jordan river. no losses hide, hamas fighters carried photographs of the dead through the streets of the gaza strip. and in large cities of israel there were protests demanding the release of the hostages. in jerusalem, they honored the memory of the victims, hundreds of people lit candles. the escalation of the palestinian-israeli conflict has divided the world. a thousand people. they take to the streets, speak out against the war, in these shots there is lochore, there medical students staged a flash mob, well, this is stuttgart. residents of germany demand to stop supplying weapons to israel. in the us, hundreds of activists staged a statue protest freedom, called for a ceasefire in the gaza strip. i am a jew, my parents managed to escape the holocaust, but i do not support israel, i am on the side of palestine, because the western government supports israel with weapons, thereby inciting it. american
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authorities, meanwhile, said the pentagon will supply israel with precision bombs worth $320 million, citing sources, the media write. washington promises israel unlimited support for destruction. hamas, but the palestinian ministry of health is already reporting that from massive bombings in over 10,000 people were killed in the gas sector . analyzing the situation, the un stated that no side in the middle east conflict is above international humanitarian law. maria skorodilka, news. the crews of so-25 attack aircraft launched new attacks on the enemy in the southern donetsk direction. fortified field positions and armored vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed. missile launches were carried out in pairs from low altitudes. after working on the target, the planes performed an anti-aircraft maneuver. upon returning to the base, they were examined and prepared for a new combat mission. engineering and technical specialists. the repair battalions
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of the central military district are engaged in restoring the equipment that operates on the front line, trying to return to service every combat vehicle that came under attack. there is everything you need for this. our military man was convinced of this. his report from the line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic. in this hangar you can repair any artillery equipment, we see the nona self-propelled gun, acacia and even the largest mortar in the world - tulip. of course, we will not disclose the location of this rembat in the krasnoliman direction. without exaggeration, there is a lot of work. this repair base is provided with everything necessary, of course, it is an unusual place of service in the central military district, but there is no shortage of anything, 5 hours of work a day, and the gun is actually repaired, many man-hours are not
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spent on it, our work is expected, the faster we we finish it, so much the better, so we try not to delay it, we try to send it as soon as it’s done. on the front line. that technique which arrives here under its own power, undergoes routine maintenance, and tanks also need it. these cars are just now passing it, and those that are standing not far from the pits are just waiting for their turn. while working, crews have some time to rest. it was evacuated to the battlefield, we immediately began to carry out the assigned task , the drone pierced the engine compartment, the engine was damaged, we are preparing to dismantle the engine. crew. alive because fully dynamic protection worked, every one, even a vehicle that has come under attack from the enemy is valuable, the head of one of the repair units tells us that here they try to use everything, as they say, that survived the battle, and this is the action of the rszo grad in the serebryansky
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forestry, many vehicles from this battalion just underwent maintenance in this repair unit, are now doing... combat work , there were enemy dugouts, we covered them with fire , precise work is being done, after each battle, work is done there, we always discover some new things for ourselves, it turns out better and better, the current machine copes with the job at five, the action of multiple launch rocket systems is continuous, alexey baranov, andrey yurchuk, khalet tankiev. vesti, line of contact in the lugansk people's republic, krasno-limansky direction, serebryansky forestry. fsb officers detained a resident of the donetsk people's republic for treason. according to the security forces, the man was transferring
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secret data to the kiev special services. he left all the information in hiding places, and also corresponded with ukrainian curators in messengers and social networks. in addition, the detainee tried to get into military service under a contract. in order to gain access to state secrets, a criminal case was opened against him. and now there is footage from telegram channels, on the inner side of the 52 kilometer of mkat, a truck with cargo has overturned onto the roadway, city operational services are working on the spot. the circumstances of the incident are being clarified; it is also reported that traffic in the area of ​​the incident is difficult, two lanes of five. and now it’s time for alexander’s economic news, sales of new trucks in russia may reach record levels at the end of the year, tell us how many trucks are going to be sold? tatyana, according to experts, about 150,000 pieces, for now on to other
