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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 7, 2023 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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traffic jams and massive accidents in the khabarovsk territory and primorye. the far east has been hit by a powerful cyclone and weather forecasters are warning of a new disaster , when can we expect it? the imf will review the financing program for ukraine, how the assistance plan will change and how much kiev expects to receive. germany is increasing its military presence in the baltics. the bundeswehr will permanently station two tank battalions, and the number of german military personnel deployed will increase. four times. the israeli navy used precision missiles to hit targets palestinian hamas movement in the gaza strip. this was stated by the tsahal press service. they also acknowledged the fact of an airstrike on a building near the alkutsk hospital, alkuts, but called the bombing justified, since hamas fighters were in the building. our special correspondent in israel is following the progress of the conflict. a ceasefire does not contribute
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to a speedy resolution of the conflict; hamas can only be influenced by military pressure, this is the statement israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu addressed to western journalists. besides, it's not worth it forget, israel is now facing new challenges; the day before, for example, it was necessary to carry out targeted strikes on hezbollah’s infrastructure facilities; warehouses where they were stored were hit. ammunition, launchers destroyed, this is sahal’s response to the massive shelling of the northern territory of israel, they were carried out from the territory of lebanon, it should be noted that what they hoped to avoid in israel, apparently, is becoming a reality, this is the second front, they are heard here more and more often explosions of lebanese missiles, even though the anti-missile system defense and works quite effectively, the iron dome does not allow almost a single one to pass through. here are some other statements made by
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prime minister israelminyah. if the middle east loses to terrorists, europe will be next and no one will be safe. this is not a local battle, this is a global battle. the first priority is to defeat this axis of terror in the fight we are currently waging against hamas in the gaza strip. there is no alternative to victory. there is no alternative to victory, with such slogans now. armyakhal carries out an operation in in the gas sector, it must be said that perhaps the turning point in this offensive operation is close, now that the gas has been cut by idf units, into northern and southern ones, journalists, including israeli ones, are starting to make, let’s say forecasts, there is information that assessing the objective picture of the fighting, that in 48 hours, even less than 48 hours, the israeli military can... begin
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ground-based clearing of the gas area and tunnels that are located under gaza. but one more a pressing question that should not be written off the agenda: what is the current state of those who are being held hostage by hamas. the prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, in particular, spoke about this the day before, as well as the prime minister of bulgaria nikolai dinkov, he flew specifically to israel to discuss issues, including humanitarian pauses, of course, about what kind of truce, as the prime minister says israeli minister benjamin netanyahu, there is no talk now, but humanitarian pauses are possible, and these issues will be included be worked out. it should be noted that for a month now the hostages have not been able to return home, the day before in jerusalem, the walls of the old city were illuminated with their faces, and where the wailing wall is located, a mourning event took place: 1,400 candles were lit in memory of the victims, and this is the memory of ...those who
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cannot be forgotten today, and these are the names of those who have been forever inscribed in the history of the jewish people. pavel melnikov, vladimirin, news from israel. a unit of the israeli army carried out a raid on the west bank of the jordan river this night, this is another palestinian enclave. there were fierce firefights in the tulkam refugee camp, which are still ongoing. qatar's aljazeera tv channel reports nine deaths. the bombing of the gas sector continues, with details from our special correspondent in the region stanislav bernwalt. israel is increasing its strikes throughout the gaza strip, but at least eight people were killed and dozens were injured as a result of the recent israeli air raid on the nasser hospital complex in gaza, the palestinian ministry of health reported, and responded that the medical the complex, which includes a children's hospital, an ophthalmological hospital, a psychiatric hospital, was attacked
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both directly and nearby, and the israeli missiles hit precisely at a time when there were a lot of people there, the wounded from this hospital were urgently taken to the khan hospital -yunisa. all these are children, there is not a single adult, among the dead only children and women , an entire building collapsed on them, so these are your goals netanyahu, may allah take revenge on you for this, there are a lot of wounded and dead, some of us we have already managed to get out from under the rubble, but we simply cannot get to many , there is a fire going on inside, this is a new, terrible crime against people, the voices of officials are beginning to sound louder, the secretary general of the united nations again demanded the earliest possible end fire in the gas sector. gaza becomes a cemetery for children. according to available data, hundreds of girls and boys die or are injured every day. more journalists have been killed in four weeks
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than in any other conflict in the last three. decades. more un staff have been killed than in any comparable period in our organization's history. well, it’s very unsafe, the guys continue to do their job, many, as you heard, actually died in this conflict, please take shelter in a safer place, there is no safe place. there is no safe place, this is all about the gaza strip, there are no safe places neither in the south, nor in the north, nor in the center of the country, meanwhile, the israeli leadership urgently continues to demand that the palestinians move to the south of the enclave, this not everyone manages to pass the path, or people fall under airstrikes, artillery strikes
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by the israeli army, or are subject to total search. as we approached the israeli troops, we saw several bodies lying on the ground, i think they were. deliberately scared us while we were walking, they shot at the sand around us, we could not stop, my shoes broke and i had to walk barefoot, there was an official statement that the safe corridor for refugees would be open from 10 to 2 o'clock in the afternoon, we everyone decided to go, there were no cars, there were no no vehicles at all, we walked to the hospital. and then we got into the car of our friends, they took us to the border with kuwait, and then we walked again to the refugee camp, they aimed at my sister, she was forced to step over the bodies of other people, this is not normal, this is terrible, since then , like yesterday we arrived, we could not sleep even for a few minutes, the lebanese
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-israeli border is also restless, shelling continues on one side and on the other, the situation is heating up on the west bank of the jordan river, there are israeli the military continues to search their territory for who knows what, who knows, local skirmishes, there are dead among the civilian population, stanislav bernolt, andrei patapov, to wage beirut lebanon. russia has completed the procedure for withdrawing from the treaty on conventional armed forces in europe, or abbreviated to all. as stated in the foreign ministry of our country, the document signed in 1990 provided security guarantees in moscow in the first decade of its existence, but then the united states. accelerated the process of nato expansion, the european countries of the alliance restrictions on everything began to be openly circumvented, russia’s attempts to adapt the treaty were sabotaged. in 2007, our country suspended the treaty, but the west ignored the opportunity for dialogue. as emphasized in the media, nato is directly
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responsible for inciting the conflict in ukraine. finland has joined the alliance and sweden is about to join. in these conditions , even formal preservation and that’s all... the fundamental security interests of russia, the nato state is not capable of agreements and moscow does not regret leaving the completely confident in its rightness, the russian foreign ministry said in a statement. the german authorities will station two tank battalions in lithuania on a permanent basis, this is stated in a statement by the head of the german ministry of defense, boris pistorius. it noted that a new brigade of approximately 4,800 people will be stationed. by the beginning of 2025. the germans are reluctant to go to serve abroad, so the defense department has promised generous bonuses to those who do go to lithuania, the publication shpigen reports. i will add that so far the baltic republic has deployed about
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poured into the military bundesphere. in primorye , the consequences of the cyclone are being eliminated. in the dalnerechensky district, a state of emergency was introduced due to freezing rain, which left thousands of people without..., emergency teams are working, in vladivostok itself, where more than two months of precipitation has already fallen, the water is gradually receding, sergei komarov has all the details. in the city of vladivostok, now the water is already actively receding, a real lake has formed near the ocean cinema, where it was impossible to walk, the water was up to the train, now everything is fine there, you can walk along the sidewalk no problem, you can also say about lugovaya street, where there was severe flooding, cars could not safely pass along the road, now the water has gone there too, any type of transport can move without problems, the situation in the region is more complicated, of course, it must be said that there is precipitation there were of a more severe nature, in some places it was snowing,
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in some places freezing rain, the most difficult fate fell on doslosk and dalnerechensk, there was freezing rain, a whole bunch of trees were knocked down, wires were broken, many residents were left without electricity, but restoration work was underway work, today they promise to restore power supply to boilers and main social facilities, also 17 settlements remain without power supply in the region, today they have already promised to restore the main power supply, and tomorrow they will begin targeted restoration, the situation with roads is not very rosy, for example, to some it is difficult for villages to travel due to the fact that there were overflows and the roads were washed away, for example, the road to the village of smirnovka was washed away, travel there is difficult, and the same situation near the village of valentin, strong it’s still overflowing, even in the morning, there is a message that cars cannot pass, they promise a new cyclone on the 9th, which will bring rain in the south of the region,
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and snow again in the north. sergey komarov, alexander ostafiev, vesti primorye. a cyclone covered sakhalin, rains of snow fell on the island, roads and sidewalks were covered with ice, and gusty winds were gusty in places. due to bad weather , the bridge crossing between sakhalin and the mainland is closed, air traffic is disrupted, and flights to kunashir island are not sent. they have not been able to fly for almost a day, in two cities districts where an emergency warning was announced, schoolchildren were transferred to distance learning, and the magadan region was covered with snow and this is the second cyclone in a week, utility workers are actively removing snow from city streets, and climbers are helping to clear the roofs of houses, as lyudmilava will tell you how they are fighting the consequences of the disaster, all weekend, first day of work... magadans do not part with shovels, they dig out cars, passages to the entrances of houses. the main thing here