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topics. the price ceiling on russian oil introduced by the g7 countries and their allies is increasingly showing its ineffectiveness, writes the woll street journal. as the publication notes. moscow has fully adapted to the restrictions; as exports grow, pressure on ruble, and oil and gas revenues to the russian budget in october more than doubled in monthly terms, according to experts, continued... pressure on russia, in particular the introduction of sanctions against foreign intermediaries in the trade of russian oil, will only worsen the situation of the global economy. sales of new trucks in russia may reach a record level by the end of the year. this forecast was given to the statements by the analytical agencies autostat and autostat-info. according to experts, their volume could be about 150 thousand. according to the results three quarters of sales have already increased by 81%. up to 105,800 trucks. among the main reasons , experts cite preferential lysine, as well as
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the development of infrastructure projects and building new logistics. they stimulate the increase in cargo transportation and the demand for appropriate equipment. 2012 remains a record year. at that time , 128,900 new trucks were sold in russia. the availability of rental housing for families with two children in russia is gradual. it is estimated that this year half of them can rent a standard two-room apartment. before the pandemic the figure was close to 40%. the leaders in the ranking were the kemerovo region, st. petersburg and tatarstan. ingushetia, dagestan and kabbardino-balkaria close the list. experts call recent years a turning point for the russian housing market, with construction sharply intensifying. in many regions , more than one square meter per inhabitant is introduced per year. this is a fairly high figure. by world standards. for the first time, china faced a
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foreign direct investment deficit. from july to september this year, the influx of money from abroad fell almost 12 billion dollars. this data is provided by the country's government foreign exchange office. the indicators track the last 25 years. he had never had negative values ​​before. bloomberg attributes the decline to tense relations between beijing and washington. china has tightened foreign exchange controls and limited the technology sector. in addition, other countries now have higher interest rates, so many foreigners are moving capital and production out of china. at the end of the issue , let me remind you that exchange rates for today are dollar 93 rubles and 3 kopecks. euro 99 and 1 kopeck. that 's all i have for now. i have to fly across the entire globe at once and never land. oscar, uruguay does not give permission for the flight , they will not shoot it down, the master of the wind, and
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the coastal region is recovering from the cyclone; a state of emergency was introduced in the dalnerechensky district due to freezing rain, which left thousands of people without electricity. emergency teams are working; in vladivostok itself, where more than two months of normal rainfall has fallen, the water is gradually receding. sergei komarov has all the details. now the water is already receding actively, near the ocean cinema, a real lake formed, where it was impossible to walk, there was water up to the train itself, now everything is fine there, you can walk along the sidewalk without floods, you can also say about meadow street, where there was severe flooding, cars could not safely pass along road, now the water has gone there too, any type of transport can move without problems, the situation in the region is more complicated, of course, it must be said that the landings there were of a more severe nature, in some places it was snowing, in some places freezing rain, that’s the most
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zavodsk and dalnerechensk got a difficult share, there was freezing rain, a whole bunch of trees were knocked down, wires were broken, many residents are left without electricity, but restoration work is underway, today they promise to restore power supply to boilers and main social facilities, and 17 settlements remain without power supply in the region , today they have already promised to restore the main power supply, and tomorrow they will begin targeted restoration. the road situation is not very rosy, for example, travel to some villages is difficult due to the fact that there were overflows and the roads were washed away, for example, the road to the village of smirnovka was washed away, travel there is difficult, and the same situation near the village of valentin, strong overflow, even today morning, there is a message that cars cannot pass, weather forecasters promise already on the ninth... a new cyclone, which will bring rain in the south of the region, snow will fall in the north again,
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sergey komarov, alexander ostafiev, vesti primorye, the strongest cyclone covered sakhalin, rain fell on the island snow, roads and sidewalks were covered with ice, gusty winds in places, due to bad weather the flight crossing between sakhalin and the mainland was closed, air traffic was disrupted, flights to kunashir island were not sent, passengers could not fly for... almost a day. in two districts where an emergency warning was issued, students were transferred to distance learning. and the magadan region was covered with snow, this is already the second time. cyclone in a week, utility workers are actively removing snow from city streets, and climbers are helping to clear houses of dangerous icicles, like is struggling with the consequences of the outbreak of the elements, lyudmila cherbakova will talk about this, all weekend, the first day of work , the residents of magadan do not part with shovels, they dig up cars, passages to the entrances of houses, the main thing here is to clean it in time, then it will become dull,
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they will start digging, and so on normal, quite soft, snow covered the magadan region all last week, two cyclones came to the region, one after another, according to weather forecasters, 66 mm of precipitation fell, which exceeds the monthly norm for november. residents exchanged in another video, finding ourselves in snow captivity on the roads of the region, this is the situation we have, we dug out a little and drove back , also in the back, there is no road in front, the same in the back, on monday the cyclone left the region and it got sharply colder, on the one hand.. .. snow no longer falls on the roads, on the other hand, it becomes more difficult to remove it. many sidewalks, even in the center of magadan, now look like this, people move along paths, one-way traffic is impossible for two people to pass here. utility workers and road workers promise to clear them first the center of magadan, access roads to clinics, kindergartens and schools. all
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services have switched to enhanced operating mode. there was a lot of snow, so we will work actively, we are strengthening ourselves, attracting people from others. plots, at the moment we have 56 people working around the city cleaning stairs and pedestrian crossings, all possible equipment is used for snow removal, round-the-clock work, the night shift has already been organized, not yet at full strength, but we will catch up, they are helping to cope with the consequences elements and mogadan rescued, they are also clearing the city of snow, knocking down icicles, due to the temperature difference they formed on the roofs of many houses. a devastating request from residents of the city in magadan not to pass close to five, preferably 7 m from the building itself. at the moment, almost all administrative buildings are in danger of having their roofs torn off from icicles. he promises to clear the city within the next week, especially since new snowfalls are not expected yet. a sharp cold snap has arrived in the region, in
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magadan they promise up to 14 below zero, in the central in areas of the region, the thermometer will drop to -35° and below. lyudmila sherbakov, alexey gilev, vesti magadan. a large fire in a shopping center has been localized in ulanud. it started that night and led to a partial collapse of the roof. the fire covered an area of ​​22,000 km. according to preliminary information, no one was injured. the fire continues. 126 people and 32 pieces of equipment were involved. the work is complicated by the complex layout of the building. this was reported. tram traffic was blocked on two streets. and now it’s time for news sports alexander the fourteenth round of the russian premier league has ended. tell me more. tatyana, the tour ended with an exciting match in sochi. dynamo and sochi played 3:3, but the championship leader is still krasnodar. the program
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of the fourteenth round closed the night before in sochi. the sochi-dynamo match ended in a draw. three. it turned out to be a super eventful first half. the teams scored four goals in 20 minutes. even before the break, dynamo led with a score of 3:1. also in the first half, the sochi team missed a penalty. luka djordjevic's shot from the point was saved by dynamo goalkeeper igor lishchuk. chernogots lukas djordjevic eventually corrected himself after the break, scored a goal, and in the seventy-third minute the score was equalized by the slovenian legionnaire of sochi, ivanja dorkusic. in added time, sochi received two red cards. and the head coach got them. marcelo alvis. for the first time this season, sochi played in a draw. the team is still in last place in the standings. dynamo is in fifth place. the muscovites did not take advantage of the chance to catch up with cska in third. in other matches yesterday, orenburg and rostov ended up in a 1:1 draw. kazan rubin won in
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yekaterinburg with a minimum score of 1:0. the first round of the rpl will end at the end of this week. matches will be held from the fifteenth round, and this evening watch the next episode of the russian football program on our channel, the guest of the episode was the head coach of kazan rubin rashid rakhimov. we still need to finish the game now, try to maximize our best qualities that we have, score the maximum possible number of points, which ones i can’t talk about yet, i don’t know, because well we understand perfectly well what football is, it’s a game, everything is possible, naturally we are aiming for this, but at the same time i ... understand that the most important thing will be, of course, those same training camps where you can definitely build with with the acquisitions that we have, plus, if someone else comes, you can build a team that will come out after the winter break and look, well, at least 20-30 percent different.