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is to clean it in time, then it will become stiff, but it’s normal, it’s quite soft. snow covered the coast of the magadan region all last week, two cyclones came to the region, one after the other. according to the forecaster, 66 mm of precipitation fell, which exceeds the monthly norm for november. residents exchanged videos with each other while trapped in snow on the roads. region, this is the situation we have, we dug out a little, drove back, the same behind us, there is no road in front, the same in the back, on monday the cyclone left the region and it got sharply colder, on the one hand the snow no longer falls on the roads, on the other hand it needs to be removed its getting more complicated. many sidewalks, even in the center of magadan, now look like this , people move along the paths , one-way traffic is impossible for two people to pass here, utility workers and road workers... first of all , clear the center of magadan, the access roads to clinics, kindergartens and schools. all
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services have switched to enhanced operating mode. there was a lot of snow, so we will work actively, we are strengthening ourselves, attracting people from other areas, at the moment we have 56 people working around the city cleaning stairs and pedestrian crossings. and all possible equipment is used for snow removal. round-the-clock work and night shifts have already been organized; we are not yet at full strength, but we will catch up. they help cope with the consequences of the elements of imagad. rescuers, they also clear the city of snow; they knock down icicles; due to the temperature difference, they formed on the roofs of many houses. a devastating request from residents of the city of magadan not to pass close to five, or better yet 7 m from the building itself. today, almost all buildings administrative ones are in danger of the roof being torn off by icicles. the city promises within the next week, especially since new snowfalls are not yet expected
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, a sharp cold snap has arrived in the region, in magadan they promise up to 14 degrees below zero, in the central regions of the region the thermometer will drop to -35° and below. lyudmila shcherbakov, alexey gilev, vesti magadan. if you have already spent. all day to meet you, don’t spend too much, order from the scooter in the selection of a profitable shelf, delivery is free, scooter without... now it will appear, come on, well what is there, a magical cashback on a gazprom bank debit card, up to 30% cashback on marketplaces and supermarkets, gazprom bank - time to make your dreams come true, a shopping day at sportmaster
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november, the beach is literally dotted with... relaxing on sun loungers in jackets, now the coastal area is more like a velvet season. yes, we swam, we were all wet, he swam, everyone swam, it’s really surprising, in general, this year the weather is unique, and these people decided to run over the weekend, the traditional sochi marathon brought together about 500 participants from 17 countries, as well as sochi residents and guests from other countries. in many of which there is already snow, look how beautiful the weather is, i came from the leningrad region, we have completely different weather there, so the maximum charge, to complete your task, to have fun, that year it was an indescribable holiday, so i wanted to come here again, that year i won this marathon , i hope that i will repeat it, such a race is being held at the resort for the fifth time, as always, it
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is supported by volunteers and fans, come on, come on, come on, in the mountains now too warm, comfortable. on the trails with the family or, for example, on the ropes course. can i help you? hotel occupancy in the krasnaya polyana resort is now 90%. holidays in the off-season are loved by many tourists, although now people prefer to come spontaneously rather than book many months in advance. in our country as a whole , domestic tourism has been developing very strongly over the past few years; people have already tried, so to speak, holidays in russia and there are a lot of places now. in our country there are interesting places to go with a lot of entertainment, tourists have tried kuban products, today on the restaurant's chef's table is chicken liver pate with a candy of bright berries and fruits of local origin. the autumn menu will soon be replaced by a winter one. we will launch it with new products: fihua, persimmon, tangerine, we
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will bake homemade pies, we will make homemade goulash. but as long as the slopes are green, it’s nice outside and nothing prevents you from enjoying a truly southern autumn. the beginning of november in sochi turned out to be quite warm, it was more than 20° outside and it seemed as if it was just the beginning. autumn, but for climatic winter, according to according to weather forecasters, this should not affect the weather; the weather will soon get colder in the mountains ; the first skiers and snowboarders should appear on the slopes in december. kristina kolesnikova, victoria soshnikova, vlad fotkudinov, nikita yakimov, vesti sochi. almost 450,000 people visited the russian exhibition forum, and this was only in the first 3 days of its work. according to the organizers, this is a record even for vdnh. let me remind you, he is taking part in the exhibition. all 89 regions of the country, as well as companies, public organizations, government representatives. and now svd is joining the broadcast my colleague, anna voronin, anna, hello, tell me which pavilion you