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the continental hockey league had a busy game on monday... the day included seven matches of the regular season. moscow spartak beat st. petersburg ska for the second time this season. the scoring was opened by the guests, marat khairulin pushed the red-white goalkeeper through the match. spartak equalized the score quite quickly; in a 5:3 game , pavel poryadin scored. this was spartak's 100th anniversary goal this season. the most productive team in the championship: spartak was the first to cross this symbolic milestone this season. in the third period, spartak-sk exchanged goals. pavel scored a double, and the end of the match came at the last second of the main one. time. ansel galimov won the faceoff and alexander belyaev scored with less than a second
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left in the third period. 3:2, another victory for alexey zhamnov’s team. in the national hockey league, tampa forward nikita kucherov scored last night. the russian scored four points for his performance, and in just 11 minutes of playing time. in the first period of the match against toronto. nikita kucherov managed to score a double and gave two assists. after kucherova's scoring exploits, tampa led 4:1, but failed to maintain the advantage. 6:5 - toronto wins in overtime. tennis, thirty-nine-year-old russian vera zvonareva became the oldest winner of the final tournament of the year. vera zvonareva won the doubles title with germany's laura siegemund. the final tournament of the year in doubles was held in mexico. cancun. in the final, the zvanarovand couple beat the american-australian duo meli kartines perez in two sets. 6:4 6:4. victory at the final tournament
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is an indicator of a successful year for zvonareva izigend. russian-german duet in one season won four titles. in total, this is their eighth trophy in this lineup. the russian olympic committee challenged the decision to suspend its membership. russian country was accepted by the court of arbitration for sport in lazan. let me remind you that the decision to temporarily suspend the roc’s membership in the ioc was made after the inclusion of the olympic councils, dpr, lpr, as well as the kherson and zaporozhye regions into the russian organization. at the same time, the international olympic committee reserved the right to admit some russian athletes to the olympics in paris are in neutral status. that's all about sports for now, see you next hour. time spent with family is priceless, you can do sports or creativity together, or you can all take part in a competition together, this is a family affair for us and
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win great prizes, details on this.rf. and now in china, there will be a meeting of the prosecutors general of the sco countries. the event itself will begin tomorrow. there are plans to discuss further cooperation and sign several agreements. general. russia's igor krasnov has already arrived in china and met with his colleague yingyun. our special correspondent, anastaya efimova, is following the negotiations and is in direct contact with us. anastasia, greetings, tell us what is known at this time? yes, of course, i will be happy to tell you about everything that we see with our own eyes, here in xi’an , where igor krasnov arrived this morning, on the morning of the plane, he was met at the airport by the deputy prosecutor general of china, and it was a very warm meeting. it must be said that traditionally the chinese side is very is attentive to the ceremony, to all the details of the protocol and the need to comply with it, and of course, against this background
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, the footage of the meeting between the prosecutors general of russia and china will probably be especially eloquent; it was not just a welcoming, very strong and long handshake, but even a mutual hug, it should be noted that the two prosecutors general already met this year in july in beijing, so this year alone this is already... a meeting, and of course, an excellent sign of how closely moscow and beijing are cooperating today, within those agreements that vladimir putin and xizen ping reached. during the meeting between the president of the russian federation vladimir vladimirovich putin and the chairman of the people 's republic of china xidzenping, which took place in october of this year, it was noted that the ministry and department of the two countries are making every effort to implement the agreements reached. our joint work with you, a clear confirmation of this, held in july in beijing, between us gave a powerful impetus for
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further multifaceted cooperation between our departments. the leaders of the two states have repeatedly, within the framework of their negotiations and this spring in moscow , already in october in china, talked about the need to coordinate contacts at various levels, and cooperation between the prosecutor's offices of the two states in various areas is, of course, a very significant indicator of how... the positions of our countries today are close, how great is the desire to bring them closer together, and , by the way, the prosecutor general of the people's republic of china spoke about this at the meeting, i am very glad to be with you again to meet in this simultaneously ancient and modern energetic city of xiain, this is our second meeting this year, in july you visited china, then in beijing we had a friendly, very fruitful
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dialogue, during that meeting you and i... in the russian delegation immediately representatives of a number of areas of work of the prosecutor general's office, representatives of various regional prosecutor's offices of china, respectively , were present at the meeting from the chinese side, a number of documents were signed, one of them, by the way, concerns cooperation in the educational sphere, 15 prosecutors from... china have already come to russia to improve their skills, now 15 russian ones will visit china, as igor krasnov said today, we are talking about representatives of the prosecutor's offices of border regions, which, of course, in the context of the development of cooperation is very logical . a number of meetings are scheduled today with the prosecutor general, the russian prosecutor general for today. we will, of course, talk about all of them on our broadcast, but the meeting of the prosecutors general of the sco member countries
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already scheduled. for tomorrow, colleagues, anastasia, thank you, our special correspondent in china was in touch with the studio, anastasia
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, we are looking ahead of everyone else, four children, ex- husband, endless stress at work, vasnetsova, why are you always nothing but problems? subscribe and look. over the holiday weekend , sochi experienced an influx of tourists, helped by the weather. lately, thermometers have been showing almost summer temperatures. what the guests of the resort city spent time and energy on, they will tell you about it.


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