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are in now, what is happening there and what stands you have already seen today? yes , daria, hello, there really are a lot of stands, a lot of interesting and important, interactive things that involve everyone, not only the viewers of our tv channel, but of course, everyone present. for example , today the stand of the samara region is broadcasting at these minutes the memory parade, which is taking place directly in samara, and i will remind you that it took place 82 years ago, then this city was called kuiboshev. let's find out more. on october 15, 1941, the soviet government decided to hold a parade, it was held in moscow. in voronezh in kuibyshev, but in kuibyshev it was just so extensive, very long, and global , just large-scale, and with this parade, the soviet
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government showed the whole world the unity, cohesion and determination of the soviet people, their courage, as if in the face of an enemy, from samara region we move to leningradsk, it doesn’t take us days, not hours, but just here we are... literally in 3 minutes we ran across and here at this stand we start with the program to live, relax and work in the leningrad region, but for the program to live, these are specially made here interactive puzzles, thanks to which you can, for example, i have now assembled the vybsk castle, get acquainted with the sights of the leningrad region, in which you will actually have to live, then we move on to the recreation area, where you can, oh wonderful... soft pebbles, here will be held master classes, today it will be possible to assemble various origami from colored paper, which is also produced in the leningrad region, but the most interesting
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thing at the moment is to feel like you are on an eco-trail, and this is not very easy, you will have to work with your legs, but what a view, look, you can immediately admire almost the same views as on trail 47 - this is an ecological route in leningradskaya. region, which i will remind you is famous for its forests and eco-routes, you can also see such views watch, enjoy, but the most interesting thing for me personally, who doesn’t have a license , is this kind of karting, hello, tell me, what is our relationship to the formula 1 race, apparently the kalining region, and city drive, the largest race track in russia , there are practically no analogues in russia, you have a unique opportunity here at our stand to get acquainted with our... cars and our tracks, we have digitized our tracks and here there is a unique opportunity to test yourself as a driver. but even when i don’t have rights, of course, but well
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guys, i’ll just stay driving, and we’ll get back to you in the next hour, anna , thank you, we’ll be waiting, anna voronina is following the program of the russian forum exhibition, it opened on national unity day and will run for 6 months. i, i, i, solemnly swear allegiance to my fatherland, the russian federation, i swear, i swear, i swear , to sacredly observe the constitution of the russian federation, to strictly comply with the requirements of military regulations, the orders of commanders, i swear, i swear, i swear, to fulfill my military duty with dignity, courageously defend freedom, independence and the constitutional. the system of russia, the people and the fatherland, thanks to those who are true to these words, become a warrior, service under the contract of the russian federation
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will be respected. according to someone’s command, according to my desire, according to my desire, i want, well, look, then go ahead, i want winter to become summer, it works out, wait, i want to marry the tsar’s daughter, that’s another matter, it’s just me, i’m just warming up, that the tsar's daughter is my fish, at the behest of the pike,
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear and clear signal in russia , at what point will you say, i did everything in this project, everything i could, i will never say whether russian industry is capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize everything resources, give me a recipe , in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you, peace, got up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change, is there a revolution happening in any structure?
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, watch, watch. in
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the application or on the website. now it's time for economic news. since the beginning of the year, russia and china have increased their trade turnover by a quarter; it exceeded $196 billion. this was reported by the main customs administration of the people's republic of china. exports from china increased one and a half times to $90 billion. in the opposite direction the volumes increased. 12%, totaling 106.5 billion. the basis of russian supplies remains oil, gas and coal. china sends smartphones, computers, industrial equipment and other goods to our country. spending by russians online purchases increased by a quarter over 9 months, their volume reaching 4.300 billion rubles. this is data from the association of internet trade companies. the overwhelming majority of purchases , 97%, were made within the country. about 3% came from cross-border trade.
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the sales leaders were digital and household appliances, and the top five also included household goods, clothing, food and health products. the ex-head of fas, igor artemyev, replaced igor alexey rybnikov as president of the st. petersburg exchange. this decision was made at a meeting of the board of directors on november 3. by according to the new head, now one of the most important tasks of the exchange is the formation of national indicators, primarily for oil. they acquire not only economic, but more and more. political significance, and saudi arabia earned $94.5 billion in net profit in 9 months; in annual terms it decreased by 27.5%, this is data from the company’s report. revenues were impacted by lower oil production. saudi arabia produces about 9 million barrels a day, about a million barrels below the global average. last decade. it was economic news, briefly.


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